Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fragrant Dancing Warrior! Claire's Premier Battle!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Fragrant Dancing Warrior! Claire’s Premier Battle!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

It was a rather sunny, but still windy day, the birds flew around without a care in the world; the flowers stood in full bloom, showing off their beautiful colors. A lone green haired teen stood on a hill and stared intensely at the city that laid close by, letting out a quiet frown. His name was Fuu Raien. It seemed as if the wind moved calmly after his will, gently stroking against the plants and the animals in the area rather than trying to force them to get blown over. Fuu turned away and started to walk, thinking...

Fuu: .....One day my friend...I'll create the world we both wished for...but not today.....

*Little did Fuu know, that this day would be slightly different than the others, and his meeting with a new person moved closer for each passing second...*

???: Zzzzzz...

*Fuu hears somebody nearby sleeping soundly; following the snoring, he arrives at a tree that's there and stops in his tracks completely when he sees what looks like a long, bushy, black and white tail moving back and forth.*

Fuu: What the...?

*He quietly sneaks over and, without looking behind the tree, grabs the tail and tugs it a bit*

Fuu: Who or what is this?

*As Fuu tugs a bit harder on the tail, he notices that it is actually stretching.*

Fuu: Wha-?! Okay, what the heck?

*Fuu looks on the other side of the tree*

???: Zzzzzz...*purrs*

Fuu: ...It's a girl? Hmm... Maybe I should just go away... I don't want to wake-ACHOO! Damn! >_<

Claire: *sits up and looks at Fuu* ...-_-

Fuu: Sorry miss... I was just passing when I saw your tail. I was curious and walked over to see, then I sneezed and woke you up, I'm sorry... *bows*

Claire: ...talking ice cream cone...*falls backwards and goes back to sleep.*

*Fuu is surprised when Claire falls asleep again; apparently she was only half awake. He is about to walk away when Claire's tail wraps around him, leaving him unable to move.*

Claire: -_-...Zzzzzz

*Fuu's attempt was ineffective and Claire remains sleeping with her tail still wrapped around him. Before he can attempt anything else, Claire's tail brings him closer to her before releasing him. The sudden release causes Fuu to lose his balance and fall on top of Claire.*

Fuu: O//O; Oh my... This wasn't meant to happen...

*Fuu tries to get up, but stops suddenly upon noticing where his hand was, pressing gently against a rather soft part of Claire's upper body*
Claire: Kihihi...Ashuro...*purrs*

*Still asleep, Claire wraps her arms around Fuu and hugs him tightly.*

Fuu: HUMF! This is not my day... -.-;

*Fuu tries to squirm and slip out of her grip, but as he does, his hands ends up getting inside places and touch places they shouldn't be*

Claire: >w< KYAA! naughty boy...

*Claire delivers a playful slap to Fuu in her sleep; although she didn't put a lot of power into it, the strike was powerful enough to send him flying forward and bouncing off of the ground several times. Fuu has just learned something incredibly important about Aquiticans; they're unbelievably strong!*

Fuu: Ngh! Okay, enough! I don't care anymore, she's going DOWN!

*Fuu throws away his cape that he had been wearing and raises his hands. Storm clouds start to gather above him in the sky and three tornadoes start to circle around him. He takes aim and is about to strike...but so he stops his attack and the weather returns to normal. He couldn't do it after all.*

Fuu: .....

*He walks back to Claire and sits down, patting her on the head, deciding to sit there and look after her until she wakes up*

Claire: That was such a nice dream. Hmm? Hello, friend.

*Claire pulls Fuu towards her a gives him a big hug.*
Fuu: -_-; Please... your last hug was more than enough, thank you...

Claire: Last hug?...Oh... looks like I did it again, huh? I didn't hurt you too badly, did I?
Fuu: Not at all... I'm Sorry for...touching you in inappropriate places... -//-;

Claire: It's okay; considering the situation I had put you in, it was only natural that something like that would happen.

Fuu: ...right...

*Fuu blushes, then he turns to the face the open area of flowers, no trees or buildings could be seen in that direction. He closes his eyes and spreads his arms, sighing happily while smiling*

Fuu: This is perfect...

Claire: This place it really nice; I come up here to rest every now and then.

Fuu: Not that... I was talking about the wind...

Claire: That's also why I like it up here; the nice breeze of clean air is the best.

Fuu: ...It needs to be free... No buildings to stop it from blowing... That is how I- I mean...WE feel... *sits down*

Claire: Yeah. Ashuro also likes places like these; that's why he's searching for Aquitica.

Fuu: Aquitica? What's that; another Atlantis-like country?

Claire: Kinda-sort of; it wasn't underwater and it isn't known for advanced technology or anything like that if that's what you're asking.

Fuu: Okay then... Um, sorry, I never introduced myself. I'm Fuu Raien, user of the Kazejin abilities.

