Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trapped! Ruby Version Part 2

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Trapped! Ruby Version”
Part 2
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Snoopy gets serious and unleashes his secret weapon: Unleashed mode!

*Prominence and Beast stare in awe at Snoopy and this new form of his*

Prominence: ....

Beast: That's new... O.O

Snoopy: Unleashed Lv. 1! Aqua Guard!

Ruby: *glares at him* Rrrrr...!

Prominence: *takes a battle stance* Hmph!

Snoopy: *examines Ruby* yes, for this battle, I don't need to go beyond this level; I'll help Sensei take control of that thing for sure!

Beast: Okay...I hope you're right...

*Snoopy charges at Ruby and she counters by slicing him in half only to see him reform back together as if nothing happened. Resuming his charge, Snoopy expands his right arm and freezes it to deliver a solid freezing punch to Ruby, sending her flying backwards a few feet and crashing into a stack of item boxes.*

Snoopy: *liquefies his right arm and reverts it back to its original size* ...she's coming... *takes up a battle position*

Ruby: Grrrr...!!! RAAAAGH!!! *flashing purple*

Beast: Huh? W-what in the...

*Ruby's armor turns into a liquefied state for a brief moment before reforming. Her whole armor now looked like a Tyrannosaurus Rex...holding some sort of scythe-like weapon*

Snoopy: This thing that's controlling Sensei, do you think it's possible to tame it?

Prominence: ...Possibly...but it'll be hard...

Beast: She barely manages to control us 5. A 6th will be hard...for her body AND mind...

Snoopy: What would you say if I told you that I knew of a way that would give her complete and absolute control of everything without her body or mind getting harmed?

Prominence: Really? You can do that?

Snoopy: With strong determination and the power of E-nergy…yes, I can. But for now, let's focus on the scythe-wielding dinosaur charging towards us.

Ruby: RAAAAGH!!! *swings the scythe downwards*

Prominence: Ha! *blocks the attack by turning her feet into talons, stopping the scythe* that's a cool armor, Ruby...too bad we have to crush it.

Snoopy: My thoughts exactly! *freezes his right arm and it takes on the shape of a pointed spike* let's see how tough that armor really is!

*Snoopy jabs Ruby's armor with his arm, penetrating it.*

Snoopy: Yes, it can be bro...

*The armor regenerates and repairs the hole Snoopy made; he tries to attack the same spot again, but his ice arm shatters on contact. After liquifing the remains of his shattered ice arm, he quickly back-steps to get ready to counter Ruby's next attack.*

Snoopy: We've got to make sure our attacks count; each time that armor breaks and regenerates it becomes stronger.

Beast: That's good to know...

Prominence: Seems like our Soul Charges are what we need here...right, Beast?

Beast: Yeah, indeed.

Snoopy: Soul Charge?

*Before Beast and Prominence could answer Snoopy, Ruby begins her second assault by spinning her scythe in a circular motion creating a vacuum-like pull. One of the item boxes floating around gets caught in the pull and gets shredded into dust the moment it hits the scythe.*

Snoopy: OwO;;

Beast: O.O;; ...May I make a suggestion...?

Prominence: RUN!!! *zooms as far away she could at the moment*

*Beast and Snoopy catch up with Prominence and the three of them hide behind one of the many giant stacks of item boxes.*

Snoopy: Before breaking her armor any further, I think we can all agree that that scythe needs to go.

Beast: But how are we going to get the scythe away from her?

Snoopy: *thinks for a few seconds* We can either get her to throw it or get it stuck in something that'll take her some time to get it free from. If one of those two could happen, I can break that dangerous thing easily.

Beast: Okay...then we have to find a way to stop HER...

Prominence: Snoopy should try to kiss her!

Beast: ...huh?

Snoopy: As nice as that sound, how would I be able to do that WiTHOUT getting my head bit off?

Prominence: ...Doesn't a kiss make people go back to what they were before?

Beast: Enough of your childish-movie ideas!

Snoopy: I'll keep your idea in mind, Prominence *looks around at all of the item boxes* the item boxes; Ashuro is bound to have something around here that we can use to help us.

Beast: If only we could use out fully powered state...but since lady dino-rage over there lost some of our energy cores-

Prominence: We can't use our strongest forms or powers...

