Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Want to be Braver! Nikki's Bravery-Boosting Plan!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 8
”I Want to be Braver! Nikki’s Bravery-Boosting Plan!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Snoopy and Ring want to become brave and fearless. Feeling too ashamed to ask Ashuro, they turn to Nikki for assisstance. Nikki agrees to help them and sets up a plan; but before anything else is done, she makes them both sign a binding contract to their agreement. Snoopy and Ring take their first step to becoming braver and sign the contract. With that done, Nikki congradulates them and leaves to go recruit Skylar's help for this task. On their way back home, the two of them stop and think about what they had just done...instant regret. While taking a walk, Skylar sees Snoopy and Ring with tears in their eyes and looking like they're both in great anguish.

Snoopy & Ring:

Huh? W-wha...

*Skylar walks over to them*

Skylar: Um... guys... why are you crying?

Snoopy & Ring: Skylar! Please, help us!

Skylar: from what? Or who? What's the problem?

Snoopy: It's Nikki!

Ring: She's g-g-gonna make us d-do something s-scary!

Skylar: *sighs* Nikki again? For the love of...

*Skylar, starting to mumble to himself, doesn't notice that snoopy and Ring could hear it all...*

Skylar: She kicks that Eric guy into a mountain, acts so violent and mean from time to time... and that spanking she gave away earlier... Alright, if something happens today, I have no choice but-

*He turns around, looking at Ring and Snoopy*

Skylar: how can I be of any assistance to you?

Snoopy: We asked her for help today.

Ring: We wanted her to t-teach us how t-to become braver.

Snoopy: She agreed to help us and guaranteed that we'd become braver, but made us both sign a contract with her first.

Ring: We b-both thought it was a good idea at the t-t-time, but now...w-we're scared.

Snoopy: I'm afraid of what her plan includes; what if it's something really scary?

Nikki: Hey guys
Would you...

Snoopy & Ring: OwO;; AAAAHHHH!!

*Snoopy runs and hides behind Skylar and Ring jumps into Skylar's arms; because of her height and weight, Skylar falls backwards and they both land on top of Snoopy.*

Nikki: -_-; some cake?

*Skylar, not used to be with girls except Sora and Nikki, blushes brightly when Ring got as close as she did, blinking, speechless for a couple of minutes*

Skylar: O//O H-hey Snoopy... You okay? *has his arms wrapped around Ring's waist, not noticing it himself*

Snoopy: I'm fine...

*Nikki examines Skylar's blushing face.*

I never thought that you were a lolicon, Skylar.

Skylar: Huh? Wha? Wait..... O_O ?!

*Skylar looks at ring, then at Nikki, and then at Snoppy for some reason, very confused, starting to point around*

Skylar: Ring is... just a kid?! But, that don't-


*Everything went silent for a while when Skylar accidently pokes Ring on one of her puffies*

Snoopy: OoO;; OH CRAP!!

Nikki: Rub her back in a clock-wise motion; it'll relax her.

Skylar: O-okay!

*Skylar does so, closing his eyes, ashamed of how fast he lost control*

Skylar: Sorry Ring... Are you okay?

Ring: *purrs in her sleep*

Skylar: She fell asleep? O_O

*Skylar smiles, continuing the gentle actions still*

Skylar: So Nikki, what's up?

*Scene change - Nikki's Room.*

Nikki: I figured that Snoopy and Ring would start jumping to conclusions about our agreement, so I went out and bought some cake for us all to eat while I go into deeper detail about what I have planned. And trust me, nothing about it is scary; I know that you two scare easily, so I'm not going to make you do anything that I know will frighten you.

Snoopy: Honest?

Ring: F-for reals?

Nikki: Yes, honest and for reals.

Skylar: Hmm... you're being unusually nice today... Not that I complain.

Nikki: Unusually nice? I'm regulary nice 90% of the time.

Skylar: ...Right..... *stretches out and curls up on the floor. Skylar closes his eyes for about 10 seconds and when he opens them, he is face to face with Ring; she was kneeling down on her hands and knees, staring at him with a curious expression on her face.*

Ring: ...

Skylar: Huh?! O///O R-Ring?! Do I have something on my face or something?

Ring: O///O;; EEP!

*Ring quickly scurries over to Nikki and hides behind her...or atleast tries to.*

It's okay, Ring; Skylar is okay, he won't bite.