Claire: And I'm Claire Treasure; pleased to meet you.

*Fuu nods, then he leans back and lays down on the ground, looking up at the passing clouds in the sky*

Claire: I guess I should explain things better. You see, Aquitica is said to be the ancestral birthplace of all Aquiticans like Ashuro, Batou, myself and some of our other friends. Ashuro wants to find it and learn what really happened in the past that made us all become an endangered race. And if possible, revive the place for all those who just want to live peacefully.

Fuu: Hmm...Hope he finds what he's looking for, then.

Claire: He definitely will, and I'm gonna help him every step of the way.

Fuu: He's lucky, to have such a good friend and pretty girl helping him. ...wait, did I just say that out loud? -//-

Claire: Yes, but it's was nice to hear. And you're really cute as well. ^w^ *kisses Fuu on his forehead*

Fuu: That's the... 2nd time a girl has called me cute...

Claire: We wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. Wait, you said your name was Fuu Raien, right? I knew I heard your name before; I remember it from when Ashuro told me about the little encounter he had with you and...what was her name? It's on the tip of my tongue...Cici...? No...Titi...? No...what was it?...

Fuu: Claire, her name is Kiki. *chuckles* You almost got it right. ^^

Claire: Yes, that's the name! He told me about how he helped return the favor to Cazador and Noir for picking on her by giving you two control over their bodies. That must've been fun; wish I could've seen them both doing that ridiculous dance Ashuro does when he uses that technique.

Fuu: Heh, it was pretty funny, actually... *chuckles* But you know, Ashuro ain't the only one that knows how to dance. Funny or not, my legs can really carry me on the dance floor. Masquerade and Kiki are the only ones that know that I know how to dance, and now you, of course.

Claire: ^w^ I love to dance; especially when I'm listening to some great hip-shaking tunes.

Fuu: ...

*Fuu gets up on his feet and walks to Claire, gently taking hold of her hand*

Fuu: Club Candy is open... Do you want to come with me? We could dance all night long.

Claire: Yes, absolutely! *looks up into the sky*Wow, that sure is a huge bird up there; and it's carrying something just as big as it is... just what kind of bird is that? Wait, it's coming fast...

*As the 'bird' gets closer to the ground, faint screaming could be heard.*

Is that bird screaming? Hey...that's not a bird at's...

*Claire grabs a hold of Fuu with her tail and moves out of the way as the plummeting object crashes into the ground, creating a small crater. Inspecting the crater, both of them see that it was Cazador and Noir that had been flying in the sky. Noir had been carrying Cazador and got tired mid-flight, without any energy left to make a safe landing; it seems that Cazador was a lot heavier than she thought. Fuu and Claire couldn't help but snicker lightly upon seeing the pair laid out on the ground in a very comedic manner.*
Fuu: Hehehe...

Cazador: Ugh..... @_@;

Noir: Oww... >3<

Claire: So, um...*stifles laugh* are you two okay?

Cazador: I guess... ugh...

Noir: Note to self...never drink ANYTHING before flying…

*After a few moments, Cazador and Noir are back to their senses, but forget why they came out so far; the crash must've made them forget. When Claire announces that her and Fuu were about to go dancing, they remember; they had come to get back at Fuu for making a fool out of them in front of Rex back then. And since Ashuro was far too resilient to deal with, they decided that Claire would be suitable enough to replace him for the payback they had intended to give him.*

Aw, don't be sore heads; can't we all just get along and dance?

*When Claire said that, Cazador and Noir's irritation skyrocketed.*

Cazador: You can't be serious, can you?!

Noir: Fuu, you always walk off and speak to strangers! We're taking you back to Rex right-


*All of a sudden, the wind starts to blow violently around the group. Each time the wind blew, it felt like being pushed by a bulldozer. Fuu's usually calm self was nowhere to be seen in his eyes, only anger...*

Cazador: Woah! Fuu, calm down!

Noir: *keeping her skirt down* >//< Stop this! These winds are too much!

Claire: Fuu!

*Fuu is unable to hear Claire when she calls his name. With the force of the wind increasing, she gets down on all fours and uses the claws in her hands and feet to anchor her to the ground then uses her tail as a shield to keep the wind from blowing in her eyes. Claire fights against the strong wind and slowly makes her way closer to Fuu; once she's close enough, Claire wraps her arms around Fuu tightly to keep from being blown away and tries to get his attention once again.*

Claire: Fuu! Calm down, please!

Fuu: ?!

*Fuu looks to Claire, then understands that this is getting dangerous and makes the winds slowly calm down, holding a hand around Claire to keep her safe from the wind for now*

Cazador: ...Enough Fuu, you'll have to go... NOW.

*Claire steps in front of Fuu and spreads her arms out wide, acting like a shield.*

Claire: He said that he didn't want to go, so please go away and leave him alone.

