Thursday, August 4, 2011

Forever Your Love - Skylar and Nikki

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 18
”Forever Your Love – Skylar and Nikki”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

*Meanwhile, with Sora and Arashi*

Nikki: ...this is all my fault. Why do I always do so many stupid things? All I ever manage to do is hurt Skylar and make him feel horrible about himself...I don't deserve somebody like him...

Ashuro: *healing Arashi* Don't say things that aren't true.

Nikki: But it IS true! Because of me, Skylar is in a mess and Arashi got mauled! I'm nothing but a screw-up!

Arashi: *mumbles something* .....

Sora: He's saying that he doesn't blame you...neither does Skylar.

Nikki: But why not?! Ever since I met Skylar, nothing but bad things have happened to him! I made him go berserk, he was nearly killed by monsters when I asked him to help me out on a mission AND I him trapped inside of a video game! I'm a beacon for trouble, chaos and disaster!

Sora: Nikki...I think you know the answer to that question yourself...but maybe you don't realize it quite yet?

*Nikki thinks about Sora's words and realizes that she does in fact know the answer to her own question; it was because Skylar loved her.*

Nikki: TT_TT...0o0 *gasps* Skylar! *Horror Sheathe appears in her hand then swings it in front of her, opening up a portal then jumps inside it*

Ashuro: Nikki? *the antenna on his head flicks about* 0w0;; *finishes healing Arashi and helps him to his feet* You two, inside! *Ashuro flings both Arashi and Sora inside of the portal then looks over to see Luna who is still holding a sleeping Rose in her arms* You too, Luna!

Luna: O-Okay! *jumps into the portal*

Ashuro: *sees Claire coming* Claire...SNAP OUT OF IT!!

*When Claire was close enough, Ashuro gives her a hard karate chop on her head, snapping her out of her rampage mode. With Claire back to normal, Ashuro had her jump into the portal to join the others as well. Finally, he too jumped inside, closing the portal behind him. Everybody arrives back in front of Skylar's home and see and energy drained Skylar on the ground being approached by two cloaked individuals. Before they got too close, both Nikki and Ashuro were able to run up to Skylar to shield him.*

Ashuro and Nikki: *keeps their eyes on the strangers in front of them*

?: You get what I'm saying...?

Skylar: ...I'll think about it...

?2: Hmm? We got company...

?: ...*looks towards the gang*

Ashuro: I see that your still recruiting...but don't think for a moment that any of us here are gonna help you.

?: So...Mr. Ashuro...I take it you know me already? Mujakina, heal my comrade.

Mujakina: Okay... *kneels next to Skylar and starts to heal him*

Ashuro: Sure do; it's kind of hard not to notice somebody that's been following you around.

*The stranger sees that Ashuro was a LOT more observant than he gave off; he really had been following Ashuro around, waiting for the ideal time to discreetly approach him which hadn't come until this moment*

?: You amaze me, Ashuro. Your powers and intelligence could be proven usefull for us someday.

Ashuro: I've already got my hands full with other things right now. Which reminds me, I recently discovered how the Saiyans survived; if you're interested, I'll gladly tell you.

?: Maybe sometime later...I'll get all the info in due time...

Mujakina: *takes off the hood to reveal her face* I'm done here.

?: Good.

Nikki: Skylar, are you okay?

Skylar: ...Yes, I guess so...

Mujakina: Yours ears have taken some damage, boy... Anymore high noices before I got here and your hearing would've been gone for good...

Skylar: O_O ... *holds his hands over his ears, looking a bit scared*

Nikki: ...T_T

Mujakina: Stay somewhere calm the next 5 days and avoid too much loud music, yelling voices and such. And drink lots of water, you hear?

Skylar: Y-yes ma'am...

*Ashuro activates his scan sight to check out Skylar's ears then looks at Mujakina before looking at Skylar again.*

Ashuro: I thank you for your help.

Mujakina: You're welcome.

Nikki: ... -_-

*Nikki slowly turns around and walks away from the group. Meanwhile, Ashuro approaches the two surprise visitors just a little further away from everybody else.*

Ashuro: Okay, so what's up with that lie you just told Skylar?

?: A lie? Now why would I lie to someone?

Ashuro: As to why you would lie, I don't know; what I DO know is that there was nothing wrong with Skylar's ears.

?: Well, I didn't lie...

Mujakina: And if I did lie about his ears, then do you honestly think I'd tell you why?

