Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Epic Final Boss Battle! Go K-Skylar!!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 15
”Epic Final Boss Battle! Go K-Skylar!!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen
Nikki has been approached by the trickster, Weber who offers her the greatest of power in exchange for everything she owns. Her decision...

Weber: If you give up all of the cash, items, equipment and towns that you own, I can grant you the most greatest of power. What do you say?

[Nikki selects the Yes option. Nikki hands over the only thing in her invetory: the Blackmail.]

Weber: Now just close your eyes and relax...

[Nikki is surrounded by dark, corrupted E-nergy that causes the entire sky to darken and crackle with lightning. Nikki becomes a Darkling.]

Nikki: I like this; now it's time to have some real fun. *teleports away and appears on top of Dokapon Castle*

Weber: *looks at what Nikki gave up* O_O; CRAP!!

*The Blackmail activates and K.O's Weber. Meanwhile...*

Kevin: Hmm...I have strange feeling that someone was just blown to pieces by an explosive item...

*In the direction of the explosion, Kintaros stands there, coal-black in color, after the Nitroglycerin in his possession had exploded. Fortunately, the explosion not only happened while Skylar was scouting out the area, it K.O'd the monster that had attacked him. When Skylar returned and saw the scene before him, he rushes over to his aid; when Kintaros burps out a cloud of smoke, Skylar checks his item menu then immediately realizes what had happened. Repressing the urge to laugh at how funny he looked at that moment, Skylar uses a healing item on Kintaros and restores him to full health.*

Kintaros: You know... *coughs* I'm starting to get annoyed by this game...

*The sky suddenly gets dark where the two are and lightning can be seen crackling and striking the ground.*

Kintaros: Great... -.-;

Skylar: What now?

*Atop Dokapon Castle...*

Nikki: Let's see...ah, this will do.

[Nikki uses Come Here! All players are warped to her location]

Ashuro: ...-_-;

Snoopy: N-Nikki?

e-chan: ...sometimes I really HATE this game...-_-;

Ruby: O.O;

Kevin: ...not good... -.-;

Trey: *scratches the back of his head*

Kintaros: Zzzz...

Skylar: What does she have in store for us now?

Nikki: *thrusts her right arm up forcefully and a giant cavern entrance surround by dark mist erupts out of the ground* it's time...time for the deciding battle that'll determine the winner of this game!

Kevin: That didn't take long...

Skylar: Kintaros, let's go!

*The two of them merge together once more*

Nikki: But first, I need to even out everybody's current Ranking.

[Nikki uses Global Assault; all rescued town have been invaded by boss monsters again]

Snoopy: NO! All of the towns Sensei and I rescued are gone!

e-chan: ...as I said, sometimes I REALLY HATE THiS GAME!!

Trey: Damn it girl! You're going to have to answer to my blade after this!

K-Skylar: Can't you play fair?!

Nikki: In the game of Dokapon Kingdom, this IS playing fair.

Ashuro: ...as hard as it is to believe, she's absolutely right; there's no such thing as fair or unfair play in this game. -_-;

K-Skylar: God damn it...

Kevin: Fair or unfair, we're going to win anyway!

Nikki: Hmmm...the Rankings still aren't even how could I forget that? Your cash, drop every single G in your pockets; that way the Rankings will all be equal. ^w^

Kevin: Sorry to say this Skylar...But your girlfriend is ANNOYING AS HELL!!!

K-Skylar: Calm down, would ya?!

Trey: Sorry, but I have to agree on this one! Kevin is right!

Ashuro, e-chan and Snoopy: ... *hands over all of the cash their teams have both gather up to that point* ...

*Trey, Kevin and Ruby look at their teammates with confused looks.*

Snoopy: Look, I know this may sound like I'm trying to make excuses, but there's something you need to understand about the Lobinu race. If we repress our emotions for way too long, we'll become mentally ill; our minds get clouded and distorted which makes us do things we'd never think of doing and we have no control over it. Growing up with her, believe me when I say that I know how she can be sometimes, but what I do know is that the real her isn't like this. Don't think bad of her; I promise, once she's worn out enough, Nikki will regain her senses and return to normal. So please, just be patient for a little while longer.

Kevin: Oh...

Trey: Gee...Sorry...

