Sunday, April 10, 2011

Healing Hurt - Punishing His Beloved

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 9
”Healing Hurt - Punishing His Beloved”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Skylar, thinking Nikki is being awfully violent and mean lately, decides to give her some of her own medicine. All he need, is his paddle...

Skylar: Guess who's been a baaad girl...

Nikki: Uh, Skylar..... O_O;

Skylar: Bad girls, get punished...

Nikki: MEEP!
... ...this is for what I did to Klarina earlier, isn't it?

Skylar: Not only... I've heard you've been acting a bit mean to some of your friends, not to mention you kicked Eric into a mountain... I don't like him either, but that was over the edge...

Nikki: Some of my friends?

*Nikki tries her best to recall who she might've wronged recently.*

Nikki: Hmmm...aside from Rocko, I really can't think of anybody else I might've hurt.

Skylar: Not exactly hurt... more like scared, but you get the point...

*Skylar, with the paddle in hand, steps closer bit by bit*

Nikki: Scared...hmmm... O.O;;

*Nikki's eyes get wide at the realization when she hears the word "scared." Scaring people is something that she knows she does quite often, sometimes(but rarely)unintentional.*

Nikki:'re right...I...I consent
...I'll...*gulp*...take my punishment without fighting back.

Skylar: Good girl...

*Skylar kisses her cheek before sitting down on the ground, signing for her to lay down and bend over his lap*

Skylar: Come on...

Nikki: ...okay.

*With guilt already starting to take over, Nikki obeys and positions herself over Skylar's lap. Skylar lightly taps her bottom with the paddle in order to prepare his wrist and determine how much force to put into his swings. He is, however, surprised when Nikki's body tenses up and she lets out a yelp, as if she had been punished earlier. To comfirm this, Skylar pulls her bike shorts and panties down just enough to see her bum; it was a bit pink, and a handprint mark could be seen as well.*

Skylar: ...Nikki...what's this? Your butt looks sore, and there's a handprint mark on it...

Nikki: I went to see Klarina so I could apologize to her for what I did to her. She was still mad at me, so I begged and pleaded with her to allow me to do whatever it took to earn her forgiveness. She a deal, and I accepted it; in the end, she whole-heartedly forgave me, and our friendship is better than ever now. I...guess you already see for yourself what the terms of our agreement were. ow... -.-;

*Skylar sighs a bit at this story, then shortly after, he starts to strip Nikko out of the rest of her clothes, while rubbing against her butt, smiling* Are you feeling better?

Nikki: No, I still feel horrible about what I did. I humiliated and hurt my friend; and all she did was accidently step on my cake. And then she held back and went easy on me; that made me feel even worse than before. I'm-I'm not a masochist or anything, but the pain of my guilt won't go away until I feel that I've truly paid for what I did wrong. Please, Skylar, help me; help me feel better and do the job thoroughly. If-if you go easy on me and hold back, I won't forgive you!

*Skylar takes on look at her face. It was filled with guilt and pain. He wanted to show sympathy and stop, but he couldn't... This is what she wanted...*

Skylar: Nikki... I won't hold back...

*He grips the paddle, touching her butt lightly with it before readying to slap her with it... He swings his arm as hard as he can and the paddle hits her ass with a loud and painful...*


Nikki: EEK!

*Nikki takes the hit, but doesn't budge from her spot; she clutches Skylar's left leg tightly with both arms to prevent herself from reaching back and shielding her already sore backside. Skylar hesitates for a moment, but Nikki looks at him and nods slightly to tell him that she's okay and for him to continue.*

Skylar: Sorry...

*Skylar hits her with the paddle again, just as hard as last time, then continues to hit her bum with the same amount of force all the time, her backside turning redder and redder for each smack. Skylar looks at Nikki, which was now at the edge of crying do to the stinging pain in her backside. He wipes away a tear from her cheek before continuing the spanking*


*Nikki clutches Skylar's leg even tighter to avoid even attempting to protect her bottom.*

Skylar: Shh... You're doing great... just a bit longer...

*Skylar continues the spanking, and as he does, he blushes from how cute her butt looked from this angle. He smiles a bit, teasing her body a bit by rubbing the paddle's sides against her pussy, surprising Nikki with this act*

Nikki: OwO;; AIEEEEEEE!!

*Nikki's body tenses up as a chill goes down her spine.*

Skylar: Huh? Did that surprise you, tomato-butt?

*Skylar puts the paddle away, touching and rubbing Nikki's pussy with his fingers. He places a hand on her back to keep her in place, chuckling a bit as he continued to rub her*

Nikki: Hey, no fair! How is this punishment?! You're taking advantage of a convienient situation!

Skylar: *grins* Guess it's my instincts..... But, I'm completely in control this time...