Cazador: And what are you gonna do about it? Move aside...

Noir: Or else, we'll have to get violent with you.

Claire: Fine then *takes two maraca-shaped perfume bottles out of her pockets* let's dance!

*Claire begins doing a samba-like dance while shaking the perfume bottles like maracas in a stylish manner; a sweet scent surrounds all four of them. Cazador and Noir charge at Claire but are unable to hit her as she nimbly dances about, gracefully dodging all of their attacks.*

Cazador: Okay, this is getting annoying!

Noir: Let's show her!

*The two of them quickly positions themselves behind and in front of Claire, Cazador patting himself on the chest three times as something seems to be moving up his throat, while Noir's wings grow twice as big and start to glow crimson red as she folds her arms in a cross. Fu realizes the danger and jumps over to Claire, wrapping his arms around her and pins her to the ground as Cazador and Noir fires their attacks. She couldn't quite see what was happening, but she could hear Fuu groaning in pain. Spider web-like liquids hitting the ground and starts to dissolve it, while red bat-formed sonic booms slice up other pieces of the ground.*

Claire: Fuu!

*Claire expands and widens her tail and wraps it around both Fuu and herself, acting as a dome shield. Cazador and Noir keep up their relentless attacks, but are once again unable to reach Claire; her tail was a LOT tougher than they both imagined. After a few second, Claire drops the defense and is seen standing next to Fuu who has healed completely. Claire changes her dance to a more tap dance style as she begins shaking the perfume bottles again; this time, many bubbles come out of the bottle that fill the entire area. When the bubbles pop, they release the sweet scent of the perfume. If they weren't so focused on fighting, both Cazador and Noir would admit that the scent smelled really nice.*

Fuu: ...One problem with you Noir... With those wings, you're no match against me... HISSATSU!

*Fuu crosses his hand as he points them forward, slowly pointing them upwards, then the right hand to the right, and the left to the left, before thrusting them forward*

Fuu: Kazejin Gale!

*A giant tornado is shot down from the sky, surrounding Fuu before heading to Noir. Due to her big wings, they work as a sail and sends her flying far away*

Cazador: Wha-?! Shit!

*Seeing Cazador distracted, Claire curls the tip of her tail up to resemble a huge fist and hits him with a flying, stretching punch, sending him flying in the air and far away. After being blown away a great distance, Noir is able to stabilize herself to fly under control again, breathing a sigh of relief that she didn't crash again; the feeling doesn't last long as a plummeting Cazador collides into her, sending them both crashing into the ground, creating another crater upon impact.*

Fuu: They should be out cold for a while now... You...aren't hurt are you?

*A bit worried, Fuu starts to touch Claire on her face, her arms, and basically everywhere to check for wounds, even lifting her shirt a bit to check her belly as well. Apparently, he had no idea how weird this looked...*

Claire: KYAA! That tickles, Fuu. ^w^
Fuu: .....Oh good, you're okay...

*Fuu proceeds to hug Claire close, smiling, glad because she was okay*

Fuu: I'm glad you aren't hurt... *stroking her tail*

Claire: Aww *hugs him back* I'm glad that you're okay, too.

Fuu: Phew... So, what did we talk about earlier?

Claire: We were going to go dan...

*Claire sees a surprised look on Fuu's face; looking behind her, she sees that Cazador and Noir have somehow returned...really quickly...looking uber pissed off.*

Claire: OwO;; ...cing.

Cazador: Alright... I've had just about enough of you!

Noir: I wanted to get this done quickly, but you've always been such a stubborn guy!

Claire: *sighs and stands up* Talk about calling the kettle black, huh? *takes perfume bottles out again and resumes shaking them like maracas, letting the perfume's scent surround the area again* You two are lousy dancers...but I would mind giving you both some lessons.

*Beyond irritation, Cazador and Noir try to attack again...but are unable to budge a muscle; it was some-what of a familiar feeling...real familiar...too familiar. That's when they realized what had happened; they were caught by the same technique that Ashuro had used on them both last time!*

Cazador: Oh come on! I don't even like dancing! >_<

Fuu: Claire, please don't humiliate them so much... I'm gonna get in trouble, well, MORE trouble... -.-;

Claire: Hmmm...Don't worry, I promise that no trouble will come your way; by the time I'm done with them, they won't even try to think about trying to mess with you OR Kiki.
Fuu: Well, okay... just be careful not to anger them too much...

*Not even a second after he said that, Cazador spit a web at Claire, but this didn't seem to do just left a spider web pattern on her clothes. Once again, Fuu starts to inspect her body for wounds by touching mostly any of the places he could get to*

Claire: I'm okay, Fuu; but...

*Claire vanishes in a puff of smoke; it was a cell clone! That meant that whatever Cazador had planned was nothing more than a failed last-ditch attack. Claire then suddenly shows up behind both of them and stuffs a hardened ball of castor oil in Cazador's mouth then tying it with a special gag to keep him from spitting anymore webs.*

Claire: Pretty soon, you two won't be.

