Sunday, April 10, 2011

No Longer Alone - Masquerade's New Friends

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“No Longer Alone – Masquerade’s New Friends”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

*After barely getting away with stealing the panties of Noir, Kiki and Helena, Masquerade decides to go for a walk and calm his mind and relax, grinning to himself as he swings his so called "prize" in his hands*

Masquerade: Kekeke, I can't believe I got away with this... those girls are so easy to fool... didn't need to use magic to-

*He comes to a stop and hides, seeing Victoria and Megumi walking around by themselves. He grins to himself*

Masquerade: Hmm... maybe I can make this day a bit more interesting than I thought...

Victora: For the last time, Megumi, I don't need you to follow me around everywhere; I can take care of myself.

Megumi: As true as that may be, somebody needs to keep a close eye on you, mistress; you're famous for finding mischief anywhere you go.

Victora: Whatever...
Masquerade: *whispers* Quick Sand + Vines Trap...

*All of a sudden, Victoria finds herself sinking in quick sand while Megumi gets bound up by some sort of vines, and no matter what they do, they were stuck*

Victora: *struggling* WHAT THE HECK?!

Megumi: Mistress, are you okay? *struggling*


Masquerade: And now, Rules Trap... "Those two's special powers, if any, won't work on me."

*After activating his magic he rushes out and heads towards the two*

Masquerade: Hey! Don't you know it's dangerous out here?! What's happened?

*As he speaks, the vines binding Megumi has started to dissolve her clothes with some sort of acid, while Victoria's clothes are getting dragged down in the sand faster than herself, starting to rip*

Megumi: ...I feel weird.


Masquerade: Don't worry, I'll get you guys out! Little girl, don't move, if you do, you'll get dragged down faster!

*Pretending to draw a sword, he uses his magic and creates one instead, making it look like he actually had one. He uses it to free Megumi, but her all her clothes was all melted away*

Masquerade: Wow... what was those things...

Megumi: I don't know, they just suddenly appeared and... *notices that she's naked*NOOO!! I can't let my Snoopy see me like this; he'll think I'm some sort of pervert! WAAAAAH!

Victora: ...uh, I feel for you and all, Megumi, but...SOMEBODY, PLEASE HELP ME!!

Masquerade: Oh, right! Um... Got it! Hover Shoes: On! (Flight Trap)

*Masquerade floats off of the ground and hovers over Victoria, grabbing her arms gently*

Masquerade: Okay, listen, you have to be completely relaxed, or this could go VERY wrong, okay?

Victora: O-Okay...

Masquerade: Okay now... one... two... I'mnotresponsibleforwhatevermayhappentoyourclothes... three!

*Pulling as hard he can, without actually doing anything, Victoria shoots out from the sand pit and they're both sent crashing to the ground. Victoria's clothes suffering the same fate of being completely ruined*

Victora: *voice quavering* WAAAAAAAH!!! ASHURO, HELP ME! WAAAAAAAH!!!

*Victora grabs Masquerade by his waist and hugs him tightly, shaking like a leaf.*

Masquerade: Hey... don't worry, you're safe now... Shh...

*He gently rubs her butt to comfort her, while slowly nuzzling the top of her head*

Masquerade: Now, why don't you two come with me. Hmm? Getting inside a warm hut is better than staying naked outside...

Victora: That sounds delightful...

Masquerade: (Hmm... I sense something from this one... she's not scaring me though...) It's not far from here, come on.

*As he said, he had a little hut close by, which he came to when he wanted to be alone. But on the inside, it was as technical as a house in the city, with TV and everything.*

Masquerade: *opens the door* Ladies first.

Victora: Why thank you; such a gentleman

*Both Victora and Megumi step inside.*

Masquerade: *smirks* You two... you got cute butts, I have to say. ^//^

*He steps inside after them and turns on the TV, switching straight to America's Funniest Home Videos*

Megumi: Really? I wonder if Snoopy would think so, too...

Masquerade: Yes. And you're cute too. Perfect combo~

*Masquerade gently pets her on the head and smiles*

Masquerade: So, may I ask thy names, not-so-clothed ladies?

Victora: Hehe, I'm Victora Koco, the next in line to be the boss of "the Koco Family!"