Snoopy: Wait, lost your energy cores; what're you talking about?

Beast: Those spheres she uses to transform are our energy cores.

Prominence: Yeah, we got 5 each, but she's just got 3 from each set.

Snoopy: How did she lose them?

Beast: She just did. She dropped them off somewhere without noticing...

Snoopy: Do you remember where or at least the area where she dropped them?

Beast: That a long time ago... Or cores most have activated "auto-scatter" a long time ago...

Prominence: They could be anywhere.

Ashuro's voice: I knew those orbs looked familiar. Good news, guys; I know where your cores are!

Prominence: Huh?

Beast: What?!

Aquatic's voice: You're kidding...You know?!

Fortress' voice: Someone had to find them, I said so!

Beetle's voice: Tsk, now would you look at that...

Ashuro voice: I found them a few years ago when I started traveling. They didn't look like much when I first saw them, but since they looked cool I decided to keep them. When I thought about it just a moment ago, I realized that they gave off the same sort of aura that the three spheres that Rex took from Ruby. They're somewhere amongst all of the stuff around you; I'm going to do an item sort so that I can find them.

*All of the item boxes in the entire area rise into the air and start shuffling about, getting organized into a certain order. Unfortunately, with everything now in the air, there was nothing around that the three of them could use to disarm Ruby...and nothing to hide behind either.*

Snoopy: 0o0 Heads up, you two!

Ruby: GRAAAH! *charges towards Beast*

Beast: Oh, no you don't! *quickly makes her claws grow out and catches the scythe as Ruby swings it, but not without getting hit and getting a wound on her cheek. She bleeds a little*

Snoopy: *sees an opportunity* there's an opening! *freezes his arm into the shape of an axe an uses it to slice the scythe in half* not done yet! *shoots a ball of water from his mouth that soaks the blade part of the scythe, freezes it then shatters it into microscopic pieces* threat neutral-

*Ruby detaches the tail part of her armor; it liquifies and then takes on the shape and form of a wickedly, destructive saw-blade that would make the one used by Saw-Tooth Arlong look like a harmless toy.*

Snoopy: -ized...

Prominence: Holey moley...

Beast: Cra-

*Ruby swings the saw-blade at Beast and hit her in the left side of her body and makes her slide across the ground, leaving a big trail of blood*

Snoopy: BEAST!!

*Snoopy runs over to Beast and holds her in his arms as he examines her wounds. Afterwards, his body absorbs Beast; she looks like she's wearing a Snoopy-shaped suit of water.*

Snoopy: Don't be alarmed; you can still breathe.

*Beast calms down once she sees that she can breathe normally.*

Snoopy: While you are inside of me like this, you'll heal and share the same benefits as me. In other words, physical attacks like the one you were just hit with won't hurt you.

Beast: ...Snoopy-Kun...

Prominence: Grr...Ashuro! What's taking s long?! Just give me 1 of my cores, and I'll try to get it done from there! Ruby's got all my other cores anyway, so it won't matter if I get both at the moment...!

Ashuro's voice: I've got a LOT of stuff in here so it's going to take some time before I--Found 'em!

*An item box flies down into Prominence's hands; inside it are ALL of the missing cores. By that time, Snoopy's body had just finished healing Beast's injuries*

Snoopy: Thanks a bunch, Ashuro!

Ashuro's voice: No problem, dude! *notices something* hey, is it me or does Ruby's new armor look a little bit thinner than it did before?

Prominence: How are you even able to see that?

Beast: ...He's right. The armor looks thinner...

Snoopy: Ashuro has been through countless battles throughout the multiverse, so he's learned how to notice certain things.

Prominence: Good to know...

Ashuro's voice: It seems that her armor revolves around a trade-off type of system for its strength, defense and speed.

Beast: A what you say?

Ashuro voice: She can use this armor to fit various situations; in this case, to create as stronger weapon, she has to give up some of her defense and regeneration to gain greater strength and greater speed.

Beast: Thanks for the enlightenment. ^^

Snoopy: *separates from Beast after her healing is complete* feeling destructive, Beast?

Beast: Boy...I'm always feeling destructive~

Snoopy: Then let's go wild and shatter that armored T-Rex until Sensei returns to normal!

