Sunday, April 10, 2011

Getting Stronger! Skylar's New-Found Ability!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 7
”Getting Stronger! Skylar’s New-Found Ability!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Rocko spies on Skylar and Nikki while having a loving moment together. Armed with his video camera, Rocko records the scene.

Rocko: Good thing I'm getting this all on tape. Snoopy, come see this; when did Nikki learn how to kiss at that level?

Snoopy: Is "this" what you brought me all the way out here for? This is just plain wrong.

Rocko: Would you rather be back at your place, eating the "new" dish that Megumi made for you?

...I'll take my chances with Megumi's food; Nikki is my best friend, and spying on her like this is not something a real friend would do. I'm going back home; I hope you get caught...

*Before Snoopy can turn around and leave, something falls out of a tree and onto his head; it was a Spinarak.*


Rocko: No, Snoopy, dont! You'll blow my cover!


*Snoopy dashes forward towards Rocko, forcing him to leave his hiding spot and into Nikki and Skylar's view. Snoopy runs around everywhere trying to get the Spinarak off of his head until Skylar stops him and gently removes it from his head and onto the ground, where it crawls back into the woods.*

Snoopy: Ah, thanks; I was really scared there for a mo...

*Snoopy sees an annoyed and angry look on Skylar and Nikki's faces.*


Skylar: What the hell happened to "privacy" in this world?!!! We're trying to enjoy ourselves here!

*Skylar picks Snoopy up and holds him in mid-air*

Skylar: What’s your excuse, huh?!

Snoopy: WAHHHHHHHH!! It was an accident! Rocko called me out here to show me something; I didn't know it was you guys! When I realized what was going on, I decided to leave and go home! That's when that Spinarak fell on my head, and I paniced! I'm so, SO sorry! Please don't kill me! WAHHHHHHHH!!

Nikki: Hmmm...he's telling the truth, Skylar. Snoopy is always 100% honest when he's really scared; he's ALWAYS been like that.

Skylar: *smiles and puts Snoopy down* Hey pal, no need to be afraid... Here... *puts 20$ in his hand* Buy yourself some snacks, and please, tell us if Rocko tries something like this again... Okay?

Snoopy: O-okay ...thank you.

*While Skylar looks in amazement at Snoopy's speed, Nikki spots Rocko trying to sneak off with his video camera.*


Skylar: !

*In one swift move, Skylar leaps at Rocko and picks him up on wolf-manner, with his mouth, and carries him back to Nikki. Skylar sits down, his tail wagging while he begs for a treat like a dog*

Skylar: OwO

Nikki: Good boy!

*Nikki kisses Skylar on his forehead and scratches a soothing spot behind his left ear.*

Skylar: ^w^

*He barks and drops Rocko down on the ground*

Rocko: Ew, wolf drool!

*Rocko removes his poncho and wrings it out before putting it back on.*

Rocko: You owe me a replacement poncho if I find any bite marks in this.

Skylar: No, I don't think I do... I think you owe us an explanation... and Nikki owes you a kick to the face... *grins*

Rocko: *sigh*

*Rocko sits down and looks at the ground for a while; afterwards he takes his video camera and erases ALL of the content on it and hands it to Skylar*

Rocko: You wouldn't believe me even I told you, so what's the point? Just stomp me, kick me, whatever you want to do me and get it over with already...I really don't care anymore...

*Nikki senses a weird mood emenating from Rocko; he truly sounds...well...depressed, sad, guilty; moods that he's never shown to anybody before.*

Nikki: Hmmm...wait right there, Rocko. Skylar, I need to talk to you about something in private; let's go over there.

*Nikki leads Skylar out of hearing rannge of Rocko. She looks back to see if he's still where he was told to stay before speaking; surprisingly, Rocko still hasn't moved from his spot at all*

Nikki: Skylar, is it me or did Rocko seem a a moment ago?

Skylar: Yeah... I felt it as well... Usually, he would've tried to crack a joke or insult one of us THEN get a one-way ticket to the moon... But this time, nothing...

*Skylar scratches the back of his head, looking back at Rocko*

Nikki: Weird, huh? I mean, I'm not complaining or anything that he DiDN'T try anything...we need to get him to talk. It going to be really uncomfortable if he's goes around everywhere moping like that; it's just plain creepy.

Skylar: That's my Nikki, always thinking. *kisses her cheek* You're right... But, might we coinsider this a mission for me? I haven't LV uped in a while...

