Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Silent Lover - Batou and Klarina

Travel Multiversal
Neo Chronicles
“Silent Lover – Batou and Klarina”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

Having finished his training for the day, Batou heads home with Klarina, who follows him around everywhere, close behind. On the way, he sees a new face, Nicole Jones. Not only was she a world-class beauty, but she had arms that were similar to his automail limbs. This was one person he just had to meet; but before he goes over to introduce himself, he takes one final, full body glance at her.

Batou: Nice.

Klarina: Grrrr... *chomp*

Batou: YEOUCH!! Why must you always bite in the exact same spot every time?!

Nikki: Whoa. Are you alright?

Batou: Yeah, I'm okay; she does this quite often. The names Batou Koco, nice to meet-

Klarina: Grrrrr...

*Klarina bites Batou again on his head this time; she keeps her fangs stuck in his head, leaving him unable to pull her off.*

Batou: YOUOOOOOWWWW!! What's with you today, Klarina?! I just wanted to intro-

Klarina: GRRRRR...

*Klarina applies more power to her bite.*


Nikki: Hey! Can't you see you're hurting him!

*Klarina glares daggers at Nikki with furiously wild eyes, causing her to step back some. She then releases her hold on Batou's head and gently licks the injuries she gave him completely healing them in seconds; afterwards, she runs off, still looking real angry.*

Batou: TT_TT

Nikki: *walks over to Batou* I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset your friend. Are you okay?

Batou: I'll be fine; Klarina has a habit to, well, over react from time to time.

*Batou takes off his jacket and rolls up his left shirt sleeve to inspect his automail arm.*

Batou: *moves arm and flexes fingers* Good, everything still works there; that means she didn't bite the nerve that sends signal to this arm.^^

Nikki: That's good to know.

*she takes a close look at his automail arm*

Nikki: Hmmm?

Batou: Hmm? Oh, this? It happened a while back; I had a run in with a certain commander from MASTER HQ when I was younger.

Nikki: Master HQ?

Batou: Yeah, there's this guy named Lorenzo Saturn who runs the whole organization. As for its purpose, I still don't know; that guy is just TOO random to figure out. All I know is that they wronged my friend, Ashuro, as well as both Scooter and Claire.

Nikki: My goodness. What did he do to them?

Batou: Ashuro and Claire were experimented on while Scooter was taken advantage of because of a unique ability of his.

Nikki: That's horrible, Batou. A similar fate was dealt to me and Kai. And poor Virgil had it worse than both of us...

Batou: Virgil? You mean the one that was known as "Vego" in the past?

Nikki: Yeah... he was the one who attacked Galax City a few years ago and destroyed Shonnie's (original) eyes... He was--

*Nikki stops herself, as she swore secrecy of the major situation*

Nikki: ...It wasn't his fault. He was turned into a monster and manipulated by Damien to attack the city...

Batou: Don't worry, I understand; this sort of stuff seems to happen all of the time.

Nikki: Yeah...

*Klarina returns later, looking Batou in the eyes and gesturing in a way that says that she wants something.*

Batou: What makes you think that I'm going to lend you $5 for lunch after you bit me like you did earlier?

*Klarina gestures in a way that says "I guess I'll have to eat my alternative lunch instead."*

Batou: Alternative lunch? What do you mean by... No, Klarina! Although he can be highly annoying at times, you can NOT eat Rocko.

Klarina: >3<

*Klarina kicks Batou in one of his shins, instantly regretting it after remembering a certain detail about Batou's legs as she rolls around on the ground with a foot throbbing in pain.*

Batou: That's what you get, you brat; you brought that on nobody but yourself.

Nikki: True. But we can't let her starve. Or eat your friend...

*Nikki reaches into her pocket and hand her five dollars*

Nikki: Here you, go.


*Klarina leaps at Nikki and gives her a flying hug, sending them both backwards and down to the ground.*

Klarina: *purrs*

Nikki: You're quite the affectionate one. *rubs her head*

Batou: I do hope you realize that she'll keep coming back to you over and over again now that you've given her something.

Nikki: Well, I hooked-up with Kai once, now he can't keep his hands off of me…Unless I shoot him in the face...

Batou: Whoa...I'll take getting my head bit over that any day.

Nikki: Well, Kai is pretty durable. So he can handle a few blasts to the head.