Megumi: And I'm Megumi Koco, Mistress Victora's personal aide.^^

Masquerade: Such beautiful names, fitting two pretty ladies perfectly. My name is Masquerade Mahiru, pleased to meet you two.

*Masquerade takes off his mask and bows, then looks up at Victoria*

Masquerade: Especially you, your highness.

Victora: Hehe, you've got a good eye to recognize true royalty when you see it.

Megumi: But can you really consider a mafia of scholars and sword masters royalty?

Victora: Of course! We'll defend our way of life with both brain power and elegant combat!

Megumi: Okay, whatever you say, mistress...

Masquerade:'ll do all that in the nude?

Victora: Uh...*notices that she's still naked*hmmm...that COULD prove to be an advantageous tactic...I'll have to think about that a little bit more.

Megumi: You can't REALLY be serious about that, right mistress?

Victora: Why not? All is fair in love and war!

Masquerade: I certainly like that idea.

*Masquerade takes hold of Victoria's hand, kneels in front of her, and then kisses her hand, smiling to her*

Masquerade: By the way, can I get you two something? Hmm? A drink or maybe something to eat? Get the shower ready for you? Anything?

Victora: Hmmm...a change of clothes would be nice. I mean, I don't have a problem with being naked, but if Ashuro ever found out I was going around in public like this, he'd tan my hide something fierce.

Megumi: I find it strange that you have no problem be naked in front of others, but the moment Ashuro sees you like that, you freak out and try to cover up or hide somewhere.

Victora: ...I have no idea what you're talking about...

Masquerade: Seems like someone suffers from "Love Syndrome"...

Victora: I-I don't love him; wh-where would you get an idea like that?

Megumi: You've been spying on Ashuro everytime he's hung out with Annaliese.


Megumi:'ve had me accompany you several times, remember?

Victora: ...WHA?!

Masquerade: Plus, your eyes told me... You know how to speak with your mouth, but I know how to read your eyes... (I could just alter both their minds right NOW, but that won't be any fun... I'll continue to watch where this is heading...)

*Masquerade starts to look in a closet, picking out two VERY revealing swimsuits for the girls, that he'll give them to wear in a little while*

Victora:'s not like that; I'm...just making sure that Ashuro doesn't try anything funny on such an innocent girl, that's all, really!

Megumi: Hey, Masquerade, would you actually like to hear the story about their history together? It's absolutely funny now that I think about it.

Victora: Um, y-you wouldn't be interested in some boring story like that...right?

Masquerade: Hmm... as a matter of fact, it sounds interesting... Wanna tell it while we get you two washed up in my bubble bath?

Megumi: Okay!

Victora: MEGUMi, NO!

*A few moments later, Victora and Megumi are in a real deluxe-looking bubble bath.*

Megumi: It all began when the mistress and I learned that Batou was back in town. Being the person she is, mistress decided to bring him back home to stay, forcibly. That's when Ashuro came; and I can honestly say that neither of us expected the events that followed to EVER happen.

Victora: ...

Masquerade: Ah-ha...continue, please. ^^

*While listening, Masquerade starts to wash Victoria's hair, actually getting a little smile from her in the process*

Megumi: You see, mistress always seemed to have an effect on both people and everything around her. Whenever she pouted and insisted on something, no matter how improbable, it always happened; so she got real used to having her way ALL of the time.

Victora: By the way you tell it, you're making me sound like a spoiled brat.

Megumi: sorta was one back then...

Victora: Hmph! >3<

Megumi: Anyway, mistress used this on Batou and he found himself coming along with us against his will. Ashuro came and tried to figure out what was going on. When mistress tried to use this mysterious ability on him, it didn't work; that had NEVER happened before.

Masquerade: Hmm... So far, I like the story... (Her ability sounds a bit like my Rule Magic...)

Megumi: Not being one to accept defeat, mistress tried a different approach and challenged Ashuro to a game; the conditions were that if he couldn't catch her without him using any of his abilities by the time she reached our home, he'd have to leave our town without Batou and never return again.

Victora: Had I known that it was actually possible for me to lose that game, I would've just given him some cash or something. But no, I agreed to grant him any request he asked me for.-_-;;

Masquerade: So, basically you lost... what did you have to do? And please stand up, hard to reach parts of your body while you're sitting like that...unless you want to wash yourself, of course.

Victora: Yes, THAT is something I'd prefer to do myself!

