Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Colossal Battle! The Onyx Qurupeco's Trump Card!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 11
“Colossal Battle! The Onyx Qurupeco’s Trump Card!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Pepper: Let's get 'em!

Skylar: Here we go!

*The two of them leaps towards the onyx-colored Qurupeco and prepares to strike*

Pepper: Mach Kick!

*Pepper delivers a speedy kick to the Qurupeco's chest, throwing it off balance, and Skylar lands on its back and gets into an advantageous attacking position.*

Skylar: Crimson Claws!

*With his claws glowing red, he delivers a couple of consecutive attacks at the Qurupeco's back and the back of its head. The monster retaliates by spinning around, trying to toss Skylar off of his back, but is unable to do so; Skylar has anchored his claws into the monster and is not letting it go. The Qurupeco takes flight with Skylar still on its back and flies off into Area 8 of the Sandy Plains with Pepper speedily following them. Once there, the monster tries to ram Skylar into one of the mountain walls, forcing him to let go of it and evacuate, landing safely on the ground. The Qurupeco lands on a high mountain pillar in the middle of the area, and starts to mend its wounds.*

Pepper: You okay, dude?

Skylar: Yes... I'm okay. Damn it, I was sure I had it...

Pepper: You did; it's getting desperate because it knows it's in trouble. But now that it's up on that pillar, things have gotten tricky again...and possibly dangerous. Care to hear why I say that?

Skylar: What? Is it gonna shit on us or something...

Pepper: Whoa, never thought about that before; I'll keep that in mind from now on. I'm thinking more about the pillar's location in general. You see, it's right in the middle of one, huge ant nest; get to close and you're pretty much guaranteed to get bit to death. These are some SERiOUSLY bad ants.

*Pepper takes his guidebook out of his bag and shows Skylar the ants he's talking about.*

Pepper: This is an Altaroth; the little ones won't bug you unless you bug them. It's the big ones that have an attitude problem; if they spot you they'll attack on sight and even order the little ones to attack as well.

Skylar: Wait a minute... I remember something I overheard... I we are standing in the nest, aren't there a big chance we might come across a...what was it...Barroth! That's it! The Barroth's favorite food is Altaroths, am I right?!

Pepper: *shudder* yeah, you're right. Man, I sure hope one of those don't show up. But we should be alright; I can sense when there are big monsters around in large areas like this and that Qurupeco is the only here. Even without that ability, you'd know when there was a Barroth around; they make such a loud, ear-splitting roar.

*The Qurupeco stands up on its high perch and inflates its throat with air.*

Pepper: What's he doing? Uh-oh...

Skylar: I hate it when you say "Uh-oh", it always means trouble! -_-;

*Pepper tosses his bag on the ground and searches through it frantically for something.*

Pepper: C'mon, I know I must've packed some...found 'em!

*Pepper holds a small ball-shaped object in hand. Watching the Qurupeco closely, he tosses it right at the monster just as it starts to produce a sound. Once high enough, the object emits a high pitch sound that startles the Qurupeco and forces both Pepper and Skylar to cover their ears to drown out the noise. The monster loses its balance and plummets to the ground, landing with a huge thud.*

Skylar: What was that?!

*Skylar blinks and looks to Pepper, a bit confused*

Pepper: That was a Sonic Bomb. Sorry about not warning you before, but I had to stop that thing before it could make a noise.

Skylar: Fine then. Can you please tell me how we're gonna beat that thing, now?

Pepper: *looks over at the Qurupeco* It's unconscious; shall we?

Skylar: *draws out his claws* Yes we should.

*The two of them rush over towards the Qurupeco and unleash their attack. Pepper makes quick work of the flints on its wings while Skylar cracks off a small part of its beak. With the main two threats out of the way, the monster wakes up. As it takes to the air, both Skylar and Pepper get on the Qurupeco's back and attack it fiercely. With the pain finally taking a toll on its body, the monster crash lands in Area 3 of the Sandy Plains, sending Skylar and Pepper into the giant pool of mud.*

Pepper: Aw man; I hate it when this type of mud gets all in my fur.

