Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Is This the End?? When All is Said and Done...

After a pleasant night with Nikki, Skylar begins to think hard about the important matter at hand. After a few days of contemplation and consideration, Skylar decides to meet up with e-chan to talk about what he had come up with and what his opinion.

e-chan: After considering the facts and what you know about Nikki, there are at least two important points that need to be addressed. #1. Who do you think these two people are that Nikki wants you to approach first?

Skylar: Well...I'd think that those two persons are her parents. I mean, it's logical, isn't it? ...Or could she mean someone like Pepper, Ashuro, Ring or Snoopy... I'd think it's her parents though... Well, at least I've narrowed down my guesses.

e-chan: You got it right; her parents are the two people she's talking about.

*Skylar looks relieved knowing that he solved the first part of Nikki's puzzle.*

Skylar: Phew, hehe...then the 2nd part. In the beginning, I was sure I knew what question to ask, but now...after thinking about it, I'm not so sure anymore... -_-;

e-chan: I think deep down you know what the question is, but your just a little unsure as to whether or not you really want to ask it at this point.

Skylar: ...I guess you're right. *smiles and blushes a bit as a thought comes in mind* Heh...I...I think I might have figured it out...or at least, it's something I WILL ask her sometime.

e-chan: ^w^ I'd recommend you asking her parents that question first; I've got a good feeling that they'll approve without hesitation. Then you can take all the time you need before asking that question to Nikki.

Skylar: That was the plan. And you're right. Her parents are really nice people, though they can be a bit weird at times... One example...uh...when I first met them...

*Skylar tells e-chan about his first encounter with Gin and Masaki during that Qurupeco incident.*

e-chan: OwO; Yikes; talk about staring death in the face twice in a row. Those Onyx Qurupecos were very, VERY annoying; if you though a Diablos was bad, try handling an Uragaan with a wicked Rollout attack that could turn on a dime and hit you with incredible accuracy.

Skylar: Yikes... O.O;; But you know, I'd love to help out beat some more monsters...especially this thing.

*Skylar takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolds it, revealing the paper to be a poster with the picture of a monster on it.....an Alatreon.*

e-chan: ...this thing...I saw it once before...

Skylar: You did?! Where?! WHERE?!

*At this moment, Skylar is shaking e-chan uncontrolably*

e-chan: *regains his senses* it was during that Onyx Qurupeco incedent; Trey, Emerald, Yachiru and I had just finished dealing with both the Agnaktor and the Uragaan that the Onyx Qurupeco had called to it's aid. All of us were pretty beaten and banged up by then, but we still had enough energy to take that irritating birt out. That's when it made another call...and that dragon appeared *shivers upon remembering it* we didn't know what we could do at that moment, but the problem was taken care of very quickly when that dragon attacked and killed the Qurupeco and then flew back to where it came from; I guess it wasn't pleased to be awakened from it's sleep to respond to a fake call for help.

Skylar: The Alatreon...I wish I could've seen it with my own eyes...

e-chan: ...tell you what; you go and ask Gin and Masaki that question you came up with and I'll tell you everything else I know about this dragon. Deal? *offers his left hand for a handshake*

Skylar: ...Okay, deal. *shakes his hand*

*Sometime later, Skylar manages to meet up with Gin and Masaki at their home while Nikki was out running some errands. Standing in front of them, he gaters up his courage and resolve and asks them the question that's been on his mind for the past few days.*

Gin: ...

Masaki: ...

*Awkward silence...*

Gin & Masaki: ... You have our blessing! *both hugs Skylar tightly*

Skylar: O_O;; Too..tight...Need...air...

*Both Gin and Masaki release Skylar from their hug*

Masaki: Sorry about that; it's just that we're so excited! Our little girl has somebody who cares about her so much that they'd dedicate themselves entirely to her!X3

Gin: We weren't expecting to hear that question this early, but we're glad to hear it none the less. We already consider you and your sibilings as a part of our family; we've thought of you all like that for a long time.

Skylar: It makes me glad to hear you say that. And I promise that when that time comes, I'll take care of Nikki as good as I can.

Gin: HARHARHARHAR! We know you will...son.

Skylar: ..... "sniff" W-what did you call me...?

