Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Two of a Kind - Amber and Victora

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Two of a Kind - Amber and Victora”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Ashuro is at the local park with both Ring and Victora. It is there that he sees two young girls around Victora’s age talking to one another. He identifies the two of them as Amber and Lynette from the description Kevin gave him about them some time earlier. Observing their personalities and behavior patterns, he can’t help but think…

Ashuro: Hmmm...where have I seen this before?

Victora: For an 8 year old, you sure are freakishly tall, Ring.

Ring: I can't h-help it; I'm a g-g-giantess, after all...

Victora: Then what's up with that 30-something looking body of yours? You must be some sort of freak to be this young and look so old.

Ring: I-I'm not a freak...WAAAAAAHHH!

Ashuro: -_-;; ...oh yeah...

Amber: Tsk... Could you commoners please keep it down? I'm trying to relax here...

Lynette: ..... *backs away, sitting down with her sketchbook*

Victora: What-what did you just call me?

Ring: Eep! *backs away as well* (Oh-no, this is bad; I hope she doesn't say anything about her head looking like a Chimchar's head. )

Amber: You heard me... COM-MON-ER~

Lynette: *looks up* ...

Victora: Well, I guess it can't be helped that you don't know who I am; it must be SO hard for peons to remember things, let alone learn new things.

Amber: -_- ...Is that really the best you can come up with? Is there a brain in that overgrown head of yours, or do they use it as a landing stripe for planes?

Victora: Better than having a head that doubles as a drill out of a handy man's tool shed.

Amber: What did you just say?! Insulting my hair are you, well it's better than having a face that looks like a MONKEY BUTT!

Victora: Oh-hohoho! Well, at least I only have the face, unlike you who has both the face AND butt of a raggedy BABOON!


Amber: YAAAH!!!

*Amber tosses herself over Victora and the two of them starts to fight, both being very violent to the other one, neither one seeming to give up. Both of the girls' fighting is suddenly stopped when they both feel a hand grab the back of their heads push them both forward, causing both girls' heads to collide with one another. Both of them instantly go to the ground and rub their foreheads fiercely to ease the sting.*


*The person who had stepped in and forcefully broke up the fight was none other than Ashuro...and he doesn't look too pleased about what had happened.*

Ashuro: Okay, that's enough, you two.

Amber: Aie, what's wrong with you, commoner?! That really hurt!

Lynette: *blinks* Huh...

Ashuro: Hush it. Victora, do you have anything to say for yourself as to why you're setting a bad example for Ring on how to avoid petty fighting?

Victora: She started it by calling me names!

That CAN'T be your best excuse.

Victora: -_-; I hate it when you go into "Dad" mode; it's really uncomfortable.

Ashuro: Hey, I have to; I've got Yani and Ring to look after who are both still really young, as well as you, who acts like you're their age when in reality your actually 5 years older than them.


Amber: Ha!

Lynette: Ah! *quickly starts to draw in her sketchbook*

*Ashuro turns his attention to Amber.*

Ashuro: And the same principle of setting a proper example applies to you as well, young lady. It's not nice to insult people and call them names, let along get violent when they say something that angers you.

Victora: *partially represses a small laugh.*

Amber: And why should I listen to what a commoner has to say? >3<

Lynette: *sneaks up behind Ashuro and pokes him on the shoulder* Um...

Ashuro: Hmm? Yes?

*Lynette shows him a drawing where Ashuro is dressed up as a detective and has beaten up both Victora and Amber, both dressed as thieves. The picture is also drawn in an old detective movie style*

Ashuro: Haha, that's funny, and really nice... that reminds me, would you go over and sit with Ring, please? There's something rather educational I'd like to show you both okay?

*Lynette smiles then walks up to Ring and sits beside her. The two of them hit it off immediately and are already chatting with each other. Ashuro turns his attention back to Victora and Amber.*

Ashuro: Okay, you two, time to kiss and make up; Victora, apologize to Amber for calling her names.

*Victora begrudgingly walks up to Amber.*

Victora: I'm...uh...

*She looks back at Ashuro, who smiles and gives her the signal to keep going.*

Victora: I...I'm sorry; I'm sorry for calling you names. -_-

Amber: ...I'm also sorry... -_-

*Amber reaches her hand out for a handshake, and then...*

Lynette: H-hey...he s-said KISS and make up, not s-shake hands.

Amber: Wha-?! Shut up! I'd never do that with another girl! >///<

Ashuro: *chuckling to himself*

Victora: Same here! Ugh!>///<Just the very THOUGHT of that makes my stomach churn...

Lynette: S-sorry... I h-had to say it... *blushes*

Amber: Ugh, besides, you know that Earth Dragon-Kun is the one I want.

Lynette: Y-yes...

Victora: ...you do know that he's gay, right?

Amber: Who cares, he still so lovely~

Lynette: Um... *blushes*

Ashuro: Now that that's over, we can move onto the final part.

Victora: A-Ashuro, surely you don't mean...

Ashuro: I'm afraid so.

Victora: TT_TT

Amber: Why are you looking so sad?

Victora: He's...gonna make sure that we've learned our lesson about name calling and fighting. So please, do yourself a favor and don't resist; that only makes things much worse. TT_TT

Amber: Hmm... okay...