Noir: O_O;;

Fuu: O_O;; *backs away and hides behind a tree*
*The devilish look on Claire's face sends chills down Noir's spine while Cazador suffers from the agonizingly horrible taste of the castor oil ball in his mouth that couldn't be swallowed whole or chewed; he would have to wait until the entire thing dissolved in his mouth, tasting it every moment.*

Claire: But...I might be willing to let you both off with a warning if we can come to an agreement...

Noir: *groans* What is it?

Claire: Promise that you won't be mean, pick on or boss Fuu and Kiki around and treat them as your equals. Promise me that, and I'll let you both go with a warning; no questions asked.
Cazador: Alright, I promise... -_-;

Noir: Same with me.

Claire: ...Okay! Just remember, this is your first and only...WARNiNG!

*Claire shoves both Cazador and Noir in their chests with one arm each and they both fall to the ground. Seconds later they back on their feet and ready to fight...that is until they realize that Claire had actually just given them their mobility back.*

Claire: And one final thing you should know. While I'm pretty laid back and happy most of the time, I'm nowhere near as merciful as Ashuro is
; just think about that and you'll see what I mean. ^w^ *grabs Fuu with her tail* C'mon, Fuu, let's go dancing.

*Claire runs off with Fuu, leaving Cazador and Noir behind, unsure of what to do next.*

Noir: O.O; ...

Cazador: ..... O_o;

*Both of them come back to reality when they realize that they're no longer alone; Kiki had come to investigate the scene after noticing all of the commotion that was going on.*

Kiki: Wha- What has happened here? You two look tired...and angry...

Cazador: *groans* Nothing...

*Noir thought back to when Claire said that she was not as merciful as Ashuro; could she actually be stronger than him or was she just bluffing by making herself sound intimidating? Cazador was thinking the exact same thing; but the big question on both of their minds were whether or not they should actually see if Claire really was bluffing or not. Soon enough, they both turn their attention to Kiki.*

Kiki: ...W-why are you two looking at me like that? O_O;

Cazador: ...No matter, Rex's orders was to "bring Fuu back to the mansion"...

*With a lot of distance between them, Fuu and Claire arrive in town and make their way towards Club Candy.*

Claire: Oh-boy, this is gonna be so fun!
Having fun with a new friend is always the best!

Fuu: Hehe, yeah.

Claire: And to make it even better *embraces Fuu with a firm hug, lifting him up off of the ground* it's a new friend that's so kind and cute.

*Fuu finds himself once again trapped in one of Claire's hugs. Unlike earlier, it doesn't bug him at all; being sandwiched between her arms and soft, plush puffies plus the added feeling of her warm, soft tail and hearing her purr lightly made him feeling very relaxed...and happy.*

Fuu: Hey, you're really strong, you know that? And just to let you know, you're actually very cute yourself... and pretty...

Claire: ^w^ Thank you so much *kisses Fuu on the forehead* and you're very cute yourself.

Fuu: ...You've already said that...

Claire: I like saying it, because it's true. And I don't think I'm the only one that thinks so, either.

Fuu: ...Could you...put me down now? People are starting to stare...

Claire: Oh, sorry.

*Claire puts Fuu back down on his feet and they continue on their way to Club Candy. Upon reaching their destination, Fuu a familiar but unexpected person waiting for them, Rex; Cazador and Noir must've contacted him and told him where Fuu was headed.*

Hmm, a friend of yours?

Fuu: Uh-oh... Claire, if you know what is good for you, then I...I have to suggest that you leave now...

Claire: O-Okay I'll see you a little bit later then...

*Claire leaves the scene...but not completely; sensing the tense moment, she decided to keep hidden and watch what happens from afar.*

Rex: ...Fuu...

Fuu: Hi pal, are you okay?

Rex: Yeah... Now, listen to me...

*Rex and Fuu start to talk about various stuff, most of it were things Claire didn't understand anything of... Soon, their voices begin to get louder and people stops to see what was going on. Fuu is all up in Rex's face, or rather, Rex's is up in his. Then, without warning, Rex grabs Fuu by the neck and throws him against a wall, sending him right through it and onto a table that was on the other side.*

Rex: Fuu, I know you've been through a lot, but I warn you... If you ever go against me and my will one more time, I'll personally dig your grave and burry you alive! You got that?!

*Without saying anything else, Rex turns to leave, passing Claire on the way and gives her a glare that could kill in an instant, then continues to walk away...*

Claire: Grrr...HEY, YOU!!

*Claire calls out to Rex; he turns around and sees her glaring back at him with an equally intense glare that he had just given her, making him concerned enough to take up a battle stance.*

Rex: What do you want woman, I have no business with you...