*Not having been told that word since he was a little kid had quite an emotional effect on Skylar, it seems*

Gin: Because, that's what you're like to me, a son. I love Nikki with all might, but I never got to feel that sort of bond a father would have for his son. It wasn't until after meeting and spending time with you that I started to understand what it feels like...*tears well up in his eyes* I'm sorry! *goes into the other room to try and collect himself*

Masaki: I apologize if that upset you, Skylar-dear, but what he said is true...for both of us.

Skylar: *wipes his tears away* No..it's okay... *smiles a bit* I'm glad...glad that you both feel like that. I'm proud to say that you two will be my mother and father.

Masaki: IYAAAAAiii! That makes me feel SO happy!

Skylar: *with a very cute voice* Mommy~

???: ^w^

*Skylar turns around and sees that Nikki is standing there; she had just walked in and neither Masaki or him had noticed.*

Nikki: I see that you figured out my little puzzle, huh? Aw, don't look at me like that; you should know by now that I play for keeps. ^w^ And before you say anything else, there's one more thing I need to tell you; you ready?

Skylar: (Heh, I'll have to do something to pull a prank on her sometime...) *noods, smiling hopefully as he stands up infront of her*

Nikki: I do; I'd be honored to be your wife. Lv. 100 reached.

Skylar: I love you...

*Skylar steps even closer and wraps his arms around her, their noses touching and rubbing against one another. He could see her eyes and blushing face behind her hair, causing him to laugh a bit before Nikki kisses him.*

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 16
”Is This the End?? When All is Said and Done...”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

It's just a peaceful summer day, with birds singing and lots of sunshine. Tanya had come over to speak a bit with Masaki about Skylar and Nikki. When they where done, they decided to go get the two of them and take them on a camping trip. However, when they open the door to the room they are in...

Masaki: *opened the door* Hi kids. Tanya and I wondered if you- HUH? O_O

Tanya: Oh dear... O.O

Nikki: Skylar, seriously, stop! >//<

Skylar: After all you've done this week? You've teased me at the beach, here at home AND on our date yesterday while I haven't been allowed to do anything... and you even made me get out of my shirt just a couple of minutes ago...

Nikki: B-b-but this is different! You can't just-

Skylar: Now you listen... You've been naughty towards me and haven't let me have my share of the fun... So now you can get out of your shirt and pull down your skirt, so I can give your butt the punishment a naughty girl recieves~

Nikki: Oh no... T.T

Masaki: .....I-is this what he does to my little baby when I'm not there? O//O

Tanya: Oh little brother... ^//^; You naughty prankster~

Gin: Hey everybody, how's it h-- *sees the scene in front of him then immediately turns around and walks back the way he came* (Everything is fine, apparently...-//-)

Skylar: *sits down and pins Nikki over his lap. He grabs her skirt and pulls it down in an instant, proceeding to rub and pat her butt playfully* Ready~?

Tanya: *giggles and watches the scene unfold*

*Gin returns to the scene*

Gin: Alright, c'mon you two, let's go; this is between the two of them so lets let them sort this out privately.

Tanya: Come on, I wanted to watch that~

*Gin leads Tanya and Masaki away from the door and downstairs; both Skylar and Nikki were totally oblivious to the fact that they had been seen*

Skylar: *begins to speak with her while he slaps her butt gently* ...Nikki, Snoopy told me that story about when you first used your pensword, right? He said that the day before, you two had done something and got spanked because of it, but it was worth it... What exactly happened?

Nikki: What the...what does that have to do with this?

Skylar: It just popped up all of a sudden... Buuuuut if you'd rather take a spanking than telling a story, then... *prepares to spank her hard*


Skylar: (Heh, I'm good at negotiating...) *places his hand on her butt and massages her there* Okay, I'm ready to listen.

Nikki: It was like this: there was this really snobby and stuck up girl in our school; she looked down on, insulted and ordered EVERYBODY around. The teachers and staff didn't do a thing because it was her parents who provided the school with most of it's funds.

Skylar: Hmph...annoying, eh? Why do I think of Dominik when you describe this person?

Nikki: *giggles*

Skylar: Anyway, do continue.