Nikki: That's the plan! I'll make sure to give you a good amount of LVs for this one. Oh, and it's not a solo mission this time; I get the feeling that this one is gonna be BiG, so I'll be helping you out this time. Ready?

Skylar: Yes captain! ...Um, ma'am. Let's do it!

*Both of them walk back to Rocko, who still hasn't moved from his previous spot.*

Nikki: Rocko...


Nikki: (Whoa, this really IS serious.)Uh, Skylar and I have talked, and we've decided that we're not mad at you anymore and I'm not going to send you into orbit this time.


Nikki: However, we'd still like to know why you were spying on us.

...I wasn't always like this, y'know...

Skylar: Please tell... I've known pain before... I can understand yours... *places his hand on Rocko's head*

Rocko: Okay, I'll tell you...I guess...I was just...jealous; not because you have Nikki as a girlfriend or anything like that, but jealous in the sense that you actually have somebody that truly loves you. Even before I became the pervert I am now, girls have always scorned me.

Skylar: ...I see... Don't worry pal. You'll find someone some day. Hmm... Nikki, mind if speak with Rocko for a moment? In private?

Nikki: Okay, I'll be right over...

*Nikki's cell phone rings; reaching into a pocket within her left boot, she pulls the phone out and answers it.*

Nikki: Hello?...Oh, hi Claire
...huh?... Wait, today?!...I thought this wouldn't be until next week!...An ambush?!...Well, who's there with you?...uh-huh...Batou and Pepper? Where's Ashuro?...On a date?! At a time like this?!...What about e-chan and e-kun?...They're both taking a nap?! Why didn't you try to wake them up?!...They get scary when their sleep is interrupted?

*Nikki hangs up.*

Nikki: Sorry, Skylar, something REALLY BiG just came up that wasn't expected to happen until next week! I'll tell you the details later but I've got to go NOW! See you later!

*Nikki dashes off at top speed.*

Skylar: *blinks* Well, that was weird... But now, we can talk together without bothering about Nikki. You know, say things she doesn't like. Have a real guy to guy talk, us two. ^^ *wags his tail, sitting down*

Rocko: Okay...have you ever felt one foot tall before?

Skylar: Um, actually... *looks around a bit, as if wanting not to be seen* Okay, just a sec...

*His body slowly starts to get more covered in fur and also shrinks down. Soon, Skylar steps out of his clothes, fully transformed into a little puppy*

Skylar: Yes, I do...

Rocko: OoO...that's new...

Skylar: *nods* I haven't shown this to anyone except Arashi and Sora, so I'd like it if you keept it a secret.

Rocko: I won't tell anyone.

Skylar: So, anyway... Tell me what's on your mind. Your frustrations, problems and so on... ^^

Rocko: My problem in general would have to be girls. Growing up, because I've always been this small, I have to raise my head upwards when I speak if I want to be heard; and if it was a girl I was trying to talk to, various bad things always happened to me. I could handle being kicked and stomped on, but when they started calling me names like 'pervert, sicko, dirty rat, scum' and other names like hurt; it hurt a lot...

Skylar: *nods* I see... It's understandanle that you're finding this difficult...

Rocko: I tried to explain myself to get them to see it was all just a big misunderstanding, but they'd never listen. The worse ones were the girls that had boyfriends...protective boyfriends...protective, violent, hot-headed, jerky, jock boyfriends *shiver* Those football cleats hurt like crap.

Skylar: OWWIE! >.<; My body is hurting just by thinking about that...

Rocko: Trust me, it did -_-; Thank goodness Snoopy was around to heal me all the time. Between me constantly getting thrashed, Nikki getting into fights with others and Batou continuously getting injured and losing massive amounts of blood from training and sword fighting, Snoopy has had plenty of practice; the only one he never had to worry about healing was Ashuro since he can heal and regenerate all by himself. When I think about it, because the three of us were always getting injured, Snoopy decided to train and become a doctor.

Skylar: Okay... You know, maybe it would be easier if you were faster? I'm a bit unsure about this, but I can give you the ability to increase your speed, that way, since you're really fast at this point as well, almost no one will be able to catch you. And by that, unable to hurt you.

Rocko: Thanks, but no thanks, Skylar; if I used my electric E-nergy I could speed myself up and create a defence. The reason I get caught is...probably because of my...conscience. At that time, even though I never meant for the moment to happen, I wasn't exactly innocent of the offense; in my mind, I end up believing that I'm guilty and take whatever punishment that's dealt to me. After a while, I started to truly believe that I really was the pervert everybody said I was; and since they wouldn't listen to, let alone believe me, I started acting like one. I don't know why I did it; I guess I somehow convinced myself that if I'm gonna be punished for my crime, I might as well do what I'm accussed of. Heh-heh, it must sound weird hearing somebody like me saying all of this; I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed if you didn't believe a single word I'm saying...