*Masquerade chuckles lightly.*

Victora: It was a simple request; nothing really hard at all. He said that I'd have to promise to not use my power on everybody whenever I pleased. It was one thing to lose at a game I excelled in, but not being able to continue living the lifestyle I had was just TOO much for me accept in one day. I just told him to leave and never show his face in front of me ever again. With that said, I left, finished up my day and went to bed...for a while, anyway. I decided to sneak out and take a walk in my favorite forest; it wasn't until later that I realized that I should've just stayed in bed that night...=_=;

Masquerade: Hehe, what? Did a bird take a shit on you?

*Masquerade can't help but laugh, but quickly comes to a stop*

Masquerade: Well... Anyway, continue...

Victora: Oh-ho, I wished that was what happened compared to what actually did. Feeling daring, I ventured out of the town's city limits and deeper into the forest, hoping to find something interesting in this area I never explored. As I got further, I saw somebody walking towards me in the distance; and low-and-behold, it was Ashuro. When I asked him what he was doing way out here, he replied by saying that he was actually on his way to visit me personally because he had a certain two word statement to say to me. I expected him to say "I'm sorry," but he said something I never thought someone like him would say.

Masquerade: ...sorry, I got no comment here... What did he say?

Victora: "Caught you."

Masquerade: "Caught you"?

*Masquerade tilts his head to the side, resulting in a comical sound effect being played on his radio due to one of his rules*

Victora: I know, that was my reaction, too. The next thing I knew, one of those arm-like ears of his had grabbed and was holding me tightly so I couldn't get away. I tried to use my ability on him again, but it still wasn't working on him. He took me to this old castle building in the mountains, he said it was one of his bases, and locked me in one of the dungeon cells!

Masquerade: ...Uh... castle you said? Locked up in a...dungeon cell...

*For some reason, Masquerade's voice turned very quiet and nervous-like, he also looks a bit saddened*

Masquerade: That doesn't...sound very... That's not a way to treat a beautiful little flower like you.

*The word "beautiful" just slipped out of his mouth*

Victora: It's not like he left me there to rot or anything. About 8 minutes after he put me in there he explained his reason for doing so. He said something about how he couldn't let me roam around as I please until I promised and convinced him that I wouldn't use my ability the way I had been doing. And me, being the stubborn knucklehead I was, expressed how I much I wasn't going to be ordered around. He simply shrugged and said "Okay then, I'll be sitting right over here if you decide to change your mind or just talk. Your dinner will be ready in about an hour; I'll bring it to you when it's ready." Then he went to a backless bench that was down there and layed down.

Masquerade: Oh, w-well that's good, right? Hehe...

Victora: It was...I was just too stubborn and selfish at that time to realize just why he went out of his way to do something so drastic...

Megumi: Huh, I'm starting to get wrinkled; do you have any towels and a change of clothes we can borrow?

Masquerade: Huh? Oh, just a sec...

*Masquerade steps away and goes back to the closet and picks out two t-shirts and two pair of panties. Before he goes in to the two of them again, he starts to think... He had actually grown to like these two, and now he wanted to see if they actually wanted to ever visit him again...*

Masquerade: .....Rules Magic: "Everyone I speak with shall..." No, I guess I'll just accept whatever they decide... because, after all, I am the "lonely magician."

*After staying there for a while, he goes back to Megumi and Victoria*

Megumi: Ah, thanks; hmmm...yes, these'll work just fine.

Masquerade: Right... glad you find them usable...

Victora: Something wrong?

Masquerade: .....Can considered as friends now? Will you guys...come visit me again? I'm very lonely out here...but don't get that well along with others...

Victora: If it means that the three of us can all play together again like today, then absolutely; let's all be best friends. But next time, work on your acting a bit.

Megumi: Your performance after our "rescue" was a bit lacking.

*Masquerade is stunned; both Victora and Megumi knew what was going on right from the start and they and they still wanted to be his friends.*

Masquerade: O.O; *hangs his head down* Mom was right, I'm a bad actor...

*Masquerade can't help but smile at all this, but one question still remained...*

Masquerade: Wait, you weren't actually minding that much being naked around me... why is that?

Victora: It doesn't really bug me if I'm seen like this.

Megumi: What if it was Ashuro?

Victora: No way! I-I'd just die of embarrassment!

Megumi: And why is that?

