Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Laser Re-direction Plan!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 22
“The Laser Re-direction Plan!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

*On the night before the Saiyan attack...*

Jason: .....

Mujakina: Something troublin' you, boss?

Jason: .....I sense something big approaching...I'm not sure if the two of us are enough to stop it...

Mujakina: New team members needed?

Jason: Yes...we need more support... My Phoenix Heart alone is strong, but use a weapon too much, and it's weakspots will be much easier to spot for the enemy...

Mujakina: That's true...I'll see what I can do.

???: Well, if anything your hunch is correct; something big IS about to happen~ ^3^

*Jason and Mujakina look around but can't see where the voice is coming from.*

Jason: Who's yourself...!

*A man with orange hair and a fox face steps out of the shadows into view; he was definitely a person that Jason hadn't seen before.*

???: Jason Moonshadow...and Mujakina Yochina; so nice to finally meet you two in person~ ^w^

Mujakina: How do you know us...?

Jason: More important...who are you...?

???: My name is Pyro Darkesis and I come bearing a message regarding your enemy, the Saiyans.

Jason: Huh? What do you know...?!

Pyro: There will be a demonstration tomorrow afternoon; the Saiyans will be using this planet's own satellite system as one gigantic laser weapon. They'll be targeting all leaders of the Helping Hand Guild but they'll also be looking for you: they know you're here somewhere.

Jason: .....Why are you telling me this...?

Pyro: Oh, no reason really; I told you just because I could~ ^3^

Jason: ... *raises an eyebrow* ...Really now?

Pyro: ...okay, you got me. I actually want to see you succeed in eradicating the Saiyans.

Jason: Eradicate the Saiyans.....And what would you gain from that?

Pyro: Nothing in particular. But if I could gain anything from this it would be a valued ally in a fight against an organization that's worse than the Saiyans.

Jason: .....

Mujakina: *flies up in front of Jason's face* Jason...I have a bad feeling about this...I dunno if we should trust him or what he is saying...

Jason: I know. I'm not sure what to do either...

Pyro: I understand; I mean I AM some guy that just popped up out of nowhere who happens to know who you are. So before I go I'll tell you what you need to defeat the Saiyans tomorrow. You'll need the cat.

Jason: The cat?

Mujakina: The cat...really? What do you mean by that?

*Pyro tosses a file folder in front of Jason. Opening it Jason sees two photos, one containing an image of Ashuro and the other an image of iDEAL, and some papers with information about the two of them.*

Pyro: One of these two has the power you need to stop the Saiyans from ravaging this planet. I leave it up to you to figure out which one it is~ ^3^ *disappears in a dark mist, warping out of the area.*

Jason: "iDEAL" ... "Ashuro" ...

Mujakina: So we have to figure it out? How can we do that with just this file...?

Jason: ...I think we need to get more solid info down...up close and personal, sadly enough. I had hoped I didn't need to get too involved...

*The next day a little after 2 P.M. it started; huge laser beams rained down from the sky in various spots all over the planet. As Jason looked at one of the spots that one of the last lasers hit he knew that if things continued the way they were going he was going to have to get involved. He looks over to his side when he hears voices coming from that direction; it was Skylar, Blitz and Tanya...and they were with the two people that they needed to see, Ashuro and iDEAL. As much as he didn't want to get involved Jason takes this opportunity to confront them.*

Ashuro: *recognizes Jason* hey, I remember you.

Jason: You do? Well, I'm flattered...

Skylar: *raises an eyebrow* Are Ookami?

Jason: Why yes...we are the same...

Blitz: *with iDEAL cradled in his arms* He looks kinda familiar.

Ashuro: *notices the emblem on Jason's cloak* you're a Moonshadow?

Tanya: *looks up, noticing the emblem too*

Jason: *nods* Yes, I am.

Ashuro: Cool *notices another laser beam shoot down to the ground in the distance* I hope whoever that was got away in time...

Jason: Mujakina...?

Mujakina: *levitates up behind Jason and into view* ...I sense no casualties...the animals in the wild life are also safe.

Jason: Good... *looks to Ashuro* don't worry. If everyone continues moving and seeking shelter, this should go without death falls...

