Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cat Scratch Fever! Blazing Determination!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Cat Scratch Fever! Blazing Determination!”
An RP between kamahamehadude and eshonen
*Wanting to do something special for Emerald, Trey has asked Ashuro and Snoopy for some help. Asking them what he should do and if they had any ideas or knew what she liked*

Trey: So guys, can you help me out? Please, I just want to do something for her...

Ashuro: Hmm...You can take her swimming; Emerald loves to swim.

Snoopy: But she hasn't swam in years, Ashuro...

Ashuro: True, but do you remember why that is?

Snoopy: ...oh yeah...that.

Trey: Huh? What? What are you two talking about?

Ashuro: Well, you know those scars she has on her body?

Trey: Yes... she told me how she got them.

Ashuro: She told you? That's good; it means that she really trusts you. Yes, those scars are ALL over her body, so she doesn't exactly like wearing swimsuits, especially two-piece ones. Her worse scars, the ones she absolutely refuses to show anybody, are on her upper back.

Snoopy: That's where those final three swords fell; the three that skewered and pierced her all the way through. *shudder* That left her with three deep cut wounds in the pattern of a triangle on her back.

Trey: ...I can imagine... But, it's worth a try, right?

Ashuro: Of course! If you could help her feel more confident about her body, you could take her to the beach and maybe see her in a bikini.

Trey: Hehehe... Okay, thanks for the tip!

*With a smile on his face, Trey heads for Emerald's home. When he gets there, he slowly steps up to the door and knocks on it. There is no answer; thinking that Emerald might've gone out, he decides to wait at her front door for a while. A few minutes later, he spots Ashuro, Snoopy and Masked Eagle walking up to him.*

Ashuro: Trey, there you are; is Emerald here?

Trey: Not that I know... I knocked on the door, nothing has happened...

Masked Eagle: Weird...

Snoopy: What's so weird about it, Sensei?

Masked Eagle: I mean, she should be here, shouldn't she? No one else has seen her the whole day...

Ashuro: Yeah, I was afraid of that; great, just great. She must've remembered what today is...

Trey: .....Tuesday?

Ashuro: ...True…that and the fact that this Tuesday is the day for her yearly check-up at the doctor's.

Snoopy: Wait, that's today?! Why didn't you tell me, Ashuro?! I could've organized a team and everything to have on stand-bye!

Trey: Check-up? What's wrong with that...?

Ashuro: -_-...Emerald hates needles.

Trey: Right... I'll get there as fast as I can; I can try to calm her down if something happens. *Trey gets the directions from Ashuro and starts to run there, getting to the place after a while*

Ashuro: ...

*13 minutes later, Trey returns to the three of them and reports that she never showed up at the office today.*

Ashuro: As I said earlier, Emerald hates needles; REALLY hates needles. Would you like for me to tell you exactly what that means?

Trey: Sorry, Kevin always told me I was one that acts first and asks later...

Masked Eagle: Stupid...

Snoopy: *stifles laughter*

Ashuro: The doctor's office is the LAST place you'd find somebody who's deathly afraid of needles, let alone going there willingly. She's out here somewhere hiding to keep from going there; one year it took us almost an entire month to find her.

Snoopy: That's why you should've told me when her next appointment was.

Ashuro: I would've, but every year she somehow finds out what day it is; she must've been listening in each time I called to set up an appointment time. This year, I set it up at the doctor's office itself without her being around anywhere. I know; I checked the area thoroughly before saying one word.

Snoopy: So how did she find out about it?

Ashuro: ...the receptionist called and left a reminder on the answering machine; Emerald got to it before I could apparently.-_-;;

Trey: do we find her? I can't let that little girl hide herself from other people for a month...

Masked Eagle: You are part shinigami, aren't you? It should be easy enough for you to find her.

Trey: It's not as easy as it looks, okay!

Ashuro: Hold on.

*Ashuro sits down on the ground in his famous thinking position; the antenna on his head flicks about slightly until it points at Emerald's house.*

Ashuro: She was inside all along; okay, I hope you guys are ready for this. Out of the four of us, it's Trey and I who'll have to be the most careful.

Masked Eagle: *nods*

Trey: I'm not afraid, let's just get her now...