*Skylar puts a friendly inviting smile on his face in an attempt to reassure Ring; however, he unknowingly makes the mistake of showing his teeth when he smiled. This only resulted in scaring Ring even further.*

Ring: *whimpers*

Skylar: ...

*Skylar looks over Snoopy, which just gives him a confused look and shrugs. Skylar then turns to Nikki and Ring again*

Skylar: Did I do something wrong?

Nikki: Nah, she's just a REALLY shy kid; she's gotten a lot better at dealing with other people, but the only person she's truly at ease with is Ashuro.

Skylar: Oh... I see...

*Skylar looks to the floor, then lays down and curls up again, smiling sweetly as he closes his eyes to relax a bit. Not falling asleep, just resting*

Nikki: *sigh* I didn't think it was this bad; it looks like we're gonna have to start at an even LOWER level than I orinally thought for these two.

Snoopy: Lower level? For what?

Nikki: Your bravery training; have you forgotten that already?

Snoopy: No, I haven't forgotten; I'm just wondering why you're starting me at a lower level as well.

Nikki: I don't know, why don't you look over to your left.

Snoopy: Huh? What over there?

*While Snoopy's back is turned, Nikki runs her finger up Snoopy's spine, delivering a tickling sensation to his entire body.*

Snoopy: OwO;; AAAAHHHH!!

*Blinded by shock, surprise and fear, Snoopy springs to his feet, runs forward and jumps through Nikki's closed window...forgetting that her room is on the 2nd floor of her 2-story home. Skylar sits up and looks around at the scene, very confused.*


Snoopy: ...I'm okay!

*Realizing what just happened and seeing the expression on Nikki's face, Skylar couldn't help busting out in laughter.*

Skylar: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Stop! It's too much! HAHAHAHA!!! XD

*Not able to stop laughing, he rapidly knock on the floor while kicking with his legs, tears rolling down his cheeks from all the laughing*

Skylar: Ahahah... Oww... it hu-u-urts...

*A few minutes later...*

Nikki: I WAS going to discuss with the three of you just what my bravery program included...

*Nikki looks around her room; she sees:
1. Ring is hiding in the closet (all of the sudden action and noise scared her off)
2. Snoopy is laying down on her bed, bandaged and scratched up with an ice bag on his head
3. Skylar is still doubled-over in laughter on the floor
4. Her window that is now broken because of Snoopy jumping through it
5. Her room that went from neat and tidy to a complete disaster area in less than a minute*

But, due to...recent events, I'm going to have to GREATLY revise it.-__-;;

*Nikki goes to her closet, pulls an overnight bag and Ring out of it and then packs a few sets of clothes and materials into the bag.*

Nikki: Snoopy, give a Rocko a call and get him to come over here and fix that window. I'll be staying at a hotel for the next 2 or 3 days to come up with some new ideas. Skylar, I'll call you later and tell you where I am so that the two of us can talk., enjoy the cake and have a good rest of the day, guys; see ya.

*Nikki leaves her house and heads to a local hotel. Skylar, finally calming down, gets up on his feet again*

Skylar: Phew... Aye, we made quite a mess here... *sighs sadly* I think I made her angry at me now... I'll just clean up here then, I guess... Snoopy, stay where you are, whatever you want...

*Skylar quickly finds all he need to clean the room, actually doing a pretty good job. One could think he had a secret job as a "Super-Maid"...A few hours later, Skylar recieves a call from Nikki; she informs him on where she is and to meet up with her ASAP. Within the hour, Skylar arrives at the door of Nikki's the deluxe suites floors near the top of the hotel. The entire area was so glamorous and ritzy that Skylar started to wonder just how Nikki was able to afford, let alone get into, such fancy-looking a place. He arrives at Room #31 and knocks on the door; within seconds, Nikki opens the door and welcomes him in.*

Nikki: Hi Skylar!
Welcome to my home away from home.

*To his surprise, the inside of the room is huge and full of awesome furniture and other cool stuff; far different from any regular hotel room he'd ever been in. He stands in the doorway in comeplete wonder and awe at the sight before him.*

Skylar: Wow... How did you afford to this?

*He slowly walks into the room*

Nikki: I work my tail off with Ashuro and the others every week; it's hard work, but it definitely pays well.

