Saturday, April 9, 2011

Awakening the Nightmare! The Wrath of Nikki!!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 2
“Awakening the Nightmare! The Wrath of Nikki!!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Seeing his prey, the hunter stealthily stalks his prey, waiting for the perfect opportune time. Once away from all that may interfere and cause a scene he strikes! His prey doesn't realize what's happened until she feels her skirt lifted and her pants and panties pulled down, followed by a cool, windy breeze.

Nikki: KYAA! Skylar, no fair…!

Skylar: Hehe, such a nice ass…

*Nikki makes a cute pouty face.*

Nikki: Hmph! …usually anybody who did this would've already met the business end of my foot… …but since it's you…I…actually don't mind at all.

Skylar: So... You're saying that I'm special? *licks up her leg, his tail wagging*

*With a smile on her face...Nikki delivers a karate-chop on Skylar's head, sending him to the ground.*

Nikki: Yes, you are special…how-ev-ver, there are still some basic ground rules I expect you to follow, like "not without my permission," OKAY?

*Nikki looks at Skylar with a creepy Yandere expression. Skylar burns this image into his mind as Nikki's "You've gone too far" face.*

Skylar: Oww… Hehe, got it…

*Skylar sits up, smiling to Nikki*

Skylar: Just a warning… My race does have a mating season, just like animals have. When that time comes, it's very likely that you'll end up on the ground, stripped down, with me licking your body…

Nikki: He-he, thanks for the warning And a warning for you; when that time does come, I…er…will…I'll…um…huh… Sorry, my memory of that day is so blurry that I can't remember a thing that happened… Snoopy was there the last time something like this happened; you could go and ask him what happened that day.

Skylar: As long as I get to level up. ^^ *pats her butt* See ya in a while.

*At the park, on top of a hill, Megumi is force-feeding Snoopy one of her home-made lunches (they're horrible; REALLY horrible; the girl can't cook to save her life.)

Megumi: Here comes another one, Snoopy; say 'ah'…

Snoopy: Really, Megumi, I'm full; I'm so full…that I'm about to burst! *stomach growls*

Megumi: I think your belly says otherwise Now open wide…

*Out of the corner of his eye, Snoopy sees Skylar approaching.*

Snoopy: Uh, sorry Megumi! I forgot that I have something VERY important to do with Skylar that I promised I'd do with him some time ago; and you know how I am about honoring promises, right?

Megumi: Really? Oh poo…well, that's okay; I've got to go get stuff for dinner tonight! See ya at 6 PM, okay?

Snoopy: Okay! (CRAP!! SHE'S MAKiNG DiNNER, TOO?! )

*Snoopy dashes off towards Skylar, grabs his arm, and continues to run, dragging Skylar with him. When he's a safe distance away from Megumi, he stops running and let's go of Skylar's arm.*

Snoopy: *panting* That was…a close one. I…owe you one, buddy.

Skylar: *blinks* You're a strong little guy… What was that anyway?

Snoopy: Megumi made me another one of her home-made lunches…*shiver* I admire her ability to come up with new creative recipes, but…

*Snoopy successfully stops his urge to vomit when he starts to remember some of Megumi's past 'creations'*

Snoopy: …but there are certain things that should never be combined together. Just because things like:
Chocolate squid dumplings
Ramen with caramel-coated brussel sprouts
Wasabi ice cream
Pickled peaches and bananas
BLT juice cocktail
...and cream of wheat with pig's feet chunks sound interesting, that doesn't mean that they should actually be made…let alone ingest…*shiver*

Skylar: Ugh… I suddenly lost my appetite… But Snoopy, Nikki told me you might know something about her and… um… mating season… Can you tell me what you know? Then, I'll get you some food which IS eatable…

Snoopy: Eh? I wouldn't know anything about that as far as Nikki is related. I have heard about it, but those of the Lobinu race, like Nikki, Pepper and myself, don't have a mating season; something in our DNA sort of cancels out certain primal instincts… …are you okay? You look like you took a serious blow to the head recently.

Skylar: Oh. Hehe… I managed to get a view of her butt. Then she hit me a bit later…

Snoopy: Ouch, you got off easy; any other guy would've gotten kicked in the face…and had their lower halves stomped and heel-grinded repeatedly

Skylar: Too bad I didn't really get to touch anything… I was SOOOO close too… TwT

Snoopy: Yeah… …y'know, now that we're on this topic, I do remember an incident that happened between Nikki and some random jerk 10 years ago; would you like to hear it?