Skylar: Yeah, I hate...Wait a minute... O_O;

*Skylar's eyes widen in horror as he remember more of what he had been told. He stumbles around and tries to get out of the mud*

Skylar: Pepper, pop quiz, what is one of the main things a Barroth uses for its attacks, and what is it mostly found swimming around in?

*Pepper looks at Skylar for a moment, wondering why he asked those questions. That is until he realized exactly what he meant*

Pepper: OwO;;

*Pepper explodes out of the mud in a burst of fear-induced adrenaline and onto dry ground, taking Skylar with him.*

Pepper: *panting* That was scary.

*Using his trained monster sensing ability, Pepper scans the area; the only big monster within the area is the battle scarred Qurupeco.*

Pepper: It's good; there isn't one here. Thank goodness... now that I think about it, we were never in any real danger of another big monster appearing. Even if the Qurupeco had used the distress cry of another big monster it wouldn't show up because there aren't any around to hear it.

*The Qurupeco slowly staggers to its feet and once again fills its chest with air before emitting a loud, bellowing roar; it was calling for a Barroth! A few seconds pass, and no monster shows up or can be sensed approaching by Pepper.*

Pepper: Ha! Knew it; okay, time too...

*The sky once again get's dark and stormy as another dark portal opens up, this time, in the mud puddle.*


*Skylar steps over to the Qurupeco and raises his fist, then jumps up over it and slams down, hitting it hard in the head. The Qurupeco stays on its feet for some seconds, but then collapses from the hit*

Skylar: That's your fault, you flying bastard!

*Pepper checks the monster's condition; sure enough, it's now dead. But that doesn't stop Pepper from kicking it a few times to vent some frustration.*

Pepper: Friggin' annoying bird-faced jerk! Well, at least it's dead now, so it won't be calling any MORE monsters to help him. But still, this is a big deal. I just thought that it had an unusual color and boosted strength; but to be able to call for another big monster by opening portals...that's just too much! And there are FOUR more of them still out there! I need to contact the guild, right away.

*Opening his bag, Pepper takes out his cell phone and dials in the guild's phone number. While Skylar keeps his eyes on the portal, another surge of corrupted E-nergy can be felt coming from the Qurupeco's body. It doesn't get up, but it does make a very loud, high pitch roar before finally collapsing for the final time. Shocked by this, Pepper reaches into his bag, pulls out a Great Sword and hands it to Skylar.*

Pepper: Here, take care of its head before it decides to do something else to screw us over.

Skylar: Right-o...

*Skylar takes the Great Sword and stabs it into the Qurupeco's head*

Skylar: THAT should do it.

Pepper: Yes...but to be 100% absolutely sure, I'd recommend giving it the guillotine treatment, if you know what I mean?

Skylar: You do it... I have no intention to do such a thing... *throws him the sword*

Pepper: Hmmm, yeah that IS a tad extreme...

*Taking a rope out of his bag, Pepper ties a loop around the monster's cracked beak to prevent it from opening.*

Pepper: There we go. ...let's take this guy with us; the guild will want to know everything possible about this particular specimen.

*Pepper takes a stone out of his bag that looks exactly like the ones embedded into Ashuro's hands and aims it a the dead Qurupeco; the monster is sucked into the stone which is later put back in the bag.*

Skylar: Cool... Now, what were we worrying about earlier? ...Was it-

*Skylar is interrupted as he is suddenly hit by some sort of big tail and sent crashing head first into a boulder. Not far from where he was standing earlier, a tall brown-ish and dinosaur like monster stands and lets out a roar*

Skylar: Oh yeah... Now I remember...

Pepper: Skylar!

