Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Troublesome New Employee! iDEAL's First Day!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 20
“Troublesome New Employee! iDEAL’s First Day!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

The morning sun has risen to start a new day. Blitz still doesn't know exactly what he's going to have iDEAL do for him just yet. With the Overflow division of the Helping Hand guild still in development, he had a good amount of spare time before his new responsibilities began. His day started a bit earlier than usual when he hears somebody knocking on his front door.

Blitz: *gets up and yawns, having been sleeping, and opens the door* Hello...?

Pepper: Morning, Blitz!

Blitz: Oh...hello Pepper. What is it...?

Pepper: While the construction of the new building for the Overflow division is going on, us Guild Masters have some work we need to accomplish before it's ready *takes a slim, rectangular box out of his bag then hands it to Blitz* since there's only four of us as the division's Guild Masters, we're dividing all of the work equally so that we each can get things done faster. Everything that you need is in there and it needs to be completed in one week. I need to get going; I still need to deliver Skylar and Tanya's assignment packages to them. Until we meet again, good-bye! *dashes off at mach speed*

Blitz: Great... I get something to do, for once.

*Taking the box with him to his favorite chair, he opens it and sees a brand new laptop computer. Next to it is a flash drive, a wrist watch and a note containing a message for him to read ASAP. Opening the note and reading it, Blitz learns that his share of the work is to look review the profiles of potential recruits for their division and to choose the ones he thought would be useful for the variety of different missions they were sure to get. He also learns that the watch is for instant teleportation and on the back of the note he sees that there is also a message from e-chan. It said "To keep iDEAL from attacking you, say the following phrase when the situation arises: Wiki-Kiwi"*

Blitz: ...Man...that doesn't sound cool at all... -w-;; Oh well... And now, let's take a look at the recruits!

*Booting up the laptop, Blitz goes to work by inserting the flash drive inside it and viewing the files inside. Each profile had a picture and full bio of the applicant, including job history, talents and other things like that. There were quite a few of his friends and other people he knew listed there as well.*

Blitz: Lots of names and people in here....."Yoh Asakura"....."Shikamaru Nara"....."Uryu Ishida".....God, there's so many to choose from! O_O;;

*After an hour of going over the list of recruits, Blitz begins to get hungry and decides to have some breakfast. He also notices that iDEAL still hasn't gotten up from bed after his ears hear her soft snoring that sounded much like purring.*

Blitz: Hmm... Ah, I know. I can make an omelet for both her and me. It's easy and quickly done. *goes to the kitchen*

*With his grand culinary skills, Blitz whips up two delicious omelets in very little time at all. With everything set up the only thing that remained was to wake iDEAL up so that they could eat.*

Blitz: *walks into iDEAL's room* iDEAL~ It's time for breakfast~ *walks over to her bed very carefully*

iDEAL: Zzzzz...*purrs*

*iDEAL lays on top of the bed wearing a sleeve-less aqua-green night shirt and red pajama shorts, looking really cute.*

Blitz: Aww... So cute... iDEAL, breakfast time~ *give her butt some gentle pats* Wakey wakey~

iDEAL: *groggily sits up with a half-awake look on her face* -_-

*Blitz couldn't help but notice how long and beautiful iDEAL's hair was without her two large barrettes.*

Blitz: (Wow...that's beautiful...) you awake now, sunshine?

iDEAL: *stares forward* ...sunshine... AAAAHHH!! I'M LATE FOR WORK! *frantically begins making the bed* E-CHAN iS GOiNG TO BE DiSAPPOiNTED WiTH ME FOR BEiNG LATE WHEN I PROMiSED THAT I'D BE ON TiME!

*After quickly making the bed, iDEAL tries to run off to the bathroom to get ready; in her rush, she steps on her own tail, slips and crashes face first into the wall. Blitz looks at her with a confused look on his face; is this what e-chan was talking about whenever he scolded her about rushing?*

Blitz: ...Are you...okay? *lifts her up by the shorts; he would be giving her a wedgie now, but he also places his other hand on her chest, keeping her up*

iDEAL: What the...OwO;; *fully awake now* W-W-Where am I? This isn't my room, and-and... *notices Blitz's hand on her chest* O//O; ...