Skylar: *smiles* You bet... I've never been in a place like this... Except, well, my sisters room, before... you know...

*Skylar sighs sadly, still having difficulties with the fact that his family and entire race is gone. He closes his eyes, his head haning down a bit. Seeing Skylar begining to become depressed, Nikki takes a cookie out of a snack bag that she had been eating from and sticks it in his mouth. As the sweet flavor reaches his taste buds, Skylar happily starts eating the cookie.*

Nikki: How is it?

Skylar: It's good. I love cookies, almost as much as I love you.

*Much happier now, he wraps his arms around Nikki and gives her a big and loving hug. nuzzling and licking her ear playfully while purring quietly*

*A little while later, the two of them relaxing on the super soft and plush couch.*

Nikki: So, judging from what you saw earlier, how difficult do you think it'll be to make those two braver?

Skylar: Nah... hard to tell... But I will try, that's sure. If I had to guess though... maybe a month or two?

Nikki: Darn, that's too long of a time; I need to get their confidence up by atleast the end of the month.

Skylar: Why is that? You look a bit stressed...

Nikki: Oh yeah, I never did get around to explaining everything the other day; y'know, when I had to take off all of a sudden.

Skylar: Yeah... But you know, I never got to finish that massage I was giving you either... So, shall I...?

Nikki: A little later, this is actually kind-of serious. You ready for this?

Skylar: Okay... though ruining this sweet moment... it's not really fun, but go ahead and get it over with...

Nikki: Okay, about a week ago after that, um... ..."whistle" incedent, Ashuro started digging around for some information about that thing he pulled out of you. After a few days of digging, he still couldn't find anything...until the other day that is. Lorenzo made a fake attack on the town to get our attention; we had expected him to make some kind of commotion next week, but he surprised us all by stirring up all of that panic. Nothing was damaged and nobody was hurt, he just wanted to make a huge ruckus to get us to come out and meet him. His exact words were "Sorry about all of the commotion, I had to do something to get you all to come out here. I would've called, but I think we all know you wouldn't be in the mood to talk to me; I would've even prefered to pay you each a personal visit, but...I think we all know what would've happened if I did that. I hear your looking for information about a piece of tech my company made; I will admit that it wasn't one of the BEST bussiness deals I ever made. So, to keep a long story from getting even longer, take this; it's what you've been looking for. And with that, I'll be going now...oh, and to whoever is doing it, stop hacking into my company's database; it's really annoying." He walked away after that, and...well...that's it. Can you imagine dealing with a guy like that on a regular basis?

Skylar: Wow... Poor you, most be tired... *sweetly starts to lick her cheeks and neck, blushing, his tail wagging*

Nikki: Mmmmmmm After Ashuro read the files he had been given and continued his search from there where he discovered something; he wouldn't tell us what, but he told us all to prepare for something big to happen within the next 2-3 months or possible even sooner than that. When even Ashuro is concerned about something like that, it must be something really serious. Snoopy and Ring must've heard about what was happening; so they came to me and asked me to help them become braver. They said that they didn't want to give Ashuro more to worry about, so they came to me instead. The two of them looked so determined at that time; I've never seen that sort of behavior from either one of them. I couldn't let them chicken out and run away later after seeing that; so I had them sign a contract with me to prevent that from happening. But now, seeing how things went before I could even explain how I was going to help them, I'm beginning to have my own doubts...

Skylar: You'll find a way, you always do. If it's something I've learned from being with you, it's the fact that Nikki Jen doesn't take no for an answer and sucseeds in everything she wants to! Snoopy and Ring... we two can change them together. I'll try to get Ashuro to tell me what's happening. But right now, it's just us... right?

*Skylar smiles kindly to Nikki, continuing to sweetly lick her neck, grabbing onto her shirt and slowly slides it upwards. He wanted to make her feel good, loved, more than anything else. He also wanted to help her in any way he could think of... So he fully exposes her breasts and gently grabs onto them, massaging slowly in circle motions*

Skylar: Nikki Jen... I love you so much...

Nikki: Thank you, Skylar; I love so very much, too...

e-chan: Skylar, I'm going to let you in on something important so that when the time comes, you'll have more of an idea as to what to do; y'know to avoid frustration.

