Monday, July 25, 2011

The Game of Random Events! Let's Play Dokapon Kingdom!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 14
”The Game of Random Events! Let’s Play Dokapon Kingdom!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

With the rules explained and the setup complete, everybody is ready to play to win. But are they truly prepared to handle the true nature of this game? Only one way to find out: Let's Play Dokapon Kingdom!

Nikki: Alright everybody, let's all have fun! Oh, I actually set things up for free roaming.

e-chan: Free roaming? There's no free roaming in this...O_O...wait, you mean there going to be any turn order?! We can just go and do whatever we want to without restrictions?!

Nikki: Correct! ^o^

e-chan: Then why the heck did you waste an entire episode explaining all of those rules?!

Nikki: *points to the audience* Advertisement! ^o^

e-chan: ...

Snoopy: It' not to question her reasoning -_-;;

Kintaros: Zzz.....

Trey: *punches him in the face* Wake up already!!! .....OWW!!! My hand!!! *jumps around in pain*

Ruby: ^^;

Kevin: Okay, Nikki. Thanks for wasting our time... -w-;

Nikki: Begin! *disappears*

Skylar: I guess we split up then...

Kevin: Let's just get going.

e-chan: *concentrates*

*The game menu appears*

e-chan: Let's see...*chooses view and looks at the entire game board/map* there are plenty of towns to save in this area; I guess we should just do that until something else happens.

Trey: Good. I suggest we split up here in the 4 teams and save the towns in north, east, west and south.

Ruby: That was actually a good idea. ^^

Skylar: .....Before that...Snoopy, can I talk to you for one minute? It's not really important, but I want to ask anyway... *signs for Snoopy to come with him*

Snoopy: Uh, sure *walks over to Skylar* what's up?

Skylar: .....Remember the time you told me about Penswords and what happened to you and Nikki when you were younger?

Snoopy: *nods* yes, I remember.

Skylar: Okay... 2 things... you think that Nikki might be...scared of me a bit now? I mean, after giving her spankings a few times I started to think... Could I be bringing back painful memories?

*Skylar looks at Snoopy with signs of sadness, guilt and regret in his facial expression*

Snoopy: Nah; Nikki is crazy about you. And about that time, everytime both of us remember it *chuckles* we can't help but laugh about the faces those bullies made after Nikki was done with them; despite what happened that time, it's one of the funniest memories we both share.

Skylar: ...Well, I guess I'll have to ask Nikki about that... Anyway...the other thing I wanted to ask you about... I want to obtain my own Pensword...

Snoopy: O_O Seriously? What made you interested in them?

Skylar: ...I want to be sure I can protect you all in the future...Plus, it seems like they take the appearance after the user's personality... I'm curious......

Snoopy: ...okay, I'll help you get one after this is all over.

Skylar: Oh, and Snoopy. Try to ask Ruby out on a date sometime, pal. She likes you, you know. *places his hand on Snoopy's head and gives him a friendly noogie*

Snoopy: O//O I-I've actually got a chance to be close to Sensei at that level? *looks really happy* Skylar, fight hard and win this game; there are a ton of crazy random things that'll happen here, but I know you'll find a way to obtain victory! *dashes of back to Ruby to begin their adventure*

Skylar: Okay then... Kintaros!

Kintaros: Yes!

*Kintaros' body turns clear but with golden outlines and goes into Skylar's body. Skylar's outfit changes into a yellow kimono and his hair grows longer and is tied up in a horsetail, with a yellow stripe in it, like when Momotaros joins bodies with Kevin*

K-Skylar: Ready! My strength will make them cry!

Kevin: That's Kintaros for ya.

*From the castle, the four team go in different directions; K-Skylar heads north, e-chan and Kevin go west, Ashuro and Trey travel south while Snoopy and Ruby take a boat and head east. A little while into their journey, Ashuro and Trey encounter the Wabbit that had beat them up earlier.*

Ashuro: YOU!!