Beast: Okay! *gets her claws out*

Ruby: Rrrr...!!!

Snoopy: Let's go!

*Snoopy, Prominence and Beast charge at Ruby; just as Ashuro had guessed, she had indeed gained a bit more speed than she had before. That, combined with her long, sharp saw-blade and increased strength made getting close enough to hit her without getting sliced up a bit challenging for Prominence and Beast. It was up to Snoopy to find a way to disarm Ruby again so that his comrades could safely assist him.*

Snoopy: *gets sliced repeatedly but is unharmed as the attacks go straight through his liquid body* there! *spits a ball of water at Ruby's right shoulder then freezes it, temporarily stopping her from swinging her saw blade*

Ruby: GRRRR...!!!

Prominence: Ha! *kicks her in the face*

Ashuro's voice: Hmm? Hey, what're you doing all the way out here little guy?

??? voice: Pa-chipa chipa-chi!

Ashuro's voice: You wanted to be with me? That's so sweet of you; hey, listen, do you think you can help me out by helping out some of our friends?

??? voice: Chii-Pa!

Ashuro's voice: Thanks, little guy; I'll get you some ice cream when this is all over. Hey guys, I'm sending you some extra help; he may not look like much, but he's extremely powerful when he gets serious.

*A portal of light appears above Snoopy and the others and out of it comes the baby Awesome, Zero!*

Zero: *flutters towards everybody* Pa-Chii-Pa!

Beast: ....whut? -_-;

Prominence: KAWAII!!!

Zero: Pachii!

*Ruby suddenly tries to attack Prominence; but is stopped cold by Zero as he instantly shoots forward at Ruby like a bullet straight into her chest, shattering the armor that protected that area, sending her to the ground stunned*

Zero: Pachi-pachi PA-CHII!

Ruby: GAH...!

Snoopy: She dropped her weapon!

Prominence: Talon Strike! *jumps at Ruby and kicks her with spinning kick to the cheek and one right to the head, cracking the mask slightly*

Ruby: GRAH! *falls to her knee and shakes her head*

Beast: Good job, Prominence!

Zero: *grabs Ruby's saw-blade* Chipa-chipa pa?

Ashuro's voice: No, that isn't one of mine, Zero... But it gives me a good idea... a REALLY good idea! Toss that up in the air with all of your might, buddy!

Zero: PA-CHii!

*Zero tosses the saw-blade high above him with all of his might; on the outside, the saw-blade erupts out of the stone in Ashuro's hand, going higher and higher into the sky. Ashuro, Beetle, Aqua and Fortress look into the sky with anticipation and worry, wondering when and where the saw-blade will land back on the ground.*

Ashuro: time, I'll tell him to use only half of his might... *looks around in the sky for the saw-blade*

Fortress: Oy... When is that thing going to stop and just fall back down?

???: What thing?

*Everybody looks ahead of them and sees Scooter walking towards them.*

Ashuro: Oh, hey Scooter; this isn't the best spot to be at the moment...

Scooter: And why is that?

Beetle: Stand around and you might as well find out... *rolls his eyes*

Scooter: Yeah...BTW, this "thing" you're looking for...would hit happen to be this?

*Scooter points to his afro and everybody sees that the saw-blade is stuck in it.*

Ashuro: 0o0 S-Scooter, are you okay; are you hurt anywhere?

Scooter: No, nobody got hurt; thanks to my Bo, I managed to avoid getting the 50-50 treatment, but it sort-of ended my date immediately. Who knew that seeing a flying saw-blade slicing its way through a roof and landing dead center on their partner's head would cause a girl to freak out and fall into a shock-induced coma?

Aquatic: I knew... Not that it matters...

Fortress: *levitates off of the ground and pulls the saw-blade out of Scooter's afro and carries it around easily despite its size compared to his current height* Well, what did you want this for, Ashuro?

Ashuro: I need to get a closer look at this thing *takes the saw-blade then activates his scan sight to inspect it* ...hmm...I kind of guessed that this was the case. Rex's aura is all over this thing.

Beetle: Not surprising at all... His aura is all over Ruby at the moment...