Nikki: Okay; after a while of this, most of us had had it with her. Rocko came up with a plan on how to get at her with a cool prank. He had obtain the schematics of her mansion's plumbing system and suggested that we cause all of the toilets in there to erupt like a geyser at the same time while she was using one of them.

Skylar: And this was while you were just...8 years old? He's smart...

Nikki: Actually, he's a year older than Snoopy and I, so he was 6 years old then; he was skipped ahead from a 1st year student to a 6th year student in elementary.

Skylar: Ah...okay...So, what happened?

Nikki: He guided me and Snoopy through the entire process, telling us exactly were to place the charges...they were cherry bombs, nothing too dangerous. When those things went off, all of us heard this piercing wail; it definitely belonged to our intended target!

Skylar: Hehehe.

Nikki: Yeah, it went off perfectly; too bad Rocko didn't know about the hidden cameras...-_-;;

Skylar: That's not good...

Nikki: You're telling me; and what really irked me about the whole thing was that Rocko was the only one that didn't get caught and escaped punishment.

Skylar: Huh... That's weird... And then, the next day... Yeah...

Nikki: Oh, there was a reason he wasn't caught; he was never over there with us. He guided us through the entire thing from his home, keeping a watch on everything through that giant telescope on top of his workshop. That rat was smart...TOO smart.

Skylar: Aww... Sounds like someone is a bit mad that her furry butt got punished~

*Skylar teases her by tickling her on the nose and making baby noises at her*

Nikki: Hmph! Easy for you to say; you've never experienced one of my Dad's spankings.

*Skylar remembers the size of Gin's hands and shivers a bit.*

Skylar: I see what you mean... O_O; Poor little Nikki~ *kisses her cheek and gives her butt his usual massage threatment*

Nikki: ^w^

*Nikki relaxes when her massage begins, even wagging her tail a little bit; she seems to have completely forgotten about the situation that she's in.*


*As he continues to massage her butt, Skylar starts to grab and squeeze it a bit, playing with her butt cheeks and nuzzling her tail.*

Nikki: Um...it's alright if you want to touch them directly.

Skylar: *smirks, whispering in her ear with a sarcastic yet playful and funny voice* What was that~? Could you tell me what you said once more, but a bit more detailed this time~? *kisses her on her butt*

Nikki: Aww, you're really going to make me say it?

Skylar: Yes I do. I want to hear you say it~ *begins to pull off her shirt and nuzzles her back as he does*

Nikki: >w< Alright...Skylar, you're free to remove everything I'm still wearing and touch me with those wonderfully relaxing hands of yours.

Skylar: I'd love to!

*In one swift motion, Skylar had turned Nikki over on her back, removed all her remaining clothing AND grabbed both her breasts. He looks at her with a gentle and loving look in his eyes that made her even more relaxed than she already was. He proceeds to move in closer and lick her on the lips before kissing them*

Skylar: Like this, Nikki?

Nikki: Yes.

Skylar: Glad you like it.

*Skylar moves his right hand away and proceeds to lick on that one breast instead, while his left hand is rubbing her other breast and his right is rubbing her hip*

*Masaki and Tanya peep through the doorway*

Masaki: -//- ...

Tanya: You sure like her Skylar...oh, no no, I don't think Nikki told that you could lick there~ *wagging her tail as she continues to watch*

Masaki: ...as her Mother, I should do something...but doing anything now would just make things completely awkward...

Tanya: Now, don't be like that. Besides, things could get WAY more awkward either if you do or don't... Believe me...I've been in Nikki's position before... -w-;

Masaki: Really? Do tell.

*While Tanya begins telling Masaki her experience, Skylar sees his opportunity; Nikki had comepletely forgotten about what led up to her current situation. Determined not to pass up on taking the element of surprise, Skylar quickly and effortlessly flips Nikki back over on her stomach, adjusts her position so that he'd have the best aim, and gives her butt 3 quick, firm smacks. That was the first time he had given Nikki and handspanking...he really liked the feel of it. Hearing the smacks, Masaki and Tanya immediately return their attention to peeping throught the door again.*

Nikki: OWWW!!

