Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Want to Live!! Shout it Loud and Say it Proud!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
”I Want to Live!! Shout it Loud and Say it Proud!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

An unfortunate burden rests heavily upon the shoulders or Fuu Raien, which causes has caused his friends to worry about him. He no longer smiled, he stopped eating and hardly ever leaves his room where he locks himself away from the rest of the world. He was short with others and even harshly snapped at the ones that cared about him; it was as if he was self-destructing and spiraling out of control. Unable to see their dear friend suffer any longer, both Kiki Sudo and Claire Treasure confront Fuu, wanting to know what was wrong with him. His reason surprised and saddened them both: he had contracted a deadly, seemingly incurable disease that would eventually take his life in a few years. Desperately wanting to help her friend, Claire speaks up.

Claire: ...I...I you, Fuu...

Fuu: ...I...Claire, I don't want your help... *looks down*

Kiki: Fuu.....

Claire: that what you really want?

Fuu: .....

Kiki: it...time that you told her?

Fuu: Shh! Kiki, stay out of this... *wipes away a falling tear*

Claire: -_- you really don't want to be helped. In that case, theres only one thing I can say right now...

Fuu: Claire, wait... *sighs* Before you speak your mind...can I tell you something first?

Claire: ...what is it?

Fuu: ...I do want your's just that it seems pointless to me.....Ever since I was born, it's been a hell for me with bad luck...something good happen, then something bad happens... My parents died when I was a toddler and I was put in someone else's care. I became great friends with Alex while I grew up, then she was killed, along with everyone I knew..... It continued for a long time, everyone that helped me along the way disappeared... Then I joined Rex. Later, I met you. I thought that maybe my bad luck streak was stopping, but then this pops up... *tearing up, crying hard while being on his knees* So can I stand here and accept your help when I know that if you do help me, all of those close to me will.....will...die... How can I ask that of someone...someone that...that I...

Claire: Because this is what friends do; they help each other no matter what happens because they care and only want to see you happy.

Fuu: I DON'T WANT TO LOSE SOMEONE THAT I LOVE, NOT AGAIN!!! *punches the ground, making his fist bleed*

Claire: OoO Fuu... *grasps Fuu's bleeding fist with both hands and licks the cuts, healing them completely*

Fuu: *blushes at her licking* .....You're really something...and you're so incredibly cute as well...

Claire: *smiles after hearing Fuu's compliment*Fuu, please, let us help you; remember the other day when that Groudon and all of those Fire-type Pokemon went nuts?

Fuu: Yeah...what about it...?

Claire: It was all started by my friend, Emerald; she too had a serious health problem that couldn't be cured by current medicine. But, there was a way to fix it...

Fuu: ...Okay... *smiles a bit*

Claire: Ashuro was able to cure her by sending a mental copy of himself into her mind and physically fixing the problem. I can do the same thing for you if you'll let me help you...

Fuu: ..... *nods* I trust you, Claire... *hugs her sweetly*

Kiki: Aww...

Claire: First, let's get you to bed; this works better the more relaxed your body is.

Fuu: Okay...

Kiki: Shall I come as well?

Claire: Yes, Kiki; I'm going to need your help with this.

Kiki: Okay. ^^

*A few minutes later, the three of them are at Snoopy's personal doctor's office and Fuu is laying comfortably onto of the bed thats there*

Claire: Are you comfortable, Fuu?

Fuu: *nods* Yes, I'm comfortable...

Kiki: *wearing a nurse outfit, just for fun* What happens now?

Claire: We get to the root of the problem by eliminating the disease from within; and I'll need your help to do this Kiki.

Kiki: Okay. ^^

Fuu: Just be careful...

Claire: Don't you worry one bit, Fuu; we'll have you fixed up in no time. Snoopy, are you ready?

Snoopy: I'm all ready on my end.

Claire: *holds Kiki's hand and places her free hand on Fuu's chest then takes a deep breath* Partial Solnar Union!

*Both Claire and Kiki are absorbed into Fuu's body; the two of them arrive near his rib cage*

Claire: *looks around* I've never used this technique to do this before; this is just like Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story.

Kiki: Oy... *looking around* Wow...

Claire: *takes a communicator out of her pocket* Snoopy, can you hear me? We made it inside.

*Outside of Fuu's body*

Snoopy: *picks up his communicator* I can hear you; great job on getting inside safely.

