Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ferocious Opponent! The Battle Begins!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 4
”Ferocious Opponent! The Battle Begins!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

One small mistake soon turns into a monstrous one after Nikki incorrectly uses Rocko's new invention on Skylar without reading ALL of the instructions. Now charged-up with a huge amount of E-nergy, Skylar will soon go wild and destroy everybody within range of Nikki: a range that's the size of the entire town! Will powerful allies like Ashuro, Arashi and Sora be enough to help Nikki and Rocko stop Skylar before it's too late?

Skylar: RAAAAAWWR!!!

Arashi: Tsk, I've never got such huge power readings from his body before. This could get ugly…

Sora: I'll just chop his arms and legs off… *gets ready to do just that*

*Suddenly, a long, stretchy arm shoots forward and grabs a hold of Sora's arm, stopping her frome attacking; it was Ashuro.*

Just in time...

Sora: …Why did you stop me?

Arashi: You're just way too violent…

*slowly, Skylar moves closer while growling loudly*

Sora: *shivers* That there is so scary, even I get freaked out a bit…

Ashuro: Skylar can't be attacked directly right now; had you gotten any closer to him at that moment, you'd be in two pieces right about now.

*suddenly, Skylar begins to run towards the group, his claws glowing crimson red*

Sora: Oh shit! He's coming! O_O

Arashi: *gets in front of all the others* Chikyuryu no Shirudo! *Earth Dragon's Shield*

*Using his powers as the earth dragon slayer, Arashi uses rocks from underground to create a dome that shields all of them, while Skylar repeatedly tries to get through the stone*

Sora: Phew, good thinking…

Rocko: O_O;;;I think my heart stopped...

Ashuro: Nice tech!
I saw his E-nergy level; it's extremely high and still rising. If something isn't done soon, he'll die.

Nikki: NO! SKYLAR!

Rocko: Not to worry, this can be fixed; all I have to do is get close enough and blow the whistle again...

*Rocko looks down and sees that the whistle had been crushed while Arashi was creating the shield.*


Arashi: *picks up the crushed pieces* …Hmm…

Sora: Okay, that's it… I'm going out!

*Sora takes hold of her eye patch, ripping it away and exposing the empty space in her head where her right eye would've been, then she vanishes, out of the dome*

Arashi: ……

*Ashuro opens a portal, reaches inside and pulls Sora out of it; she's looking around REALLY confused.*

Ashuro: You're not going anywhere; we need all of the help we can get if we're going to save Skylar and everybody else in town.

Sora: …Fine then… *uses her hair to cover her missing eye*

Arashi: ……We have to make him relax……If we find a way to do that, I'll do the rest.

*just then, a ear splitting roar fills the air, making the dome start to shatter, Skylar looking in at them through a hole in the stone*

Sora: *swallows*

Ashuro: That's a good idea; however, while all of that E-nergy is circulating through his body that will be impossible... ... I got it; I've got a plan! But for it to work, I need you all to trust me.

Rocko: Sure buddy, I've got your back!

Nikki: YES! If it'll save Skylar, I'll do whatever it takes!

Ashuro: What about you two?

Arashi: Okay, I'm with you.

Sora: Skylar is our family and also a good friend, you can count me in.

Arashi: So, what's your plan?

Ashuro: Great! Okay, first we need to...

*Skylar punches through the remains of the shield with great force*

Ashuro: OoO; RUN!!

*Skylar charges forward at amazing speed! Ashuro quickly creates a time delay zone in front of Skylar. When he enters it, Skylar stops immediately, frozen in that area; and just in time too as Skylar's red glowing claws were only one inch away from tearing into Arashi, Sora and Rocko!*

Rocko: O_O;;;Yeah, my heart definitely stopped this time...

Ashuro: This will only hold him for about 5 minutes; we need to get Nikki as far away from town as possible to reduce the chance of possible casualties.

Arashi: We don't have time for that. Wait a minute... If Skylar is like that, then if we hit him now, he won't feel anything until this time delay zone is gone, right?

Sora: Where are you going with this?

Ashuro:...Hey, you're right! It'll be just like the time when Luffy fought Foxy the Silver Fox in the Davy Back Games! We can pile some damage on Skylar, he takes all of the damage when the time delay is over, then the E-nergy inside of him will have to be used to heal himself. I think that 3 time attacks and 3 seperate fights should do the trick... Okay, change in strategy; Rocko, we'll be using the "Baton Pass" tactic for this one.