Victora: Because I lov...

Megumi:...what was that?


Megumi: But doesn't your saying that you'll never say that mean that what you refuse to say is actually true?

Victora: ...WHA?!

*Both Megumi and Masquerade couldn't help but bust out in laughter after seeing the look on Victora's face.*


*A few minutes later, all three of them are sitting together on the floor in the main room of the hut. Victora is sitting on Masquerade's lap; her arms and legs are folded together and she has a cute, angry pouty face, complete with puffed-out face cheeks and lips, refusing to look at either Masquerade or Megumi.*

Victora: >3<

Megumi: Hehe, aw c'mon, mistress, don't be mad; we were only funnin' with you. ^w^

*Masquerade smiles and pats her gently on the head*

Masquerade: You know you can't stay mad forever, besides, you look extremely cute with that look on your face.

Victora: Meanies...

*Unable to resist her cuteness any longer, Masquerade hugs Victora tight and cuddles her.*

Victora: Hey, stop... no fair... that tickles...

*Seconds later, her mood softens and she starts smiling freely.*

Masquerade: Hehe, if you think this tickles, then I wonder how you'll act when I actually start to tickle you.

Victora: Um, wouldn't you rather here the rest of my story, instead?

Masquerade: *smirks* (someone doesn't like tickling...) Sure, go ahead...

*Masquerade smiles kindly to Victora, placing his hand on her butt without noticing himself...*

Victora: Needless to say, I wasn't at all happy about my accommodations, so I did what anybody would do...

Megumi: You complained?

Victora: Yep...I probably could've been a bit nicer instead of being an absolute brat when I did it. Insulting and threatening your captor really isn't the best thing to do...

Masquerade: Hehe, no it isn't.

Victora: Soon after my last threat, Ashuro got, walked over to my cell to repeat what his terms for my release were; and of course, I outright refused to even consider what he had to say. When I met his gaze again, he...looked a little sad and hurt. I thought that I had finally broken his will and that he had decided to give up and let me go home. Before opening the door to my cell, he said something that sounded like "I really hoped that I didn't have to do this." Before I can even begin to figure out what he meant by that, he had opened my cell door. As I walked out, he grabbed my hand firm enough to keep me from breaking free of his grip then gently led me towards the bench he was laying on. He sat down and grabbed my other hand and positioned me so that I was standing in front of him. Ashuro just looked into my eyes with such a pained and sorrowful expression on his face; there were even a few tears in his eyes. I...actually started to feel kinda bad for saying so many mean things to him and found myself trying to break eye contact.

Masquerade: ...they say that stone can break bones, but words can't hurt you... But in fact, they can...words can indeed hurt, a lot...

Victora: Ashuro then explained why he had captured me and locked me up like he did.

*FLASHBACK - 2 years ago*

Ashuro: What if it was somebody else other than me that you met earlier that resisted your ability? What if they weren't patient and nice? What would you have done?

Victora: I would've run away, or course; there's no way I'd let myself be captured by somebody who wants to hurt me!

Ashuro: But what if they had caught you and there wasn't anybody around to hear you if you called for help? What then?

Victora: would...uh...*scoffs* What's the point of this anyway? How is this in any way related to how I use my abilities?

Ashuro: Every action will have its own reaction! The way you freely and carelessly use your ability to serve yourself no matter what can result in people getting hurt physically, mentally, financially, morally, you name it! Eventually, people will take matters into their own hands and do something to resolve their problem, which would be you. Sure, you may be able to escape many of them, but people won't want to be around you! You'll end up all alone and hated by everybody around you and won't care about what happens to you! And eventually, somebody like me, who can resist your ability, will come along and you won't have any way to defend yourself! You could end up getting hurt, or worse, you could end up getting yourself killed! And once you're dead, that's it; you don't get a second chance, it's all over and nobody will care because of the things you've done to so many people! I...I don't want to see that happen to you, especially if there's something I know I can do to prevent it! You may hate me, despise me, never forgive me; but I'm alright with that. If doing whatever I have to do will increase the chances of such a future from happening, then...I'll gladly welcome your scorn and hatred! I refuse to let you experience such pain and suffering!


Victora: After hearing that, the wall that kept all of the guilt that had built up over the years had broken and I cried like there was no tomorrow...