Ashuro: Sorry, don't get me wrong; I don't take any delight in dealing out punishment, but I'd be a hypocrite in going back on what I promised to Yani, Ring AND you, Victora. As for you, Miss Amber, the only reason you're being included in this is because I saw everything that happened; had it been the other way around, there'd be no problem and you'd be free to go.

*Amber inwardly curses herself for losing her head and attacking Victora.*

Amber: Hmph...

Ashuro: Well, since you both seem to have shown that you've learned your lessons, I'll go easy; just enough to get a stinging sensation going.

*Ashuro gently grabs a hold of Amber's hand. It might've been the sudden realization of what was about to happen or an act of defiance, but upon having her hand touched, Amber withdrew her hand and jabs at Ashuro's face, accidentally poking him in the eye...very painfully.*


*As Ashuro goes to the ground thrashing in pain, Amber realizes what she had just did and immediately gets frightened, regretting her rash decision. She takes off running at high speed and notices that Victora is right behind her, running away as well.*

Amber: Hey, why are you running away as well? I'm the one in trouble now.

Victora: I got scared! Ashuro gets scary when somebody hits him with what he might consider as a cheap shot; Skylar experienced that first hand!

Amber: Then why follow me, you- *crash* Oww... Hey, watch where you're going! I.....

*Amber had actually run straight into Arashi, who now looks at the two of them with a confused look on his face*

Arashi: Amber? Victora? What's going on?

Amber: Oh well, you know... not much. What about you, Earth Dragon-Kun~?

Victora: Arashi, thank goodness you're here; you've got to help us! Please, can you stop Ashuro when he comes by? There was an accident and he's gonna go postal on Amber in a furious rage! Use any means necessary to stop him; he may look calm upon arriving, but that's because he hiding his anger. So please, help us!

*Unable to bring himself to refuse, and to avoid an uncomfortable moment with Amber, Arashi immediately agrees to help them and stays behind to intercept Ashuro when he arrives. Victora thanks him profusely, grabs Amber and drags her away with her due to the fact she's still swooning over bumping into Arashi. Within a few moments, Ashuro is within sight, walking with an ice bag over his eye. Arashi thinks back to what Victora said and begins to wonder if he misjudged Ashuro's character since he intends to really hurt Amber due to a misunderstanding, getting angry at the possibility of being fooled into trusting him.*

Ashuro: Man, what was that all about? Was she really that afraid? Hmmm...I guess I could've approached her in a different way. Now I've scared both Amber AND Victora off; I'd better call of the punishment and apologize to those two once I find them. I don't want them to hate me...

*Ashuro is suddenly faced to face with an angry Arashi.*

Ashuro: Oh hey, Arashi; have you seen Amber and Victora pass by here? I need to talk with them about earlier...

Arashi: Oh really? About WHAT exactly...

*Ashuro takes a look at the ground and notices the pebbles shaking around Arashi. He was holding back and trying hard not to grab Ashuro and start a fight, which he usually does to protect people. Ashuro takes a few steps backwards, sensing some hostility from Arashi.*

Ashuro: I wanted to tell them that I'm sorry about my approach earlier; I guess suddenly grabbing Amber's hand the way I did wasn't the best way to go about with what I had intended...

*Arashi is slowly losing his ability to hold back in fighting Ashuro.*

Ashuro: Well, if you see either of them, tell them that I'm not angry or anything about my eye and that I won't punish them this time, despite what I said about honoring my word and all...

*Arashi prepares an attack.*

Ashuro: Eh? Arashi?

Arashi: Chikyuryu no Buso-Ken!

*Arashi leaps towards Ashuro, his hand fully armed with rocks all around it, making a glove three times the size of his hand. He hits him in the face and sends him flying a few feet.*

Ashuro: Ow...first my eye and now my face. What was that for?

Arashi: ...Hurt or scare my friends, when they ask me for help, I'll do anything to defend them... even if my opponent is you, Ashuro...

Ashuro: Hurt your friends? Who did I hurt? You're not talking about the Skylar incident are you?

Arashi: ...Amber and Victora ran past here earlier... Understand? And I can be more dangerous than Skylar...

Ashuro: So they did pass by here. Hmmm...what could've I have done to...?

*Ashuro sits on the ground in his thinking pose, with his arm and legs folded together and the antenna on his head flicking left and right. Arashi watches him closely, believing that he might try something underhanded.

Ashuro: ...oh yeah, that. I guess I could've found a different way to break up their fight...

Arashi: Yes... yes you could've...

Ashuro: Well I had to do something; they were fighting each other so violently that if I tried to stop them in a normal way, I would've gotten scratched-up something fierce. I needed to both separate them and stop their fighting simultaneously if I wanted to avoid injury, so I just bumped their heads together. It might not have been the best way, but it was effective.

Arashi: Oh... Uh, wait... They ran off together... Do you think they'll start to fight all over again?

Ashuro: Who knows. Those two are like oil and water; they don't mix well together. Sorta reminds me of Batou and Rocko now that I think of it. They're probably working together now since neither of them wants to be good and take a small punishment...what exactly did they tell you?

*Now that he's heard both sides, Arashi calms down and explains to Ashuro what had happened earlier. Meanwhile, both Amber and Victora find themselves deep within a forest, completely lost.*

Amber: Aw, thinky pinky... we're lost...