Ashuro: You really don't get it. On days like this, Emerald is down-right dangerous to be around; she's knows what today is and what we're trying to do. She may be like a cute, cuddly kitten most of the time, but when it comes to doctor visits, she becomes a feral, frightening wild cat! She'll attack anybody who tries to force her to go there, even if you're her friend. The reason I said what I said earlier is because Masked Eagle here is fully armored and Snoopy's shield abilities are always active; they won't have to worry about getting bitten, clawed or possibly mauled unlike the two of us.

Trey: ...You have your reasons to be afraid, and I have my reasons to NOT be. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
*Trey boldly enters Emerald's home and begins to search for her.*

Ashuro: *sigh* I guess some lessons are best learned the hard way...

Snoopy: I think he'll be okay, Ashuro. He's part shinigami, and those guys are uber tough. Trey can definitely handle this.

*A few seconds later, Trey could be heard talking to Emerald; the conversation they're having sounds very civil and relaxed.*

Snoopy: See; what did I tell you? Trey has it all...

*All of a sudden a loud scream of pain and cat-like screeching can be heard from within the house. Emerald was attacking Trey...and Trey was losing...horribly losing. It sounded like a war zone inside as thing like pots and pans clattered loudly on the ground as Trey's screaming got louder and sounded more painful. A few seconds of struggling later, Trey walks outside with torn-up clothes, looking all beat-up and bloody with various claw and bite marks all over his body. He also looked very horrified, as if he had just battled the most vicious and scariest of hollow in existence; and of course, he walked out Emerald-less as well.*


Ashuro: were saying?

Snoopy: ...never mind. -_-;;

Trey: .......

Masked Eagle: Trey? *places her hand on his shoulder just to have it slapped away*

Trey: DO NOT TOUCH ME!!! *panting* ...Is THIS everything I can do after training with Zaraki for 6 months?! Why am I so useless?!

*Angered, Trey turns around kicks the door, making it break as well as leaving several burn marks on it for some reason. Trey then sits down and leans against the wall, looking very sad and angry*
Ashuro: Trey, it's alright; you were just a little unprepared this time, that's all. She may not look it, but Emerald used to be a destroyer type of person.

Snoopy: Although she not like that anymore, she will flip into that mode if she's scared or feels threatened in any way.

Masked Eagle: Guess I'll have to change armor this time...

Trey: Just... don't hurt her...

Masked Eagle: I promise. *throws three grey spheres into the air and catches all of them in her right hand* HENSHIN!

*The three spheres in Masked Eagle's hand glow as well as her armor. The armor breaks apart, and changes its appearance. The mask loses its eagle-like appearance and turns grey, it also looked like it had a little horn, her gloves changes into big and grey gauntlets and her chest armor also turns grey, the boots turn grey and is more armed than before. As the transformation ends, a sound is played...*


Snoopy: B-be careful, Sensei. Because Emerald is so small and speedy, she can become really hard to keep up with.

Masked Eagle: Do not worry, this arm packs a punch, and can take a punch as well. I can get stomped on by an elephant without feeling anything in this armor!

Trey: That's quite cool...

Ashuro: Do you have a plan?

Masked Eagle: I'll let her attack, tire her out by blocking her attacks, and use my Earthquake Stomp to make her lose her balance. Trey, then you rush in with your Shinigami speed and restrain her.

Trey: Right. *nods*

Snoopy: And I'll set up some of my barriers on all the doors and windows, just in case she tries to run away instead of fighting.

Ashuro: I'll act as the last line of defense just in case she somehow finds a way to evade all three of you. While not as tricky as Nikki, Emerald can be quite crafty and inventive when she wants to be.

Trey: Shall we?

Masked Eagle: Yes... I'm counting on you, Snoopy. *hugs him*

Trey: *slowly opens the door*

*With a hug from Masked Eagle fueling his determination, Snoopy quickly gets to work on setting up his barriers on all of the doors and windows of Emerald's home once the team of two step inside. Trey, now more confident about himself now that he knows what he's dealing with, heightens his senses to find Emerald. Looking around, Masked Eagle notices that the entire place looked like a warzone; she even sees a cooking sheet on the floor with a face imprint on it that looks really familiar. She can't help but look at Trey in the eyes while trying to suppress her laughter, pointing at the cooking sheet.*

Masked Eagle: ^w^

Trey: What?