Ashuro: Let me try something *channels some of his E-nergy into the saw-blade*'s working; Rex's aura is disappearing...and coming back. Great...just terrific. Hmm... *the antenna on his flicks left and right as he thinks*'s not MY power that it needs. Since this is from Ruby, then maybe the energy it needs belongs to you guys. Each of you, grab a hold of me.

*Fortress, Beetle and Aquatic do as Ashuro asks and he tries again as he channels the aura of the three heroes into the saw-blade instead of his own. Ashuro's theory was correct; it was the three heroes' power that was required to overwhelm and eradicate all traces of Rex's aura. The saw-blade didn't give off an intimidating aura any more as it was replaced with a kind, soothing one; it glows with a relaxing purple glow.*

Ashuro: *scans the saw-blade again* Alright! There's no trace of Rex anywhere on this thing! Snoopy, I'm sending the saw-blade back to you; when you get it, help Prominence and Beast add their power to so that you can purify the rest of Ruby's armor and get her back to normal!

*The stone in Ashuro's hand absorbs the saw-blade, sending it back to the storage dimension within. It floats down safely into Snoopy's hands.*

Snoopy: 0o0 Awesome...

Zero: ^w^ Chiipa...

Prominence: That's awesome indeed... OwO *places her hand on the saw-blade*

Beast: *nods and does the same as Prominence*

*With Snoopy's assistance, Prominence and Beast channel their aura into the saw blade. Once they finish doing that, the saw-blade glows and changes in shape and color. Before their eyes, the saw-blade transforms into a suit of armor that looked exactly like Ruby's regular Masked Eagle armor; it then shines brightly and both Prominence and Beast turn into orbs that the armor absorbs. On the outside, Fortress, Beetle and Aquatic turn into orbs as well and fly into the stone in Ashuro's hand to join Prominence and Beast. With all five of them there in orb form, they circle around the armor and then are absorbed inside it; the armor comes to life and glows with five different colors, each one representing one of the heroes.*

Snoopy: O_O;; ...Rainbow

Rainbow Eagle: ...Wow... *looks at its own hands, the voice sounding like a deep mix of all the five voices of the heroes* We...joined as one... *begins to jump around* Yay! Yay! Yay! New power up! *calms down and groans* Calm down, you're over doing it... *acting calm and slightly shy* G-guys we shouldn't fight... *girly* Yeah. That would make us look stupid... *growls, yells and stomps* Shut up, all of you!!

*Apparently, with all 5 of them in the same armor/ might cause some problems with the control. They continue to argue with one another...or themselves....him/herself...Snoopy just didn't know anymore.*

Snoopy: Hey-hey-hey, calm d--

*When Snoopy touches the newly formed Rainbow Eagle he is absorbed. When he opens his eyes, he finds out that he's now in control of Rainbow Eagle's movements and that the five heroes are no longer arguing; it seemed like the armor needed somebody other than them to act as a mediator, just like Ruby was whenever she transformed.*

Snoopy: this is what Sensei feels like whenever she! ^^

Ruby: Rrrr... *walking towards Snoopy slowly*

Snoopy: *takes a defensive stance and watches Ruby's movements*

Ruby: Dino Bolt! *fires several thunder balls from her mouth at him*

Snoopy: Yikes! *frantically dodges all of the thunder balls* definitely don't want to get hit by one of those; electric attacks sting a lot when I'm in this form *remembers that he's in the Masked Eagle armor* I wonder if I would've felt it while I was in here? Okay, c'mon guys, talk to me; I have no idea what I'm doing here.

Beetle: Well... You've got my legs to jump with...

Oceana: My electric whips on your back, to both swing around and use as a weapon, and even float with.

Beast: My arms to cause some damage.

Prominence: My eyes, for incredible sight!

Fortress: And my chest armor, to reduce damage from attacks...

Snoopy: Sweet! Now I'm ready!

Rex: GRAAH!! *summons a boulder and hurls it at him*

Fortress: Whoa! Gravity Pressure!

*Taking action on reflex, Fortress uses gravity to shoot the boulder back at Ruby, who smashes it to pieces*

Snoopy: Whoa! I didn't know you could do that! It'd be cool if we could all fight side-by--

*The five orbs come out of the armor and take on a new shape. Standing next to Snoopy are the five heroes; each one of them were wearing the exact same Masked Eagle armor he was wearing, except for the color. Each of them was a solid color that represented who they were.*

Snoopy: ...this is SO cool!

