Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rollerblading Reaper! VS. Erazor Smash!!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Rollerblading Reaper! VS. Erazor Smash!!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

*Zero is flying around and sees a young girl he had never seen before. Being the curious little guy that he is, he approaches her.*

Zero: Pa?

*Zero flies up to Alexis.*

Zero: Pachi-pachipa?

Alexis: Huh? What are you looking at, whimp... -_-

Zero: Pachi-pachi-pachipa...f-friend? ^w^

Alexis: ... *smacks him with her hat* Learn english fag...

Zero: Pachi... *flies away sadly*

*Zero flies by Tenrio, who looks at him passing by, wondering why he was crying.*

Tenrio: ...oh well, nothing I can do now that he's already gone.

*Continuing his walk forward, Tenrio looks up in the sky, admiring the clouds.*

Tenrio: (Clouds are so relaxing to look at...)

*He's so engrossed with looking at the clouds that he fails to look where he's going and bumps into Alexis, accidentally knocking her down.*

Tenrio: Oops, sorry about that; looks like I did it again.

*Tenrio offers his hand to Alexis as an offer to help her back up.*

Alexis: Next time, watch where you walk, fool... *gets up on her own*

Tenrio: Yeah, I deserved that one. Let's start over. Hi, I'm Tenrio Akira ; it’s nice to meet you, Miss...? *offers his hand for a handshake*

Alexis: .....Why should I tell you? *stares at him*

Tenrio: How else can I properly apologize and make it up to you if I don't know your name?

Alexis: ...It's Alexis... Alexis C. Jersey...

Tenrio: Well, Miss Alexis C. Jersey, I apologize for running into you and causing you to fall as a result. I promise to be more observant in the future; you have my word as a Ninja that this won't happen again.

Alexis: Yeah-yeah, just don't do it again... -//-

Tenrio: Okay. Be careful on your way back home; a lot of crazy, random stuff has been happening to people lately.

Alexis: Okay then... thanks...

*Alexis walks off towards her home. It's not long before she bumped into again by somebody she had never seen before. He looked like a young boy around her age wearing a bandana on his head, sunglasses and rollerblades; it was Erazor.*

Erazor: ...move.

Alexis: ...move yourself...

Erazor: ...move.

Alexis: You can move... 'cause I'm not...

Erazor: ...1

Alexis: .....You're... kinda weird...

Erazor: ...2...3...die

*Before Alexis knew what was happening, she found herself being lifted off of the ground by the collar of her shirt by Erazor who had closed the gap in distance between them in a split second.*

Erazor: ...die

Alexis: W-w-wha?? Nononononono! I don't want to die, please! I'll do anything you say!

*Erazor takes his sunglasses off and looks Alexis right in the eyes; a feeling of true terror flows through her body as she looks into his demonic-looking eyes.*

Erazor: ...die

*He tosses Alexis very, very high in the sky, past the clouds and then back down as she plummets to the ground below. Before she lands, Alexis comes to a complete stop in the air, about 1.5 ft. from the ground, and just hovers there for a few seconds before being gently lowered to the ground. Looking around to see what happened, Alexis sees Zero collapsed on the ground next to her, completely out of energy. It was him who came to her rescue.*

Zero: *gasping for breath* Chi...pachi-pa...

Erazor: Annoying trash...

*Erazor kicks Zero really hard and into a nearby tree, snapping it in two.*

Zero: CHiPA!!!

Alexis: Oh no! Don't hurt him anymore!

*Alexis quickly gets up on her feet and runs past Erazor and over to Zero, gently picking him up before continuing to run away. She doesn't want to look back and just clings Zero to her as she runs even farther away, eventually arriving back home at the farm. It seemed like Erazor had simply stopped following them and didn't bother anymore... Alexis looks down at the little guy in her arms, tears starting to form in her eyes*

Alexis: You saved me... why did you do it...?

Zero: *labored breathing*

*Zero's body is broken up badly, and he's left unable to speak. Part of the tag on the back collar of his shirt is showing and as Alexis examines it she finds a note that reads "Hi, my name is Zero; if you find me and I look lost, please call this number and tell whoever answers where I am and how to find me. Thank you!" Looking at the number on the tag, Alexis is unable to read it because of it being too ripped-up.*

Zero: *coughs*

Alexis: Zero... Wait here little guy...

