Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Infiltration Plan! VS Salty!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 10
“The Infiltration Plan! VS Salty!!”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Noise can be heard coming from an air vent in the ceiling; everybody looks up as the rattling noise gets closer.

Karin: Whatzzat? O_O

*The noise stops directly at the air vent. After a sudden loud bang the air vent falls from the ceiling along with a person that falls flat on their face. Going over to inspect the mysterious individual they see that it is a young Fox-HI girl with a side ponytail, wearing a school uniform and boots. The young girl soon comes to her senses and looks up to see Karin looking directly at her.*

Young Fox-HI girl: O.O *gasps*

Karin: O3O Oo! Oo! Fellow Fox-Hi, try and get us outta here!

Annaliese: Who is she? She almost looks like a smaller Karin! o0o

Young Fox-HI girl: It's-it's you, it really is you; Mommy! *glomps Karin with a warm hug*

Karin: Yes, its me, Karin---! Wait, WHAT?! O3o;

Annaliese: Did she just called you mommy? OAO;

Karin: She Did! D:

Annaliese: You have a daughter, Karin, Why you didn't tell me?! O3O;

Karin: owo; I just, don't know! I don't remember making "whoopie cooshings" with a man before, but me and Micheal sure did that once, buuuut... he didn't shot inside me, if you know what I mean! O3O

Lalao: Um... TMI?

Karin: ...Hey, errr, Kiddo, Why did you called me Mommy? ^//^;;

Annaliese: ;w; Awww~

Potpourri: My name is Potpourri; I'm your daughter from the future. ^o^
Karin: D8 .....My Mind is blown!

Lalao: Karin, As a mother? That's truly shocking. ._.;

Karin: ... ;w; and... just...w-wowzers... I'm a mom! ...Gosh... just.. I don't know what to say! owo

Annaliese: Me Too! ...I wonder what's my kids are like? o_o

Samantha: ^//^ Mine's Too... Excuse me, Potpourri, Can you help us escape?

Potpourri: Of course, that's why I'm here. In order to drop the force field you need either Salty's passcode...or one of these in the right hands *pulls out a small device and hands it to Aluma* that's a hacking device made by my friend Mimi; she should show up soon and tell you what you need to do with it since I've already forgotten everything she told me.

Aluma: Okay, I've Got It. Thank You.

Karin: Mimi? You mean My Simipour? o3o

Potpourri: No, actually she's...

???: So you made it inside without getting caught; good job, Potpourri. ^^

*Everybody looks over to the force field and see another young standing on the other side. She looked remarkably just like a kid version of Maggie who had whiskers and was wearing a pair of goggles on her head.*

Potpourri: There she is; there's Mimi!

Mimi: Salutations, everybody~

Maggie: Lemme guess... .___o; My... My...!!?

Karin: Yup, I think that's your kid. .w.

Maggie: Holy Crap, She got my beautiful face. QwQ ...This is insane...!

Annaliese: Oh, T-Tell me, Where's my child? OuO *excited* Who he or she looks like? Please tell me!

Mimi: I'll tell you about them but not right now. Right now, I need to get you all out of here before Salty comes back. Mrs. Aluma, would you place that device that Potpourri gave you next to that panel there?

Aluma: Mm-hm. *does so*

Mimi: Good *places another device next to the outside panel* Okay, now to supply it with some of my power to activate it *places her hand on the device and sends an electric surge into it causing the devices to activate which makes the circuits to the force field overload and burst, making the force field drop* and with that you're all free~ ^^


Lalao: Freedom!! ;w;

Maggie: And I got a very smart daughter, I'm so proud! ^//^

Karin: Whoo~ You Kids are Made of Awesomes! >w<

Annaliese: Thank You. ^^

Samantha: Thanks a lot. ^_^

Aluma: Thank You for the help. ^A^

Claire: Woo-hoo! ^o^

Mimi: Follow me; the others and I have secured a safe spot for us all to plan out our next move and talk. Salty will have no idea where we are since all of his cameras have been broken and his auto-repair feature disabled.

Annaliese: Got it.

*Mimi and Potpourri lead the girls down to a rather spacious storage hangar where there were some other kids waiting for them there. There was a boy who dressed similar to e-sama, a light-skinned Suku boy with black spiky hair, a dark-skinned Suku girl with red spiky hair, a little girl wearing a yellow and black striped dress, a violet-haired catboy with two differently coloured eyes and a catgirl with ribbons in her hair.*

Potpourri: We're back~ ^o^

Mimi: Let me introduce you to some of our friends: Samuel, Marius Jr., Haruka, Cookie, Tsubasa and Rumme.