Masked Eagle: *points* ^w^

*Trey looks at the cooking sheet and his face goes pale as he remembers how he was hit with that thing minutes earlier. "Where the heck does Emerald get such sturdy cookware from" was all he could think of the moment it had collided into his face at that time.*

Trey: ...Anyway... focus...

*Trey and Masked Eagle starts to slowly look around, Trey trying to get her out by talking with her*

Trey: Emerald? Can you come out here, please? Listen...I know why you're hiding...And you know...I know how you feel... that's why I'm not going to take you to the doctor after this.

Masked Eagle: Wha-? Trey, are you serious?! That check-up is important!

Trey: She is important to me! And if she's scared, then I won't force her!

*Emerald remains hidden; while she can't see them from her hiding spot, she can hear them and listens to the conversation. Before saying anything more, Trey winks to Masked Eagle, signaling to her that it was an act to lure Emerald out in the open for a non-confrontational meeting. Now knowing what Trey was doing, the armored super heroine plays along with the act.*

Trey: Emerald... I'm as scared of needles as you... I'd fake, or even attempt to get sick to avoid it...hide in a trash can...anything... It's scary...

Masked Eagle: Trey, you're being stupid... She won't come out or listen to you!

Trey: What do you know?

Masked Eagle: I know what I know. And, as a matter of fact, if you haven't noticed, YOU ARE AN IDIOT!

*Upon hearing that, Emerald becomes a little irritated.*

Emerald: (Who does that metal chick think she's talking to like him like that?) *continues to listen*

Trey: *sighs* ...Eagle, I don't have time for-

Masked Eagle: Don't have time to listen someone smarter than you? Well, maybe that's why you never listen to anyone, 'cause you are the dumbest guy on the entire planet!

Trey: Who are you calling dumb?!

Masked Eagle: You, fag!

*A loud smacking noise is heard throughout the house, followed by a punch, then something falling onto the ground and Trey's coughing. Masked Eagle had pretended to smack and punch Trey, and he was now pretending that he had been hit in the stomach, slowly standing up, panting, winking to Masked Eagle*

Trey: You...didn't need to...hit me...

Emerald: Grrrr!!

*Emerald emerges from her hiding spot and confronts Masked Eagle.*


Masked Eagle: He is my size... You on the other hand, are not...

Trey: *smirks, glad the plan worked*

Emerald: GRRRRR!!

*Raising her right arm in the air, Emerald's Pensword appears; this was something that neither Trey nor Masked Eagle had expected. She transforms her Pensword into its Lv. 2 form and becomes a giant hammer 3x larger than her body; the hammer weighed well over one ton but she holds it as if it didn't weigh a single pound.*

Emerald: Let's see you say that after I crush like a soda can!

Masked Eagle: Man...Making her get exhausted might be harder than I thought...what now? *looks to Trey*

Trey: *shrugs, a bit unsure himself*

*Emerald leaps high in the air; once she's at the peak of her jump, Emerald swings the hammer down with tremendous force. Although Masked Eagle was highly confident in her armor's strength, she jumps backwards as the hammer hit the ground; it was a good thing too, because when the hammer landed it created a huge explosion. Although it missed her, the shockwaves send Masked Eagle flying backward and through a few walls in the process; hearing and feeling the sound and effects of the explosion on the outside, Ashuro and Snoopy worry about what they should do next.*

Masked Eagle: O_O;; Uh-oh... trouble...


Snoopy: I don't like the sound of that. I'm going in, Ashuro; I'm really worried about Sensei.

Ashuro: Snoopy, don't; you need to keep the barriers up.

Snoopy: But what if Sensei really needs me?

Ashuro: Calm down, she'll be alright, I'm sure of it...That sound! I forgot to tell them something incredibly important about Emerald! Snoopy, call for back-up, I need to get in there, NOW! I just hoped they haven't K.O.ed her yet.

*As Ashuro enters a portal to get inside of Emerald's home, Snoopy quickly calls up his Senpais, Heavy Knuckle and Victory Knight. Exiting the portal, Ashuro falls right into the crater that Emerald created when she first attacked with her hammer.*

Ashuro: Oh-man, things have gotten really bad, really quickly.

Trey: *peeks out from behind the wall* I...think it's mostly my fault this has happened...