*Alexis carefully puts him down on some hay and runs inside, quickly coming back with a first-aid kit. Shortly after, she has fully bandaged Zero and is trying to feed him with a bottle*

Alexis: You hungry? Come on, it's milk... It's good for your bones, and I got it from the cow this morning...

*Zero slowly sips from the bottle.*

Alexis: There, good boy... *strokes the back of his head*

???: Hello, is anybody here? Can you spare a traveling Ninja some fresh water to drink?

*Recognizing the voice, Alexis rushes to the barn door and looks out of it; sure enough, it's exactly who she thought it was: Tenrio Akira.

Tenrio: Why, hello again, Miss Alexis. Is this your home?

Alexis: Um... Yes it is... I'll get you some milk instead okay? Take care of this guy meanwhile, please?

Tenrio: Sure thing.

*Tenrio walks over to Zero and sits next to him.*

Alexis: *comes back* Here, a cup of farm-fresh milk.

Tenrio: Thanks. *Drinks milk*Ah, that's some good stuff. So, what happened to this little one here? He looks as if he had a run in with a vicious wild animal.

Alexis: More like a murder kid... He almost killed me, but little Zero here saved me... and got his butt kicked... But anyway, that's beside the point...

Tenrio: Is that so? This kid, was he wearing a bandana on his head, sunglasses and roller blades?

Alexis: Y-yes... How'd you know?

Tenrio: It's a HUGE miracle that both of you are still alive! That was one of MASTER HQ's 4 executives, the most dangerous of them all: Erazor Smash! His origin is completely unknown; many think that he was actually created somewhere, but no proof of this has been found. The only thing he seems to know how to do is kill, and he'll do it for the smallest of reasons. You're only hint to knowing if he's about to attack is when he starts counting to 3. Compared to all of the things he could've done...*shudder*...you don't know HOW big of a miracle happened there. Whatever happened, it must not have bugged him enough to chase after you; that's what he usually does when picks his target.

Alexis: O_O;; .....Oh, I just remembered... Excuse me while I change my panties...

*After that was said, Alexis steps into a little stall and starts to change her clothes*

Alexis: So... beside the need of any drink... what brings you around these parts?

Tenrio: Missions for Ninjas in the Hidden Leaf Village have been scarce, so I'm just looking for work. I was walking in this direction when I saw something fly straight up into the sky and then fall back to the ground without making a sound. You walked in that direction, did you happen to see that?

Alexis: .....You...wouldn't believe me if I told... -_-;

Tenrio: Trust me, with all the weird, freaky and messed-up things I've seen and experienced in life, there's hardly anything that I wouldn't believe.

Alexis: What you saw... it could've been me... I was flung very high up in the air.....

Tenrio: That must've been quite frightening; that kind of thing happens to my friends all of the time.

Alexis: It was... *drops her hat* aw man...

*When Alexis bends down to get her hat, she bumps into the door and pushes it open, revealing her in her undies in the process. Tenrio happened to be facing in the opposite direction and doesn't see the scene.*

Tenrio: I imagine so...

*Tenrio takes some herbs and medicine making tools out of his travel bag. He puts the herbs in a bowl and smashes them up with another tool until they become a green paste-like substance.*

Alexis: *put on her hat and overalls* What'cha doing there?

Tenrio: Making some herbal medicine for the little guy here; I can tell by looking at him that he's an Aquitican like a few my friends are, even if he hasn't grown his antenna yet. Those with Aquitican blood heal faster than normal and this medicine will speed up the healing process even more. But since he's so young, getting him to take this medicine will be a little tricky because of its bitter taste...and I don't have anything to make it taste better on me at the moment.

Alexis: .....Will it work if you mix some into the milk? Or maybe I could try to give him the medicine?

Tenrio: I know what would help. There are wild berries that grow not to0 far from here that can neutralize any bitter flavor; I can go get some and make them into some really tasty jam. Please, look after him for a few moments; this won't take long at all.

