Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ashuro Vs. Skylar! Battle on a Moonlit Night!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 6
”Ashuro Vs. Skylar! Battle on a Moonlit Night!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

While Arashi and Sora tell Rocko and Nikki about Skylar's past, Ashuro is facing off against Skylar in an attempt to buy the others more time and to further drain all of the E-nergy within Skylar. Will he succeed? Let's see...

*In the city, Ashuro now stands in front of Skylar, blocking his path to keep him from going to where Nikki and the others are.*

Ashuro: Sorry, buddy, but I can't let you pass just yet.

*Skylar ignores Ashuro and continues trying to go past him.*

Ashuro: Okay, since words won't work here...

*Ashuro grabs Skylar and flings him into a nearby building, destroying it!*

Maybe I overdid it just a bit...

*Despite being hurled into a building, Skylar shakes off the damages like it was nothing*

Skylar: Rrrr...

*Skylar gets down on all-fours and walks like he really was a wolf, staring straight at Ashuro*

Ashuro: Apparently not... What am I thinking? I need to get him AWAY from the city first before I can truly fight him. Well, at least I got his attention... but just to make sure...

*Ashuro transforms into his standard Nekofi form, opens a portal and jumps inside of it; while Skylar looks around surprised, a portal opens above Skylar and Ashuro exits it and pounces ontop of Skylar's back. Ashuro then delivers a rather evil attack...*

Here it comes!

*After covering two of his fingers with his saliva, Ashuro jams them both into Skylar's ears!*

Ashuro: Dual Wet Willy!

Skylar: GRAAH!

*Skylar quickly shakes Ashuro off his back. The attack only making him angrier than he was before. His tail then points to the moon and his eyes becomes fully white.*

Skylar: Hauringugetsu! *Howling moon*

*By letting out a loud and window-shattering howl, Skylar fires a silver colored energy blast from his mouth at Ashuro, everything within 10 meters range of the attack being blown away*

Ashuro: Yep, definitely got his attention now.

*Ashuro gets back on his feet.*

Ashuro: I should've figured that he had at least one range attack...SO COOL!
Now I'm even more pumped! Okay, time for a scene change; lets see if the wolf can play fetch as well. Hey, Skylar!

*Ashuro taunts Skylar by slightly pulling down both of his bottom eyelids and sticking his tounge out at him. Skylar roars and leaps towards Ashuro at an incredibly high speed, preparing to slice him up with his claws. Then Ashuro remembers one thing he might have forgotten, and that is how strong Skylar really is...*

Skylar: RAAAAGH!!!

*Luckily for Ashuro, he manges to dodge the attack, and Skylar hits the ground instead, creating a 6 meter deep crater upon hitting the ground*

Ashuro: OoO;; (SCARY! But at least now I'm certain he's forgotten about trying to find Nikki and the others; now, to get him out of the city.)

*Ashuro turns around and runs away towards the city exit with Skylar hot on his trail. Skylar quickly follows Ashuro, howling and growling at him. Then, suddenly, Skylar disappears and Ashuro can't see him anywhere.*

Ashuro: What the...hmmm... I know you can see me, Skylar, but can you actually hit me? Cell-Bunshin!

*Ashuro claps his hands several times and creates several copies of himself. They all run around amongst each other so Skylar can't tell which one of them is the real Ashuro. Skylar, not fully able to make out which one of them is Ashuro, stays where he is. He quietly starts to charge up his energy by looking straight up at the moon, his eyes now turning pitch black, absorbing the light from the moon*

Skylar: Hijutsu: Ookami Ryusei Danmaku!!! *Secret Arts: Wolf Meteor Barrage*

*After leaping up into the sky, positioning himself between Ashuro and the moon, Skylar starts to get surrounded by 5 bright glowing balls of light. From these lights, multiple meteors, surrounded by white flames, shaped like wolfs, starts to rain down at the city and Ashuro, hitting as much as every clone, including the real Ashuro. Skylar then quietly walks over to Ashuro, pushing him lightly*

Skylar: Get away... I don't want... to hurt you anymore...

