Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Sweet Maggie! Oh How My Heart Aches for You!

  Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
”My Sweet Maggie! Oh How My Heart Aches for You!”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

*It had been 2 days since Rocko had last seen Maggie; while wandering around town, Rocko ventures into an empty area where he sees Maggie crying*

Rocko: -n- Maggie...what's wrong? *looks genuinely concerned*

Maggie: *quickly wiping the tears away* ...What are you talking about?

Rocko: Just a moment ago weren't you... no, it's alright; you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to right now.

Maggie: ...^^ *walks way*

Rocko: *secretly follows her*

Maggie: *still walking* ........T_T

Rocko: *still secretly following her* (...why do I feel like I need to make sure she's okay?)

Maggie: *turns* what??

*When Maggie looks behind her, she sees that nobody is behind her and continues walking after a few seconds. Rocko deactivates his cloaking shield and reappears once Maggie is out of sight.*

Rocko: That was a close one. ^^; *continues to follow Maggie while staying completely out of sight*

Maggie: ......

Annaliese: ...And Mr. Cobblepot swallowed a bug, and I saved him! ^^

Mizuki: Yaaaay, You're a hero! ^^

Annaliese: I'm a He-Hero? Thank You, Mizuki... ^//^ *hugs her sweetly*

Mizuki: ^//^ ... *sees Maggie* Oh, its Maggie-San...

Annaliese: Hi, M-M-Maggie....what brings you here?

Rocko: *stands 3 feet away from the girls with cloaking device still active*

Maggie: Oh... nothing... ^^

Annaliese: Oh, that's okay then. ^^

Mizuki: I hope then... *still uneasy with her*

Maggie: I hope you 2 have a nice day. ^^ *walk away*

Annaliese .......Why Maggie is acting that nice? She never acted nice to me before...?

Mizuki: I don't like it; maybe she's up to something...

Annaliese: I think your right...

Rocko: *continues to follow Maggie while invisible* (...Maggie...please be okay...) *passes by Marius*

Marius: *smells Rocko* Rocko?

Rocko: *stands still* OwO; *deactivates cloaking shield* how did you know it
was me?

Marius: My Nose never fails me, heh; what are you doing anyway?

Rocko: It's Maggie; she's not acting like her usual self. I saw her crying earlier, and when I went to see if she was okay, she acted as if nothing happened and went on her way. And just now, she had some casual small talk with Annaliese and Mizuki; no name calling or insults whatsoever. I'm actually worried about her right now.

Marius: Hmm, that is a bit strange...

Mizuki: Hi Guys. ^^

Rocko: Oh, hi're curious about what's up with Maggie too, aren't you?

Mizuki: Yes. I don't trust her...

Annaliese: I don't know what she's planning...

Rocko: I don't know, guys; I know a plotter when I see one, and she definitely didn't have the look of one when I saw her earlier. I think that she's in a world of pain right now *thinks about Maggie* darn it, this is seriously bugging me; why am I so concerned about her all of a sudden? I've got to go; I don't want to lose track of her. *activates cloaking shield and runs off in Maggie's direction to continue following her*

*In a secluded area…*

Maggie: *punching a punching bag* you....idiot! Idiot! Idiot! IDIOT!

Rocko: *watches Maggie with a heart full of worry* (...Maggie, why are you so sad...?)

Maggie: Ghhhhhugh!

Rocko: TTwTT (I was right; she's in a great deal of pain right now. I...I have to do something to make her feel better...but what?)

Maggie: Marius......Angel......Jaabili.....Mizuki.....and.....Annaliese! T______T

Rocko: (Huh?)

Maggie: .....I'm so sorry..... T_____T

Rocko: *deactivates cloaking shield and steps forward enough for Maggie to notice him*

Maggie: Huh, you again? *wipe tears away*

Rocko: ...please...

Maggie: Please what?

Rocko: ...please, tell me what's wrong; I want to help you feel better.