Blitz: Maybe you should get a cold shower...THAT usually worked on Skylar... *hangs her over his shoulder and heads for the bathroom*

iDEAL: O_O; KiD-NAPPER!! *sinks her claws into Blitz' right side*
Blitz: GAAAH!!!

*Blitz rips iDEAL away, and just as last time he did that, a piece of clothing is ripped off; her top. He holds onto his side and pants heavily, the gray fur on his hand turning dark red by his blood*

Blitz: "pant" "pant" YOU ARE CRAZY!!!

iDEAL: I'M crazy?! You're the one who kidnapped me and brought me here to do who knows what to me! I'm just doing what anybody else in my situation would do!

*Blitz looks at iDEAL with a blank expression on his face; he couldn't believe that she actually forgot about everything that happened yesterday.*

iDEAL: *notices that her shirt has been ripped off* O//O Sicko, pervert, baka Ookami!!

*iDEAL leaps towards Blitz with her claws drawn ready to attack again; surprised by her sudden burst of speed, Blitz quickly remembers e-chan's message and decides to try saying the phrase and hoping that it works.*

Blitz: GAH! "Wiki-Kiwi!"

iDEAL: *flinches* ACK! O.<

*iDEAL's claws retract and her body goes limp as she stumbles to the ground.*

iDEAL: Great, now I can't move a single muscle for 10 minutes! Wait a minute, how do you know that phrase?!

Blitz: You really ARE dumb... I'll remember to thank e-chan later...And Skylar for teaching me how to discipline girls that don't behave.

*Blitz kneels down and looks her in the eyes*

Blitz: Do you remember now, perhaps?

iDEAL: *thinks about to yesterday* ... O_O;; *remembers everything*

Blitz: Yeah...that's right... I did make you breakfast and was going to be kind and help you this morning...but after what has happened the last few minutes, I don't think you deserve it... *picks her up over his shoulder again*

*iDEAL desperately wants to escape, but with her entire body immobilized she is completely at Blitz' mercy...and it doesn't look like he intends to show her any at this point.*

Blitz: *sits down on his bed and places iDEAL over his lap. He starts to lightly pat her clothed butt.* I warned you... Each time you sink your fangs or claws into me again, we're going right back to this spot. And now...let's just say it's going to be a long 10-minutes punishment...

iDEAL: What?! Are you really going to spank me like a little kid? Y-Y-You can't! Not even e-chan has done this to me!

Blitz: Well, there's a first time for everything, isn't it? *increases the force of his patting and eventually pulls his hand away to start for real*

iDEAL: >.< (No matter how much it might hurt, I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that it does hurt!) *tries to brace herself*

Blitz: *swings his hand down and delivers the first slap to her bottom* (Okay, she's wearing pajamas...the pain isn't as bad as it should've, but I think I can do this...) *continues to deliver the constant slaps to iDEAL's butt*

iDEAL: *enduring the slaps without making a single noise* (Ooh! Ow! Ow! Eek! This hurts, but I can't give in; I just have to endure these last nine minutes- AiEEEK! -and then it'll be all o- YOW! -over. TwT)

Blitz: *smiles and chuckles a bit* Hey Flatty, are you going to be silent during all this? You ARE allowed to talk, you know~ *increases his force just a little bit*

iDEAL: Grr... (Don't let him get to you-OUCH! He's just trying to b-YEOW! Break my focus so that I mess up; I'll show him that I'm just as touch as him! >_<)

Blitz: ...That was 2 minutes...Onward to punishment LV.2. *before iDEAL gets a chance to even wonder what he meant, she suddenly feels stinging pain in her butt as Blitz uses as much strength he could in the slaps and continues to use the full strength in his right arm to spank her*

iDEAL: *gasps at every hard strike* (IT HURTS! IT REALLY- AAAAHHH!! REALLY HURTS! I've gotta find some way to survive these last 8 minutes while keeping my dignity intact.) *frantically tries to come up with an idea* ( That's it! I'll use my E-nergy to stimulate the nerves in my arms and legs; I'll catch him by surprise! )

*iDEAL channels her E-nergy and successfully restores her ability to use her arms and legs. She waits for the moment Blitz pulls his arm back all the way to deliver a hard spank then counter attacks. She uses her tail to grab his arm then spring off of his lap and onto the ground then uses her tail to swing Blitz above her and onto his back on the ground. Afterwards, she puts her top back on and dashes outside and into the forest with amazing speed.*

Blitz: *groans and stands back up* ...holy... Fine then, run away! Let's see if I care! Now I don't need to worry about you anymore!

