Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Speak Up and be Honest! Part 4

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Speak Up and be Honest! Hayama”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

The next morning...

Sashi: *sitting on the living room couch and sketching some designs* ...I've got the general look down so now it's time to decide what color I want to make this. Hmm...just what is Cheeko's favorite color? *sees Alexa heading to the front door* Good morning, Sis; where ya headed today?

*Alexa quickly thinks of something to tell Sashi without making her suspicious.*

Alexa: ...Just going out and buying some fruit snacks... ^w*

Sashi: Mm, that sounds delicious; I can't remember the last time I had a strawberry Fruit Roll-Up *drools a little then takes $5 out of her coat pocket* Hey, can you grab me a box of those while you're there please? ^w^

Alexa: Um, Sure... ^^ *takes the $5, and walk right out, without another word*

*Alexa decides to go to the store and buy the fruit snacks like she said she would so that Sashi wouldn't get suspicious if she happened to return empty handed. After that was done, Alexa continued on with her real reason to go out: to confront Hayama Saturn about why he hated Marius...only to realize that she has absolutely no idea where he lives. She could go and ask some of Sashi's friends, but that could possibly lead to more suspicion later if certain people found out about it. Just as she was beginning to think up an alternate plan, Alexa hears some panicked screaming in the distance; looking over in the direction of the screaming, she sees a mouse-boy wearing a red sweat shirt and tan bike shorts running with all of his might in her direction. He runs up to her and pleads for help.

???: PLEASE YOU HAVE TO HELP ME! I'M TOO YOUNG TO BE EATEN!! *on his knees begging*

Alexa: From what…?!

???: Shaasha and Klarina; every time we cross paths they always try to eat me! Please, help me hide somewhere! *begging with tears of fear flowing from his eyes*

Alexa: Okay, but who are you??!

Jack: My name is Jack; Jack Little... TwT

Alexa: Ohh...

Shaasha: *lick her lips* C'mere Breakfast!

Jack: OwO;; NOOOOO!! *tries to run away from Shaasha only to see that Klarina has blocked his escape*

Klarina: *licks her lips* +w+

*Shaasha and Klarina both get down on all fours and begin slowly circling around Jack like to predators about to pounce on their prey*

Jack: *overcome with fear and begins crying* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!

Alexa: Eek! O_O; uh...huh... Hey there is a flock of birds at that park! They're eating seeds right now, perfect time to eat them!

Shaasha: "sniff" Hey, she's right! :D *runs to the park with Klarina*

Jack: *calms down and breathes a sigh of relief* I saw my life flash before my eyes... *shakes his head to completely snap back into reality* thank you SO much! I'll never forget this; if there's anything that I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask! { )

Alexa: Umm okay, can you help me find this guy, uh, Hayama Saturn?

Jack: Hayama Saturn? I know that guy; follow me!

*Jack leads Alexa directly to the Saturn Family mansion*

Jack: Here it is: the home base of the Saturn Family; he's bound to be in there somewhere.

Alexa: *knocks on the door*

Speaker above door: Identification please...

Annaliese: ....A-Annaliese Fellorr...

*Both Jack and Alexa jump side-wards to the left in a comical, surprise manner when they see that Annaliese is standing right next to them.*

Jack: *grasping the left side of his chest* don't suddenly appear out of nowhere like that; O_O I nearly had a heart attack!

Annaliese: Sorry. ^^;

Alexa: A-Annaliese? uhhh... anyway... Alexa Tullie.

*The camera just above the front door scans Alexa, Annaliese and Jack and then the door opens allowing them to come inside.*

Jack: Ha-ha, we're in! I think I'll take shelter here for a while; at least until I know for sure that Klarina and Shaasha aren't around here anymore.

*All three of them walk inside.*

Jack: I wonder if Hayama is h— *gets zapped with a blast or electricity and becomes disoriented* MAMA MAKE THE BUTTER BISCUITS! GRAVY-GRAVY-BONGOS! @w@ *faints and twitches on the ground*


Annaliese: *cries* Brother!!

???: Hehehe, that worked like a charm...although I may have to add a feature to adjust the charge for targets of all sizes.

*Alexa and Annaliese look ahead of themselves and see a young girl around Mizuki's age wearing glasses with her long black hair in two ponytails holding what looks like a modified stun gun*

???: Hmm? Who are you guys? Seeing as how the security system let you in, you three must be allies of the Saturn Family.

