Monday, September 5, 2011

Target Locked! Attack of the Saiyans!!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 21
“Target Locked! Attack of the Saiyans!!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

It's been a week since iDEAL moved into Blitz' home as an on-site employee. In that time, the two of them have gotten along pretty well…but not without the usual awkward moments, like the one that has just happened this morning. Each of them learned an important lesson from today's moment; Blitz learns that he needs to tell iDEAL when he's going to take a shower and iDEAL learns that she needs to knock first before entering.

Blitz: Um…this shower is taken…

iDEAL: 0o0... *amazed and mesmerized by Blitz' impressive build*

Blitz: Um...iDEAL...? *waves his hand in front of her eyes* ...Do you shower with me, perhaps? It would save us time AND hot water...

iDEAL: ...Okay...

Blitz: *lifts iDEAL into the shower and pulls the shower curtains back in place. His eyes can't help but look all over her body* ...So...slept well lately?

iDEAL: Yes; I've been able to get some good rest. What about you, boss? You must be tired after all of the interviews you've been on so far.

Blitz: *puts shampoo in her hair* Well, it's been a bit tiring with all the interviews, but I have been able to sleep. Thanks for asking, by the way. *rubs soap onto her back*

iDEAL: Have you found anybody that you know you want to add on as an official member yet?

Blitz: Well...I picked some guys that looked like they could really help out. Namely Gajeel Redfox, Shikamaru Nara, Roronoa Zoro and...Taokaka, I think *rubbing soap on iDEAL's hips and down her legs*

iDEAL: Hmm...I looked at the latest list of applicants and found two people that I know who are very strong AND smart. ^w^ *stretches her arms upwards and begins shampooing Blitz' hair*

Blitz: Oh really? Who? ...Can I...wash you back here, by the way? *pokes her butt a bit*

iDEAL: O//O S-Sure ^//^ They're two Hunters; one is named Gon Freecss and the other is Killua Zoldyck.

Blitz: Sounds like a pair of interesting people... *grabs her butt gently and rubs soap all over it* ( feels so good to touch her buns like this...) ^//^

iDEAL: *giggles slightly as Blitz' hands rub her butt*

*When Blitz' guild watch rings it plays the "Wild Fang" theme to indicate that Skylar had just sent him a message.*

Blitz: Seems like Skylar has something to tell me...

*After his shower is finished and he's dressed again, Blitz listens to Skylar's message. He sounded kind of frantic a bit worried while he was talking. When he mentioned something about how he saw a few Saiyan space pods speeding through the sky was when Blitz realized why his brother sounded so concerned.*

Blitz: Saiyan space pods...

iDEAL: *climbs up Blitz' back and sits on his shoulder* What's up, boss?

Blitz: Um...nothing that you should stick your nose into... It's just something that Skylar, Tanya and I have to take care of on our own.

iDEAL: Ooooooh, can I help? As your faithful employee, I wish to do everything I can to help you, boss.

Blitz: Do you plan on doing it naked, like what you did yesterday night, when you showed up at Skylar's wearing absolutely nothing, because you "forgot" to dress up? -w-; *his tail strokes her across her butt*

iDEAL: O//O *remembers last night* ...I'll go get changed! *dashes off to her room, changes into a fresh set of clothes then back to Blitz within 4 minutes* I won't make THAT mistake twice in a row.

Blitz: You didn't need to get changed right away... *sighs, sounding a bit disappointed* well, I guess that it's okay, for now...

iDEAL: For now? What do you mean by...O_O *suddenly stops speaking and moving and stares straight ahead at the front door, sensing something approaching them from that direction*...

Blitz: ..... *carefully shoves iDEAL behind him, under the desk*

iDEAL: ... 0o0 *grasps Blitz' right hand with both of her hands* B-Boss, we need to get out of here, right now; your home will be destroyed if we stay here any longer!

Blitz: Wha-?! ......Okay, come on, out the window! *opens it*

*iDEAL hops out of the window and runs towards the forest with Blitz right behind her. Just as both of them reached the entrance of the forest, a bright spotlight shines down on Blitz.*


*In a giant burst of speed, iDEAL rams into Blitz with great power, knocking him out of the spotlight just as a HUGE, powerful beam of energy shoots down from the sky into that one spot. The shockwaves from the beam rockets both Blitz and iDEAL up in the sky and on top of one of the tall trees of the forest. Investigating the area after climbing down the tree, Blitz and iDEAL see nothing but a huge smoking crater; if it wasn't for iDEAL both Blitz AND his home would've been incinerated into dust.*

Blitz: What the heck was that... *looks down to iDEAL*

iDEAL: I-I don't know.