*Amber, not entirely used to the forest, starts to shake a bit. Starting to get a bit afraid and scared*

Victora: If we stay in one place, Ashuro is sure to find and rescue us...and then he'd *shudder* but if we keep on going, we're bound to find a way out eventually...I hope.

*The two hear a weird growl and immediately hold each other in fear.*



*Both of them hear the growl a few more time; they then realize that the growling is coming from their stomachs.*

Victora: Oh, hehe; well, fighting and running can make you hungry.

Amber: Aw, geez... Well, I guess we could get some snacks at my house... but as you can see; we're lost...

Victora: Yeah, same here. Look, um...I really am sorry that I said all those mean things to you earlier; I never meant for all of this to happen...

Amber: Same here... I...do get a bit angry sometimes...

Victora: Let's start over...friends?

*Victora offers her hand for a handshake.*

Amber: Sure. ^^

*Accepts the handshake and also gives her a hug.*

Victora: ^w^ *sniffs the air* Hey, do you smell that? *sniffing* Smells like...*sniffing*...STRAWBERRiES!

Amber: I love strawberries! Where are they?!

Victora: *sniffs the air* This way!

*Victora follows the scent of strawberries with Amber following right behind her. Within seconds, the two of them find themselves in front of a bush of wild strawberries. Victora plucks one off the bush to inspect it; after her search reveals that they're safe to eat, Victora is about to eat the one in her hand...that is, until a small bluish-green blur speeds by and plucks the strawberry out of her hand. Trying to figure out what had happened, Victora frantically looks around and sees a small creature on the ground eating her strawberry.*

???: *chewing* *gulp* ...Munch?

Victora: A Pokemon? This is a...what's the name...it's on the tip of my tongue...

Amber: A Munchlax, perhaps?

Victora: Yeah, that's it. It's kinda cute up close, isn't it?

Amber: *nods* Hehe, yeah. ^^

*When Amber and Victora finished admiring the cute Pokemon, they make their way back to the strawberry bush to eat when they both learned an interesting fact about a Munchlax. While normally slow, they gain incredible speed when they see something they want; in the case of this Munchlax, it was the strawberries. It speedily zooms to the strawberry bush, and in seconds, picks all of the strawberries on it until they're all in its arms, gazing at them hungrily.*

Amber & Victora: No...NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO!!

*In one single motion, the Munchlax downs all of the strawberries in one gulp.*

Munchlax: ^w^ *burps* Munch...

Amber: Aw, COME ON!!! Seriously?!

Victora: YOU LiTTLE THiEF!!

*The Munchlax runs off.*


*Victora runs off chasing the Munchlax; not wanting to be left alone, Amber runs after them as well. After a few seconds of running, Victora leaps at the Munchlax, catching it...and sliding down a steep hill in the process. Tumbling to the bottom, the two of them find themselves in a small clearing deeper in the forest.*

Victora: Got you now, you little glutton!

Munchlax: Munchlax!

*The Munchlax happily licks Victora's face.*

Victora: YEEARGH! GROSS! ...hmph, no fair; I can't stay mad at you when you look at me like that.

*Looking up, Victora sees a whole field of strawberry bushes.*

Victora: WA-HOO! We'll get to eat after all!

*Victora runs towards the strawberry bushes and digs into the delicious fruit. She soon realizes that the Munchlax hasn't joined her in the feast.*

Victora: It's okay; there's enough for all of us, so eat as many as you want...within reason, that is.

Munchlax: M-M-M-Munchlax!

Victora: What's up with you?

*When Victora looks in front of her again, she sees a terrifying sight: a pack of wild Ursaring! Apparently, the strawberry bushes belong to them and that Victora and her new Munchlax friend are trespassing in their territory.*

Ursaring pack: Grrrr...


*Victora scoops the Munchlax up into her arms and runs off at great speed with the pack of Ursaring right behind them. Them make it back up the steep hill and continue running, meeting up with Amber again, stumbling around weakly looking extremely exhausted from trying to keep up with them.*

Amber: *panting* Please... My small legs can't keep up the running like this... -.-;

Victora: They'll be able to once you see what's coming this way, believe me!

*The pack of Ursaring come into sight.*

Victora: You see, that should be more than enough to...WHAT THE?!

*Victora sees that Amber is no longer standing next to her; she had already taken off at top speed having gained some new-found energy from somewhere after seeing the pack of Ursaring headed her way.*

Victora: HEY, WAiT FOR ME!!

*Victora starts running again, with the Munchlax in tow, eventually catching up with Amber again who is running unbelievably fast!*

Victora: I thought you said you couldn't keep running!

Amber: Don't focus on me, just run!

*They keep running and running, but can find no way out of the forest. Out of energy, the two girls and Munchlax collapse, unable to move any further. The Ursaring pack surround the three and prepare to use their Hammer Arm attack. Seeing certain death in the face, Victora and Amber grab each other's hands and pull themselves towards each other, with the Munchlax in between them; they look at each other and give each other a reassuring smile. The Ursaring pack attack with Hammer Arm and the sound of an explosive impact echoes throughout the forest. The girls and the Munchlax open their eyes and see somebody hovering over them, shaking in great pain. It was Ashuro; he had stretched his body wide enough to shield the three of them, thus saving their lives.*

Ashuro: *panting* Made it...just in...time… *coughs up a lot of blood and collapses*

Victora: A-Ashuro... ASHURO!!

