Saturday, April 9, 2011

No Time for Romance! A Monstrous Transformation!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 3
“No Time for Romance! A Monstrous Transformation!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Skylar, after a lot of training and fighting, was invited to stay over at Nikki's house and spend the night there. DESPITE knowing he was in his mating season and could break out in rampage there, he accepted.

All was going well, until now…Skylar, believing he could make it through the night without losing control, accidently walks in on Nikki while she looks for something in her bag; skirt-less and panty-less.

Seeing this makes Skylar go wild on the inside. His hair grows longer as well…

So, what’s gonna happen now? Well… *

Nikki: Now where is it? Rocko said that I needed to test out his new invention today…Oh, here it is.

*Nikki pulls a weird-modified whistle out of her bag.*

Nikki: Okay, he said that all I should have to do is blow on this when the time comes. Hmm, I sure hope that I don't have to use this on poor Skylar; he's been showing such great restraint tonight…

*In one swift move, Skylar takes hold of Nikki, surprising her, holding her close, breathing heavily*

Skylar: …good…evening…Nikki… *blushing red*

Nikki: O_O;; …oh well, so much for restraint.

*Nikki frees one of her arms and blows on the whistle Rocko had made; although the sound is silent, Skylar is sent on the ground trying to stop the ringing in his ears.*

Skylar: GAAAAH!!! What's that sound?!?! Get out of my head!!!

*as Skylar struggles and squirms on the floor, his claws and teeth grows longer, along with his hair*

Skylar: *sees the whistle in her hand, his eyes widening in horror* You…you're totally crazy…GAAAAAH!!! What's that whistle…tell me…Quick!!!

Nikki: Calm down a bit; Rocko said that it should only hurt for a few seconds in the beginning.

*Nikki takes out the instructions Rocko had made on how the whistle works as well as how to use it.*

Nikki: *reading instructions* Okay, it should be taking effect right now.

*Skylar starts to calm down as his claws, teeth and hair recede and return to normal. His usual mating-season urges disappear as well, making him feel like his regular self.*

Nikki: Wow, it really worked; I'll have to let Rocko know about this tomorrow.

*Skylar, a bit calmer now, stands up and slowly gives Nikki a hug while placing both his hands on her butt*

Skylar: Thanks…You should know though…Sound type of attacks coming from items, they won't work all the time on me. It's something about my race…

*With a smile on his face, his tail starts wagging and he starts to gently massage her butt, while nuzzling her cheek*

Skylar: But you know…I was in control of myself all the time…

Nikki: I guess I should explain to you about just what this whistle just did…

???: No need, leave that to me!

*Rocko jumps out of Nikki's bag*


*Nikki's face blushes deep red and then sprints into her closet with the sheer brute force of a battering ram, rocketing poor Skylar into the ceiling.*

Skylar: *foot stuck in the ceiling* …Great…not only am I stuck…I made a hole in the ceiling… -_-;

*Skylar looks down, facing Rocko*

Skylar: Well, might as well listen…I mean, I can't really get anywhere…Thanks for that, Nikki… *groans*

Rocko: Hmmm…that looks uncomfortable; let's fix that first, shall we?

*Rocko takes aim with his left finger and shoots a weak lightning bolt into a part of the ceiling next to Skylar's trapped foot. The blast is just enough to crack open the ceiling a bit more so that Skylar could free himself; Skylar frees his foot and lands on the floor with ease and the grace of a professional acrobat*

Rocko: There we go Don't worry about the ceiling, I'll send one of my construction bots to fix it later.

Skylar: Ah, much better. Just a sec...

*Skylar goes over to Nikki's closet and knocks on the door before opening it*

Skylar: Nikki? Are you okay?

Nikki: Yes, I'm fine, thank you.

*Nikki opens the closet door, fully clothed.*

Nikki: …but Rocko won't be soon!

*Nikki charges at Rocko and catches him.*

Nikki: Okay, start explaining, rodent; why are you here? Depending on your answer, you just might be able to leave without any broken bones!

Rocko: Two reasons and both of them are non-perverted, I assure you; believe me, you're the LAST girl in the world I'd try to peek on.

Skylar: Then explain… And while you're at it, tell me about the whistle…

*Skylar reaches for and grabs Nikki's butt, slipping his hand into her clothes, even her panties, rubbing there gently*

Skylar: *whispers to Nikki* Please, can I continue to do this~? *makes a cute puppy dog face at her*

Nikki: Sorry, but not now; the moods been ruined thanks to this one here that I'm desperately trying not to hurt.

