Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Catch that Murkrow! Recover the Founder's Irreplaceable Treasure!!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 23
“Catch that Murkrow! Recover the Founder’s Irreplaceable Treasure!!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Kevin is hanging out with Ring when a thought occurs to him that he had never thought about before.

Kevin: Hey, Ring! I have to ask you, since you are a cat...are you just as flexible as one?

Ring: Well...I-I guess so... W-We can c-check it... *sits down and stretches her leg above her head* L-Like this, K-K-Kevin-Senpai? ^///^

*Kevin immediately notices that Ring’s panties are missing; no doubt taken by Mizuki Ichiro when she wasn’t this day, nobody has been able to figure how she’s able to do stuff like that without anybody noticing until well the last moment.*

Ring: T-This is a b-bit embarrassing...b-but it’s o-okay...^///^ *stands up* h-how was that?

Kevin: ...

Ring: Kevin-Senpai?

Kevin: O///O ...R-Ring...t-tug up your dress...

Ring: O//O O-Okay...*timidly lifts up her dress*

Kevin: down. Do you see something?

*Ring does as Kevin told her to and answers with a simple "no".*

Kevin: Yeah, exactly...There is NOTHING down there...including underwear... -///-;;

Ring: O_o\... *looks down again to confirm* O//O KYAAAA!! *pulls her dress down to cover herself up* >//< S-S-So embarrassing...

Kevin: Now that THAT is out of the way... *bows in front of her* S-sorry for staring...I r-really shouldn't think those kind of thought. N-Not about you...

Ring: I-I'm sorry, K-K-Kevin-Senpai; I w-wish that I had n-n-never gotten sick when I w-was born...

???: I know how tough it can be, especially for one so young like yourself.

Ring: *ears twitch then turns around* Ah, J-J-Jim-Senpai! ^o^

*Ring runs over to Jim; when Kevin sees that Ring is going to try and jump up into his arms, he panics and tries to catch up with and stop her. He is instantly relieved when he sees Ring transform into her child-size form just before making contact with Jim, landing safely in his arms.*

Jim: Hahaha, it's nice to see you to, Ring. ^w^ *rubs her head*

Ring: *purrs happily when her head is rubbed*

*From what he heard from Trey about Emerald, Kevin figured that maybe all Nekofi like having their heads rubbed; he made a mental note to test that out later the next time he encountered one of his Nekofi friends.*

Kevin: Phew... Give me a warning next time Ring, I thought you would crush him... *walks over to the two of them* Greetings, my name is Kevin. After what I heard Ring say, I guess your name is Jim, right?

Jim: Right you are. I'm Jim Noori; nice to meet you. Little Ring here has told me a lot of things about you, and all of them were good. ^w^

Kevin: R-really? She's been telling you about me?

Jim: Oh yes; she's always telling me about how cool, kind and loving you are. If I didn't know any better, I'd have to say that this little lady really l--

Ring: *covers Jim's mouth with a free hand* J-J-Jim-Senpai~ *makes a cute, embarrassed whine* >//<

Kevin: ...You really said those things about me? *looks at Ring with a smile on his face*

Ring: O//O *blushes bright red* Y-Y...Yes... -//-

Kevin: ...Thank you... *places a hand on top of her head and kisses her on the forehead*

Ring: O//O *giggles happily*

Kevin: ...I'm sorry; you two must have much to talk about. Shall I go, perhaps?

Ring: *stomach growls loudly* O//O; ... *giggles nervously* I g-guess that I'm r-r-really hungry...^//^;

Jim: I'll say... Why don't you come with us, Kevin; I'd actually like to talk with you a bit more if that's alright.

Kevin: Well, okay. I don't have anything else to do either, so... *scratches Ring behind her ear*

Ring: *purrs happily*

*After grabbing a bite to eat, the trio stop by the park in town to relax. Both Kevin and Jim watch Ring as she chases after some butterflies in a cute chibi-like manner and share experiences and past adventures that they each had.*

Jim: Metal Sonic, huh? Even I wouldn't have expected someone like him to show up out of nowhere; I thought that he was destroyed long time ago when he fell into that volcano.

Kevin: I know. The weirdest is that he showed up THERE, out of all places... What's worse is that he showed up again after I met up with some of my other partners; that time, he transformed into Metal Overlord. THAT is one giant cluster I never want to face ever again...

Jim: you think that Eggman might've been involved somehow?

Kevin: I'm not sure. All I do know is that my Imagin friend Momotaros is going to call me back when he finds the mastermind...which obviously is very strong or so, since he DID have Sephiroth on his team as well. Took a lot to take him down, trust me...