Claire: Well tough, because I have business with you! I don't know what your relationship with Fuu is, but you didn't have to hurt him like that! No matter who you are, I won't forgive anybody who harms my friends!

Rex: ...Velo Form...

*Rex's appearance changes a bit, the red part of his hair turns light-blue, along with his clothes. His gloves also change in appearance and in an instant, he's right up Claire's face, with his hand around her neck*

Rex: Don't mess with me... You know Kevin, Trey and Zack? Those three TOGETHER can't beat me... So I suggest that you keep your little mouth shut, or else I'll make sure you never see daylight AGAIN...

Claire: Is that so? ...Solnar Split...

*Light and Dark elemental E-nergy circles around Claire until it's takes on the shape of a large, grey ball; it then splits into two separate balls, one black and one white. The E-nergy vanishes and in front of Rex stands two Claire(s); the skin and fur of one of them is completely black while the other one is completely white, both of them still wearing the exact same outfit that the original Claire was wearing.*

Both Claire(s): Black Sun - White Moon! *both take out their perfume bottles and shake the vigorously like maracas until a mist of sweet perfume surrounds the entire area.*

Rex: ...What game are you playing here girl? I'm afraid if this continues...I'll have to hurt you...

Claire (black): You can try...

Claire (white): But it won't do any good!

Both Claire(s): I will defeat-

*Both Claire(s) are cut off short when both of them are karate chopped HARD on the head from behind, sending them both to the ground with a 1-Hit KO. Ashuro had caught up just in time to keep a dangerous situation from becoming a deadly one.*

I swear, I just can't seem to be able to get one single day of relaxation without something like this happening...

Rex: Ashuro... Hmph... Base Form...

*Rex claps his hands together and his appearance goes back to normal*

Rex: ...That girl there...she's lucky to have you around...

Ashuro: Sorry for any trouble she might've caused; Claire usually isn't like this *both of Ashuro's arm-like ears appear and each one grabs one of the Claire(s) and lifts them up off of the ground.* See you around, Rex. leaves the area with both Claire(s)*

Rex: ...

*Rex quickly catches up to Ashuro by becoming Velo Form again, actually smiling kindly to him this time*

Rex: I believe that your friend had something planned with one of my friends. I suggest that we let them do as they wanted. Don't you agree?

Ashuro: Really; if that's the case, sure, why not?

Rex: Good.

*Rex takes Ashuro to where Fuu were lying, unconscious*

Rex: Um... don't ask...

*Ashuro lays the two Claire(s) next to Fuu, one on each side.*

Ashuro: There we go; when they wake up, everything should be fine and they can go about their business.

Rex: ...But...there is two of... Bah, forget it; I don't care... -_-;

Ashuro: Oh that? The effect will wear off in a little bit; when it does, the two of them will automatically merge back together, becoming one single Claire again.^^

Rex: Okay.

*Rex and Ashuro leaves just then. And after a while, Fuu regains consciousness and slowly opens his eyes*

Fuu: .....oww.....

*Fuu sees Claire, one single Claire, still fast asleep.*

Fuu: ...

*Fuu smiles a bit, slowly sitting up and lifts Claire gently up in his lap. He strokes her on the forehead, being careful as he didn't want to wake her, thinking she had just fallen asleep*

Claire: *stretches and yawns*'re okay...

Fuu: *nods* Yes, I'm okay... What about you?

Claire: My head hurts a little, but otherwise I'm okay, too.

Fuu: If you want, we can skip the dancing if you don't feel that well.

Claire: Oh no, I'll be fine; it's more of the kind of hurt you'd get if you accidentally bumped your head into something.

Fuu: Okay then, if you say so.

*Fuu stands up and helps Claire onto her feet as well, then stops to look into her eyes. He smiles and blushes a little, also letting out a little Naruto-like chuckle*

Claire: What? ^w^

Fuu: You got pretty eyes; that's what. *pokes her playfully on the nose*

Claire: Hahaha! Thank you, Fuu *grasps Fuu's right hand* Alrighty, let's go!

Fuu: As you wish! I'm ready to go!

*Claire and Fuu had a ton of fun that night. Meanwhile, Cazador and Noir could still smell Claire's perfume. They thought that a bath and a change of clothes would get rid of it, but they were wrong; the scent was still there and it hadn't weakened any. Right now, the two of them are still trying to figure out how to get rid of the scent.*

Cazador: Ugh... What's with this scent?! It won't come off even after a bath!

Noir: And I don't even use perfume... *groans*

*Both of them then thought about Claire and how she made them promise not to be mean to Fuu or Kiki anymore; they couldn't believe that she actually made them say those words.*

Noir: ...Why does she care anyway? It's not like she's involved in this or something...

