Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Employer...New Love?! iDEAL's Job Transfer!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 19
”New Employer...New Love?! iDEAL’s Job Transfer!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

While casually chatting and walking around, Skylar and Blitz see iDEAL modeling off her new bikini to e-chan. Blitz takes a nice, long look at her and says the one thing that's on his mind...

Blitz: .....Flat.

Skylar: *takes cover* -_-;

iDEAL: ...what did you say...?

Blitz: Flat. You look flat from where I'm standing...

Skylar: (Blitz is lucky he's as strong as he is... -.-; )

*The moment Blitz blinks, iDEAL strikes by rapidly clawing his face then bites his left ear and doesn't let go.*


*Blitz starts to try to pull her away, but to no use. He then starts swaying his other hand around*

Blitz: Get off!

Skylar: *sits idle by and watches* Heh... XD

*e-chan appears and sits next to Skylar.*

e-chan: ...he said "that" to her, didn't he?

Skylar: Yeah...but she didn't let him FINISH. He had more to say.

Blitz: GET OFF!!! Howling Shatter!

*Blitz starts to howl on a dangerously high frequenzy, and both Skylar and e-chan hold onto their heads in stinging pain*

Skylar: PAINFUL, DON'T YA THINK?!?! >_<;;

e-chan: *didn't hear a thing that Skylar said* ...what?

Skylar: *writes in the ground* Forget it...

Blitz: *swings his arms around as he tries to fling iDEAL off, but instead, ends up swiping her bikini off of her. This makes her let go for a moment though and Blitz to toss her away* GOD DAMN...!

iDEAL: AAH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *runs over to e-chan and crawls up underneath his shirt in an attempt to cover herself*

e-chan: O//O

Blitz: *holding onto his ear and pants, this technique he used obviously hurts him quite a lot as well. He takes a look at iDEAL, e-chan and Skylar, then searches the ground around him and finds her bikini, then goes over and kneels down to her.* Hey...I'm sorry... I didn't mean to cause any harm... *carefully slips the bottom part of her bikini up her legs.*

Skylar: ...Brother hardly means to cause anyone any harm or make them cry. It's the truth. If you don't belive me, ask Dominik and Xiao.

e-chan: Okay, iDEAL; be nice and apologize to him, alright?

iDEAL: >3<

e-chan: *bonks iDEAL on top of her head* be nice and apologize to him...ALRiGHT?

iDEAL: OW! OKAY-OKAY! ...I'm...I'm sorry. >//<

Blitz: You don't need to apologize...just let me finish what I was going to say. *clears his throath* From where I was standing, you looked flat. And you do, even from this distance- *shields his face as she raises her arm to hit him* But I really like flat chested girls! It's true! I'm sorry that I said something that offended you! >_<

iDEAL: O//O ...really; you really mean that?

Blitz: Yes! For the sake of sweet pete, I do! *hands her the top part of her bikini* Now excuse me, I need to get to a doctor to check on my ear... *turns and starts to leave while holding onto his ear, blood dripping to the ground as he walks*

Skylar: ...You can bite, I'll give you that... He looked like he was really in pain...

e-chan: *takes out a sticker with a medical sign on it then charges it with his E-nergy* Blitz, wait up! *catches up with Blitz and places the sticker on his forehead, healing all of his injuries completely* think of it as a formal apolgy for the actions of my rather hot-headed employee.

Blitz: No, it was my fault it all happened...I shouldn't have provoked her and made her angry...

e-chan: But that still doesn't give her the right to go tooth-and-nail on you like she did. I'll talk to her and we'll get the whole thing straighted out, okay?

Blitz: Okay... But try to get that strong willed lady to apologize to me directly. *puts a piece of paper in his hand* My address. Tell her I live by the snowy hills on the mountains. *turns and stats to walk away*

e-chan: Will do.

*The next day at 12 P.M., Blitz is about to go down for an afternoon nap until he hears somebody knocking on his door.*

Blitz: Hmm...I wonder who that could be... *goes and opens the door*

*Standing before Blitz was the unforgetable Nekofi girl he had met yesterday, iDEAL.*


Blitz: Wha-?! Okay, I got a loft you can climb up to in the living room, quickly, go there!

*iDEAL does as Blitz says and climbs up to the loft*

Blitz: (What was that all about, anyway...)


*The very loud and booming voice that came from outside shocked Blitz a little bit. Whoever it was, they sounded incredibly angry with iDEAL for some reason.*

iDEAL: 0o0; MEEP!

Blitz: O_O;; *carefully opens the door and looks out*

e-chan: ... *has an angry, murderous look on his face*

Blitz: GAH! Whoa, dude! That face scared the very soul out of my body...

e-chan: ...where is she?