*Ashuro gets to his feet.*

Ashuro: So *pant* have you calmed *pant* down any?

Skylar: I don't know... Wanna find out?!

*Skylar quicky takes hold of Ashuro's neck with his left hand, then plows him into the ground before hitting him in the face with his right, panting*

Skylar: You're nothing *pant* compared to the Saiyans... Don't worry, you'll *pant* survive...

*He turns his back to Ashuro and starts walking away, his eyes having changed color to red and his claws returning to normal, his fur's length is also shortened along with his hair.*

Ashuro: That...was...SO NOT COOL, DUDE!!

*Skylar turns around and is greeted by a gigantic fist colliding into his entire body! The impact sends him flying towards another building, but instead of crashing into it, he goes through a portal. When Skylar rockets out of the portal, Ashuro is there ready to attack!)

Ashuro: Impact!

*He delivers a powerful left hook to Skylar's face, stopping him in place completely. Ashuro kicks his right leg up high, catching Skylar in the stomach and rising him high in the sky. Once Ashuro rose his leg high enough with Skylar still stuck to it, Ashuro expands his foot and tilts it downward.*

Ashuro: Paw-Print Stamp!

*Ashuro brings his leg down hard and fast into the ground that literally stomps Skylar into the ground, creating a giant crater in the middle of the road! Opening another portal, Ashuro picks Skylar up and flings him into it and follows quickly behind him. The portal opens up in a grassy field far outside of town, shooting Skylar out of it and through a couple of trees; Ashuro jumps out of the portal seconds later.


Skylar: Hmph!!!

*Before doing anything else, Skylar throws up a lot of blood, getting to his feet afterwards, shaking a bit. He grabs a piece of wood stuck in his chest and pulls it out, but the hole doesn't heal at all, leaving him with a large hole through his upper body.*

Skylar: Kehehehe... Do you think that *pant* my friends and Nikki is *pant* gonna let you get away with this, Ashuro?

*Skylar, even if he is wounded by life threatening wounds, walks and smiles like nothing had happened, even though his blood now covered the most of his lower jaw, what remained of his chest and his legs*

Ashuro: ...

*Ashuro walks up to Skylar and pokes a nerve on his forehead, which disables his arms and legs. Before Skylar falls to the ground, Ashuro grabs him and gently lowers him to the ground so that he's lying on his back. Calming his mind, Ashuro places his left hand on Skylar; it starts to glow and Ashuro starts to double over in pain for a few seconds before regaining his composure.*

Ashuro: *pant* *pant* Okay, that should do it; at least you won't die on me for now. And don't try any surprise attacks; right now, you're hooked into MY life force. That means, that if something happens to me and I die, you die as well. Now shut-up and hold still while I try to fix you up some.

Skylar: Heh..... You think that something like this can kill one of my kind? Childish talk...

*Skylar gets to his feet, grinning like crazy, his body fully healed and somehow unaffected by Ashuro's disable attack*

Skylar: When my species loses a specific amount of blood, it will quickly be replaced by new blood and our bodies will regenerate as well... You just wasted energy Ashuro, because when our bodies regenerates, paralyzing attacks loses their effect... That's your 2nd mistake today. The first was to forget how strong I am and start to fight me.

Ashuro: I don't make the same mistake twice in a row.

*With a smirk on his face, Ashuro starts to dance a weird, embarassing looking dance; and against his will, Skylar finds himself doing the exactly the same thing.*

Skylar: Wha-?! Ashuro, what is this suppossed to mean?!

Ashuro: Oh, nothing really...

*Ashuro punches himself quite hard in the face and Skylar ends up doing the same thing. Ashuro feel a thing because of his Nekofi body; Skylar on the other hand, has a serious black eye.

Skylar: Arg! Damn it! You are just like that annoying Shikamaru Nara guy!