*Grabbing a healing drink from his bag, Pepper rushes over to Skylar and has him drink it, instantly recovering from the hard hit he just took.*

Pepper: C'mon, let’s get out of here; with that weird Qurupeco taken care of, there's no longer any reason for us to stay and fi-

*Before either of them recognized it, the Barroth hit them both with a high speed head tackle, sending them flying in the air. Before they could land, the monster was right under them and hits them again, sending them into the air again. The Barroth keeps repeats this cycle five more times before finally letting them both crash land into the mud. Pepper couldn't believe it; he knew Barroths were fast, but the speed of this one was completely unreal!*

Pepper: This can't be happening! That souped-up Qurupeco was bad enough and now there's this one that's even more dangerous!

*Looking over at the Barroth, Pepper notices something rather un-nerving about it.*

Pepper: It could be because of all the hits my head took earlier, but does that thing look a LOT larger than earlier?

Skylar: I guess... NGH!

*As Skylar tries to move, he falls to his knees, panting hard, his arms hanging freely and swaying back and forth*

Skylar: Damn... He got both my arms... And- NGH! I think he got a couple of my ribs as well...

*Skylar sees that Pepper is about to look in his bag again*

Skylar: Forget it Pepper, save those for yourself... I want to fight him, even if he breaks my bones, and it would be rude to my opponent to continue healing like that... *smirks*

Pepper: I get what you mean; I want to fight too, but there's not much we can do to an armored tank like that in our condition...unless... Skylar, how are your legs?

Skylar: They're fine, as always... What are you planning?

*Skylar uses his mouth to raise his arms up and bite off his bandages, looking at Pepper most of the time, waiting for his answer*

Pepper: If you can get that thing's attention for just a few seconds, I can set up a trap that'll deal massive damage, and maybe even...no, definitely K.O. it in the process.

Skylar: Heh... I don't think that would be of any need...

*With a devilish and evil grin on his face and look in his eyes, Skylar starts to slowly walk towards the Barroth, ignoring it's roars completely*

Skylar: Hehehe... Is that all you got, big guy? I'm not amused yet!

*As if it understood the taunt, the Barroth walks up to Skylar, lowers its head and roars even louder than before. Skylar, not having moved one inch, cracks a smile and suddenly jumps up*

Skylar: Silver Spirit: Kick!

*For a brief moment, Skylar is surrounded by a silver-colored light and kicks the Barroth in the face, cracking the "decorations" on its head, just with that single kick*

*The Barroth flinches from the impact.*

Pepper: There's an opening!

*Taking a Long Sword out of his bag, Pepper uses his speed and quickly gets behind the Barroth before attacking.*

Pepper: Rising Crescent Moon!

*Swinging the sword in a quick, curved arc, Pepper easily slices the Barroth's tail completely off. Reaching into his bag, Pepper pulls out some ice bombs and chucks them all at the monster, freezing much of its body in ice.*

Pepper: Skylar, you take one side and I'll take the other!

*Pepper stands to right side of the monster and Skylar stands to the left; both of them charge at the Barroth and deliver two powerful kicks to its side. The impact shatters the ice and the mud and shell armor protecting its body.*

Skylar: Now then, deal the finishing blow... *smirks*

Pepper: You got it.

*Getting into a striking stance, Pepper leaps at the Barroth in a burst of speed a delivers a powerful, giant slice at the monster's chest using his long sword. A few seconds after landing on his feet a surge of blood gushes from the Barroth's chest where it had be sliced and the monster collapses.*

Pepper: *inspects the Barroth* It's dead; I don't know about you, but I'm tired. Let's get back to the base camp and go home.

*Pepper and Skylar travel back through Area 4, the area where all the chaos began, to get back to the base camp. Before they're half way out of the area, the pain from their broken bones come back in full force, sending them both to the ground writhing in pain.*

Pepper: *bones crack loudly* AW CRAP, THAT HURTS!!

Skylar: OWW! DAMN IT ALL!!!

Pepper: I'm at my limit; as much as I'd love to tough it out and continue, it would only do more harm to the body than good. I'm sending out a distress call to the guild; they'll come and get us in a little bit. Let's just rest here for a moment...

Skylar: Damn, I feel so helpless... I hate this feeling...