*Blitz' guild watch rings again, this time playing the "Seven Rings in Hand" theme, to indicate that Pepper was calling him.*

Blitz: *answers it and holds iDEAL up against his chest* Hello, Blitz here.

Pepper: The Saiyans are back! That giant beam that shot down here was their doing! They're using their technology to take control over all of the satellites orbiting the planet, each of them capable of shooting a powerful beam of raw energy down wherever they please! If you've been targeted by one already, be vigilant; it takes five minutes before the next shot can be fired and if you weren't taken out by the previous shot it'll just keep shooting at you until it hits you. From what I'm hearing, so far only Guild Masters are being targeted!

Blitz: Shit! What are we going to do?!

Pepper: ...they're only targeting Guild Masters...and they're finding them so easily some how...could it be...? Hey, iDEAL is with you, right?

Blitz: Yes she is... Why do you ask?

Pepper: From what e-chan told me, iDEAL is like a swiss-army knife; she can do all sorts of stuff that you'd never think that she could do. One of those things is being able to contact people from far away without having to use any traditional communication methods. Just ask her, and she'll tell you the finer details. I need you to get in contact with the guild HQ and tell them what's going on. I'm quite sure the Saiyans are able to locate us through our watches, so just take it off and leave them, they can always be replaced. Gotta run! Hanging up now!

*As soon as the call ends, another giant beam shoots down from the sky far away from where Blitz and iDEAL were standing; if anything that shot was meant to hit Pepper.

iDEAL: ...Pepper IS really fast so I don't think we have anything to worry about...

Blitz: *takes off his watch* Why are they targeting us anyway..... Come iDEAL, we've got to work our pants off to find a way to get out of this mess... *looks at iDEAL as she reaches under her skirt* Not literally! >//<;

iDEAL: OwO;; I-I knew that, really! *chuckles nervously* okay, tell me what you need me to do, boss; I'm ready to work!

Blitz: Try to tell as many Guild Masters as you can to find a safe place to stay, if it exists... If not, then tell them all to keep their guards up 100% of the time. Then, tell Skylar and Tanya to meet us at our usual meeting place. If they want to take Nikki and Ashuro with them, it would be great. Just don't rush it, okay?

iDEAL: Hmmm... I got an idea! *picks up Blitz' guild watch and concentrates as the watch activates and shows a list of all the Guild Masters* now to get a connection *the antenna on iDEAL's head moves about until it finds a connection* got it! Now I just need to...

*iDEAL takes her hair barrettes off and places them on Blitz' ears to act as a pair of headphones*

iDEAL: ...that, and we're done; you're now connected with every Guild Master. Since this is going to more than one person, this is a one-way connection for my own safety. They'll be able to hear you, but you won't be able to hear them. Whenever you're ready, speak into one of my ears, okay?

Blitz: One of..... Okay. *kneels down behind iDEAL and gently takes hold of her as he starts speaking into her ear* Attention Guild Masters. I'm sure most of you are aware of the current crisis that has fallen upon us. Everyone, just stay calm and try to find a place where you're all safe from these attacks and ALWAYS have your guard up and be careful. Skylar and Tanya, meet me at the usual place... This is Guild Master Blitz, have a still good day. *lets iDEAL go and stands up* that should do it...

iDEAL: That was great, boss! What do we do next?

*Blitz wonders about what other things that iDEAL is capable of doing; after seeing how her assistance saved his home and made it possible for him to warn everybody, he decided that it would be best to keep her close by. Blitz picks iDEAL up and places her on his shoulder before responding to her question.*

Blitz: Well, WE have to find Skylar and Tanya, WE have to stick together, and YOU have to listen to me. Okay?

iDEAL: Got it! ^w^

*After a short amount of time, Blitz and iDEAL got to the spot Blitz had talked about earlier. It was a nice spot inside the forest, where the light shun down from an opening in the trees. The area was also decorated by beautiful white flowers. Blitz puts iDEAL down and picks a flower that he puts in her hair.*

Blitz: That looks cute. We're a bit early, so we can relax a bit.