Aquatic: Okay, this feels better! *stretches*

Prominence: *flies up and spins around* Yeah!

Beast: Time to shake things up... *growls*

Fortress: ... *nods*

Beetle: Tsk... *crosses his arms*

Ruby: Grr... *stares down the group*

Snoopy: Six against one may seems a bit unfair, but considering were facing somebody with fueled by Rex Tyrant's power, I'd say that this is a fair fight.

*Snoopy creates two spinning disks of E-nergy and tosses at Ruby; instead of them hitting her, they collide into each other just before making contact, creating an explosive flash of light that causes Ruby to shield her eyes. The five heroes take opportunity to get into position to strike.*

Fortress: Ready?

Beast: Yeah, let's-

Beetle: *stuns them all in place* don't get in the way, I'll start things off. *rushes at Ruby*

Aquatic: Urgh! Beetle, you ass!

Snoopy: ...-_-;

*Beetle and Ruby's fists clashes for a brief second and during that brief second, Beetle's armor changes into that of the Beetle Armor Ruby uses. Flapping his wings and taking off, Beetle aims down at Ruby.*

Beetle: Dragonfly Swipes!

*Beetle starts a barrage of attacks where he flies around and eventually strikes into Ruby in various places. She eventually catches up to his speed and tosses him back at the others.*

Beetle: Oww... hehe...

Beast: What was that?! Did you try to-

*Beetle throws 3 orbs up at each of his teammates. It was their remaining cores. They now had all 5.*

Snoopy: *joins the others* so...what now; does something happen now that you all have the cores?

Prominence: We can unleash our full powers, of course!

Beast: Indeed...

Snoopy: Nice!

All 5: Soul Charge!

*All 5 of them throws their spheres in the air then absorbs them into their arms, legs and chest as they fall back down. At that moment, their armor cracks and gets thrown off of their bodies, leaving 5 spirits with bodies that was burning in their respective colors, each with the shape of a humanoid animal that was referring to them; An eagle, Caucasus beetle, lion, rhino and orca.*

Snoopy: Looks like Sensei is ready for Round 2; let's not keep her waiting, shall we?

Beetle: Indeed...

Ruby: Rrr....Graaah...RAAAAGH! *charges towards the gang*

Aquatic: Here she comes!

Fortress: Snoopy-Kun, what shall we do?

Snoopy: Fight hard and wear her out!

*Snoopy charges at Ruby and when the two of them collide, there is an explosion of power. When the dust clears, both of them are at a stalemate in terms of strength as they continue to fight one another, neither of them landing a decent hit on one another.*

Aquatic: Out of the way, Snoopy~! Tide and Voltage!

*Aquatic turns her whole body into a wave of water that soaks down Ruby, while also delivering a stinging electric shock to her body*

Aquatic: All yours, once more~ *winks at him*

Snoopy: Thanks! *tackles Ruby, grabs her by the waist then tosses her high into the air* Prominence! *points at Ruby who is now sky high, signaling for her to attack*

Prominence: Hay! *takes off at mach speed* Soaring Phoenix Blaze!

*taking aim after getting above Ruby, she flies down and hits her in the chest and plows her down into the ground while surrounded by intense flames. Afterwards she flies up and over to Snoopy, gives him a light peek on the cheek, then gets back in position*

Prominence: ^w^

Ruby: *getting up slowly, the armor slightly cracking*

Snoopy: Her armor...we're almost there!

*Beetle and Fortress both charge at Ruby*

Beetle: Caucasus Breaker!

*Beetle delivers a powerful punch and kick combo to Ruby's body, striking it in various places so quickly it almost couldn't be seen by normal means. Afterwards, Fortress steps forward and punches her once, then again, and the third time, the punch is strong enough to send her flying, but then he activates his gravity powers to send her flying back to him, where he is cloaking his entire fist in a gravity forcefield.*

Fortress: Gravity Fist!

*With his right fist cloaked in gravity, he punches her right in the face. The gravity force field breaks and causes an explosion the sends Ruby back a few steps. The armor on her arms starts to crumble.*

Snoopy: *runs up to Ruby and grabs her arms then squeezes them hard to finally break the armor covering them both* that's one part done.