Wabbit: *taunts both of them*

Trey: Duck season? No...Wabbit season! *draws his sword*

Ashuro: ... y'know, the King of Dokapon is very fond of these things; he'd pay anybody who gives him one some major coin.

Wabbit: O_O;;

Ashuro: Just remember, we need him alive; I'm very positive that he won't pay for a dead pet *equips some brass knuckles*

Trey: Don't ruin my fun. I'll capture it...alive...

Wabbit: ^w^;;... *runs off with lightning speed*

Ashuro: Get back here, you coward! *chases after the fleeing Wabbit*

[Trey's field ability activates; Trey uses War Cry! His ATK increases!]

Trey: WAAAAAR CRYYYYY!!! *chases it as well*

*Meanwhile, after defeating a few monsters to gain some extra cash, e-chan and Kevin decide it's time to upgrade their equipment.*

e-chan: There should be a weapon shop around here somewhere; let me check the map again.

*As e-chan checks the map, both him and Kevin are appoached by a man dressed like a doctor...a sinister looking doctor. He looked a lot like Cazador Veins*

Dr. Exiles: WAH-HA-HA-HA-HAA! I'm Dr. Exiles!

Kevin: ...I think "Spiderman" finally lost it... -.-;

*Dr. Exiles takes out his equipment and forcibly gives both Kevin and e-chan a check-up.*

Dr. Exiles: Well, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with you, isn't that good news? *takes all of their money* Remember, all the money in the world won't do you any good if you're sick; take care until our next appointment!

*Dr. Exiles runs off with all of Kevin and e-chan's money, leaving them penniless...and in last place.*

e-chan: ...we just got robbed, didn't we?

Kevin: ...Yes, yes we did... Another reason to HATE that man...

e-chan: >_<

*An enemy tries to ambushes them...only to get K.O'd by e-chan and Kevin in an instant*

e-chan: We are NOT in the mood for this crap right now!

*e-chan's Job Class Lv. increases and he learns the "Alchemy" attack*

e-chan::shrugh:Well, I guess that makes me feel a little better...OwO Good news, Kevin; with this new move that I just learned, we can easily gain triple the amount of cash we just lost!

Kevin: At least THAT's something. ^^

*A swarm of monsters appear, ready to fight the duo.*

e-chan: He-he-hee...perfect timing!

[e-chan uses Alchemy! All damage taken by everybody creates money!]

e-chan: *equips staff* Time for some overtime pay! *charges at the monsters*

Kevin: Alright! *charges at them as well*

*Meanwhile, Snoopy and Ruby have reached another town and are fighting the orc-like monster that had invaded it.*

Snoopy: *winces* Ow! This guy is strong!

[Snoopy uses Chakra! His AT and MG are increased by 50%]

Snoopy: I think that I can take him down; I just need an opening, something to distract him for a moment... Sensei, you just learned "Decoy," right?

Ruby: Yes... Ah, I see where you're going.

[Ruby uses Decoy and creates a copy of herself!]

*The orc approaches the Ruby clone and puts all of it's strength into attacking it, only to be surprised that it was a fake. Looking around confused, the orc never noticed that Snoopy was almost right up on him, ready to deliver the final attack.*

[Snoopy uses Pierce! The attack's damage is unaffected by the opponent's DF stats & buffs!]

Snoopy: HYAAA!!

*With the mighty slice of his sword, Snoopy fells the orc as it tumbles to the ground and disappears.*

[Snoopy's Lv. has increased by 1! Ruby's Lv. has increased by 1! Snoopy and Ruby earn 4500G!]

Ruby: Good job, Snoopy! *runs over and hugs him*

???: It looks like this place is safe again.

*A very big, round, purple weasel carrying a big drill approaches Snoopy and Ruby; he looks a lot like Bone Wugga.*

Snoopy: Bone, is that you?

