Saturday, April 9, 2011

Love Start! Skylar and Nikki!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 1
“Love Start! Skylar and Nikki!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Skylar was delighted when the cute Lobinu girl, Nikki Jen, took a genuine interest in him; he was even happier when she agreed to be his girlfriend. On this particular day, Skylar decides to tell Nikki just a little bit of his past; after hearing that little bit of his story, Nikki is overcome with emotion. There was no way of knowing that sharing that one story would start a chain of events beyond anything that Skylar or anybody else ever thought possible.

Nikki: You poor thing…c'mere

Skylar: …thank you… *purrs a bit, closing his eyes*

Nikki: Although I never experienced the sort of thing that you have, I can greatly understand it. Let's move forward from now on, okay? Oh, and if anybody gives you any grief, let me know so that I can give them a nightmare that'll set them straight.

Skylar: *smiles a bit* Okay… Um, Nikki, can I ask you something?

Nikki: Sure, what is it?

Skylar: …How soft are your breasts?

Nikki: Hmm…I don't know why don't you find out for yourself?

*Nikki takes Skylar's hands and places them on her soft puffies.*

Skylar: Skylar: Hmm… *squeezes her breasts a bit* Heh, they're soft as cotton. ^///^ *squeezes her breasts* Hehe, they feel so good that I want to lick them.

Nikki: Sorry, cutie; not until our relationship has reached Lv. 75

Skylar: And what Lv is it at? 2? *chuckles, smiling, his tail wagging*

Nikki: 5

Skylar: Damn it… *chuckles* Is there anyway to easily level up in this game, cutie? *scratches her behind her ears*

Nikki: Hmm, let me see… …Okay, here's how it works. First of all, there's no "easy" way to level up; but I WiLL give you some extra levels and a sweet reward if you do certain things for me. Think of them as side-quests as a sort.

Skylar: Okay. Just you wait, I'm going for the most beautiful treasure in the world… and that's you… ^^

Nikki: He-he, I like your enthusiasm. Just so you know, my requests WiLL be tough, but I'll NEVER ask you to do something that's dangerous, irrational or impossible. So…since you're at Lv. 5, are you ready to take on my first request?

Skylar: Yes, of course I am! *his tail wags more*

Nikki: Okay, here it is. I've got some friends that have had some hard experiences in their life; I would like for you to go and talk with them. Will you accept my request, Skylar-chan?

Skylar: As you wish, I do accept. So where do I go?

Nikki: There are 5 of them in all, but for now, all you have to do is talk to one of them. First, I want you to go talk to Ashuro Kamaké. I think that the two of you would get along really well. And don't worry; for a cat, he's a really nice person.

Skylar: Ngh… Cats… Okay, since he is your friend, I'll accept him. See ya soon. *leaves to where Ashuro is*

*Lying down under a tree, Ashuro enjoys resting in the shade with a cool breeze blowing by.*

Ashuro: Ah…such a nice day; when I find the city of Aquitica, everyday will be just like this.

*Ashuro closes his eyes and listens to the wind blow by until he senses a presence next to him. Upon opening his eyes and looking up, he sees Skylar looking at him.*

Ashuro: Oh, hey! You're Nikki's new friend; Skylar, right?

Skylar: That's right. You most be Ashuro.

*Skylar stretches out and sits down next to him*

Skylar: How's it going?

Ashuro: Great! Nice shade, a cool breeze, and lots of friends to return home to; absolutely great.

*Ashuro senses a feeling of unease from Skylar*

Ashuro: Oh, hold on a moment.

*Ashuro changes into his human form*

Ashuro: Does this help some?

Skylar: Much better. ^^ No offense, but cats annoy me…

Ashuro: It's okay, I understand the feeling… …Nikki sent you here, didn't she?

Skylar: got that right…

*He explains the situation to Ashuro*

Skylar: Hehe, so I'll just do her "quests" and "level up"… It's a good deal…

Ashuro: Yep, that sounds like her. Nikki must really think highly of you if she asked you to do this.

Skylar: Hehe, so you'll help me with this? After all, it seems like you are the key to this quest anyway. ^^

Ashuro: Sure! Nikki has the best of intentions, she really does; she just goes about accomplishing them in weird ways. Knowing her, later on down the line, ask you to go talk with Emerald, Ring, Claire and Tenrio; all of them are Nekofi like me…and I believe that I have an idea as to why she asked you to do this.

Skylar: I see. Though I'm not the best with words… I'll try. ^^

Ashuro: Great! What you just said greatly reassures the theory I had about what Nikki was thinking when she asked you to do this was correct.

Skylar: Really? You are a smart little guy... Hmm... Why don't you just change back to that other form you had? I think I'm okay with it now. ^^

*Ashuro reverts back to his original form.*

Ashuro: This is why Nikki asked you to do this; she truly believed that you could overcome anything, even if it was something as small as talking with individuals that you may feel uncomfortable being around. Oh, and guess what?

Skylar: ...What?

Ashuro: I do believe that you've just completed Nikki's first request. Congrats! All that's left for you to do now is look behind you and accept your reward.

*Skylar turns around and see's Nikki behind him.*

Nikki: Here's part 1 of your reward.

*Nikki gives Skylar a tender, loving kiss.*

Skylar: Mhmhm......

*Skylar closes his eyes and returns the kiss in a just as tender and loving way*

Nikki: I'm proud of you, Skylar; you've now leveled-up to Lv.10 For part 2 of your reward, let's go out and eat. I've booked us a table at this really cool restaurant with great food and entertainment. Chancellor Ikara prepares your meals with style, and what's even better is that DJ Candy will be performing live today!

Skylar: Sounds good to me!

1 comment:

  1. :D i is soo exited for the epicness that is about to happen
