Wednesday, May 8, 2013

An Unforgettable Memory - That Day I Held Your Hand

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 24
“An Unforgettable Memory – That Day I Held Your Hand”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

After a long 22 years, Jim Noori finds himself face to face with Tanya Moonshredder who was no longer the little girl from his memories, but a full-grown beautiful woman.

Tanya: Is something wrong? Oh, where are my manners?! My name is Tanya. Who might you be, cutie~? ^w^

Jim: *regains his composure* I'm the founder of the Helping Hand guild...

Tanya: Ah, I've heard about you. It looks like we met sometime when we were kids...sadly, I can't actually remember you.

Jim: Y-Yeah, I...sort of figured that you wouldn't; especially when I had to erase your memories of me and all...

Tanya: W-what are you saying? Erase my memories?

Jim: It's sort of a detailed story...if you would like to hear I'd be glad to tell you more. (Please say yes-please say yes)

Tanya: ....Of course I'd like to hear it.

Jim: *looks overjoyed* Alright! There's this cafe in town that I think you'll like. We can talk there; I'll show you the way...

*When Jim grasps Tanya by her hand a memory suddenly flashes through her mind.*

[Flashback - 22 years ago - Planet Ookami]

*Tanya remembered a time when she was 6 years-old about how she went swimming in a lake one afternoon on a whim. Since she didn't have a swimsuit with her, Tanya decided to take her swim naked; she was having a nice relaxing swim when she noticed that some prankster boys stealing her clothes. She tried to chase after them but by the time she had gotten out of the lake they were already gone. Feeling sad from having such a mean prank pulled on her, Tanya couldn't help but cry because of it. Not too long after she had started, she hears a voice calling out to her from behind. Turning around, she sees a tall young boy, who looked just a little older than her, with blonde hair and long ears.*

???: What's wrong? Are you okay; did somebody hurt you? *looks genuinely concerned*

Tanya: A couple of meanies stole my clothes when I went swimming...!

???: Aww, please don't cry... *notices that Tanya is shaking a little after a cool breeze goes by on her wet skin* hold on *takes a small towel out of his bag and uses it to dry Tanya off* there we go ^w^

*The boy takes his shirt off and puts it on Tanya so that she would have something to wear; it covered all of her body...except for her little butt because of her tail being in the way*

???: Which way is your home?

Tanya: *sniffles* It's on the other side of the know where the Moonshadow family lives, right?

???: Moonshadow...yes, I know where that is; I passed by there a day or two ago. Well, let's get going, shall we? *bends down so that he could make eye contact with Tanya* so, what's your name, cutie? ^w^

*Tanya blushes a little when the boy called her cute.*

Tanya: T-Tanya...Tanya Moonshredder. M-may I ask what your name is?

Jim: ...I'm Jim; Jim Noori.

*Now hand in hand, Jim and Tanya walk off towards town.*

[Flashback ends - Present time]

*Snapping back into reality, Tanya looks at Jim who looked a bit concerned.*

Jim: Are you okay, Tanya? You sort of blanked out for a few moments and I was beginning to get concerned...

Tanya: Uh...I don't know..... *looks at him while rubbing the back of her head* ...but, your any chance, is it Jim?

Jim: Yes, it is; Jim Noori.

Tanya: Okay then, I know your name; that's good. (I think I remembered something from my past just now...I'll let it be for now and see if something else happens...)

*A short while later, Jim and Tanya arrive at the cafe that he had mentioned earlier. They get a table and Jim orders some an appetizer; his mouth waters once his order is placed on the table by the server.*

Jim: Tasty Bread; the bread that has a different flavor every time you bite into it. Here, try one, Tanya.

Tanya: Okay. *takes a bite of the bread* ......Delicious~!

*The delicious flavor of the Tasty Bread cause another hidden memory flashes through Tanya's mind.*

[Flashback - 22 years ago - Planet Ookami]

*One day, Jim and Tanya were exploring a forest area together when they found a peaceful meadow with a stream of fresh, clean water flowing by. They had been exploring for quite a while so they decided to sit down and have some lunch in their pleasant surrounding.*

Jim: *finishes setting up a dual rotary-style BBQ grill* finished *opens the bag that their food was stored in* Okay, for the main course *takes a huge raw juicy steak out of a container* fresh juicy steak!

