Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pizza Rain and Weird Dreams! Another e Appears!

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Pizza Rain and Weird Dreams! Another e Appears!”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

SUCCESS!! e-chan has got a date with Lalao!

e-chan: YiEEEEEEEE!! I can't believe it! I never thought it would happen! I got a date with Lalao! *rolling around on the ground*

Scooter: Congrats dude! ^o^

Megumi: You did really well. ^w^

*Door bell rings*

Megumi: Is the pizza here already?

Scooter: Pizza Time! Pizza Time!

*Scooter quickly darts out of the e-chan's room into the living room and opens the front door to greet the visitor.*

Mizuki: Hi, Hi. ^^

Scooter: Hey, how are you doing, Mizuki? What can I do for you? ^w^

Mizuki: Just Visiting... ^^

Scooter: Okay, feel free come on in; Ring is in the backyard if you want to go play with her. ^w^

Mizuki: RING-SAN!

*Mizuki dashes inside past Scooter to go see Ring.*

Scooter: Hehehe; it's nice to see that Ring is finally making friends.

*Closing the door, Scooter is about to go back to where e-chan and Megumi were until he heard the doorbell ring again; this time it was the pizza man...but the one delivering it was...*

Scooter: OwO Pfft! Goth Boy? Is that you wearing all of those bright, happy colors? *tries his hardest not to laugh*

Goth Boy: Yes.... -_-;

Scooter: Well *snickers* at least it's an upgrade from *snickers* Turkey-on-a-Fork!

Goth Boy: Quiet You.... -_-;

Scooter: *snicker* Okay, okay, I done *hands Goth Boy the payment in exact change with coupon and takes the pizzas off of his hands* don't worry, dude; you're secret is safe with me. XD Hey, is that Yuki? Hey, Yuki! *waves to get her attention* it me or does Yuki seem a bit...different than in creepier? ^^;

*Goth boy turns around to see Yuki; his face goes pale and he begins to shake fearfully when he sees who it really is*

Scooter: Does Yuki have a twin or something...? Goth Boy; are you sick or something? You're as white as chalk.

Goth Boy: U....U....U....Uber.....Y-yu-

UBER Yuki: Hhhhhhiiiii.....

*Uber Yuki starts shooting lasers; a stray shot hit's Goth Boy's car and destroys it...along with the many other pizzas he still had to deliver.*

Goth Boy: Hey! That'll Cost ya!

UBER Yuki: My Bad.....

Scooter: OoO Oh man, that doesn't come out of your salary, does it?

Goth Boy: Oh, Ya think?!

UBER Yuki: HEY, you two wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world...?

Scooter: O_O;; Get inside quick, dude; she's about to fire the second round!

Goth Boy: *runs in the house* O_O;;

Scooter: Hurry, this way! *leads Goth Boy to e-chan's room*

*In the backyard…*

Mizuki: Ring-Chan; where are Youuuuuu...?!

Ring: Mizuki-chan! I'm over here! ^w^ *waves to get Mizuki's attention*

Mizuki: RING-San! :D

Ring: *runs up to catches Mizuki when she leaps upward at her for a flying hug* It's s-s-so nice of you t-to come visit u-us! ^w^

*A slice of pepperoni pizza lands on Ring's head, causing her to look up and see pizza raining from the sky*

Ring: OoO e-chan s-said that he had a d-d-dream like this o-once before.

Mizuki: なに?! O_O

*A slice of anchovy pizza lands in Mizuki's mouth*

Mizuki: *eating the pizza, by making cute nom noises* Nomnomnomnom....

Ring: *sniffing* A-Anchovy... *drools*

Mizuki: Mmmmmm...Yummy...! ^^

*Back inside, Scooter and Goth Boy have just entered e-chan's room out of breath.*

Goth Boy: "sigh" Aluma, you idiot...

e-chan: Hey, Goth Boy *looks out of his window* why is it raining Pizza...and auto parts?

Megumi: Wait, that sound man, the pizza man got blown up... -_-

e-chan: But what could've done something like...*looks up and sees UBER Yuki standing on the ceiling looking down at them*...that?

Scooter: OoO;; How did she get in here?

Megumi: What I'd like to know is how she's able to stand on the ceiling upside down like that without her dress falling down...

UBER Yuki: Heeeheee...

Goth Boy: Dammit...

e-chan: ... *looks around the room for something to shield himself with*

Scooter: O_O;; *keeps his eyes on UBER Yuki*

Megumi: (Cue random, convenient

*Yuki enters the room, chowing down on some of the pizza that was falling from the sky, and wonders what is going on.*

Yuki: Huh? What's Going on--?!

UBER Yuki: Hi.....Looooong Time Nooooo Seee....Yuuuuuuuki....