Batou: Oh yeah, he's rubbery just like the rest of my Nekofi friends; yeah, those types of bodies are capable of taking hits. *walks up to Klarina, lifts her up and places her on her feet* Here, make sure you eat something healthy, alright? *hands Klarina $20*

^w^ *kisses Batou on the lips and runs off happily*

...she just stole my first kiss...

Nikki: That's rough... Did you have someone particular in mind to kiss?

Batou: No, not really; I just didn't expect it to be her of all people...-_-;

Nikki: I never expected mine to be with Kai...

Batou: Both of us, huh? wasn't bad at all; to be honest, it felt...really nice. I'd say it was absolutely great...if only...

Nikki: If only what?

Batou: ...if only she wasn't so creepy all of the time.

Nikki: I think Shonnie said the same thing about Misty at one point. But, she seems pretty nice otherwise.

Batou: Deep down she really is nice; I just wish she would stop stalking me all of the time. That sort of behavior just screams yandere and the last thing that I'd want to see before dying is a girl with a creepy smile trying to do me in with an axe!

*Nikki looks at Batou with a pale, horrified look on her face.*

Batou: I'm just saying that IS a possibility, not that it would actually happen.

Nikki: Well, that's one way to look at it...

Batou: would be nice to hear her talk, though.

Nikki: Take it from someone who's actually friends with Misty. Actions can speak louder than words; although a sketch-pad doesn’t hurt either...

Batou: Sketch pad...that would be a lot easier than her usual means of communication with me.

Nikki: Apart from the head biting thing, how does she try to communicate with you?

Batou: Klarina's means of communication is always through physical contact or gestures. Usually when she bites me on the head she saying "I'm hungry," but the meaning can change depending on how hard the bite is, as you saw earlier. *rubs head* When she looks you in the eye and opens her arms out wide, she's saying "I need a hug" or if she hugs you and then purrs, she’s saying "I'm happy"... If her tail twitches erratically she’s saying "I'm angry." When it wraps around her waist she's saying "I'm sad"; if it wraps around one of her legs she saying "I'm scared"...and when she quivers and looks at you with...tears in her eyes...she's saying..."Please comfort me"... -~-

*Batou doesn't recognize it, but Nikki could see the truth written all over his face.*

Nikki: Aww, and here I thought you weren't interested in Klarina.

Batou: -///-...yeah...I guess I could try to talk to Klarina and at least get her to agree to stop stalking me; that would be a good step in the right direction.

Nikki: There you go, Batou. ^^ *pats his back*

*While focused on congratulating Batou on his realization, Nikki doesn't notice Kai until it's too late and he speedily removes and takes off with both her shorts and panties.*

Batou: OoO;; WHAT THE...

Nikki: What the-- O///O *covers herself*

*Kai dangles Nikki's shorts in front of her*

Kai: Shouldn't let your guard down so easily, babe.

*Nikki snatches her shorts back and tries to put them back on*

Nikki: How are you able to do that so easily?!

Kai: Trade secret.

*Batou notices something hanging out of Kai's pocket; it looked like a two-piece bikini...a really familiar tiger striped two-piece bikini.*

Batou: Hey, where did you get those?

Kai: Huh. I actually found these over by a tree on the way over here. Any chance you guys know who they belong to? Whoever these belong too to must have an amazing figure.

Nikki: Oh, brother... *eye roll*

*Batou takes the bikini bottom from to inspect the tag on it; sure enough, Klarina's name was on the tag. Upon looking back up at Kai, he also notices some claw marks on his right shirt sleeve.*

Would you care to try again and tell me where you really found, or should I say "took", these?

*Kai starts to sweat a bit when Batou looks at him again, getting a little nervous.*

Kai: Wha--? What are you talking about?

Nikki: *starts to notice his sleeve*

Batou: Did you know this bikini is rare? They're limited edition bikinis, that were made exclusively for that one event and no more like it have ever been made since then, that were bought at a past LumCon. One person in particular bought up each and every single pair the moment they were put on the shelves and till this day still owns them all. And I happen to know that one individual personally. So I ask again, where, or better yet, WHO did you get these from?

Kai: *sigh* Alright, Alright. Easy up, Batman... Perhaps, I did come across this bikini on the way over...

Nikki: Kai...

Kai: .....Which belonged to a cheetah girl; she was bathing at a hot springs, and it was laying there by the tree, so...

Batou:'re a dead man; you know that, don't you?

