Sunday, September 18, 2011

Breakthrough! Open Up Your Lonely Heart!

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Breakthrough! Open Up Your Lonely Heart!”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Ashuro has been captured and immobilized by the illusionary BOOMER Penguin!

BOOMER Penguin: You Got a grab there sonny boy... *grabs him, and he is unable to be free* you're so cute I'm going to pet you till you bleed...

Marius: *uses Crimson Dash to taze him* HYAH!

Annaliese: *calming down* …

Penguin: …

Ashuro: *wiggles free from BOOMER Penguin's grasp thanks to Marius' assistance* Thanks dude, I owe you one. When Oswald here defeated this thing it turned into a shadowy mist; that's Victora's E-nergy! If we can defeat this thing again, I can trap some of that mist and use it to track Victora down to where ever she's hiding...I might even be able to map this place out so that we know where we're going.

Penguin: *shoots it again* that's something I can do...

*BOOMER Penguin looks a little annoyed that he's been shot twice already, and angry when he remembers hot Ashuro broke his umbrella, which severely left him with few combat options*

Ashuro: Nice shot, Oswald! time for me to give this guy a few shots of my own.

*Ashuro hits BOOMER Penguin with a barrage of rapid, stretchy punches with both sets of his arms, piling on the damage and pushing him away further and further.*

BOOMER Penguin: *uses a super puke at him* BLUUUUUUUUGGGGAAAHHH!!!

Penguin: …That's more disgusting then me…

Annaliese: Ewwwwww…Gross!!

Marius: Bleeeehck! Son of a b****…

Ashuro: *covered in incredibly nasty smelling and feeling vomit* …

Claire: *remembers her experience with Noir* I feel your pain. -_-;

Penguin: Mocking disgusting pig…!! *shoots BOOMER Penguin*

*The shot hits BOOMER Penguin in the forehead, causing him to thrash about in pain*

Ashuro: …excuse me for a moment *opens a portal above him and jumps into it, exiting 5 seconds later looking completely clean* that's better.

Annaliese: Nice… ^w^

Penguin: *tries to use his umbrella gun on Victora, but stopped because of Ashuro*

Ashuro: *sees that Victora, or at least a projection of her, has reappeared* Victora!

Victora: …I thought I told you all to leave here…you're disturbing my solitude…

Penguin: …

Annaliese: Why are you acting like this? This is very wrong to do!

Victora: …I just want to be alone…getting involved with other people only leads to pain in the end…*looks at Ashuro*

Ashuro: …Victora…

Victora: …this is your last chance to leave…what is your answer?

Annaliese: *watching this*

Ashuro: Victora…please; we just want to talk to you. We're your friends and we care about you very much.

Victora: …friends, huh?

Annaliese: Yes, We are your friends!

Penguin: …?

Megumi: We love you, Victora; please, talk to us.

Victora: … *walks up to Ashuro and buries herself in his chest*

Ashuro: *sees that this is the real Victora in front of him* …

Victora: …is it true, Ashuro? Before you met Annaliese, did you really mean it when you said that you loved me?

Ashuro: *nods head* Yes, I did.

Victora: …and if I wasn't acting like such a bratty princess and said "I love you, too" to any of your multiple confessions during that time, we'd be together right now?

Ashuro: …yes…we would.

Victora: *falls to her knees and sobs quietly*

Ashuro: …

Annaliese: ……

Penguin: ………

Marius: ………


*The room everybody is in gets all dark as layer of black, inky slime coats both the floor and the ceiling while BOOMER Penguin dissolves into a shadowy mist and disappears in the air. An arm made out of the inky slime emerges from the floor, grabs Oswald and pulls him down into the slime-coated floor where he disappears. Ashuro reacts and tries to go after him but is stopped when another inky slime arm emerges from the ceiling and grabs him, pulling him up into the slime-coated ceiling where he too disappears. Two more arms appear and they grab Marius and Megumi, dragging them off into the slime and disappearing as well. The only ones remaining are Claire, Annaliese, Maggie and Victora who is crying uncontrollably; it's obvious to the two girls watching her that she's let herself become completely absorbed in her own sorrow and has lost control of her reality bending ability.*

Claire: *grabs a hold of Annaliese and Maggie* Hold on to me real tight, okay?