Rocko: Man, why do you always have to be so scary and angry? Skylar, you must be lion-hearted if took on the challenge of taming this one. Hehehehehe!


*Nikki furiously chokes Rocko while Skylar does his very best to free Rocko from her death-grip on him. After about a 3 minute struggle...*

Rocko: Okay, *wheeze* the first reason I'm here *wheeze* was so that I could test out my latest *wheeze* invention.

*Rocko pulls a black-circular shaped disk out of Nikki's bag.*

Rocko: This is my "Pocket Portal." With this, you can go anywhere or anyplace that exists; basically, you can open and travel through dimensional portals just like Ashuro and e-chan.

*Skylar brushes Nikki with a comb to try making her calm a bit down and relax*

Skylar: Cool…But I rather walk…I've only used transport machines once in my life…

Rocko: That's good; Ashuro and e-chan only use portals when they absolutely have to get somewhere in a hurry.

Nikki: Are you about done yet?

Rocko: The second reason I'm here is to explain about that whistle of mine in greater detail.

Nikki: If that's the case, you can go ahead a make yourself scarce; I was just about to discuss this him before YOU showed up so suddenly.

Rocko: Too bad; I'm here now, so *sticks out tongue* to you.


*Seeing that Nikki was getting very angry again, Skylar tightly hugs her; he scratches a spot behind her right ear with one hand and gently rubs her bum with his other. Nikki's anger vanishes and completely relaxes, nearly falling asleep in Skylar's embrace.*

Skylar: *smiles* Good girl~

*while continuing to make her relax and say calm, Skylar strips off her bottom clothes again, and she doesn't even seem to care*

Skylar: Okay, please continue… I don't think Nikki is going to be angry while I continue this… ^^

Rocko: ...I'm sorry, you were saying something?

*Hearing Rocko's voice, Nikki immediately comes to her senses and quickly jumps behind Skylar as she struggles to get her shorts and panties back on.*


Rocko: Hehehe, the mighty Jen has finally been tamed; wait'll…

Nikki: If you tell anybody about this, considered your remaining days numbered, you pervy rodent.

Rocko: *gulp* duly noted…

*Nikki smiles in satisfaction knowing that Rocko wouldn't dare say a word while Skylar sits there sulking
 with a "Why can't I catch a break?" type of look on his face.*

Skylar: …

*Skylar looks back and down at Nikki's lower body, blushing as she still couldn't seem to get her clothes back on*

Skylar: …hmm…

*Just then, he uses one of his claws to shred her shirt up, exposing her big and round breasts*

Skylar: *smiles*


Nikki: KYAAAN!

*Embarrassed, Nikki ducks down behind Skylar again, pushing her chest into Skylar's back in an attempt to hide herself from Rocko's eyes. Skylar's happiness level has trippled.*

I can now die a happy man...

Nikki: *blushing profusely* YOU GUYS...! ...DEATH BY CRUSHING!!

*<scene change; the outside of Nikki's house is shown>People passing by Nikki's house freeze in their tracks when they hear two loud punches followed by what sounded like an all-out bar fight and men screaming and bellowing in absolute pain while the entire house shook and quaked under each blow delivered for quite a few minutes.<scene changes back to the inside of Nikki's room> Rocko and Skylar are tied up on the floor looking really beat up while Nikki sits on the floor angry, fully clothed with her back turned to them, eating chips and cookies with a cute, pouty look on her face.*

Nikki: I'm billing you two for my ruined clothes and for the repairs for my room...WiTH INTEREST!

Skylar: …

*Suddenly, Skylar starts crying and sobbing, tears rolling down his cheeks*

Skylar: S-sorry Nikki…I…I just…You and…T_T

Nikki: …I…guess I did over-react a little bit, huh?



*Nikki gets up and walks over to both Rocko and Skylar; in one swift motion, Nikki cuts Skylar's ropes, freeing him.*

Nikki: …apology accepted, Skylar. I'm the one that should be apologizing to you; it must be so difficult for you to fight against something you have no control over. Besides, I could never stay mad at the one who loves me like you do.

*Skylar leaps at Nikki, sending both of them to the ground, nuzzling and kissing her all over with his tail wagging*

Skylar: *purrs, smiling happily*

*A few moments later...*

Rocko: Okay, the second reason I'm here is so that I can explain the effects of the whistle.

