Sunday, April 10, 2011

Enter the Paused Dimension! Part 1

Travel Multiversal
Neo Hero Chronicles
”Enter the Paused Dimension!"
Part 1
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

*During a sparring session, both Ashuro and Shonnie unleash their energy attacks on one another. Ashuro attacks using 'Fist Bullet' while Shonnie attacks with 'Optic Bolt.'*

Shonnie: Just... abit... more..! *continues focusing the blast*

Ashuro: You're really improving, Shonnie.

*Ashuro is starting to be pushed back slightly.*

Shonnie: C'mon, just a little more... *focuses harder trying to increase the blast power*

*The blast becomes a bit too intense for Ashuro, forcing him to end his attack and dodge roll out of the way of the unrelenting blast.*

Ashuro: Whoo, you did it again, Shonnie; the power and duration of your attack have gotten even better. Your Optic Bolt's power is equal to that of a Lagiacrus' Thunder attacks.

Shonnie: Thanks, Ashuro. *Shonnie's eyes start to flicker as the blast dies out* Training with you, certainly helped. At first I could only use it three times and the blast could only stun people.

Ashuro: A little hard work goes a long way. You should bring Jimmy over next time; we can help him learn how to use his newly awakened powers.

Shonnie: Good idea, Ashuro. I'm going to call him over right now. *hits buttons on his wrist watch* BTW, how are things going with you and Annaliese?

Ashuro: Great! She's so wonderful!

*Ashuro drifts off into his own little dream world when he starts to think about Annaliese.*

Snoopy: Hey guys... mentioned Annaliese, didn't you?

Shonnie: Yup! Jimmy acts the same way when I mention Sora. And to think he started out afraid of Sora, now he won't stop talking about his date with her.

Snoopy: Hehe, interesting, isn't it?^^

Victora: Hmph! What's SO great about that Anna-girl anyway?

Shonnie: She's a little sweetheart. There's also the moe factor, but that's besides the point. Don't tell me you're jealous?

Victora: Me? Jealous? Of her? Don't make me laugh! Ashuro will soon see that only a dignified lady such as myself is the perfect fit for him instead of big-eyed little kid; that I guarantee!

Snoopy: But there's only a one-year difference between you and Annaliese; and not to be mean or anything, but you act WAY more like a little kid than her.

I don't know what you're talking about. If I'm going to have Ashuro for myself, I should really get rid of her.

Snoopy: ...You DO know what he'd do to you if he knew you were behind something bad happening to Anna, don't you?

How did you know what I was thinking?! Are you a mind-reader?

Snoopy: said it out loud.

Victora: ...

Shonnie: ...Trust me as easy as it sounds. Hurting someone is not the best way to earn someones's affections. Sometimes it's better to withdraw any feelings you have and try to move on... No matter how much it hurts...

Victora: ...

Snoopy: ...

*still daydreaming*

*Jimmy arrives on the scene.*

Jimmy: Hey, everyone. I'm ready to... O_O *sees Ashuro daydreaming and Shonnie depressed* Did I come at a bad time?

*Both Ashuro and Shonnie immediately snap back to reality and greet Jimmy.*

Ashuro: Oh, sorry about that, Jimmy; the two of us were just

Snoopy: Deep thought?

Ashuro: Exactly what he said!^3^

Shonnie: Yeah, deep thought...So, lil' bro ready for some training?

Jimmy: Yeah!
I wanna be able to help everyone like you guys!

Ashuro: That's the spirit! Okay, to figure out where we should start your training, show Shonnie what you showed me the other day; y'know, the glowing hand-thingy.

Jimmy: Okay, Ashuro... *his hands begin to flicker for a moment then they started to glow blue*

Shonnie: Hmm-Hmm-Hmm.
The hands glow is the first sign that your powers kicked-in. It's usually followed by an energy spheres and energy fists techniques...

Ashuro: I'm knowledgable about fist techs, and Snoopy specializes in energy attacks and things like that. Which would you like to learn first, Jimmy?

Jimmy: Hmm, I don't know... Shonnie What do you think?

Shonnie: Well, I'd suggest starting with the energy spheres. Until your combat skills start to... exist. I'd recomend learning a ranged attack.

Jimmy: Okay then.

Ashuro: Alright then, energy spheres it is. Snoopy, think you can help him out?