Yuki: Ekkk! EVIL YUKI! AAAAH! *runs as fast as she can*

*UBER Yuki chases after Yuki*

Yuki: Noooo! Get away from Yuki!!

e-chan: OoO Oh-no! I've got to help her! *dashes after them*

Scooter: I'm going too! *follows e-chan*

Megumi: Finally some action! :D *follows e-chan and Scooter*

*Yuki runs into the backyard where both Ring and Mizuki are with UBER Yuki right behind her.*

Ring: I d-didn't know that Y-Y-Yuki had a t-twin...*takes a closer look at UBER Yuki* O_O;; AHHH! S-S-SCARY!!

UBER Yuki: Ohhh....Rinnng? What to here the most annoying sound in the world....?!

Mizuki: Who's that?

*Ring starts to kneel down and beg for mercy*

e-chan: OoO;; OH CRAP!! RETREAT!!

Scooter: But what about Ring?!

e-chan: At this point in time, UBER Yuki is the one that needs to be worried.

*Fear overwhelms Ring and she grows into her giantess size.*

UBER Yuki: ......?


*Ring aims her arms at UBER Yuki and the sleeves of her shirt straighten and
harden as they begin charging up energy to attack with.*

UBER Yuki: HURRRRRRR!! *shoots the lasers at her but hurt her, till....*

Ring: *feels the lasers stinging her butt* OWWiE!! *two beam cannons emerge from Ring's shirt sleeves and they fire two charged energy beams directly at UBER Yuki.*

*UBER Yuki moves out of the way, but the real Yuki tackles her down*

*e-chan dashes over to Yuki to assist her in restraining UBER Yuki*

Yuki: Evil Yuki must DIEEE!

UBER Yuki: Nooooot tooodaaay.... HURRRRRRRRH!!! *blast yuki, and e-chan off*


*Ring grabs UBER Yuki with both of her sleeved hands*

Ring: L-Leave my f-friends alone, you big b-b-bully! >_<

UBER Yuki: I'm sorrrry.....Me won't do it again......for now.... *teleports away*

Yuki: When did she do that??

Ring: O_O *looking around confused by UBER Yuki's sudden disappearance*

Yuki: ???! *shrug*

Mizuki: O_O; ......????????????????

e-chan: *notices that pizza is still falling from the sky* O_o *sees Goth Boy next to him looking depressed, watching the pizza fall* ...just how many pizzas were there in that car of yours? *catches a slice of Veggie Lovers pizza before it hits the ground and begins eating it*

Goth Boy: God, I'm sooo fired... -_-;;;

e-chan:'m pretty sure your boss will understand if you tell him what happened.

*Goth Boy looks at e-chan with a "you can't be serious" expression on his face*

e-chan: ...I'll...vouch for you...^^;

Goth Boy: I'm flooding with sorrow now...

*e-chan hands Goth Boy a notebook and pencil only to receive a confused look*

e-chan: What? When you're in a mood like this don't you always find inspiration for new poems?

Goth Boy: Yes... I'm going back.... Bye...or whatever... *leaves*

*Everybody looks to the sky and wonders about the exact same thing...*

Scooter: ...why is it still raining pizza? ^^;

e-chan: I've learned that it's best not to question things like this and just accept what's happening. -_-; *catches another slice of Veggie Lovers pizza and begins eating it.*

Scooter: *sigh* I guess that's the only thing you CAN do. *catches a slice of Super Supreme pizza and begins eating it*

*Aside from the weird raining pizza phenomenon, the rest of the day past uneventfully. e-chan rested in his bed that night ecstatic about his first ever date with Lalao and the fact that she accepted his confession. Despite all of that, there was still something plaguing his heart: Samantha. He still cared and worried about her even up to this moment.*

e-chan: TTnTT Samantha...I'm sorry for being such a horrible person. *falls asleep*

*Within his dreams, e-chan finds himself in a familiar dark void area.*

e-chan: O_O Not this place again; the last time I was here was the day that e-kun appeared and escaped from my body *hears footsteps approaching him* OoO;; OH C'MON!! Please tell me that I didn't unknowingly create another e-kun! TToTT

*In front of e-chan stands a man with long black hair, wearing a red and green shirt, blue jeans and boots; from the state of his clothes you could tell that he was a wanderer who's traveled across many lands and experienced many things. Three other notable features he had was the sword on his back, a Y-shaped scar on his face located just between his eyes...and that his face greatly resembled e-chan's face just like e-kun's did. Unlike e-kun, this man bore no signs of hate or malice what-so-ever; a small amused smile appeared on his face when he saw e-chan.*

???: *light chuckle* Fear me not, e-chan; I'm mean you no harm in the least little bit.

e-chan: Phew, that's nice. ^^;

???: You're worried about Samantha, right?

e-chan: ...yes, I am; I'm very worried about her safety.