*Ashuro looks around the house and finds Emerald and Masked Eagle; he doesn't make his presence known and watches to see what'll happen next. Although Masked Eagle's armor is a little more banged up than she expected, she has successfully worn Emerald out enough so that she's sitting on the floor trying to catch her breath.*

Emerald: *panting* You're *panting* pretty tough. *panting*
Masked Eagle: *panting* You too. *panting* Give up? *smirks*

*Trey prepares himself to get in there and take hold of Emerald, but had to be sure she was ready to be captured*

Emerald: *panting* Now way *panting* not until I defeat...*collapses from exhaustion* Zzzzzz...

*Exhaustion had triumphed over Emerald's stubbornness as she lays on the ground, fast asleep looking like a little kitten curled up in its sleeping position.*

Ashuro: I was worried there for a second.

Trey: Aww, she looks so cute like that.

*Trey gently picks her up, being careful not to wake her, then gives her a kiss on the forehead*

Trey: Sleep well, little friend. ^^

Masked Eagle: Heh
If it’s okay for you guys...I'll just take a nap now... -w- *collapses from exhaustion herself*


Snoopy: I wish I knew what was going on in there...

???: What's happening, Snoopy? ^w^

Snoopy: Hmm? Oh, hey Claire.

Claire: Nice to see you; what's going on in...wait, this is Emerald's home...don't tell is...OH-NO! OwO;;

Snoopy: Yeah, I know; don't worry, we've got reinforcements on the way over here to help us.

*Notices to people have approached him from behind.*

Snoopy: Oh, Heavy Knuckle-senpai and Victory Knight-senpai, you made it just in ti-

*When he turns around he sees two people he never counted on seeing any time soon; one of them more than the other.


Claire: Nice to see you two again...*sniffs*I see that you both got rid of the perfume smell; how may tomato sauce baths did you all have to take?
*giggles lightly*

Cazador: Shut it...

Noir: HMPH! At least I DO take my baths!

Claire: ...I'm gonna pretend that I didn't hear that one.

Snoopy: OwO *creates a circular shield around himself*

*Noir greatly enjoyed the fact that she was able to get Claire upset from that one insult. Wanting to really get her razzed, Noir takes notice of Claire's unique black and white stripe pattern and comes up with a rather devilish thought. And just as Snoopy feared, Noir called Claire the one name she shouldn't have: a skunk.*

...Wh-wh-what did you just call me?

Noir: You heard me, Skunk!
Claire: ...

Snoopy: I...highly suggest that you apologize to her now...
*reinforces his shield*

Noir: I do not need to apologize to her, never... *turns her back to Claire*

Claire: *takes two bottles of perfume out of her pockets* Let me tell you something, BAT HAG, there's a huge difference between me and a skunk! A skunk doesn't spray you with sweet perfume, No-No; they hit you with that funky juice that takes MONTHS to get rid of the smell! So, since you seem to see me as a skunk, I'm more than willing to live up to that title!

*Claire chucks the two perfume bottles straight at Noir. Remembering their last encounter, Noir smoothly catches both of the incoming projectiles with beauty and grace and holds them high above her head. However, with her hands full, she wasn't able to catch the rock that Claire had thrown while she was focused on catching the bottles. The rock shatters both bottles and Noir gets drenched with it's contents. However, it wasn't perfume this time; it was super-concentrated extract of skunk, and Noir was covered in it. Cazador smirks proudly, feeling so glad that it was him who decided to be careful this time around. It doesn't last long however as the horrid smell of skunk emanating from Noir finally enters his nostrils, instantly bringing water to his eyes and making him gag.*

Snoopy: Too late...

Noir: Oh my heavens! >_<

Cazador: You stink, girl! *holds himself on the nose*

Noir: Good thing I know...BLAH! How to deal with this... *whistles*

*Right after she whistled, from behind a tree not far away, comes a blue skinned girl running. As she comes closer however, one could see that she wasn't blue skinned, she was a being made out of liquids and had big yellow eyes. She takes hold of Noir's hand and hides behind her, blushing shyly*

Cazador: You brought her?

Noir: Yes I did. ^^

Snoopy: Whoa! *dispels his shield and runs up to blue-skinned girl to get a closer look* So cool *examines* Hmmm, although you really, really look like one, you don't seem to be a Water Titan...what's your name, friend?

???: *positions herself so Noir is in the middle of her and Snoopy*

Noir: She's a slime girl for your info... And you're scaring her...