*Unable to do anything further about the smell, the two of them decide to call it a night and get some sleep. Waking up the next morning, the first thing they realize is that they still smell of Claire's perfume; even after a second bathing session, the scent stubbornly remained on them. Although Cazador admitted that it would be nice to get a sample of that perfume for his research; from what he had experienced so far he thought it would make for an excellent way to track people down. But in order to do that, he needed Claire's perfume. And since he knew that she wouldn't give it to him willingly, he'd have to take it from her by force...and to teach her a lesson on why it’s never a good idea to make a fool out of him.*

Cazador: That damn girl…She's gonna pay!

Trigger: Don't get yourself into trouble now, boy…

Cazador: "Pfft", don't you worry, black glasses…I've got it covered…

*Before Cazador leaves, Noir announces that she's going with him; she wanted to give Claire a piece of her mind as well.*

Cazador: Really?

Noir: *nods* I've been itching to kick her pretty little face in, all night.

*With that said, the two of them head out to find Claire. Today, Fuu has just met up with Claire at a local park and has brought Kiki with him so he could introduce her to Claire; the initial greeting was okay,'ll take some time for Kiki to get used to Claire's hugging nature.*

Fuu: Well, Kiki, this is Claire. Claire, this is Kiki. Please be kind to one another. ^^

Kiki: Don't worry Fuu, if she's your friend, she can be my friend as well. ^^

Claire: Oh my goodness, you're just so cute!

*Kiki is embraced by another one of Claire's affectionate hugs.*

Claire: We'll be the best of friends, Fuu.

Kiki: Let...go...can't...breathe...

Claire: O.O Whoopsies *releases Kiki from her tight hug and puts her back on the ground* Sorry about that; I often forget just how strong I am. So, what should we do...? *sniffs the air* Mmm, something smells really nice. ^w^ It reminds me of...*sees Cazador and Noir behind Fuu and Kiki* Oh, hey you two; no flying today? *lightly chuckles*

Kiki: *lightly giggles, making sure that Cazador or Noir don’t hear or see her doing so.*

Fuu: I...don't think it's a good idea to laugh at them...

Cazador: Exactly... You girl, are going to pay, big time!

Claire: What did I do? Is this about yesterday or something like that?

Noir: Of course it is, b***h!

Fuu: Watch your language, Noir!

Claire: Wow, you two are still upset about all of that? I was just funnin' with you both a little.

Cazador: This smell won’t go away! What the heck is this?!

Claire: It's just regular perfume; you can get it at any store.

*Cazador and Noir find Claire's simple explanation a little hard to believe. Regular perfume would've washed off easily instead of remaining on the body; it felt like they had been sprayed by a skunk.*

Cazador: Then why won't the scent go away?!

Noir: We've showered, TWICE! I won't go away!

Claire: Beats me.

*That was the last straw. Cazador and Noir rush at Claire to attack her, only to fail as she nimbly avoids the assault. As they're about to attack again, Fuu and Kiki step in to intervene, only to get sharply poked by Cazador. His strike breaks their skin slightly and a few seconds later, both of them fall to the ground, unable to move a muscle. It was a spider venom designed to temporarily paralyze its target.*

Fuu: Ngh...I can't breathe...

Kiki: Nyyaaaa...

Cazador: That'll keep those away... Now miss, I've had it up my throat with you and your silly games! If I want, I'll kill you!

Claire: Why you...! I see that I wrong in thinking that you two would stay true to your promise about not hurting Fuu and Kiki; now I'm mad! *takes out perfume bottles and holds them like maracas* Yesterday, I wasn't able to fight both of you, and that other meanie that hurt Fuu, the way I wanted to; today, I'll go all out!

*Claire throws her perfume bottles at Cazador and Noir with a force so great that they break open upon hitting them both, drenching them with even more of the perfume; Claire then stands there glaring at them with great fury, her eye color changing from silver to gold.*

Cazador: We won't hold back against you either!

*Cazador puts his hand in his mouth, pushing it in and down his throat. He pulls it out and pukes up a lot of spider web that starts to take shape around the area. Noir steps back for now. Claire still stands there glaring at them; upon inspection, Noir notices something strange. The wind is blowing but all of the trees next to and behind her aren't moving at all.*

Noir: Something is wrong here...

Cazador: Huh, what is it now?!

*Claire starts to walk towards the two of them; as she moves forward, all of the webs dissolved completely by the time she reached them. Cazador shoots his webs straight at Claire this time only to see each of them dissolve before hitting her as she continues towards them with that murderous glare on her face. Nothing happens to Fuu and Kiki as she passes both of them, leaving Cazador to think that whatever Claire is using to dissolve the webs doesn't affect physical beings, concluding that physical attacks should hit with no problem. Noir, on the other hand, is still cautious as to what to do next. It was as if they were up against another Ashuro; she was just too unpredictable.*

Cazador: Alright, I've had it... Sorry Rex, but-

Noir: No! Don't do anything, you hear me!