*Despite struggling, Skylar doesn't seem to break free from Ashuro's control.*

Ashuro: That's the basic idea; better get this done quick before figure out a way out of this one too.

*Ashuro scans Skylar's E-nergy levels again; to his surprise, there are no traces of E-nergy left in his body.*

Ashuro: (Strange...if theres no energy left inside of him, why is he still like this?...
...what the...what is that?)

*Through his 'scan sight' Ashuro sees a weird tiny device located behind the scar on Skylar's chest. Looking at it even closer, Ashuro identifies it as some sort of Saiyan tech.*

Ashuro: Hey Skylar, did Saiyans ever experiment on you or something?

Skylar: No! They didn't! I would've remembered something like that... But I was slashed in the chest... That damn murder... Saiyan warrior... Peace hatting...!!!

*As the memories flow back to his mind, Skylar grows angrier and angrier, managing to move his hand and feet a bit. His growling becoming louder by the second.*

Ashuro: WOAH!

*Still using his 'scan sight' Ashuro sees the Saiyan device activate, fueling Skylar with a high amount of very corrupted E-nergy, the very same kind of E-nergy that he was filled to the brim with only a few minutes ago!*

Ashuro: So that's whats going on...

*The clouds part and the moon's light shines down on Skylar; he stops struggling for a few moments and then his body starts to glow with a pure white color. It's a transformation! Ashuro quickly release Skylar from his hold and quickly falls back to a safer distance. When Skylar stops glowing, he looks like an 8 ft. tall werewolf-hulk with a snow white mane and has an unbelievable power level.*

Not good...SO not good...

Skylar: I have to destroy... kill him... Kill, Son Goku!!!!!

*This roar was even more dangerous than the others. It makes building 100 meters away crumble to dust. Skylar's eyes fall on Ashuro, mistaking him for being the murderer he was after.*

Skylar: Son Goku!!! *punches straight towards Ashuro*

Ashuro: Airbag!

*Ashuro inflates his body like a balloon to absorb the impact! Although the punch itself doesn't damage him, the force behind it sends him flying backwards and through some trees and into a nearby ankle-deep stream of water. Lying on his back, Ashuro starts to think...*

Ashuro: So Rocko's whistle didn't create all of this; it just activated it what was already there. If I could just remove that thing somehow, then maybe...

*Ashuro's thoughts are interupted when Skylar suddenly appears infront of him and lunges at him with the glowing crimson red claws on his left hand. Ashuro narrowly escapes being impaled by rolling on his side, but is hit with the explosion of energy that follows when Skylar pulls his claws out of the ground!*

Ashuro: AAH! Dang that stung!

Skylar: Kill!!!

*Skylar continues to try hitting Ashuro, his claws shredding away parts of his shirt bit by bit, and also scratches his forehead, making Ashuro bleed from that spot.*


*Ashuro roars and the shockwave pushes Skylar away enough so that he could get back on his feet. As Skylar charges at him again, Ashuro jumps high backwards; he then grabs the middle of his zig-zag tail in one hand, spins it around rapidly to build up power, using some E-nergy to greatly harden it afterwards.*

Ashuro: Iron Tail!

*Ashuro swings his tail high, uppercutting Skylar in his jaw; however, he is unphased by the attack and resumes his assault. Coninuing his attacks, Skylar manages to grab Ashuro by his tail and cut the back of his left leg, cutting a nerve, making it impossible to move that leg*

Ashuro: Dang it!

*Ashuro delivers a volley of rapid-punches using both sets of his arms to Skylar's entire body. Once again, he is unphased by the attack; in fact, it's as if he was never hit at all...Ashuro uses his 'scan sight' once again to see what's going on within Skylar; he sees that Skylar's heart is furiously and violently beating like crazy because of all of the E-nergy that the device inside him is pumping into it.*

Ashuro: (Oh-no, he's almost out of time! ...
I got it; I know how I can save him! But first, I need to get my leg working again. Man, this is gonna hurt...