*After getting the fire started, Jim puts the steak in one skewer and some vegetables on the other then places both skewers on the grill. Tanya watches as Jim slowly roasts the steak over the fire; she was absolutely mesmerized while she drools a little and wags her tail like the happy little puppy she was.*

Tanya: Mmmmmmm...Hurry up~!

Jim: Patience Tanya, patience; to bring out the full flavor of any meat you need take your time and cook it just right.

*Jim seasons the meat and vegetables with various herbs and spices that he had packed with him as he slowly turns the BBQ grill's crank handle, grilling them all evenly.*

Jim: Mm-Mmm, this is gonna be so good when it's done. *notices that Tanya is becoming restless* how about a nice appetizer while we wait?

*Tanya nods her head excitedly.*

Jim: *chuckles lightly* c'mere *gently picks Tanya up and sits her next to him on the log he was sitting on* you're gonna like this *takes a restaurant-sized loaf bread out of the food bag, splits it in half and give one of the halves to Tanya* it's called Tasty Bread; it's flavor changes every time you take a bite of it.

Tanya: Really? *takes a bite and eats it rather quickly, then another* ...! Oh mah gosh, youde righ~! *swallows* It tastes wonderful too~

Jim: Haha, I knew you'd like it. *starts eating his half of the bread while silently watching as Tanya eats hers, wagging her tail like a happy little puppy the entire time*

Tanya: Mmm...! So delicious~!

Jim: *examines the steak*Alright! The meat is ready! Now it's time for me to create one of my favorites; I call it...the "Deluxe Noori Cheese steak"

Tanya: Sounds delicious~

[Flashback ends - Present time]

Jim: Tanya? Tanya?

*Tanya snaps back into reality when she hears Jim's voice.*

Jim: Are you feeling okay? You're not ill or anything, are you? *looks genuinely concerned*

Tanya: N-no...I-I'm fine... *realises that she's crying a bit and wipes her tears* eyes are leaking...

Jim: Okay... *still feels a little bit worried* Oh yeah, I said that I would tell you about why I was on Planet Ookami all those years ago. I got word from my various sources that there had been several Saiyan sightings in many different place. The one thing that those reports had in common was that they were most often seen orbiting close to Planet Ookami, so I decided to investigate the matter myself.

Tanya: Well, seems like you were right...

Jim: From my investigation I learned about the many different materials they were harvesting from your planet; among them were these jewels and crystals that are said to have the ability to extract information from all organic life forms.

Tanya: Really...?

Jim: Yes; in fact, you've actually got one of them.

Tanya: Huh... You mean... *looks down and lightly touches the jewel attached to her necklace* my necklace jewel?

Jim: Yes, that is one of them. These jewels are extremely dangerous if they fall into the wrong hands. I didn't know exactly why the Saiyans wanted them so badly but what I did know was that something needed to be done about them. To keep them out of Saiyan hands, I decided to track all of them down and destroy them all one by one.

Tanya: *places her hand over the jewel, holding it* ......

Jim: Because these jewels couldn't be found with their scouters and other equipment, they didn't know where the exact locations of these jewels were. To find them they had to sends scouts out to search all over the planet to find a spot that had one; and to avoid drawing any more attention to themselves than they already had, only one scout was sent out once per day. Using a modified scouter, I was able to hear their conversations and track them without them being able to track me. This was how I managed to find each and every cave where the jewels were.

Tanya: That's interesting. And you did this, all by yourself?

Jim: Actually, no, I didn't. I had intended to try and do it by myself but I got an unexpected helper in the

Tanya: M...Me?

