Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Run, Skylar Run! Nikki's Doki-Doki Pursuit!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 12
“Run, Skylar Run! Nikki’s Doki-Doki Pursuit!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Gin and Masaki had taken an instant liking to Skylar the moment they learned of his relationship with their daughter, Nikki, and have pretty much accepted him into their family ever since then. Nikki suggests that Skylar should take some time to truly get to know her parents in order to form that lasting bond. Today, both Gin and Masaki finally have a few days off from their busy schedule at the guild and are spending it at home with Nikki until they have to return to work within a few days. Skylar is currently helping Gin on performing some basic routine home maintenance. He later walks into the house through the back door to get something to drink; Masaki had finished mopping and drying the floor by the time Skylar walked into the kitchen. After walking for a few seconds, he slips and begins falling to the floor; he frantically waves his arms about in hope that he could grab something to reduce the impact of his fall, accidentally grabbing Masaki pants and pulling both them AND her panties down in the process before landing flat on his face.

Skylar: Damn you, slippery floor!!

*Gin walks in through the front door.*

Gin: *sniffs* Achoo! Smells like Masaki has been mopping the floors again; she always uses too much of that Mop-and-Glow when she does it. One of these days, someone is bound to get hurt one of these...

*Walks into kitchen and sees the scene before him.*

Gin: ...days...

*Forgetting that Masaki is there, Gin gives Skylar a thumbs up for a job well done.*

Masaki: O///O AiEEEEEEE!!

Skylar: Oooooh...god daaaaamn... O_O;;

*Skylar, despite how stupid the idea is, tries to sneak away*


*Taking one step forward, Masaki slips on the floor, slides past Skylar and crashes into the refrigerator, resulting in a 1-hit KO. She slides down the refrigerator door and onto the floor, face down and bare bottom up.*

Masaki: @w@

*Skylar looks over at Masaki and then at Gin, who's trying his absolute hardest not to bust out in laughter.*

Skylar: OwO;; ......."pfffft"!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Epic wipe-out fail!

*With Skylar laughing, Gin can hold back no longer and bursts out laughing as well.*


Nikki: Hey everyone, I'm back! ^w^ So how is... *sees the sight before her*

*Skylar and Gin stop laughing when they notice Nikki is there. After a few tense seconds, Nikki bursts out into laughter as well after thoroughly examining the scene and figuring out what had happened.*

Nikki: HAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe I just missed seeing such an epic moment!

Skylar: Okay-okay-okay... okay... phew, calm down... Oh man... Sorry about that, but the floor is slippery... One step and I might fly OUT the window...

*Skylar carefully gets over to Masaki and helps her up, by carrying her over his shoulders*

Gin: No need to worry, my man. *picks Masaki up and over his broad shoulders* This sort of thing happens all of the time.

Nikki: We've told her many times that she uses too much of that floor polish, but she's just so stubborn and doesn't listen. Believe me, you're not the first one to accidently pants her like that.

Skylar: Really? Phew, that's good, for me... ^w^ .....Sorry that I say this, but her butt looks N-I-C-E. ^//^

Gin: And there's no denying that, my boy. I guess that's another reason you're so taken with my Nikki, eh?

Nikki: O//O D-D-D-D-DAD??!

Gin: HARHARHARHARHAR! No need to be embarrassed, sweetie. You two are exactly like Masaki and I when we were your age, so I know the signs to look for. In fact...my Masaki HAS been getting a little more violent than usual lately... Here, why don't you two go out and do something fun *hands Skylar $50* It’s been a LONG time since my beloved here has had an attitude adjustment session with me. Now, if you'll excuse us...

*Taking the hint, both Skylar and Nikki quickly vacate the premises.*

Nikki: -_-...

Skylar: Well... What can I say?

*With a smile on his face, Skylar embraces Nikki from behind and cuddles her. Nuzzling her shoulder and licking her neck a bit. He also touches and lightly squeezes her breasts*

Skylar: Where do you wanna go; the water park for some swimming, maybe?

Nikki: Sure, let me just go and get my...

*Masaki's voice can be heard from inside the house.*

Masaki: Honey, wait! Isn't there any other way we can settle this? Please, I begging you...no? NO, NOT YOU’RE HAND, iT’S WAY TOO BiG; the paddle, the ruler, anything but you’re...



*A barrage of smacks can be heard inside.*

Nikki: O_O;;

Skylar: ...I think we have to get used to that... -_-; Why not just go up in the mountains and swim around in our underwear at some random lake?