Pepper: I can relate; I haven't felt this helpless since the day I was almost killed by two random attackers about 10 years ago.

Skylar: I... know how you feel...

Pepper: ...since we’re not going anywhere anytime soon, would you like to hear more about where I saw your family's symbol?

Skylar: Sure... Go ahead.

Pepper: About a year ago, I ran into a guy who was wearing a jacket with that symbol on it. He was looking for people to join him and his cause: to eradicate all remaining Saiyans and to restore the entire...um...what was the name of your race again?

Skylar: We call us for the Ookami... Did someone else survive the attack on my planet, except me? .....

Pepper: It's possible; I mean, at one time it was thought that the only remaining Saiyans alive were Goku, Vegeta, Raditz and Nappa. That fact was proven wrong when Turles and Broly appeared. I never got his name, but he passed the offer of joining him to me, but I turned it down. Even though the Saiyans have killed an untold number of different races, I personally, couldn't bring myself to participate in a cause that's doing the exact same thing that they were doing. Revenge only gives birth to more revenge; it's already an endless cycle and I didn't want anything to do with it.

Skylar: I understand... Though I HATE the Saiyans now, it's mostly towards Son Goku... That guy, how could he? What did we ever do?

Pepper: Son Goku? Which one are you talking about? There are many Son Gokus out there, y'know.

Skylar: Tsk, the one also known as Kakarot...

Pepper: Okay, but the same thing still applies. Are you familiar with 'multiversal theory?'

Skylar: .....Maybe, I think so...

Pepper: As you know, there are several different universes out there that inter-lap with one another. It’s highly likely that there are multiple different versions of you, me and everybody else that we know. From my knowledge, the Kakarot we know was sent to Earth as a baby and didn't leave Earth until he was in his mid-20s or so when he went to Namek. So with that in mind, there are two possible things that could've happened: 1. The Kakarot that destroyed your home planet was from a different universe, or 2. That Saiyan might've yelled out Kakarot's name for one reason or another, like to frame him or something, I don't know that's just from my standpoint, though. Does that help some?

Skylar: ...If only my sister was here... She would've known...

*As Skylar said this, Pepper turns his head to look at him and sees that Skylar is, in fact, crying a bit as both painful and pleasing memories flow back to him*

Pepper: Sorry if I brought up some painful memories. I know what it's like to lose something you held so dearly to your heart.

*Tears form in Pepper's eyes as he remember his loss.*

Pepper: I miss my mom and dad; I miss them so much. I'll never forget that prejudiced organization of demon-hearted people that took them from me. Heh, I guess we both share a lot more in common than I thought...

*Before Skylar could reply to Pepper's last statement, the ground beneath them starts to shake.*

Pepper: OoO; What was that?!

Skylar: Don't ask. Don't guess. Just don't say ANYTHING! O_O;

*Both of them remain silent and don't move a muscle. The ground begins to shake again; as it does, puff of sand shoot out of the ground to indicate that there was something moving around underground. Pepper then remembers something from earlier; just before Skylar dealt the Qurupeco the final blow, it made another call that he had never heard before. Pepper's face has the look of absolute 'we're gonna die' terror on his face; it takes all of his strength not to burst out in tears and bawling like a small child.*

Pepper: TT^TT

*When Skylar see the facial expression on Pepper's face, the sight causes him to get the exact same expression on his face.*

Skylar: Help... TT^TT

*The dust trail moves a little bit away from the two of them before the cause of the tremors erupts out of the ground and stands tall. Pepper's couldn't believe he was actually seeing the monster that had appeared.*

Pepper: That's...that's a...Diablos!

Skylar: O...M...G...

*Pepper and Skylar do their best to scramble to their feet, but the pain sends them both back to the ground. The Diablos sees them and makes a high pitch roar that sends chills down the duo's spines. As they see the monster charging at them with it's gigantic horns, they know for certain that they're about to die...that is, until they hear an unknown voice coming from above them.*

??? Male: Gin Meteor Mash!!