Skylar: Fill me in on the details, E-Man.

e-chan: You're gaining level with Nikki at an amazing rate, but know this; if haven't already noticed this, she's mainly leveling you up in multiples of 5. But when you're close to Lv. 100, she'll stop one level short, putting you a Lv. 99. That final level is going to be the HARDEST one to get. Unlike usual, she won't give you a task to comeplete; you're gonna have to figure out what you've got to do.

Skylar: Huh? Figure it out? You mean that... it could be... anything physically possible?!

e-chan: Possibly...but since I know Nikki well, like how I know everybody that came out of my head, it won't be anything requiring physical strength; if anything, it'll be something more along the lines of, what's the word?...Resolve.

Skylar: Resolve? Is it just me, or isn't that a bit out of character for Nikki?

e-chan: Maybe; although Nikki is the kind of person she is, you've got to remember, she's still a girl after all. From my knowledge, girls like guys that have a strong resolve to love and look out for them for the rest of their lives...but as I said, that's just from my PERSONAL knowledge; I can't for a fact guarantee that simply due to the fact that I'm NOT a girl...ask Sora, I don't know. All I know is that you're going to have to do something big to show her your resolve as to just how much you love her AND that you truly mean it. Does that help any?

Skylar: *nods* Right. If it's something my clan knew, it was how to protect your loved ones!

e-chan: Great! When you get to Lv.99, come see me and tell me what you've thought about doing before going to Nikki; I'll be able to confirm for certain if you're on the right path or not by then.

Skylar: *nods* Right...

e-chan: And before I go, know this: Nikki has been trying her hardest to hold herself back since the day she met you. She has values that she wants to uphold, but her control is slowly starting to slip. She wants you THAT much; probably 10x more than you want her since it's built up for so long without release of any kind... But you've got to promise me one thing if Nikki ever gives in and lets her more primal instincts take over.

Skylar: Okay... and what's that?

e-chan: Repel her advances at all costs. Run, hide, restrain her; just make sure that you don't allow her to satisfy those urges no matter what. I know it's a lot to ask, but if she succeeds and comes to her senses later...she'll never forgive herself; she'll always doubt her judgement and won't have even 5% of the confidence and determination she has now for the rest of her life. She's just that sort of person. So...please, Skylar...please promise me that you'll do your best and make sure that doesn't happen; she's about to hit her limit soon, and when that happens she'll throw away all logic, reason, beliefs and ideals. Please, prevent her from succeeding and save her from herself.

Skylar: Got it all mentally noted down! I'll be sure to run far, and just to be sure, I can use my bondage stuff on her as well.

e-chan: ...I don't know, she might break out of it. Nikki can be very strong when she wants to be; I think you've seen and heard about that already. And then there's the matter of her pensword, the Horror might want to get Trey of Ichigo to help you. Penswords and Zanpakutos are quite similar in various ways and they might be able to deal with it better. Hmmm...this is beginning to sound like a role-reversal of what happened with you recently.

Skylar: Hmm... I'll deal with her on my own... If I have to, I might just have to "lend" powers from your moon...

e-chan: Well, since you're so determined, I'll tell you about her Pensword's ability. Horror Sheathe draws it's power from the "Nightmare Realm." It can open a portal to that place and drag you into it where you'll encounter your greatest fears/nightmares. Nikki has no control over which fear is brough out; one is just brought out randomly. So...if you're caught in might even see HiM, if you know what I mean, unfortunately.

Skylar: *grins, chuckling quietly, actually a bit scared* Woah... I understand that she's strong and violent... but that there was surprising...

e-chan: There IS a chink in the armor, so to say. The thing is, the strength and amount of E-nergy somebody has is based upon their own will and determination; so if your own will is stronger than you opponent's, it won't have any affect on you. That explains why Ashuro isn't affected by many things that he comes across.

Skylar: That's good to know. ^^

e-chan: And with that, leave her in your hands and wish you the best; you're gonna need it. In a matter of days there's gonna be an unstoppable force with a strength that's equal to Ashuro fueled by ecchi thoughts after you like a predator chasing it's prey. Oh well, see ya later Skylar, and thank you; should you survive, I'll take you out for a steak.

*e-chan leaves to go home. Skylar stands there processing all that he had learned; when he remember how e-chan described how Nikki will be when the time comes, he realizes just how doomed he may be.*

Skylar: ...I need to recharge a lot of energy, fast...

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