*Masquerade has to lift Victora off of his lap and walk outside, sighing to himself while soft tears rolls down his cheeks*

Masquerade: ...What.....what am I fighting for, anyway...

*Back inside.*

Victora: You think he's okay?

Megumi: I dunno; it looked like he had something important on his mind.

Victora: I seems like we've all experience moments like these, huh?

Megumi: Sure seems that way.

*Masquerade enters again, looking slightly depressed*

Masquerade: I...I'm sorry about earlier... Maybe you two should just go.....

*As he says this, he slowly walks across the room and climbs up a ladder to a loft, where he lays down. Victora finds it okay to just leave, but Megumi on the other hand...*

Megumi: We can't leave just yet.

Victora: Huh? Why? He said we should go...

Megumi: Remember how he asked us to be his friends?

Victora: Yeah, but what does... oh, I see what you're saying now; since we agreed to be his friends, we should show him what it is that friends do, right?

Megumi: Bingo!

*Both Victora and Megumi make their way towards Masquerade's loft. Masquerade sits and looks through a window, with his mask off along with his jacket, revealing the magical seal on his back. As he sits there, he quietly counts the acorns on the tree outside. He doesn't pay attention to Megumi or Victora, even when they're right behind him. But those two weren't gonna leave that easily.*

Victora: You should know now that the two of us aren't leaving until you talk to us.

Masquerade: ...I've... always been alone, rejected by the people around me... When I was born, they sealed a magic inside me, everyone in my clan went through the same ritual upon birth... But this magic was so strong that everyone feared me and left me alone by myself... I was eventually locked up in a cell, where I couldn't do anything, since my magic couldn't physically break anything... Mean guys would always come and discriminate me, throw small rocks at me, and eventually...

*Before saying anything more, Masquerade turns around, revealing not only that he was crying pools of tears, but also that the right side of his face had various scars and burn marks all over it and that his eye was also miscolored and not matching his left eye at all*

Masquerade: Eventually, the torture started...

Megumi: truly hurts to be treated so horribly.

Victora: I...I just don't understand what's wrong with people. You don't have the right to purposely hurt somebody just because they're different or can do something that others normally can't do; that why people who suffer that become bad guys.

*Megumi sits next to Masquerade while Victora retakes her position on top of his lap and looks up at him.*

Victora: Looking back, I realize that I almost went down that road. Nobody really wanted me around because of what I could do; even my own parents were afraid of me and only made contact with me whenever necessary. I guess that's why they adopted Megumi into the family, to give me the love that they were to weak and afraid to give me. Having Megumi around really did help me, but it wasn't until Ashuro came around that I finally found that light that drove away the darkness of pain and sorrow deep within me. So...

*Victora turns herself around, facing Masquerade, and wraps her arms and legs around him and hugs him warm and lovingly.*

Victora: I've decided; just like how Ashuro saved me...I'll save you. I don't know how much if at all I can help you, but if becoming your true friend will help take away even just a little bit of your pain, then that's what I'll be.

Megumi: The same goes for me, too.

*Masquerade is overcome with emotion. Right next to him are two cute girls; they're hugging him lovingly, and promising to be his true friends. He can't help but give way to tears; but not tears of sorrow, they're tears of joy and closure.*

Masquerade: "sniff" Thank you so much, both of you! I...Hehe, I don't know what to say...

*he hugs them back, smiling more happily than he thought he could, stroking both of their backs sweetly*

Victora: Hey, mind if we stay the night?

Megumi: Yeah, we want to show you one of the many things friends do together; a sleepover is certainly one of those.

Masquerade: Thanks, that sounds nice... *smiles and starts to rub Victora's butt a bit more*

*That night was the most fun that Masquerade had had in such a long time. He had met two people who really wanted to be his friends. The next morning came and Masquerade bids the batgirl duo a farewell as the head home with the promise of meeting up and having more fun in the future. Later that day, Masquerade recalls Victora's story and how highly she spoke of Ashuro. Remembering what he had heard about Ashuro from those who had met him, he begins to wonder about what sort of person he must be; he decides that one day he'll have to meet him personally. However, before he can continue his musings, the mischief he caused yesterday catches up with him when he realizes that he's suddenly surrounded by Kiki, Noir and Helena; and it's quite noticeable that they're still mad about yesterday.*

Masquerade: Heh... I guess this was impossible to avoid... oh well...

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