*Blitz slams the door shut, closes the windows AND the door. iDEAL was just too much for him, he's had enough. He even starts to wonder if he really liked her in the first place or not... One sound from his stomach and he goes back to the kitchen and sits down so he could eat the breakfast he made...both breakfasts...alone, again.*

*A few hours later, there is another knock on Blitz' front door. Although he really isn't in the mood for anymore visitors, he answers the door anyway and sees that Luna Draco, e-chan's totally reliable employee, had come to see him.*

Luna: Good afternoon, Mr. Moonshadow. *bows politely* ^w^

*Seeing Luna's smile and polite mannerisms puts Blitz in a better mood and he decides to invite her inside. She had come to deliver some more guild-related papers showing an updated roster of newly added members to the Overflow division. He was pleased to see that 2 powerful new Guild Masters had been added: Milly Serachi and Batou Koco. Luna and him talk some more...and when the topic of iDEAL arises, Luna looks like she has something heavy on her mind that she wants to talk to Blitz about.*

Luna: ...when...iDEAL came by today and e-chan learned about what had happened here...he...wasn't pleased with her at all. That was to be expected, but I never expected that he would...send her away like he did *looks a little sad*

Blitz: ..... *groans* Okay, fine... Tell me what happened. But don't expect me to listen, or CARE either, because I don't...

Luna: e-chan wishes to apologize to you for the trouble he caused you, Mr. Moonshadow. In the end, he finally ended up firing iDEAL...and I don't think he'll change mind this time. Now she doesn't even have a home to return to.

*Luna's last statement catches Blitz' attention.*

Blitz: ...Excuse me? What did you just say? For a second, it sounded like you said that iDEAL...doesn't have a home?

Luna: *nods her head* it's true. Her home was inside of e-chan's head; it was the only home she knew. e-chan...actually blames himself for the reason iDEAL acts the way she does.

Blitz: .....Oh man..... *sighs and puts his head between his hands* this is my fault...

Luna: No Blitz, it isn't; you were only trying to help her. About 7 years ago, e-chan's overactive imagination actually created iDEAL while he was sleeping one night by accident. The two of them became inseparable best friends that did everything together. e-chan believes that he spoiled her a lot by lavishing her with so much attention. He even tried to introduce her to other people so that she could become friends with them, but it was no use; the only person she wanted to be around was him and him alone. iDEAL's behavior got worse when e-chan started dating and...I think you can guess where this is going, huh?

Blitz: I get it, Luna... *sighs louder* ...Luna...Do you want to know something...?

*There is more knocking on the front door; Blitz couldn't help but wonder how he got so popular in such a short time that he kept getting visitors the way he was getting them today.*

Blitz: ...Just a sec... *goes and opens the door*

*iDEAL stands at the door looking very sad and guilt-striken.*

iDEAL: ...I'm sorry, Blitz; what I did to you today wasn't right at all. I have no excuse for my behavior and I don't expect you to forgive me. I deserved the punishment you were giving me...

*Blitz stands in the doorway, dumbfounded; THAT was the last thing that he ever expected to happen.*

Blitz: ...iDEAL...

*Blitz kneels down to iDEAL and looks at her. He doesn't do anything else, he just looks at her...quietly....*

iDEAL: *looks Blitz in the eyes then turns away when tears begin to well up and fall from her eyes, trying to stop herself from breaking down and crying* ...*sniffles then quivers a bit*

Blitz: Don't turn away... *grabs her by the shoulder and turns her to face him. iDEAL is a bit frightened at what she sees. Blitz's has an angry look in his eyes and it feels like his very sight is stabbing through her soul and being* ...Tell me what's wrong...NOW. Give me a reason to forgive you...

iDEAL: I've got so much guilt built up inside me; I lied to both you and e-chan yesterday. Unlike usual, I actually meant to do what I did yesterday. I was jealous of Lalao; I was jealous that e-chan saw her in a way he NEVER saw me. It was despicable, horrible, even unforgivable, but at that moment I didn't care anymore. I just wanted things to go back to the way they were before when it was just the two of us! But in the end, all I did was messed things up more than they already were; and worst of all I got you involved in this mess I created. Now I don't have anything except for the guilt that's constantly stinging me in the chest. I just want to do something to make up for betraying your trust in me and make all the pain inside me go away, even if it means getting my butt smacked so long and hard that I can't even feel it anymore. I'm sorry, Blitz; even if it took the rest of my life, I still wouldn't the time to be able to express how sorry I am!