?: Mr. Ashuro...I suggest you to not stick your nose where it doesn't belong...

Ashuro: ...okay then *turns around to walk away* Pyro Darkesis; remember that name *returns to the group*

?: We will... *the two of them walk away*

Arashi: *looking at Claire*

Claire: What more do you want me to say? I've already apologized to you 8 times.

Arashi: Keep going, I'll tell you when you've apologized enough times...

Claire: Heh, if you're going to be like that then you can forget about it.

Arashi: ...At least let me give you a 3-minute spanking, then...

Claire: Forget it! You started this entire mess in the first place!

Arashi: So you're saying that I DESERVED to have my arms broken, get hit by a boulder, have a wing cut off AND have the other wing brutally RIPPED out of my back, and that YOU are jst going to get away with that?! Okay, I was angry, I might have attacked first...but what you did, was CLEARLY NOT JUST IN SELF-DEFENSE!!!

Claire: I gave you fair warning when I told you that I'm no where near as merciful as Ashuro is. Do you know that you would've killed Nikki if your attack had hit her at that moment?! HUH?! DO YOU?!

Arashi: NO, I SERIOUSLY DID NOT! Look at you guys! Ashuro, Nikki, Emerald and all got powers beyond our imagination! ...You know what I just realized? SCREW ALL OF YOU! I'm leaving, you can beat Rex, "Black-Flame", and whoever you want without me, it won't matter if I'm there or not!

*Arashi's wings sprout back and he takes off. Rose sees this and flies after him...just to smacked away and down into the ground bellow, knocking her out.*

Skylar: O.O;; .....D-did I just see him do that?!


*Claire springs high into the air and wraps her stretchy arms, legs and tail around Arashi, leaving him unable to fly. Both of them plummet to the ground, but instead of crashing they land softly; Claire had inflated her body to slow down the descent and land safely.*

Claire: *still restraining Arashi* CHiLL OUT ALREADY!!

*After a while of struggling, Arashi calms down and returns to his senses. He takes a look around him and sees everybody's shocked expressions...and then at his unconcious baby sister laying on the ground. Claire releases Arashi and he goes over to Rose.*

Arashi: ..... *picks Rose up* .....Bye guys.....

*Arashi turns and leaves the group. Skylar then looks around.*

Skylar: ...Okay, so both Arashi and Nikki has gone now...

Claire: That stupid dragon; he has absolutely no idea about what's really going on.

Ashuro: And those two cloaked strangers didn't exactly help things either...

Sora: *looks at Skylar* .....

Skylar: .....He's got a point though...You guys don't need us to help you out.....

Sora: 1 of you have the strength equal to 5 of us.....

Skylar: I agree with Arashi. Why should I work myself to the bone if you guys get stronger for each passing day? *starts to leave*

Sora: I might as well work on my tan, now that my sword is not going to be useful anymore... *throws her sword down at the ground and follows Skylar*

Ashuro:'s not as simple as you may think.

*Both Skylar and Sora stop and look back at Ashuro.*

Ashuro: Skylar, I'm confident that you know how E-nergy works now, but there's something incredibly important that everybody who can weild it needs to realize and remember: E-nergy is like a double-edged sword.

*Skylar and Sora look sort of confused.*

Ashuro: Because it is thought and especially emotion based, E-nergy can be considered like that. The best way to describe this would be by example *picks up Sora's sword and hands it to her* Sora, attack me and don't hold back.

*After a few seconds of hesitation, Sora attempts to slash Ashuro across his chest; her sword bounces off of Ashuro's body, rendering the attack useless.*

Ashuro: When an E-nergy user is feeling good and their will is strong, most attacks can be shrugged off without taking much or any damage at all. Okay Sora, try it again.

*Sora concentrates on the amount of strength to put into her next swing. When she was finished, Sora again attempts to slash Ashuro across his chest; it was a swift, quick and clean slice that met no resistance at all. Moments after finishing her attack, a giant amount of blood spurts from Ashuro's body where he had been cut and he goes down to the ground. Sora couldn't believe what she just saw and stood there stunned. Claire worriedly runs over to Ashuro and begins to desperately heal him.*

Sora: ...B-but...I, and he, and my sword...What happened?! O_O;;

Skylar: that's what you meant earlier, Claire...that Arashi would've killed Nikki...She DIDN'T have any strength to fight back...right?

