Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturn Upgrade! Neo Shonnie Awakens!

Travel Multiversal
Neo Hero Chronicles
“Saturn Upgrade! Neo Shonnie Awakens!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

Shonnie: Hmm, is he the Saturn guy, Sashi was talking about..?

Hayama: Hmm? Can I help you?

Shonnie: ...... Hayama Saturn, of House Saturn, science division, correct?

Hayama: More or less, yes. And you must be the great detective, Shonnie Flash, right?

Shonnie: That'd be me.

Hayama: Nice then; so, what can I do for you?

Shonnie: Just a bit curious about the Saturn Family, is all.

Hayama: Okay, what would you like to know?

Shonnie: Well, I understand the Saturn Family specializes in science. Might they be as proficient with designing gadgets as well?

Hayama: Why, yes we are. With the various technologies we discovered and created, we can make almost anything.

Shonnie: I see... *reaches into his afro and presents him with a busted up F-Space Manipulator* If it's not too much trouble can you repair my F-Space Manipulator? It got blasted during a confrontation with a villain.

Hayama: Hmmm...yeah, it's quite messed-up alright; okay, let's step into my lab, shall we?

*Hayama unclips his tie and pushes a hidden button in its base. And like a Poke Ball, he tosses it in the air and a beam shoots out of it into the ground where in mere seconds, a massive laboratory stands in its place. Afterwards, Hayama simply clips his tie back on.*

Shonnie: Amazing... The Doc would have a field day, with the Saturn Family.

Hayama: It took us a few years to complete this; it was REALLY tricky merging the mechanics of the Poke Ball and the Capsule Corp capsules together, but in the end it was worth it. C'mon, let's go inside!

*Walking inside, Shonnie is amazed at how advanced the look and machinery of the lab is.*

Shonnie: This all very impressive...

Hayama: Thanks Okay, I'll have this fixed in a jiffy. My relaxation room is over there to your left; there are some snacks, some drinks, comfortable seating and a lot of books, video games, movies and music inside. Feel free to make yourself at home there until I'm finished, alright?

Shonnie: Cool beans! Thank you, dude

*heads into the relaxation room, as he waits for Hayama to finish*

Shonnie: What an interesting facility...

*About an hour or two later, Hayama is finished and calls out to Shonnie. When Shonnie arrives, instead seeing his regular F-Space Manipulator, he sees a watch like object on the table.*

Hayama: Now I know what you might be thinking, but this is still your F-Space Manipulator. While repairing it, I was SO fascinated with its mechanics that I forgot that it was just a simple repair job and ended up giving it a major upgrade...sorry about that. But try it on and follow me; I'll explain how it works one we arrive at the testing room.

Shonnie: Hmm, interesting... *he places the new F-Space Manipulator on his wrist to get a feel for the seemingly new device. He then follows Hayama into the testing room*

Hayama: Okay, first things first, let's activate your new F-Space Manipulator.

*Hayama pushes a button on the watch and the shape changes and now it looks more like a finger-less glove with two half-orb like stones on both the palm and the back of the hand. Looking at it more closely, Shonnie realizes that it looks real similar to Ashuro's hands.*

Hayama: Success! Okay, there's a feature I want you to try out right away; if it works,'ll see. Okay, do that thing where you light up your fist and the look all blue and glowing.

Shonnie: *examines the new F-Space Manipulator for a moment* Okay then. *he starts to channel his energy into his hand and it starts to glow blue*

Hayama: Good, good; and now...

*Taking a remote control out of his pocket, Hayama pushes a button and a floating target pops out of the ground a few feet away from them and hovers in the air.*

Hayama: Target is in place; go ahead and fire a shot at it.

*Taking aim, Shonnie fires a blast of energy at the target; the blast is a LOT more powerful than normal, sending Shonnie flying backwards and into Hayama where they both crash into the wall behind them. The energy blast destroys the well the wall behind it. *

Hayama: @o@ 10% power output...too much...

Shonnie: That was (cough cough) just 10%?!

*A few minutes later, Hayama has harnessed Shonnie to a cushioned wall to keep him from flying back from any possible recoil. Hayama stands behind the wall for his own safety.*

Hayama: Okay, I've reduced the power output to 5% this time; let hope that that isn't too weak. Alright, fire at will.

*Shonnie charges up and is about to fire another blast when Hayama notices something he overlooked about the wall he harnessed Shonnie was on wheels and he forgot to set the emergency brakes to lock it in place.*

Hayama: WAiT, SHONNiE, DON'T...

*Too late; Shonnie shoots an energy blast and the recoil from it pushes the wall backwards and into the wall behind them...again. Shonnie is completely unharmed and is pleased with how powerful his energy blast have become.*

Shonnie: Wow, you really fixed it up nicely, Hayama! Now stopping criminals will be even easier. What else can it do?