???: Mommy... *clings to Noir, shaking a bit*

Snoopy: Oops, sorry about that *backs away a little* Let me try that again; hello, my name is Snoopy. I'm sorry if I frightened you, I mean you no harm at all. If you don't mind me asking, what's your name, Miss?

???: O...Oceana...

Noir: Okay, Oceana sweetie, could you do something about this smell?

Oceana: ... *nods*

*Noir positions herself in front of Oceana and steps forward, Oceana does the same and Noir begins to pass through her. When she's gone through, the scent is gone. Oceana reforms back into her usual shape after that*

Noir: Thanks sweetie.

Oceana: Thanks...mommy...

Snoopy: So awesome...

Noir: Too bad we didn't get Masquerade with us... this would've been funnier that way...

Cazador: Yeah, but he's at the beach...Taking his day off...

Snoopy: Masquerade...I remember hearing that name from Victora and Megumi; they really seem to like being around him...especially Megumi...I sure hope he has a strong stomach...

*Snoopy unclips a rectangular pouch from his belt and opens it, revealing two incredibly delicious looking pieces of cake that he hands to both Cazador and Noir who waste no time in eating it, totally forgetting the "strong stomach" part of his last statement.*

Snoopy: I-I wanted you two to take a tiny taste of it; not eat the entire thing!

Claire: ...Was that by chance one of Megumi's original recipe dishes?

Snoopy: -_-; Yeah...

Cazador: ..... *speeds off*

Noir: Oh my... Oceana, get...water... -.-;;

Oceana: *nods and speeds off as well*

*Trey and the others walk outside and see Noir doubled over in gut-wrenching pain.*

Trey: .....Did we miss something?

Masked Eagle: Apparently, yes we did...

*Snoopy carefully helps Noir lay down on her back; afterwards, he channels some E-nergy to his hands and gently rubs Noir's stomach. She feels very relaxed and relieved as the pain in her stomach slowly grows weaker until it disappears completely. Feeling 100% again, Noir sits up and thanks Snoopy for his assistance.*

Noir: ...thanks, I feel much better now.

Masked Eagle: He's just a little gentleman, isn't he?

*Claire helps Noir up to her feet.*

Snoopy: You may want to save the thanks for later. That massage was to help you body force that stuff out of your system; in other words, in about 2 minutes you're gonna start up-chucking like there’s no tomorrow. So just head inside over there and go to Emerald's bathroom before...

*At that very moment...let's just say that Claire was in the wrong spot at the wrong time.*


Snoopy: ...I guess the time limit varies per person.

Trey: *covers Emeralds ears*

Masked Eagle: ...^_^;

*Cazador and Oceana return to the scene; when Cazador sees Noir puking her guts out, his face turns green and he immediately runs off again.*

Oceana: ...Mommy... *hands her a bottle of water*

Noir: Ugh...thanks sweetie...

Trey: Can't believe I’m saying this, but: Poor Cazador and Noir...

Ashuro: You got that right. -_- Snoopy, what happened?

Snoopy: I shared the dessert in my lunch with them both; before I could tell them to only take a small bite they had already eaten the whole serving.

Ashuro: What kind of stuff did you...a Megumi lunch, right?

Snoopy: Right... -_-;;

Noir: I'm going home..... Oceana, you can do as you wish, just be home before 9'o clock... *flies off*

Oceana: Bye mommy. *waves*

Snoopy: =_=

Emerald: *yawns* Hey...what's going on...? *looks around groggily*

Trey: Oh, you're awake. Nothing much~
Ashuro: Have you calmed down now, Emerald?

Emerald: I...I think so...

Ashuro: That's good...

Emerald: I forget why I was so scared earlier...
Wait... *remembers her appointment at the doctor's office* NOOOOO!! NOT THERE!! I DON'T WANT TO BE SKEWERED BY THOSE NEEDLES!!

*Trey tightens his hold around Emerald to keep her from escaping; this was a lot easier to accomplish since she had drained a LOT of her energy fighting with Masked Eagle.*

Ashuro: Emerald, I know you hate needles, but this is very, VERY important! Because of your condition you absolutely NEED these yearly injections; do you remember what almost happened last year?!

Emerald: NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO...*running out of energy*

Ashuro: OoO;; Emerald, wait; stop resisting! You can't fall asleep when you're this low on energy!