*The armor covering Snoopy's arms fly off of his body and onto Ruby's arms. The arm armor shines brightly with Rainbow colors and disable Ruby's arms, leaving her unable to use them to attack anymore.*

Snoopy: The's trying to purify her! *balls his fists* let's keep it going and break this armor to pieces!

Beast: Get away then... Let me do this!!! *roars*

Prominence: INCOMING! *flies off*

Fortress: *picks up Aquatic and rushes away from Beast*

Beetle: *uses his speed and agility to keep his distance*

Snoopy: *doesn't know what Beast is about to do, but runs off with the others to a safe distance*

Beast: Shredder Cyclone!

*Beast starts to spin around on the spot she's standing and begins to move towards Ruby. Upon impact, her claws starts to cut Ruby all over, not leaving time to block or miss any blind spots. She stops spinning when she's on the other side of Ruby. The Jurassic Armor are left in millions on millions of pieces, scattered on the ground and Ruby's armor. Except the helmet/mask, which is still on, all though in a terribly bad shape.*

Snoopy: 0w0;; ...yikes *feels uneasy* this isn't going to be enough...

*Snoopy dashes towards Ruby with all of his might.*

Ruby: Rrr...rg...grh... *stumbles forward*

*The remaining armor on Snoopy's body flies off of his body and begin to circle around Ruby. Snoopy reaches Ruby just in time to break the helmet then liquify his body to enter her body through the various cuts made by Beast's attack before the Rainbow armor attaches itself to Ruby.*

Snoopy: Great, I'm inside! Now it's time to search for the main source of the problem and purify it *looks around and sees various nerves and muscles* but before that, I need to repair and strengthen Sensei's body.

*Snoopy splits up into multiple water clones and they each head off in multiple directions as they massage and heal various muscles and nerves throughout her body at high speed. Once that is complete, he reforms and heads up to her mind; the last place where the heroes and he were before they were ejected out of it. It is there he finds the young Ruby, looking dazed and trapped inside a purplish gunk; standing next to it was the mysterious creature that she had swallowed. It grins at Snoopy evilly, as if it was telling him that he was too late to do anything that could stop it.*

Snoopy: Grr...YOU, LET SENSEi GO!!

Spirit?: Why should I? I like it here... This body is able to maintain my being and energy. She's perfect suited for my new "home".

Snoopy: This is your last chance! Stand down and surrender or be destroyed; it's your choice so what shall it be?

Spirit?: Ha! You don't scare me.

Ruby: ... *looks at the spirit*

Snoopy: that's it, huh? I was kind of hoping that you would work side by side with Sensei and the would've been a great ally... *spits a rapid flurry of water balls at the creature*

Ruby: *stands up and blocks the water attacks*

Spirit?: Huh?

Ruby: ...Enough...

Snoopy: 0o0 Sensei?

Ruby: Both of you are tired and exhausted...stop here...don't fight until you won't be able to stand again...

Spirit?: Heh, think you can-

Ruby: And you better listen, Jurassic!

Jurassic: *gulp!* Y-yes, I will... O_O;;

Snoopy: 0_0;'re actually in control, Sensei?

Ruby: Now I am...and this little lady has got to learn some manners!

Jurassic: *blushes and turns away with a frown on her face, transforming into half-spirit half-armor state. Just like Beast and the others when Snoopy first met them, also revealing that she in fact was a girl.*

Snoopy: You brought her in line just like that? You're amazing, Sensei! Wait, how are you feeling; stronger, tired, hungry, anything like that?

Ruby: ...A bit dizzy, and hungry. But I'm okay.

Jurassic: speak for yourself... -3-

Ruby: What was that?!

Jurassic: Nothing!

Snoopy: Good, that's normal; those two feeling are natural for the adjustments I made earlier.

Ruby: Now, Snoopy-Kun... Could you do me a favor? *leans close and smiles him right in the face*

Snoopy: O//O S-S-Sure... *nervously nods his head*

Ruby: *whispers* I'd like you to spend more time trying to become friends with and understand my sprits...and also get me something to eat, if you could. ^w^

Snoopy: Absolutely! *walks over to Jurassic* Hey, I'm...sorry about the whole "I'm gonna destroy you" thing earlier, but I really meant what I said earlier about you becoming a great ally...and friend. So, let's start over, okay? *offers Jurassic his hand for a handshake* My name is Snoopy, Snoopy D. Raiko; let's be friends.