Claire: Not the strength to...she didn't have the WiLL to fight back. If an E-nergy user is feeling depressed, mentally sick, or other strong negative feelings, that power will cripple the user instead of helping them, sometimes making them weaker than they originally were. I remember Ashuro talking about his training sessions with you, Skylar. He actually said a number of times that you're actually stronger than him because you don't have to rely solely on E-nergy like he does.

Skylar: ..... Excuse me...I got someone I have to talk to, right now.....

*Skylar gets down on all-fours and runs off in the direction Nikki went.*

Sora: ...Claire...Don't you think you should have told Arashi this fact about E-nergy? And don't try to tell me "he wouldn't have listened to me", or "why should I have?"...

Claire: He left before I could tell him.

Sora: ...You had him pinned long enough, didn't you? ......

Claire: ...true...I'll tell him the next time I see him; y'know, when he's not so angry.

Sora: *nods* ...Now I hope everything goes well for"spirited couple"...

Claire: It will; I'm sure of it. *finishes healing Ashuro*

Ashuro: ...that's one wicked blade you weild there; that stung something fierce.

Sora: Arashi trained me~ He has been taking care of me since I was...uh, 2 years old, I think...

Ashuro: That's cool. Claire, why exactly did you tear Arashi up like that?

Claire: He called me the forbidden word.

Ashuro: ...that's all I needed to know.

Sora: ...Uh...the animal you look like is the fobidden word?

Fuu: *right behind Sora* Correct.

Sora: O_O;; YAAAH!!! *jumps behind Claire*

Claire: Hi Fuu!

Ashuro: How're you doing, dude?

Fuu: Just fine, thanks to Claire. *hands her a bouquet of white roses*

Sora: Those are beautiful...

Claire: They're lovely; thank you so much! *accepts the bouquet of roses and sniffs the aroma radiating from them.*

Ashuro: Impressive... ( truly is an amazing thing)

*Meanwhile, Nikki has found her way back to Skylar's cottage in the mountains. Having taken her boots off, she sits at the lake's edge and dips her feet into it, enjoying the cool water.*

Nikki: Ahh, that's refreshing. So refreshing that I might...just *yawns then lays back and falls asleep* Zzzzzzz...

*A few minutes later, Nikki awakens and finds herself laying in Skylar's arms. She smiles warmly and lovingly at him before falling asleep again. Skylar could see that she was VERY exhausted; it was as if she hadn't slept at all since they last saw each other.*

Skylar: Sleep all you want Nikki. Hehe, you look like a car crash in slow-motion... I have some tasty fruits here and a surprise gift when you wake up...

*Skylar runs his fingers through Nikki's hair as she lays in his arms asleep with a relieved and happy expression on her face. Before he reached this area, he had stopped by Rocko's lab to return the collar he was wearing. When he told Rocko about what had happened just moments ago, there is a look of confusion on his face.*


Rocko: She said that you were going to loose your ability to hear? That couldn't be true...if fact, it's not true at all. I've been monitoring your condition since we first put that thing on you and there hasn't been any harm to your ears at all; it wasn't even making real sound.

Skylar: Huh? But...why would she lie about that? What could she gain by telling me those things?

Rocko: Beats me; all I know is that your ears were not even close to loosing their ability to heal. You've actually got your weird, self-destructive girlfriend to thank for that not happening. She made some weird requests when I was making this least they were weird to me.

Skylar: Weird?

Rocko: Yeah; she insisted that whenever that thing activated that you only feel 25% of the pain it would've given you and she take the remaining 75%. She said something about how she didn't want you to bear all of that pain alone; she thought of it as a chance to learn how bad you felt about doing whatever it is that you did. In fact, just a little while ago she called me up to modify the restrictions so that aside from her you could touch other girls as long as you weren't thinking of doing anything pervy to them. Nikki even told me to reduce the punishment period to end after one more week instead of the end of the month.

*With this knowledge, Skylar saw that Nikki didn't just think this up carelessly; she really put some deep thought into it. By making that collar transfer the bulk of his suffering to her, she was trying to really figure out just how he though a bit better; to see things from his perspective so that she would know how she should react whenever he does certain things...she really wanted their relationship to work. Skylar just wished that she didn't use such unorthodox methods as often as she did.*

Skylar: .....Hey, Rocko...Do you by any chance know what kind Nikki likes? Or perhaps what kind of diamond she likes the most? Rubies, topazes and such...?