Kai: OoO;;

Batou: Oh, and it's not me you should be worried about; the one who's gonna get you is Klarina, the same cheetah girl you took those from. She has a very good sense of smell and is known for being able to track and stalk others; trust me, I know all about that...-_- She can also bite, scratch AND kick really hard. She does it to me all the time...and I'm her friend; I hate to see what she'd do to... ...Nikki, we should get out here; I don't want to get blood or bits of Kai on my clothes, if you know what I mean.

Nikki: But we can't--

*Kai shakes his head*

Kai: Nah, Bartar's right... It's not like I don't know what I'm in for when I do this kind of thing...

Nikki: You're such a glutton for punishment.

Kai: What fun is life without a little risk, right?

Batou: I'd like to help, but there's really no stopping Klarina when she wants to do something... Kai, give me her bikini and get far, FAR away from here; I need to speak with her anyway.

Kai: Alright, uh... Batou was it? Here *hands Batou the bikini* Sorry for the trouble, dude... *Kai bounces up into the air and turns into a glider and flies-off* Later, Nikkiiii!

Nikki: *waves*

Batou: ^w^ He's an okay guy; a little one the perverted side, but still a nice guy overall.

Nikki: Yeah, he's pretty cool. When he wants to be....

Batou: He reminds me of my buddy, Rocko... *turns away* And just like Rocko, he doesn't know when to quit when he's ahead.

*With his head turned away, Batou points down with his finger to signal to Nikki to look down. When she does, sure enough, her pants are gone...again.*

Nikki: Oh, c'mon!

Batou: *Transforms his automail arm into a large high-power air vacuum* You may want to take a few steps back.

*After Nikki does so, Batou arm starts to suck air inside it with great suction force. Since there wasn't much wind blowing, Kai hadn't gotten to far when he finds himself being pulled back towards Batou and Nikki. Within seconds, he finds himself back on the ground and in front of an uber angry Nikki; hoping that he could earn just a tiny bit of mercy, Kai doesn't hesitate in giving Nikki back her pants. She was about to start shooting at him, but stops when all three of them feel an incredibly powerful aura within their midst, it was Klarina. She was wet, naked, embarrassed beyond belief, and very, VERY angry...and had her eyes focused directly on Kai. Nikki then realizes what Batou was talking about earlier when she sees how feral Klarina looked at that moment.*


*Kai looks around at his grave situation and with a defeated sigh he could only utter one thing*

Kai: Ah, damn....

*As Klarina charges forward, Batou speedily intercepts and grabs a hold of her. Despite the fact that she was still really wet and slippery from the hot springs, Batou is able to keep a firm grip on her...until a few seconds later when he is unable to further endure Klarina biting and clawing him.*


*Releasing Klarina to escape further punishment, Klarina chases after Kai, who had already ran away and put a good distance between the two of them. Nikki rushes over to Batou to see if he's okay.*

Nikki: Oh, man. Are you alright, Batou?

Batou: *winces in pain a few times* Yeah...I should be okay...once the stinging stops. TT_TT Kai can run pretty fast in just a few seconds; I wonder how long it'll take for Klarina to catch up with him.

*Kai can be heard screaming bloody murder and making other various sounds of pain in the far distance.*

Batou: Well, that answers that question. What he really needs to focus on avoiding now is her disabler technique.

*Before Nikki could ask what Klarina's disabler technique is, they both hear Kai scream with an incredibly high pitch voice.*

Batou: OoO Too late. Dang, I bet every man in town felt that one...

*Figuring out what Klarina's disabler technique was, Nikki's eyes widen and she feels a little bit sorry for him...but can't help laughing out loud at the same time.*

Nikki: I guess so...

*Moments later Klarina returns to the two of them...with a chunk of Kai's hair in her right, part of his mask in her mouth and his tattered jeans in her left hand.*

Batou: Do you have the number to Shonnie's HQ?

Nikki: Actually, no.... *looks fearfully at the pieces of Kai upon Klarina's person*

Batou: No time; I'll call Ashuro.

*Sometime later at a local hospital, Batou, Rocko, Klarina and Nikki are visiting Kai not that he's no longer in the ICU.*

Rocko: Y'know, Kai, it could've been a lot worse; if you were a rodent like me, she would've eaten you

Klarina: *looks at Rocko with hungry eyes and then licks her lips*

Rocko: OoO;;

Batou: Klarina, what did we talk about?

Klarina: O_O...-_- *nods and snuggles up against Batou warmly, hugging his automail arm* ^w^

Batou: *sighs* This is gonna take some getting used to.