Jim: That's right. By that time the two of us had become the best of friends. We met up and played together every single day and we were rarely seen apart from one another for too long. I knew that searching for those jewels would be dangerous, so I went off in search for them by myself. You surprised me when I saw that you had followed me all the way to one of the caves without me noticing. After seeing how worried you were about me there was just no way that I could send you back home. And that's when the two of us started working together to find and destroy all of the jewels that we could find. It was a blast; we had so many cool adventures together from that day onward...that was, until my worse fear finally became reality...

Tanya: And that was...?

Jim: The Saiyans caught on to what I was doing. I also knew that they had a few of those jewels and knew how to use them. I was afraid of what they would do to you if they learned that you were also involved in the disappearance of the jewels. So before I left, I took you out to the spot where we first met and explained the situation...and what I would have to do in order to protect you and your home: I would have to erase all of your memories about the time we spent together. I fashioned one of the jewels that I kept into that necklace of yours as a parting gift before using another jewel to extract all of your memories of me. Then just as your final memories were beginning to disappear, you said something that forever changed me.

Tanya: .....I wish...I wish I could remember, Jim...but, it seems like memory loss situations are getting more and more common around me and my friends now... But, after hearing this story of yours, it's hard to think that a part of my memory is gone. It all seems to fit perfectly to me...

*Tanya wraps her arms around Jim and gives him a big and warming hug, snuggling against him*

Tanya: Jim...what did I tell you? Please, I want to know...

Jim: said..."I love you."

*As Jim raises his arms to hug Tanya back, one of his hands touches the jewel on her necklace which causes a flood of memories flash through her mind; this makes her very dizzy and white out. One by one, her memories begin to return to her. The day that they first met, their days of endless play, the adventures they had while exploring and treasure hunting together...and even the day that they had to part from one another so that Jim could lead the Saiyans away from Planet Ookami; an action that bought the planet a few more years of peace before the Saiyans returned. And finally, she remembers the teary-eyed heart-felt confession she made to Jim just before her last memories faded away; after that scene had finished playing in her mind, all of her lost memories had returned to her. Opening her eyes, Tanya sees that she's no longer in the cafe, but lying on a bed in the hospital of the Helping Hand guild. She looks down at her hand and sees that Jim is holding it while sitting on a chair next to her bed, fast asleep; upon asking a passing nurse what had happened, Tanya was informed about how she had blacked out, how Jim got her here as quickly as he could...and how he never left her side since they arrived. Soon after the nurse leaves, Jim wakes up and sees that Tanya is better again.*

Jim: 0o0 Tanya, you're okay! I was real worried when you suddenly collapsed like... *sees tears in Tanya's eyes* Tanya?

Tanya: Jim......I...I remember...All of it... *She grabs his hand tighter as she starts to cry* B-Baka...D-don't m-m-make me take f-farewell with you l-like that once m-more...!! I...l-love you...

Jim: *overcome with emotion* I love you too, Tanya! *get up on the bed and hugs Tanya, holding her close to him* Never again! That'll never happen again, I promise! I don't want that year we spent together to ever be forgotten by either of us ever again!

*As Jim holds her, Tanya finds a place where she could hold onto him and pulls him into a deep and passionate kiss, forgetting everything else just to make this moment last. The two of them doesn't even notice the door open and close as some friends visited.*

Skylar: *standing there with Blitz, iDEAL, Nikki, Ring and Ashuro* seems like big sis is okay...

Blitz: Seriously, I was very worried about her... If she makes us worry again, then I'll personally make sure there won't be a 3rd time... -_-;

Nikki: But the important thing is that she's all healthy again...right?

Ring: O//O Oh d-dear...

iDEAL: When did the founder and your big sis get so close so fast?

Ashuro: ...this doesn't look like a sudden attraction situation here; they look like two long lost friends that've finally reunited again after such a long time.

Skylar: Agreed.

Blitz: ...You know guys, maybe we should, and I'm just thinking out loud now, but...should we make a celebration for those two; just a little one to surprise them?

Skylar: Because they got together? .....doesn't sound like a bad idea to me.

Ashuro, Nikki, Ring and iDEAL: Yes.

Skylar: ...Speaking of which...Blitz, when was the last time you kissed someone?