Rocko: Hmmm...she likes amethyst...and she's recently taken a liking to sapphires.

Skylar: Thank you.

Rocko: No problem, friend; in fact, I should be the one thanking you.

Skylar: ...Why is that?

Rocko: Remember when you said that you thought of me as your friend? That really made me happy and I vowed to improve myself, and now look at me. I've actually got a girlfriend; an incredibly cute and cool girlfriend *blushes when he thinks about Maggie* You're faith in me helped make that possible, Skylar.

*Skylar couldn't help but feel a small amount of pride in hearing Rocko talk so highly of him.*

Skylar: Well...hehe...I'm glad I could help.

<end of flashback>

*Hours later, Nikki finally awakens and finds herself laying on one of the beds inside of Skylar's cottage. Looking at the nearby clock, it was a little after 5 A.M.; it was almost time for sunrise. Getting up and searching around, Nikki spots Skylar on the roof waiting for the sun to rise and decides to join him.*

Nikki: *sits down next to Skylar and smiles*

Skylar: Oh, hello Nikki. You're up early? *smiles back at her and is about to scratch behind her ear, but remembers that he can't, and pulls his hand back*

Nikki: It's okay, Skylar. I know that you've learned your lesson and that you won't do what you did again, so I'm no longer mad at you; your punishment is over now.

Skylar: ...Thanks sweetie, you're the best. *kisses her on the cheek and then he proceeds to scratch the spot behind her ear.*

Nikki: Ahhh, I've missed that SO much *tail wags happily*

Skylar: And I've missed being able to do that. Now, how about a two-for-one service? *moves closer and scratches the spot behind her other ear as well, something he hadn't done before*

Nikki: *squeals happily upon feeling the new sensation*

Skylar: *continues this for a while* So, what brings you up this early, while only being dressed in a nightgown?

*On closer look, Nikki really was wearing a nightgown. She figured that Skylar HAD to be the one that got her into it, since she was wearing her usual clothes when she fell asleep*

Nikki: I just wanted to be with you. *snuggles up against Skylar*

Skylar: Aww...thank you... *rubs her back after slipping his hand up her nightgown, enjoing being able to feel her soft skin again*

Nikki: *feels Skylar's hand on her back* this thing is in the way... *removes the nightgown so that her body could feel Skylar directly* that's much better. ^w^

Skylar: Hehe, that's what I'm talking about~ *gives her a kiss on the cheek* But something is still in the way~ *starts to rub her butt, which was covered by a pair of pink panties*

Nikki: You're right~ *removes her bra and panties* you'll make sure that I stay warm right?

Skylar: Always~ *lifts Nikki up and places her on his lap, moving her hair out of the way just a bit so he could see her eyes...her incredibly beautiful eyes...* you like it here, on my lap?

Nikki: Uh-huh!

Skylar: ...Hehe, what if your parents and the others could see us now? *rests his head against her forehead*

Nikki: At this point, it really wouldn't bug me; being away from you for that one week was pure torture. I'm not going to let anybody interupt this moment for anything.

Skylar: ...What if I said I got something that might make this moment EVEN better?

Nikki: Really? What could be better than this?

Skylar: ...nothing, really... But, I got something here for you. ^^ *shows her a little box that he had been sitting next to all this time.*

Nikki: that for me?

Skylar: It's a little box, I know... *puts Nikki down beside him and picks the box up with his right hand* I...I know it's not much, but...well, open it and find out. *hands it to her*

*Nikki opens the box and looks inside.*

*Inside the box are 2 bracelets. One of them is silver and is decorated with a sapphire shaped like a star, while the other is gold and is decorated with an amethyst shaped like a heart.*

Skylar: These are for you Nikki...I hope you like them...

Nikki: ...I love them, Skylar...and I love you! ^w^

Skylar: Hey~! I love you too, but calm down the kisses~! *laughs a bit and falls down on his back, Nikki falling, or rather laying down on him afterwards*'re such a nut sometimes, Nikki. ^//^

Nikki: ^3^

Skylar: ...And how am I suppossed to let you get me out of these clothes if you lay on me like this~?

Nikki: Sorry, cutie; not until we've reached, what I call it, the New Game+ part of our relationship. Are you game?

Skylar: Hehe, you sure like to play games. Well, it sounds good to me. Game on!

Sweet Dream Ending

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