Thursday, August 4, 2011

Painful Decision - A One Month Split?!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 17
”Painful Decision – A One Month Split?!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Say it isn't so Skylar!

Skylar: You remember Ayaka? The catgirl I became friends with? seems that our friendship has come so far as we've do I say this..."friends with benefits", if you understand what I mean...

Nikki: ...WHAT??!!!

*On the other side of the door...*

Masaki: 0o0

Tanya: Oh I'd love to see where this is going... O_O;;

Skylar: But Nikki, let me remind you, that my heart belongs to you. That's what we've talked about and how my feelings are. I have speaked about it with Ayaka, she understands the fact that I'm yours...I'm willing to let YOU let out your anger, rage, sadness, whatever you might be feeling at the moment, at me...and I'm sorry...I didn't mean for it to happen...

*Skylar lays next to her while still keeping her down. He knew that this was a bad time to bring that up, but he felt that he had to.*

Nikki: TTnTT

*Although she tries her best to keep herself together, Nikki unable to keep herself from breaking down and crying; the pain and sadness he heard in her cries made Skylar feel as if he was repeatedly being stabbed in the back with a knife.*

Skylar: Oh Nikki...I'm so sorry..... P-please, don't c-cry...

*Seeing Nikki like this was too much for Skylar as he too starts to cry, but not before allowing Nikki to sit up. He then proceeds to give her the most comforting and heart warming hug he could muster to give her.*

Skylar: I'm sorry, love, I'm so sorry! Please, you have to forgive me! TT^TT

Nikki: *calms down* Be-Because you didn't hide this from me, I-I'll forgive you...

Skylar: *sniffs* .....I'll try to find a way to make it up to you, love... But, for now...shall we stay like this a little longer? A little cuddle and kiss session for us two?

*Skylar moves his hand from her pinkened bottom, up her back and neck, all the way until he is scratching gently behind her ear and givig her small kisses on the cheek*

Skylar: And if it makes you feel better...I still haven't done THAT THING with anybody...Trust me.

Nikki: *looks very relieved upon hearing Skylar's last statement* that definitely makes me feel a whole lot better...but you're still not off the hook just yet; I'm still really mad at you for being that irresponsible.

Skylar: Knowing you, you're sure to have some punishment in mind. *pats her on the head, smiling a tiny bit.* I'll do anything for you, I'll even gladly take a bullet for you. I've already told you this before. But you're not off the hook either, since that Fang Face comment made me a bit annoyed. *pokes her on the nose*

Tanya: *whispers to Masaki* You can see it too, right? The looks in their eyes...

Masaki: *whispers to Tanya* I see it...

Nikki: Fair enough, I guess...

Tanya: Those two...I don't think anything can split them apart...

Skylar: *whispers to Nikki* can hear them too, don't you? -_-; *his eyes looks towards the door*

Nikki: *whispers to Skylar* Loud and clear; Dad won't be happy about that. -3-

Masaki: *whispers to Tanya* O_O; I...think we've been found out, Tanya...Tanya? Tanya, did you hear...?

*Masaki turns around and sees Gin standing right behind her and Tanya was no where in sight.*

Masaki: OwO;; (OH CRAP! Tanya, why didn't you warn me?! Better yet, how did you escape so...?)

*Masaki feels a cool breeze blow by from her right, looks in that direction and realizes that Tanya had escaped through the window, despite it being on the second floor.*

Masaki: OoO;; (I never noticed how fast she was...)

Gin: ... *grabs Masaki by her left ear and leads her downstairs*

Masaki: B-But honey, I wasn't the only one...

Gin: Yes, I know both you and Tanya were up there; but do you know why she's not in trouble what-so-ever with me?

Masaki: Why?

Gin: She wasn't the one who got caught.

Masaki: O_O;; Meep!

*Miles away, Tanya is worried about what is to befall Masaki but could only think "Better you than me." Meanwhile back in Nikki's room...*

Skylar: *now fully dressed again, helping Nikki dress up again.* Okay, we'll finish this sometime later. Now...the first thing I want to do for you... Blitz, Tanya and I had tickets to watch the nightsky festival together. It's something they're planning outside of town. There's going to be a meteor shower later, followed by an even larger meteor passing the planet. It's going to be BBQ there, festival games, etc. But, since Tanya isn't getting her punishment from your father, I think her punishment should be that she has to buy another ticket and go to the festival alone. you want to come?