Amber: .......

*The girls desperately try to get Ashuro back on his feet, but it's no use; he had passed out and couldn't do anything more for them. They're both so distraught by what had just happened that they don't even realize that the pack of Ursaring were about to attack again, this time with Focus Blast! As the Ursaring release their attack, walls of rock and earth surround the four of them, protecting them completely from the blast; it was Arashi who had saved them this time.*

Arashi: ...THAT was too close!

Amber: Arashi... *points to Ashuro*

Arashi: Oh, seriously... Perfect... This is just PERFECT! *face palms*

Victora: Ashuro! Ashuro, please wake up!

*Victora shakes Ashuro, desperately trying to get him to wake up, but to no avail. He still lays there, motionless and unconcious.*

Arashi: Victora, calm down... Yelling won't help...

*Arashi pats Victora on her head, trying to comfort her*

Arashi: We'll get him home as soon as I get rid of those Ursaring...

Amber: What? You can't take on all those ALONE!

Munchlax: Munchlax!

Victora: Huh? You want to help too?

*Munchlax goes up to Arashi and shows him a few of the attacks it knows like Rock Tomb, Sandstorm, Rollout, and Body Slam; all attacks that complement Arashi's abilities.*

Munchlax: Munch-Munchlax!

Arashi: Hmm... okay... *smirks* I'll open the dome, when I do, use Sandstorm, followed by a Rollout on the nearest Ursaring you see, got it?

Munchlax: Munch!

Arashi: Amber, you and Victora stay here.

*Almost as if it was on command, Amber quickly gets over to Victora and clings close as Arashi opens the stone dome*

Arashi: Go, Sandstorm, aimed at the opening!

Munchlax: Munch!

*Munchlax spins around and starts a sandstorm, sending it out of the opening. The Ursaring are surprised by this and look around confused. Arashi leaps up in the center of the sandstorm and starts to spin around with it, inhaling lots of air as he charges up his attack*

Arashi: Chikyuryu no Hoko!

*Letting out a loud roar like a dragon, Arashi fires a massive stream of sand from his mouth at the Ursaring pack, who gets slightly cut up by the fast moving attack and backs away slightly*

Munchlax: Munch-Lax!

*Munchlax curls up into a ball and uses Rollout, hitting the closest Ursaring it sees, sending it flying backwards and to the ground; it's a K.O.*

Arashi: Buso-Ken!

*Arashi hits two Ursaring in the face with his fists, sending them both to the ground. Seeing that they were losing, the Ursaring start to flee. The Munchlax runs up to Arashi with a happy look on its face.*

Munchlax: Munchlax!

Arashi: Good work there, Munchlax!

Amber: Arashi!

*Amber runs up to the two of them and leaps into Arashi's arms, hugging him tight while kissing his cheek*

Arashi: Okay, I get it... please let go... -//<

Victora: Arashi, come quick; there's something seriously wrong with Ashuro!

*Arashi, Amber and the Munchlax rush back to the rock dome.*

Arashi: What is it Victora?

Victora: I-I thought that I could help him somehow by examining his back; but when I took his shirt off, I saw...this!

*Victora points over to Ashuro; the sight Arashi sees is shocking. Ashuro's body is covered with all sorts of lacerations, bruises and burns.*

Arashi: Oh shit!

Amber: Oh no! W-w-we have to get him to a doctor, quick!

Victora: S...Snoopy; we need to get him to Snoopy! He's the only person that Ashuro let's examine him because Snoopy understands how his body works better than anybody else.

*A few hours later, outside of Snoopy's personal doctor's office, Snoopy informs Arashi, Amber and Victora about Ashuro's unusual condition.*

Snoopy: *sigh* I was worried this would happen; that's why I told him to take it easy and stay in bed today...

Arashi: .....I'm sorry; I weren't fast enough to help him...

Snoopy: Don't worry; it’s not your fault, Arashi. It would take a LOT more than a pack of Ursaring using Hammer Arm to do this sort of damage to somebody like Ashuro. No, he got those wounds about...let’s see...2 days ago; Annaliese told me all about it.

Amber: Is he gonna be okay?

Snoopy: I'm not sure; usually he would've healed up within an hour or so, but he's barely shown any sign of recovering since then. That's just unusual for Ashuro's body; that shadow thing really did a number on him if he can't even heal regularly.

Arashi: .....Shadow?

Snoopy: Yeah; okay, let me start from the beginning. Remember the mysterious person, thing or whatever it is that did the spank-and-run on Annaliese sometime ago?

Arashi: Yes, what about it?

Snoopy: Well, ever since that happened, Ashuro has been searching for him. After some time had passed, he resurfaced and attacked Aluma. Ashuro chased him down relentlessly, but in the end, he got away again. And soon after that, he reappears again and attacked Mizuki this time. Unlike last time, however, Ashuro was prepared and he immobilized that shadow bully; and with the help of Elska and Eho, the three of them gave him a beat down he'd never forget.