*Ashuro reaches into the stone imbedded in his left hand, pulls out a bag and hands it to Rocko. Looking inside the bag, Rocko immediately understands what Ashuro has planned.*

Rocko: Okay, I get it; so what's next?

Ashuro: We attack!

*Ashuro's second set of arms appear and Rocko charges himself up with electricity.*

Ashuro: Ready guys?

*Arashi levitates a couple of rocks infront of him, while Sora's sword starts glowing in a pitch-black color*

Arashi: Ready when you guys are!

Sora: Sorry Skylar, it's for your own good... *raises her sword*

Ashuro: Let's do it!

*Ashuro unleashes a series of rapid-fire punches using all four of his arms while Rocko forms a ball of electricity.*

Rocko: My attack takes a while to prepare; it'll be ready by the time the two of you are finished with your attacks.

*Done with his part, Ashuro steps back to allow Arashi and Sora to begin thier assault. Arashi makes a motion with his left hand, covering his right arm in rocks, making it double in size. Sora points her sword down at her shadow, then stabs it in the shoulder*

Arashi: Chikyuryu no Buso-Ken! *Earth Dragon's Armed Fist*

*He leaps at Skylar and punches him hard in the face*

Sora: Kurai Katto! *Darkest Cut*

*Suddenly, there is a sword made out of shadows pointing through Skylar's shoulder, like he had been stabbed with a real sword*

*Rocko's attack has finished charging.*

Rocko: Shock Grenade!

*Rocko tosses a small electric ball over Skylar that erupts and rains thunderbolts down on top of him.*

Ashuro: That should do it for this part. There's still some time left, so let me explain the "Baton Pass" tactic I mentioned earlier. We've already done the first step, which was delaying Skylar and adding some damage. The next part is for one of us to stay and fight him one on one to delay and drain him even further while the rest of the team goes farther out and signals the one left behind that they're in possition. Once that's done, the one fighting him will either run away or act defeated, letting him pass and continue up ahead. From there on, it's rinse and repeat. Since, he's still got a lot of E-nergy inside of him, I'll fight him first and drain him even further while the rest of you get outside of the city. Once you've done that, rested and decided who will fight next, Rocko will contact me and I'll let him come your way. Nikki is the baton; Skylar will instinctively go to wherever she is. The bag I gave Rocko has some supplies to make everything go a whole lot easier...

*Ashuro notices that Skylar is moving a little bit.*

Ashuro: Looks like time is about up; Rocko, get everybody out of here; hurry!

Rocko: Just promise me you'll leave Skylar in one piece, dude; you can get pretty rough without noticing it.

*Rocko takes out his Pocket Portal and forces Arashi, Sora and Nikki through it; once Rocko himself goes through it, the portal disappears. The time field disappears and Skylar takes all of the damage that had been inflicted on him. After a few seconds, Skylar quickly rises to his feet and starts to glow a light green as the E-nergy inside him heals all the wounds on his body, looking as if nothing had happened at all. He sniffs the air, catches Nikki's scent and starts heading in her direction when Ashuro blocks his path. Meanwhile, Rocko and the others are far away from the city, exiting the portal into an open grassy field.*

<scene changes to where Rocko, Nikki, Arashi and Sora are>

*Arashi punches the ground and eats part of it, leaving a hole big enough for a body to fit in it*

Arashi: Alright, now I'm fully charged up... Though I really want to eat some rocks now...

Sora: I hope Ashuro doesn't get killed... Skylar was the reason we beat Son Goku and his friends, Vegeta and Piccolo...

Rocko: Hehe, Ashuro is the LAST person you'd have to worry about when it comes to staying alive. Despite being boneless and rubbery, that dude is practically indestructable.

Sora: .....

Arashi: Sora?

Sora: .....I just remembered what Skylar told us.....what happened to his home planet and all...

Arashi: Yeah..... sad story.....

Nikki: His home planet? Skylar's never told me much about his past.

Arashi: This also explains his hate against Son Goku, and why he is all alone, plus the scar on his chest...

Sora: Sit back, it's gonna be a long story...

Nikki: If it'll help me understand Skylar better, then...I want to know what happened to him; I want to show him that I care.

Arashi: Okay... Let's start from the beginning...

To be continued...

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