Emerald: Let me go! Let me go...let me...go *panting**yawns* tired *body goes limp and falls asleep* Zzzzzz...

*A fierce burning E-nergy emits from Emerald's body which burns Trey's arms a little, causing him to drop her on the ground. The fall didn't wake her up at all as she continues to slumber and the area around her gets hotter.*

Ashuro: Oh man, too late!

*Victory Knight and Heavy Knuckle arrive at the scene and immediately notice how hot the area has suddenly gotten.*

Heavy Knuckle: Phew, what's with this heat?

Victory Knight: It sure is warm, I agree...

Trey: *tries to pick Emerald up, but it's no use as he just burns his hand while trying to* OWW! >_<

Ashuro: It's no use, Trey; we need to get to the other side of the street before the next phase starts.

*Everybody, except for Claire who had already ran home to get herself cleaned up, quickly moves to the other side of the street, out of range of the growing heat.*

Snoopy: Not good...SO not good. >_<;

Ashuro: I guess now is as good as time as any to explain what going on with Emerald...

Masked Eagle, Trey, Heavy Knuckle and Victory Knight: You think???

Oceana: *panting* Don't like heat...

Snoopy: I...I'm going to get Oceana out of here; I'll be back to help all of you as soon as I'm finished.

*Snoopy creates a bowl-shaped barrier and scoops up Oceana with it, evacuating the area safely. Soon afterwards, a ring of fire E-nergy circles around Emerald.*

Ashuro: Uh-oh; to save time, I'll give you all the brief version of the story. Because Emerald did something really risky without thinking it through, her body became the way it is right now; as you can see, this is just one of the multiple side effects. Through Snoopy's medical knowledge, we were able to transform this particular side effect into her ability. However, she needs to have a special medical injection every year to help her body control it since she has a huge problem with focus and concentration. And without that medicine in her system, her natural elemental Fire-type E-nergy becomes unstable and forcefully activates the ability.

*The ring of fire grows larger.*

Trey: ...So...she's just not in heat, after all?

Victory Knight: time for jokes, shinigami...

*Loud heartbeats can be heard*

Trey: ...Is that what I think it is?

Ashuro: I'm afraid so. Not good; SO not good. The heartbeats have never been this loud before; this is gonna be much worse than last year.

*Emerald's E-nergy pushes her up on her feet so that she's standing up; looking at her, you could tell that she was still unconcious.*

Ashuro: It's about ready to happen *takes a battle stance* whenever Emerald gets K.O.ed, her ability activates. Fueled by her bull-headed stubbornness, anger, fury and absolute refusal to accept defeat, she is able to concentrate perfectly and release all of her body's natural limiters. What makes the situation so bad this time around is the fact that there isn't any of that medicine left in her system. Without it, Emerald becomes nothing more than a berserker; a wild beast brimming with pure rage.

*Emerald wakes up; her eyes look wild yet lifeless.*

Trey: O_O;; So...what do we do?

*A fiery aura surrounds and engulfs Emerald, completely hiding her from sight; it later explodes into flames, sending balls of fire everywhere. Emerald now stands before them all wearing nothing but her bra and panties; when the blue flame appears on her forehead, her ability is fully activated.

Emerald: Phoenix Rise!!

Ashuro: What do we do? Simple; don't get burnt to a crisp.

Trey: Seems like I have to get my fire on, then...

*A sword is suddenly present in Trey's hand. Looking closer, Ashuro identifies it as a Zanpakuto. Trey points the sword to the ground and holds it with both hands*

Trey: Tatakau... Jiguko! *Trey and the Zanpakuto are briefly covered in flames as it transforms into Shikai state*

Ashuro: I hope you're not tired or low on stamina; in her current mindset, she'll focus her assault solely on the one who attacks her.

*Thankful that Ashuro had told him that ahead of time, Trey pauses for a moment to think of a way to deal with Emerald quickly without having to use too much energy at the same time. By that time however, Victory Knight (who hadn't heard what Ashuro had said because she wasn't close enough) had already begun her attack. Just when her strike is about to land, Emerald stops it cold with her bare hands. Her target is now Victory Knight.*

Victory Knight: O.O;; Uh-oh...

Trey: Get out of there, fool!

*In one speedy, unseen movement, Emerald punches Victory Knight and sends her flying backwards at the speed of a bullet.*

Ashuro: Crud! *dashes into Victory Knight's path* Airbag!

