Thursday, July 14, 2011

Speak Up and be Honest Part 3

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
"Speak Up and be Honest! Ookahara & Alexa”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Alexa returns to the Venus Family mansion and finds Sashi in her studio, writing down notes for things to consider during her next project.

Sashi: Hmm…for a shape-shifter like Cheeko, I'm definitely going to need to order some more elastic thread to restock my supplies…as for durability, I'll have to— *notices Alexa as she comes inside and sits on a nearby couch with tears still flowing from her eyes* Oh dear; Sis, what happened?

Alexa: *whimpers* my love…is with another girl!

Sashi: Shhh…calm down a little, okay? Please, tell me everything that happened from the very beginning.

Alexa: I was trying to spy on Marius, until I see Aluma crying, and then…I heard…she loved him…and he loved her back… T___T

Sashi: Oh my *tries to comfort Alexa* what happened next?

Alexa: e-chan is being mean and called us pathetic…

Sashi: e-chan said that? That's totally out of character for him…wait, you said "us", who else was he talking about?

Alexa: Ookahara.

Sashi: Ookahara, huh? He's really been moping around a lot lately...

*Sashi's thoughts are suddenly cut off when she hears some knocking on her door.*

Sashi: Yes, who is it?

???: It's…ook-ook…me, Ookahara…

Sashi: Ookahara, please come on in. ^w^

*Ookahara enters the room; when his eyes meet with Alexa's, both of them quickly turn away as their faces blush wildly.*

Ookahara: -///-

Sashi: *looks at both of them in a confused manner* …did something happen? ^_^;

Alexa: …no, it didn't -///-

Ookahara: Y-yeah...nothing at all. -///-

Alexa: Let's drop the subject!

Sashi: O.O;; Okay… ^^;

Alexa: *walks up to her room* T___T

Sashi: …Ookahara, what really happened back there?

Ookahara: O_O; Uh…

Sashi: And please tell me the truth; I can't help Alexa if I don't know the whole story.

Ookahara: *sigh* Alright…it happened like this…

Alexa: *yelling from the other room* I said drop it!!


Ookahara: I see that I came at a bad time, so…I'll go home now *walks to the door* and when she's in a better mood, please tell Alexa that…I'm really sorry for making her feel worse than she already was…bye *leaves*

*Inside Alexa's room*

Alexa: T___T Why…?

Sashi: *sighs sadly* what am I gonna do? TnT

Alexa: *sobbing* Oh Marius-Kun…

*Alexa soon falls asleep after crying out her sadness. Two hours later she is awoken by a loud noise that sounded like somebody getting slapped hard. Sneaking out of her room to secretly see what was going on, she sees that e-chan was there and had just been slapped very hard across the face by a furious Sashi. Alexa keeps out of sight and silently watches as the scene unfolded*

Sashi: You've got some nerve coming here after the way you made Alexa feel! She won't talk to me and she's even locked herself away in her room! What did you do to make her so sad?!

e-chan: *rubs his face a little* …

Sashi: *slaps e-chan hard again* ANSWER ME!!

Alexa: ……?

e-chan: …she needed to hear it.

Sashi: >n< She just had her heart broken! Why couldn't you have been more compassionate to her situation?!

Alexa: …? *sniffling*

e-chan: I know I might've come off as harsh, but I was trying to get both of them to realize something.

Sashi: Like what? >_<

e-chan: It's okay to be sad when you experience rejection, but you can't let it consume you. You can end up becoming distant from others, maybe even very bitter and cold. New opportunities could pass you by and you wouldn't even realize it; you can end up becoming somebody completely different than the real you.

Alexa: …… *balls up her fist*

e-chan: Ookahara is the perfect example of what I'm talking about. He was always so happy-go-lucky, remember? He was always playing a musical instrument of some sort, he loved to write his own songs, he even randomly broke out into song and dance whenever he was feeling overjoyed. And when Candy rejected him, he changed; he's always moping around wallowing in self pity. It's been 4 months since then and he still won't even smile or even hang out with any of us anymore. Maybe the tough love approach wasn't the best, but I just wanted to help them realize that going on like that isn't healthy and…

Sashi: SHUT UP!! I'm tired of hearing your negative talk!

e-chan: …I just wanted to see them happy again, that's all… -_-

Marius: I can vouch for that…

*Alexa exclaimed, and e-chan & Sashi noticed her*

Marius: Y'see, he's right…if you're in pain for a very, very, VERY long time…he, or maybe Alexa would go insane… probably going to murder the person that their crush loves more, and next thing you know, they'll end up in a mental home…

Sashi: *thinks about what e-chan and Marius had said and realizes that they're right* …

Marius: …Just to make him stop moping…I'll let DJ Candy, have a date with him…and for Alexa, I'll hang out with her, and show her a good time.