*The unknown person plummets down at an amazing speed and crashes right into the Diablos' head, stopping the monster completely and sending it down to the ground.*

??? Male: HARHARHARHAR! So, this is the one known as the "Two-Horned Devil" huh?

??? Female: Ha! This one is definitely one of the weakest-looking ones I've seen.

*In front of Skylar and Pepper stands a large, hulking Desert Wolf Lobinu male with a puffy white mane, wearing a wrestler mask, violet vest and blue wrestler pants; on his shoulder sits a petit Shetland Sheepdog Lobinu female with an oriental hairstyle, wearing oriental-style clothes.*

Skylar: Huh? What in the-?!

??? Male: Hmm? Oh, where are my manners? I completely forgot to introduce myself to you two.

*The large Lobinu male turns around to face both Skylar and Pepper before continuing.*

Gin: My name is Gin!

Masaki: And I'm Masaki!

Gin: We're both guild masters at Helping Hand; we came here as fast as we could when we got your S.O.S.

Masaki: I'd have to say that we got here just in time, didn't we?

Skylar: Yeah... Guess you did... Help us up now...

*Groggily, the Diablos gets to it's feet and sets it's sights on Gin.*

Gin: Oh, so you've got some fight left in you after all. Hey, Honey, think you can take care of the injuries that these two have received? Its been a while since I've seen any big action.

Masaki:*sigh*Go ahead; just know that I'll be the one delivering the final blow, understand?

Gin: Thank you, babe!

*Gin grabs the Diablos' tail, swings it over his shoulder and slams it hard into the ground. Pepper and Skylar look on in complete astonishment at how this man before them is going at such a ferocious beast like a destructive kid with a toy.*

Masaki:*sigh*That man of mine; I certainly hope our child didn't pick up any of his embarassing habits.

*Masaki goes to work on Pepper and Skylar by forceful snapping and popping their broken bones back in place before using her E-nergy to mend them back together. While effective, the process is EXTREMELY painful and the two unfortunate guys find out.*



*Masaki karate chops Skylar over the head with one of her free arms, sending him to the ground with a giant bump on his head.*

Masaki: Oh hush, you! Be a man, suck it up and quit using such language!

Skylar: OWW!!! I'll never complain on Nikki's behavior ever again after this is over... T_T

*As soon as Masaki finishes up with her painful healing method, Gin returns to them all, looking quite happy and refreshed.*

Gin: WOO-BOY! That's was fun! He definitely held out longer than I expected, but in the end he ran out of steam in the end.

Masaki: Finally; now it's my turn to have some fun!

*Masaki runs towards the Diablos.*

Gin: So fellas, how'd you enjoy the 'Masaki Special?'

Skylar: enjoy? Excuse me, did you say ENJOY?!?!

Gin: HARHARHARHAR! I know, it sucked royally, didn't it. But once the pain goes away, you'll find that your bones will be stronger that they ever were before. I know my Masaki can be a little rough around the edges, but in reality she's such an angel.

*Skylar and Pepper both have an expression of disbelief on their faces. That expression instantly changes when they see something ferocious coming up behind Gin, giving off a murderous aura; and it's not the Diablos.*

Masaki: Giiiiiiiiin...

Gin: OwO;; Y-y-y-y-yes dear?

*When Gir turns around to face Masaki, her hands grab his head with such intensity that his temples start to bleed. Masaki then moves away some of the hair covering her face to reveal her ruby red eyes...and a frightening Yandere-facial expression that brings back terrifying memories to Skylar in particular.*

Masaki: Why is the monster dead already, honey?

Gin: Oh, it’s dead? I thought it was just resting at one point so...I guess that...


*Masaki grabs Gin and gets him in a painful headlock. Pepper and Skylar watch on in absolute terror as they see the hulking man, who easily took down a Diablos with such ease, on the ground being completely dominated by his petit-sized wife while crying and begging for forgiveness.*

Pepper: The Diablos or Masaki; which one is scarier?

Skylar: O_O; Seriously, I don't want to know... Let's just get out of here...