Arashi: That sure sounds like Ashuro, alright. ^^

Snoopy: Yep The only problem was that he truly DiDN'T forget. He wanted to get revenge on Ashuro for making a fool out of him; talk about your classic Saturday morning cartoon villain mindset. He lured Ashuro out with the right bait and the perfect situation that would force him to submit because of his ideals and mind-set.

Amber: Whoa, sneaky...

Snoopy: Yeah, sneaky AND cowardly; he ambushed Ashuro while he was trying explain to Maggie and Evellia about just how strong words can be when used improperly and captured both girls. He basically threatened to give one of them an extremely painful and humiliating spanking unless he complied with his demands. And if you know Ashuro, you don't have to guess what happened.

Arashi: I guess I already know...

Snoopy: Yes, Ashuro agreed to do as he said; even if he wasn't exactly their friends, Ashuro didn't want either Maggie or Evellia to experience any unnecessary pain if he could prevent it. Seeing victory, the coward grabbed Ashuro and sealed-off his ability to naturally heal before he started beating him...severely beating him, knowing that he wouldn't strike back to defend himself. According to Annaliese, who was watching in secret at the time, Maggie and Evellia were in tears while watching this happen; it was just THAT brutal.

Arashi: *pats Ashuro on the head* Rest well, pal... you deserve and you need it...

Snoopy: When it became too much to watch, Annaliese said that she just felt so angry and ran out there, standing between that shadow spanker and Ashuro, acting as a human shield. After a stare-down between the two, the shadow spanker fled the scene quickly as if his life depended on it; from the way she described the scene, it reminded me of the time Ashuro did the same thing for her when her mean big brothers were chasing her around. Maybe the two of them were made for each other after all.

Arashi: Maybe they are... Heh, I could see Ashuro living together with her and Kevin as a family. Really I could. ^^

*Arashi says this, forgetting about the fact that Victora stands there, now obviously a bit angry. Victora grabs one of Arashi's hands and squeezes it with such unbelievable power that he instantly goes to his knees, his entire body immobilized with agonizing pain.*

Victora: I'm sorry, I didn't hear that completely; would you care to repeat that, Arashi?

*Amber was about to jump in to try and help Arashi, until she saw the uber scary look on Victora's face; absolute fear conquered her love this time, and Amber takes a step backwards instead.*

Arashi: O_O;;; Me be good. Me say nothing.

Victora: ...okay!

*Victora releases Arashi's hand and he immediately tries to shake out the pain. Amber starts massaging the pain out of Arashi's hand, soon falling into her own little dream world in the process.*

Amber: ^w^

Arashi: ..... -_-;

Snoopy: Anyway, since then, his ability to heal hasn't returned; I don't know what else to do...

*With a determined look on her face; Victora goes up to Ashuro and begins to speak.*

Victora: Ashuro, you have your healing ability back; you have it back, so heal yourself, NOW...Didn't you hear me? You have your ability to heal back again!

Snoopy: Victora...

Victora: If I say that you have your have your healing ability back, then you really have it back! You have it back because I said so!

*Arashi and Amber look at Victora, almost beginning to chastise her to put an end to her bratty behavior, until they notice a few of his lacerations healing up right before their very eyes.*

Arashi: ...Okay, what just happened here?

Snoopy: Why didn't I think of that sooner? Victora, you did it; you cured him with your ability!

Arashi: ...

Amber: ...

*The two of them look at each other, confused*

Snoopy: Oh, you two don't know about Victora's ability, do you? Simply put, if she says that something is something that it's not, then it becomes true.

*Both of them still look confused*

Snoopy: Hmmm... Let's say, for instance, that you just ran out of snacks; with her ability, she could insist that you're not out of snacks, and when you go to check again, the snacks will be there. Does that help some?

Arashi: Oh, I get it!

Amber: That's amazing.

*As a few more of Ashuro's injuries heal, he regains consciousness and wakes up.*

Ashuro: *yawns*Huh? How did I get here?

*He looks around and sees Arashi, Amber, Victora and the Munchlax next to the bed he was laying on.*

Ashuro: It's nice to see that you girls are alright? Thanks for the save back there, Arashi; I owe you one.

Arashi: No problem, bud. That's what friends are for.

Victora: Ashuro!

*Both Amber and Victora jumps on top of Ashuro and hug him warmly, apologizing for their actions that led up to him getting hurt. Ashuro tells them that he's changed his mind about punishing them both, putting their minds at ease. The Munchlax took a great liking to Arashi and decided to follow him home; after seeing how well it got along with Rose, he decided to let the Pokemon stay with him. Amber and Victora became the best of friends after that day and stayed out of trouble...but sometimes that's hard to do when curiosity and a mischievous mind gets the better of you, that is. They found that particularly true when their actions let up to Arashi's house getting blown up. Fortunately, Rose and the Munchlax weren't inside when that happened; unfortunately, Arashi and Ashuro were. As both girls look into the rather angry eyes of a coal-black, slightly on fire Arashi and Ashuro, they knew that things were gonna turn out well.*

Amber and Victora: OwO;;

Ashuro: So...do you two have anything to say for yourselves; especially along the lines as to why it’s not such a good idea to launch over 100 fireworks simultaneously so close to a house?

Arashi: *spits out some coal* Phew! I hate coal!

*Both Amber and Victora look at each other nervously before speaking.*

Victora: Well...um...I...

Amber: I...I guess we...