Nikki: Of course, I'd love to! *hears the sounds of OTK punishment echoing from the downstairs living room* ...and unless you know an alternate way of getting out of here, whats going on downstairs won't be over anytime soon; my Dad is VERY thorough...

*Thinking about what's going on downstairs, both Skylar and Nikki unconciously rub their bottoms when they hear a significantly loud smack, remembering the size of Gin's hands and his endurance level.*

Nikki: Yikes...poor Mom...-_-;

Skylar: Yeah...If you decide so, I'll gladly let him spank me, for your sake... *kisses her on the forehead*

Nikki: ...actually, I have something else in mind for you; something that'll make sure you never do something like this again.

*About a week later, Arashi and Sora decide to go pay Skylar a visit since they haven't seen him in a few days. Upon entering his home, the very sight of his condition shocked them. Skylar looked very pale, lifeless, depressed and sleep deprived, as if he was going through withdrawl or something. The two of them rush over to him to see what was wrong with him; he told them about what had happened with him and Nikki last week and the punishment she gave him: a one-month "no touchy" ban. This meant that he couldn't touch Nikki or any other female for one entire month; and to make sure that he didn't, Nikki had Rocko equip Skylar with one of his new inventions that was designed to help break addictions. It was in the form of a collar and had a timer on it; if he broke any of the rules programmed into it, the collar would emit a dog whistle noise to stop him and the remaining time on the timer would be increased by 48 hours, extending the length of his punishment.*

Sora: *tries to touch his cheek*

Skylar; *backs away* YOU MAD, GIRL?! O_O;; Don't do anything!

Sora: O.O;;; Sorry...

Arashi: THIS...this is cruel and inhuman! Skylar, not even an anime/manga character has to suffer this kind of threatment...

Skylar: ...Just.....leave me.......

Arashi: ...No one...NO ONE, does this to my friends! No matter who they are! Nikki...if you thought Skylar could be cruel and bad...You're about to be in for a surprise...

*At this moment, Skylar and Sora back even further away from Arashi. The look on his face was one they thought they wouldn't see again...The face he used to have when they were Team Death, the EVIL team.*

Skylar: O_O;; D-don't...hurt her...

Arashi: Believe me...there's far worse thing in this world than pain. *marches out of the door and slams it shut*

*Nikki sits by the fountain located directly in the middle of the town's local park along with Claire and Luna.*

Luna: D-Don't you think that maybe you were a bit harsh with Skylar?

Nikki: -n-...

Claire: I don't know, Luna; what Skylar did WAS wrong. Something like that could ruin your trust in somebody completely.

*While Luna and Claire discuss their way of thinking, Nikki makes a phone call to Rocko.*

Nikki: Hey, Rocko...I was wondering if I could get you to make some revisions to that thing of yours that Skylar's can? Make it so that Skylar is allowed to touch other girls as long as he's not intending to do anything perverted to them...disable the 48 hour addition penatly...and reset the timer so that he only has one week, leave that condition as is; he still can't touch me until this last week is over. You'll contact him once you've finished, right? Good, thank you, Rocko. Oh, and Maggie was looking for you earlier; she said that she had something that she wanted to show you. I don't know what it is, she wouldn't tell me; maybe she wanted it to be a surprise or something. Anyways, thanks again, Rocko; bye. *hangs up then sighs* (Be strong, Nikki; it's just one more week instead of an entire month now. If Skylar loves me the way I know he does, he'll never do anything like this ever again. So until then, stay strong and don't cave matter how painful it is to be away from him for this long...)

Claire: Hey, isn't that Arashi over there?

Luna: Yes, it is *sees the expression of fury on Arashi's face* SCARY!!

*Arashi is indeed walking over to them, and not only that. The ground is cracking and shaking for each step he takes. His purple aura, as seen back during the tournament. He stamps at the ground once, which makes a block of stone fly up and into his hand, and of course, he chews on it.*

Arashi: Nikki Jen!!! I have some very serious buisness to take care of with you! Right here! Right now!

*At this point, he's just a few feet away from them, and during the last "now", he had stamped his right leg at the ground and crated a small crater where he was standing. Rose was then seen flying behibd Arashi and over his head, roaring as angryly her little voice could sound.*

Claire: WHOA! Arashi, what's with you? You're tearing my favorite hangout! *gets up* And you're not going to speak to Nikki until you calm down!