Mitch: Bone? No, I'm Mitch; Mitch Digger at your service! *bows respectfully*

Ruby: Huh... *blinks a bit, looking at him*

Mitch: This entire kingdom is lying on top of one huge hotsprings. For 600G, I can dig for a vein leading to it; if I'm successful in finding one, the value of this town will rise, adding to your overall net worth. Would you like for me to dig for one?

Snoopy: What do you think, Sensei? This would definitely help us take the lead and gain more cash at the same time; at the most we'll only lose 600G.

Ruby: You're the boss Snoopy. You know so much more about games than me~

*Ruby kneels down to Snoopy and hugs him tightly, nuzzling his cheek and also giving him a little kiss there as well. Showing that she trusts him to take the lead and decide.*

Snoopy: ^w^ [selects the "Yes" option]

Mitch: Gyo-hohoho! Let's give it a try!

*A spinner that counts clock-wise from 0 to 6 along with a messages that says that if the spinner stops on a number 2 or higher, the dig will be successful. The spinner starts up; watching it carefully, Snoopy times his stop perfectly and the spinner stops on the number 4. Hotsprings water gushes out of the ground as Snoopy, Ruby and Mitch jump for joy from their success; their town's net worth value increases by 25%, making it worth 185000G! Around that same time, K-Skylar are approached by a little girl walking down the road. Defusing for the moment, Skylar and Kintaros decide to see what she wants; she smiles at them with a genuine happy smile on her face.*

???: ^w^

Skylar: Um...hello little girl.

Kintaros: You look quite what do you want from us?

*Looking at her a bit more closely, she looks exactly like Lynette.*

Leanne: H-Hello, my name is Leanne; will you deliver something for me, please?

[Option box appears; help Leanne? Yes or No]

Kintaros: Of course we'll help.

Skylar: Yeah. [selects the "Yes" option]

Leanne: *smiles gratefully and hands Skylar a box containing a marble cake topped with creamy frosting* this is for the Mayor of the town of Groat *points to the northwest* he'll give you a nice reward if you can deliver it to him before day's end...thank you. *skips away happily*

Skylar:Hehe... Guess we're heading to the northwest.

Kintaros: Sure. Let's get going.

*With the cake in hand, Skylar and Kintaros starts heading to the northwest and the town of Groat. While traveling to their destination, the duo is able to save multiple different towns and take the lead for 1st place, gaining tons of cash. Upon arriving at Groat, they find that it too is under a monster attack like the other ones; this time, they were up against a gigantic cyclops.*

Kintaros: My stength will make you cry! *takes a sumo stance*

Sklar: Uh...okay, you take care of this then...

*The cyclops lounges around, not interested in fighting or even acknowledging that Kintaros is even there.*

Cyclops: ...

Kintaros: .....Is it...ignoring me?

Cyclops: ...

Kintaros: .....Toss him away?

Skylar: .....Maybe...Let's wait and see if it does anything...

Cyclops: *sniffs the air and eyes the package that Leanne had entrusted them with*

*The cyclops gets up, walks over to the duo and takes the package from them. Before they could do anything to stop it, the cyclops had already opened the package and eaten the cake inside. They had failed in their delivery mission...*

Cyclops: *licks his lips then returns to where he was and resumes lounging around*

Kintaros: .....

Skylar: .....

Both: F***ing unbelivable...

Cyclops: Zzzzzzzz... *farts*

*The stench makes Skylar and Kintaros' eyes water and causes them to drop to the ground, desperately gasping for fresh air.*

Kintaros: UH! I'm not the one suppossed to cry! >_<

Skylar: MY NOSE!!! IT BURNS!!!

Cyclops: Zzzzzzzz... *farts*

*The stench from this one was 3x worse than the last one. Both Skylar and Kintaros agreed about the same thing: this dude was going down...right after a quick retreat before they blacked out from the incredibly foul air around them.*

Kintaros: soon as the air clears...

Skylar: We Henshin and destroy that bastard?

Kintaros: My thoughts exactly...