*A few minutes later, as in after Shonnie peels Hayama off of the wall and he's no longer foaming at the mouth...*

Hayama: There is one more feature that I added that I want you to try out, but I'll save that for last. See the orb on the back of your glove? Think of it as your selection screen; it's basically like using a PC with a touch screen interface. You should see an icon that looks like your original F-Space Manipulator; go ahead and touch it when you're ready.

*Looking at the screen, Shonnie sees the icon and touches it. A light shines through the palm of the glove and out comes his F-Space Manipulator, in its original design. Taking it in hand, Shonnie tries it out by using it to lift one of the nearby training dummies that Hayama had set up.*

Hayama: How's it feel?

Shonnie: Pretty damn good. It makes me feel like a Jedi. *continues levitating the dummy around for a moment* It works even better than before.

Hayama: It gets better Push the button with the * on it.

*Shonnie pushes the button and his F-Space Manipulator transforms into a glove.*

Hayama: While it's in this form, you can levitate up to 5 things at once; one thing per finger. To do that, just point a finger at what you want and say "link." Go ahead and try.

Shonnie: Okay then. *he then points his finger at the dummy and begins spinning it around in circles* Hehe, Cool.

Hayama: Good, good; everything is working as it should. To switch modes, you'll have to go back to the main menu; to do that, just touch the "menu" option on the touch screen. Once you're there, touch the microphone tab.

Shonnie: Okay then. *does as instructed and then hits the microphone button*

Hayama: Because it takes time to switch between modes when you're in the heat of battle, I added this feature to eliminate that need. I want you to think of something you'd like to say to activate your new F-Space Manipulator on the fly; y'know, like a catch phrase or something. Let me know when you think of one and I'll start the voice recognition and bio-sync programs.

Shonnie: Hmm... Let's see... how about "F-mode"?

Hayama: Nice one Okay, I'm starting the program *types away on his laptop* and...done. When you see the screen turn green, say the phrase you chose; one it's recorded, your F-Space Manipulator will only work for you unless you give it authorization to be used by somebody else. The program is about to start; get ready.

*The screen begins to turn green, and he immediately says his code word*

Shonnie: F-MODE!

Hayama: And...voice recognition complete; now starting the bio-sync program. Don't be alarmed if you feel a slight tingling sensation, it's a normal part of the process.

*The program begins and Shonnie's body starts to glow a light blue.*

Shonnie: Whoa, what the...

Hayama: Don't worry; perfectly natural. ( what I would confidently say if this wasn't the first time I tested this thing out )It's almost over...(Please don't blow up-Please don't blow up-Please don't blow up!)

*When the bio-sync ends, Shonnie's body stops glowing.*

Hayama: ...thank goodness that mean, bio-sync complete!

Shonnie: Sweet! Thanks again, Hayama.

Hayama: You're welcome. Now that the voice recognition is on, you'll be able to say a certain word to access each function.

*Setting his laptop down, Hayama walks over to Shonnie and hands him a small binder-like book.*

Hayama: All of the voice commands, functions and descriptions for them are all listed in this book here.

*Shonnie flips through some of the pages of the book. One particular addition that caught his attention was the Grapple Beam; he knew he was gonna have a lot of fun with that one.*

Hayama: I designed the book like this so you can add new info pages that I'll give you when I create a new app or upgrade for it; oh yes, there will be more features in the future. Thanks to you letting me examine your FSM, I've found inspiration for new ideas. But before you go, there's one more feature I want you to try; I saved the best one for last. So excited!

Shonnie: Wow, this is so awesome!  I'm glad I can be of assistance to you, Hayama. So what is this new feature you want me to try?

Hayama: Okay, first put this on your other wrist.

*Hayama hands Shonnie another watch exactly like the one he was given.*

Hayama: Yep, it's another FMS like the one you have on you right now. I ended up making two of them because I wanted the base design to look like a glove, and then realized that I never asked if you were right or left handed. By the time I was finished making both of them, I started thinking about overall convenience and ended up making them into watches, so...yeah... After you turn it on, it'll automatically sync with the other one.

*Shonnie turns on the other watch and it takes on the form of another fingerless glove like the first one. Both of them make a chime and on the touch screen of both of them there is an "N" that has "100%" next to it*

Hayama: Alright, it ready!

Shonnie: Sweet! *looks over his second glove* you really outdid yourself, Hayama!

Hayama: Thanks Now for the fun part. Consider this the ultimate feature of your new FSM; it'll bring out power deep inside yourself that you never knew existed for you to use; heck, if you're a really determined person, you'll be able to access this power without the FSM after a while. Remember, before you can activate this feature, both gloves have to be at 100% maximum power; even though it'll be at a steady rate, they need recharge after every use this feature, so use it wisely. Since they're both a 100% right now, it's ready for immediate use. I've only got the default program for this feature installed right now, but it's the easiest one to master. To activate it, ball up your fists, get psyched up and say "Neo Soul!"

Shonnie: Alrighty. Here it goes, nothing... *he tightly clenches his fists and charges his energy* NEO SOUL!!