Alexa: *fell down the stairs, surprised what Marius just said* >_<

*Sashi runs over to help Alexa out*

Alexa: Owww, oww, owwwww… T__T

Marius: Alexa! You okay? *helps her up*

Alexa: …Ow, I'm okay… >///o;

*e-chan looks to his side and sees Ookahara standing next to him holding his jacket*

e-chan: Ookahara; how long have you been here?

Ookahara: Ook-Ook, not for too long; I left here and was about to go home when I realized that I left my jacket here. Once I had it in my hand I heard Sashi screaming angrily and I got a bit scared, so I hid myself and listened in and make sure everything was alright. That's when I heard you explain why you said what you said earlier; and when Marius went in and said what he said, it got me to thinking what I've been doing all this time. Maybe I was expecting a little too much; I mean, not everybody gets to meet their favorite performer, let alone becoming great friends with them. I didn't want to accept the fact that my first love didn't see me the way I wanted her to see me. Now after hearing all of this…I've realized something important…

Marius: What?

Ookahara: I realized that if I loved Candy-girl, and I mean REALLY loved her…I'd want her to be happy. You'd want to make anybody you loved so much to be happy…even if it means that you have to sacrifice some of your own happiness. I feel honored that I got to know her on such a personal level; not everybody gets that sort of chance. So if being her friend is as close as I'll ever get to her…then I'll gladly accept that; and this time… *spins around and strikes dynamic disco pose and starts to talk with his signature lyrical voice* I really mean it 100%! Ook-Ook! ^w^

Sashi: ^3^ Ookahara, you're back! I had forgotten how happy you and lyrical you actually sounded. ^w^

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! It feels great to be back! ^w^ *makes eye contact with Alexa and both of them blush and quickly look away again* ^///^;

Marius: Dude, I'm not a cold hearted son of a bitch… I can get you Candy, and I can tell her how you feel about her; and y'know what…She has a party and I think you need to show her some GREAT dance moves, and also…dance like M. J. but spice it up a bit… Y'know what I mean?

Alexa: ……

Ookahara: You'd really do that for me? Thanks buddy! ^w^ If you ever need the assistance of the Mercury Family in the future, just let me know and I'll work hard to get you whatever you need and more *Ookahara finds himself looking at Alexa* …^_^;

e-chan: You okay, dude?

Sashi: Are you THAT happy knowing that you've still got a chance with DJ Candy?

Ookahara: Uh, Yeah, of course! I'm…psyched! ^o^ *looks uncertain*

Marius: That's Great! :)

Alexa: M-Marius, do you mean it? We're going to start…Dating?

Marius: Yes, just for you. :)

Alexa: *starts to cry happy and blushing like an apple* Oh Marius-Kun, You don't know how happy I'm feeling, I just want to--!

Marius: *covers her mouth* hold on, only on our date… Okay?

Alexa: Ohh…Okay! :D *sniff*

*A little while later, e-chan and Marius have left the Venus Family manor for the day. Ookahara stays a bit longer to chat with Sashi and Alexa.*

Sashi: *asleep on the couch* Zzzzzzzzz...

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! It's been a real crazy day today, huh?

Alexa: *scratch the back of her head* Yeah…^^; … So, Candy must be the Chick for you, right…? She's awesome… ^^ I like her hair…

Ookahara: *rubs the side of his head* Yes…she is great…^^;

*Awkward silence*

Ookahara: -///-; y'know…since we're all being honest today, there's something that I think that you deserve to know, Alexa.

Alexa: Hm?

Ookahara: After you left to go home today, I couldn't help but think about what I said earlier. I wracked my brain over and over again to figure out why I would say such things. When I came here the first time, I thought about trying to explain my actions but you were still a bit upset, so I didn't push the issue and went home. I thought about it some more for about an hour before I realized that I left my favorite jacket here so I end up coming back…and then all this happened. I've finally got my big chance to get together with Candy-girl…and the only person that I could think about…was you, Alexa.

