Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How Do You Feel?

A most unexpected surprise for Hayama!

Hayama: Hi Eliza. I was surprised when you called me up; is there something that you need?

Eliza: I heard that you haven't been well these past few weeks. Is there anything in particular that you'd like to share with me? I am a psychiatrist-in-training, after all.:D

Hayama: Well...I guess that I have been feeling jealous of some of my friends; most of them have girlfriends now...and I'm still...:(

Eliza: How does that make you feel?

Hayama: a big jerk for feeling that way when I should be happy for them.:depressed:

Eliza: Interesting...before I go any further, there is one more important question that I must ask: How does... *takes Hayama's left hand and places it on her right puffy, then grabs his arm to keep him from pulling away from her* THiS make you feel?*blushes*

Hayama::jawdrop: ...*feels Eliza's plump puffies underneath her coat* Ah...ah...ah...

Eliza: Would it offend you if I said that I've loved you for a very long time?:blushes:

Hayama: *shakes his head "no" while his mouth hangs wide open*

Eliza: Would you let me become your exclusive girlfriend?:blushes:

Hayama: *nods his head "yes" while his mouth continues to hang wide open*

Eliza::blush: Really? I'm so happy!:happycry:...would you like to seal this agreement with a kiss?:flirty:

Hayama::faint:*passes out and falls to the ground*

Eliza: ...a little too much at one time?^^;