???: Worry no more, e-chan; I'll find Samantha and stick with her for the rest of my life. She will be well taken care of, so please don't feel bad anymore about not being there for her. After all, if you didn't care about her, I wouldn't be here at all right now.

e-chan: ^w^, what's your name, friend?

???: *smiles* My'll know when you wake up. Good-bye, e-chan; the next time we cross paths, Samantha will be right here next to me. *disappears in the darkness*

e-chan: *wakes up and looks around his room and sees that nobody is around* ...that name...I like the sound of it. ^w^

*Meanwhile far away, Samantha is in a flowery meadow looking up at the shining moon. Her focus on the moon is broken when she notices somebody approaching her. Upon seeing the person in front of her, Samantha is amazed by how much he resembles and reminds her of e-chan. Feeling no hostility from him, she approaches and begins talking to him; the next day…*

Lalao: *knocks on the door*

e-chan: *yawns* who could it be this early in the morning? =_= *opens the door with a half-asleep look on his face* Lalao...?

Lalao: Wow... have you forgotten to drink some coffee? O.O

e-chan: No it's not that; I had one those...weird dreams again, and it took me forever to get back to sleep... =_=

Lalao: At least you're not on Elm Street... Sorry, it's just a joke...

e-chan: *laughs* ^w^

*Lalao seems happy that e-chan wasn't annoyed or upset by her joke*

e-chan: Oh, where are my manners? Please, come in; it's already this hot and it's not even close to noon yet *motions for Lalao to come inside and cool off*

Lalao: *walks right in* Thank You.

e-chan: *closes the door behind him* By the way, you didn't happen to see another guy around that looked a bit like me, did you? ^^;

Lalao: What?

e-chan: Here's the thing; that weird dream I had last night, it was exactly like the one I had when e-kun appeared. I'm just hoping that the dream I had STAYS a dream and nothing more than that. -_-;

Lalao: ....Um...Okay...?

*More knocking is heard coming from the door.*

e-chan: Another visitor?

*Opening the door, e-chan stands face to face with the person he saw in his dream last night; to Lalao, he looked like a more rugged version of e-chan with long hair*

???: Hello again.

e-chan: o_o ... *slowly closes the front door* T_T ...can't this weird stuff at least wait until after I'm fully awake? *opens the front door again* am I still asleep?

???: No, you are not.

e-chan: That's what I was afraid of...So, you must be e-sama, correct?

e-sama: Yes; I'm pleased that you remembered my name despite this being our first time meeting in reality. ^w^

Lalao: .... *slap herself to know if she's not going crazy* O.O;;; Wha? Wha? Wha?

e-chan: -_-; well, come on in; I was bound to have a nervous breakdown sooner or later anyway...

e-sama: Thank you; I'd hate for milady to get overheated.

e-chan: O_o Milady? Who else is...?

*e-sama steps to the side; the person behind was none other than Samantha.*

e-chan: ... *passes out and faints*

Lalao: *comes to e-chan, with a concern look on her face*

e-chan: *out cold*

e-sama: ... *pokes e-chan a few times* he's okay; he'll wake up in due time.

Lalao: .....What did you come for?

Samantha: ......

e-sama: Mainly just to inform e-chan that Milady will be okay from now on...and about a pressing matter regarding something I've discovered on my journeys.

Lalao: *listening*.....?

e-sama: It would take too long to explain, but when he wakes up, please tell him this: "The chest has been found."

*Lalao nods with a confused expression on her face*

e-sama: He'll know what you're talking about when you tell him this. Things are about to get chaotic and crazy in the coming days; be careful and stay safe no matter what happens. I must be going now; there is something that out there that needs to be found in order to stop this incoming invasion.

Lalao: Got it...

e-sama: Thank you, both of us shall take our leave now; sorry for disturbing you so early.

*As the two are about to leave, Lalao calls out to Samantha; she just had to know what was going on with her lately.*

Lalao: Samantha, can I ask you, what is up with you?! Why are you acting so strange?

Samantha: ....... T_T

Lalao: ...?

e-sama: ...I'm sorry, but that's something that can't be discussed right now.

Lalao: ......

Samantha: *walks off*

e-sama: Please understand, Milady carries a heavy burden on her shoulders and doesn't want any harm to come to those she cares about.

*Samantha grasps e-sama's hand and nods at him.*

e-sama: I see; once again, sorry for disturbing you both this early in the morning. We'll be on our way now *leaves through the front door with Samantha*

Lalao: ...Bye...

*Lalao hears a snoring sound and looks down at e-chan to see that he is fast asleep, finally getting the rest he was unable to get the previous night. She tries to wake him up, but he doesn't budge one bit; he must be a real heavy sleeper.*

e-chan: beautiful and cute...zzzzzzzzzz

*e-chan smiles with a happy and goofy expression on his face while fast asleep; looking at him, Lalao couldn't help but giggle then kiss him on his forehead, touched that he cared about her so much*

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