*Skylar rubs her a bit harder, about to put his fingers inside her... but instead he starts spanking her again, smiling and chuckling to her*

Skylar: Hehe, that face you made, it was priceless...

Nikki: OWWiE! IT HURTS! IT HURTS SO MUCH! I'm SO sorry, Skylar! Please, forgive me! OWWiE! Don't hate me! WAAAHHH!!

Skylar: Scream all you want... we aren't stopping just yet...

*Skylar smirks, getting his sharp claws out, using them to poke her butt a bit, making it sting very painfully. He then returns to the spanking, slowing down, then lifts her off of his lap, but still continues spanking*

Skylar: Had enough? Hmm~? *smirks, chuckling, blushing at her red glowing butt*

Nikki: ...

*Nikki's body goes limp and she passes out from a mixture of pain, exhaustion and guilt.*

Skylar: Hmm?

*Skylar pokes her a bit, trying to wake her... Seeing that it doesn't work, he stops trying. His eyes fall on her butt, leaving a smirk on his face*

Skylar: It's not like she can protest against it or anything...

*Skylar, not able to resist the temptation, starts to lick her sore butt, his tail wagging incredibly fast and knocking against the ground. Skylar proceeds to rub her between her legs as well, blushing and smiling*

*Skylar soon recognizes that Nikki had actually fallen asleep, when she starts mumbling in her sleep.*

Don't hurt me...anymore...please, Skylar...
...I'll be good...don't hate me...*lightly sobbing*

*Feeling a little guilty about what he was doing, Skylar removes his hand and massages her back.*

Skylar: .....I'm such an idiot...

*after massaging her for a while, he takes her back to her house. Skylar gently puts her down on the couch, stroking her back*

Skylar: .....why do I have to act this way all the time? *steps over to the window and looks up at the sky* ...This...isn't fair, for Nikki...She deserves better...

*Nikki rolls over in her sleep and falls off of the couch and onto her sore rear.*


*The impact immediately wakes her up and she starts jumping around everywhere trying to relieve the reawakened burning sensation in her rosy red bum. Skylar rushes over to help her while trying to keep himself from laughing at his beloved's rather comedic and over-exagerated act.*

Skylar: *snickers* Nikki, Nikki calm down... I know what to do.

*Skylar quickly goes and finds an ice bag and then walks back to Nikki, seeing she was still jumping around the same way. This time, Skylar can't keep it in anymore and burst out in laughter*

Skylar: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Nikki, hey, just lay down; you look so stupid like this...

*Slowly, Nikki regains her composure; afterwards, she goes back to the couch and plops down belly-first on it, exhausted from all of the energy she just wasted.*

...I see dancing pixies ...they're funny

*Skylar's laughter increases when he sees Nikki in such a delusional state. In her laughter, Nikki rolls off of the couch again, this time face down-bottom up. Skylar stops laughing for a moment, trying to see if she's okay; his question is answered when Nikki starts laughing a lot harder and louder that last time. The scence was just too much for Skylar to handle and he goes down to the floor, doubled over and laughing so hard that it hurt. After three minutes of un-interupted laughter, both of them begin to calm down.*

Why are we laughing? ...and why does my bum hurt?

*Later, Nikki is laying down on the couch with the icebag on her bottom while Skylar sits on the the couch's armrest facing away from Nikki; he tells her about every that happened that day...and about his recent musing.*

Nikki: Skylar, why would you think that?

Skylar: Well... *sigh* I... I... I just feel like I'm behaving in a very bad way... A way a boyfriend and lover ain't supposed to... I touch you in your private places all the time, exposes you to danger, and I hurt you physically... I know I haven't been this happy since the accident at my home planet, but I'm getting in WAY over my head and believe I can just do anything when I feel like it... I'm sorry Nikki, about everything...

Nikki: It's okay; this is what I like about you: your honesty and willingness to acknowledge when you make mistakes; and when you do, you always do your best to make up for them.

*Skylar slightly turns around, looking down at Nikki now*

Skylar: Really? Just how much can you like such a violent and perverted wolf like me? *sighs, closing his eyes*

Nikki: You're not violent, you punished me because you knew I needed to be. My folks are overseas, so there's nobody around to keep me in check. I mean, you punished me because you love me and not out of malice or anything, right?

*Skylar noods, proceeding to scratch Nikki behind her ear*

Skylar: Yes.. I could never hurt you for real...

Nikki: I don't mind that you're a bit of a perv; I'm actually very flattered that despite, you still find me as somebody desirable. And, to tell you the truth, I absolutely LOVE your touch...'s SO relaxing.

Skylar: R-really? When I was young, they said that I was too violent... but perfect for a fighter, though... And I'm glad that you're so honest with me, it makes me love you so much more...

*Skylar gets down from the chouch and kneels beside Nikki, hugging her and giving her a soft little kiss on her cheek*

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