Skylar: I find it confusing, but I believe you. You might be annoying, but you're my friend no matter what.

Rocko: OoO really mean that; honestly?

Skylar: Honestly! May I be hit by a rampaging bull if I lie. .....See, no bull.

Rocko: Wow... Thank you so much, man!

*Rocko's expression changes and he looks very, very happy.*

Rocko: Okay, it's time I did something about this; with you as my witness, Skylar, I vow to change myself. I will quit my pervert ways...
...or atleast become about 75% less of one, and go back to being the guy I used to be! And in time, I'll find a girl who won't misunderstand my intentions when I try to greet them!

Skylar: Go for 50%... *changes back to his human form, now standing nude in a bush* .....Oh, I forgot... This might be the only frustrating/bad thing that happens when I transform like that... -//-;

*Rocko looks away.*

Rocko: J-just hurry up and get dressed before Nikki decides to show up again. Hmmm...:idea:I DO know somebody who can make it so that you can transform back and forth without worry.

Skylar: Hmm? Really now? *lays down on the ground* Tell me more...

Rocko: Her name is Sashi Venus, the next in line to be the boss of the Venus Family. Sashi is a genius when it comes to creating custom clothing; she personally makes all of the clothes that Ashuro and Ring wear. As you know, Ashuro does a LOT of stretching, so his clothes are designed to stretch along with him. And Ring is a giantess; her clothes are designed to that she can grow to her giantess size without them being ripped to shreds. Not only are they highly durable, they're really comfortable as well.

Skylar: Heh, that's cool. But I bet it would've been okay if Ring didn't have those clothes, if you get what I mean.

Rocko: I get what you mean...but it would've been very NOT okay if that was the case You've never seen Ring when she gets real embarrased...

Skylar: Hmm... Reminds me, you and Nikki can take me and Kevin to meet her, right? I want to know more, and Kevin says that he feels like this girl has a lot to tell... But anyway, how scary can she be when she's embarrassed? *grins a bit*

Rocko: I've got a feeling you will not too long from now. As far as how scary she is...well...she wasn't mad or anything, just VERY embarrassed. The last time that happened was when two adult men got to fresh with her; they touched her puffies and that triggered the following disaster...

Skylar: *rubs the back of his head* Are all females you and Ashuro know about potentially deadly if we're not careful?

Rocko: Nah, not all of them. I will advise you to be careful about what you say around Emerald, though. Unlike Nikki, Emerald won't attack immediately, but she'll pester you until you accept to duel her or if you can get her to Ashuro...or Trey. She's sort of taken I liking to him recently; as to whether it love or mutual respect is something I don't know just yet. Victora can be a spoiled brat, but otherwise she's harmless. Klarina is a long as you're not a rodent that is. You've got nothing to worry about with Yani, Claire, Sashi, iDEAL and Megumi; they're all cool in general.

Skylar: Ah, cool... ^^ Say, when is Nikki coming back?

Rocko: I don't know, but judging by the phone call she got, it might be a while...

*In the distance, Rocko sees Nikki approaching carrying a box, looking a little irritated.*

Nikki: That dang Lorenzo; causing an uproar like that just to mess with us all! and why did he just hand us the information that we've been searching for as if it was just no big deal?! Just what is he scheming?! *sigh* No point in trying to figure that out, it'll only lead to a large headache. Well, since that's over, might as well see how Skylar and Rocko are doing.

*Nikki meets up with Skylar and Rocko.*

Nikki: Hey guys, how are you doing?

Skylar: *now fully dressed* Oh, nothing much. ^^ What have you been doing?

Nikki: *sigh* That freak Lorenzo made a huge uproar downtown to mess with us all; just another one of his "games." Don't you just hate those mysterious villian-types that like to mess with your head all of the time?

Skylar: *nods* Yeah... You look tired, want a massage to help you relax?

Nikki: I'd love that, thank you.

*Nikki sits down and Skylar starts messaging her shoulders.*

Ahhh...that's the spot. So tell me, what have you and Rocko been doing while I was gone?

Skylar: Oh, nothing much. ^^ We've talked about stuff, and I really feel like I understand him now... Or at least, much more than before...

*Skylar smiles and takes off Nikki's shirt, continuing the massage afterwards. Now it actually feels much better for her*

Rocko: *stuttering*

*Rocko quickly turns around facing away from the affectionate couple.*

I'll be going now...thanks, for the chat, Skylar; I'll change myself for the better, that I promise you.