Jim: I believe you. *watches as Ring continues to playfully chase after some butterflies* Ring looks cuter than usual whenever she's in that child form, huh?

Kevin: *watches Ring a little bit and smiles* Maybe you're right, but I think she looks cuter every time I see her, especially when she's smiling...

Jim: I agree; she reminds me so much of another little girl I knew quite a few years back...although I know that she doesn't remember me. She's actually somebody you know; the eldest of the Moonshredder siblings.

Kevin: *turns to Jim with a questioning look on his face* ...Tanya? What's your relation to her?

Jim: I first met her when she was little; she was about as old as Ring is now at that time. The two of us became great buddies that did a lot of things together whenever I stopped by to see her...but due to certain events that happened later on...I had to erase all of her memories of me in order to keep her and her family safe.

Kevin: .....Sorry to hear that, buddy...

Jim: ...just a few seconds before all of her memories of me were erased...she confessed her love for me. I never knew...and I never got the chance to respond to her confession...

Kevin: That's so sad...but, at least you did the right thing...

Jim: Yeah, you're right; everything turned out okay and nothing bad happened afterwards. Years later down the line, I heard about what had happened to her home planet; I was devastated at the thought that she had been killed. Could you imagine my relief when I saw her profile pop-up in the Guild database for when we were looking for new Guild Masters a few months ago? That was the happiest day of my life.

Kevin: I can see that.

Jim: ...even though I'm very happy that she's alive and okay, is it selfishness on my part for wanting her to remember me?

Kevin: ...No, I don't think so. Wanting someone to remember is a good thing...but if you do it JUST so she will love you again... No, then it's selfish...

Jim: I see; thank you. *reaches into his pocket for his wallet then takes a laminated photo out of it to show Kevin* this here is the last remaining proof that the two of us were best friends.

*Kevin takes the photo and sees a slightly younger-looking Jim laying on the grass with a cute 6 year-old Tanya sitting on his back playfully nomming on his long right ear while happily wagging her tail.*

Kevin: D'aww...

Jim: It's my most valued treasure; the only remaining thing to show me that all of that time we shared together wasn't a dream. I laminated it and placed it in this custom-made silver card sleeve to preserve it. I like how it glints in the light when you tilt it. ^w^

*Kevin tilts the photo and watches as it shines brightly. Just as he's about to comment on it, a Murkrow dives in and Plucks it right out of Kevin's hand and flies away.*

Jim: O_O...NOOOOOOOO!! Give that back, you thieving feather duster! *wings appear on his back and he begins to fly after the Murkrow*

Murkrow: Murkrow? Murkrow... *uses Haze to create a thick mist*

Jim: Darn it! Where did that little...?

*The Murkrow sneaks behind Jim and uses Faint Attack to throw him off course where he crashes into billboard that was hidden by the haze and crashing down into the ground below.*

Jim: @w@

Murkrow: Murkro-ohohohoh! *laughs mockingly and flies off, disappearing from sight*

Kevin: ...Oh no you, you're not getting away that easily...

*Kevin takes out 2 Poké Balls from his jacket and sends out the Pokémon inside. It was none other than a Butterfree and an Emolga.*

Kevin: No time to explain. Ailes, your past experiences with Murkrow and Honchkrow will help here. Hibana, help out as a defense from the Flying-Type.

Ailes: Free~? *motions to Jim*

Kevin: As I said, no time to explain. Do what you can, please.

*With two quick nods, the Pokémon fly away to start looking for the Murkrow, while Kevin stays with Jim. Further away...*

Murkrow: ^3^ *humming a happy tune* Murkrow? *notices that he's being followed by Ailes and Hibana* Murkrow-krow-krow~ *chuckles sneakily then flies into a mass of clouds, out of Ailes and Hibana's sight*

Hibana: *ears twitch* Emo-emo~? ...

Ailes: *shakes his head, having to admit defeat and being beat by a bird*

*Two Shadow Balls shoot out of the clouds at an amazing speed, leaving both Ailes and Hibana no chance to evade as they're each hit by one of the attacks; needless to say, neither of them were too happy about the sneak attack or the fact that the Murkrow laughed at them tauntingly while still hiding in the clouds.*

Murkrow: Murkro-hohohohoho!

Hibana: Emo... *rubs her head*

Ailes: ...FREE~!!!

*Ailes launches a barrage of Silver Wind attacks into the clouds in his attempt at hitting the Murkrow, raising his own stats in the process, while Hibana is slowly fluttering up in the clouds from the side*

Murkrow: ...Murkrow. *uses Haze to darken the clouds then flaps his wings to make the clouds expand outwards until they engulf both Ailes and Hibana* Murkrow-hohohoho!

