Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ferocious Dragon Battle! VS. Bahamut-Zero!

Travel Multiversal
Random Battle Chronicles
“Ferocious Dragon Battle! VS. Bahamut-Zero!”
An RP between Random4811 and eshonen

The day after his battle with the Ifrit, Ashuro was pumped-up for another battle. So he goes out in search of his new buddy, Random Hero.

Ashuro: Hey Random, got anymore cool monsters we could battle?

Random: Sure, feel like battling a dragon?

Ashuro: A dragon you say? Sounds epic; sure, let's do it!

*Random notices how fired up Ashuro is; that battle with the Ifrit must've really psyched him up more than he thought.*

Random: Pretty excited huh? Well let's move to a more remote location; after all, this dragon is huge and can destroy the surrounding area very quickly…

Ashuro: Sure, where to?

Random: *flies into the air and looks around for a desolate location* anywhere with next to no life in it will work! *he yells to Ashuro while high in the air*

Ashuro: *uses Space E-nergy to fly up to Random* There are some rocky areas further up ahead; nothing really lives over there, so how about we go there?

Random: Perfect! *dashes off*

*Arriving at their destination...*

Ashuro: Ready when you are!

Random: Fine…Bahamut Zero! Come forth!

Ashuro: *eagerly waiting for the dragon to appear*

*Bahamut-Zero appears in the sky and lets out a mighty roar that can be heard across the globe, the sky turns dark and he absorbs his surroundings, then spots Random and Ashuro*

Bahamut-Zero: Speak your request he who summoned me, or be destroyed for interrupting my slumber!

Random: *grasps his blade* fight us, and do your worst!

Bahamut-Zero: Very well! Your demise shall come quick, so don't worry about pain *starts to charge his signature attack "Terra-Flare!"*

Ashuro: That doesn't look good... *rips a huge chunk of rock out a nearby mountain wall to use as an impromptu shield*

Random: Shadow Mimicry! Bahamut-Zero skill 001! *starts charging a black version of Terra-flare* Ashuro, that rock won't help!

Ashuro: Thanks for the heads up *opens a portal and tosses the boulder into it with great strength then closes it* Okido! Time to get inventive! *gathers Space E-nergy in his hands and condenses it into a marble-sized ball* now to wait for it to attack.

Bahamut-Zero: *releases Terra-Flare, it rockets down to earth*

*Random counters with his version of it but Bahamut's version just deflects it; now the blast heads straight for Ashuro*

Ashuro: Time for the test run! *plucks the marble-sized ball of Space E-nergy at the Terra-Flare*

*When the small E-nergy ball hits the Terra-Flare, it opens up and sucks it up, now looking a lot like a spinning, baseball-sized and shaped black hole floating in the air.*

Ashuro: So far, so good!

Random: Yeah, so far…but... there is now a black hole open in our atmosphere! Do something about that!

Ashuro: *condenses the attack back into the size of a marble* no need to worry; it wasn't a real black hole.

Random: oh...

Bahamut-Zero: You mock me! *charges up another Terra-Flare*

Random: Grr.... Shadow Mimicry- KAIOKEN!

Ashuro: Random, wait; aim your attack at me! *reopens the ball of Space E-nergy, allowing it to become a small black hole again and motions for Random to aim his attack at it*

Random: No need! Kaioken x100!!!!

Ashuro: Okido! I think this thing has enough power now anyway *compresses the attack back into the size of a marble and charges forward*

Random: *dashes at Bahamut-zero* BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA x100!

*Bahamut-Zero is caught in the blast at point blank range, an explosion occurs and thick smoke rolls up, Random dashes back*

Random: Well, that should do i- *gets blased by tera-flare* Gah! *seriously wounded*

Ashuro: Crud! *takes a deep breath* Rewind!!

*Using Time E-nergy, Ashuro rewinds time backwards for both Random and the Bahamut-zero to a few moments just before Random was hit by the Terra-Flare. Once he resumes everything, Random sees that he is unhurt and remembers what had happened earlier; this time he dodges the Terra-Flare successfully and rejoins Ashuro on the ground.*

Random: That was close! And that was the best I can do without getting too close…and if I get too close he'll tear me apart! Ugh! What can we do?

Ashuro: I can shield you from his ranged attacks like his Terra-Flare which should help get you close enough to attack him. It looks like it's taking him longer to charge that attack up at the moment.

Random: Ok... well then let's go! *grabs his sword and changes it into a much larger broad sword*

Ashuro: Go time!