Luna: Claire, he looks really mad...

Arashi: Oh? I'm sorry, it's just that my best friend is looking like the results of a car crash! He's shuddering and shaking like hell and has locked himself inside! He can't even get a hug from his big sister in his current state! If this is what love means to you, then heck am I glad I'm a gay person!


Nikki: ...I just finished talking with Rocko; he's making the revisions I ask him to do to that...

*Not interested in what Nikki had to say, Arashi charges straight at Nikki but is stopped completely when a gigantic fist collides with his face and sends him flying backwards some. After recovering from the surprise attack, Arashi notices that it was Claire that had attacked him by inflating her right arm with air. After deflating it, Claire takes out her maraca-shaped bottles of perfumes and begins shaking them, creating many scented bubbles that fills the entire area with a sweet fragrance as they pop.*

Claire: So, you're looking for a fight, I see. If that's what you wanted, then all you had to do was say so. But know this; I'm nowhere near as merciful as Ashuro is *begins doing a samba-like dance and shakes her perfume bottle maracas in a stylish manner* let's dance!

Arashi: You can't beat me! Dragon Soul...ACTIVATE!!!

*Arashi punches the ground and creates his shield, but this is just to activate the transformation. The dome starts to crack like an egg, and out FLIES Arashi and hovers in the air over Claire. He now had a pair of wings, a tail, talons, and his body was also slightly covered by purple scales*

Rose: Rarar! Rawruraga!!! *fires a barage of tiny flames at Claire*

Claire: ...

*Claire nimbly dodges the flames with ease then springs high into the air to deliver a HARD flying head butt to Arashi's gut; with him stunned for that second, Claire uses her tail to grab Arashi and powerfully fling him down into the ground where he crashes, creating a giant crater. Arashi quickly gets to his feet and as he was beginning to take flight, he happens to look up and sees Claire dive bombing downwards like a comet. On impact, the area around them explodes and the shockwaves push Nikki, Luna and Rose a good distance backwards. When the dust settles, both Claire and Arashi are still standing, looking as if they had never started fighting in the first place.*

Arashi: ...Chikyuryu no Busoken! *Charges towards Claire with his fist armed with a glove made out of solid stone*

Claire: ...Fist Impact! *throws a fast and forceful stretching punch at Arashi*

*When Claire's fist is just 2 ft. away from colliding with Arashi's stone glove fist...*

Claire: ...Piercer!

*A powerful burst of E-nergy erupts from Claire's fist, giving the punch a HUGE boost in speed. When her punch collides with Arashi's, the stone surrounding Arashi's fist shatters like cheap glass, getting his hand broken in the process. Arashi now only has one usable hand while Claire still remains unhurt and full of energy.*

Arashi: Gah! *grasps his hand in pain* Grrr!

Rose: RAAAH! *jumps onto Claire's back and bites down on her shoulder, her sharp teeth cutting right through her flesh*

Claire: *winces in pain* you've got quite a bite there *uses her tail to grab Rose and hands her over to Nikki and Luna* sorry, Rose; this is between me and your brother and I don't want you to get hurt because of us. So please, be a good girl and stay where it's safe, okay?

*Claire's shoulder heals automatically, restoring the muscles and expelling any possible contaminants. Seconds later, Rose yawns and falls asleep in Luna's arms.*

Claire: Now, where was I? *sees that Arashi is still distracted by the pain of his broken hand* Oh yeah *speedily closes the gap between her and Arashi, then grabs his other hand* THiS!! *squeezes with overwhelming strength and breaks his last good hand*

Arashi: *winches in pain* AAAH! Now you're gonna get it, skunk!

*By the use of his tail, his body is lifted off of the ground while Claire is still holding him. He quickly kicks the back of her head and presses it down in the ground with both of his feet, then he uses his claws to cut the nerves in the back of her left foot, making it impossible to move.*

Claire: Sssssssss...! *poof*

*Claire disappears; it was cell clone! A chill runs down his spine when he feels an unbelievable power level behind him. Turning around, he sees Claire standing there; her power level was exactly like Ashuro regular power level. Her eyes look wild as they change in color from silver to gold.*

Claire: Looks like I shouldn't take any chances with you *knocks Arashi down to the ground and grabs of his legs with her tail* brace yourself, this is gonna hurt...a LOT!