*Now that he fully understands the situation, K-Skylar knows what he has to do: win the game and somehow make Nikki exhaust all of her energy so that she'd return to her senses. He gives up all of the cash both he and Kintaros earned, which makes all of the rankings even.*

Nikki: Teriffic! With that done, we can now begin! This cave leads to the boss of all monsters: Rico; he's the strongest opponent in the entire game and definitely doesn't play fair. Defeating him will put an end to all of the monsters in Dokapon Kingdom. So...the team that lands the finishing blow to Rico gains instant victory! When you're all ready, step inside and make you way down to the deepest chamber *disappears in a dark mist*

K-Skylar: I'm ready to go!

Kevin: Yeah. Let's do it.

Ruby: *pumps her fists* Woohoo!

Trey: We'll be done here quickly.

e-chan: Let's end this so that I can go back bed and sleep.

Snoopy: This has gotten so exciting all of a sudden!

Ashuro: Yes! I get to eat after this!

*All four teams journey inside of the cave; surprisingly, there aren't any monsters around at all. Soon enough, they all reach the very bottom and see the entrance to Rico's Keep about a football field length ahead of them. As everybody else begins moving forward, both Ashuro and K-Skylar stay right where they're standing. The others turn around and ask them why they're still standing there.*

Ashuro: Don't you guys notice something odd about all of this?

Ashuro: I don't know about you guys, but in every RPG-esque game I've ever played, the area containing the games final boss is usually swarming with the strongest of enemies and is full of sub-bosses and stuff like that. We've been able to get this far down without being attacked and the only thing that seperates us from the grand finale is this very long and wide area; and when you consider how thing usually turn out for us, something will more than likely happen the moment we're all in the center of this place. So before we go any further...

*A shockwave shoots out of the entrance way that everybody was standing in front of and are blown into the center of the area; once they land, both the entrance and exit are sealed off with a wall of dark energy.*

Ashuro: @w@ ...I knew it...

Kevin: @_@; ...uh...I should've known...

???: Well, look who it is; the so-called "heroes" trying to save the land of Dokapon.

*Everybody looks up and sees a boy with shady eyes standing in front of them; he looked a lot like Shark Aikawa and went by the name, Rico Jr.*

Rico Jr.: I am Rico Jr., Prince of the Underworld! *looks at them* Hmph, although there are 8 of you here, none of you look like anything special; if I hadn't told all of the guards to allow you to pass without any fuss, you'd have all been destroyed after taking your first step inside! Wahahahaha!

Trey: This time it's Shark?

Ruby: He's really underestimating us, isn't he?

Rico Jr.: Underestimating you?! HA!! I've seen you guys rushing about on the surface; you're all nothing more than a group of nerdy cosplaying LARPing zeroes playing hero!

e-chan: Man this guy is irritating.:annoyed:

Snoopy: Grrrrrr...

Rico Jr.: Oh, you've got a dog with you? Then you guys must be doing a bad immitation of Motley Crew.

e-chan: ...WHAT??

Ashuro: ...I don't get it...

K-Skylar: ... *his hand is glowing with a faint yellow light, almost un-noticeable*

Kevin: Hey, loud mouth, can you shut up with your trolling behavior?

Rico Jr.: Hehehe! Well, at least it seems that you all have enough guts to talk back; but now, I have a question for you *draws his sword* do you have enough guts to make me stop talking *makes a slight grin and disappears*

e-chan: ...the old insult and run tactic I s-- *gets attacked from behind and is sent flying into the cavern wall*

e-chan: ...OWWiE!

Rico Jr.: *stands where e-chan once was* Ahahahahaha! You actually thought that I had run away? Well, you're half right...

*He disappears again and then Kevin is attacked and sent flying into the cavern wall as well*

Rico Jr.: *stands where Kevin once was* I did run, but not away like you thought.

Ashuro: Not good; he's WAY too fast for me to keep up with as I am right now...Skylar, you and Kintaros still have all of your original abilities because you're not tied into the game like the rest of us are. It's up to both of you to stop-- *gets attacked from the side and slammed into the ground hard*

K-Skylar: Right!

Skylar: (Shall we do it?)

Kintaros: (Let's make him cry, aibou!)

Skylar: (You got it!)

*K-Skylar suddenly holds and puts on some fancy belt and presses a yellow button on it. A sound is played, he slides something similiar to a pass over the front of the belt and for a brief second, both of Skylar and Kintaros are visable*

Both: Henshin!

*After a short amount of time, K-Skylar had become suited up in some sort of armor that had motifs of a train station and Kintaros himself*

Axe Form!

