Wednesday, May 8, 2013


e-chan's thirty-first Pokemon, Hotshot the Magmortar

e-chan first met Hotshot when he was still a Magby. After a tough battle against Gardenia, e-chan knew that he would need a Fire-type for his upcoming battles. Since they were close to Jubilife City, Scooter suggested that e-chan visit the Global Trading Station. Still unsure of what kind of Fire-type he should get, e-chan watched some Pokemon battle videos that were in the GTS' archives. It was there he saw a video of an Electivire battling a Magmortar; after watching the video he knew which Fire-type he wanted. So he put in a trade request for a Magby by offering a shiny Bibarel he had caught not too long ago. Before the day ended, somebody accepted e-chan's offer and he was the proud owner of his new Magby. Hotshot believes that overwhelming strength can outshine complex strategy; he seems determined to prove this point to e-chan's Manetric, Recharge. Hotshot evolved into a Magmar after defeating Maylene's Lucario and evolved into a Magmortar to prepare for battle against Candice.

Hotshot's ability is Flame Body and his current moveset is:
-Heat Wave
-Faint Attack

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