*As Tenrio rises to his feet, he senses something with a dangerously high E-nergy level approaching. Taking out his sky scope and looking through it, he sees the one thing, or person, that he had hoped was far-far away by now coming in their direction.*

Tenrio: OoO

Alexis: What's wrong?

Tenrio: Death on rollerblades is coming this way!

Alexis: Oh no! What to do?! I don't wanna die! *clings to little Zero*

Tenrio: We've a few seconds before he gets here; if we can hide somewhere, he shouldn't have any reason to stop here and we'll be safe.

Alexis: Hide... Like, in some of the hay?

Tenrio: Yes, hay will work just fine; we can hide AND keep an eye on his actions at the same time.

Alexis: *picks up Zero* Come on...

*Alexis leads Tenrio to an ideal haystack and hide inside it with a big enough space open in to see what's going on in front of them without being seen.*

Tenrio: Perfect; now all we need to do is keep quiet and watch. How are you and Zero?

Alexis: We're fine. He's resting here, against my chest, inside my overalls. ^^

Tenrio: That's nice...here he comes.

*Erazor rollerblades down the path, apparently not even interested in the farm, as he passes it by. Tenrio and Alexis wait a little bit before they even think about emerging from their hiding spot; it proves to be a wise decision as they see Erazor make a u-turn and enters the farm. He doesn't seem to have anything in particular in mind as he just looks around at the surroundings. Alexis nearly has a heart attack as he walks up to the cows. Much to her relief, when he got to them he didn't attack any of them; what was even more surprising was the fact that he started petting them gently...and smiling with genuinely happy smile on his face. After he was done interacting with the animals, he goes to a grassy hill just in front of the trio's hiding spot and lays down to watch the clouds drift by.*

Tenrio: Okay, I am officially freaked out right now...

Alexis: Same here...

*Tenrio pulls out a second scope and hands it to Alexis so that she can keep a good watch on Erazor as well.*

Tenrio: He won't be staying for long; he'll get bored and leave eventually.

*2 hours later...*

Man that dude is creepy; how can anybody lay there asleep with their eyes wide open like that?

*A fly lands on one of Erazor's eyes, walks around on it and then flies away; Erazor didn't even blink or recognize what had just happened.*

Tenrio: *shudder* Sick and wrong…just plain sick and wrong…

*Alexis doesn't even respond, she's sitting on her knees while blushing incredibly bright, not even looking at neither Erazor, Tenrio or Zero. Tenrio looks her way and sees the expression on her face.*

Tenrio: I'll see if I can get him to leave, just hold on for a little bit longer.

*Tenrio performs a hand sign and a clone of him appears next to Erazor, who immediately wakes up and starts attacking the clone as it leads him away from the farm.*

Tenrio: He's gone now.

Alexis: >//< *quickly gets up and rushes away from there*

Tenrio: At least that's over; I'd better take this opportunity and grab those berries before anything else happens.

*Tenrio creates another clone and sends it off to harvest the berries while he stays there to keep an eye on both Alexis and Zero.*

*Soon, Alexis returns. She's carrying two plates with a piece of cake on each of them. She offers one of them to Tenrio*

Alexis: Here..... as a thanks for helping...

Tenrio: Thank you, Miss Alexis; I was getting sort of hungry after hiding in that hay for so long.

*The two of them sit down and eat their cake; the clone that Tenrio had sent out returns with the berries. He then goes to work in smashing up the berries and mixing the medicine in with it, until it becomes a sweet jam. Tenrio looks through his supply bag and pulls out some bread that he slathers the jam on.*

Tenrio: This should work; here little guy, try this.

*Tenrio holds the bread in front of Zero's face; he takes a bite out of it and loves the sweet taste. Zero takes the bread from Tenrio's hand and eats it happily until it’s all gone. Feeling full and happy, Zero smiles and snuggles up against Alexis warmly with a look of sincere gratitude on his face.*

Alexis: Hey, are you better now? That's great.

Zero: Pa-chipa. Pa-chipa chii-pa pachi.

Tenrio: I guess you're not familiar with the Awesome language; would you like a translation?