Alexa: How are you?? (Wow, she's cute...)

Hayumi: I am Hayumi Saturn, child prodigy and the TRUE Gr8est One; I'll take Joey on any day at any time to prove it! *brimming with confidence*

Alexa: Who's Joey?

Hayumi: *shrugs her shoulders* who he is isn't what's important right now; what is important right now is the reason for your visit *looks down at Jack* I know he's here to hide from Klarina, but what about you two?

*Hayumi points to Alexa and Annaliese, forgetting that she still has the stun gun in her hand that has now taken on the form of a shock pistol from her unknowingly pushing a button on it with her thumb, causing both girls to throw their arms up in the air in an "I surrender" type of matter and to shake fearfully.*

Hayumi: Eh, why do you two keep spazzing out like that? O_o

Annaliese: Don't shoot us!! *cries*

Alexa: Nononononono!! XO

Hayumi: Shoot you? Why would I... *notices that she's still holding the shock pistol* OwO; *deactivates the shock pistol and puts it away* sorry about that. ^^;

Alexa: *shaking*

Annaliese: T____T

*A little while later, the three girls are in the dining room enjoying some freshly baked marble cake; Alexa and Annaliese have completely calmed down and Jack is sleeping peacefully in one of the guest rooms.*

Hayumi: Mm-mm-mm! *savors the flavor of the cake* how's the cake? ^w^

Alexa: Quite Good. :)

Annaliese: Yummy to my Tummy! ^//^

Hayumi: Wonderful! *takes another bite of her cake* so, why have you two come here today? Was there something you needed or somebody that you wanted to talk to...?

Alexa: Okay, have you've seen Hayama? I need to talk to him.

Hayumi: Big brother? Around this time of day he's usually in his room doing sudoku puzzles; I didn't think he had any tutoring sessions scheduled for today though...

Alexa: Well, tell him to come down here...

Hayumi: I'll try, but don't get your hopes up; he's in a really bad mood today. Remember when I said that he gives tutoring sessions?

Alexa: I don't care. I just need to know something...

Hayumi: Okay-Okay, I'll go get him...

*Hayumi leaves the kitchen and goes upstairs. About 2 minutes later, Hayumi comes downstairs followed by her big brother, Hayama Saturn. This being their first time meeting him, Alexa and Annaliese each let out a small scream when they see Hayama. His skin was completely white as snow; there wasn't a trace of color in it.*

Hayama: ... -_-; it's a skin condition...

Alexa: ..... *walks to him*

Annaliese: ...? *shaking*

Hayama: *notices the scared look on Annaliese's face* must be Annaliese Fellorr. Ashuro talks about how blessed he feels to have met you; that you're a treasure that can never be replaced *offers Annaliese his hand for a handshake* I'm Hayama I. Saturn, future boss of the Saturn Family; it's nice to finally meet you. ^w^

*Seeing that he's not scary like she originally thought, Annaliese happily shakes his hand and smiles warmly*

Hayama: ^w^ *looks at Alexa* and you must be the new member of the Venus Family, Alexa Tullie. Sashi speaks of you as if you're her own blood sister; it's nice to meet you as well. ^w^

Alexa: *looks pretty upset* ......

Hayama: *looks nervous, unsure as to why Alexa is mad with him* ^^; Um...did I say or do something impolite without realizing it?

Alexa: What's your deal, man? why do you hate my love, Marius Dixon!

Hayama: 0_0 ...-_-; *sighs* how exactly did you hear this?

Alexa: I over heared Ookahara & Marius's chat... so what's your deal?!

Hayama: *looks irritated* ...whether I like him or hate him is none of your concern; that is all I have to say concerning that matter *turns around to go back to his room but is blocked by Alexa* ...I SAiD that this is none of your business; please allow me to pass.

Alexa: I don't give a crap! You tell me Now!

Hayama: *looks really angry* ...fine then, I'll tell you. Yes, I hate Marius; I hate him with every fiber of my being! >_<

Alexa: What did he do to you?! He said he hasn't done anything to you; he haven't met you! How can you hate him, huh?

Hayama: It's the things he does; his actions! I don't think he has a clue as to what love really is! >_<

Alexa: What?!