Rocko: Hehehe! You two certainly look cute together.

Batou: Shut it...-_-

*Kai turns his head from them, not wanting to face them.

Kai: .....

*Upon closer examination they notice that most of Kai's injuries were starting to heal surprisingly fast. Nikki notices Kai's visible aggression and is still worried about him*

Nikki: ....

Klarina: ...?

*Klarina gets on Kai's bed and stares him in the eyes with an expression on her face that would say "What's wrong?"*

*Kai doesn't turn his head, to look at her, but his eyes appear distant*

Kai: Do you feel better, Klarina...?

Klarina: *nods head yes*

Kai: That's cool. ^^

Nikki: ^w^

Klarina: ^w^

*Klarina gently snuggles into Kai's arms, purring softly. Kai couldn't resist how cute she was at that moment and snuggles her as well; the scene was like that of a young child who just gotten a kitten as their new pet.*

Rocko: Even I have to admit that she looks really cute like that at this moment.

Batou: Hmph...

Rocko: What's this?
Ooh, is the mighty Batou actually feeling a little jealous?

Batou: ...shut it! >3<

Kai: Glad to hear it, Klarina.

*Kai starts stretching for a moment to see how well his body recovered, which seems to have recovered quite well to the shock of everyone, but Nikki*

Nikki: You sure recovered fast.

Kai: What can I say? Rubber-men always bounce back. *continues stretching*

Nikki: You dork...

Rocko: Well, the doctors told us not to stay for too long, so we'll get out of your hair and let you rest up some more, okay?

*Everybody waves goodbye to Kai and leaves his room so that he could rest. While walking down the hallway...*

Batou: Hmm? *snaps fingers* I left my coat in his room, I'll be right...

Klarina: *gestures to Batou in a way that says "I'll go get it for you...darling."*

*Klarina heads back to Kai's room.*


Not a single word...

*Seconds later, Klarina returns, wearing Batou's coat; puzzled as to why she buttoned it up, his question is answered when he unbuttons it and then quickly re-buttons it, his face blushing bright red.*

Batou: O///O Why are you naked?! Don't tell me...oh, he's gonna get it this-

*Klarina stops Batou and gestures to him that she willingly gave Kai her bikini as a friendship gift to guarantee that there were no hard feeling between them.*

Batou: You really are one of a kind, aren't you?

Klarina: ^w^

*All four of them continue to walk down the hall; strangely enough, all of the people that they passed on their way towards the elevator gave Nikki a shocked and confused look as she passed by them all.*

Nikki: What do you suppose everyone is looking at?

Batou: Beats me.

Rocko: Maybe they think you're hot.

Klarina: ...? ...!! *tugs on Batou's arm to gestures for him to take a closer look at Nikki.*

Batou: Closer look? What are you trying to...? *takes a more detailed look at Nikki and sees what Klarina had saw earlier* Eh? When did...? You've got a letter taped on the seat of your pants.

*Looking behind her, Nikki sees the letter then removes and inspects it; the letter is from Kai; it told Nikki about how sorry he was for snatching her pants earlier as well as many other honest, heartfelt details about how he felt about her. Nikki's face blushes a little bit as she starts smiling and a small tear of happiness streaks down her face.*

Rocko: Hey, what's it say?

Nikki: Oh, nothing... Kai was just being, Kai....

*Nikki tucks away the note in her pocket. She then takes a glance back towards Kai's room and smiles*

Klarina: *notices the happy expression on Nikki's face* ...^o^

*Klarina grabs Nikki's arm and drags her back to Kai's room, leaving Batou and Rocko to stand there in confusion.*

Rocko: O3O ...

Batou: -.- ...

Rocko: ...chicks.

Batou: ...yeah, chicks.

*Once both girls are in the door way, Klarina gently nudges Nikki inside and gestures for her to go talk to Kai.*

Nikki: Uh, hey Kai...

*Kai continues stretching until he notices Nikki*

Kai: Oh, hey, Nikki. You're back pretty soon. ^^

Nikki: Yeah, I was on my way until I found something intresting on the back of my shorts...

*Kai blushes not expecting her to find out so soon. So he turns his head pretending not to know what she was talking about*

Kai: What do you mean?

Nikki: I meant the note...^w^

Kai: .....^w^

Klarina: ^w^

*Satisfied with how well things started up, Klarina winks and smiles at Nikki, then takes her leave to meet back up with Batou and Rocko.*

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