*Ashuro expands the marble of Space E-nergy into a wide spinning disk that's large enough to be used as a weapon or a shield then dashes ahead with Random, who makes sure to stay just about one foot behind Ashuro just as an extra safety precaution.*

Random: *reaches Bahamut Zero, and dashes behind him*

Bahamut-Zero: *finishes charging Terra-Flare and shoots it at the two*

Ashuro: *uses the spinning black-hole disk of Space E-nergy as a shield that absorbs the Terra-Flare like it did the last one* now Random; STRiKE!

Random: this is it... Shadow mimicry…Kaioken x100! FALCOOON PAWNCH!*hits Bahamut-Zero in the tail with the flaming blue and black fist shaped like a falcon, which causes Bahamut's Tail to disintegrate.*

Bahamut: GYROOO!!! *roars in pain and anger* you'll pay for that!!! *he starts to get bigger and more threatening looking, until he becomes Bahamut-Tremor (advent children) and shoots his Tremor-Flare almost instantly after transforming, hitting Random head on and then slashing at Random with his tail, sending him plummeting into the earth*

Ashuro: OoO; RANDOM!! WHOA! *dodges out of the way in time to avoid being hit by Bahamut* he's gotten faster *looks at the attack he's still holding in his hand* I'm going to need a bit more power to take this guy out; Cell Buunshin!

*10 Ashuro clones appear. When the Bahamut circles around and come back towards them, the real Ashuro grabs Random and jumps out of the way into a safer location while the Ashuro clones jump on the Bahamut and cling to it. Once they each have a secure grip, they begin absorbing it's power which they transfer over to the real Ashuro who uses it to heal Random and to strengthen the power of his attack simultaneously*

Ashuro: Just a little more...DONE! *cancels out the Cell Buunshin and the clones disappear*

*Random is completely healed and Ashuro's attack has received a LOT more strength. Ashuro tightly compresses the attack back into the size of a marble and help Random back up to his feet.*

Ashuro: You okay, dude?

Random: Yeah, thanks to you… *looks into the sky, Bahamut is pissed and now is destroying everything in sight, causing earthquakes all across the area* oh sh…

Ashuro: Don't worry; that last Terra-Flare and the power I just stole from him was just what I needed *shows Random the marble-sized Space E-nergy* it may look small, but this thing packs an UBER huge punch; one powerful enough to take down that oversized dragon in one shot. I'll distract him while you hit him with your heaviest attack from behind; once his focus turns to you, run as far away as you can and I'll use this on him...*thinks for a moment* he...doesn't have any more transformations or annoying little tricks, does he?

Random: No, Shin-Bahamut is the last one, and tremor flare is the last attack he has.

Ashuro: That's a relief; okay, let's do this!

Random: So, tell me the plan again...

Ashuro: *rethinks the plan* I'll get his complete attention and then you throw this at him. Once you've done that, join up with me again and I'll take care of the rest *expands the attack into the size of a baseball and gives it to Random who watches with curiosity as it floats in his hand*

Random: Hmm...Cool ^^ well, let's get going!

Ashuro: Lets!

*Both Random and Ashuro charge towards the raging dragon; when it sees the two, both of them split up and run in different directions, leaving Bahamut Zero wondering which one to attack first. His question is answered for him when he receives a giant stretching foot to the face from Ashuro.*

Ashuro: That got his attention.

Random: *throws the attack at Bahamut-Sin and sends a kamehameha after it to blast it hard into his back* is that it?

Ashuro: Great work, Random; now get over here ASAP!

Random: Right! *dashes over*

*Ashuro takes Random to some higher ground to make sure that they're far enough away.*

Ashuro: Here we go!

*The ball of Space E-nergy expands and soon becomes a huge spiraling black hole that the dragon gets sucked into. Once that is done, the black hole condenses back into the size of a marble and returns to Ashuro who tosses it high in the sky.*

Ashuro: Now for the finale of my new attack! Galaxy Bang-Bang!!

*The marble-sized ball of Space E-nergy self-destructs and causes a HUGE explosion in the sky that turns day into a beautiful star-filled night that lasts for an entire minute before the daylight returns.*

Ashuro: It worked! It worked! A little more powerful than I expected, but it worked like a charm!

Random: Wow…well, that was certainly impressive! *a large red ball falls from the sky and lands in Random's hand* can you believe this is Bahamut-Zero?

Ashuro: *looks at the orb* I can believe it; the most unimpressive looking things can sometimes be the most powerful things.

Random: Yeah… *Sticks the orb on his arm and it phases through his skin* well, im pretty tired after that last fight... wanna go hang out and relax?

Ashuro: Sure thing.

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