*Alexa blushes bright red*

Ookahara: Listen, I'm not going to ask you about what you think of me or anything like that; I just want to tell you that…I really care a lot about you…I think that I might even love you. I thought that you deserved to know that because…well…it feels nice knowing that there are people out there that genuinely care about you, y'know? ^^;

*Awkward silence*

Ookahara: Well, don't put too much thought into it; the important thing is that you know that Marius has recognized and accepted your love for him. Sorry if I made things awkward again or anything like that. So from now on, let's be friends. ^w^ I'll see you later; have a nice night. *leaves the Venus Family manor and heads home*

Alexa: B-Bye.

*Sashi rolls off the couch in her sleep and falls face first onto the floor, waking up immediately*

Sashi: *looks confused and disoriented* O_o what happened?

Alexa: You fell asleep and fell on the floor face first…

Sashi: Oh…^^; did Ookahara go home already?

Alexa: Yes… ^^ *hugs Sashi sweetly* what about that guy in the afro; is he good?

Sashi: Scooter? He's a huge video game otaku that practically lives on sweets, but he's a real nice guy. ^w^

Alexa: Nooo, not him… I mean that guy with the Afro who is a detective…

Sashi: Oh, you're talking about Shonnie; he's the absolute best! ^w^

Alexa: Errrr…What would happen if Shonnie is with someone, other than you?

Sashi: Well…I'd be a little bummed out for a little bit; I mean, it's only natural to feel that way, right? ^w-

Alexa: Okay good! ^^ Cause, Shonnie is with Sarna, right now. ^^

Sashi: Yeah, I know; Sarna is a cool person. I did hear from Shonnie that she got mad at him for hanging out with me. It's true that I love Shonnie, but I'd never try to steal him or any man away from a girl that truly loves him…I hope that she realizes this one day and then the two of us can become friends…

Alexa: Good! :)

Sashi: *giggles a bit then gives Alexa a sweet hug as well* so what did you think of the more upbeat Ookahara? The way you saw him earlier…that's the real him; you might see him doing random performances in the future. ^w^

Alexa: It's Nice. ^^ I'm going to bed, Night.

Sashi: Okay then, have a good night and I'll see you in the morning.

Alexa: Sure!

*The next day…*

Ookahara: *walking down the sidewalk with his guitar on his back* ^w^ Ook-Ook! It's been such a long time since I've felt this good; I don't know what I should do first *sees Sashi and Alexa looking at some outfits in the display window*

Sashi: See anything here that you like, Sis?

Alexa: Errr, ummmm… That skirt! :D buuuut, what's that shirt…? hmmm…

Ookahara: *approaches them* Ook-Ook! Hiya, gals! ^w^

Alexa: Sup Ooka? ^U^

Ookahara: Just headed to the park to play some tunes; I hope I haven't gotten to rusty from being inactive for so long. So what are you two up to today?

Sashi: I'm helping Alexa pick out an outfit for her date with Marius and...*takes a camera out of her jacket pocket* taking snapshots of anything that catches my interest. You never know when inspiration will strike. ^w^

Ookahara: Spoken like somebody who truly understands the world of art. ^w^

Alexa: Yup. ^^

Ookahara: That skirt is pretty nice; have you found a shirt to match it just yet?

Alexa: Found one. ^//^

Ookahara: Which one? ^^

Alexa: This. ^w^

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! Sweeeeeeet! You're going to look absolutely gorgeous, Alexa! ^w^ so gorgeous that I've... *takes his guitar off of his back and strums a few beats* to let the music do the talking!

*Ookahara begins playing his guitar, producing a soft beat melody*

Alexa: *giggle* ^//^ Thank You.

???: Indeed, you look lovely... ^^

Alexa: Hmm?

*this person is DJ Candy*

DJ Candy: Yo. ^^

Ookahara: OwO Candy-girl! Ook-Ook! And how are you on such a fine day like today? ^w^

DJ Candy: Yea! :D Feel'n Okay..! How goes, Ooka-dude?

Ookahara: Goin' great! *plays a rockin' tune on his guitar* just making sure I haven't gotten rusty after such a long hiatus ;)

DJ Candy: Kewl. btw, are you busy Friday night?

Ookahara: Friday? Yes, my schedule is wide open. ^o^

DJ Candy: Cool, so we can date. ^^

Ookahara: (0 o 0) You're serious...we-we can go out on a date...together? OwO

DJ Candy: Hell Yeah! :D

Ookahara: >w< YES! *plays the Final Fantasy victory tune on his guitar*

DJ Candy: ^w^

Alexa: ^//^ Marius... ^^

Ookahara: Marius? Is he here? *looks around* Oh, there he is. Ook-Ook! Hey, Marius! ^o^ *waves at Marius who is across the street*

Marius: *calling Adeleine* …Yea, don't forget, the apple pie is for Elska... Got it? *notices Ookahara* I gotta go now… Bye. Sup?