Claire: It sure is...huh...okay...hey Snoopy, can you hand the communicator over to Fuu, please? Kiki would like to speak with him.

Snoopy: Sure thing, hold on *hands the communicator over to Fuu*

Kiki: Fuu? You feeling well?

Fuu: Uh...guess so... *looks at Snoopy and shrugs*

*Fuu suddenly reacts as if his sides are being tickled*

Snoopy: Whoa! What's up with you??

Fuu: HAHAHAHA!!! I have no idea!!!

Claire: Sorry! I slipped and fell on what must've been a tickle spot!

Fuu: Hehehe! Great! XD Seriously Claire, you always make me smile, one way or another.

Snoopy: Okay, I'm starting the ultrasound; Rocko and Hayama modified this one and strengthened it's capabilities *starts ultrasound and starts to search for the diseased area in Fuu's body*

Fuu: .....well? See anything?

Snoopy: ...not just yet; I'll let you know as soon as I find anything... *continues to scan*

Fuu: .....

*While laying still, Fuu starts to whistle. His whistling however, due to his control over wind, sounds like he is playing on an ocarina, and the song he whistles is a perfectly performed "Song of Time"*

Claire: I remember when I went to the movie theater with e-chan, Scooter and Megumi to see the Scott Pilgrim movie; when they heard this melody playing in one of the scenes the three of them geeked out like crazy. That was so funny!

Kiki: Hehe. You might not know, but Fuu is really great at instruments like flutes and ocarinas and he's even got a collection of ocarinas from all around the world. ^^

Fuu: It's just a hobby...whistling is something I've always been good at...

Claire: Neat! I wish I could whistle like you do.

Fuu: Meh, it's nothing to be that impressed of...

Snoopy: Wait, I found something; I'm going to lead you to the source *charges his hand with E-nergy and places it on Fuu's chest where Claire and Kiki are* Do you guys see a bluish light?

*Sure enough, a blue light can be seen by both Claire and Kiki.*

Claire: Yes, we see it.

Snoopy: Follow it where ever it goes, okay?

Kiki: We will, don't worry about that. ^^

*Snoopy slowly slides his hand across Fuu's chest and leads the girls to the infected area*

Claire: Okay, we're here; what next?

Snoopy: I'm going to draw it out and force it to take on a physical form. Take the kit I gave you earlier and open it up; inside you should have all of the tools you need for gathering the samples I need.

Claire: *pulls a medical bag out of her fluffy, furry tail* Got it.

*The bag contains some sample collection jars, a drain, some forceps and many other surgeon tools*

Kiki: 0o0...lots of stuff...

Snoopy: Before you do anything else, I need you two to look inside that bag and find two watches; when you find them, put them on and tell me once you've finished that.

Kiki: Okay... *picks one of the watches out of the bag and put it on*

Claire: *puts on the remaining watch* okay, they're on.

Snoopy: Great, push the big green button underneath the screen; it'll coat you with a special sheild coating of my design that keep any fluids that may splash on you during this task.

Kiki: *presses the button*

*Kiki starts to glow light blue.*

Snoopy: Don't be alarmed; when you see yourself glowing blue that means that the shield is active.

Claire: *pushes the button and the shield activates* okay, both of our shields have been activated and we're ready to proceed.

Snoopy: Alright then; beginning

*Snoopy places his left hand on Fuu's chest and uses his E-nergy to act like a magnet that pulls up a tall pillar of diseased body tissue in front of both Claire and Kiki. It looked absolutely horrible and disgusting as it pulsed and quivered about.*

Claire: OH! *strongly represses the urge to throw up* -|||- that is...ugh...

Kiki: I'm not feeling well...

Fuu: Speak for yourself...ugh...

Snoopy: When your ready, begin sample extraction.

*Claire looks at the blob of diseased muscle with disgust, not really wanting to touch it with her hands even though there were gloves provided in the supply bag. She searches through the supply bag and finds two pairs of tongs, which were perfect for collecting the samples without actually having to touch them. After handing one pair of tongs to Kiki, both girls get to work.*

Kiki: Eww...! This is so disgusting... T^T

Snoopy: At least you don't smell it; I made the shields so that they would protect you all from airborne contaminants, including smell.

Kiki: Even so... T^T

Fuu: don't have to do it if you don't want to...I understand...

Claire: No, we want to do this for you, Fuu. You're our irreplaceable friend; you're precious to us both...

Kiki: Exactly. Just suck it up and face the facts, Fuu...we're doing this. Period.