Skylar: Yes, do tell me, please.

Snoopy: About 10 years ago, both of us were playing at a park when some punk teenagers decided to have a game of 'Keep-Away' using Nikki's doll. She was unable to get it back and started crying and later came to me pleading for help. Normally, I would've run away or refused to even go anywhere near guys like those; but that was the first time Nikki actually ASKED me to do something for her as opposed to ordering to do something instead. I was able to get her doll back, but…

Skylar: …But what?

Snoopy: They started tossing ME around as the doll's replacement; talk about humiliating. Nikki got uber angry, ran up to the bully that had me, and delivered a severe uppercut…right to the dude's lower half, sending both him AND me tumbling to the ground like a ton of bricks! It was a 1-hit KO!

Skylar: AHAHAHAHA!!! Oh god… Seems like I picked me a very cute and tomboyish girl… ^^

Snoopy: Hehehe! You got that right! With their boss, the one twitching and writhing in agony on the ground, the remaining two guys decided that they would "avenge" him by… …hoo-boy…

*Snoopy's face starts to turn pale as he rubs the temples of his head, scanning his surrounding to make sure that there's nobody else around before he resumed telling his story.*

Snoopy: Okay, before I tell you the last part of this, please…promise me that this knowledge will remain between the two of us…and Nikki if she asks about it since it was her it happened to, all right?

Skylar: I promise. I'm a wolf that knows to keep his mouth shut...

Snoopy: of the two bullies grabbed and restrained both Nikki and I, while the other did his best to revive their idiot leader. When he came to, he was told the plan and started grinning like the idiot he was. Both of us were stuffed into a tire swing side-by-side and had our hands tied up. We didn't know what was about to happen to least not until we saw the head idiot break a long, thin and thick branch off of the tree and started smoothing it out that is; THAT's when we knew what was about to happen and struggled like mad to escape. Unfortunately, because we were shoved through the tire swing side by side and our arms and legs were too short to reach the ground, we were trapped.

Skylar: … *nods slowly, looking a bit angry*

Snoopy: The bad thing was that it hurt twice as much because we were both still recovering from the spanking we got from our parents the day before… but it was SO totally worth it; ask Nikki about it later. Anyway, we later felt a cool, refreshing breeze blow by; it was so soothing that we forgot why we were so scared...that was until two of those jerks each through a small bundle in front of us. When we identified the two objects… …we started panicking all over again. Those were our shorts and underwear in front of us; which meant we were both naked from the waist down! Then the swats started raining down like crazy; we didn't know that the other two had switches too! We grabbed each other's hands and cried through the entire painful and embarrassing ordeal. After about a minute, it was all over…at least for me.

*As Snoopy remembers the events, tears start flowing down his eye. He wipes them away and continues telling the story.*

Snoopy: We were both taken out of the tire swing. I was thrown to the ground and restrained by the two flunkies; the lead jerk took Nikki, who had no energy left, over his lap and continued spanking her. The two that had me forced me to watch the entire thing! I was so mad! I wanted to beat them all down…but I just wasn't strong enough I couldn't break free, I couldn't help her; all I could do was watch and listen as she cried out in agony. I felt like such a horrible friend…I-I failed her… …she was in pain and I couldn't do a thing…then, it happened…

Skylar: *by now, he was sitting right next to Snoopy, stroking his shoulder to comfort him* …It's okay… take a break if you need to… then continue when you feel like it…

Snoopy: T-thanks I'll be okay...besides we're getting to the good part. Now, a few weeks previous to that day, Nikki and I explored a cave full of special gems that Penswords are born from. After a few hours of searching and enduring, we each found a gem that accepted us and we obtained our very own Pensword. However, we couldn't figure out how to call them out on command, so both of us just thought we didn't do something right when obtaining them and we gave on trying. It was at that moment, when I just couldn't bear seeing Nikki in so much pain anymore, that I realized just why we were unable to call out our Penswords on command. We forgot about the most crucial detail.

Skylar: The most... crucial detail...???

Snoopy: Your purpose! The very reason you even want to weild a Pensword. Because I was always so weak and cowardly, I wanted one was so that I could have the strength protect my friends; to become...their shield!