Ashuro: Seeing as how your entire home is...well...gone now, I suppose you wouldn't object to me punishing them both soundly for this would you, Arashi?

Arashi: Oh I don't mind... Can I help, please?

Amber: W-wha?

Ashuro: Sure! Which one would you like?

Victora: W-W-W-Wait! Can't we talk this over?

Arashi: I'll take the brat in white.

Amber: RUN!!!

*Amber and Victora run away really fast with both Arashi and Ashuro not too far behind. They don't get too far ahead until they both collide into Ring and Lynette, sending all four of them to the ground.*

Ring and Lynette:

Amber and Victora:

*As they both look up from where they're laying on the floor, Amber and Victora are looking up into the eyes of a really annoyed Arashi and Ashuro. Once they're both on their feet, Ashuro grabs Victora by the ear while Arashi does the same to Amber, preventing them from running again. Afterwards they both help Ring and Lynette up to their feet; it was then that Ashuro remembered something that he didn't do the last time the two girls were in trouble.*

Ashuro: Ring, Lynette, follow us; this time, for sure, you'll see the educational thing I wanted to show you both last time.

*Ring nods and Lynette takes out her sketchbook, following Arashi and Ashuro as they lead them all back to Arashi's burnt down house, pulling both Amber and Victora by the ear the entire way. Once they're there, Arashi and Ashuro release the girls' ears and they both immediately start rubbing them to take out the sting.*

Ashuro: Now, unless you both want to make things even worse for yourselves, stay right where you are and DON'T move from that spot!

Amber: *nods*

Lynette: W-what are you g-gonna do?

Arashi: You'll see...

Ashuro: Originally, I was just going to punish you both while fully leaving you some modesty; but since you both ran, you can forget about that now.

Victora: No, Ashuro! Not while the others are watching, please!

Ashuro: Sorry, Vivi, my mind is made up about this. Besides, you're not exactly in a position to be telling me what not to do right now.

Victora: Please, Ashuro, I'm sorry!

Amber: Please Arashi, it was an accident! I'll get you a new house, I promise!

Arashi: *sigh* Please, just be quiet. Besides, it will only last for a moment...

Amber: Please, sweet Arashi, please!

Arashi: Ugh, stop talking like that...

Ashuro: Don't worry about the house; I can take care of that right now. *point right arm out towards the burnt house.* Rewind!

*Using Time E-nergy, Ashuro rewinds time within the area surrounding the house; everybody watches as the house explodes in reverse. A few seconds later, Arashi's home is completely restored with everything in tack, looking exactly the way it did before it blew up. Afterwards, Ashuro takes Arashi to the side and provides him with pointers on how to deliver proper discipline without causing permanent damage. Before heading back to the girls, Ashuro asks Arashi one final thing.*

Ashuro: Hey, would you mind if I disciplined Amber instead? You punishing her might give her certain...conclusions that a young girl in love might jump to, y'know.

Arashi: Hmm... good point...

Ashuro: Alright, then you can take care of Victora while I take Amber.

*Going back to where the girls were, Arashi and Ashuro immediately realize that they're two girls short of their original four.*

Ashuro: What the…where are Amber and Victora?!

Ring: They r-ran that way when y-y-you two were t-talking.

Arashi: For the love off-!!!

*Arashi kicks a boulder away, scaring Lynette and causes her to hide under Ring's dress*

Ashuro: Okay, that's it...*the antenna on Ashuro's head flicks left and right as he tries to sense where both of the girls are*...found 'em!

*After opening up a portal about 3 feet off the ground, both Amber and Victora fall out of it.*

Victora: I forgot he could do that!

*Arashi and Ashuro grab Amber and Victora's ears with such force that a sizzling sound could be heard.*

Amber and Victora: OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!

Ashuro: That's the third time in all you two have tried to run away from punishment*looks around to make sure that nobody else but the six of them are around before continuing*for that, you're both getting the 'deluxe' treatment.


Arashi: Huh?

Amber: W-w-w-what's that?

Lynette: *swallows and simply continues drawing*

Ashuro: But before that, I'm gonna find out who's bright idea it was to try and run away twice in a row.

*Ashuro places a hand on both Amber and Victora's forehead and then closes his eyes. With the thought of his last statement on their minds he was able to figure out that it was Amber's idea due to the fact that her anxiety level was twice as high as Victora's.*

Ashuro: So that's how it is, eh? Looks like you've avoided it this time Victora. Let's move this inside, shall we?

*Inside Arashi's home, while all four girls sit on the couch, Arashi and Ashuro talk to one another. While a bit hesitant to go along with Ashuro's method of punishment initially, he agrees to go along with it after thinking about it. Both girls would be spanked separately while Ring and Lynette watched; since it wasn't Victora's idea to run, she would only receive a regular spanking from Arashi, who would use whatever method he thought was best. Arashi directs Victora, Ring and Lynette into a separate room while Ashuro and Amber stay behind and wait, sitting on the couch together.*

Arashi: Okay then... Victora, are you ready?

Victora: Y-yeah; I'm actually sort of relieved that you’re punishing me instead of Ashuro this time around.

*Victora positions herself on Arashi's lap, showing no sign of resisting any further.*

Arashi: Okay then...