Maggie: What are you talking about?

Rocko: I saw AND heard everything this time, y'know.

Maggie: .........Mind your own business, Pervert...

Rocko: Sorry, no can do.

Maggie: Leave me alone, loser.... *leaves*

Rocko: *blocks her exit* No! I refuse! *transforms into his human form*

Maggie: Are you deaf?! I said Leave me alone!!

Rocko: And what part of "no can do" don't you understand? *still won't allow her to leave*

Maggie: Just leave me alone! God!! *tears starts coming out her eyes*

Rocko: Not until you tell me why you're so upset! *still won't allow her to leave*

Maggie: Grrrr..... I'm angry at myself!!

Rocko: Why?

Maggie: Hurt.....Annaliese....I hurt Jaabili, Mizuki, and.... anyone... T___T

Rocko: Keep going...

Maggie: I just want to say, I'm sorry to everyone... T_T

Rocko: that all?

Maggie: ...and I got a bullying problem as well... T_T

Rocko: ...let me help you.

Maggie: *sobbing*

Rocko: *hugs Maggie* everything will be alright, I promise.

Maggie: T___T .......Can I tell Angel something?

Rocko: Sure, let me get a hold of her real quick *takes a weird-looking cell phone out of his pocket and calls Angel* ...Angel? It's Rocko...for the last time, that WASN'T me; I don't do that anymore. Look, let's talk about that some other time, alright? Are free at the moment? are? Great, stay right there. ^^ *pushes a button on the phone and within seconds Angel teleports right in front of them and then promptly falls flat on her face.*

Angel: Owwie...what the heck, Rocko?! You could've told me that *notices that her right leg is missing* O_O AiEEEEEEEEK!! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY LEG?!

Rocko: Hmm, this thing still needs work, I see. Don't worry, you'll see it in a few seconds; it takes a while for your entire body to be teleported.

Angel: ... *sees her right leg appear on her body then gets up and walks around to see if she's alright* phew, that's a relief ^^; Now, why have you brought me here all of a sudden?

Rocko: Maggie here has something that she'd like to tell you.

Maggie: Hi... Angel I want to tell you this..... I'm sorry; sorry for being a brat... T_T

Angel: ...^w^ *picks Maggie up and hugs her* apology accepted, Maggie-kins. I know how hard it is...that want to change and make amends.

Maggie: Yes... I bet Annaliese don't want to talk to me... -_-

Rocko: Really now? Come on out, guys; I know y'all are there.

*Marius, Mizuki and Annaliese walk out into the open.*

Angel: *puts Maggie down* ^w^ Go on, Maggie-kins...

Annaliese: Maggie? You're crying...

Mizuki: ...... >_<

Marius: What's up?

Maggie: I'm sorry everyone for being a bully... T_T

All: O_O; ......?

Annaliese: Did we hear that right? O_O;

Rocko: You heard correct; she wants to make amends, so...please, give her that chance, okay?

Maggie: I'm sorry for bothering you Marius... I'll leave you alone, forever... T__T

Marius: ...... :(

Maggie: I'm sorry, Mizuki... Mizuki, I'm sorry for calling you a freak... and hurting you when you want to see my butt... I'll let you pants me if you want... T__T

Mizuki: .... *gasps* O_O;

Maggie: I'm so sorry, Angel... for ripping your top off the other day... T__T

Annaliese: ......?

Maggie: ...and most of all... you...Annaliese... I'm sorry for everything... and I'm sorry for hurting you, harming your feelings, and giving you wedgies... I should be the one who get all the treatment... T__T

Annaliese:, you don't... :(

Maggie: YES I DO! Do you even understand who much of a butt-hole I Am!?

Annaliese: ....... T__T

Maggie: Sorry for yelling at you.... Doh! Sorry! T__T

Annaliese: …it's okay... You really mean it? You really do?