*Snoopy stretches his arm out and a Pencil-like blade appears in it, his Pensword. Snoopy then shifts it into it's Lv.2 form; 2 thin spinning E-nergy discs hover in place next to both of Snoopy's arms.*

Snoopy: This is my Pensword; I call it the "Will Guard Eternal." With this, I can place a wall of protection anywhere I want. As long as I stay determined and refuse to give up, my shields will never break. Also, since I'm aspiring to become a dependable medical Doctor, I can use Will Guard Eternal to mend wounds and restore energy to others. The moment I activated it, a shield was created to protect Nikki's bum from further punishment.

Skylar: Hmm…this sword reminds me of Sora's weapon… Just that it's a bit more complicated than this… Anyway, please continue.

*Snoopy puts his Pensword away*

Snoopy: When Nikki realized that she was no longer feeling pain, she looked in my direction. I don't know what she saw, but she had that "Ah, I get it now" kind of look on her face. While that idiot was still repeatedly banging away on my barrier, wondering why he couldn't make contact with bare flesh anymore, the skies started to get dark and the wind began blowing. The two idiots that were hold me down FiNALLY experienced a moment of brain activity when they saw what was going on; they got up off of me and looked around them with a look of fear on their faces. Even though I was free, I couldn't bring myself to move. There was this creepy and fearful aura was encompassing everything I had no idea what was going on, I just wanted it to stop.

Skylar: *nods slowly, understanding every word and still being able to follow his story*

Snoopy: A sound of impact from behind me broke me out of my fear-induced trance. Apparently, Nikki had thrown the lead bully straight into the tire swing tree. Getting to our feet, the two of us put our shorts and underwear back on. Nikki gives me a hug a thanks me for my assistance and then focuses in on those three jerks. Still not grasping the situation at hand, the three of them rushed towards Nikki... ...that's when things got TRULY scary…*shudder*

Skylar: When is this treehouse of terror episode going to end…? Yes, I make a reference to The Simpsons right now…

Snoopy: Hehe, good one! It's almost over, now. First of all, Nikki's hair was a lot shorter back then, meaning you could see her eyes perfectly. She shot such an unbelievably intense glare at the three of them that they stopped dead in their tracks, looking truly horrified. Then Nikki looked them all straight in the eyes and made this face… …this uber scary smiling face; she looked like a Yandere-type girl about to go postal on somebody who had just rejected them with an axe or something! That was an image I'll NEVER get out of my head for as long as I live; could you imagine seeing such a sight like that?

*Skylar immediately remembers the face Nikki made just a few minutes ago.*

Skylar: …I can imagine that…Because I've seen the face… >.<;

Snoopy: Really?...I take back what I said earlier. You're not lucky; you're absolutely blessed! Anyway, it kept getting darker and darker; it felt as if we were in a completely different world all together...because we were! We were all in the Nightmare Realm; the exact same place where Evelyn and Morcubus got trapped in a few years later! I looked towards Nikki again and saw her Pensword; it was quite tall, long and broad, wrapped up in multiple raggedy cloths. The last thing that I actually remember was seeing Nikki rip the cloth off of her Pensword. After that, I sort of passed out and had a dream about Yandere girls who were laughing maniacally while chasing me with axes… …later, Nikki woke me up and I saw that we were back in the real world. I was beginning to think that the whole thing was just one big nightmare; I was reminded otherwise when I felt the stinging pain in my bum from the spanking those three jerks gave us earlier. And…um…as far as those three are concerned… …well…

Skylar: That was an interesting story… And you know, I got one as well…

Snoopy: Really? What is it? …wait…

*Snoopy jumps to his feet, activates his Pensword and faces Skylar after jumping to possibly the wrong conclusion*

Snoopy: Y-you're not thinking of leaving Nikki just because she lost cool on three jerks who had it coming, are you?! I mean, sure the experience left them insane...and they're still getting therapy at the insane asylum...but that's no reason to want to ditch her! If that's what you plan to do, I'll fight you right here and now in name of her honor!

Skylar: …The story about what happened to my family, friends AND home planet…

*Skylar stands up and snaps Snoopy at his forehead, looking a bit angry*

Skylar: You really need to chill out some more…

Snoopy: Oops…yeah, I deserved that…and much-much more.

*Snoopy gets on his hands and knees and bows down before Skylar to show just how sorry he was for his behavior*

Snoopy: I'm sorry, Skylar; so-so-SO sorry.