Nikki: Anywhere, as long as it's FAR away from here...-_-;;

Skylar: Okay. I got a nice little cottage that I got for free. Who knew they gave away those things for slaying a group of Great Jaggi and Great Baggi... Teleporter time!

*Skylar presses a button on a remote control he pulls out of his pocket, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them are suddenly somewhere else. They were standing near a big lake with a little island in the middle. And a couple of meters away from the lake there was a cottage surrounded by forest trees. Skylar smiles and picks up a little white flower and puts it into her hair*

Skylar: How about this place?

Nikki: It's beautiful...

Skylar: But I know something even more beautiful... and she's standing right here next to me.

Nikki: ^w^

Skylar: ^//^ I love you... Well now, since this WHOLE area is private, owned by me and only me, we can do whatever we want since no one is allowed closer than 100 meters. Come, I bought some summer clothes for the two of us that we can wear here. They're in the cottage.

Nikki: Cool, let's go!

*Skylar takes Nikki inside and shows her around on the inside. It was just like a normal house, it even had electricity. The only thing different was that then had to use a ladder to het to 2nd floor. Skylar let Nikki climb first, but as she climbs up, Skylar reaches under her skirt and pulls off both her bike shorts and her panties*

Skylar: Hehe...

Nikki: OwO You little sneak; you planned to do that all along, didn't you?

Skylar: Nope~ I got the idea when I saw the ladder.

*Skylar lifts up Nikki's skirt and kisses her butt, then helps her climb up after dropping her shorts and panties to the floor*

Nikki: Hahahaha! That tickled! ^w^

*Once on the second floor, Nikki embraces Skylar warmly, almost making him fall to his knees from how good the hug felt. He also notices that Nikki feels warmer and smells even sweeter than usual. He also notices that her eyes are sparkling like a star-filled night and that there is a lovely, innocent look on her face; she was absolutely stunning.*

Skylar: Wow... Nikki, you're...you're simply and absolutely...I can't even describe you right now. Just that... you're very beautiful...

Nikki: ^w^

*As Nikki snuggles up even closer to him, Skylar gets a feeling that there was something important that he needed to remember about Nikki...but whatever it was, he couldn't recall what it was.*

Nikki: Skylar...please promise me that you'll always love and care about me, please?

Skylar: ...I promise Nikki, as long as you always stay by my side.

*Skylar tries hard to remember what it was, but he also focuses on Nikki right now. He smiles when Nikki snuggles closer and tries kissing him, so he helps her and kisses her in return. He holds around her and is firmly grabbing her butt*

Nikki: ^///^ You're always so nice to me...I...I can't take it anymore!

*Skylar suddenly finds himself down on the floor, flat on his back with both of his arms pinned down by Nikki as she sits on his stomach. Skylar tries to get back up and is surprised that he has been completely overpowered by Nikki when he is unable to break free from her grip. He starts to get a little scared when Nikki begins to eye him like a predator does it's prey. It was then that the memory that Skylar had been trying to remember flashes in his head.*


e-chan: And before I go, know this: Nikki has been trying her hardest to hold herself back since the day she met you. She has values that she wants to uphold, but her control is slowly starting to slip. She wants you THAT much; probably 10x more than you want her since it's built up for so long without release of any kind... But you've got to promise me one thing if Nikki ever gives in and lets her more primal instincts take over.

Skylar: Okay... and what's that?

e-chan: Repel her advances at all costs. Run, hide, restrain her; just make sure that you don't allow her to satisfy those urges no matter what. I know it's a lot to ask, but if she succeeds and comes to her senses later...she'll never forgive herself; she'll always doubt her judgement and won't have even 5% of the confidence and determination she has now for the rest of her life. She's just that sort of person. So...please, Skylar...please promise me that you'll do your best and make sure that doesn't happen; she's about to hit her limit soon, and when that happens she'll throw away all logic, reason, beliefs and ideals. Please, prevent her from succeeding and save her from herself.

<Flashback ends>

*Remembering that important detail, Skylar truly realizes the depth of his situation.*

Skylar: N-Nikki, stop this! You don't want to do it, you'll regret this! I know that you've got problems with restraining your feeling, but if you do this, right now, then...then I'll lose you, and I don't want to!