Maggie: Yes.... Where's Jaabili...? I want to tell her Am Sorry... T_T

Annaliese: I don't know.


Jaabili: *came in* Yes, Mizuki? *looks at the crying Maggie* what's going on?

Maggie: *hugs Jaabili*

Jaabili: O.O......?

Maggie: I'm sorry, Jaabili... T_T

Jaabili: ......huh?

Rocko: :(... (Why does it feel like my heart is being ripped apart? This is all just way too confusing...)

Maggie: *leaves out* T__T

Rocko: OoO Maggie, wait! *chases after Maggie and catches up with her moments later* Maggie, please, don't be sad; it hurts me so much to see you look so sad... :(

Maggie: ....>_< ......*walks away to her house*

Rocko: TnT *sniffles*

*Marius walks up to Rocko*

Rocko: I don't get it; why do I feel so horrible because Maggie is so sad?

Marius: …Don't be a fool... You got some feelings for her...

Rocko: ...I guess I really do. But I can't figure out why, what could it have been that made care about her so much?

Marius: I don't know; all I know is that you have feelings for poor Maggie... Hell, maybe she'll leave me alone for sure...

Rocko: *nods his head at Marius* I'll take care of Maggie... *begins to run then stops* ...and you take care of Aluma, 'kay? ;D *dashes off in Maggie's direction*

Marius: I'll do that.

*Later at Maggie's house*

Maggie: *on a corner sobbing* T__T

Rocko: *approaches Maggie* Hey Maggie-chan, I've got so good news for you. ^w^

Maggie: *groans* …what?

Rocko: Everybody loves you and thinks that you were very brave and mature for giving them such heartfelt, genuine apologies; and they all want to be your friends from now on. So be expecting several invites and offers to hang out and have fun with them. In other words, let's no longer dwell on the past and move onward. ^w^

*Although she doesn't show, Maggie is very happy and relieved to know that she's been forgiven despite everything that she had done to them in the past.*

Rocko: And...I know of a guy who's coolness surpasses Marius that REALLY digs you.

Maggie: …nothing can be cooler then my Marius... but who...?

Rocko: Kihihihihi! You're looking right at him. XD

*Maggie looks at Rocko with a "What?" expression on her face.*

Rocko: Speechless? I would be too; it can be difficult to take in all of this awesomeness at one time. XD

Maggie: O.O;; A...A...At least Marius didn't freeze like a dork when he got rejected...

Rocko: In my defense, that only happened because I REALLY didn't know that Senkia swung THAT way, NOT because of the rejection itself. I know I may not look like much in the eyes of some, but I'm very capable both in brains AND brawn; I'll give my life in order to protect those near and dear to you -///-

Maggie: ...You...want to be my boyfriend? That's what you're saying...?

Rocko: Bingo! You are correct! ^w^ Hmm...*transforms into his Grandmaster form* what you're seeing now is the real me; I thought it only fair to show it to you if we're going to have a relationship with one another.

Maggie: ........

Rocko: ......... ^^;

Maggie: G-Give me a minute, you can't rush this on me! >///<;;

Rocko: Okay...*reverts back into his more kid-like form*

Maggie: *walks off*

Rocko: ... *walks off trying figure out what to do next*

Yuki: *sees Rocko*

Rocko: *looks up and mistakes Yuki for UBER Yuki* O_O;; *gather electric E-nergy into his left hand and takes aim at Yuki* S-S-STAY RiGHT WHERE YOU ARE! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!! *shaking in fear*

Yuki: Ekkkk!! O_O No-no-no-no-no!!

Rocko: OoO Oops! *lowers his arm and cancels the charge* I'm sorry, Yuki; that wasn't meant for you at all. Ever since "you-know-who" showed up, everybody has been a little on edge...hmm...hold still for a moment *takes a black marker out of his pocket and draws a smiley face on Yuki's forehead* There; it's not a permanent fix, but for now nobody should mistake you for that look-alike of yours.