Blitz: ...Who...?

e-chan: iDEAL; I know she's here somewhere... *looks really angry*

Blitz: O_O;; W-what d-did she do n-now...?

e-chan: Her blunder caused me to have a mental melt down and lose control of my entire body!!

Blitz: .....WHAT did she do?

e-chan: *forces himself to calm down in order to explain* okay, it's like this. I have trouble with focus; my mind is like a TV that automatically changes channels every few seconds. Using my ability, I've made it so that somebody of my choosing could go inside of my mind and organize things so that I can think clearly. I hired iDEAL, and Luna later on, to do just that. Their task is simple, go into my mind once a day to organize stuff and perform maintenance checks to make sure that everything in there works properly. It's an easy job as long as you pay attention to what you're doing and don't rush around everywhere; that causes accidents.

Blitz: Ah, so she lost focus and you...uh...what did you do when- No, you know what, I DON'T want to know... -.-;;

e-chan: Let's just say that because she wasn't careful, not only did I end up making a complete fool out of myself, I also might end up losing some friends! *begins to get angry again*

Blitz: Whoa, don't get angry at me! She hasn't been here...I think... In the case she has, she must've ran towards the forest and further towards the hills.

e-chan: Okay, I'll check there *reaches into his pocket and hands Blitz a piece of folded up paper* my cell number is on that; give me a call if you see her, okay? *storms off towards the woods*

Blitz: ... *carefully closes the door and walks into the living room* Okay iDEAL, come here, now...

iDEAL: *sheepishly comes down out of the loft then slowly walks up to Blitz, looking down at the floor*

Blitz: Do you have any idea what you have done? Now, if he finds out that I've protected you, I'm really going to get it. And I know that YOU should've known this would've happened..... What could you possibly have been thinking about that made you forget what you had to do? And not only that, he says that he might lose some friends... Could you just...explain what made you do this?

iDEAL: I just tripped over something that I didn't see in front of me; it was an accident that anybody could've made.

Blitz: Okay, sorry... Oh geez... *sits down* Sorry, really, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... God, I hate to yell and be angry at people... *rubs his head* Sorry.....

iDEAL: Eh? *sees the paper that e-chan gave Blitz* 0o0;; d-d-d-did e-chan give you t-t-that paper o-over there?

Blitz: .....It's just a piece of paper...but yes, he did.....

iDEAL: Oh-no! You don't understand; e-chan can use this to...

*The piece of paper disappears in a puff of smoke; when the smoke settles, e-chan is standing in front of both of them. Before Blitz could ask how he did something like this, he is quickly answered.*

e-chan: This is just another way I can use my "Switch" technique, and no, I'm not mad with you, Blitz. The one I'm mad with is this hard-headed Nekofi over here.


e-chan: Oh no you don't! *grabs iDEAL's ear with a tight grip*


Blitz: O_O;; *backs away and presses himself against the wall behind him* C-calm down, you two...

e-chan: *takes a deep breath and greatly calms down then lets go of iDEAL's ear* iDEAL, what happened today could've been prevented. What is the one thing that I keep having to tell you over and over and over again?

iDEAL: careful?

e-chan: That...and what else?

iDEAL: detailed in my work?

e-chan: THAT...and what else in regards as to what happened today?

iDEAL: *gulps* to...take my time and not rush.

e-chan: Yes, that is correct. Do you know why I tell you not to rush?

iDEAL: ...because rushing can cause accidents.

e-chan: Correct; and how many times have I told you not to rush?

iDEAL: ...I lost count...

e-chan: So have I.

iDEAL: *looks away from e-chan and down at the ground*

e-chan: Your rushing around caused me a lot of trouble today; your mistake made me black out. When I regained my senses, I learned that I was going around and bullying all of my friends. I called them names, I threatened them, insulted them...*tears begin to flow from his eyes* I even hurt some of them...

iDEAL: ... T_T

e-chan: They're all uber pissed off at me, and it's going to take a LOT time to regain their trust; especially...Lalao's! *goes down to the ground and cries bitterly*

Blitz: ...No no... e-chan, get up from the ground! Do you really think thats going to happen? They will listen to you if BOTH you, AND iDEAL, tell them what happened. And just to clear things up, Lalao is going to forgive you. You can't let this break you down! And going after iDEAL doesn't really solve anything, does it?! Now, if you two want it, I'll go down there and shove my ass all around the town to find your friends and explain, appologize, and even beg them for that matter... Now stop crying and man up... And sorry, I don't like to yell and be angry at you two...

e-chan: *sniffles* you'd really do that for me? Thank you so much!