*He waits for the moment when Skylar attacks with his claws again; when the moment arrives, he swings his disabled leg in it's path and it get cut completely off!*


*Skylar, not caring what's happening, points his right hand to the sky and gets ready to send Ashuro a few meters undeground. But then...*

???: Getsuga Tensho!

*Someone hits Skylar with a crescent moon shaped energy wave, sending him flying away. Skylar quickly gets to his feet, transforming back to the form where he had red eyes instead, and runs away from the scene.*

???: Damn it, he got away...

*Ichigo Kurosaki and Inoue Orihime had arrived to help Ashuro. Inoue quickly sits down by Ashuro and starts to heal his missing leg, which starts to regenerate.*

Ichigo: That was dangerous... How long did you keep him busy like this?

Inoue: Either way, it's too dangerous to fight him alone! What if someone had seen you without that leg, beside us?

Ashuro: ...well, if it was somebody who didn't know me very well, they'd definitely freak out.

*Before Orihime was even 25% finished healing Ashuro's leg, he grows a brand new leg(similar to the way Namekians like Piccolo can regenerate), completely surprising both her and Ichigo.*

Ah, that's better...By the way, thanks for the assist earlier; I really appreciate it! Man, I never realized how hard it is to fight somebody while trying to go easy on them at the same time.

Ichigo: No problem. But you're in no condition to fight anymore tonight...

Inoue: Kurosaki-kun is right. You need to relax.

Ichigo: ...Do you know where Skylar might be heading?

Ashuro: Towards the rest of my friends on the other side of town; my job was to stall him long enough for all of them to get as far away from the town as possible.

*Ashuro hops to his feet to stretch his muscles a little bit.*

Ashuro: You have no idea how glad I am that you two came when you did; if I had to fight Skylar for much longer, I would've had to have gotten serious...

*Ashuro emits a powerful level of E-nergy from his body; Ichigo senses it and takes a step backwards. From that brief sample, he gauged that Ashuro's potential level of power was already 3x stronger than Kenpachi Zaraki or even Byakuya Kuchiki's actual strength.*

Ashuro: Alright then, I'll lead you to where he's headed and take your advice about not fighting anymore tonight. The others also need to know that the situation has completely changed now. Besides...more importantly...Nikki needs to know that none of this was her fault.

Ichigo: *nods* Good. We'll be sure to stop him.

*Ichigo lifts Inoue and Ashuro over his shoulders and starts to use flash step to follow Skylar.*

Inoue: *blushes* W-why are you taking me along?

Ichigo: We might need you for defense and to heal either one that gets too hurt... Okay?

Inoue: R...right!

Ichigo: Okay Ashuro, lead the way.

*As they near the city, Ichigo and Orihime see all of the destruction that Ashuro and Skylar had caused earlier.*

Ashuro: Uh...
just follow the path of destruction...

*A loud thundrous howl stops Ichigo in his tracks.*

...well, at least we know we're headed in the right direction; that way!

*Meanwhile, Skylar is within view of Arashi, Sora, Rocko and Nikki.*

<scene change - grassy field with Arashi and co.>

Rocko: Wow...
...he looks pissed...

*Skylar walks slowly towards the gang, then comes to a stop...*

Skylar: .....

Arashi: Good to see that you're looking normal again.

*Stepping aside, Arashi and Sora let's Skylar through. Skylar starts to walk to Nikki, just to have his back crushed to bits by Sora and Arashi, and falls to the ground.*

Sora: ...Got him.

Arashi: Sorry pal.

Nikki: ...Skylar...this...this is all my fault...

*Ichigo, Orihime and Ashuro arrive.*

Is he...he's not...?

Skylar: *turns over on his back, panting* Thanks guys... I needed that one... *reaches his hand out, Sora and Arashi grabs it*

Arashi: A surprise attack always works. ^^

Sora: Now, try not to lose control again. *kisses his cheek*

Skylar: Okay guys, I understand. *laughs and smiles, glad it was over*

*Inoue quickly pushes Nikki over to Skylar, giggling a bit.*

Nikki: Skylar!