Maggie: MARIUS!!

Claire: We'll get all of them back, I promise; but I need to two of you be strong for just a little bit longer *looks up at Victora who's in the middle of the room wailing her heart out as the inky slime begins to circle around her*

Annaliese: ......?

*The inky slime on the ceiling begins to bubble before shooting three giant blobs of black slime just in front of Claire, Annaliese and Maggie. A head pops out from one of the blobs gasping for air; it was Megumi!*

Claire: Megumi! *runs up to Megumi and pulls her out of the black blob*

Megumi: *gasping for air* that stuff... *gasping for air* tastes NASTY!! XP

*An arm busts out of another one of the blobs; from just one glance at it, Maggie knew that Marius was inside that one and runs over to pull him out of it. Familiar "gweck" noises are heard coming out of the last blob; Annaliese rushes over to the blob and sticks her arm inside it. After a few second of feeling around in the muck, she feels something and grabs it then pulls on in as hard as she could, eventually freeing from the blob's confines. It was Oswald Cobblepot, and he was "gweck"-ing loud in pain. Before Annaliese can ask him what was wrong she instantly sees why he's in pain and releases her tight grip on him once she notices that she had pulled him out of the inky blob by his nose. *

Annaliese: Sorry Mr. Cobblepot...

Penguin: Owwwww.... >_<;

Claire: *looks around* where's Ashuro?

Megumi: I don't know; he flung all 3 of us out here and asked us to save Victora...*sees a card that has an image of a heart with a plus-sign on it stuck in Marius' hair* Marius, can I see that card in your hair?

Marius: *gets it off and passes it to Megumi*

Megumi: *examines the card further* Hey, this is one of e-chan's cards; Ashuro must've borrowed it from him...and it's just the thing we need to help get Victora back to normal again.

Annaliese: Yay!

Maggie: Good.

Penguin: Thank God...

Marius: *groan in pain* Awww, Shit...! *barf some of them out* Gross.... >_<

Annaliese: Yuck. Don't worry we'll give you my tooth paste.

Maggie: Those Disgusting Creatures! Don't worry Marius... I'll give you some lemonade to get the bad taste out of your mouth soon, if we can get the heck outta here!

Claire: *reaches into the soft fur of her tail and pulls out a bottle of water and some mouth wash* here, this should help *hands Marius the water and mouth wash*

Marius: *uses it* Thank You.... bluughh... -_-;;

Megumi: This is one of e-chan's "Recovery" cards. He mainly uses them for treating external wounds and neutralizing toxins within the body, but they can be used to treat mental and even emotional wounds if used right; and I happen to know exactly how to do so.

Claire: We use it to get into Victora's mind and calm her down, right?

Megumi: ...right; I was going to be a bit more dynamic with the explanation, but that's the plan.

*Victora finally stops crying and just sits there staring at the slimy ceiling; looking at her, you could tell that she had given up all desire to keep going.*

Victora: ...I can't do it anymore...this ability of mine...has brought me nothing but misery...

Megumi: Mistress?

Victora: family is scared of me...I can't even remember the last time Mother or Father even made eye contact with me...the many servants within this mansion don't like me...and school was a nightmare. I was miserable...and I became the kind of person I am now...I never thought that I'd have somebody that would truly and genuinely love me...until I met Ashuro. He showed me time after time again how much he truly cared about me, but I was too afraid to believe it. I was so afraid of getting close to him and later finding out that he was just like everybody else I met. And then by the time I finally realized that he wasn't like all of the others, it was too late...I guess it just impossible for me to love or be loved...I guess the only thing left to do now the world a favor and...disappear…

*All of the inky slime gathers right next to Victora and turns into a gigantic, black and inky-looking version of BOOMER Penguin. Instead of attacking the others, it aims it's umbrella gun at Victora and everybody immediately realizes what she intends to do...*


Penguin: *aims at BOOMER Penguin's form* Hey, what make's you think I won't back down?!