*Arashi lifts up her dress and proceeds to pull down her panties as well. He then creates a paddle made out of rock, rubbing and patting it against her butt before he delivers the first hit on her butt*

Victora: AH!

Arashi: Just you wait, there's more to come...

*Arashi continues to spank her this way, but increases the force and the speed for each slap*

Victora: OW! OOH! AiE! AH! OWWiE!

Lynette: O//O;

*Arashi continues this for a couple of minutes, then looks at Victora*

Arashi: Had enough for now, tomato butt?

Victora: TT^TT Yes...

Arashi: Alright then...

*Arashi gently helps her up on her legs, then gives her a light kiss on the butt, saying that it might make it feel better, just trying to be kind, all this results in a light giggle from Ring and Lynette. Outside of the room, Amber is still sitting on the couch with Ashuro, quivering in fear. Seeing this, Ashuro gently puts his hand on top of her hand, scaring her a little bit.*

Ashuro: You've never been spanked before, have you?

Amber: No... N-never... I'm very sensitive, just so you know...

Ashuro: Hmm...thanks for telling me; I'll keep that in mind.

*Arashi emerges and informs Ashuro that Victora's punishment is finished and that she was very cooperative throughout it all. Ashuro is delighted and warmly hugs Victora when she walks up to him. As he leads Amber back to the room he requests that Arashi not enter the room with them. Before he can ask why Ashuro would make such a request, he looks down and sees Amber's face blushing bright red; he then understands and complies with his request. Once inside, Victora sits down on the floor with Ring and Lynette, slightly uncomfortable from her earlier bottom warming. Ashuro leads Amber in front of him and holds both of her hands softly in his, looking up into her eyes.*

Ashuro: Amber, before we begin, there are a few things I want you to know.

Amber: Okay...

Ashuro: I'm not doing this out of anger or hate; what you and Victora did today was very dangerous and I'm doing this with the hope that you'll learn to think before you decide to do things in the future. I won't lie to you; this will hurt and it will be embarrassing. It might sound weird right now, but if I don't do something to help you refrain from doing something this dangerous again like I'm doing now, I wouldn't be worthy of calling myself your friend.

*Ashuro stands up and embraces Amber in a loving, heartfelt hug. Realizing the honesty in his words, Amber sobs deeply into chest; a few minutes later she calms down some and Ashuro gives her a reassuring smile before sitting back down and patting his lap.*

Ashuro: Okay, let's get started and get this out of the way, shall we?

*Amber nods and lays down over his lap. Ashuro's arm-like ears appear to help secure her to his lap. Amber was expecting him to lift her dress and lower her panties, but is surprised when he lightly pats her bottom without moving a single article of clothing, trying to determine how much force to use.*

Ashuro: Since this is your first time and your skin is sensitive, I've got to start lightly so that the pain doesn't overwhelm you. Okay, when I count to three, I'll begin; are you ready?

Amber: ...As ready as I can, at the moment...

Ashuro: Here we go: 1...2...3!

*Ashuro brings his hand down on Amber's right cheek, creating a sting that makes Amber yelp slightly. He waits for 5 seconds before he spanks the left one, keeping up that pattern and pace for one minute. Tears had already started to form in Amber's eyes, but she hadn't started crying just yet.*

Ashuro: How are you feeling right now?

Amber: It stings... It's starting to hurt a bit...

Ashuro: Well, you've done a great job hanging in there so far...*sigh* -_- Unfortunately, I'm afraid it's not over just yet...

*With a sorrowful look on his face, Ashuro pauses time for a little bit and takes Amber's dress completely off, leaving her in nothing but her undershirt, panties and socks. He then un-pauses time, and that's when everybody else in the room sees Amber in her current attire.*

Ring: OwO;; Oh, dear!

Victora: O3O Yep, that’s the definitely the 'deluxe' punishment...

Lynette: O.O;; Oh my...

Amber: Do we really have to go through with this?

Ashuro: Well, because I already said that I was gonna do this, yes. But I'll tell you what; if you can endure the next minute without putting up any resistance, I'll skip the final part and we'll be all done, okay?

Amber: Okay...

*After rubbing Amber's back for a few seconds to help calm her down some, Ashuro resumes the spanking. Although he uses the exact same amount of force that he started with, without the protection of her dress, Amber felt the pain even more than before. About 10 seconds later, her hands reflexively reach behind to cover her sore bum from further chastisement. The spanking had stopped, but...*

Ring: OoO; Eep! *tries to hide behind Victora*

Victora: Oh-no!

*After seeing Ring and Victora looking so panicked, Amber immediately realizes why they are when she feels a finger hook into the waistband of her panties.*

Amber: W-w-w-wait! No, not that, I beg you!

Lynette: *hides under Ring's dress again*

*Amber looks up at Ashuro and sees a pained expression on his face, with tears forming in his own eyes.*

Ashuro: I'm...I'm really sorry, Amber; I really am... T_T

*In one swift motion, Ashuro pulls Amber's panties down her legs and completely off of her, placing them neatly next to him before he goes back to work punishing her now bare bottom; he uses a lot less force than before, eventually turning it from pink to bright red. Amber cries loudly, but mostly from the fact that her bottom has been bared for everybody in the room to see instead of the pain that it is in. Ashuro had stopped spanking her after 50 seconds to complete the one minute he had intended to give her, but Amber didn't realize this, even after he had sat her up on his lap and embraced her with a comforting hug, until another minute had passed.*

Ashuro: It's okay, Amber, it's over now; it's all over and you've been forgiven.