*Ashuro inflates his body just in time as Victory Knight collides into him, letting his body absorb the impact and safely stop her. Once Victory Knight comes to her senses and gets back on her feet, Ashuro deflates and is back to his original size.*

Victory Knight: Oww... >.-;; Are you okay, little pal?

Trey: Of course he is, he is Ashuro, after all...
*looks to Emerald, trying to withstand the heat*

Ashuro: I'm alright. ^w^ Your not hurt, are you?

Victory Knight: I'm fine...Now, what to do about "little miss hothead" over there?

*Just as Victory Knight finished asking her question, Emerald is instantly in front of her ready to attack again; using her quick reflexes Victory Knight reacts and takes a defensive stance. Emerald attacks and Victory Knight counters by slashing at her with her sword...which went right through Emerald, who slowly vanishes; it was as if she had attacked a holograph. In that one moment of confusion, Victory Knight's focus is broken and is suddenly attacked by another Emerald who just appeared in front of her.*

Ashuro: Whoa! She's using the "after-image" technique already?!

Victory Knight: UGH! I can't keep up with her at all!

Trey: Hmm...

Ashuro: She's gotten so fast that relying on sight alone is pointless.

*Victory Knight is hit over and over again by Emerald's speedy, un-seeable attacks. Meanwhile, at the town square with Snoopy and Oceana.*

Snoopy: This should do *gently places Oceana in the water of the fountain in the middle of the plaza* Are you feeling better now?

Oceana: .....I wonder...are your friends okay?

Snoopy: With Ashuro and Masked Eagle-sensei there, I'm sure they are. But Emerald has never put out that much heat before...what can I do to help them? *notices how Oceana has changed after absorbing some of the water* O_O Water...That's it!

*While Snoopy formulates his plan, Emerald's furious barrage of attacks continue pummel Victory Knight; despite everybody trying their best to stop Emerald, she's just too fast and evades their efforts to catch her. There were a few times when she was caught but then suddenly released due to the flames surrounding her, causing any part of them that touches her to catch on fire.*

Ashuro: YEOUCH! What else is there? Victory Knight can't take much more of this; her armor looks like it's about to melt off. Can't block her, can't touch her...those flames have to go; but how? There's no water around and...O_O Ashuro, you baka! Why didn't you think of doing that from the start? Gotta time this just right *watches Emerald's movements and strikes with perfect timing* Stopwatch!

*The time in a small area surrounding Emerald stops, halting her relentless attacks. Ashuro was right, Victory Knight's armor was definitely melting off of her body in several spots...including a few rather revealing areas as well.*

Victory Knight: *covering her breasts* Grrr.....Stupid little girl..... *falls down on her knees, her armor slowly melting away, her mask cracks and let out her long and brown hair*

Masked Eagle: Enough! I'll fight fire with fire! *throws three red spheres into the air and catches them with her right hand* Henshin!

*Eagle's armor breaks apart and reforms again, turning red with bird-like traits. Afterwards, her body is engulfed in flames for a second. When the flames die out, she's wearing her Prominence Armor instead*

Masked Eagle: V.K., stay where you are!

Victory Knight: *nods and pants, starting to get a bit dizzy*

*Emerald starts to struggle against Ashuro's time field, meaning that's she about to forcibly break out of it.*

Ashuro: (Whoa, she's breaking through faster than Skylar could.) I can't hold her for much longer; you've only got one shot so you need to make sure it counts!

Trey: Got it! Nitro Charge!

*Trey stabs the sword down in the ground and places one of his hands on it as both his body and the sword is engulfed in flames*

Trey: Come on.....Hurry...

Ashuro: *struggling* I am...not...letting you go! *expands the time frozen area a little bit more* Man, she must be REALLY determined today to become this resilient. You guys ready?

Trey: .....Charge Over! Max Power!

*Trey quickly raises his zanpakuto up from the ground, the flames doubling the blade's length and shrouding it in Reiatsu flames.*

Trey: Mikazuki Yogan! *Trey swings his zanpakuto in Emerald's direction 5 times, each swing generating a sonic boom-like attack made entirely out of fire that explode on impact*

Masked Eagle:

*Unable to keep Emerald restrained any further, Ashuro cancels the time delay and Emerald receives Trey's attack. Emerald stands with wobbly legs and struggles to keep standing, gazing at everybody there with intense fury. The blue flame on Emerald's forehead abruptly goes out and the fiery aura surrounding her suddenly disappears as she collapses to the ground; she was out cold.*

Victory Knight: Glad that's over.....