*Sounds of agony, distress and gagging can be heard from the townspeople; even though the two of them had gotten a reasonable distance away from the town, the stench actually reaches their noses again...10x more potent than before. As noble and heroic as he wanted to be, Skylar's nose just couldn't take it anymore and he ran as far away from the town of Groat that his legs could take him; Kintaros tries to call him back, but after a good whiff of the stench passes through his nostrils, even he had to admit that a total retreat was neccessary for their own survival and flees as well.*

//Somewhere far away...//

Skylar: *gasping for fresh air* That..was the most...DISGUSTING scent I've ever smelled! Grrrr, is it fun watching this Nikki?! Just you wait girl, you're gonna get it!

???: Skylar!

*After landing, Skylar turns around and sees that it was Nikki who had tackled him to the ground; he also realizes that both of them are no longer chibi dolls and looked like their regular selves again.*

Nikki: I can't wait any longer; I want you...NOW! *graps both of Skylar's arms and pins him to the ground with amazing strength, leaving him unable to move them at all*

Skylar: What the-?! How did you do, or rather, WHY did you do this all of a sudden?!

Nikki: As I said earlier, I can't wait anymore; I've been holding myself back for so long and I feel like I'll burst if I have to wait any longer!

*Not even thinking about what he was saying, Skylar suggests that Nikki participate in the game.*

Nikki: Me enter the game? But there's already 4 teams, there's no way that I can... I know!

*Nikki uses her Horror Sheathe to hack into the game's programming and makes a few modifications. Once she's done, a little bat appears and hovers over her head.*

Nikki: Now to wait for a few moments.

Skylar: (Hmm...maybe if I can get hold of her pensword and get it away from her...)

*A mist of shadows appear and out of them steps a real shady and sneaking looking man wearing weird clothes then he approaches Nikki; he looked a lot like Masquerade.*

Weber: Hey kid...wanna see some ma~gic? I'm Weber; I've been waiting for you...

Skylar: have? (Freaky~)

Weber: I've got a present for you...

[Nikki gets a 'Contract']
[Skylar gets a 'Blackmail']
[Kintaros gets a 'Nitroglycerin]

Weber: I hope you like it; take care~of it. Bye-Bye...*disappears in a mist of shadows*

Nikki: Alright! This is just what I needed!

[Nikki uses the Contract; Nikki is warped out of the area to another place]

*Skylar opens the items menu to figure out what the items that both him and Kintaros just recieved does. The Blackmail will kill whoever's holding it after a random amout of turns; the only way to get rid of it was to either pass it on to another player/team by using half of your cash to do so, or...just wait for it to kill you. The Nitroglycerin has a chance of exploding and leaving it's holder with only 1 HP when attacked by an enemy in battle. Neither of these items can be sold or throw away...*

Skylar: AAAAH! What the hell?!

Kintaros: Oh my god...

*Knowing that they have two ticking-time bombs in their possession that can't be thrown away, Skylar and Kintaros do their best to regain their composure and think up a plan. When Skylar is able to clear his mind once again, he notices that he's a chibi doll again; something that he decided that wasn't worth thinking about at this point. Meanwhile, Ashuro and Trey have finally cornered the Wabbit that had sucker punched them earlier, and are getting into position to catch it.*

Ashuro: Kihihi...there's no escaping for you now, fuzzy.

Trey: Just come with us, and no one will get hurt.

*The Wabbit whistles and multiple other Wabbits appear and surround the duo.*

Ashuro: Of course THAT would have to happen, wouldn't it! *takes a fighting stance* Now I'M gonna have to remember that we need one alive.

Trey: Easy...

*The Wabbits all attack at once, forcing Ashuro and Trey to fight back*

Ashuro: Gatling! *throws a flurry of quick, stretchy punches that hit many of the Wabbits*

Trey: Ha! *swings his sword and beheads many Wabbits*

Ashuro: *the wind around him starts spinning clockwise* Storm Warning!