iDEAL: *snuggles up against Blitz and purrs softly as he rubs her head*

Blitz: That's a cute purring you got there... *starts to softly and gently rub her back underneath her shirt while he is licking on one of her ears, keeping her held close*

iDEAL: ^w^

*A few minutes later, Skylar, Tanya and even Ashuro arrives at the meeting spot*

*Another large beam shoots down to the ground back in the direction that Blitz and iDEAL had come from. It looked as though Pepper's guess was correct, the Saiyans were indeed tracking the Guild Masters by their watches; it's a good thing that iDEAL dropped it when they were coming to the meeting spot.*

Ashuro: O.O Those Saiyan guys mean business, don't they?

Blitz: Geez, they sure do...

Skylar: *groans* How am I supposed to hang out with Nikki like this... -_-;

Tanya: Um...maybe you should worry about the more important situation at hand...

Skylar: Nikki IS the important thing on hand to ME.

Blitz: He's got a point...

Tanya: Guess so.

Ashuro: I hear that all of the guild masters and members are okay...but unfortunately, the guild HQ isn't.

Blitz: I kinda figured as much...

Tanya: My guess; The Saiyans are after Skylar, Blitz and me...

Ashuro: ...I don't know; if the stories I heard about the Saiyans are true, wouldn't they just destroy the entire planet instead of being selective about their targets?

Skylar: Well, after the beating Nikki and I caused to Toma, he probably wants revenge...

Blitz: ANYWAY... We should figure out what to do instead of sitting around doing nothing, right guys, right iDE- .....

*Looking down at iDEAL, the four of them see that she is snuggling against Blitz in a half-asleep state.*

Skylar: ...Seriously?

Ashuro: Well, the first thing we can do is destroy those satellites. iDEAL and I can help you out there.

Skylar: No problem. Our race can go quite a bit out in space without dying. As you know, Blitz HAS destroyed a moon before.

Tanya: And from what I heard, the moon on this planet has been destroyed quite a couple of times...

Ashuro: Cool, I'm headed up there n...looks like we've got a visitor.

*Descending from the sky into their location is a Saiyan that everybody thought had been destroyed years ago; Vegeta ex-partner, Nappa.*

Ashuro: ...

Skylar: ...Saiyan?

Tanya: Yep.

Skylar: Previously dead?

Blitz: Yep.

Skylar: Bald?

Tanya and Blitz: 100%...

*Nappa lands on the ground, unaware that the group of five are just a few yards away from them, and looks around the area in the opposite direction of them.*

Ashuro: ...I think I have an idea of what's going on here now.

Tanya: Enlighten us...

Blitz: *drawing a mustache on iDEAL's sleepy face* (I'll have to pay for this later...)

Ashuro: Remember when we found out how the planet Vegeta and the Saiyans weren't destroyed thanks to that program that Lorenzo made?

*They all nod their heads.*

Ashuro: Well, when you think about how that program could stop and entire race from being destroyed, it could easily be used to keep other things from happening; like baldy over there from being blown up by Vegeta. -_-;

Blitz: That's not good...

Ashuro: You got that right; knowing Pyro, he more than likely manipulated things so that that "other" incredibly powerful Saiyan survived as well...-||-;;

*After thinking for a few seconds, the Moonshadow siblings realize exactly who Ashuro is talking about: the Legendary Super Saiyan that Son Goku and his sons defeated three times. All three of them turn pale in color, looking sort of like they're gonna faint or upchuck at any second now that they fully realize the gravity of the situation.*

Tanya: Oh my god...

Skylar: Ugh...nooooo... T^T

Blitz: *rubs his eyes* Damn...

*Ashuro looks up and sees another person flying through the sky. It was a Saiyan, but it was one that was definitely on their side when they see him land a few feet in front of Nappa; Vegeta, the Prince of the Saiyans had arrived.*

Ashuro: ...I don't think that we have anything to worry about now. Our objective is clear: head into space, find what the Saiyans are using to turn the satellites into weapons and destroy it.

Blitz: Yosh...

Skylar: Yes, that we can do.

*Blitz' group leave the area to begin their mission; with Nappa's attention on Vegeta, they are able to successfully escape without being noticed by him.*

Nappa: VEGETA!!!


Jason: ...this isn't good...I might have to make a scene if it goes on like this...

To be continued…

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