*With Blitz' help, e-chan was successful in mending his friendship with all of his friends, who were all happy to forgive him. It was 6 hours since they all began, and with the sun beginning to set, e-chan speaks to iDEAL once more.*

e-chan: iDEAL, I want to thank you for helping me clear up that misunderstanding with everybody, but...

iDEAL: ...but what?

e-chan: *sighs* this was really serious, iDEAL; no matter how many times I've told you that you need to slow down and not rush while your working, you never seem to get the message. I've tried to convince myself time after time again that you'll improve and get better at following instructions...I can't do that any longer.

iDEAL: e-chan... no, e-chan, you can't! You can't be serious! P-P-Please, don't!

e-chan: ...I'm sorry, but I can't risk this happening again. So...iDEAL...*gulps*'re fired.


*With a heavy heart, e-chan turns around and walks away. Unable to bear seeing iDEAL bawl her eyes out any long, Blitz runs up to e-chan and takes him aside to ask him about reconsidering his decision.*

Blitz: can't be serious...are you? You sure you don't want to think about this? Reconsider the whole situation? I mean, can clearly hear the poor girl...

e-chan: ...this is the 26th time that something like this has happened. The only thing that made this one especially bad was that I ended up hurting other people, my friends that I care about so dearly. I don't know what else to do; she's a good girl but she can't seem to follow simple directions...*thinks about something*...hmm, but will that really work? *thinks hard* well, it's worth a shot. Blitz, let's talk. ^^

Blitz: Uh...okay...?

*A few minutes later, both Blitz and e-chan rejoin iDEAL to tell her what the two of them discussed.*

e-chan: iDEAL, after some re-consideration, I've decided NOT to fire you.


Blitz: Wait a minute... We still got more to tell you.

e-chan: Right. You're not fired, but you won't be doing your usual job of keeping my mind organized; you're being transfered to start a new assignment.

iDEAL: W-What? Transferred?

Blitz: Yes, transferred, as in, moved to another place.

iDEAL:'s my new assignment?

e-chan: Lately, the Hunter, Delivery, Stealth and many other divisons of the Helping Hand guild have been absolutely flooded with so many missions that Guid Masters and the members that work for them don't have enough time and energy to handle all of them. The Guild director had a meeting with all of the Guild Masters and they've decided to form a new division to specifically handle this problem: the Overflow division.

iDEAL: ...Overflow division; who came up with that name?

e-chan: It's just a temporary name until another one can be thought up. So far, this division has four Guild Masters: Pepper Quil aka The Hunter Wolf and the three Moonshadow siblings, Skylar, Tanya, and your new boss here, Blitz.

iDEAL: I...I'm working for Blitz now? But who's going to take care of the maintenance of your mind?

e-chan: Luna is more than enough to take care of that.

iDEAL: Wait, if only takes one person to do this task, why did you hire two employees?

e-chan: The main reason I hired Luna was so that she could keep an eye on you and make sure that everything got done; she is your supervisor.

iDEAL: What the...when did this happen?

e-chan: could you NOT have known that; I told you that on the day I hired her. I introduced you to her and said "iDEAL, this is Luna G. Draco; she's your new supervisor so make sure to get along well with her" remember?

iDEAL: ...WHA??!!

Blitz: *facepalms and shakes his head* Oh my...'re so oblivious...

e-chan: How could my judgment have been so wrong...?

Blitz: ...Don't worry. I think we'll survive...I hope...

e-chan: Anyway, Blitz is your new boss for now; you are to do as he says and follow his directions. I was really intrigued by the little test Nikki had Skylar go through to see how serious and devoted he was to her; I thought that I could use that same idea in a different way. Blitz will be reporting back to me every now-and-then about your progress in how well you follow directions and the quality of your job performance. If I'm satisfied with his report, you'll gain what I call "trust points" with me; once you've gained a certain Lv. of trust with me, I'll let you come back and work for me...provided that you'd still want to. Are you understanding this so far?

iDEAL: ...yes, sir...but where am I gonna stay if I can't go back inside of your mind?

e-chan: You'll be staying with Blitz.

iDEAL: ...SAY WHA??!!

e-chan: You heard me; and I've given him my express permission to deal with you however he sees fit. Blitz is the reason that you've still got a job right now, so be nice to him and behave yourself, alright?

iDEAL: >3< Hmph!

e-chan: *looks at Blitz* can you believe this girl? *grabs iDEAL by her left ear and squeezes it hard* so be nice to him and behave yourself, ALRiGHT?!


e-chan: Good *releases iDEAL's ear* well, I leave her in your care, Blitz. If she gives you trouble, go confide in your little brother; he's learned quite a few things during his time with Nikki. Till next time, See ya! *walks away and heads home*

iDEAL: *rubs her ear vigorously* >3< Meanie...

Blitz: Hehe... *pats her on the head* Come on...let's go home, shall we? Or...are you hungry perhaps? We can stop by a restaurant on the way.

iDEAL: I'm f- *stomach growls loudly* -_-; do you like oriental food?

Blitz: Yeah. Now come here, and stop being so grumpy~ *chuckles*

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