*Ashuro jumps high into the air and begins spinning counter clockwise which causes the wind around him to expand outwards, creating a giant whirlwind that sucks all of the Wabbits inside of it and leaving them unable to do anything as they spin around in the whirlwind. Trey sees and opportunity to defeat them all at once and jumps inside of the whirlwind, using his Flash Step to manuver around it and attack all of the Wabbits*

Trey: *calls out to Ashuro* Yo! I think we got most of them now! You can stop!

*Ashuro ends the attack; when him and Trey land on the ground, all of the defeated Wabbits disappear and many MANY coins replace them. Before Ashuro and Trey could begin filling their pockets with their earning, they notice that there is still one Wabbit left; it was the same one they had been chasing after that whole time. Ashuro gives it a light bonk on it's head and it faints, allowing Trey and him to capture it.*

Ashuro: YAY! WE DiD iT! *begins gathering up all of the gold coins*

Trey: Hehe, that was rather easy.

Ashuro: Whoa, look at all of the EXP we just earned after all of that; we both just mastered our job classes!

[Ashuro learns Afterburn!]
[Trey learns Overload!]

Trey: Heh, now would you look at that? BONUS!

*Seeing that they've just earned a huge amount of cash, Ashuro opens up the itmes menu to check their supplies.*

Ashuro: What the...? When did we pick this up?

Trey: Huh?

Ashuro: T-T-T-This is a 'Blackmail'! If we hold on to it for too long, we both die a digital death!

Trey: WHAT?! You can't be serious! Where did that come from?!

Ashuro: Somebody must've ran into to a guy name Weber and made them take this! It's like we're playing hot potatoe with a ticking time bomb!

Trey: Oh my gawd! What do we do???

Ashuro: much as I hate to do it, we'd have to use half of all our cash on hand to pay it off and send it to somebody else... *looks at menu screen and sees that a 5th player has been added* who is this? There's no name here... *looks at the Blackmail* OwO;; Sorry, whoever you are, but we can't afford to get a Game Over at this point! *pays of the Blackmail and sends it to the un-named 5th player* ...

Trey: ...I...don't think that was a good idea... I have a bad feeling about this...

Ashuro: Well, since this is a game, they won't REALLY die. When a player is defeated in this game, they're just warped back to Dokapon Castle and aren't able to do anything for about 1 to 3 turns; afterwards, the player fully revives and can begin playing again. I'm confident that Nikki wouldn't do anything to put us all in THAT type of danger.

*At that moment, Trey start to stare down Ashuro with a lifeless and unimpressed look on his face. After a while he reminds Ashuro about the fact that the Nikki they know, has temporary turned into a nut, in control of this place, able to do whatever she wanted...and at the moment to dumb to realice it*

Trey: Get what I'm saying...? -_-

Ashuro: I get what you're saying...but think about it this way: what is it that Nikki REALLY wants right now?

Trey: ...Skylar?

Ashuro: Correct! Even though Nikki is a bit nuts right now, I don't think she'd do anything that would result in possibly losing Skylar; she a tsundere, not a yandere.

Trey: ...But...if we're out of the way...wouldn't that make it easier? Or am I just overthinking this too much?


Kevin: Hmm...that was weird...I feel a disturbence somewhere...


Trey: ...Well?

Ashuro: *accesses the overworld map and searches for the mysterious 5th player's location* where...? There they are, they're just south-east of us on... *face goes pale*

Trey: ...I'm afraid to ask...

Ashuro: ...and I'm not going to answer, because you're about to see for yourself in a few moments...

Trey: As Demoman would've said... Ah, crape... -_-;

*Meanwhile, Nikki appears on a cursed island.*

Nikki: *checks her invetory and sees that she has recieved the Blackmail*

*Weber appears*

Weber: If you give up all of the cash, items, equipment and towns that you own, I can grant you the most greatest of power. What do you say?

To be continued...

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