Annaliese: Ms.Victora, No!

*BOOMER Penguin pulls the trigger of his umbrella gun...but nothing comes out; it was as if something was jammed inside of it. In that moment of confusion, both Marius and Megumi hit BOOMER Penguin with a dual uppercut that pushes him away from Victora as Oswald shoots multiple rounds at him from a distance.*

Megumi: It's up to the three of you now! We'll keep this guy busy while you guys help Victora!

Claire: Got it; let's go!

*Claire, Annaliese and Maggie charge towards Victora; once all three of them are within range, Claire activates the card and the four of them are warped inside of the card. With Victora cut from the rest of the mansion, BOOMER Penguin falls and dissolves back into a black, slimy puddle that disappears within seconds. The Koco Family Mansion also begins to return to its original form as well, leaving Megumi, Marius and Oswald relieved, confused and a little skeptical as to whether or not their ordeal is truly over or not.*

Megumi: ...

Marius: Huh...

Penguin: ......?

Megumi: ...I don't know about you guys, but after being in that...really nasty slime that seemed to have a mind of its own *shivers* I could really use a shower right about now. There are several bathrooms on this floor if you two would like to take one as well. Just remember to put your clothes in the laundry chute in each of them so they can get washed while you're bathing. You'll find some nice robes to wear inside the closets in each of them to wear afterwards.

Marius: ...Umm, Sure.

*Inside of the zone with in the Recovery card, Victora awakens and finds herself on a beach-like area, surrounded by Claire, Annaliese and Maggie.*

Victora: W-Where am I?

Claire: I used one of e-chan's Recovery cards on you. The area we're all in reflects upon what you consider to be the best place to relax *looks around* so I guess that mean that you must really love the beach, eh?

Annaliese: Wow...

Victora: ...I can't believe I actually tried to kill myself a few moments ago...let alone nearly getting all of you hurt; you guys must think that I'm a horribly pathetic person, huh?

Annaliese: NO, we don't..!

Penguin: I think that...

Claire: *notices that Oswald was there with them* what did you get- *thinks for a moment* you touched the card, didn't you?

Penguin: Don't blame me, blame Annaliese...

Annaliese: Sorry, I didn't know you don't want to go...

Claire: ...anyway, how do you feel now, Victora?

Victora: ...actually...I'm feeling...really good right now. Before it felt like there was a ton of weight attached to my chest; now I don't feel it there anymore.

Claire: Good; that means that the card's effects are working.

Annaliese: Yaaaaay!

Maggie: "scoff" Good.

Penguin: .....uggh...

Victora: I'm really sorry everyone for putting you all through such a distressing experience. I'll be okay now, honestly this time; thank you for coming to save me.

Annaliese: Anything for a friend!

Maggie: You're Welcome.

Penguin: You're Welcome...

Victora: *looks around* has anybody seen Ashuro anywhere?

Annaliese: Huh? ...A-Ashuro? Ashuro!?

*Looking around, everybody soon spots a zig-zag tail sticking out of the sand.*

Claire: That looks very familiar...

*Annaliese runs over to the tail and begins pulling on it; the tail definitely belonged to Ashuro due to how much it stretched before Annaliese actually made any progress in pulling him out. With a few hard yanks, Ashuro is pulled out of the sand, looking sort of dazed*

Ashuro: @w@

Annaliese: Um, Ashuro? *shakes him, stops, and then kisses him*

Ashuro: *regains his senses* Anna-chan...

Claire: Yep, he's definitely okay.

Annaliese: *hugs him* I was so worried... T_T

Ashuro: Sorry for scaring you like that; I had to make sure that Victora didn't hurt herself...