Masaki: Oh yeah, I forgot to ask for your names.

Gin: Yeah, I hear that you two are the ones that encountered an Onyx-colored Qurupeco.

Skylar: Moonshredder, Skylar Moonshredder from planet Ookami.

Pepper: Pepper Quil, also known as the "Hunter Wolf" within the guild.

Skylar: Pepper, can we go? I want to see Nikki again... after all this, I really need to feel her warm embrace...

Pepper: Sure thing, dude! The mission is over and all, so there's...

Masaki: You two seem like nice young men; either one of you would be perfect for my daughter.

Gin: HARHARHARHAR! I agree; it's about time our little girl started seriously thinking about finding somebody to settle down with.

*Skylar and Pepper try to protest, but Gin and Masaki ignore them.*

Gin: In fact, I remember hearing that she was at the guild not too long ago.

Masaki: I really wish we could spend more time with her as a family. You'd think that with all three of us working for the guild that we'd run into each other from time to time; weird, huh?
Well anyway, we're gonna go and meet up with her now; you two shall come along with us, yes?

*Once again, Skylar and Pepper protest, and once again, they are ignored.*

REALLY? YOU'LL COME WiTH US AND MEET HER? I knew you two were good boys after all.

Gin: You two must still be tired after all of the activity today, so we'll carry you there.

*Before Skylar and Pepper can protest again, Gin pulls a sturdy, reinforced urn out from nowhere; while distracted by the sight, Masaki jabs their backs. With a loud crack, the both of them are immobilized and fall to the ground. Gin then picks both of them up and stuffs them inside the urn, sealing it tight.*

Pepper: Well...at least the lid has air holes.

Skylar: Great... air holes... That doesn't help with this current situation! If there was enough space here, I would've thrown a tantrum...

Pepper: I sure hope we get out of here soon; neither of us can move and your elbow is wedged up against my ribcage.

*A few minutes later, they're all back at the guild and Gin and Masaki are waiting in the area they had arranged to meet up with their daughter. When she shows up there is a joyous exchange of greetings. Although Skylar and Pepper could hear all three of them, they couldn't identify the daughter's voice.*

???: By the way, what's up with this...no, you didn't; please tell me you didn't...

Gin: Yep! We brought two great boys with us that we want to introduce you to!

Masaki: They were overjoyed when we told them about you and insisted on coming with us to meet you.

*Skylar and Pepper growl slightly after hearing Masaki tell such an outlandish lie.*

???: You see, this is one of the many reasons why people think we're all nuts! You can't just abduct people because you think that they'd be a good match for me! I mean, the moment they're out of that urn they'll instantly run away screaming for help, like always!

Masaki: Not this time; Mama made sure that that wouldn't happen this time.

???: Good grief Please tell that you didn't break any bones...

Masaki: ...not many of them.

???: And you just let this happen, dad?!

Gin: Sorry, darling; it was either them or me, and I had narrowly avoided losing my head...

???: You guys are embarrassing beyond belief at times; just so you know, I already have a boyfriend, a GREAT boyfriend, so let those poor guys out and fix them up before they decide to sue us!

Gin and Masaki: -_-;; Yes, darling one...

*Gin removes the lid on the urn and dumps both Skylar and Pepper out of it. Gin and Masaki's daughter couldn't believe her eyes upon seeing both of the boys before her.*

???: Pepper? Skylar??

*Hearing a familiar voice, both Skylar and Pepper look up and find themselves face to face with...*

Pepper: Nikki?!

Skylar: Nikki?! Oh man, good to see you! You have no idea what Pepper and I've had to stand up against... besides... you know...

*Skylar takes a quick look at Gin and Masaki, letting out a nervous chuckle*

Skylar: Wait a minute... THAT'S your parents?!

Nikki:*sigh*Sadly, yes; that's them.-_-;;

Gin: Huh? You two know each other?

Masaki: How wonderful, darling! He'd make for a great son-in-law!