Ashuro: ...guys, before we go up there I'd like to have a look at what we're dealing with exactly. My buddy Hayama has a very powerful telescope that we can use to see what's up there. Why don't the two of you come with us? ^^

Jason: That was my intentions from the beginning...

Blitz: ...I dunno...this guy is making me think a few second thoughts...

Skylar: Bro, we don't have time for that. He is just coming with us to find out what's going here.

Jason: ...All I know is that they are using the satellites of this planet...if that info is helpful...

Ashuro: That's about all we know too. Let's go!

*Ashuro leads everybody to the Saturn Family home where they meet up with Hayama who takes everybody to his observatory. After looking through the giant telescope and looking at the scene taking place in space...*

Hayama: Well, would you like the good news or the bad news?

Skylar and Tanya: Surprise us...

Hayama: The good news is that there's only one ship out there; whatever it is that the Saiyans are using to turn our own satellites into a weapon is most likely on that ship.

Blitz: ...And bad news...?

Hayama: There are a lot of Saiyans around the ship, strong looking ones. It's gonna be hard to infiltrate without a distraction of some sort.

Blitz: ...aye...

Hayama: Do you guys even have a way to get up there?


Blitz: Sadly...

Ashuro: ... My ship; I almost forgot all about it. We can take my ship up there!

Blitz: You have a ship? .3.

Ashuro: Yeah, I guess I never told you guys. Me and some of the others used to be pirates; we travelled all over the multiverse in our awesome ship. ^^

Skylar: Really? Guess being a pirate beats being assassin... >3>;

Hayama: ...I think I might be able to help you with the distraction you need to get close to that ship.

Blitz: You're going to provoke Trey and Kevin until their angers cause a rain of fire and thunderstorms in large amounts at a specific point, which is just confusing?

Skylar: iDEAL doesn't love you because you're funny, that's for sure... -w-

Blitz: ..... *pouts*

Hayama: ...all I need is a few minutes to make some slight alterations and it'll be ready to go; Ashuro, why don't you go and get the ship; I should be finished by the time you get back with it.

Ashuro: Okay; guys, come with me.

*The 4 Ookami nods and follows Ashuro outside. Ashuro takes iDEAL and the four Ookami to his house where he shows them the ship he had; it was a lot smaller than they had originally imagined.*

Ashuro: ...something wrong?

Tanya: ...Urm...well...

Skylar: Compared to other ships...this is...

Blitz: It is so tiny...! D:

Jason: *shakes his head as he looks at his fellow Ookami, then turned back to Ashuro* Have a bit more faith in the cat...

Ashuro: Oh, this isn't THE ship. This is one of the fighter ships from it. I was afraid that if I tried to take the main ship up there that I'd draw too much attention to us. This thing is fast AND it has stealth cloaking which should keep us well hidden.

Skylar: .......well, that makes sense. :I

Ashuro: So tell me, does anybody actually have a plan for when we get up there?

*Jason remembers back to what Pyro told him about the previous day: that he would need the cat's help to turn the Saiyans' own weapon against him. Both cats were now in one place and now was the time to figure out which of the two cats he needed.*

Jason: ...I can figure something out...but I need to know what you 5 can do, including the little kitty...who...seem to still be asleep...? -_-

Ashuro: I mostly good when it comes to fighting, recon and problem solving. iDEAL here can actually do things that defy logic and reality.

Tanya: I can harness nature spirits, and a minority of water related moves...

Blitz: Mostly energy based and raw power strikes here.

Skylar: I've recently learned to control the energy of nature itself, so, yay me.

Jason: ...I see...

Ashuro: What about the two of you; what can you two do?

Jason: Mujakina is a forest fairy. Don't let the size fool you, she is a fairy. So she has magic powers...while I have some fire related powers, among others...

Mujakina: Like quick regeneration. >w>

Ashuro: Neat. ^^ *cell phone rings* Hello? ...okay, we're on our way over then. *hangs up* Hayama has our distraction finished and wants to run his plan by us; let's go.

Skylar: Alright. We're with you, Ashuro...

*Everybody goes back to the Saturn Family home where they meet up with Hayama who is standing next to a large rocket.*

Hayama: Well, here it is guys; this thing here is going to hold the Saiyans' attention while you sneak aboard their ship.