*Trey walks over to Emerald, carefully lifting her up in his arms again and gives her a little kiss on the nose*

Masked Eagle: Aww...

Ashuro: Here, let me fix you and your armor up, Victory Knight. Rewind!

*Time in the area around Victory Knight begins going backwards as everybody sees her armor reform back to its original state and her earlier wounds and burns vanish. When Ashuro cancels the tech, Victory Knight is 100% back to normal*

Ashuro: There we go.

Victory Knight: Thanks. That little girl is worth too much trouble.....

Trey: Hey, watch your mouth...

*Emerald regains consciousness and looks up at Trey with sleepy eyes.*

Emerald: =_= that you? W-what happened...and why does it feel like *winces in pain* like my insides are on fire? *wriggles in pain* hot...

*Trey can slowly feel Emerald's body get warmer and warmer; he is forced to put her on the ground when she becomes too hot to hold. The ground underneath her starts to burn, scorching the pavement and setting the grass around her on fire.*


*Emerald drops to the ground and thrashes about, writhing in burning pain as the fiery aura returns; it felt even more intense than before and everybody was forced to back away even further to avoid catching on fire themselves. Seeing this happen before him, both Ashuro AND Trey recognize what's happening.*

Ashuro: OH-NO! We're out of time! There's no way Emerald can get that shot if she's putting out this sort of crazy heat!


Trey: NGH! We can't just stand around and do nothing! I'll...I'll...

Victory Knight: This is out of your hands Trey. YOU can't do anything to help now!

Trey: I'll carry her to the doctor and give her the shot myself!

Victory Knight: You'll DIE before you get there! Face it, you are just a human, YOU CAN'T HELP HER NOW!

Trey: I...I... ..... *facing the truth and hard facts, he can't help it and starts crying, falling to his knees and hammers his fists at the ground. He screams. Angered and sad beyond belief.

Masked Eagle: ...Ashuro...Y-you're a smart guy...t-there must be a way to help...

*The sound of heartbeats can be heard again; they beat so loudly this time that the ground shakes with each one. Again, the fiery aura around Emerald stabilizes.*

Ashuro: ...Well, I got good news and bad news. The good news is that Emerald will be alright; her determination to not die reactivated her ability and her body has control over her E-nergy again...

Trey: .......

Heavy Knuckle:

Trey: ......

Heavy Knuckle: I...don't think he's gonna listen for a while... It's almost as if he's in shock state...

*Emerald quits thrashing about on the ground and slowly rises to her feet as the pain fades away.*

Emerald: hot *sees Trey* Trey? *moves closer* Trey! Trey!

Trey: ....... *turns his head to face her* .......Are you okay......?

Emerald: Help me...please help me, Trey; water beats fire...*grunts in pain* Oh-no, it's starting again! Trey, I'm so sorry; I never wanted things to turn out like this! Please, Trey, help me...

*Emerald loses consciousness again and her body turns into its 'Released' state, standing before them all in her true body. The blue flame reappears on her head, blazing even more greatly than before. Just by looking at her, everyone could tell that there wasn't a single remaining trace of the Emerald they knew standing before them; the Emerald before them was her old self: a raging Destroyer. Nobody's words, not even Trey's would get through to her any more. The image of Emerald pleading for his help, and his alone, burned fiercely in Trey's mind, making him ball up his fists tightly and rise to his feet; he was fully determined to save her even if it meant destroying himself. Ashuro walks up to him and tugs on Trey's jacket to get his attention and to show him that he also shares his burning desire to save Emerald; looking behind him, the three armored heroines show him their un-wielding determination to help him save Emerald. Now fully confident, Trey is ready for his biggest fight yet.*

Ashuro: Trey, we'll all save Emerald and we'll do it together; ready to put this fire out and save this town from being burned to the ground?

*Just then, hundreds of fireballs erupt from the intense fiery aura surrounding Emerald the scatter around the area they're all in and even into various places in town, starting a roaring blaze of fire; he's now even more pumped up that he was before.*

Trey: Let's do it...

To be continued…

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