Alexis: Yes please. What did he say?

Tenrio: "I feel great; thank you for saving me."

Alexis: Aww... I should be the one thanking you, little guy.

*Alexis lifts Zero up to her face and places a kiss on his forehead, then takes off her cap and puts it on his head, though it was too big. She just did it for comical reasons*

Zero: ^w^

Tenrio: Hahaha, looks good on you, little one... That's strange; my grass clone ended the Ninjutsu without me telling it to...CRAP!!

*Tenrio jumps to his feet and looks around the area frantically.*

Alexis: O.O; W-what's wrong now?

Tenrio: I just saw my clone's memory; that little psycho faked us out! I didn't know he knew how to make clones as well; that was an Erazor shadow clone that we were looking at that entire time! If he went through the trouble of doing that, it means...OoO

*Looking up, Tenrio sees the real Erazor on the barn roof.*


*Two vines emerge from Tenrio's back and grab both Alexis and Zero, pulling them both towards him. With Alexis secure in his arms and Zero clinging to his head, Tenrio runs away fast to escape. He gets far when he notices that Erazor isn't behind him; but before he stops to rest, he happened to look up in sky...and there he was. Erazor was actually skating on thin air.*


Alexis: Seriously, if I weren't as scared as I am, I'd be very annoyed right now!

Tenrio: Time for a desperation play.

*Vines re-emerge from Tenrio's back and pull some smoke bombs out of his pockets. He throws some in the sky and some in front of him as they explode, creating a large cloud of smoke. The smoke blinds Erazor, causing him to lose control and crash into the ground. Tenrio uses this opportunity to trap Erazor using his grass Ninjutsu to tie him tightly to the ground before running away in the opposite direction.*

Tenrio: That won't hold him for long; I just hope that I can put enough distance between us.

Alexis: As much as I hate to say it... I think we need help. Maybe, we could stop and-

???: WATCH OUT!!!

*Completely forgetting to see where he was running, Tenrio runs right into someone who was in the way, sending all 4 of them crashing to ground. Alexis gets up on her knees and crawls to Zero, checking if he was okay*

???: Oww... my head... Why didn't you stop...?

Tenrio: Ow...looks like I broke my word as a Ninja, eh? ...and you are...?

*The stranger sits up. He had blue hair, big and pretty eyes just as blue as his hair and a feminine and pretty face to go with them. He was also dressed up as if he was going somewhere important to meet a special person*

???: My name is Felix... Aw, great... Now I have to wash my suit as well...

Alexis: Wow, what's with that pretty face of yours...

Felix: (ignore, just ignore for now...)

Tenrio: Hi, my name is Tenrio Akira. Sorry to run into you like that but we all REALLY need to get going; Erazor will be here pretty soon and I'm not strong enough to fight him on my own.

Felix: Um, excuse me, but can't we just get him to sleep? Then it will be easier to get away.

Tenrio: ...as good of an idea as that is, I'm not sure that it'll work.

Felix: Okay, so much for that idea... -.-;

*Before anything else could be said, Erazor is right behind them with a furious look on his face.*

Erazor: ...die!

???: So this is where you've been...

*Erazor is actually surprised when he notices that somebody had gotten behind him without him realizing it. The voice was none other than that of Cazador Veins. A while back, he encountered Erazor and was attacked by him despite the fact that he didn't even do anything. Bruised, battered and broken, Erazor nearly killed him; it was his pet Eliza who ultimately rescued him when she bit Erazor on his neck...only to get thrown to the ground and stomped on several times by him before leaving to do something about the poison that was just injected into him. Cazador and Eliza healed up nicely, and since then, Cazador has been searching for Erazor to get his revenge for what he did to them both that day.*

Erazor: ...weak spider...

Felix: O_O; W-what's he doing here?!

Cazador: Hey kid, I've got some unfinished business with you... I still have to pay you back for the beating you laid on me and Eliza. Just give me some saliva, maybe some blood, and let me beat you up, then I'd say we are even.

Eliza: *crawls up on Cazador's head* SSSSHH!!!

Cazador: Whoa, calm down lady, we don't use such language around here...

Erazor: ...you're in my way...and not worth my time...move...