Amber: ...

*Amber buries her face in Ashuro's chest while lightly hitting his shoulder, crying softly*

Lynette: ...poor Amber... She didn't like that at all...

*After Amber calms down, the stone is Ashuro's right hand glows and out of it comes a small mattress, some pillows, a blanket, some healing balm and an ice bag full of ice. He lays Amber down on the mattress on her stomach and puts some pillows underneath head for support.*

Ashuro: Ring, Victora, help her out, okay; I'll go back up front for the sake of modesty. And Amber...once again, I'm really, really sorry about having to do that...

*Ashuro exits the room, closing the door behind him; going back into the main room, he lays down next to Arashi on his couch, curls up and lets his tears flow. Even if it was needed punishment, Ashuro still really hated it when he made his friends cry.*

Ashuro: I hope she doesn't hate me now that this is over...TT_TT

Arashi: Hey, don't worry buddy... She's not that kind of person that hates others... as they say: Hate makes you ugly... Neh, I don't know... But I do know that she won't hate you, as long as you said sorry.

Ashuro: I lost count on how many times I said that.

Arashi: *pats him on the back* Hey, it's over now... both for her, and you...

Ashuro: Yeah...

*Back inside the other room with the girls.*

Victora: Calm down, Amber; how can I apply the balm if you flinch and wiggle around every time I touch your butt?

Amber: I flinch and wiggle because my butt is sore!

Victora: Yours isn't the only one, believe me.

*After some trial and error, Victora is able to apply the balm and place the ice bag on top of Amber's still sore rump to help the healing process.*

Victora: You might not believe me, but Ashuro truly did take it easy on you.

Amber: I guess he did...

Victora: Right now he's probably out there crying his eyes out or something; he's the only person I know that truly fits that "this'll hurt me more than it does you" saying; SO not manly

Ring: I-I think he's r-really sort...cute when he d-d-does that; it means that h-he's really sorry for m-making you cry. ^///^

Victora: ...I guess it is a little cute...but it's still not manly in the least bit.

Ring: B-but Mr. Batou always says th-that a r-r-real man isn't afraid to c-cry.

Lynette: I... I h-have to agree w-with R-Ring...

Amber: *sighs*

Victora: ...you're not mad at him...are you?

Amber: ...no...he did what he had to do... I'm okay with it...

Victora: That's good; he'll be greatly relieved knowing that.

*Some time later after some girlish chatter among the four of them, they all exit the room and immediately smell a deliciously sweet aroma coming from the kitchen.*

Victora: *sniffing* Mmmm, that smells delicious! It smells like...

Ring: CAKE!

*Ring takes off towards the kitchen followed by the remaining girls. Sure enough, there is a big cake decorated with a lot of strawberries on the table along with some BBQ and others snacks and drinks.*

Lynette: Whoa!

Ashuro: Hey girls! I thought that after all of the recent...er...excitement that you'd all be hungry; so Arashi and I cooked up some good eats for you all...and Amber...

*Ashuro walks up to Amber and then gets down on his hands and knees into a bowing position with his face pointing towards the floor.*

Ashuro: I'm so, SO sorry about earlier; I never wanted to hurt you or make you cry. I just hope that even after this that we can still be friends.

*After seeing it for herself, Amber agrees with Victora's earlier statement; that certainly wasn't very manly-looking. But at the same time, she couldn't help but agree with Ring and Lynette's statement as well; he was sort of cute and sweet making such a genuine and honest apology. Any remaining thoughts of being mad at him disappeared as Amber tilted Ashuro's head up and gave him a small kiss on the forehead as a sign of forgiveness.*

Ashuro: TwT Thank you so much!

Arashi: Now then, is everything well, then?

Ashuro: Yes, everything is great. ^w^

Ring: C-can we eat n-now, please?

Arashi: Sure you can Ring. Help yourself.

*And with that, Ring and the others dig into the spread of good food. As the day came to a close, everybody returned home for the night. After making sure that Rose was asleep for the night, Arashi retired to him room for the night and went to bed. He went over the events that had happened that day; but before he could go into deep thought about them, he realized that he wasn't alone in his room. His lights turn on and in his doorway stands Amber with a mischievously romantic expression on her face. Arashi tries to move, but finds that his body isn't responding, not being able to move a single muscle. He then sees Amber hold up a soda can he had drank from earlier and listens in horror as she explains how she slipped some strong muscle relaxer in it that would activate only when he lied completely still for a certain amount of time; his thoughts goes into absolute terror when she reveals that the effect will last for about six hours.*

Arashi: Y...you're kidding, right?! You're joking with me! O_O;

Amber: Nope~ But don't worry, nurse Amber here will keep you "company" until you can move again~

*With that said, Amber climbs on top of him and slowly gets out of her dress, tossing it to the floor. With a cute and yet mischievous look on her face, she snuggles up against his chest, strokes him slowly with her fingers, giggling as she does*

Amber: Relax~ Just fall asleep, and when you wake up, you can move~ ^//^

Arashi: "Not the best way to end the day..." -//-;

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