Yuki: o.o Oh...?

Rocko: So, where are you headed?

Yuki: Adel-girl...

Rocko: Really now? Is Jacker not around or something?

Yuki: He's quite busy with something... T__T Yuki miss him....

Rocko: Aww...*pats Yuki on the back* Do you know where he is?

Yuki: Yuki don't know, when he's gone, he's always busy... T__T

Rocko: If I knew where he was I'd tell you...*gets an idea*but I do know of a way to find him. ^o^

Yuki: *gripping on his chest, with powerful strength* HOW?!

Rocko: O_O;; I-I'll show you, but we need to go to my workshop first. ^^';

Yuki: Okay!!

Rocko: Okay then, I'm headed over there now; but for this to work, I'm going to need something that belongs to Jacker. It could be anything like a hat, a shoe, a glove, something like that. If you have something like that, go and get it, then come back here and wait for me to get back.

Yuki: *show Rocko one of Jacker's hats* Here ^^

Rocko: That was quick; let's go to my workshop together then. ^w^ *reaches into his poncho, takes out a round black circle, stretches it a bit then tosses it onto the ground* My "Pocket Portal" ^o^ C'mon, let's go!

*Rocko and Yuki hop into the black circle; coming out of the other end, they both find themselves inside of Rocko's workshop*

Rocko: And we're here; that was pretty cool, wasn't it? :D

Yuki: *dizzy* Whoooooa...

*By the time Yuki's dizziness disappears, Rocko has already found what he was looking for*

Rocko: Behold, the Yemma Tracker! *shows Yuki a modified handheld GPS shaped like a Game Boy Advance SP* this thing works just like the Dragon Radar from DBZ; you can find anybody you've scanned with this thing. Since we've only got Jacker's hat to work with, it will only be able to point us in his direction instead of telling us exactly where he is.

Yuki: Ooooo! Yuki will use this! :D

Rocko: I've got quite a few of those, so you can go ahead and keep that one if you'd like ^w^ *starts up the tracker* make sure you do the tutorial installed in it before doing anything else, okay?

Yuki: ^//^ Okay. *walks off to use it* Bye!

Rocko: Bye, Yuki; I hope you find him. ^w^

*A knock from the door, pounds though Rocko's ear drums*

Rocko: AiEEE! Hold your horses, I'm coming-I'm coming! *opens the door*

Annaliese: it's me... T_T

Rocko: O_O Whoa, Anna-chan, what's wrong; did something happen?

Annaliese: Its Maggie... Follow me! T_T

Rocko: OoO M-M-MAGGiE?!! *follows Annaliese with urgency*

*As they got here, they see a ambulance with Maggie at the window*

Annaliese: I just came outside, and I saw Maggie...hurt... T___T it's all my Fault; I should go and help her!!

Rocko: O.O MAGGiE!!!

*Like a bolt of lightning, Rocko speeds towards Maggie and reaches her within 2 seconds followed by Ashuro who arrived on the scene another 2 seconds later; Ashuro quickly goes to work on healing Maggie to stabilize her condition*


Maggie: .........

Annaliese: Wake up, Please! T_T

Ashuro: ... *focuses on healing Maggie* ...OoO Oh-no! Rocko, defibrillate!

Rocko: Got it!

*Placing both of his hands on Maggie's chest, Rocko sends timed surges of electricity to help restart her heart. On the 3rd attempt, they succeed in helping Maggie regain consciousness.*

Rocko: *tears of relief pour from his eyes* Maggie-chan! *hugs Maggie along with Annaliese*

Ashuro: Phew, that was close...TOO close.

Maggie: Uhhhh....? R-Rocko? Ashuro? Annaliese??

Annaliese: Hi Maggie!! :D

Ashuro: You gave us quite a scare there; what happened to you? *looks very concerned*

Maggie: I Blacked out... All I remember is... I was on my bike, and then tripped on a rock, and fell infront of a car...and then blacked out...