*Skylar tries his best to break free, he twist and turns, squirms and even tries to use his feet to kick her off, but it's no use. Nikki begins to rub Skylar behind one of his ears, giving him a relaxing feeling. Before he let himself get too relaxed he came up with a plan and stopped resisting, acting as if he had given up on trying to escape. Sensing the change, Nikki releases her grip and moves her head in closer to his, where he notices that the expression on her face had changed. Nikki now looked like she was in some sort of love-sick trance, as if she had thrown away all of her basic reasoning and logic; things had gone from bad to worse. Wasting no time, Skylar counter attacks.*

Skylar: ...Sorry...

*Before Nikki could even react Skylar had thrown her off of him and flung her down on the floor. He wastes no time and flees away from her, going outside*

Nikki: Hey, don't you want to wrestle anymore?

*Skylar stops in his tracks when he sees that Nikki is right in front of him. It was impossible; there's no way she could actually be THAT fast! Knowing that there was no time to stop and think about that, Skylar plows through and keeps running.*

Skylar: (God damn it! I need help, or I need to stop her somehow... but what can I possibly do?!)

*While continuing his escape, Skylar tries to figure out what it could've been that sent Nikki into H-mode all of a sudden. Another memory comes to mind...*


Nikki: It's okay; this is what I like about you: your honesty and willingness to acknowledge when you make mistakes; and when you do, you always do your best to make up for them.

*Skylar slightly turns around, looking down at Nikki now*

Skylar: Really? Just how much can you like such a violent and perverted wolf like me? *sighs, closing his eyes*

Nikki: You're not violent, you punished me because you knew I needed to be. My folks are overseas, so there's nobody around to keep me in check. I mean, you punished me because you love me and not out of malice or anything, right?

*Skylar noods, proceeding to scratch Nikki behind her ear*

Skylar: Yes.. I could never hurt you for real...

Nikki: I don't mind that you're a bit of a perv; I'm actually very flattered that despite my...er...nature, you still find me as somebody desirable. And, to tell you the truth, I absolutely LOVE your touch... ...it's SO relaxing.

<Flashback ends>

*Recalling both this memory and the last one answered the question on his mind. He had forgotten just how strong an effect his touch had on his beloved; all his actions did was add fuel to an already active, unstable volcano that was about to erupt.*

Skylar: ...These flashbacks are starting to annoy me... Why am I so stupid?! I brought this upon myself, now I'm paying the price! Stupid Ookami, stupid!!!

*Skylar hits himself in the face, angry at himself for always messing things up and getting in trouble. Now he had to figure out what to do to stop Nikki from her H-mode rampage*

Nikki: Seeing as you don't wanna wrestle anymore, let’s play tag!

*Skylar nearly jumps out of his skin and comes to a sliding halt when he sees that Nikki is in front of him again; he can't help but wonder how she got so fast.*

Nikki: But let’s make it more interesting.

*Raising her right arm, Nikki's Pensword appears in her hand and promptly has it transform into its Lv. 2 form: Horror Sheathe. This was Skylar's first time seeing the creepily clothed-wrapped blade that was in front of him.*

Nikki: This is the first time I've shown you this, isn't it?

Skylar: Y-y-yes it's the f-first time... O_O;; P-please put that away, that way, no one will get hurt, then we'll go back to the cottage and have a relaxing time together, okay? That's sounds good, right? ...Right?

Nikki: Don't worry, I'm not gonna attack you with it or anything; I just want our game to be even more interesting. Originally this Pensword of mine could only connect somebody's mind to the Nightmare Realm; after training with it for as long as I had, I've learned how to connect somebody's mind to other realms and dimensions.

*Hearing this put Skylar partially at ease; relieved that he wouldn't have to experience the horrors of the Nightmare Realm, but worried about what other possible places that he doesn't know about. His thoughts are broken when Nikki pulls the handle of her Pensword out of the clothed sheathe and a mist billows out of it. His worry escalates when he sees everything around him get all wavy and trippy-looking...not to mention the fact that he sees multiple Nikkis in front of him, each one with a pervy expression on their faces.*

Nikki(s): Are you ready to play?

Skylar: ...Okay then. If you want to play, we will. But with my rules!
Rule #1: if you win, you can do whatever you want with me.
Rule #2: if I win, I get to decide what happens afterwards.
Rule #3: I absolutely, will never lose!

*Skylar loosens his bandages and gets ready for this "game" of hers. Whatever she had planned, he would do anything to win and get her back to her senses, so they could continue on where they left.*

Skylar: Don't worry... Nikki Jen, I'll rescue you from yourself, no matter what!

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