Cazador: Kekekeke..... You sound like my leader, Rex... I'm more scared of him than you...

*Cazador spits at the ground and almost hits Alexis and Zero, the ground starting to dissolve where his spit hit*

Alexis: W-who...or what is this…this guy?!

Tenrio: Somebody who’s cup I don't want to accidentally drink from, that's for sure.

Zero: O_O;; CHiPA!

Erazor: ...1.

Tenrio: Oh crap, he's counting!

*Three vines emerge from Tenrio's back that grab Alexis, Zero and Felix and pulls them all close to him. Once there is a secure grip on all three of them, Tenrio runs off to safety with them, leaving Erazor and Cazador by themselves.*

Tenrio: I don't know who that guy was, but he sure looked like he could give Erazor a good fight; and since it seems that he has business with Erazor, I'm sure we'll be safe now.

Felix: .....

Alexis: And whatever happens, if he wins or loses, who gives a crap?

Felix: .....

Alexis: Hey, butler guy, you listening?

*Felix doesn't respond, he's just looking back at the way they came from*

Alexis: Y-you can't possibly think of going back there, do you?!

Tenrio: What's on your mind, dude?

Felix: ...I...I can't help but want to help him... I have to go back there...

Tenrio: You ARE aware that if you go back there you might end up getting yourself killed, right?

Felix: ...Better die trying to help than running away like a coward...

*With that said, Felix starts to run back towards Cazador and Erazor.*

Alexis: Felix! ...He's not...coming back, is he?

*Alexis looks up at Tenrio with a worried look on her face, hugging Zero against her chest*

Tenrio: Nope...not unless I drag him back here myself that is. Besides, he really needs to learn that fleeing from battle doesn’t necessarily make you a coward; and he can't do that if he dies. I'll bring him back alive, that I promise.

*Meanwhile, Cazador has gone on the offensive and launches his attack before Erazor can say '3'*

Cazador: Acid Webbing!

*Cazador launches multiple webs from his mouth that starts to dissolve anything it touches, meanwhile, Eliza is spinning a giant spider web around the area as she and Cazador prepares something special*

Erazor: ...*watches Cazador and Eliza as they prepare their attack*

Cazador: Now... Everything is set... Spider Fortress!

*Everything in the area turns pitch-dark and the spider webs start to move around and surround the fighters from all sides. If they move, it's most likely that they'll be trapped*

Cazador: Just give up, you gave me the chance to set-up... These webs can't be destroyed by anything except 2 things that I know of, so good luck!

*Erazor looks at Cazador with sinister grin on his face.*

Erazor: ...you're an even bigger fool than I thought...

Cazador: Oh really? I am the fool? ME?

Erazor: ...you've just made your tomb...

*A small ball of E-nergy appears in the middle of the area.*

Cazador: Tomb? Tsk, don't try to fool me...

*The ball of E-nergy slowly starts to grow and expand.*

Erazor: ...I don't use trickery...

*The ball of E-nergy continues to expand slowly.*

Cazador: Spiderweb: Eergy Drain.

*He snaps with his fingers, and afterwards, some of the webs starts to cover the ball of E-nergy*

Cazador: We'll just absorb that E-nergy then...

Erazor: ...fool...

*Cazador focuses intensively on Erazor, getting very annoyed by his one-liner insults; he's so focused that he doesn't even notice the second ball of expanding E-nergy, one larger than the last one, right above him until Eliza alerts him about it.*

Eliza: SSSHHH!

Cazador: Holy S#!T! O_O

Erazor: *raspy chuckling*

*Just then, a plate flies trough the air and hits Erazor in the face, cracking on impact; Cazador looks back to see where it came from. Felix stands there, smirking and laughing a bit nervously*

Felix: Nice catch, sir. Maybe you should try something safer... like Chess!

Erazor: ...annoying trash...

*Meanwhile, Tenrio is almost at the battle field.*

Tenrio: I hope I'm not too late; I don't think either of them know that he's capable of creating shadow clones and specializes in deception attacks... or what his trump card technique is...