Blitz: .....

*Without saying anything else, Blitz picks up iDEAL like he did this morning, put he doesn't hold her up and she IS actually recieving a wedgie this time. He carries her into the living room while Luna is watching them. He drops iDEAL down in his chair and looks down at her. But to both her and Luna is shocked to see he isn't showing any signs of kindness on his face...he's angry.*

Blitz: don't need to lie to me...I know that you just came to me now because you need a place to stay! I KNOW that you don't like me, you DON'T like me, and you seriously DO NOT CARE about me! I don't know why, but I'm letting you stay... I'm NOT going to punish you, because then you'll think that everything is okay and that you're forgiven. But it's not that easy... I would gladly let you stay if you simple asked "can I stay here for a while", and didn't say anything else. But it seriously HURTS when you lie me up in the face like you just did..... I'm going to take one of my sleeping pills and get some rest... I'll be out for a whole hour, so make yourself at home. Luna, you can stay if you want to talk to iDEAL...

*Blitz turns away and heads into his room, slamming the door shut. Both iDEAL and Luna can't believe what Blitz had just said... He doesn't believe what iDEAL said was true, and he isn't just angry...he's also very sad...*

iDEAL: ... >_< *runs over to Blitz' bedroom door*

Luna: iDEAL, WAiT!

*Instead of banging on or destroying the door, iDEAL simply hangs her head and speaks calmly.*

iDEAL: I know I'm a horrible person, I know I'm not trustworthy...but do you honestly believe that I would come all the way out here and tell you everything I just did if I REALLY DiDN'T CARE? Do you think that I'm so despicable that I'd try to scam you into letting me stay with you when I could've easily found a place of my own to stay at back in town?! I didn't come here looking for a place to stay and I didn't come here looking for forgiveness! Even though I blew the chance you gave me...I just wanted to thank you for caring enough to even consider helping me. You're free to believe what you want, but that's the truth...Thank you for trying to help me, and I'm sorry your effort went to waste because of what I did... I'm sorry...for screwing up any chance I had of ever becoming your friend.

*iDEAL walks out of the front door, closing it gently behind her, to begin her journey back to town while Luna is unsure as to what to do next.*

Blitz: ... *slaps himself* Stupid Ookami!

*a few minutes later, Luna decides that she should try to talk with Blitz again and knocks on his door. When he doesn't answer, she opens it and looks inside. Blitz is nowhere to be seen, but his window is open. And meanwhile...*

Blitz: *looks around as he is running around in the forest* Oh, why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut?! Every time I get angry, something awful happens... *bangs his head against a tree, eventually starting to bleed* ... I'm a horrible and heartless monster! AAAAAAHHH!!!!! *slams his head into the tree, and stumbles to the ground as he feels his skull getting cracked slightly*

???: Hey dude, you don't want to be doing that.

*Blitz looks up and sees a boy that looked like he might be a Nekofi like Ashuro standing on a tree branch; he had white spiky hair, tan skin and wore a long scarf around his neck. After he walks down the tree like a ninja, he places his right hand on Blitz' forehead and heals his entire skull so that it was no longer cracked.*

Tenrio: That should do it *helps Blitz up to his feet* how are you? I'm Tenrio Akira, wandering ninja for hire. Are you looking for something or someone?

Blitz: ...iDEAL...I have to find her...I...I... *places his face in his hands, trying his best to hold back his tears* I'm so sorry...

Tenrio: iDEAL? You mean the little Nekofi girl with the Miku Hatsune hair style? She fell into a shallow mud pit and went to the waterfall to wash off. When you see her, make sure you tell her to be careful out here. The guild sent me here on a recon mission; apparently there have been two suspicious cloaked individuals wandering around here.