*Ashuro, iDEAL and the Ookami look at the rocket and don't at all seem impressed.*

Hayama: ...what?

Jason: *looks at Hayama* It looks a bit plain...nothing special...

Hayama: *looks at the rocket* yeah, that is true...but the most important thing is what’s inside of this rocket *opens up a small hatch, causing a black, metallic, baseball-sized sphere to fall out into his hand* this here is a highly explosive bomb, it's powerful enough to even make a Saiyan think twice about getting too close to it. The rocket will go up within range of them and start releasing hundreds of these bombs. When they go over to investigate that's your chance to sneak aboard their ship.

Jason: ...Effective...and interesting.

Hayama: I'll launch it once you guys are in position.

*Another giant beam of energy can be seen shooting down to the ground.*

Hayama: I hope you guys are ready for this.

Skylar: We are, trust us on that...

*The others nod in confirmation. After boarding the ship, Ashuro, Skylar, Blitz, Tanya, iDEAL, Jason and Mujakina fly off in the sky. Before exiting the planet's atmosphere Ashuro activates the ship's cloaking device making the entire ship invisible and undetectable as the enter space and head towards the Saiyan ship. A few minutes later Hayama launches the rocket filled with explosives into space close to the Saiyan ship. Curious, the Saiyans outside the ship go over to the rocket to investigate it; that's when the bombs start coming out of the rocket. When one of the powerful bombs go off it sets off a chain reaction of powerful explosions that put all of the Saiyans on alert. During the confusion Ashuro finds and enters the Saiyan ship's dock, parking his ship there.*

Ashuro: Okay, we're in.

Jason: Good work.

Blitz: Let's hope they don't figure out what we're up to.

*The group starts to search the ship; the strange thing was that no other Saiyans seemed to be on board the entire ship.*

Ashuro: ...something about this isn't right...

Skylar: No's too would think they'd have some at least guard the ship...

*After some searching Skylar and the others find the command center on the main deck.*

Ashuro: Okay, we've found the main control; now what?

Skylar: ...I thought you had an idea what to do... ._.;

Blitz: Well it's the main control...can't we just figure out stuff as we try it?

iDEAL: *hops off of Blitz' shoulder and walks up to the control panel* ... I just got an idea.

Jason: *turns his gaze to iDEAL, looking at her quietly.* ....

Blitz: Well, what are you waiting for cutie? Tell us.

iDEAL: The Saiyans are using our satellites to hunt Guild masters, right? So what if we made it so that the satellites are hunting the Saiyans instead?

Blitz: Hey, that's not a bad idea.

Skylar: But can we make the satellites do that?

iDEAL: I can; something like that'll be no problem for me.

Blitz: ...Have I mentioned how much I like you, iDEAL?

Skylar: Well, you do that.

*An aura of E-nergy surrounds iDEAL as she begins floating mid-air. Touching the control panel with both hands, iDEAL begins reprogramming the satellite laser program.*

Ashuro: How much longer until you're done, iDEAL?

iDEAL: Almost there...

Tanya: Your girl is amazing, Bro.

Blitz: I know, right?

Jason: ......

iDEAL:'s done!

*iDEAL uses the control panel to bring up a monitor screen where everybody sees the satellites firing their lasers upon the many Saiyans around the ship.*

Skylar: playing one of those old space ship video games...except that we just need to watch it.

???: Congratulations, you've succeeded in being utterly annoying.

*Everybody looks behind them to see the Saiyan Toma standing right behind them.*

Toma: *smirks*

Skylar: YOU...

Toma: I really must repay you for these scars you gave me, but I think that can wait until we're all back at Planet Vegeta.

Ashuro: Planet Vegeta?

Toma: Yes, the Saiyan home world. In about three minutes all Saiyans, this ship and everything aboard it will be transported back to the dimension where Planet Vegeta resides.

iDEAL: Even if we do wind up there we won't be staying! Ashuro here can just warp us out of there!

Toma: That's where you're wrong. This dimension that we're trapped in has a certain rule: only the one who created it can allow passage in and out of it.

Tanya: If that is the case, we'll just get out before that happens, by busting our way out...!

Blitz: And if that doesn't help, we'll knock some Saiyan hiney around, from this galaxy and beyond.