Rocko: T_T ...I was so worried, Maggie; I was afraid I had lost you...

Annaliese: I'm so glad you're alive, Maggie!! T_T *hugs her tight*

Maggie: *returns with a hug* Yeah.... T__T Rocko? You really cared about me?

Rocko: Yes, I do care *stands up* I'll say it properly this time; I...I love you Maggie Fermbuckz. >///<

Maggie: .....What? You mean it, after I was being bad?

Annaliese: Awww...

Rocko: Yes, I mean it; I really do.

Maggie: *hugs him tightly* T___T

Rocko: *transforms into his Grandmaster form and hugs Maggie; she feels really safe an secure in his arms.*

Maggie: T___T Rocko, can I spend the night in your house?

Rocko: ^w^ Of course you can.

Maggie: TwT

*Ashuro and Annaliese look at the scene with "Awww...^w^" expressions on their faces.*

Maggie: I... Love you too... and thanks for the flowers TwT

*Hearing her confession, Rocko's heart nearly melts away with happiness. This sort of feeling was unlike any other he had felt before; this was what real, true love felt like.*

Rocko: TwT you're welcome, Maggie-chan; I promise, I'm going to do everything I can to make you happy.

Maggie: *kiss him on the lips*

Annaliese: Awwww! So cute! :D

Ashuro: *chuckles* ^w^

*Later at Rocko's house*

Maggie: Thank You for letting me hang out here...

Rocko: No problem; it's been a while since I've actually had any house guests.

Maggie: *sit next to him* ever since? how come?

Rocko: Well, I guess that's because I practically live in my workshop or my lab because I'm always working on something; and when I'm not doing that, I'm out doing things with the others or field testing my experiments. I put Kojiro in charge of maintain this place when I'm not here.

Maggie: ...Wow... sucks not having company... -.-; ...and with no one to talk to, I guess...just like... -_- I was...

Rocko: *scoots closers to Maggie* between Annaliese, Ashuro and I, I can already guarantee you that you'll never be alone anymore. ^w^

Maggie: Th-Thank You, that's very nice of you...

Rocko: It's nice that you don't want to be a bully anymore...but...*grins mischievously*that doesn't mean that it's wrong to make a little mischief sometimes, right? ;) I like Ashuro and Annaliese, but c'mon; I'd go nuts if I had to be a goody-goody like them 24/7, wouldn't you?

Maggie: ...I Guess...

Rocko: *gets an idea* say, how about tomorrow...I show you something REALLY funny?

Maggie: ...Um, Okay... but I better hope its not something I would regret...

Rocko: It won't be, I promise. ^w^

Maggie: Good. *looks at Rocko* Ummm, you're a.....pervert..., right?

Rocko: Yes...but I'm not as bad as I was before; I've toned down that part of me a lot in the past few months. ^^;

Maggie: Um, Good... *looks down and blushes*

Rocko: But I can promise you one thing: I'll only look at you in that way; you and you alone. ^^

Maggie: Sure... i-if you want...

Rocko: :)

*Rocko leans up against Maggie; she never realized how soft, fluffy and warm his fur was when he's in his anthro form.*

Maggie: *blush and smiles* Y-You're so soft. *makes a slight cute giggle* ^//^

Rocko: Thanks; I take great in caring for my fur. Not only does it keep me warm and help me generate my electric abilities easier, it makes me cute and cuddly. ^w^

Maggie: ^//^ *nuzzles him*

Rocko: ^w^ (...this must be what real happiness feels like...)

Maggie: ...Do you think I'm Pretty? ^w^

Rocko: Of course I think you're pretty; and I can tell already that you're going to get prettier as you grow up into an adult. ^w^

Maggie: "giggle" Thank You... ^//^

Rocko: ^//^ and you become even prettier when you smile.

Maggie: ^w^ 

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