*Nikki embraces Skylar.*

Ashuro: Sorry to be a mood-killer, but there's still something that needs to be done first. Skylar, come here real quick.

*Skylar approaches Ashuro. When he's infront of him, Ashuro places right hand on Skylar's scar; the stone on his hand glows white and Ashuro hand enters Skylar's body. After a few seconds, Ashuro pulls his hand out of him, with a small device in the palm of his hand; Ichigo looks on in amazement as to what he just saw.*

Ashuro: Hehe, Sosuke Aizen isn't the only person who can do this.

Ichigo: Oh, cool.

*Skylar thanks Ashuro... for no reason really... and then just sits down infront of Nikki again.*

Skylar: ...Please continue to embrace me now. *smiles a bit to Nikki*

Nikki: SKYLAR!

*Nikki tackles Skylar to the ground and starts kissing him. While Ichigo, Orihime, Sora and Rocko look on with red blushing faces, Ashuro shows Arashi what he recovered from inside of Skylar.*

Ashuro: No doubt about it, this is Saiyan tech alright; was Skylar ever in contact with Saiyans before?

Arashi: ...His home planet was destroyed and his entire species was killed by a Saiyan, thanks for asking... -_-;

*Skylar blushes very bright at Nikki's actions, but let's her do as she wants. He also manages to place his hands on her butt and rub it lovingly.*

Inoue: *blushing* Oh... how cute. ^//^

*Sora and Ichigo awkwardly looks at each other.*

Ashuro: ...I'm sorry...I...had no idea...

*A few memories from his own past fly through Ashuro's mind*

...really had no idea...sorry...

Arashi: Don't worry... Let's be glad that Skylar didn't-

*Arashi sees Skylar and Nikki and just completely shuts up, shaking his head slowly.*

Ashuro: ...

*Ashuro turns his head away so that he can think clearly again*

Ashuro: Anyway, what's really alarming is that this thing was manufactured by a group I know about thoroughly. And if what I'm thinking is, I need more information before I say anything further. I'm going to look into this more, so I'll contact you guys once I've found out more; we both may have a common enemy in the future. Rocko, let's go!

...I'll catch up...

*Ashuro stretches his arm out and grabs Rocko by the head and pulls him back towards him.*

Rocko: Aw, no fair man!

Ashuro: Shut-up; you need to start the repairs on Nikki's home anyway.

*Opening a portal, Ashuro and Rocko enter into it and leave the area as the portal closes behind them.*

Ichigo: Come on Inoue, let's go...

Inoue: Okay.

*The two of them leaves, leaving Skylar, Nikki, Sora and Arashi.*

Sora: ...I'm going home...

*Okay, leaving Skylar, Nikki and Arashi, since Sora went home...*

Skylar: *stops Nikki's sweet actions for a moment* Sorry about all the troubles I caused... Feel free to drop down my levels if you want. I don't deserve them... I could've hurt you, my friends, and I know I hurt Ashuro, but he got healed... I'm so sorry...

Arashi: Nikki, now it's your turn to tell Skylar how you feel...

Nikki: Skylar, all that matters to me is that you're alive and

*Nikki tenses up as she tries to continue her sentence; she was never any good when it came to confessing things to others, and is finding it very hard to say the things she really wants to tell Skylar.*

*Skylar smiles and places his finger on her lips.*

Skylar: Shh... If it's too hard to say it, then don't... It's okay...

*With a kind and loving look on his face he snuggles closer and rubs his nose against hers, blushing and smiling. Arashi on the other hand, sits down beside a tree, too tired to stay on his feet.*

Nikki: I love you, Skylar; I'll be forever yours and yours alone.
Skylar: Same here. I love you, Nikki, and I always will until the end of time.

Nikki: ^^

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