*Due to the Haze in the clouds, Ailes' stat changes are cancelled out and returned to normal.*

Hibana: *flies out of the clouds, looking slightly worried. She then turns her head to look at the Murkrow, having somehow gotten out close to it. And without even trying, gets her Attract move in action, which combined with her looks, was almost 100% sure to work.*

Murkrow: ^//^ *falls in love with Hibana and offers her the photo as a gift*

Hibana: Emo~ *cutely takes the photo and blows the Murkrow a kiss, then flies away. She joins up with Ailes, happy that her plan worked.*

Murkrow: ...*effects from Attract wear off* Murkrow? *trying to remember what just happened* ...O_O;; *realizes that the card he had was missing then notices that Hibana was flying away with it* MURKROW!! *speeds towards Ailes and Hibana a fires a rapid barrage of Shadow Balls at them*

Ailes: *spots something moving behind Hibana* Free? ....!! O.O;;

Hibana: Emo? *turns around*

*Seeing the Murkrow and the barrage of Shadow Balls, the two of them quickly shifts direction and nose dives straight down to get away*

Murkrow: Mur-kroooooow!! *uses Psychic to cause both Ailes and Hibana to crash into each other*

*They both fall to the ground, but are captured in a web made out of String Shot. A little Sewaddle crawls out from the leaves on a tree, being the one that spun the threads.*

Sewaddle: Sew~!

Hibana: Em-emo... *wipes her forehead, glad she didn't crash into the ground*

Ailes: *shakes his head, a bit dazed*

*The Murkrow gets close enough and uses Psychic again to take the card away from Hibana then uses Haze to create a giant black mist. Once the mist clears, the Murkrow is gone and neither Ailes or Hibana have a clue as to which direction it went. Just a few miles away...*

Spike: *up in a tree relaxing*

Murkrow: Murkrow! *lands on one of the branches next to Spike with a sack in it's feet*

Spike: *opens his eyes and grins* Hehehehehe, looks like you're back, Scarecrow * gently pats the Pokémon on its back*

Scarecrow: Murkrow-hoho! *hands the sack over to Spike*

Spike: So, let's see your haul for today *opens the sack and looks inside* Hehe! Great work as always, Scarecrow!

Scarecrow: ^w^ *feels very proud of itself upon hearing his trainer's praise*

Spike: All of this stuff is real choice; we can gain an easy $100 at the most from half of it...*sees the photo*...except for this. Why did you grab this?

Scarecrow: Murkrow! Mur-krow *points to the back of the photo*

Spike: Oh, I see; it was all sparkly so you grabbed it as well thinking it was valuable. Oh well, I appreciate the effort pal but we won't be able to get anything from this *tosses the photo away* Alright, let's head back home, pal *begins jumping from tree to tree*

*Scarecrow sighs after seeing that he wasted his time and energy to snag the photo before flying off after Spike to head home with him. The tossed photo lands at the bottom of the tree where it is soon found by a Togekiss. Picking the photo up, it flies back to its trainer; a female Ookami with red hair, blue eyes and a sexy body.*

Tanya: Already back Kiss-Chan? Did something happen?

Kiss-Chan: Kiss~ *hand her the photo*

Tanya: *looks at it* ...Hey, it's me. But, who is this guy? I don't think I've seen him before, though by the looks of it, I should. Where did you find this?

Kiss-Chan: *points in the direction she came from*

Tanya: Hmm... maybe I should check it out, sometime.

*Tanya doesn't have to move at all when she sees somebody coming her way in the distance; it was Jim, the boy in the photo with her. He seemed to be really down and looked as if he was just wandering around aimlessly and not really paying attention to his surroundings*

Jim: *looks extremely depressed*'s one treasure in the entire universe is gone now. Stolen by a Murkrow of all things...TTwTT

*Just as Jim is about to pass by Tanya without even realizing that she was there, she calls out to him.*

Tanya: E-excuse me sir! Would this happen to be yours? *holds up the photo*

Jim: *sees his photo then gasps* M-M-M-My treasure! *takes the photo and dance around with it happily* I thought that I had lost this forever; I'm so glad that it's safe! Thank you, Miss; is there anything I can d--O_O;; *realizes that he's speaking to Tanya and freezes up, extremely nervous*

Tanya: Is something wrong? Oh, where are my manners?! My name is Tanya. Who might you be, cutie~? ^w^

To be continued...

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