*Claire now looks like an incredibly vicious beast, devoid of reason, about to devour it's prey. She begins by breaking both of his legs in four different places then shatters his ankles and parts of his feet, leaving him unable to stand. Afterwards she flattens out her arm, surrounding it with E-nergy then swings down like an axe, cutting his tail completely off. Arashi realized just how much danger he was in at that moment and uses his wings to fly off to safety. He knew that Rose would be safe with Luna, but still regretting having to take off without her. He thought it was over once he got far enough away...but he quickly realizes how wrong he is when he is suddenly hit by a flying boulder and sent crashing into the ground just in front of Skylar's home. Hearing the impact, both Skylar and Sora rush out to find the friend in a horrible state.*

Sora: Oh my...! What the... huh?!

Skylar: Arashi! Boy, get up! *tries his best to help him up*

Arashi: Ugh...Bitch.....I' you...

*Arashi is slowly flapping his wings, barely hovering over the ground. He was not going to get beaten that easily, and not like this. Like a bullet that had just been shot out of a gun, Claire collides into Arashi's chest with lightning speed, sending him to the ground gasping for air.*


*Claire continues her relentless assault by grabbing one of his wings and breaks the bones and muscles in one of them, making it completely unusable. And before he could react to that, Claire had grabbed his other wing and mercilessly rips it out of his back, sending Arashi into an unbelievable world of pain! Just before Claire's next attack hit him, Arashi was able to take a good look at Claire; she was gone. There wasn't a single trace of humanity could be found on her face. She was nothing more than a wild animal, a raging beast. Claire landed hit after hit after hit on Arashi's body, leaving him no time to react or even realize the pain before another attack hit him. Everything was happening so fast that Skylar and Sora didn't have a single clue as to what they could do to save Arashi without getting attacked as well. Skylar's thoughs are broken when he hears a voice come out of the collar.*

Rocko: Skylar, it's me Rocko. Nikki gave me orders to lighten your sentence...but for the good of both of you, I'm going to completely free you of this thing. That girl of yours has a weird way of thinking; she thought that this "punishment" would benefit both of you. You in the sense that you wouldn't ever think of doing whatever you did ever again, and her in the sense so that she could understand the way you must be feeling and what it would feel like if you ever left her for somebody else. We both know that you would NEVER do something like that, but you need to do everything you can to convince her that you'd never do that. I don't know much about love, but I do realize that the relationship you two have are at a serious junction point. Time to make a decisive action! GO!

*The collar deactivates and falls of off Skylar's neck. Skylar quicly takes action and transforms into his Super form and throws himself at Claire, not only pushing her off Arashi, but also giving her a painful taste of her own medicine, as he twists ger arms behind her back and leaves them unusable. He doesn't give her time to recover either, as when she tries to get up, he cuts the nerves in her legs and uses his own E-nergy to cancel out her recovery abilities, though this is also taking up much of his own energy and stamina.*

Skylar: Sora! Get Arashi to Nikki and Ashuro! They'll help you out!

Sora: *nods, warping herself and Arashi away by the use of the shadows*

*Claire continues to thrash about in an attempt to escape from Skylar and continue her assault on Arashi, but Skylar manages to keep her restained. She eventually wraps her tail around Skylar and flings him off of her then creates 4 clones by using Ashuro's Cell Buunshin technique. Two of the clones pic up the real her and chase after Sora and Arashi while the other two restrain Skylar to keep him from interfering. Although creating the clones had made her weaker, Skylar couldn't figure out why they were still overpowering him. When his Super Ookami form ends and he returns to normal, he realized what had happened: the two clones had absorbed a good amount of his remaining energy. Exhausted, Skylar's body goes limp and the two Claire clones gently lay him down on the ground then run off in Sora and Arashi's direction.*

Skylar: .......You've really made a mess, Skylar old boy....... This is all my fault. Why do I have to be so...*sighs*... Maybe I shoul've let Toma take me out back then.....

*Skylar's eyes fall on a rock laying close by. It was sharp. sharp enough to cut through meat at high enough speed. He focuses his remaining nature energy and aims the rock at him with the sharp edge pointed towards his eyes. The rock flies at him at high speed, but before it could hit, someone crushes it to debris with an energy blast. confused and shocked, Skylar looks around, his eyes eventually falling on 2 strangers he'd never seen before...*

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Shonnie: Man, what a mess... And all because Skylar couldn't control himself... :X