K-Skylar: Ore no tsuyosa ni, omae ga naita. Namida wa kore de fuitoke. ("You wept over my strength. Wipe off your tears.")

Rico Jr.: *looks serious* Heh, just as I thought, you guys ARE nerds; dangerous nerds but nerds non-the-less.

e-chan: *gets back on his feet* will you...please just...SHUT UP!!

*Kevin gets back on his feet and sees an opportunity to strike when Rico Jr. turns his attention to e-chan.*

[Kevin uses Steal! Kevin steals the sword of Rico Jr.]

Rico Jr.: What the...HOW DiD YOU...?!

*K-Skylar sees the ideal opportunity and strikes*

K-Skylar: Haaaaa!!! *hits him in the shoulder with an axe-like weapon*

Rico Jr.: AUGH! *clutches his shoulder with a pained look on his face* You're gonna pay for that little stunt you just--

[e-chan uses Debug! Rico Jr.'s HP drop to 1 HP!]

Rico Jr.: UGH!! *looks very exhausted* You punks! *winces in pain* My...my dad will take care of you all; just you wait and see.

[Rico Jr. runs away from the battle.]

Snoopy: At least that's over with *notices that the barriers have dropped* let's get this over with; I'm tired of not being able to use my abilities.

*Everybody charges forward and enters into the final room; once inside, they're all teleported to a land far FAR away from Dokapon Kingdom. The heroes find themselves to the top of a dark, evil-looking tower; and if that wasn't scary enough, their hearts nearly gave out when they saw the person standing in front of them: the King of the Underworld, Overlord Rico! What was so frightening about him was the fact that he looked like an even more intimidating version of Rex Tyrant!*

Ashuro: OoO;;

Snoopy: O_O;;

e-chan: ...we are going to die... -_-;

Trey: O_o;;

Ruby: *holding around Snoopy very tightly*

Kevin: Oh...my...god...

K-Skylar: ..... *frowns*

Rico: ...heh-heh-heh-heh...

Ashuro: OwO;; I never thought I'd say this, but I prefer OUR Rex a lot more than this one.

Trey: I have to agree with you there... O_O;;

Rico: ...come, servant...

*Nikkia appears in front of everybody, still in Darkling mode; everybody could immediately tell that something wasn't right. She was slouched over and her eyes looked pale and faded, as if she were in some sort of trance.*

Ashuro: ...she's being controled!

Kevin: What?!

K-Skylar: *eyes her, reverting out of the transformation*

Rico: This one was definitely one of the strong ones. She nearly defeated me; if I hadn't chosen to use Super Bounce instead of Defend, she would've defeated me. And to think, I only had 5 HP left *makes Nikki call out her Pensword, Horror Sheathe* this blade of hers truly amazing, you know...

Nikki: ... *stands still while holding Horror Sheathe*

Ruby: So...her strategy backfired?

Trey: Seems like it...

K-Skylar: ..... *split up into Kintaros and Skylar again*

Rico: I'll have to admit, she didn't make things easy; everytime I tried to take that sword away from her, it disappeared out of my hands and back into her's. She refused to tell me how it worked and even went as far as to refusing to hand it over to me; not even after using all of my remaining strength to beat her into submission, she still refused to give in.

*Skylar, Ashuro, e-chan and Snoopy look extremely pissed off and angry.*

Rico: With not a lot of spare energy left to continue my interogation, I thought of something: if she won't tell me how to use it, I'll just make her use it for me.

Skylar: ..... *quietly and calmly tells him to shut up*

Rico: ...okay, as you wish; servant, keep them busy while I take some time to heal.

*Nikki charges forward and speedily slashes everybody except for Skylar and Kintaros with Horror Sheathe, sending them all to the ground. She then turns her attention to Skylar and Kintaros as she begins her tremendous assault. Nikki was at least 10x stronger than she was when she was chasing Skylar before all of this craziness began, leaving both of them totally overwhelmed and unable to do anything to defend themselves as they are soundly defeated in battle. With all of the heroes lying on the ground defeated, Nikki looks at Rico.*

Nikki: ... *smirks*

Rico: What the...??

Nikki: What are you so surprised about? You wanted me to use my Pensword, right? So that's what I did...just not in the way you would prefer.

*Rico watches in surprise as everybody gets back up to their feet, completely healed and full of energy. They even noticed that they were all back in their original clothes and were able to use all of their original abilities, meaning that they were no longer tied into the game like they were before.*


Nikki: NO! My body might've been under your control, but my mind and will NEVER was! I told several times already: I WiLL NOT BE BROKEN!!