*A shiny blue aura surrounds Shonnie and flashes a blinding light; once the light dies down, Shonnie looks completely different! His eye color had gone from brown to neon blue and his energy can be seen radiating off of his arms. There's a blue-tooth type headphone in his left ear and he's wearing a coat that resembles the outfit that Ichigo wears when he's in Bankai mode. Shonnie feels super-charged, flowing with energy that he didn't even know he had.*

Hayama: YES! IT WORKS! I dub this transformation...Neo Shonnie!

Shonnie: Brilliant, work, dude!

Hayama: Haha, you've very welcome. Basically, this is your "Super" version; that means all of your talents, strengths and abilities are now super high level now. Let's give it a test run.

*Hayama into the protected area of the testing room and boots up a holographic training program.*

Hayama: I'll be sending to virtual opponents for you to fight; so feel free to deal with them however you see fit. Let me know if things get too intense; all right, start!

*10 virtual opponents appear.*

Shonnie: *he gets in his battle stance, ready to fight the virtual opponents* Lets see... First I'll try the grappling beam on one of the robots *pulling the robot to him which he promptly punts into the head, causing it to crash into the second opponent* Who's next?

*Two opponents charge at Shonnie together.*

Shonnie: Get ready for this! *Shonnie levitates the two opponents and slams them together repeatedly and drops them on another opponent*

Shonnie: That's five down in less than five minutes.

*The headset on Shonnie's left ear beeps.*

Hayama: Hello, Shonnie, I'm testing out the communication system on this thing; can you hear me?

Shonnie: Like a charm, Hayama.

Hayama: Great! This device is a little something I've called the "Neo Dex." It works like the various visors that Samus Aran has equipped in her power suit. Because you've been bio-synced with your FSM, all you have to do is think about what you want to access. Okay, I'm activating the remaining features on it right now.

*Going to work, Hayama speedily types on his laptop and a small, holographic menu appears before Shonnie's eyes. There are options such as 'Scan' and 'Lock-On.' It was the 'Battle Techs' option that captured his curiosity.*

Shonnie: Wow, this is beyond amazing... Hm? *sees "Battle Techs" Hey, Hayama, what's under "battle techs"?

Hayama: Battle Techs? Oh yes, those are some attack moves that you can utilize in this mode. You've got Sashi, Scooter and Megumi to thank for coming up with those; each of them came up with one each By activating them using the Neo Dex, your body will automatically perform the attack; this is a good way to learn how to use the attack and strengthen it or even customize it more to your liking. Accessing things from the Neo Dex is all mind-linked. Try to imagine yourself in front of your computer or something and you’re going to double-click a file to open it; think of your eyes as your mouse and your thoughts as the finger that rests on the mouse button, just ready to click away. So, with that in mind, give it a try.

*Shonnie does as Hayama suggested and the 'Battle Techs' menu is brought up. He sees three attacks listed: Neo Palm, Neo Breaker and Neo Giga Blast.*

Shonnie: This is too cool...  These look interesting... Let's try "Neo Breaker"... first.

*Shonnie's afro glows blue and crackles with electricity. His body starts running at high speed at one of the remaining opponents and he finds himself tackling it with his afro; the impact passes on the energy that it had stored up to the opponent, sending it flying towards the wall and breaking to pieces. Afterwards, Shonnie's afro returns to normal.*

Hayama: How was it? That one was made by Scooter.

Shonnie: Way to go, Afro bro.  now let's try out the Neo-Palm!

*Shonnie finds him himself running up to another one of the opponent and lightly shoving his left hand into its chest area, barely enough to push it back; about 2 seconds later, with his left hand still on the opponent's chest, a pulse of energy shoots out and sends the opponent forward, bouncing off of the ground until it hits the wall.*

Hayama: Nice; Sashi came up with that one.

Shonnie: Awsomeness! I should really give her a proper "thank you", next time we meet. And now for the last one; the Neo Giga Blast

*Shonnie points both of his arms out forward and charges up a huge amount of energy, forming it into a gigantic ball or raw power. He then shoots if forward and the ball of energy hits the remaining opponents, destroying them in the following explosion.*

Hayama: Dang that's powerful! You have Megumi to thank for that rather...destructive tech.

Shonnie: Well, I don't really know Megumi to well. I'll be sure to thank her.  These moves are uber-brilliant! And this new super form is beyond righteous!

Hayama: When you're ready to go back to normal, just say or think 'shut down.'

Shonnie: Right... Shut down

*Shonnie returns to his normal look, stepping out of the testing room after the simulation was shut down. Both him and Hayama talk a little while before Shonnie decides to go home for the day. Before he leaves, Hayama gives him one more gift: a single wrap-around headphone for his left ear. Hayama explains that it basically a Detector and substance scanner that uses the same interface that the headphone in his 'Neo' form has; great for detective work. The two say good-bye as Shonnie leaves the lab. Thinking about everything that he had just received, Shonnie is happy knowing that he has such good friends.*

Shonnie: Until next time. Later Days! *heads back home*

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