Blitz: I...uh.....well...

Skylar: Oh~ You never have kissed anyone, have you~? |3

Blitz: Oh, shut your mouth... -_-;;

iDEAL: *looks hopeful*

Blitz: Okay, fine, I haven't! >_< Happy now?

Skylar: Pretty much. ^w^

Blitz: *groans*

iDEAL: You're wrong; Boss has kissed before!

Skylar: Really now? Who was it?

*iDEAL jumps into Blitz arms (which surprises him) then gives him a loving kiss. Blitz was about to push her off of him, but instead adjusts his arms so that iDEAL is sitting on one arm while the other holds her close to him as he begins to kiss her lovingly as well.*

Skylar: O_O ......Now THAT surprised me...

Blitz: (Oh shut up, lil' bro...) *rubs iDEAL's back lovingly as he kisses her*

*Once the kiss is finished, Blitz looks deep into iDEAL's eyes; she looked absolutely adorable.*

Blitz: look much more adorable than you did when you woke up the first morning in my house...remember? You thought I kidnapped you, you silly girl~ *nuzzles her a bit*

iDEAL: *giggles a little from being nuzzled* Nyan~

Blitz: D'AWW~! You really are the cutest and most adorable girl in the world! *hugs her close once again, licking her right ear teasingly and lovingly*

Skylar: Ear licking, he must really like her...

Ashuro, Nikki and Ring: Awww~

Blitz: ... *his ears perk up all of a sudden as he remembers something* that's right. Ring, weren't you with that Raijin guy? Kevin, was that his name?

Skylar: O_O; Oh no...that’s right, Ashuro and I totally pulled you away from him, without even telling him why. *slaps himself on the forehead* and to make it worse, I don't even think he saw us leave!

Ashuro: Oh, don't worry, I took care of that already; I left a cell clone behind to explain the situation to Kevin.

Skylar: Well, that's good, at least.

Blitz: *continues cuddling and nuzzling iDEAL*

iDEAL: T-Thank you, boss.

Nikki: ...weren't we going to do something for the Founder and your sister, guys?

Blitz: Hey, I had to stand and watch you and lil' bro cuddle, kiss and be lovely to one another. So shut up and let me just enjoy this moment, please... *continues to cuddle iDEAL*

Skylar: Don't worry bro, we can get started without you two, so take your time.

Nikki: Yeah, have fun. (Sheesh, you didn't have to say it with THAT sort of attitude...jerk. ) *walks away with Skylar, Ring and Ashuro*

Blitz: *sits down in a chair and places iDEAL on his lab, stroking her tail gently* ...How long? How long have you wanted to kiss me like that?

iDEAL: Since the day you said that I wasn't a burden.

Blitz: I wanted to kiss you ever since I first saw you. *strokes her cheek* you're just so cute and pretty... *nuzzles her*

iDEAL: I'm so glad *give Blitz three rapid kisses on his lips then buries herself into his chest, purring softly*

Blitz: *places one hand on her rear to support it, while iDEAL was wiggling it into his hand* you are so adorable...

*Some time later, Jim and Tanya are walking around the many areas of the guild while catching up with one another. They eventually meet up with Ashuro who directs both of them over to the gathering hall.*

Jim: So...what is it that you wanted to show us?

Ashuro: You'll see it as soon as you both go through the doors; trust me, it's really awesome.

Tanya: Really now? *her tail tilts back and forth while she also tilts her head cutely to the side, which catches Jim's attention for a moment*

Jim: ^///^ (Yep, she's the same little Tanya that I remember)

Tanya: Jim...? Are we going to see what it is, or are you just going to stand there~? *walks ahead of him while teasingly swaying her hips back and forth*

Jim: O//O Of-Of course, let's go inside.

*Jim and Tanya open the doors together and see Skylar, Nikki, Blitz, iDEAL, Ring, Milly, Batou, Pepper, Tenrio and a lot more of their friends inside.*

Everybody: SURPRISE!!

Jim: 0o0 W-What's all this?

Skylar: It's a surprise celebration for you guys.