Jurassic: ... *shakes his hand, but is looking away* ...It's...nice to meet you...

Snoopy: ^w^ (Tsundere, eh? She'll be an interesting one to get to know.) Sensei, your body and mind are now strong enough so that you can handle all six of your comrade with great ease; controlling them will be as natural as breathing now *reattaches the blue tab to his glove and returns to his original form* so...let's go grab something good to eat; my treat.

Ruby: Okay, let's just get back to reality and make sure Prominence and the others don't start to mess around...

*On the outside, Ruby's body begins moving around, causing the five heroes to take up a defensive stance. Suddenly, two balls of light emerge from Ruby's chest and take form to two individuals: it was Snoopy and Jurassic. Ruby starts moving around freely then turns to the other five heroes and motions to them that she's back to normal, putting their minds at ease.*

Aquatic: Oh goodness... -.-;

Fortress: See, I told you it was going to be okay.

Promience: Woo-hoo!

Beast: Good to see that you're okay...

Beetle: ...Tsk... *rolls his eyes*

Ruby: You didn't need to worry; Snoopy here can do anything if he wants to.

Jurassic: ..... *turns away from the others and sits down behind Ruby*

Snoopy: *notices Jurassic* there's somebody that I'd like to introduce to you all.

*Snoopy offers his hand to Jurassic and smiles warmly at her; eventually, she takes his hand and he helps her up to her feet.*

Snoopy: This is Jurassic; don't worry, there's no Trace of Rex's influence on her at all. She'll be working with you all as your comrade; please be nice to her and become her friends, okay?

*All 5 of them leans closer and stares at her, well, Beetle was rather glaring than he stared...*

Jurassic: W-what...?! *blushes wildly at all of the people around her*

Prominence: Hmmmmm.....! .....she's a cutie, that's sure.

Jurassic: Wha-?! O//O

Fortress: It's...kinda hard to argue with that.

Aquatic: Indeed it is. ^^

Beast: Heh, no surprise there at all.

Beetle: *smirks and chuckles a bit*

Jurassic: S-shut up, all of you! *waves her arms about*

Ruby: *laughs* Look at that.

Snoopy: *chuckles* Tsunderes...they're always interesting ones to hang out with.

Ruby: You don't say...

Prominence: So Jurassic, I guess it's time for what we do with all our new teammates~?

Jurassic: Huh? W-what is it?

Aquatic: It's very funny if it happens to the right persons.

Beast: *smirks* Snoopy, get over her please, you too Ruby.

Ruby: This will be funny. ^^

Snoopy: A rite of passage?

Ruby: *nods*

Jurassic: *blindfolded* W-what are you doing?! Not that I'm s-scared or anything...

Beast: *gets all the others to sit in a ring around her.* spin around~

Jurassic: O-okay... *starts to do just that.*

Snoopy: *looks on intently*

Jurassic: Woah~Dizzy... *stops in front of Beetle*

Aquatic: Ho-ho!

Beetle: *smirks* Guess it's my turn then...

Ruby: *whispers to Snoopy* the newcomer has to do the challenge of the one he/she stops in front of. Beetle's test is endurance~ in a different kind of way~

Snoopy: Different how?

Ruby: *points at Jurassic, which was now carrying 10 big wooden crates filled with various stuff, while still being blindfolded.*

Beetle: Carry those from here to the finish point; straight forward.

Jurassic: ...Easy enough... *starts to walk*

Ruby: ...Wait for it...

Snoopy: ^_^; *looks on nervously*

Beetle: *walks right behind Jurassic and suddenly begins to tickle her*

Jurassic: HAHAAHAHAHA! STOP!!! *dropped the boxes and turns around to face him and tries to slap him, but her hand got caught.*

Beetle: Penalty already? Wow.....

Jurassic: Eh...?

Snoopy: Penalty?

Beetle: Penalty #1

*A light flashes and Jurassic is back with the crates, but she's feels a cold draft and doesn't seem very pleased with it.*

Jurassic: This is the 1st penalty?! O///O

Prominence: Nice ass~!