Fuu: .....Okay, do as you wish.

*After a few minutes, Claire and Kiki finish up collecting all of the samples that they needed*

Claire: ...finally, we're finished *looks at the diseased tissue once again* =_= I don't think I'll be eating apple sause for a while after this...

Kiki: I need a vacation...without nasty stuff... -_-;;

Snoopy: Nice job, girls; you're job is done for the time being. Come out whenever you want to.

Claire: *secures the samples and tools back inside of the bag* Okay, we're...

*The blob of diseased tissue suddenly begins throbbing and pulsating violently, sending Fuu's body into a fit of agonizing pain as he flails about wildly. Snoopy is forced to back away to aviod getting hurt by Fuu's thrashing about.*

Snoopy: Yikes! Guys, what happened?! O_O; WHOA! *ducks just in time to avoid getting hit by a stray wind blade*

Fuu: AAAAH! MAKE iT STOP!!! iT HURTS!!! *generates a cyclone and totally messes up the room*

Kiki: What's going on?!

Claire: I don't know!

*The diseased tissue liquifies itself into blood and takes on the form of a familiar individual. It was of the man who nearly killed Fuu a few months ago, Zone.*

Claire: NO WAY!! Why is "HE" here?!?

Kiki: PANIC!!! *hides behind Claire*

Zone: Kye-kye-kye...

Claire: *grabs a hold of Kiki and the supply bag* End Unity!

*Both Claire and Kiki warp outside of Fuu's body just in time to avoid being attacked by the bloody blob Zone. A few seconds after escaping, Fuu calms down and collapses, safely falling backwards into Claire and Kiki's arms.*

Snoopy: What happened in there?

Claire: That diseased tissue you brought up to the surface turned into a blood blob version of Zone that tried to attack us. We barely made it out of there in time!

Kiki: What the hell?! that's what I'm thinking! Is Fuu ever going to be okay?!

Snoopy: 0_0; I-I-I-I don't know; I've never heard of body tissue turning into blood and attacking the body or foriegn objects inside of the body before! B-But don't panic, I'm sure that it can be treated; every disease has a cure, I'm sure of it. Did you bring the samples with you?

Claire: Yes, they're right here *hands Snoopy the supply bag*

Snoopy: *opens the supply bag, takes the sample jars out of it then places them on his table* I'm going to start examining this stuff *takes two of the sample jars and hands them over to Kiki* please take one of these to Cazador and the other to Helena. I'm going to need all of the help I can get to figure this one out; make sure to tell them everything you witnessed and to be extremely careful when handling this stuff.

Kiki: Yes. I'll bring these to them, right away!

Fuu: Nnnn...! *tightens his grip around Claire's hand*

Claire: You're going to be alright, Fuu; I promise.

Fuu: You don't know that Claire...

Claire:'re right, I don't know for sure; but I want you to live, and I know for a fact that you want to live, too. Don't let that monster take your life again! Look Kiki in the eyes and tell her that you want to live!

*Fuu looks over at Kiki, who has tears in her eyes as well as a determined look that says that she's going to do everything she can to save him.*

Fuu: I...I...! *forces himself up on his own feet and yells as loud as he could* I WANT TO LIVE!!!

Kiki: Fuu... *hugs him*

Fuu: Thanks, for being my friend, Kiki...

Claire: *takes a mirror that was hanging on the wall* and finally, tell this person that you want to live.

*Claire points to the mirror and Fuu sees his reflection.*

Fuu: I. Want. To. Live. PERIOD!

*The wind blows through the room. Snoopy looks confused, as no doors or windows are open*

Snoopy: OwO;; What was that?! *looks around frantically*

Kiki: *looks around* .....Fuu, was it y- ?!

*As Kiki turned back to Fuu, he had grabbed Claire and was kissing her. Claire was blushing bright red*

Claire: O//O *surprised, speechless but seems to be quite happy*

Fuu: -//- *gently ends the kiss and gives her lips a quick lick and smiles afterwards* Thanks...for everything you've done for me...*holding her hands*

Claire: *lost in her dreams*

Fuu: ... *leans in and begins kissing her again*

Kiki: D'aww...

*Outside of Snoopy's Clinic, a sinister presence lingers.*

Pyro: Fools...they have no idea of what they're dealing with. By the time they come up with a cure, it'll be too late. The only thing to do now is to sit back and watch as their last glimmer of hope shatters into fine dust.

To be continued...

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