Gin: HARHARHARHARHAR! Skylar-man, why didn't you tell us that our beloved daughter was your beloved?

Pepper: He did tell you! He told you almost three times in a row!

Skylar: ARGH!!! No one listens to me anymore! >_<

*Skylar starts to wave his arms around in frustration, and that's when a loud bone-cracking sound is heard by everyone of them...*

Skylar: OOOOWWW!!! My arm!! I thought you said you fixed it, it's worse than it was before!

Masaki: Whoopsie! Sorry, I guess I must've missed a few spots.

Nikki: Unbelievable; just completely unbelievable.

Skylar: God damn! This has been the worst day ever! Attacked by a bird-like dinosaur, slammed into a mountain side, twice, tossed around by a Barroth, got all my bones broken, then healed in the most violent way, I almost got killed by a Diabolos, I got shoved into an urn, and now this!!! ARGH!!!

*After this little anger outbreak, Skylar lets himself fall down on his back and lays still on the ground. Not bothering to move, as he was very exhausted*

Skylar: .....sorry 'bout that.....

Nikki: Dang; that sounds like a nightmare...

Masaki: Oki-Doki! Let me take another shot at this and...

Nikki: Mother...!

Masaki: Then again, the guild doctors should really take it from here.

*Gin and Skylar look at each other as if they're thinking the exact same thing, which they are: scary. While Skylar is being taken care of by the guild doctors a report is sent to the guild stating that all of the remaining onyx Qurupecos have been dealt with; thanks to the efforts of Skylar and all of his friends taking action, a full-out monster invasion was stopped before could get serious.*

Nikki: I wonder if it was this entire chain of event that had Ashuro so worried?

Skylar: Personally, I couldn't care less right now... But one thing is for sure... I'm glad I didn't die today, so you can tell your parents that I'm glad they came when they did...

Nikki: I'll make sure to let them know that...so...honestly, tell me what you think about them so far.-_-;;

Skylar: Well, they can both be annoying... Your father is a bit cool, he both looks and is strong as well; he gets very eager when it comes to fighting...  Your mother, to tell the truth, scares me... But, she's a nice and pretty looking lady with a big heart, I can tell... They both need to learn to calm down once in a while though...

Nikki: I can agree with you there. Well, the good thing is that they like you. Just so you know, my mother sorta scares me too; but it's not because of her personality, it's just...

Skylar: Yes... "It's just" what?

Nikki: It's like...whenever I she starts acting like, well, 'her', it feels like I'm looking in a mirror that reflects the future me...I sure hope that I don't turn out like that when I become an adult...

Skylar: don't worry, I'll make sure that don't happen. If you start to be like her even more than before, your butt is going to have a little private lesson with my hand and Mr. paddle~

*Skylar can't help but laugh a bit at what he said, it looked like Nikki smiled as well*

Nikki: Believe it or not, that was VERY reassuring; thanks. Seeing as how you went above and beyond what any of us could've predicted, I'm going to give you a bonus. That means you'll be getting the promised 25 levels, plus 10 additional ones for all of the crap you went through today. So...welcome to Lv. 85!

Skylar: Hehe, thanks. Now, can I please give you the hug I promised earlier~?

Nikki: Of course. ^w^

*Skylar and Nikki embrace each other and hug lovingly. Later that day, the two of them are about to leave the guild for the day until they're approached by Pepper.*

Pepper: There you are, Skylar; there are some things I wanted to give you before you left.

Skylar: Huh? You don't have to give me anything, I'm fine.

Pepper: But this is something you've earned. Take a look; this here is your cut of the mission reward.

*Pepper forcefully hands Skylar what looks like...$3600!*

Pepper: Since the mission difficulty jumped from Rank 2 up to Rank 5 so suddenly AND completed it, the reward got larger.

Skylar: O.O;; I... I don't... THIS IS A LOT OF MONEY!!!

Pepper: And you earned every cent.

Nikki: You'll definitely work your tail off here, but the pay-off is definitely worth it when you can earn that kind of cash in one day. ^w^

Pepper: Uh-huh And these are from me; while you were resting, I got the guild artisan to make these using the Qurupeco flints from earlier.