Hayama: You DO know what I'm talking about, right?

Alexa: No! He's gone out with me last night! He DOES know what love is! He's not stupid...

Hayama: That's true...but who was he out with the night before; or the night before that one?

Alexa: ............ *looks down*

Hayama: Uh-huh; listen, let's end this here, okay? The more I think about it the angrier I get the chances of me saying something very mean and hurtful increases. I shouldn't have said that I hate Marius, because the truth is that I really don't hate him as a person; it's the way he handles certain matters and the attitude he has towards them that I hate. It's one of those hate the offense, not the offender-type of things.

Alexa: What did he do...?

Hayama: *scratches his head then sighs* Oh bother, you really don't want to drop this subject, do you? Okay then, but don't blame me if you hear something that you don't like. As you very well know, Marius has quite a few admirers; I mean, that's good and all, but what you do with those admirers is another thing altogether *sees Alexa motioning for him to keep going* let's just say that you're not the only girl he's seeing right now... -_-;

Alexa: Angel, Aluma, who else?

Hayama: *thinks for a moment* seeing as how Rocko seems to have won Maggie's heart and Ookahara successfully got DJ Candy's attention, there's Adeleine, Crystal, Candi and I haven't been able to officially confirm if this one is true or not just yet, but possibly Brianna...oh, and you as well.

Alexa: *crying* Y-Your Lying!!

Marius: *came in* it's not my fault that Maggie likes me before her & Rocko came together... Candi got to me, and I don't know why you said Adeleine.... anyway... Crystal, she just came to me, and she happened to tell me to make out with her...'cause of this ray called the Horny Ray... -_-; …

Alexa: .........

Marius: Brianna... I have no idea she has a crush on me, until I talked to her...

Alexa: ... *sniffs*

Marius: -_- it's not easy to have multi-relationships...

Hayama: 0_0 how did you get past the security system? It's programmed to only let certain people in...*looks over at Hayumi*

Hayumi: 0w0; *turns her head and whistles nonchalantly* ^3^

Hayama: >n< *sighs* since you came all the way out here there must be something you want; so what is it?

Marius: Yeah... I know it was wrong of me doing that... -_- Aluma was my first... Alexa... I hate to break her heart; I just want anyone to be happy... I thought you might see that... I didn't mean to hurt anyone...

Alexa: ...M-Marius?

Hayama: ...if you really mean that...then you know what you have to do, right?

Marius: ...Break up with Alexa? or is it something else?

Hayama: ...I can see how much you care about these girls; you just want to make them all happy. But there's not enough room in your heart to give them all the love that they need; there's only enough room for one of them. You're going to have to choose one of them and let the others know that even though you care about them a lot, you can't be with them in the way they want you to be with them. In the end, it all depends on who you love the most.


Hayama: And don't take too long in doing it; you're not the only one that likes Aluma, y'know ;) *leaves the kitchen and exits out of the front door, leaving the Saturn Family mansion.*

Hayumi: ...I think he's going to try asking Aluma out...

Marius: He's going to get Aluma?!

Alexa: T___T I understand.... *leaves*

Annaliese: Huh?? :(

Hayumi: Big Brother has always admired Aluma. The reason he never tried to pursue her was because he knew how much she loved you; he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for doing something selfish like trying to steal her away or something like that. But now, I'm not exactly sure what he'll do.

Marius: ...Maybe that's why he is angry...

Hayumi: I think it's more like he misjudged your character. Y'see, my big brother is a home tutor; most of ones he tutors are jocks unfortunately...the UBER jerk jocks. Those guys were horrible; they had multiple girlfriends and would always threaten to hurt him, ruin his reputation, and even make him an even bigger outcast than he was already if he told any of the girls...and most of those poor girls were the trusting, innocent types... -_-

*Marius nods his head while listening to Hayumi, truly understanding Hayama's situation.*

Hayumi: Of course, Hayama didn't listen to them and made sure that the truth got out so that those girls wouldn't end up getting harmed both physically and mentally *a tear runs down her cheek* he was hospitalized so many times. My big brother would lay there in that hospital bed for months at a time for delivering justice and those jocks only get a slap-on-the-wrist punishment that the schools would cover up just so that they could keep winning sports events with their best athletes! *body trembles as tears stream down her face*

*While Annaliese goes over to Hayumi to comfort her, Marius seethes with anger, wanting to find the guys that hurt Hayama and beat them up himself. Now he understood why Hayama angry with him; because of some of the things Hayama saw him do, he must've instantly thought that he was just like those jocks. Marius knew that he had to somehow show Hayama that he wasn't the same as those jerks that tormented him up to this day. He rushes outside and quickly catches up to Hayama.*

Marius: shouldn't judge a book by its cover...I'm pretty much unlike those dick heads...