Ookahara: Just hangin' out; we all seemed to be heading in the same direction today or something.

Marius: Hmm?

Ookahara: ...something on your mind, buddy?

Marius: I meant, what do you mean by that?

Ookahara: Oh, that. I was on my way to the park when I spotted Sashi and Alexa here, then Candy-girl showed up a little while later and then finally, you showed up; y'know, like in that sense.

Marius: ...Ahhh, she asked you out?

Ookahara: ^U^ *nods his head with a happy look on his face*

Marius: Ahhh...

Ookahara: ^w^ ... O_O *sees a lot of bees land on Marius' head* O_O;; *through clenched teeth* Marius...don't move a single muscle...I need you to remain absolutely calm...

Marius: ???

Ookahara: *through clenched teeth* There are a bunch of bees in your hair right please try to stay still until I can come up with a plan...

Marius: ...Better think Fast... -.-

*Sashi, Alexa and DJ Candy notice the bees in Marius' hair*

DJ Candy: Mmamamamama--Marius There's bees on yo head!! OoO;;

Alexa: B-be still, I'll get them! O_O;

Marius: ... -w-;

Sashi: OwO;; Sis, wait! Don't swat at them; you'll make them mad and they'll come after you too!

Alexa: OwO Ek! Then how should I get them off Marius-Kun's Head?!

Ookahara: ...*gets an idea* I know; I used to do stuff like this all of the time when I was a kid *makes some very realistic buzzing noise and the bees leave Marius' head and fly far away from them* Ook-Ook! Still got it! ;)

Marius: Thank you... -_-

Alexa: *hugs Marius sweetly* ^//^

Ookahara: Phew, that was unnerving; what kind of shampoo did you use? *sniffs Marius' head* O_o Why does your head smell like glazed donuts?

Marius: ...long...f***ing…story... -_-;

Alexa: It's that scary big green guy that ate the Donuts last time...

Ookahara: *thinks back* ... OwO;; Oh yeah..."that" time... -w-;;

DJ Candy: *has no idea what they're talking about* What??

Sashi: It's best if you don't know about it. Even for us, that day was just way TOO weird and disturbing. -_-;

Marius: Freaking Green Ass.... Uggggh.... Okay, let's forget about it, okay?

Alexa: S-Sure... -_-;

Ookahara: Definitely... -_-;

Sashi: Ditto... -_-;

Marius: …anyway, let's get going...

*The five of them decide to head to the park together and hang out for a while. Soon after Ookahara starts playing his guitar, he soon gains a good size audience and decides to put on an impromptu concert for everybody to enjoy. Sashi was able to quickly secure an ideal spot for Alexa and the others to comfortably sit and watch the show. Alexa was overjoyed with the fact that she was just given the perfect opportunity to be with Marius and makes sure that she got to sit right next to him. When one of the people in the audience starts up their boom box to enhance Ookahara's performance, DJ Candy could no longer resist and decides to join in on the fun as both of them dance and sing the lyrics of every song that Ookahara plays.*

DJ Candy: *dancing and shaking her hips* Ow! Yeeeah!!

Marius: *watches without saying anything* …

Alexa: This Great, right Marius-Kun?!

Marius: …Yeah...

Sashi: *looks at Marius and Alexa then giggles*

Marius: *looks at Sashi* Hmm?

Sashi: Oh, nothing; I just thought that you two looked cute together. ^w^

Marius: ...Oh.

Sashi: You seem to be a man of few words.

Marius: …Oh…?

Sashi: But I guess that's just one of the things that's cool about you. :)

Marius: Thanks.

Sashi: *takes another look at Ookahara having the time of his life with DJ Candy by his side then at Alexa who's very happy just to be sitting next to Marius* You did a really grand and noble thing for my friend and my Sis, Marius; I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for us all in such a short time. No wonder the guys envy you and the girls can't help but not love you. ^w^

Marius: It wasn't easy... ^^;

Alexa: *cuddles him* ^///w///^

Sashi: BTW, just how did you convince DJ Candy to give Ookahara a chance?

Marius: What else? Dancing, Music, Jam'n... all that jazz... lol.

Sashi: O_O Wow; you really got put through the wringer, huh? That girl must've been born to party...

Marius: Yeah, you know her... *roll his eyes and chuckles*

Sashi: *giggles then looks at Ookahara having fun* strange, I always thought that a guy like Ookahara would pursue Annie Radd instead of DJ Candy.

