Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Awkward Day

for Kamehamehadude

Just another normal really, it is; this sort of stuff happens to me and my buds everyday. ^^;

Kevin & Midna: *awakens* ...what the...?

Panel 1:

Charle: Good morning, Kevin!:wave:

Happy: Are you ready for an adventure?:eager:

Annaliese: Good morning, brother! Let's go to the zoo toady.:dance:

Violet: Hi, Kevin; just wanted to remind you about our date later on tonight.:heart:

Link: Thanks you for taking Midna into your home, Kevin. I was a bit worried when she didn't return yesterday; but when I found out that you were with her, I knew that she was in good hands.:D

Panel 2:
Happy, Charle, Annaliese & Link: ...

Violet: can't be serious...

Panel 3:
Happy:^^; Hey Annaliese, let's go and play! *pulls Annaliese by her right arm*

Charle: Yes, lets do that far FAR away from here!:nod: *pulles Annaliese by her left arm*

Annaliese: Hey, wait, don't pull me so hard!

Violet::iconimmakillyouplz: Grrrrr...

Annaliese::ohnoes:V-V-V-Violet, NOOO! Please don't hurt brother!:cries:

Charle: *pulls harder* This isn't the sort of thing a child your age needs to see!

Annaliese: B-But I have to stop Violet; she's going to hurt brother real badly!:tears:

Happy: *pulls harder* At this point, I don't think that even an army could stop Violet if they wanted to!

Link::tears: Midna...why?

Violet::iconcomeoverhereplz:Kevin, Midna, may I have a nice long mature talk with you two? *rolls up sleeves*

Kevin & Midna::omg:IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THiNK!!:fear:

Panel 4: ...:XD: use your imagination

e-chan::iconouchplz: You too, eh?

:iconinjuredplz: Yeah; Violet...what about you?

e-chan: Samantha...

Kevin: Waking up?

e-chan: Yeah; you?

Kevin: Same thing...

e-chan: Bummer...

Renezmae::rofl:I can't believe the great Princess of Twilight allowed herself to recieve such a childish, humiliating punishement!:rofl:Dethroning you and becoming the next Twilight Princess might be a lot easier than I thought.:giggle:


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