Snoopy: O.O; *feels Jurassic's embarrassment* that brings back some memories... -_-;

Ruby: Aw, don't get depressed... Does somebody want a hug~? I think you do~! *holds Snoopy extremely close and giggles at him*

Snoopy: O//O...^//^ *looks really happy*

Ruby: ^_^ *gives him a light peek on the cheek*

Beetle: Penalty 2!

Jurassic: *squeals loudly as her butt got spanked* Cut it out! >///<

Ruby: *laughs a bit at the scene happening in front of them*

Snoopy: (These penalties are getting even more humiliating; I gotta do something to help her) Jurassic, calm yourself down and focus! You can do this; I know you can!

*Hearing Snoopy's words of encouragement really touched Jurassic's heart; taking his advice to calm down and focus her mind, Jurassic successfully completes Beetle's challenge without getting a third penalty, despite everything annoyance he used at his disposal.*

Beetle: Wow...Good work.

Jurassic: *covers her slightly red bottom* Ha! I knew I could do it! *stands proudly with her hands on her hips*

Prominence: Yeah, right~

*Jurassic glances over at Snoopy when the others aren't looking and silently thanks him by nodding her head and smiling.*

Snoopy: *rubs his nose* Hehe...^w^

Ruby: .....What are you smiling so sneakily about~? ^w^ *bumps into him*

Snoopy: Oh, that? Just a standard "thank you/you're welcome" signal; that, and that I'm proud she was able to pass that challenge.

Ruby: Don't get your hopes up yet, it'll take a while for both her and the others to accept that she is part of the team.

Snoopy: True, but this is definitely a good start, wouldn't you say?

Ruby: Yeah... And it seems like you've got a new fan, as well~

Snoopy: *chuckles nervously*

Ruby: Come on, let's get out of here.

*With Ruby safe and sound, Ashuro takes off to look for Kevin and once again try to undo the effects of Masquerade's trap on him; but that's another story. And what became of Snoopy and Ruby after these events? Well, a few days later…

Ruby: Huh? Where are my clothes? They were right here a moment ago…

Snoopy: *happens to be walking by the open door and freezes when he sees Ruby wearing nothing but her red and white panties* O//O;; *notices that she hasn't seen him yet and turns around to leave...only to trip and fall, landing face first into the door frame making a loud crash noise* GYAAAAi!! *rolls around on the floor in pain while covering his nose with both hands*

Ruby: *gasp and rushes over to him, holding his head up* Snoopy, are you okay?

Snoopy: Augh, my nose...I think I felt something crack *some blood trickles out from between Snoopy's fingers while he's still covering his nose*

Ruby: Oh no...! *gets the first-aid kit* Snoopy...move your hands...Let me see...

*Snoopy slowly moves his hands out of the way; although it wasn't broken, his nose was bleeding a lot.*

Snoopy: [talking as if he had a stuffy nose] how bad is it?

Ruby: ...You're bleeding, but your nose isn't broken. Here, I'll fix it for you. *Ruby starts to wipe away the blood on his face, pinching his nose so he doesn't bleed anymore. Afterwards, she puts some piece of paper up his nose so it won't bleed anymore* Okay, I think this should work...a bit.

Snoopy: Thank you; I'm sorry for being so clumsy like that. -w-;

Ruby: Don't be...I like your clumsy personality. *pats him on the head*

Snoopy: You're always so kind to me, Sensei...

Ruby: *kisses him on the forehead*

Snoopy: *smiles and wags his tail happily...then remembers that Ruby is wearing only her panties* OH GEEZ!

Ruby: I see you realized~ *holds him in place, hugging him*

Snoopy: O//O...I...I don't want to jump to conclusions or sound presumptuous, but... *blushing while looking really shy and meek* since you're doing all of this, is it possible that you... *sweating nervously* l-like me? *smile with a hopeful expression on his face*

Ruby: Let me answer that question with another question..."Is the sky blue?" ^//^

Snoopy: O//O *heart beats loudly* Sens--no, Ruby, I...I Love You!

Ruby: It makes me glad to hear you say that... But don't cry now, sweetie...I love you too... *kisses him softly on the lips*

Snoopy: *hugs Ruby in a warm embrace* I love you, Ruby; I love you so much!

Ruby: Back at ya, Snoopy-Kun~

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