Victora: ...wait... you were the reason that my illusion couldn't shoot me, right?

Ashuro: Uh-huh! It all happened so fast; I was trying to find my way out of all of that gunk when it suddenly became that...ugly...whatever that was. I waded my way through of all that *shivers* nastiness and got rid of ammo inside of that thing's gun. As to how I got here, I have no clue at all.

Annaliese: ???

Claire: But the most important this is that both you and Victora are safe and okay. ^o^

Annaliese: *nods her head*

*Annaliese then remembers what Lorenzo asked her to do the next time she saw Claire: ask her about Solnar Unity, whatever that was.*

Claire: *looks over at Annaliese* Hmm; is there something on your mind, Anna-chan?

Annaliese: I need to tell you something...I Guess...

Claire: Alright *sits down on the ground and focuses on Annaliese, giving her her undivided attention* what is it?

*Annaliese tells her the whole thing*

Annaliese: ...That's all....

Claire: OoO; No way; Pyro is still alive AND he did all of those horrible things while disguising himself as Lorenzo?! I wonder...if he's the reason why my parents s--

*Annaliese looks at Claire with an expression of concern on her face.*

Claire: >.< N-Never mind that; so you want to know more about Solnar Unity, right?

*Annaliese nods her head "yes"*

Claire: Simply said, it's a unique kind of fusion. How can I describe it? *thinks for a moment* Have you ever read the manga or watched the anime for "Yu-Gi-Oh!"?

Annaliese: ...No...?

Claire: The main character of the series, Yugi Moto, is given pieces of an ancient Egyptian artifact called the Millennium Puzzle. After putting it back together again, among some of the things that were released from it was the consciousness of an Egyptian Pharaoh named Atem who resided inside of Yugi. With this union, the two of them shared both their knowledge as well as their strengths; Solnar Unity works in similar way, but it's a lot safer and less complicated. Do you understand all of this so far?

Annaliese: ..My Head Hurts... @w@;;

Claire: ^_^; Maybe it's best to show you what I mean *lightly grasps both of Annaliese's hands* Solnar Partial Unity!

*Claire glows brightly and is absorbed by Annaliese's body. Unable to believe her eyes, Annaliese shakes her head and rubs her eyes to make sure that she didn't just imagine what had happened. When she opens her eyes, Claire is nowhere to be seen.*

Annaliese: Wha-what...? *looks around, shaking in fear* C-Claire??

Claire: It's okay, I'm right here; calm down a little bit and you'll be able to see me.

*Annaliese manages to calm herself down and then sees Claire standing right next to her*

Claire: There we go; I know it may seem a little disturbing at first, but you'll adjust really quickly. Come with me, this way.

Ashuro: *watches as Claire takes Annaliese further down the beach*

Victora: ...who was Anna talking to? I didn't see anybody there.

Ashuro: It was Claire; she used Solnar Partial Unity just a few seconds ago...I hope things work out for them.

*At a more private spot on the beach...*

Claire: Alrighty! It's time that I show you the benefits of being a Solnar; are you ready? ^w^

Annaliese: *nods* Okay!!

Claire: Okay, benefit #1. You see that bunch of bananas hanging from that tree over there? *points to the bananas* Without moving from where you are, focus on the bananas then just reach out and grab them.

*Although she doesn't see how it would be possible for her to accomplish something like that, Annaliese does as she's told and reaches out to the banana bunch. She's a little surprised when she sees a stream of energy that resembles an arm sprout from her arm, which causes her panic for a moment.*

Claire: Don't be afraid, that's what's supposed to happen; give it another try.