*From the look of disappointment on Nikki's face, Skylar could tell that she had counted on him forgeting all about the punishment he had planned to give her. Thinking about it a little more he realized that Nikki NEVER gives him offers like the one she had just given him; he would always have to ask for something like that...she had just tried to use her charm to escape punishment. In his mind, he thought "Such a naughty girl deserves a little something extra." Looking to his right, he notices Nikki's bed slippers were right next to her bed. He picks one up and places it on Nikki's warm bare butt, sending a chill of panic down her back.*

Nikki: S-Skylar, honey; w-w-what was that I just felt?

Skylar: Oh, just one of your slippers, "honey"~

Nikki: OwO;; Isn't that a little much for just being teased a little?

Skylar: Oh, what are you gonna do about it? Try to CHARM your way out of this situation too? I'm sorry, but you set this up by yourself, so you take the punishment. *lightly pats her butt with the slipper*

Nikki: *whines* but it's gonna sting; my butt is very delicate and I won't be able to sit for the rest of the week...T_T

Skylar: Nikki...don't try to make me feel bad... *slaps the slippers against her butt, not that strong, but enough to make it sting a little*

Nikki: YiP! *mumbles to herself* [I don't get it; Mom said that this tactic works everytime...]

*Although Nikki said that in a very low voice, Skylar's trained ears heard every word that she said.*

Skylar: I heard that~ And no, it doesn't. *proceeds to raise his hand as high as he could from that position*

Nikki: OwO;; ...yeah, I see that now... -_-;; *tries to brace herself for the impact of the next strike*

Skylar: Here goes... *swings his hand down and spanks her with the slippers*

Nikki: *body tenses up but remains silent, refusing to cry out.*

Skylar: ... *continues this and increases his force on the spanking little by little*

Nikki: ... *tears can be seen beginning to form in the corners of her eyes*

*Skylar sees that Nikki is just trying to endure the spanking instead of learn from it; her stubborness knew no bounds. To get the results that he wanted, Skylar was going to have to break her concentration somehow. He then remembered some of the stories that Ashuro told him about when he was becoming friends with Victora...and the many times he had to keep her in check. Deciding to borrow one of Ashuro's tactics, Skylar picks Nikki up and places her belly down on her bed, with her concentration suddenly broken from this surprise, she is unable to react as Skylar locks his legs around hers to prevent them from moving and then begins to tickle her feet.*


*Skylar's aim was to switch between spanking her butt and tickling her feet. Remembering how Ashuro detailed it, he would tickle for a while and ask if they'd want to be spanked again. This tactic was especially made for handling extremely stubborn cases; and Nikki fit that category perfectly.*

Skylar: Hehehe... *continues tickling her feet, even licking on them for the extra ticklish sensation*

Nikki: *laughs uncontrolably as her body thrashes about wildly* KAHAHAHA!! SKYLAR! STOP! KYAHAHA!! I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Skylar: So you want me to spank you again? *grins, not stopping to tickle her just yet, having to see if the tactic works.*


*The tactic was definitely working; Nikki's resistance was beginning to crumble. But Skylar knew that it was going to take a lot more before she was properly punished. He stops tickling her for 5 seconds so that he could carry Nikki back to the chair he was sitting on get her back into position over his lap. Once that was taken care of, Skylar began peppering his beloved's bottom with a flurry of slipper swats. Although she didn't cry out, Nikki's body was reacting with each hit this time around as opposed to trying to brace herself as she had before. Remembering more of Ashuro's story, now was the time to start asking her questions about why she did the things she did to earn her punishment.*

Skylar: So Nikki..... why did you tease me so awfully many times the last 2 weeks? And why did you try to get away from the spanking so badly by trying to trick me? Care to answer me that?

Nikki: I...I wanted to see how patient you were...and how much you'd let me get away with before doing anything...

*Skylar thinks for a moment; maybe this was just another one of her ways of learning more about him, despite how much she obviously didn't think it through.*

Nikki: ...and you look cute when you get all flustered like that...^w^

*...definitely not the smartest thing to say at a time like this just when Skylar was beginning to think about reducing her punishment session; that surely wasn't going to happen now, which she found out as Skylar delivered an especially hard and stingy slipper swat to Nikki's bottom.*


*Examining his work, Skylar never realized just how tough her butt had become since last time; it hadn't even started to pinken yet.*

Skylar: Hmm...Seems like my own strenght is not enough to get the wanted result in time...