Skylar: It's cool… If you don't mind, I'll just lie down and relax… *stretches out and lays down in the shade of a tree*

Snoopy: I don't mind at all; in fact that sounds like a good idea.

*Snoopy stretches a little and is about to lay down…until he heard a certain voice*

Megumi: Snoopy! I finally found you! I know you had something that you needed to do, but I just came up with a dessert. Look, its 'strawberry sardine shortcake!

*Snoopy and Skylar both look at the… …interesting cake while the odd aroma of strawberries and sardines floods and overwhelms their senses*

Megumi: It's fresh out of the oven; I brought here as fast as I could so you could sample it.

Snoopy: (No…friggin'…way!)

*Snoopy beats a rapid, hasty retreat*

Megumi: Snoopy? Where ya going? I guess he doesn't want to spoil his appetite… …oh well, more for you to try out Skylar; say 'Ah…'

*Before Skylar could react, a giant hunk of the cake is shoved in his mouth!*

Skylar: Mphm! *has no choice but to eat it, so he chews and swallows, making a disgusted face afterwards* Ugh… I hate sardines… and salmon, anchovies, and any kind of fish… >_<

Megumi: Really? …well, I guess this one dish is more of an acquired taste. Maybe I should get Yani or Ring to try it out; they LOVE fish. Thank you for taste testing my cake! I gotta go; Snoopy will definitely be hungry after running like that. That reminds me, I need to go pick up some fresh ingredients. I wonder where I can get some sea sponge during this time of the year.

*Megumi makes her way towards the market, leaving Skylar by himself with a bad fishy after-taste in his mouth. A familiar voice is heard from behind him.*

Nikki: It's nice to see that you're still alive after ingesting that…whatever that was.

*Skylar turns around and sees Nikki*

Skylar: Hi there... Where did Megumi learn to cook? It tastes horrible… >_< *spits out some food that was still in his mouth*

Nikki: I have no idea. The weird thing is that if you give her a set recipe, any dish she cooks turns out deliciously terrific. It's only when she tries to make something original, something she thought up, that it turns out like…*shudder*…I'll never be able to eat chowder ever again. Oh yeah, was did Snoopy's story give you any sort of clue as to what I did to defend myself that day?

Skylar: …Yeah… *nods* You know… Many guys sure think that it would be dangerous to be around you… *looks down at the ground*

Nikki: Yeah, I get that a lot.

Skylar: But… *stands up and moves closer to her, holding her hands* I don't really care… Knowing that you may have some aggressive sides, just makes you more attractive, in my opinion… My race goes for the strongest of the opposite gender that they can find. I have to say, just by judging after what I've heard, all the males would want to be your boyfriend, me included. *kisses her cheek*

Nikki: Thank you, Skylar. Now, even though this wasn't an official request, I'll give you 3 more levels; that means that you're now at Lv. 13. And as a bonus for making me feel special I'll teach you a battle tech I tried out after watching e-chan play that Dragon Quest IX game for hours on end. Ready?

Skylar: A battle tech? …Sure. Though I wanted some other kind of award…

Nikki: Trust me; you'll be thanking me once you master this. Okay, I can't do this particular tech multiple times in a row just yet, so you only get one chance per day for me to give you a demonstration.

*A giant flock of birds (around 150) approaches them.*

Nikki: Birds…perfect; okay, keep your eyes on me and pay close attention.

*As the birds fly closer, Nikki takes in a long deep breath, holds it for a second and unleashed a loud, thunderous howl! Every single one of the birds drop to the ground where they lay there, terrified. After a few minutes, the birds come to their senses and fly away back in the direction they came from; Skylar is greatly amazed*

Nikki: This is called "War Cry." This is an intimidation tech that can buy you precious time in the heat of battle if it's successful… …well, I'm spent; I'm gonna go home and take a nap now. See ya later…Sky

Skylar: See ya. ^^

*Later, as he walks home, he meets up with Sora and Arashi*

Arashi: You're late…

Skylar: Sorry, that girl really knows how to control me and keep me in place…

Sora: Seems like the beast is being tamed…

Arashi: You know what happens in a few days, right?

Skylar: *with a confused look on his face* Huh? What?

Arashi: In a couple of days… It's your mating season again…

Skylar …Ohhh Shiiit… O_O;

To be continued…


  1. O.- omg... this is so amazing, i thought it was gona take you a week to make part 2 it barley took anytime at all! YAY! :D