*Still a little shook up from what had happened, Annaliese bravely tries again as the arm of energy streams out of her arm and makes its way to the banana bunch. Once it's there, Annaliese is uncertain as to what to do next; she looks over to Claire, who motions for her to open her hand and close it. When Annaliese opens and closes her hand, she sees that the arm of energy does the exact same thing. Quickly catching onto the idea, Annaliese uses the arm of energy to grab the banana bunch and pulls it off of the tree and bring it back towards her and gives them to Claire.*

Claire: Great job, Anna-chan! ^o^ *takes a banana from the bunch and begins eating it* when we're linked like this, we can each share each other's talents, abilities and strengths. In this case, you're basically a Nekofi and an Aquitican like me without any of the physical features. ^w^

Annaliese: Wooooow!! I'm strong now?! :D

Claire: Yes, you are very strong now. ^w^ End Unity!

*Claire cancels the Solnar Partial Unity, de-fusing herself from Annaliese; although the two of them are no longer fused together, Annaliese's new strengths don't disappear or weaken.*

Claire: To be honest, all of those things that you just did them with your own strength.

*Annaliese looks at Claire in disbelief; how could she have been that strong and able to do the things she just did without even knowing it?*

Annaliese: ???

Claire: ...before I go any further, there is something very important I need to hear from you, Annaliese; please tell me just how serious are you about being Ashuro's beloved one?

Annaliese: The best feeling i EVER HAD!

Claire: *smiles* you're slowly becoming an Aquitican, Annaliese; the stronger the love you and Ashuro share, the more Aquitican you'll become. I think you already have an idea of what I'm talking about.

*Annaliese thinks for a moment and remembers one of the times she was on a date with Ashuro. They were walking while holding hands when all of a sudden a giant blast of power shot out of her arm. She was sure that this was an example of what Claire was talking about.*

Annaliese: Wooooooooowww...! :D

Claire: ^w^ ... *a few tears rolls down her face*

Annaliese: *sees the tears* Huh?

Claire: Huh? Oh, it's nothing; some sand just blew into my eyes, that's all...*tries to keep a smile on her face but ends up bursting into tears as she cries her heart out*

Annaliese: C-Claire, are you okay?!

Ashuro: *dashes to the scene* what's going on?! Claire?? Why are you...?

*Ashuro and Claire's eyes meet; due to their relationship and how close they were as friends, Ashuro can tell what's on her mind.*

Ashuro: Claire...

Claire: I...I couldn't do it after all, Ashuro; I...I can't possibly make such a request now *runs away with tears in her eyes*

*Annaliese tries to run after Claire, but is stopped by Ashuro.*

Ashuro: It won't do any good trying to talk to Claire when she's like this right now. Let's head back; we're actually right next to town, so Claire will be able to make it back home without any difficulty.

*Everybody returns to town and head back to their respective homes...all except for Ashuro and Annaliese.*

Ashuro: ... *sees the worried expression on Annaliese's face* you want to help Claire, don't you?

*Annaliese nods her head "yes"*

Ashuro: Okay; but in order to do that, you need to know more about her past. I could tell you, but...

Annaliese: What is it? :(

Ashuro: It would be best if Claire herself told you about it. If it's you, I'm sure she'll tell you everything. You might not have noticed it, but Claire really likes you, Annaliese; she's often told me that you're like the little sister she's never had but always wanted...and even how she wishes to be there and protect you for the rest of her life. ^w^ As bold and open as she is, Claire can be incredibly shy when she's trying to get to know somebody that she really wants to be close with.

*Indeed, Annaliese was a little shocked by this news; she had no idea that Claire genuinely cared about her the way Ashuro described to her. It was a feeling that filled her with great joy and made her determined to help Claire return to her usual, joyful self; and as for Victora…*

Victora: *stands in front of Masquerade's front door* Okay, you can do this; as long as I'm able to say it clearly and honestly, everything will be okay… *gulps as her heart beats rapidly* h-here goes nothing. >//<

*Victora knocks on Masquerade's front door and he answers it a few seconds later.*

Victora: H-Hi, Masquerade; can…can we talk? I've…*blushes wildly*…I've got something very important that I want to tell you. ^//w//^

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