Wednesday, May 8, 2013


e-chan's thirty-fifth Pokemon, Silk the Leavanny

e-chan first met Silk when she was still a Sewaddle in Pinwheel Forest in Unova. While taking a lunch break in the Pinwheel Forest with e-kun and e-sama, e-chan was confronted by a friendly Sewaddle. After sharing some of his food with the Sewaddle, it started to follow the three boys when they continued on their journey. Just before the trio was able to leave the Pinwheel Forest they encountered a group of Venipede that were led by a large Scolipede that ordered them to attack. Outnumbered, it looked like the trio was going to lose the battle; that's when the Sewaddle e-chan met earlier appeared and used String Shot on all of the Venipede, giving the trio a chance to regroup and strike back. After chasing off the Venipede and their Scolipede leader, the Sewaddle approached e-chan again and let him know that she wanted to go with him. e-chan then takes a Net Ball out of his bag and catches the Sewaddle with it. Silk is a really happy and friendly Pokemon and will often give new Pokemon she meets a leaf hood to put on their head that she made herself. Silk evolved into a Swadloon after defeating Burgh's Dwebble in battle and evolved again into Leavanny during a practice battle with e-kun's Pansage.

Silk's ability is Chlorophyll and her current moveset is:
-Leaf Blade

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