*Skylar starts to think if he shoulde use E-nergy to increase his own strenght or transform by the use of Natural Energy... But a thought also hit him that Nikki might be using something similiar to shield her butt...*

Nikki: Owwie! That one really hurt, y'know! My poor bottom must be brick red by now... TT^TT

Skylar: Uh...no, it's not, actually...not even starting to pinken yet either...

Nikki: O.O *looks back to see for herself* WHAT THE HECK?! This can't be right! I can feel the pain so why isn't it showing?! The only person I know that's capable of doing something like this is... no way...he couldn't have shown you how to use you E-nergy in "THAT" way, could he?

Skylar: What are you talking about? I hardly know anything about how to use E-nergy...I'm still a newbee and I have no idea what you're talking about...

Nikki: Oh, really; never mind then.

*Seeing how Nikki was real quick to end that discussion as quickly as possible, Skylar is left to wonder if there's something that she's not telling him*

Skylar: ...Nikki...do you know something that you're afraid to tell me about?

Nikki: *thinks really carefully before answering* um...yes AND no.

Skylar: *turns her head to face him and stares her coldly in the eyes* Speak.

Nikki: O||O;; *gulps* well, y'see...there's a technique using E-nergy that Ashuro utilizes often; it's called "Piercer." How could I describe it...? I know; has Luffy ever told you about that time when he fought Don Krieg?

Skylar: Not really... what about it?

Nikki: Well, after hearing about how Luffy busted Krieg's armor using only his fist, Ashuro created a technique that could penetrate even the toughest of defenses. For lack of a better name, he called this new technique "Piercer." He's made it so that it can be intergrated into just about any attack he uses. I was thinking that maybe he had taught you how to do that or something *wiggles her butt in an attempt to relieve the sting in it* He hasn't had you do anything unusual during your training right?

*Skylar tries to think back to the many training sessions that him and Ashuro had so far. He did remember one particular time when Ashuro did something cool with some playing cards.*


Ashuro: *places a 60 card deck in front of him and swings his arm in a fluid, sweeping motion, using his hand to swiftly sweep cards off the top of the deck into 6 separate stacks containing 10 cards each in less than 20 seconds*

Ashuro: It becomes very easy when you learn the trick to it. I'll show you; first, you gather up just enough E-nergy so that it coats the palm of you hand...er, paw.

*Skylar does exactly what Ashuro does, forming a light coat of E-nergy on the palm of his hand.*

Ashuro: Good, now here comes the part that's going to take practice. Take your hand and sweep it over the top of the deck so that the E-nergy sticks ONLY to the top card without damaging it at the same time *shows Skylar how to do it again*

*Skylar sweeps his hand over the deck of cards; his uses a bit too much E-nergy and the entire deck of cards stick to his hand. Putting the deck down, Skylar also notices that the cards are full of visible tiny holes.*

Ashuro: Don't worry, this'll happen when you do it for the first time *takes the deck of cards and restores them to their original conditions* try again, using a little less E-nergy than last time.

*Skylar tries again but this time he only lightly grazes the card, only moving it out of place without it sticking to his hand; he was beginning to feel like Naruto when he was learning how to walk up trees and then on water.*

Skylar: Oy, this was a bit harder than I thought... -.-; But tell me, how exactly may this help me later on? *tries again*

Ashuro: Hmmm...picture this: you're taking on a hoarde of enemies and kicking their butts; now that their boss doesn't have anymore underlings to do his dirty work, it's time for him to fight. So instead of fighting you honorably, he pulls the most cliched and under-handed tactic in the book: he shows you that he has a hostage and that if don't give up now, they'll be hurt. You want to save the hostage and give that coward the beat down he deserves, but you can't do one without giving up on the other; I created this technique to counter this very situation.

Skylar: Oh really? Huh...I'd like to see that in action sometime...

Ashuro: Stand right where you are and I'll show you now.

*Skylar stands and faces Ashuro; after channeling some E-nergy into both hand, Ashuro chucks to slicing shockwaves directly at Skylar! However, instead of getting cut up, they pass right through him and hits the coffee table behind him instead; Skylar is unharmed and the coffee table lies in multiple pieces.*

Ashuro: Yeah...I probably should've given you a heads up before I did that.