Marius: ...Hmm?

Sashi: As you can see, Ookahara is the instrument and vocal type; wouldn't you say that the two of them are alike in that way?

Marius: Maybe.

*As the day winds down, Ookahara's long impromptu concert comes to an end. Marius, Alexa and Sashi wait up for Ookahara and DJ Candy to rejoin them before they all left for the day. When the two of them meet up with everybody, they're very excited, and with good reason. Ookahara, DJ Candy and her crew were invited to be a part of an exclusive world tour event, sponsored by the Helping Hand guild, that would take them to many exciting and exotic locales; an event where just being able to participate meant that you were considered "legendary." This was an once-in-a-lifetime chance that they weren't going to let slip by and decided to take it.*

Sashi: A WORLD TOUR?! OMG, THAT'S SO COOL, YOU GUYS! ^o^ *geeking out a bit*

Marius: ...Yeah... Calm Down. O.o;

Alexa: ^w^ She's just having fun. ^//^

Ookahara: We all leave next week...we should probably wait for the right moment before we tell Sapphire though. ^^;

Marius: Okay...

Sashi: ...that would definitely be the smart thing to do. -w-

Marius: .....

Alexa: ^//^ *snuggles against him*

Ookahara: Well, I'm going to head on back home; if I want to give a great performance, I've got to start practicing again. I'll see you guys la-

*Ookahara's farewell is cut-off short when DJ Candy surprises him with a sweet kiss*

Ookahara: ...ter ^///^

DJ Candy: "giggle" Thanks. ^//^

Marius: ^^ Alright du--

Alexa: *surprise kisses Marius as well* ^////////////////////^ Mmmmmmuaaah! ^//^

Marius: ...O////<

*Between the goofy look on Ookahara's face and the astonished one on Marius' face, Sashi and DJ Candy couldn't help but laugh at the scene before them.*

Marius: .........?

Alexa: *licks her lip* ^//^

DJ Candy: Phhahahahahahaha! You 2 should've seen the look on your faces! XD

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! Best...Day...EVER! >w<

Marius: *pat on his back* Good For you, buddy. :)

Ookahara: Thank you so much for making everything that happened today possible, dude; Ook-Ook! You're the best! >w<

Marius: Yeah, Yeah...

Alexa: Thanks for making me happy so far!

Ookahara: Well, it's getting late, so I'll see you guys later *begins to leave then stops as he remembers something* Oh, that reminds me, Marius, there's something I need to tell you

*Alexa clinging to Marius*

Ookahara: ...that is, something for your ears only...

*Alexa still clings to Marius*

Ookahara: ^^; Alexa, could I borrow Marius from you for a few moments so that I can inform him about something, please?

Alexa: Um, Sorry... *lets go of Marius*

Marius: *follows Ookahara* ....What's on your mind?

Ookahara: It's about my good friend, Hayama Saturn; have you met him yet?

Marius: ...Noooo?

Ookahara: Phew, that's actually a good thing right now. I don't know what's up with him lately; for some reason...he hates you...a LOT.

*Marius looks at Ookahara with a "what the heck" expression on his face*

Ookahara: Yeah, that's exactly how I looked at him when he told me. The two of you have never met so I have no idea why he's so angry with you and he won't tell me why he feels the way he does; he's really beginning to scare me...

Marius: What the Hell did I do to him, huh?

Ookahara: That's what I'd like to know; the two of you have never met in person, but he feels that way and won't tell anybody why. That's so out of character for a logical person like him...

*Alexa secretly watches and listens to what Ookahara is telling Marius from a distance.*

Ookahara: From seeing how he reacts whenever anybody mentions you around him, I'd have to guess that maybe he's envious or maybe even jealous of you. I won't know for sure until he finally tells me.

Marius: ......huh...that's silly....

Alexa: ……… (How can some Butt munch hate Marius??)

Ookahara: My thoughts exactly. I don't think you have worry about him though; he's quite harmless due to being so logical all of the time. Just thought I'd let you know that so that you'd know what was going on if you ever ran into him. Anyway, thanks again for talking to Candy-girl about giving me a chance, buddy; Ook-Ook! I'll see you later!

*Everybody part ways and head home for the night. Laying on her bed that night, Alexa is only able to think about what she had heard Ookahara tell Marius. How could there be anybody who hates a cool guy like Marius? Filled with determination, she decides to confront Hayama and get an answer from him.*

To be continued…

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