Toma: You're welcome to try escaping but just know that you'll have to get through me first. Just so you know, I've gotten much stronger since our last encounter.

Ashuro: ...

Skylar: Yeah....because, there is no way that we could've gotten stronger, is there? And for the record: You don't know what we are fully capable off, either...

Ashuro: ...Cell Buunshin!

*Two Ashuro clones appear and tackle Toma to the floor, restraining him.*

Toma: What the...?!

Ashuro: Let's go!

Tanya: That's Ashuro for ya.

Skylar: Later, sucker~!

*Everybody runs into the connecting corridor and quickly rushes back to Ashuro's ship. When they arrive at the ship they have only two minutes left.*

Ashuro: Quickly, everyone get in-

*A giant blast of energy shoots past Ashuro and the others and hits the ship, destroying it. The blast came from Toma who had warped into the hangar using instant transmission.*

Ashuro: OoO ...

Toma: You didn't honestly think it was going to be that easy, did you?

Blitz: Would you laugh if we say we thought so?

Skylar: *grits his teeth*

Ashuro: ...I can fix this; it'll only take a minute. Can you guys buy me some time?

Skylar: Ashuro...who are you talking to? We are the three siblings of the Moonshadow family, remember that.

Jason: And they got me, if they need the back-up...

*Ashuro goes to work immediately by using Time E-nergy to rewind the time around his ship. While he's busy doing this the Moonshredder siblings do everything they can to keep Toma from interrupting him. With only one minute left Ashuro finishes the ship's repairs.*

Ashuro: It's finished! Everyone get on board!

*Skylar, Blitz, Tanya, iDEAL, Jason and Mujakina board the ship. Before Ashuro boards the ship he creates 10 more cell clones that keep Toma occupied while they made their escape. Everyone escapes from the Saiyan ship just in time as it and all of the Saiyans around it disappears without a trace. When they return to Earth, Ashuro, iDEAL and the Moonshredder siblings decide to treat their new friends to lunch.*

Ashuro: Just another day in the life of us, huh?

Skylar: Apparently, yes...

Jason: ....Strange life you guys have... :/

iDEAL: *removes her left hair barrette and opens it up, revealing a hidden compartment, and takes a USB flash drive out of it* this is for you; I thought that this information would help you more than it could any of us *hands the flash drive to Jason*

Jason: ...Is this what he meant earlier...? Pardon, but what is on this drive?

iDEAL: While I was hacking the Saiyans' system I found some files about a device they've been developing: something that'll unlock it's host's hidden potential and even enhance their abilities. I saw your picture in there along with several others that they apparently outfitted with the device. There's even stuff in here about the enhancements and upgrades made to it, how to further customize them and other stuff like that.

Mujakina: That sounds relevant to our interest. .w.

Jason: Indeed...

Ashuro: So what's next for the two of you?

Jason: ...We'll see what we figure out on the way...

iDEAL: *sits on Blitz' lap and falls asleep again*

Ashuro: BTW, have you been approached by a guy named Pyro Darkesis?

Jason: ...Yeah, I think that was his name...

Blitz: *poking iDEAL's cheek*

iDEAL: *purrs in her sleep*

Ashuro: Be careful around that man. I don't know what he's told you but there's one thing I know that he's kept secret from you: he's the reason that the Saiyans are still alive today.

*This bit of news gets Jason and Mujakina's attention.*

Mujakina: ...Really now? .3.

Jason: ....... *motions with his hand* Go on...

Ashuro: Pyro used a dream project my friends Lorenzo and Scooter put together to manipulate the timeline as well as reality; one of the many things he did was save the Saiyans from being destroyed by Frieza so that they would be forced to work for him.

Jason: ...... *nods slowly* I see...

Ashuro: In about one month from now he's going to go after something that'll give him untold of power. We've got a plan to stop him but we're going to need all of the help we can get. If you're interested in stopping the guy who messed with your life meet up with us at this location one month from now *hands Jason a small map that has a location circled on it*

Jason: ...I'll think about it. Thanks.

*Armed with new information and now knowing the cause behind his suffering, Jason now has a lot to think about. After leaving the company of Ashuro and the others he and Mujakina discuss their next course of action.*

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