Cazador: But...NGH! I really just want to beat up this b***h! Or at least, humiliate her as much I can!

*Claire stops walking and stands still.*

Claire: ...Solnar Split!

*Claire separates into two separate Claire(s), one completely black and the other completely white.*

Both Claire(s): Black Sun - White Moon!

*Noir's intuition was correct; they were fighting another Ashuro. Both Claire'(s) power levels was now equal to Ashuro's basic, non-powered up was going to be like fighting two Ashuro(s) at once.*

Cazador: Alright girl, if it's a fight you want, you'll get it!

Noir: *swallows* Oh god...

Claire (black): Get ready to eat those words! *takes a battle stance*

Claire (white): I'd rather not fight, but if it's to help my friends, be it! *takes a battle stance*

*The two Claire(s) hold their position, waiting to see who will strike first. Cazador is still ready to fight while Noir takes some time to analyze the situation. #1 It is unclear as to whether the perfume Claire uses has an additional purpose. #2 She seems to have the ability to create a barrier that can choose what it wants to repel. #3 Claire's power level is the same as Ashuro's. #4 She displays the exact same unpredictable nature as Ashuro, and #5 There are now TWO Claire(s) that have the exact same power level from when there was just one. Realizing this, Noir knew that it would be dangerous to approach Claire without some sort of plan. Before she could share her observation with Cazador, she sees that he has already charged at both of the Claire(s) ready to release on of his attacks. Noir yells at him to stop.*

Noir: Stop! Cazador it's too dangerous!

Cazador: Nonsense! Spider Fang Venom!

*His hands changes shape into that of a spider's fang, dripping with poison. He gets ready to slash at the two Claire(s). The two Claire(s) don't budge; thinking that their cockiness would do them in, Cazador slashes at them...but comes up short. He had forgotten one really obvious fact about the Nekofi race; they have the natural ability to stretch their bodies, something he remembers right as he receives a powerful, synchronized, stretching dual kick to the face, sending him flying backwards and bouncing off of the ground a few times until he crashes into one of the park's jungle gyms. His attack had been stopped completely before he even was within one yard of striking distance. Seeing this, Noir was glad that she hesitated like she did. The two Claire(s) remain in their spot, looking to see what their opponents would do next.*

Noir: Okay... Um, I need more help...

*Noir picks up her phone and dials someone, demanding that person to come over as fast he/she could. And just then, in a flash of black light, Masquerade shows up*

Masquerade: You called?

Noir: We need your reality-bending trap-magic, right now.

Cazador: Yes please...oww...

Masquerade: Hmm... as you wish...

*Masquerade summons a piece of paper and starts to write on it, beginning to create one of his famous trap seals to attack with. Claire however, doesn't have any idea what his powers are...*

Claire (white): They called another ally.

Claire (black): He's doing something; I don't know what it is, but it can't be good for us.

Claire (white): Suggestions?

Claire (black): Let's do 'THAT.'

Claire (white): Got it.

*Before Masquerade can finish writing on the paper, he is suddenly Noir, sending him to the ground; afterwards, she take the paper he was writing on and tears it to pieces. Before he could ask why he was sucker punched, he finds himself on the defensive, trying his best to avoid being hit by Noir's continuous barrage of attacks, starting to wonder if she called him over just to get payback for a prank he did to her a while back. Noir has no idea what's going on as she notices that she doesn't have control over her body. In the chaos, the three of them don't even notice that both of the Claire(s), Fuu and Kiki are no longer in the area.*

Noir: What the hell am I doing?!

Masquerade: NGH! Trap Magic: "Noir will stop attacking and sit down"!

*As Masquerade said, Noir stops and does sit down, his magic having taken effect*

Masquerade: Darn it! They tricked me. Me!

*Just as Masquerade is about to leave, he is attacked again; this time by Cazador, who also doesn't seem to have any control over his body. Once again, Masquerade is on the defensive as he tries his hardest not to be hit by any of Cazador's powerful attacks. Masquerade had been sucker punched twice in less than a minute; he is now completely convinced that he walked into a trap that Cazador and Noir had set up. After getting hit by one of Cazador's last heavy attacks, Masquerade had had enough; he was absolutely furious and was determined to teach the two of them a lesson they'd never forget.*

Masquerade: Alright, I've had it with you two!!!

Cazador: Wait, Masquerade, you don't-

Masquerade: Shut the f***ing hell up!

*Masquerade takes out a scroll and rolls it out, activating the seal inside. Cazador and Noir gets sealed off inside two black coffins with 4 swords hovering around them. Masquerade motions with his hands and stabs the swords into the coffins, piercing both of Cazador and Noir's shoulders and knees. When he set them free, they would recover, but right now, torturing them was what he wanted to do. Meanwhile, further away, both Claire(s) have just finished giving Fuu and Kiki some special antidote to deal with the paralysis poison. The two are now resting peacefully, fast asleep.*

Claire (black): That oughta take care of things for now.