*Rocko leaves the area and doesn't look back.*

Nikki: Wow, I'm impressed; he actually forced himself to leave without peeking. I don't know what you did, but you've just leveled-up big time.
That 10 Lv.s for helping him...

*Skylar rubs out sore spot on Nikki's back.*

Nikki: AAHHH!...
...and another 5 Lv.s for this heavenly message. You are now at Lv. 45, congradulations.

*After a few more minutes of messaging, Nikki goes limp and falls backwards into Skylar's arms and falls fast asleep.*

Skylar: O//O ...

*Skylar smiles at this, holding Nikki close to him and kisses her cheek, while also moving his hands to her breasts, gently squeezing and rubbing them for a while. He lays down under a tree with her, whispering into her ear...*

Skylar: Sleep well...

*Seconds later, a loud and long scream is heard; Nikki remains asleep while Skylar looks around trying to identify the voice and where it's coming from. To his left he sees the source of the scream; it's Rocko, running with all of his might!*


Skylar: *plugs Nikki's ears* Come over here! But be a bit quiet! *points at Nikki afterwards*


*Rocko runs past both of them and out of view. Before Skylar can even attempt to figure out what's going on, he senses another presence approaching him. Looking to his left, he sees Klarina rushing towards him at mach speed! Yep, she was trying to eat Rocko again. Klarina runs right through both Skylar and Nikki, like a bowling ball hitting some pins, sending them both in the air and down to the ground. Skylar hits the ground, but quickly catches Nikki so she doesn't get hurt. He does, however, get his face smoothered by her breasts, resulting in making him blush as red as a tomato*

Skylar: O///O What the hell was that anyway...

Nikki: Must've dozed off... how'd this happen? And where...OwO;;

*Nikki looks at the box she had brought with her and sees that it had been stomped on! Opening the box, Nikki looks inside only to see that the cake inside of it is all messed up and now inedible.*


Skylar: ... *sits down next to her, looking at her face and stroking her back* Nikki... what's wrong?

Nikki: I've been craving for something sweet all day so brought a cake here so we could eat it together; I never even got a chance to taste it...

*Rocko runs by again with Klarina hot on his trail. Seeing this, Nikki examines her cake again and sees a footprint in it; one that looks exactly like Klarina's foot. Seething with anger, Nikki puts her shirt back and gets to her feet.*

Nikki: Skylar, Klarina is extremely fast, but if you help me catch her I'll give you an additional 5 levels; are you up to the challenge?

Skylar: Sure, and afterwards, I'll get you something sweet as well... *takes of his shirt and lets out a loud howl*

*Upon hearing the howl, Klarina stops dead in her tracks, frozen with fear; Rocko, on the other hand, was so focused on staying live that he didn't even hear it and keeps on running until he's out of sight.*

Klarina: OwO;;

Skylar: *growls, walking towards her slowly* Don't even try to run... You're gonna stay right there, so I can... *grabs her shoulder* catch you... That was rather easy... -_-;

Nikki: Good job, now bring... WAiT, SKYLAR, I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ABOUT...!!

*Klarina speedily turns her head around and bites down hard on Skylar's hand! Due to the sudden pain in his hand, Skylar is forced to let go of her...BiG mistake. Klarina delivers a barrage of powerful kicks to Skylar's entire body and ends the combo by delivering a mighty kick to his gut, sending him flying backwards. Nikki gets out of the way just in time as Skylar is sent flying into the tree, breaking it in half.*

Nikki: ...that.-.-;;

*Skylar is used to taking hits, so he gets to his feet. But something is wrong...*

Skylar: I guess it's a bad moment to tell that my body hasn't fully recovered since that night... with Ashuro, Arashi and Sora fighting me...

*His chest was covered in blood and so was his left arm. The left arm was also twisted arounded and unable to be used...*

Nikki: OH-NO!

*In the distance, Nikki sees another person coming her way; she is greatly relieved to see that it was Ashuro who had shown up.*

Ashuro: Whoa! What happened here? I came here because I saw Rocko running from Klarina earlier...oh crap, his wounds re-opened. Hold on, I can fix this.

*Ashuro focuses some of his E-nergy into his tail and one of the small nubs on it glows a pure white color. He pops the nub off of his tail and knees down towards Skylar.*

Ashruo: Here, dude, eat this; it's the Nekofi equivalent of a Senzu bean...only in the form of a jelly donut that changes in flavor depending on what the consumer wants it to taste like.