Hayama:'re right; after hearing your words, I saw that I was wrong about you. This would be the second time that a certain truth I believed in so much was proven wrong.

Marius: Yes…

Annaliese: Can we teach them a lesson?

Hayama: No, there's no need for that; they may be absolutely infuriating all of the time, but they're not worth the time to even consider getting back at.

???: Oh-oh! Look who it is, everybody; it's "Mama Saturn" *mocking laughter*

*A group of 5 high school boy wearing school football uniforms approach Hayama, Marius and Annaliese.*

Jock #1: What'cha doing all the way out here, Snow White "Mama?" *mocking laughter*

Jock #2: Let me guess; you're LARPing with your geeky little friends?

Jock #3: And what's this? You're little cat and bat friends aren't here with you? *snickers evilly*

Jock #4: I would say that you upgraded in your taste of friends...if they didn't look like such weakling losers! *mocking laughter*

Jock #5: Yeah, I mean, what's up with this guy? He looks like a pig-nosed Goemon impersonator! *points and laughs at Marius*

*Marius looks UBER pissed.*

Jock #3: Nice one, bro! And this girl; she must be one of those cowardly crybaby-types...wait a minute, I know this girl.

Jock #4: Really? *looks at Annaliese* Hey, this is John and Maxal's little sister, Annaliese.

Jock #2: Otherwise known as Anna-LOSER! *mocking laughter*

*Annaliese cries loudly.*

Jock #3: *mocking laughter* OMG, she really IS a crybaby just like they said!

Jock #1: I think she needs a refresher course on what happens to crybabies *begins to walk over to Annaliese but is stopped by one of the other jocks* what are...?

Jock #3: Dude, I just remembered something else; isn't Ashuro dating this girl?

Jock #4: *thinks for a moment* 0_0 You're right, we'd better leave her alone...

Jock #1: You think I'm scared of him? He's a wuss! This one time, I saw him getting the snot beat out of him by some shadow-looking thing; because it threatened to hurt two little girls it had with him, Ashuro gave up and willingly took a beating in exchange for their freedom! Don't you see what this means?

Jock #2: ...0w0 Yeah! With this girl in our possession, we can finally teach that Ashuro a lesson he'll never forget!

Hayama: You do that, and I'll use ALL of my resources to end you; you harm Annaliese, I'll eradicate your future of being able to play professional football. *looks VERY serious*

Jock #1: Grrrr...change in plan guys *points to Hayama*

Hayama: -_-; Do what you must...

*The jocks punch Hayama a few times then finish up by giving him a back-arching atomic wedgie before walking off laughing amongst themselves. Both Marius and Annaliese wince when they see Hayama twitching in pain from the very painful and uncomfortable wedgie.*

Hayama: *slowly slides his underwear off of his forehead then adjusts his spine* ...okay, beat them up.

Marius: Can Do... *cracks his knuckles then dashes over to them and uses speed punches*

Annaliese: *sniffling* G-Go Mr. Dixon! :D

Hayama: *chuckles to himself* I never knew they could scream like that X3 *sees Marius wedgie one of the jocks* O.O so that one really DiD wear pink underwear *snickers then pulls out his cell phone and takes some pictures of the scene* Hey Marius, the one that called you a pig-nosed Goemon is trying to sneak away *points to the jock that was trying to escape*

*By the time Marius was finished with the jocks, all five of them were laying on the ground crying pathetically; compared to what he was truly capable of doing, Marius had actually gone easy on them.*

Jocks: *crying and whimpering pathetically*

Hayama: Oh, how the mighty have fallen. ^w^

Jock #1: TT^TT S-Shut up, it's not funny...

Hayama: So it was funny when you did it to me but not when it was done to you?

Jock #1: Yes! I mean, c'mon; nerds, geeks and unpopular people exist for our amusement, right?