Blitz: The waterfall? Okay, thanks! I'll report to the other Guild Masters if I find something! *rushes off at (almost) mach speed*

*When Blitz reaches the waterfall he sees iDEAL's collar and large hair barrettes next to the stream then hears a familiar and much desired voice coming towards him.*

iDEAL: GAAAAAHHH!! Bad idea; standing underneath the falling waterfall water to rinse was NOT such a good idea at all! I'm freezing! And to make matters worse, the water's force was so powerful that I lost my clothes. I can't go back into town naked; I'd get arrested for sure! >//< Darn, I REALLY need to start thinking before I do things like- *sees Blitz* O//O *blushes wildly when Blitz stares at her naked body*

Blitz: O///O (Oh damn...) ... *slowly raises his hand and waves at her while muttering out a calm "hi".*

iDEAL: B-B-Blitz...were you looking for...for... *runs over to Blitz and wraps her arms around him to hug him* I'M SORRY, BLiTZ; I'M SO SORRY FOR BEiNG AN UNGRATEFUL, LYiNG, ViOLENT LiTTLE BRAT! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY! I'LL DO ANYTHiNG YOU TELL ME TO DO! PLEASE, FORGiVE ME! I'M SORRY FOR BETRAYiNG YOU! WAAAAAAHHH!!

*As iDEAL cries uncontrollably and pleads for forgiveness, Blitz can tell without a doubt that she really means everything that she's saying. Every single word was honest and sincere, and was said as if she had been suffering for such a long time.*

Blitz: Shh... For now...let's go home...

*Blitz carefully picks up his naked little friend, as well as her barrettes and collar, and begins carrying her home while she is resting her head against his chest. They soon had walked through half the forest when Blitz finally said anything else.*

Blitz: ...Why didn't you undress before going under the waterfall?

iDEAL: I did undress...but I tried to shower and wash my clothes at the same time; definitely not one of my best idea... -//-;

Blitz: Nothing to do about that now... ^//^;;

*They eventually reach Blitz's home. He puts iDEAL down and let her in.*

Blitz: I'll get your clothes tomorrow, it's getting late... *closes the door and shuts it*

*When Blitz looks up at iDEAL again, he sees an expression of unease on her face; the type of look that says that you want to ask something but you're not sure if you should or if it's the right time to ask it.*

iDEAL: ...

Blitz: ..... *kneels down to her and smiles* Hey, just ask. *pets her gently*

iDEAL: T//T *takes Blitz by the hand and leads him over to a chair and has him sit down then lays down over his lap* if it's not asking too much, can we keep going from where we last left off?

*Taking one look into her eyes as they were about to tear up again, Blitz understands. The only thing that would calm iDEAL down for the night was for him to finish the job he started earlier.*

Blitz: Okay... Though I'm going to speed the process up a bit, so we can get done... *swats her bare butt with the palm of his hand*

*Unlike earlier, iDEAL doesn't even attempt trying to hide her pain and doesn't try to escape as Blitz smacks her bottom at a good steady pace.*

iDEAL: *whines and sobs lightly*

Blitz: Good girl, you're doing great. *continues swatting her butt*

iDEAL: *sobs a little bit louder*

Blitz: Now...for the 2 minutes of LV.5 spanking... *picks up a leather belt and pats her butt with it for a few seconds before whipping it hard on her butt*


Blitz: I'm sorry... *swats her butt a couple of times with the belt until he was looking at a crimson red pair of buns*

*Although iDEAL cries and hollers from the pain, she never once back-talked or retaliated; she layed there and took her punishment with no fuss.*

Blitz: *places his hand on her butt and rubs gently* we're done now... *smiles a bit and kisses her sore behind*

iDEAL: *continues to cry while still over Blitz' lap*

Blitz: Aw... *lifts her up and carries her around. He gets a pack of frozen vegetables from the freezer and holds it against her butt* Do you want anything, iDEAL? *nuzzles her ear*

iDEAL: *sniffles* I-I'm okay...I'll leave in the morning to start looking for a new place to stay; I thank you for offering me a place to stay, but I don't want to be a burden on you any long-

*Blitz suddenly embraces iDEAL in a warm hug; there was no way he was going to let her leave now. iDEAL coming to see him on her own accord to try to fix problem and the way she took her punishment was proof enough that she was beginning to mature.*

Blitz: No...I want you to stay here...I'm sorry I got mad at you... *hugs her tight*

iDEAL: 0o0 You...really want me to stay here with you? But...I'm a burdensome screw-up that can't do anything right; I don't want to disappoint you anymore.

