Friday, September 2, 2011

Random Meeting - VS. the Ifrit

Travel Multiversal
Random Battle Chronicles
“Random Meeting – VS. the Ifrit”
An RP between Random4811 and eshonen

Meeting a new friend is like starting out on a new adventure; this proves true when Ashuro meets the one known as Random Hero for the first time.

Random: so your Ashuro… nice to meet you ^^ *extends his hand for a handshake*

Ashuro: Nice to meet you, too *shakes Random's hand*

Random: So, you mind showing me what you got? I'd be glad to demonstrate my power in return.

Ashuro: Okay...anything in particular that you'd like me to do, 'cause there is a LOT of things that I can do.

Random: Hmm... show me the full extent of your power! *a red aura appears around him replacing the green one* IFRIT, COME FORTH!! Now, Ashuro destroy him! Full power!!

Ashuro: OoO;

*As the Ifrit charges at him, Ashuro observes it, looking for a weak point. When it's close enough, he jumps on the Ifrit's back and lightly pokes the back of its head before jumping off of it. As the Ifrit circles around to charge at Ashuro again, it suddenly loses its balances and falls to the ground sliding a few feet; it's breathing but unable to do anything at all.*

Ashuro: I don't like killing things if I don't have to.

Random: He's already dead. If you don't he could burn this place to the ground, but Ill try my best to control him.... had I summoned Bahamut-Zero this place would pretty much be screwed.... he's a bit too much for me to handle…

Ashuro: Well we can't let something like that happen can we? ...hmm...

*Ashuro opens a portal underneath the Ifrit; after it falls inside he closes the portal.*

Ashuro: That takes care of that.

Random: *claps softly, chuckling* hmm... well not the display of power I was hoping for but it was okay...

Ashuro: All I did was send him back to where he came from. I know you were hoping for a great display of power, but truth-be-told, I'm actually afraid to go ALL out; I've got my reasons, trust me.

Random: I can't go all out, I don't have Delmetor on me and if I short then- wait you probably have no clue what I'm talking about.

Ashuro: Not really, but I can see where you're coming from. I'm constantly having to keep myself in check when I'm fighting or else I might go too far and REALLY end up hurting somebody; I almost lost control when I was fighting Skylar not too long ago.

Random: Well, allow me to explain: If I use my two cheapest, most powerful moves Shadow mimicry and Soul drain, then I will short circuit because I attained these powers Via a PPEC, a special drug created by an evil scientist. This scientist injected me with it and now, if I use them too much then I short. Delmetor is a pill that can reduce the strain the moves puts on my body and mind which causes me to short. a short circuit grants me Literally infinite power, I could bend the dimensions and land at will, but if I spend more than 30 minutes in that state, my brain will die or my head will explode, plus Short circuiting can still hospitalize me or cause extreme strain on me.

Ashuro: Yeah, that does sound troubling... LOOK OUT!

*Ashuro charges forward and tackles Random, sending them both backwards and out of the way just in time as a portal suddenly opens and the Ifrit charges out of it. Hadn't Ashuro acted like he did, Random might've gotten really hurt just then.*

Ashuro: OwO;; Didn't see that one coming. Are those things supposed to be able to do that?

Random: Uh, no…um…IFRIT DOWN BOY!

Ifirit: *sits down then growls and grumbles* grrr...grrgrr... (Translation: I hate this gig…)

Ashuro: Impressive.

Random: Well, I did summon him...

Ashuro: Yeah, that does make sense; so...what should we do about him?

Random: Well, he can't go until he is defeated or uses up his energy.

Ashuro: That's good to know. Is it possible for Ifrits and other beings like them to show up where ever and whenever they want to?

Random: Well, monsters like him but he is the one and only Ifirit. They can show up anywhere, but they are very reclusive. Once defeated, they turn into stones or scrolls and can be summoned at anytime the victor pleases but they must recharge after use.

Ashuro: Okay...*looks at the Ifirit* He doesn't seem too happy; I guess I'll fight and defeat him so he can go to...wherever he calls home and rest.

Random: Yeah, go ahead and show me what you got. *snaps finger and Ifrit starts charging at Ashuro.*

*Ashuro's retractable appear and he uses them to stop the Ifirit in its tracks, not budging one bit. Taking a firm grip on the monster, Ashuro lifts the monster high in air by stretching his arms way up high before slamming the Ifirit back down hard and fast into the ground, creating a gigantic crater in the ground. Seeing what was getting ready to happen before hand, Random is able to get a safe distance away before the impact takes place.*

Ashuro: Hmmm...*pokes the Ifirit*he's still here; guess I didn't use enough force. It's been a while since I've had to use this technique.

*Ashuro's body starts to pulse with E-nergy as a small whirlwind of air begins to circle around him rapidly.*

Random: *teleports behind Ashuro* Ifrits a stubborn one.

*With his charging up complete, Ashuro stands before the Ifirit with wind circling wildly around him.*

Ashuro: Storm Warning!

Random: That's it...

Ifrit: guaaahhh!!! (Translation: Ha; winds only make flames stronger!)

Ashuro: Heh, so wind makes your flames stronger, eh? But...

*Ashuro stomps a deep hole in the ground deep enough to act as a shelter.*

Ashuro: How long can you handle those strong flames before you get incinerated by them?

*Ashuro whips up a huge tornado and engulfs the Ifirit in it. The Ifirit's flames continue to gain power, but strangely enough, the Ifirit is unable to move a muscle.*

Ifirit: BWRAAAAAAAAGH!!! (HAHAH! Fool!) *he channels the fire into a blast through his horns and mouth and sends the blast towards Ashuro*

Ashuro: D-Bide!

*Thrusting an arm forward, a portal opens and sucks up the blast before it reaches him. The Ifirit continues to send blast after blast after blast at Ashuro, but his portal sucks them all up. Ashuro's tornado increases in force, the Ifirit is beginning to feel intense pain.*

Ashuro: Looks like I've found your limit; you're actually burning up from your own fire.

Ifrit: *LIMIT BREAK appears over Ifrits head and he releases a blast that covers the surrounding areas in flame then disappears. A nearby down was set ablaze, and a forest fire was caused*

Random: Oh dear… *makes it rain* well, we better go save the town and forest…

*After putting out all of the fires.*

Ashuro: Y'know, for such a big, bad beast, that thing sure was a coward.

Random: He's house broken to say the least He's been a summoning monster for over a thousand years.

Ashuro: And he just had to disappear before I got to the best part...

Random: You broke his limits, he used all his power... he needs to recharge. If you want, I can arrange a rematch.

Ashuro: That's cool; I've got all the time in the world. I definitely look forward to fighting him again in the future. *yawns* I'm tired; see ya later, Random!

Random: See ya! *teleports away*

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