*Hayama, Marius and Annaliese all thought the exact same thing: he did NOT just say that!*

Hayama: >_< Now that I think about it, there was one other "funny" thing you all did to me on a regular basis *sees some ropes inside one of the jocks' bags, then at a large, sturdy tree and finally at the jocks again with an evil grin on his face.*

Jock #2: 0_0;; No, y-you wouldn't...

Jock #4: Please no! TToTT

Jock #3: We were only playing with you all those times ago! TTwTT

Jock #5: We won't do it again, honest! TT_TT

Jock #1: Please have mercy on us Snow White "Mama" Hayama!

*That did it.*

Jocks 2-5: >3< DOH!

Hayama: *seething with anger* Marius, get the rope; Mizuki, get their pants.

Marius: *gets the rope*

Mizuki: *pantsed them all* ^//^

Alexa: What should I do?

Hayama: *hands Alexa his cell phone* call up Rocko and Scooter. Push the down button and the address book will appear; their numbers are in there. Tell them to come to where we are...and bring their cameras.

Alexa: Umm...Sure. *does so*

*Within minutes, everything is set up; all five jocks are hog-tied and hanging from the tall tree by their underwear: the No-Escape Hanging Wedgie. With their arms and legs bound together, the only way they would get free was to wait for somebody to get them down or wait for their very durable and well made underwear to rip, whichever one came first.*

Rocko: *recording the scene* this is SO going on YouTube! ^3^

Scooter: Hehe, yeah. ^w^

Jocks: *crying pathetically while writhing in pain*

Marius: Haaaahaa! XD

Mizuki: "giggle"

Annaliese: "giggle" ^//^

Alexa: Hehe... ^//^;

Jock #2: You're...not gonna leave us out here like this, are you?

Hayama: Hmm...I don't know; you guys would always leave me out here and never come back.

Jock #5: Please, have mercy! T_T

Jock #4: We'll never pick on you again, honest!

Jock #3: Please, we're begging you! TwT

Hayama: ...well, since I'm not like you guys, I'll come back in an hour and let you down, how's that?

Jocks #2, 3, 4, 5: Deal!

Jock #1: Thank you, M—Hayama.

Jocks #2, 3, 4, 5: *phew*

Jock #1: For a snow white, pasty-face nerd, your actually capable of being cool. ^w^

Hayama: >_< Forget it; you guys are on your own. I'm leaving, let's go guys.

*The others follow Hayama as he walks towards town.*

Jocks #2, 3, 4, 5: *glares at Jock #1*

Jock #1: What?

Jocks #2, 3, 4, 5: YOU BAKA!!

*Back in town…*

Alexa: Those Dumb-butt-munching idiots...!

Rocko: Those jerks have always been a pain in the butt; but justice has been served now they're finally feeling it in the butt.

Alexa: Ha! XD

Scooter: *replays the video on his camera* Haha! It won't beat the Greatest Freakout videos, but it's bound to get a few hundred views.

Marius: Uh-huh. XD

Hayama: ...Marius, I must thank you for today; thanks to you, I was finally able to get some much deserved justice after all those years of suffering caused by those jerks. Should you ever need the assistance of the Saturn Family, don't hesitate to ask, okay?

Marius: Yes I'm sure.

Hayama: That reminds me, hold on *presses and holds a slim button on his glasses and a virtual keyboard that hovers at his stomach appears and his glasses project a virtual computer monitor that can be seen by everybody*

Scooter: That's cool no matter how many times I see it. :D

Rocko: He's trying to make a contact lens version.

Marius: What the hell? O_O

Alexa, Mizuki, and Annaliese: Ooooooo... :D

Hayama: PC Glasses; really convenient *opens a file for everybody to see* I've noticed in the past few weeks that the four Executives of MASTER HQ, Byakuru, Angel, Sako and Erazor have been acting strangely. Every now-and-then, I've seen them walking around looking dazed; it's almost as if they're being controlled by something or someone. I sent a tracking drone to follow them around for a while and I always saw them meeting up with this one person *double clicks on an image to open it* The only thing I could find out about this man is that his name is Mariyou and that for some reason he also has frequent contact with Pyro Darkesis; that one fact alone is enough reason to be concerned about this.

Marius: That don't sound good...

Alexa: Mariyou??

Hayama: You know him?

Marius: Met him the other day...

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