Skylar: for real? So... if I want it to taste like... *smirks* Okay. *eats it* Dude, you were right...

Nikki: ...

Ashuro: Great, how are you feeling?

*Skylar's arm quickly heals afterwards*

Skylar: woah! I can feel my power flowing! *howls at the sky*

Ashuro: Good to hear ; how about the rest of your body?

Skylar: *moves around a bit* I'm feeling fine, thank you!

Ashuro: Great! I still feel kinda bad about what happened back then, so I thought of a way to make it up to you. After getting together with Hayama and examining that thing I pulled out of you, we discovered that because it had been in you for so long without realizing it, you're capable of using E-nergy; but since you weren't born in my universe, you're access to it is sealed off. With that said, to make up for my share of your injuries, I'm gonna break that seal. Here we go!

*By forcefully poking certain pressure points all over Skylar's body, Ashuro is able to open up the area inside of Skylar that produces his E-nergy. Once opened, Skylar feels a warm, soothing sensation flowing through his entire body; he actually feels 10x better and more relaxed than he had ever felt before.*

Skylar: *acting in a drunk-like manner* Wooooaaah... Heh, this stuff feels great... -w-

Ashuro: Give your body about a week to get used to the feeling; after that, I’ll teach you how to use it. Once you’ve grasped the basics...

*Out of the corner of his eye, Skylar sees that Klarina had caught up to Rocko and is still chasing him. Instinctively, he darts over, catches Klarina and brings her back to where he had less that TWO seconds! Klarina is not only confused, but realized that she can't escape from Skylar's grasp and that her kicks don't hurt him at all; in fact, to Skylar, her kicks only tickled him a little instead of him feeling pain.*

Ashuro & Nikki:

Skylar: Hmm... It kinda feels like the time my sister used to give me Lunatix Elixirius potions... -w-

*Skylar lifts Klarina over his shoulder to prevent her from running around and/or dragging him along*

Nikki: Wow, that was amazing! As promised, that's 5 extra Lv.s, which puts you at Lv.50; congradulations, you're half way there, Skylar!

*Getting a little annoyed, Klarina starts to thrash a bit to break out of Skylar's hold on her; although she realizes that she can't escape from his hold, that doesn't stop her from trying.*

Nikki: Still fighting, eh?
... Hehehe...

Ashuro & Skylar: *sees the devilish grin and glint in Nikki's eyes* O_O;;

Nikki: Hey, Skylar, give her about 5 whacks to her bottom to get her attention.

Skylar: ...Um...okay...

*Skylar pulls back his claws and does just that. Klarina stops thrashing and looks over her shoulder into Skylar's eyes with a glare of anger...which quickly disappeared when she saw Nikki glaring at her with the fury of 1000 daggers.*

Ashuro & Skylar: ;.; (I feel fear)

Nikki: Good, now put her down on her feet.

*Skylar does so; Klarina looks completely terrified. In one swift motion, Nikki spins Klarina around and finds herself bent over Nikki's lap. With panic setting in, Klarina once again tries to run away and escape, but is stopped when Nikki pins her down to keep her from getting back up. Seeing where this is going, Ashuro and Skylar turn around and begin to walk away, feeling sorry for Klarina and the agony she is about to experience.*

Nikki: Hey, you two, where are you going?

*Both Skylar and Ashuro stop in their tracks, but don't turn around to face her.*

Nikki: If you two are going back to town, find Batou and tell him to come find me here.

*Both of the guys keep their backs turned, still afraid to turn around. They then see something land in front of them that had been thrown from behind them; before they could look down to identify what it was, Nikki spoke again.*

Nikki: And when you find him, give those to him; he'll know what it means. And take your time walking there,
I've got ALL the time in the world to wait.

*Looking down, Ashuro and Skylar see what had been entrusted to them: Klarina's only article of clothing, her bikini. Picking it up, the two quickly walk away; when they're far enough away, the repeated sounds of hand meeting bare flesh reached their ears. Both of them unconciously cover their behinds as if they're the ones recieving the punishment.*

Ashuro: -_-;; I'll...take care of this. You should go home and get some rest; I don't think it would be wise to go back there for the rest of the day if you know what I mean...I'll see you later, Skylar.

Skylar: Right... and thanks... *smiles, running off*

*After running for a while, he stops up and lays under a tree, starting to think*

Skylar: Man, Nikki sure can be scary AND violent... *smirks, closing his eyes* Maybe... a little taste of her own medicine would be fitting... sometime...

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