Tanya: Us? W-Why...?

Milly: Silly~ for being good friends AND because you've found your own loved one, at last!

Tanya: Oh...guys...

Jim: I...I don't know what to say; thank you, everybody.

Ashuro: No problem, friend.

Tanya: You're all just the best friends in the world. *wipes away a tear*

Skylar: We know it.

Pepper: It's what we do.

Tenrio: You guys go ahead and get started without me; I have to go pick up my date. I'll be right back after I pick her up. ^w^

Nikki: Is it the little farm girl you work for?

Tenrio: *blushes* Yeah...^///^ Alexis is a real sweetheart once you get to know her.

Nikki: Good for you; treat her well.

Tenrio: Definitely! *runs off to go pick up Alexis*

Pepper: Well, you heard him; let's eat! I made some of my famous BBQ that you like so much boss.

iDEAL: And we also picked up some fresh fruit as well. ^w^

*Tanya is nearly overwhelmed by the delicious scent of grilled meat and the many other foods that had been prepared.*

Tanya: OwO F...F...FOOD...!! *restraining herself from throwing herself over all of the various foods that was prepared. Her tailed wagged rapidly and almost out of control.*

Skylar: You should've remembered that sis LOVES food.

Jim: Trust me, I remember.

Pepper: *sees the incredibly hungry look on Tanya's face* O_O I didn't know that...and judging from that look I'm beginning to think that I didn't make enough.

Tanya: YAH!! *leaps onto the table with food, takes a steak in her mouth and leaps back to Jim and sits down. She looked like a dog who was begging for food, except that she had BROUGHT the food to Jim.*

Jim: Haha; exactly as I remember it.

Skylar: Heh, just take the food Jim. She did get it for you, after all.: XD:

Tanya: *wagging her tail*

Jim: *accepts the food* thanks, sweetie. But this is a really big steak...I think I'll need some help eating it; any takers? *winks at Tanya*

Tanya: Me~! *hugs Jim and nuzzles his cheek* Mmmmh...

Jim: Aww *holds Tanya close to him then looks over at the food on the table* Ooh, Tasty Bread, grilled veggies, many different cheeses...we've got everything here to create my specialty: the Deluxe Noori Cheese Steak!

*Tanya's ears perk up and looks at Jim with anticipation, remembered how she ate Jim's specialty many times when they were young...and how absolutely delicious it was*

Tanya: OwO Ooo! I can't wait~!

Skylar: Hehe, sis, calm down.

Jim: You'll see why she's so excited once you try it for yourself.

Kevin: *appears sitting on a chair behind them* One of the ways to get to a person's heart goes through their stomach, as they say or something like that.

Trey: *next to him* is that one of the reasons you learned to cook? *smirks*

Kevin: Big words from someone who can't even make ice...

Trey: *chuckles*

*The party goes on throughout the night as everybody there has the time of their lives; they all eat great food, play fun games, and even share stories with one another about the adventures and experiences they've all had. The next day...*

Jim: *reading some mission reports when he hears some knocking on his already open door* Hmm? *looks up and sees Tanya smiling at him* Hey there, sweetie.

*Tanya walks up to him and hands him a wrapped-up present*

Jim: For me? *unwraps the present and sees what looks like a book* what's this? *opens the book and realizes that it's a photo album filled with pictures from the previous night of him and the others having fun* this is great! *when he gets to the last page, he sees a photo of him and Tanya together as well as a note* "Let’s make new memories together. Forever yours, Tanya " ^///^

Tanya: And may the future bring us lots of happiness~ *calmly and sweetly wraps her arms around him and gives him a hug from behind, nuzzling his cheek.* ^//w//^ "murr"...

Jim: *notices that the page just before the final one is blank* ... *reaches into his pocket and pulls out the photo of the younger Tanya and him then secures it on that blank page* there; NOW it's complete.

*Both of them take a look at the final two photos. Although the two of them were separated for 22 years due to unavoidable circumstances, neither of them ever forgot one another or the love they both shared since that time: that day when they held each other's hand.*

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