Sunday, April 10, 2011

Inescapable Nightmare - Goodbye to His World

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 5
”Inescapable Nightmare - Goodbye to His World”
By kamehamehadude

Arashi: Skylar used to live a very peaceful life back at his home planet, Ookami...

Sora: He was just 7 years old when he had to leave the planet... In a very violent way...

Nikki: What happened? *sad face*

Arashi: Okay, I'll tell......

<Scene change - 11 years ago, Planet Ookami>

*In a park, under a large tree covered in pink blossoms, sat two young boys and a girl. One of these kids was Skylar... He was smilling along with the two other kids. The boy had black fur and the girl had blue fur.*

Skylar: It's very peaceful today... Right, Cherry?

Cherry: Oh yes, it really is.

Skylar: Fang, what about you?

Fang: It's very peaceful... But I want to fight!

Cherry: Again... You always fight...

*Skylar, Fang and Cherry was very good friends, they spent almost all their time together. Besides these two, there was two persons that Skylar loved to be with.*

<Scene change - present>

Rocko: ...Who was it that he used to be with?

Arashi: His big brother, and his big sister.

Nikki: He has a brother and a sister?! Why hasn't he told me about them yet?

Sora: .....

Nikki: Huh?

Sora: You'll see.....

Arashi: I'll just skip right to the point...

<Scene change - The day of change, planet Ookami>

*Skylar was running, crying, scared of what would happen to him. His town had been attacked and everything was set ablaze. If it was something he couldn't stand, it was heat and flames. But even so, his mind was just focused on one thing...*

Skylar: Cherry, Fang, big bro, big sis, mom, dad, where are you?!

*He looked everywhere, but didn't find anyone... No one was in town... Why? He had seen many people earlier that day... Then he found the answer why he didn't meet anyone as he ran away...*

<Scene change - present>

Sora: Fear the worst...

Nikki: What?

Rocko: Yeah, what?

<Scene change - Planet Ookami>

*Right there, infront of his very own eyes... Almost everyone he knew... Cherry, Fang, his parents, teachers, neighbors... Dead... Spread across the ground, bloody bodies and torn off arms and legs... Skylar would've runned away, but his head and heart felt only two things: Sorrow and fear.*

Skylar: AAAAAAH!!! AAAAAH!!! No, this can't be! I-it's just a nightmare... Yes, I'll wake up very so- *before he could do anything else, his chest was slashed up, leaving a big cut and making his blood splash out infront of his feet*

<Scene change - present>


Nikki: *forcing herself not to cry* A-all of them... dead..?

Arashi: *nods* He saw the result of masacration of his own kind... Not something you'd like to experience as a child...

Sora: *wipes away a tear* It's sad to think about...

Nikki: ...Then...h-how did he end up here?

Arashi: I'm getting there.

<Scene change - Planet Ookami>

Skylar: *with the last bit of strength he had left, he pushes himself onto his feet, holding onto his bleeding chest* Oww... It hurts... *sniffle* I want my mommy...

*Suddenly, there is a stranger standing behind Skylar, his shadow towering over him*

?: Want to join her, little wolfboy?

*Skylar, almost frozen by fear, turns around slowly. The stranger's fists was covered in blood, his hair was black and a bit spiky, he also had a monkey-like tail and wore a special kind of armor that Skylar remembered at once*

Skylar: S-s-s-saiyan?! B-but... That's impossible...

?: Well, it's not.

*the stranger takes hold around Skylar's neck, squeezing him harder bit by bit. Everything around Skylar starts turning dark. He soon stops moving and-*

<Scene change - present>

*Right now, Nikki was crying buckets of tears, shaking Arashi violently, yelling at him with a very sad and scared voice*

Nikki: What hapened?! Tell me what happened to my poor Skylar!

Arashi: As soon as you stop shaking me! O_O;

Sora: Excuse me, did you say "my" Skylar? *looks at Nikki*

Nikki: *blushes* S-sorry, Arashi... Please continue...

<Scene change - Planet Ookami>

*Just as Skylar was about to die by strangling, the Saiyan is tackled to the ground, losing the grip on Skylar, who stumbles back to his feet, then smiles and cries happily as he sees who his savior is...*

Skylar: Alice! Big sister! You're alive! *Skylar jumps into the hands of his sister, glad to see her alive*

Alice: Skylar... Oh I'm so glad you're okay... But we don't have time, come on! *after lifting Skylar onto her back, she starts to run away with him until they reach an area Skylar never had been in before...*

Skylar: Huh? ..... *looks around, staring an awe at the big transport vechicles there*

Alice: These are spaceships and escape capsules... To escape to other planets... *Alice puts Skylar in an escape capsule, then starts to press some buttons on a control panel*

Skylar: Oh! So we're running away? *he smiles, but is answered by a sad look*

Alice: No... You're running away...

*Just then, the capsules shuts itself. Skylar starts hammering at the window in the capsule, yelling as loud as he can that he didn't want to go without her. Alice looks at him through the window, Skylar crying out of sadness, Alice crying because she had to leave her little brother...*

Alice: Don't worry... You'll be fine... We'll meet again, I promise...

*At that moment, the Saiyan intruder bursts into the room along with another and much larger person, Skylar hears one thing being screamed on the outside of the capsule, "Kakarot!" And then, his capsule gets launched out into space, where he soon sees his own planet burst into flames in a big explosion. The shockwave sends him flying further away. He also hits his head and is then knocked unconsious...*

<Scene change - present>

Arashi: *sighs* Then he landed on earth... He learned about the Saiyan, Son Goku, also known as Kakarot... and his body perfectly matches the one of the stranger that was on planet Ookami and attacked him...

Nikki: *cries much more than she did earlier* H-he really experienced all that? *sobs* Oh, Skylar...

Rocko: *wips away a tear* Just thinking about it makes me sad as well...

Sora: ...That is why we have to help him the best we can... He's the one of us that has experienced the most pain of us all...

Nikki: Yes, I fully understand... From now on, I'll show Skylar just how much I care about him.

Rocko: Speaking of which... Shouldn't he be here soon?

*at that moment, a loud roar fills the air, moving towards the gang*

Arashi: Here he comes...

Sora: *draws her sword* ...Sorry pal, we don't want to do this...

*Everything goes silent for a while... The 4 of them standing there, waiting...*

Nikki: Arashi, please, I want him back... So I can show him that I care.

Arashi: Don't worry, I'll get him back for you...

*After Arashi said that, the 4 of them spots something moving at full speed... It was Skylar, he looked a bit beat up after the fight with Ashuro, but also more aggresive*

Arashi: .....Let's do this.

To be continued...

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