*Back on the battle field, Cazador has taken care of the 2nd ball of expanding E-nergy; when he turns his focus back on Erazor, he looks on in shock as the Erazor in front of him disappears in a puff of smoke and in his place stands a rock when the smoke clears. Looking around frantically, he sees him standing outside of his Spider Fortress, right behind Felix.*

Cazador: Hey, butler guy, behind you!

Eliza: SCREEE!!! >.<

Felix: ...

*Removing his sunglasses, Erazor glare at both of them with those scary eyes of his; he takes aim at Felix and strikes! However, before his strike can land, it is halted when a vine suddenly grabs his attacking arm, lifts him up in the air and slamming him to the ground; Tenrio had made it just in time.*

Tenrio: Grass Cage!

*The surrounding blades of grass grow tremendously tall and form a dome around Erazor, trapping him inside.*

Tenrio: Thorn Frenzy!

*Several thorned vines erupt from the ground and proceed to impale the Grass Cage from all directions.*

Felix: O_o; ...That was close... Though I don't think that was enough...

Alexis: If he is as strong as Tenrio says, then this will just stall him...

Tenrio: Provided that this wasn't another clone that I just trapped.

*Tenrio has one of the thorned vines exit out of the Grass Cage; the tip is soaked with blood. Cazador cancels his Spider Fortress and rushes over to the bloody vine to obtain a sample.*

Tenrio: Well, it looks like it was the real one after all...and that I actually injured him.

Cazador: Impressive...Very impressive...

*Tenrio releases his Grass Cage and there lies Erazor, lying in his own blood from the many injuries he had taken. He is unable to move and just looks at everybody with intense fury in his eyes.*

Erazor: *raspy breathing*

Tenrio: So...what should we do with him?

Felix: I don't know...

Alexis: Me neither...

Tenrio: What about you, Cazador?

Cazador: I do not care...

???: Looks like you've saved me some trouble there...

*All of them turn around to see another one of Lorenzo's 4 Executives, Count Drackule Sako.*

Sako: Sorry for alarming you all. I'm am Drackule Sako, Count Drackule Sako; but you can all just call me Sako to save time. I'm not here to cause trouble or anything, I'm only here to retrieve the troublesome one that you've all miraculously taken care of laying on the ground there.

Erazor: ...What are you doing here...?

Sako: You've really made the boss nervous when you didn't return when you were supposed to, afraid that you were doing something reckless and unnecessary again; and it would seem that he was right. I'm sorry for any trouble he caused; alright, it’s time to go now, comrade.

Erazor: ...fine.

*Sako walks up to Erazor and effortlessly tosses him over his shoulder.*

Erazor: ...spider...the next time I see you...you will die.

*Sako and Erazor warp out of the area.*

Cazador: "pfft" I'm not scared of him...

Eliza: *motions with her legs*

Cazador: Yeah right...

Tenrio: I think you can take him if he ever shows up again, especially now that we know that he's not as invincible as his reputation made him seem.

Cazador: Everything is possible if you put your mind to it... *smirks*

*Tenrio notices the blood sample that Cazador had collected.*

Tenrio: So what're you gonna do with that blood of his?

Cazador: Hold it there; if I told you, then it wouldn't be a secret anymore. Kekekeke...

Alexis: Nnnn... He scares me a bit...

Tenrio: Fair enough; thanks for the save earlier, by the way. Take care.

*Tenrio, Alexis, Zero and Felix leave the scene. Cazador holds the blood sample up in front of his face, grinning diabolically while thinking about of the many possibilities this one sample could provide him with.*

Cazador: Alright, what to do...

Eliza: *pokes his shoulder and motions with her legs again*

Cazador: Hmm... "Limit-Release Elixir"... Not a bad idea...

<scene change - MASTER HQ>

Lorenzo: That was a very interesting report, Sako; to think that Erazor could be taken down that easily because of cockiness.

Sako: Shall that be all, sir?

Lorenzo: Yes, you're free to go.

Sako: Thank you, good sir; excuse me...

*Sako leaves the room.*

Lorenzo: Hmmm...Allowing Cazador to keep that blood sample might prove to be troublesome in the future; I'll just have to keep my eye on him for the time being.

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