Skylar: O_O;; That scared me... So this attack basicly let you hit/hurt anything on the other side of a person, wall, and so on...? That's really cool.

Ashuro: You're close, but that's not exactly it; "Piercer" is an attack enhancer instead of an attack itself. It's designed to only it your intended target regardless of whatever armor they're wearing. In this instance, I was aiming at the table behind you; because nothing else but that table was my target, the attack passed through you and everything else. Now pay extra attention to what I'm about to say now; these are the key things you need to keep in mind to use this technique of my safely and successfully.

Skylar: Mentally TRYING to note all this down, right now.

Ashuro: When using "Piercer" ...just remember to never forget what it is that you're trying to accomplish...and focus ONLY on that. Take these cards for example *sweeps his left hand over the top of the deck and a card sticks to it* just keep thinking "I only want the top card;" places the card down on the table the sweeps another card from the top of the deck* or think something along the lines of "I want this card to remain in the one spot;" *places his hand holding the second card on top of the first card he drew and drags his hand to the side without moving either of the cards out of place despite to force he was using* you can even think something like "I only want to stab the card(s) in the middle of the deck" *slams his left hand on top of the deck then parts it in half to show Skylar the two cards in the exact middle of the deck had punctures* if you get creative, you can do all sorts of things with this technique.

Skylar: Hmm...okay.

<flashback ends>

*From that day on, Skylar practiced using Ashuro Piercer ability whenever he got time to do so, but didn't get any closer to master the technique. Maybe there was something he was missing or something he still didn't understand about E-nergy. But now this was happening; just what was going on; could it be that maybe he was just overthinking it? Skylar goes back to work on swatting Nikki's bottom with the slipper for another minute; although her butt hadn't changed color, she sure enough reacted to each of the hits as she desperately tried to escape from his grasp to escape the unusually strong pain she was feeling.*

Nikki: T_T WAAAAAH! No more; I can't take anymore! *struggles to get free*

*That's when Skylar realized it; he was using the Piercer ability perfectly. The whole time while he was punishing Nikki, he was focused solely on making sure that Nikki felt the sting of each swat he gave her, but at the same time he didn't want to leave any marks. With that mindset, his E-nergy was in fact hitting only the pain receptor nerves in her butt while acting as a cushion so that his had or whatever he was using to punish her with didn't make direct contact with her bare flesh. Now that he had a better understanding of how to use the technique, he had all of the time he needed to make sure that Nikki learned her lesson without fear of causing any damage to her skin; the very thought of this made Skylar grin evily at Nikki.*

Nikki: Y-Y-You did learn how to use Piercer, didn't you?

Skylar: I sure did~ *swats her butt again*


*Nikki redoubles her efforts to escape but only gets extra stingy swats to her rear end. Skylar never realized how easy it was to use E-nergy; it was all thought based and it's power and effectiveness relied solely on the weilders determination.*

Skylar: Hehe... You know, I think it's about time your butt start to change color, don't you agree~? *He smirks as he continues swatting her behind, drawing his focus away for a bit. And indeed, as he thought, her butt started to change colors just a little bit.*


*Skylar notices the defiance in her speech; clearly she wasn't getting the message. He took note of a spray bottle full of water that Nikki used whenever she needed to make a quick touch-up to her hair. But for what he had in mind to work, he had to get Nikki to let her guard down again; he starts by picking her up and carrying her back to her bed and laying her on her stomach as he rubbed her pinked bottom.*

Nikki: *gulps* I-I'm sorry, Skylar; it just slipped out, honest!

*Skylar acts cool and collected, smiling as if what she said never even bothered him.*

Skylar: It's okay. It's okay... But...in all honesty, I have something to tell you. Just to get it off of my mind and getting to know what you feel after I've told you it...

*Skylar is trying to lower her guard, while also telling her something that is true and a bit important for him to tell her. He's also rubbing her bottom still*

Skylar: You remember Ayaka? The catgirl I became friends with? Well...it seems that our friendship has come so far as we've become...how do I say this..."friends with benefits", if you understand what I mean...

Nikki: ...WHAT??!!!

To be continued...

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