Snoopy: Sure thing.

*Snoopy walks up to Jimmy and examines his hands.*

Snoopy: Hmmm...yes, you've got excellent potential...
...Okay, I've got an idea on how to help you; what I have in mind might be a little cliched and unorthadox, but it should help. The first part is pretty basic; all you need to do is channel energy in your hands. Don't worry about trying to shape it just yet, we just need to see how much energy you can gather in your hands easily, like this.

*Snoopy raises his left hand and focuses on channeling his E-nergy to it, making it glow sky blue.*

Snoopy: Now you give it a try.

Jimmy: Okay, Mr. Snoopy. *Jimmy begins to channel his energy into his hands, in a moment his hands start to glow* HEY! I got it!

Shonnie: Nice job, bro.

Jimmy: *his hands continue to build up energy growing gradually larger every second* Uh, is this supposed to happen?

Shonnie: ...

Snoopy: Y-you can stop now, Jimmy; I see that you can easily gather energy now.

Jimmy: *stops focusing and after a few seconds his hand turn back to normal*

Shonnie: Wow, that was pretty impressive... O_O

Jimmy: Thanks, Shonnie.

Snoopy: ...okay, now that THAT's over, we can move onto shaping your energy. To begin, you need to get the right feeling for what you want your energy to become.

*Snoopy raises his left hand again and gathers E-nergy; it then starts to form into a baseball-sized orb.*

Snoopy: This is the basic form that you want. As you improve you'll be able to...

*The orb of E-nergy grows larger until it's the size of a basketball.*

Snoopy: Increase and decrease the size at will; and soon after that...

*Raising his arm high in the air, the E-nergy orb begins to flatten out, looking like a spinning disc.*

Snoopy: You'll be able to create shields to attack and defend with...

*Lowering is arm and sticking it out forward, the spinning E-nergy disc forms into a long rectangle shape.*

Snoopy: well as barriers that can be used as larger shields; and one you've advanced even further, you can...

*The rectange-shapeded E-nergy falls forward until it is laying down flat. Snoopy then hops on top of it as it lifts off of the ground and flies around a little bit before returning to the ground.*

Snoopy: Make stationary and moving platforms...

*The shape of the E-nergy changes again, this time, looking like a sword.*

Snoopy: And even weapons.

Jimmy: Jinkies!

Shonnie: Hmm... Maybe I should try manipulating my energy...

Snoopy: Now before we get started...Ashuro, could you take us to your training room?

Ashuro: Sure thing, buddy.

*Ashuro points his left arm out towards Snoopy, Shonnie, Jimmy and Victora; the stone in his hand glows white and the four are sucked inside of it. Once inside, Ashuro lays down on the ground and goes to sleep. Meanwhile, Shonnie and the others find themselves in a place that closely resembles the inside of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber located on Kami's Tower.*

Snoopy: Welcome to the Paused Dimension, everybody!

Victora: Why the heck did he bring me here too?!

Jimmy: Wow...

Shonnie: Whoa, is the an alternative to subspace?

Snoopy: Possibly All I know is that this is a place Ashuro comes to for when he wants to learn something faster than normal. In this place, time as we know it is pretty much frozen; one day in here is like one minute back home. There's an endless supply of food, water, entertainment and whatever else you might need; with Scooter's help, both him and Ashuro really decked this place out. Where we are now is just the main hub, the spot that connects to everywhere else. See that giant screen showing a map over there?

*Snoopy points towards a massive console displaying a map on a giant flat screen monitor. in the center of the area.*

Snoopy: There's one of these in every area; all you have to do is stand within this wide circle we're standing in, touch the spot on the map where you want to go and you're there within a few seconds. Take a look, there's the training facility right there, as well as an arcade, a clothing shop, a virtural colosseum, and well...every other place you can imagine.

Jimmy: Cool beans!

Shonnie: Good Ol' Scooter...

Jimmy: It's like Tron but with more better interactivity!

Victora: Hmmm...I guess being here won't be SO bad afterall.^w^

Snoopy: So guys, ready for some fun?

Jimmy: YEAH!!

Shonnie: For sure!

Victora: YAY!

Snoopy: Alright! Let's go!

Shonnie: You got it!

Jimmy: Yeah!

To be continued...