Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bonus Points

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 6.5
"Bonus Points"
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

The following starts off as basic comments about episode 3 and seamlessly and un-expectantly turns into another RP. Enjoy! This takes place between Episodes 6 and 7.

Skylar's naughty side really shows here.

Yup! Nikki only reacts this way when she believes that the romantic mood has been ruined; usually due to unexpected visitors or events.

So…If Skylar and Nikki were alone, then this could've turned out WAY differently?

Possibly; she still wouldn't have let him make a complete home-run though (not before he reaches Lv. 100, the maximum level) Sorry, Skylar, but you're REALLY gonna have to work for THAT reward.


Skylar: Dang it! I've done all these "mini-missions" that I call em... I'm just LV. 27, if I counted correctly...

e-chan: ...first of all, it's only been 2 "mini-missions." And second, you're at Lv. 13; but try to understand, she has her reasons for doing this...

Skylar: .....Yeah..... I never went to school and suck at math... -_-; It'll take forever to get that many levels...

Rocko: I can help with that!

e-chan: No, Rocko...

Rocko: Don't worry, I've been testing this one continuously for the past year on four different subjects; it works perfectly!

e-chan: Who willingly tested something for you?

Rocko: Zero, Yani and Ring; have you noticed how smart they have gotten since last year?

e-chan: Yeah...and?

Rocko: Thanks to my invention along with some academic tutoring, they're IQ level are almost the same as Ashuro's.

e-chan: They're Aquitican, Rocko; they learn things 10x faster than other people naturally. Had you remembered that, you would've gotten Snoopy, Ookahara or somebody that doesn't have Aquitican blood.


Skylar: *sighs* …Well, I'll keep on dreaming of the moment she gives me a Lv. 50 mission… Hey, she seems to hate you… *looks at Rocko* Maybe I'll get some extra levels if I beat you up?

Rocko: A lot of girls hate me and beat me up; I highly doubt that she'll level you up for something that her and other do so often.

e-chan: …is that something to really be pleased about?

Skylar: Oh, well… I'll do it anyway.

*Skylar kicks Rocko away like a football*

e-chan:…wow, he went pretty far this time. The only person possible that was able to send me flying like that was Roxie; don't let that cute face fool you, she's quite powerful.

*e-chan gets lost in thought when he starts thinking about Roxie.*

Skylar: Ah, you like that little honey bee? Hehe, she's cute... You know, I heard Kevin has had a very good relationship with Roxie before. You can ask him for help on how to get Roxie to like you, or something.

*Skylar takes his eyes off of e-chan for about 6 seconds when a colorful butterfly catches his eye; when he turns around to face him again, e-chan is gone, and in his place there is only a dust-cloud. Skylar confusion about e-chan's sudden disappearance is broken when he feels something land on his head; it's Zero.*

Zero: Pa-chipa-chipa?

Skylar: Huh?

Zero: Chipa pachi chi?

Skylar: *lifts Zero down* I have no idea what you're saying…

Zero: O_O…Pachi… …Chi-chi pachi chipa!

*Zero takes out an envelope that was tucked into his shirt and hands it to Skylar; once it's in his hands, Zero yawns and promptly goes to sleep, exhausted from flying farther than what he is used to. Looking at the envelope, Skylar sees that it's from Nikki.*

Skylar: Ah, from Nikki... Thanks. *pats Zero lightly on the head*

*The letter reads...*

Dear Skylar

A funny thing happened when I was on my way to meet up with Claire and Sashi; I saw a comet hurdling through the sky in broad daylight! It was one of the cool unbelievable "Wow" moments…that was until I realized that it was getting closer and closer and headed straight for me. I safely got out of the way as the meteor crashed into the street, creating a huge crater; that reminds me, if any of your friends drive, tell them to avoid going down Main Street unless they like falling in a giant hole. Me and several other people approached the crater to inspect what we all thought was a meteor...only to find out that it was just Rocko. He was all burnt-up looking; I guess he must've just been re-entering the planet's atmosphere or something. He's okay, by the way, although… …it'll take sometime for his fur to grow back I took a bunch of pictures on my phone and sent them to all of the girls that knew him! As he was being loaded into the ambulance, he started mumbling incoherently; the only word that made any sense was when he said your name. I put 2 and 2 together and pretty much figured out what must've happened. Knowing Rocko, I won't even bother asking why you did what you did because whenever he's involved, it's always justified. Even though he's quite light, I'm amazed that you sent him into orbit like that; you must've been training yourself quite hard to get that much power into one kick. So, for all your hard work AND providing me some afternoon entertainment, I'm giving you 17 more levels! Welcome to Lv. 30, my darling.

Yours always

Skylar: … … …YEEEEES!!! Haha! *Skylar pumps his fists into the air in victory of gaining so much levels just for kicking Rocko that hard* Oh yeah, that feels good… that people like what I do.

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