Claire (white): Do you think that guy will be alright back there?

Claire (black): Him; did you see how angry he was? If there's anybody you need to worry about, it would be the other two.

Claire (white):
Yeah, I see what you mean...

*Both Claire(s) fuse back together into the regular Claire. A few seconds later, Victora and Megumi rush past the three of them in the direction of the park where Masquerade was*

Victora: THOSE JERKS! Picking on our pal, Masquerade, like that!

Megumi: I know, right? So he likes to play pranks; that's no reason to attack him like that!

*The two of them arrive at Masquerade's location; upon seeing him hurt, both of them run up to him and embrace him with loving hugs.*

Victora: Masquerade!

Megumi: We came as soon as we got your call; they didn't hurt you to badly, did they?

Masquerade: No... I don't- NGH!!!

*Masquerade takes hold of the left side of his face, blood running down from his eye*

Masquerade: Shit... The spider venom... I'm losing sight in my good eye... S-stand b...b... *HURL!*

*Masquerade threw up a lot of blood; this was the effect of Cazador's venom, no doubt. He struggles to keep himself on his feet, but falls over and hits his face against a rock, his mask shattering in the process*

Masquerade: Ugh...I guess...this is as I go... Reality magic like yours and mine have no effect...on me Victora...... *panting, the colors his eyes starting to fade*

Victora: Please, hold on! I-I got one of these from Ashuro before we left; it's like a Senzu bean with extra healing properties.

*Taking out a pocket-sized sack, Victora opens it and removes a bun-shaped object. Popping it in his mouth, Masquerade eats it, enjoying the flavor greatly as the venom is forced out of his body through one of his open wounds; once it's all out, his body heals up completely and his energy returns 10x stronger, almost instantly. After getting to his feet and stretching his body for a little bit; he makes a mental note to personally thank Ashuro later.*

Victora and Megumi:

Masquerade: *panting a bit still* Man, do I ever get a break? ..... *covers the right side of his face* Please, don't look at my face...

*Victora and Megumi embrace him again.*

Megumi: Okay, we won't look if you don't want to...

Victora: Do you remember the promise we made to you? We'll always be your friends, no matter what you look like.

*Masquerade thinks back to that night when the two girls next to him promised to always be his best friends and smiles happily.*

Masquerade: *smiles* You two... Mask: Regenerate.

*As he says that, his mask's pieces join together again and he puts it back on. He then embraces both of the girls, hugging them tight*

Masquerade: Thanks... Now, excuse me for a sec...

*Masquerade steps over to the two coffins, placing his hands on them and makes them break open, Cazador and Noir falling out, gasping after air*

Victora: So these are the two who attacked you.

Need any support, friend?

Masquerade: Nope~

*Masquerade snaps with his fingers and the two of them disappear instantly. He smirks and chuckles, looking back at Victora and Megumi*

Masquerade: Being pinched by a couple of lobsters and stung by a couple of bees should teach them a lesson. And to add to the pain...

*He snaps again, now holding both Cazador and Noir's clothes in his hand*

Masquerade: Revenge is best served steaming...

Victora: *whispers into Masquerade’s ears*

*Masquerade's interest is piqued when Victora mentions adding a video camera to catch all of the action to watch later.*

Masquerade: Good idea... *snaps* that should do it *rubs Victoria on top of her head while holding around Megumi still*

Victora: Hehehehe!

Megumi: Well, let’s hope that teaches them both a lesson; perhaps now they'll think twice about getting revenge on somebody.

Victora: Yeah; let's go get some ice cream.

*The day progresses without any more trouble happening; Masquerade, Victora and Megumi, as well as Claire, Fuu and Kiki, all had a lot of fun together that day. As night came, everybody retired to their homes. When Fuu and Kiki return, they both see Cazador and Noir sitting down, looking pink and puffy from the punishment session that Masquerade had gave them, looking really sad. Although Fuu and Kiki inquire about their current state, Cazador and Noir are too depressed and in too much pain to make any mean comments or do anything to them. Seeing that they were in no mood to talk, Fuu and Kiki decide to leave them alone and get some sleep. Cazador and Noir review the events that had led up to their current condition.*

Noir: ...The of now...

Cazador: Claire is gonna pay...

*Meanwhile, Masquerade is busy getting his newest magic ready. When he's done, he activates it, summoning a chibi doll version of himself in Victora and Megumi's rooms, along with a basket filled with chocolate and lemonade each, and a letter that says "Thanks for everything, I can't wish to have better friends than you"*

Megumi: He truly is the best. ^///^

*Megumi picks up the chibi doll and hugs it lovingly.*

If I didn't know better, I'd say that you have some "more than just friends" feelings for our pal, Masquerade.

Megumi: I'd be lying if I said that it isn't true. ^w^

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