Samuel and Tsubasa: H-Hello *bows*

Haruka and Cookie: Hi~ ^o^

All: Hello. o.o

Lalao: You know she looks like me...when I'm younger... A Smaller me. ._. *points at Haruka*

Samantha: ....That's my Child! ;w; *looks at Samuel, and hugs him tight*

Karin: This is sooo cool~ ^_^

Annaliese: Hey... That's my Child alright! ;w; ...He got my face, and my hair on top! *slowly walks too him* Hello Tsubasa...! ;w;

Aluma: Hello. ^o^ *slither her tongue* ....*and looks at Marius Jr* OAO Its my....child.... ;w; ...My dream of having a family did came true!

Marius Jr: Mom! O_O Wow... You still look the same, beautiful. ^_^

Aluma: TTwTT ..Th-Thank you, my son... ...Oh Marius is not going to believe this.....

Marius Jr: Wh-Where's my Dad? >.>;

Haruka: *giggles* it's only natural that I look a bit like you when I'm you're kid, Mama~ *hugs Lalao*

Samuel: We're going to get you all out of here safely, Mom; I promise.

Tsubasa: Ah, Mother, you appear to be well; that awful wolfman didn't hurt you, did he?

Cookie: *rushes over to Roxie hugs her* Mommy~! *notices that Roxie's outfit is a bit dirty* oh my goodness, your outfit! That revolting pirate left you in an unclean room, didn't he?! Don't worry, I've got some wipes and hand sanitizer here somewhere... *goes to look for her bag*

Potpourri: Sorry Rumme, your Mom isn't here; it looks like he hasn't captured her just yet.

Lalao: OwO ....Holy Cow.... *hugs her* G-g-gosh. .w.

Annaliese: He kinda did. :<

Samantha: ^//^ That's Splendid to hear...

Roxie: >//x//<; You don't know how much I want to cobbler that jerk for getting me dirty!! AARRRG!!!! >//X//<#

Rumme: >3> Poo~

Tsubasa: I'll make sure to personally KO him then. >_<

Potpourri: We can't harm him yet; not until we find what he took from my Mommy and get it back from him!

*Karin vaguely remembers when Salty stabbed her with that device of his and seemed to pull something out of her and not feeling like herself since then.*

Annaliese: You got your daddy's strong sense of justice! O.O

Karin: Yeah, True... That guy is so cheap. >~<; ...Heck, I don't feel right ever since he KO'd me.

Annaliese: ... *worries* :<

Potpourri: You still haven't been able to make your flames since then, right?

*Karin tries to make her flames again but is unable to; it was as if her fire was non-existent.*

Potpourri: It's just as Daddy told me; that dirty rotten pirate stole your fire powers from you...and that's not the worse part either...

Karin: "gasp" What? oAo;

Potpourri: According to what Daddy told me, when that pirate took your fire powers, the power of the device he used to do so was turned up so high that it took something else: some pearl-like objects were attached to your fire powers.

*Thinking back, Karin did remember seeing some pearls attached to the ball of fire that Salty pulled out of her chest.*

Potpourri: Those pearls...they were years of your lifespan! When that pirate took your fire powers he took all but a few years of your life away with it! If we don't get your powers back before he has them put into him you'll only have about 11 or 12 years tops left to live; I want a future with my Mommy! ToT *clings to Karin*

Karin: O_O; Oh Shoot... But I'm too snuggly to die. ;~;

Annaliese: WHAT?! D8> ....We got to get it NOW! >0<;

Aluma: Yes, We do, but How? :<

Mimi: Well, we can't take Salty on directly; to get your powers back we'll need something to occupy his attention so that we can search his personal quarters.

Cookie: But what can we do to distract him for that long?

Samuel: Well, the second half of our team should be making contact with our Dads by now; if anybody has what it takes to take on Salty, it's them. ^^

Aluma: I hope they get here soon... :< Oh, Marius....

*Meanwhile, back on Earth with Marius and the others...*

Ashuro: *looks up at the sky* ...hey, something's coming...

*A small robotic drone flies down from the sky and lands on the ground next to all of the guys. The drone's eyes light up and shoots a beam of light forward to reveal a holographic projection of none other than Salty.*

Salty: Ah, looks like you're all together in one place; good, now I won't have to repeat the same message more than once.