Nikki: *sigh* I'm tired of hearing you talk; it's time to end this, NOW!

*Nikki thrusts Horror Sheathe in the air and all of her energy and power from her Darkling class are sent to both Skylar and Kintaros. When the two of them merge back together to become K-Skylar, Rico trys to attack but is unable to move due to one of the many effects Nikki put on him through Horror Sheathe's ability.*

Nikki: Almost *continues charging up K-Skylar* ...DONE!

*With K-Skylar fully charged up with a maxed out AK, DF, MG and SP, he is ready to deliver his strongest attack to completely defeat Rico.*

K-Skylar: Let's go!

*taking the pass from earlier, they transform back into Den-O and proceeds to activate they're Full Charge Hissatsu Waza. He throws the axe he is holding into the air right above Rico, then jumps up, grabs the axe again and swings it down towards Rico. The attacks hits, splitting him in half*

K-Skylar: Dynamic Chop - Final Version!

Rico: ...GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! *explodes into a LOT of coins*

Ashuro: Oh look, coins!

*K-Skylar reverts and splits up into Skylar and Kintaros again*

Kevin: That was simply amazing...if only the real Rex was as easy to take out...

Skylar: *looking at Nikki* ...

Nikki: *looks a little dazed and confused*

Snoopy: Nikki? Nikki, WAKE UP!

Nikki: *snaps back into reality* Huh? What? *looks around confused* Where am I?

Trey: ...Is she...back to normal?

Kintaros: We'll see...

Skylar: *carefully steps closer to her* Nikki, what is the last thing you remember?

Nikki: *thinks back* I remember us going to a cottage you owned *thinks back some more* then I remember us going upstairs *tries to think back futher* and...and...I can't remember; everything past that point is a blur.

*The area around them pixalates and disappears. Taking a look at his surroundings, Skylar sees that they're all back on his land where everything started.*

Nikki: OwO;; Okay, I'm starting to get a little freaked out right now...

Skylar: *smiles a bit, then brings her in for a long and loving hug* You lost control...I went too far and got you into your...Love-sickness mode...But it's over now...

*Skylar explains everything as they go back to the cottage. Soon, they were sitting together on the bed in the bedroom.*

Nikki: I really did all of that?

Skylar: It's hard to believe...but yes...you did... *strokes her back*

Nikki: ...what do I do now? *about to cry*

Skylar: .....

*Skylar stands up from the bed and steps a bit away from her. The very thoughts of what Skylar could say being almost too much for Nikki as a mix of guilt, sadness and fear was building up inside her body. After a short while, Skylar turns around to face her and proceeds to kneel down to her eye level.*

Skylar: Nikki...you asked me what to do...well, do you want to stay with me?

Nikki: Yes, I do; more than anything!

Skylar: Then that's what you're going to do... Nikki, if you thought that something like this was going to change anything about our relationship, it hasn't. I'm not going to stop loving just because you lost control, heck, I wouldn't have stopped loving you if you killed me.

Nikki: Skylar... Lv. 99

Skylar: ...What about a kiss, beautiful? *nuzzles her sweetly*

Nikki: ^w^ *kisses Skylar* I...think you already might have an idea of what you need to do to gain that final Lv., right?

Skylar: Yeah, but you know how much I like to hear you talk, so explain it just a tiny bit~ *lifts her shirt and tickles her belly lovingly*

Nikki: Ahahahaha! All you need to do is ask a certain question...

*Skylar opens his mouth, ready to ask the question he believes that Nikki is thinking about but is stopped when she puts her hand over his mouth so that she can finish what she was saying.*

Nikki: ...but it's not me you need to ask...yet.

Skylar: Heh, this might be a bit harder than I thought~ *pulls up her shirt to reveal her breasts*

Nikki: Hmm...I'll give you one more hint; after that, you'll have to figure it out yourself.

*Skylar nods his head 'yes.' He remembered when e-chan talked to him that time; if he still couldn't figure it out after hearing the final hint, he would go to e-chan for help.*

Nikki: There are 'two' certain people, two that you already know, thet you need to ask this question to first. If they give you a positive response, then you can come to me and ask your question; does that help some?

Skylar: Hehe, I think that should be enough~ *nuzzles her and places his hands on her breasts*

Nikki: ^w^

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