Nikki: And I ask again; WHY would you come over here to do that when I already have the instructions you left for me?

Rocko: It wasn't until a few hours later that I realized that you took the wrong set of instructions.

Nikki: Wrong instructions? But they're for this whistle, aren't they?

Rocko: Yes AND No. "Yes" in the fact that they are for the whistle I created; and "No" in the fact that although they are instructions for the whistle, they're not the ones for THAT particular whistle that's in your possession. In other words, that's not the one I made specifically for Skylar.

Skylar: So... What does that mean?

Rocko: These that I have right here are the ones for the whistle I designed for Skylar.

*Rocko hands Nikki the new instructions. Nikki quickly reads through them and finds no difference between the new instructions and the ones she has with her; in fact, they're identical*

Nikki: These are the exact same ones that you gave me!

Rocko: Really? Let me see them both real quick; maybe I made a mistake and printed two sets of the same instructions.

*Opening both sets of instructions, Rocko immediately notices one significant difference.*

Rocko: Well, you're right in the fact that they're both the same and that they indeed ARE the ones for Skylar; but the introduction page is missing in the one you had with you.

Nikki: You mean the page after the table of contents where you brag about your amazing genius? Yeah, I tore that one out and used it as scratch paper to right something down and then threw it away afterwards.

Rocko: Y-you did? …you did realize that all of the pages were double-sided, right?

Nikki: Yes, and…?

Rocko: Did you at least read the other side of the page before you threw it away?

Nikki: Nope, I didn't feel like reading your continued ramblings.

Rocko: …not good…so very-very NOT good…

Skylar: Not good… If all the pages was double-sided, then-

*Suddenly, Skylar feels something snap inside of him and goes silent, without saying anything else, just staring empty out in the air, while certain feelings filled up his mind and body, making him more aggressive*

Nikki: Sk-Skylar?


*Rocko throws his Pocket Portal on the floor; grapping Nikki's hand, they both enter it. They find themselves outside of Nikki's house*

Nikki: Hey, what just...?

Rocko: Quick, tell me; when you blew that whistle, what did Skylar do?

Nikki: He...he fell to the ground and started wailing in pain; he even started to look a bit more feral as well. What's happening to him?

Rocko: CRAP-CRAP-CRAP! The blowing tip of that whistle was removable; if you read ALL of the instructions like I told you two, you'd know exactly why I freakin' out here!

Nikki: Just tell me what's going on!

Rocko: If you had removed the mouthpiece before blowing it, everything would be fine; the sound waves would've just canceled out his 'mating season' instincts for 24 hours, and that's all. But, by blowing the whistle while the removable tip was still attached, the sound waves created something worse!

Nikki: What's so special about the tip?

Rocko: The tip has the EXACT same properties as the one I made for Snoopy; you know, the one that emits E-nergy sound waves to safely super-charge his E-nergy level without him going berserk. A massive amount of that very same super-charging E-nergy is now surging through Skylar's entire body; and it's his mating season instincts that are receiving that charge! First he'll establish his territory by eliminating everybody, except for you, that he feels is trespassing in it; and because of the super-charge, to him, his territory is the size of this ENTiRE town! That means…

*A giant beam of E-nergy shoots skywards from Nikki's house. While both Rocko and Nikki are looking at the spectacle in front of them, Skylar appears in front of them, just staring at them; he looks even wilder and beast-like to Nikki compared to how he looked earlier before she blew on the whistle. Rocko quickly pulls out his 2 cell-phones and speed-dials the only two people he can think of that knows Skylar better than he does. Elsewhere, Arashi and Sora are hanging out when both of their phones rings.*

Arashi: *answers* Hello?

Sora: *answers as well* Yes?

Skylar: … *stares, growling angrily*

Rocko: Arashi, Sora, we've got a situation with Skylar; he's looking real wild and he just standing here staring at us and…

*Skylar roars a heart-stopping, thunderous howl that can be heard throughout the entire town and beyond!*


Arashi: Well, depending on the situation, Skylar IS the strongest of us…

Sora: True… and he's not easy to control either… If it is something he wants, he'll get it…

Arashi: Just don't get close to him, or he may-

*Skylar roars again, this time, loud enough to send Sora and Arashi flying just by hearing it through their phones*

Arashi: ……

Sora: ……

Skylar: Rrrrr… *walks slowly towards Rocko and Nikki, almost like a zombie*

Arashi & Sora: Okay, we're coming. *hangs up*

To be continued…

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