*Pepper hands Skylar a pair claw gauntlets. Trying them on, he instantly gets a feel for how to use them.*

Pepper: I see you like them. There are two ways you can use these:
1. Charge them up with your E-nergy and your attacks will gain the power of fire.
2. Scrape them up against a surface while delivering an attack to produce an exploding slash. Think of it as lighting up a match or watching a Combusken perform Sky Uppercut.

Skylar: Awesome! I've always wanted my own elemental attacks! Ever since the first time I saw my big sister use ice at her own free will!

Pepper: Glad I could help. Guild Masters Gin and Masaki have registered you with the guild, so come back anytime you need work, information or whatever you may need. I hope to work with you again in the future, dude; later!

*Pepper leaves the guild to head home for the day. Skylar, Nikki and Ring leave later as well; on their way back towards their respective homes, all three of them collapse from exhaustion on the side walk.*

Ring: So...tired...

Nikki: I guess I over did it after all...

Skylar: Well, you guys don't want to know how I feel... I didn't know you guys do this kind of work almost EVERY day, Nikki...

Nikki: It's not like this all the time; today was just one of those random, freak happenings that would drain anybody of all of their energy.

Ring: *yawns* Sleepy...

Nikki: Same here...hey, the hotel with my deluxe room is just another two blocks down; let's crash there for the night. I don't think any of us are in any condition to make it back to our homes at the moment.

Skylar: I don't mind at all... Hey Ring, want me to carry you? You look a bit sleepy.

*Ring and Nikki both look questioning at Skylar after he said this, while he simply shrugs and says...*

Skylar: What?

Ring: Are-are you sure? I'm k-k-kinda heavy and I don't w-want you to hurt yourself because of m-me...

Nikki: Yeah; I mean, I understand that you're concerned and want to help, and the both of us really appreciate that, but after your run in with those monsters and the...incident with my mother, are you absolutely sure that your body can handle that?

Skylar: Don't worry, I'll be fine.

*Without having a chance to react, Ring gets lifted up on Skylar's back like she was light as a feather, and stays there, Skylar being able to keep her up*

Skylar: See? No problem.

Nikki: Wow; looks like all of your recent E-nergy training with Ashuro has really paid off. You might actually be able to handle my Dad's training program...maybe

Ring: O///O *snuggles into Skylar's back* ^w^

*The trio reaches the hotel; after taking some relaxing baths and obtaining some new, fresh, clean clothes from one of the hotel's shops, all three of them lay on top of the rather spacious bed together. Skylar is in the middle with Nikki snuggling him on his right and Ring doing the same on his left with her large, long fluffy tail acting as a warm blanket for Skylar and Nikki. Settled in, Skylar reflects on his day; while getting beat up wasn't exactly what he was looking forward to that morning, the pay off at the end was well worth it. He realizes that ever since Nikki came into his life, all of his days have been joyful, happy...occasionally painful, but great none the less. But he can't help but wonder about what Pepper had told him earlier. Were there really other survivors from his home planet? And is it possible that it was destroyed by a different Son Goku or another Saiyan who was trying to frame him? Well, he'd have to think about all of that later; right now, he was going to enjoy the moment that was happening right now: being keep warm and comfortable by two kind and loving girls.*

Skylar: "Both of these two, Ring and Nikki... they look so peaceful right now, and so freaking cute as well. ^w^ Which reminds me, I've done much for Nikki, but not really much for Ring, despite all the times she's been so kind and nice to me... I'll make up for that sooner or later, that's for sure..."

*Skylar carefully raises his hand to Ring's right ear and scratches behind it, receiving a smile from her while she sleeps in the process. He then looks to Nikki, can't help but chuckle a bit, seeing that she is nibbling on his shirt*

Skylar: "Hehe... As I said to myself... Both of them are freaking cute."

*He closes his eyes, letting his mind drift off, falling asleep shortly afterwards...*

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