Blitz: I don't care. *iDEAL looks up at Blitz with a surprised look on her face* If you do some stuff that disappoint, hurt or make me feel sad and angry, your spanking spot is still being used. But I'm not going to use it ALL the time, that's unfair. And one more thing; you are not a burden that screws up, you're my funny and cute little friend, got that?

iDEAL: ...thank you.

*iDEAL shivers in Blitz' arms. He then realizes that after standing underneath a cold waterfall and the air conditioning blowing on her still wet skin that iDEAL must be freezing right now.*

Blitz: Oh, how thoughtless of me! I'll find you a blanket and mix up some hot cocoa! *puts her down on the couch and looks around in the closet* Damn it...just because I liked to look at your naked body, it doesn't means that I can let you freeze!

*iDEAL's ears perk up as he says that he liked looking at her naked body. Eventually, Blitz finds a blanket and wraps it around her body before heading to the kitchen.*

iDEAL: O//O...^//^ *feels really happy from hearing what Blitz said*

Blitz: *from the kitchen* Do you want marshmallows in your cocoa?

iDEAL: Yes, please. ^w^

Blitz: Okay.

*Soon, Blitz comes back to iDEAL with a cup of cocoa, with 3 marshmallows, covered in whipped cream and with chocolate sprinkled all over it. It looked like a cocoa masterpiece.*

Blitz: Hope it tastes good. *hands it to her*

iDEAL: *eyes sparkle at the sight of the delicious beverage* ^w^ *takes a sip of the cocoa* so heavenly...

*Blitz is pleased that iDEAL liked his cocoa; looking at her, he chuckled slightly when he sees the whipped cream mustache on her face.*

Blitz: You're so cute~

*The phone rings and Blitz decides to answer it in another room out of iDEAL's hearing distance. On the other end is e-chan; Luna had returned a while earlier and told him about what had happened. He had called to make sure that everything was alright. Blitz tells e-chan everything that had happened, putting his mind at ease.*

e-chan: Y'know, iDEAL may be sort of stubborn and uber clumsy at times, I can never stay mad at her for long at all. So once again, against my better judgment and common sense, iDEAL isn't fired...but she still can't come back here until I see some genuine improvement. I think that now is the time that I should tell you her good points. iDEAL is actually great at organizing things and is a complete wiz when it comes to computers. She loves cleaning things and is a really good artist; give her a paintbrush and she can become a very proficient fighter. The only thing she needs help with is learning how to not rush around everywhere; I've always admired her enthusiasm, but running around and not looking at where you're going causes accidents to happen. I mean, c'mon, how can somebody constantly trip on their own tail on a regular basis?

*Blitz remembers back to earlier that morning and has to stop himself from laughing out loud.*

Blitz: I guess you do have a point there.

e-chan: You got that right. If you can help her overcome her rushing problem, I can assure you that she'll become a very valuable assistant. I got word from the guild that the Overflow division will be up and running in exactly one month from today. If Ashuro hadn't turned down the offer of being a part of this, it would be ready in less than a week; he's got his reasons for refusing and I very much respect that. But with an entire month before the real action begins, there is no better time than now to start her training. I've gotta go now; I need to get back to drawing before I lose my motivation. Till next time, see ya!

*Blitz hangs up the phone. Walking back into the living room and silently watches iDEAL as she continues to happily drink her cocoa. It will take some doing, but he was confident that he could help his new friend live up to her full potential.*

iDEAL: Mmmm, that was delicious. I guess the least I could do is wash the cup.

*iDEAL gets up slowly and begin walking over to the sink...but ends up getting her feet tangled up in the blanket and falling face first into the floor; she lays there face down, bare bottom up looking sort of dizzy and dazed from the sudden fall.*

iDEAL: I...meant to do that...I think...@w@

*Blitz facepalms and begins to wonder if one month will be enough time to help her overcome her clumsiness.*

Blitz: (Oh geez...) ... *looks at her butt* ...hmm... *walks in to iDEAL* Hey iDEAL, if you're so eager to show me your butt...just walk naked and stop hurting yourself. >w<

iDEAL: *blushes and smiles at Blitz* ...perv~ ^w^

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