Marius: ...Why did you took Aluma, and the rest of the girls? >

Elska: Okay Salty, What are you planning, You creep!?

Aria: T0T You better not Torture Master!

Salty: Relax, relax; I haven't done anything to them nor do I desire to do anything to them...provided the rest of you follow the following instructions as given. My capturing these girls was to make sure that I got your undivided attention. Now that I have it I'll let you know what's going on. My new "employer" has great interest in you all; he wishes to make your various talents, gifts and powers his as he prepares his conquest of this world and all other worlds to come.

Marius: Great, now we have another one of those assholes...

Aria: You guys will be sorry! ;0;

Elska: Why would you think we'll give our gifts to that "employer" person?

Salty: Quite simple really: you all have something that he wants and and he has something of yours that you REALLY want to get back. You could try and take them back by force but the consequences for that would be immense. He'll seek you all out one by one, you'll never see or hear him coming. You'll try to fight him but his strength and ability is on a whole other level. Take me for instance, I should still be locked up in a high-security galactic prison; because this guy wanted my own ability for himself he casually entered that place and defeated each and every guard and high-ranking galactic police officer there without any effort whatsoever. I know you guys are strong but this guy is out of you leagues.

Marius: "snort" We've been taken on creeps like that before. I accept.

Elska: Yeah, I don't see how he'll beat us.

Aria: I'll die for Master! ;^;

Marius: But... I'll try anything to save the others, mostly my wife. *tries to call in The Saturn Family* .... come on, please pick up...

Salty: Yeah, we'll see how long that arrogance lasts when you actually meet him. Listen, just go to the park in about an hour; I'll be there to pick up one more person of interest. We'll discuss terms for your loved one's release then.

*The transmission ends as Salty's hologram disappears. Unfortunately, Marius is unable to contact anybody in the Saturn Family since all he got was their voicemails.*

Marius: Hmm, why can't they answer?

Elska: I have no idea, but let's head to the park.

Aria: Okay.

Marius: Hmph, Fine...

???: Actually, before you do go there, will you hear us out?

*The group looks up to see a group of kids standing before them. There was one boy who looked like a miniature version of e-chan, a girl who looked like a miniature version of Roxie, a catgirl with two differently colored eyes and a large fluffy tail, a dark-skinned girl with black and yellow hair wearing ninja garb, a dark-skinned girl with beautiful green eyes wearing a pink top and orange shorts and a cute slime girl who had her hair in pigtails.*

e-chan Jr.: Hi, my name is e-chan and this is my friend, Nougat, and my cousins, Cream, Anna, Megumi and Sea-na.

e-chan: O_o

Nougat: Hi~ ^///^

Cream: Nice to meet 'cha!

Marius: O_O; ....Did that kid just said he was e-chan?

Anna: Daddy! OwO *glomps*

Marius: D-Daddy? ._.; ...What?

Anna: owo Hey, You don't have your mustache yet.

Marius: .~.; ...Can someone please explain to me, what's going on?

Anna: O3o; Oh, Sorry..! I almost forgot to mention. We're from the future! ^_^ I'm your daughter, Anna Dixon!

Elska: WHAT?! D8 ....Holy shit, You and Aluma did do it at some point. ;3

Marius: O//_//o; ...Aluma is your mommy, right?

Anna: Yes, Silly! >w<

Marius: w@; Holy Crap Cakes, and Rice....

Sea-na: My Mommy is Oceana.... Um, Hi Daddy. :<

Marius: O////o; This is happening too fast... Whoa~ my mind is blown here...

Anna: Um, Daddy... Your feeling okay?

Marius: I...I am, its just.... Wow, My children is here... ._. ..Hey, Do I have a son?

Anna: My Brother is finding our Mommy. He's there by now, I think.

Marius: Is his name, Marius Jr?

Anna: Yeah. o3o

Marius: Yes! >w<

Cream: Hey, Daddy-O~

e-kun: O_O Who, me?

Cream: Yup, my sister should be with Mom right now; we came to help you all.

e-kun: ...YES! She DOES say "yes" when I ask her! *raises his fists in triumph*

e-sama: I have a child as well?

Cream: You sure do, Uncle e-sama; he should be with Auntie Samantha right about now if their mission was successful. ^w^

e-sama: I have a son...this is truly a happy day.

e-chan Jr.: Uncle Marius, Megumi here is your daughter too. ^^

Marius: Hehe, That's Me and Angel, alright... :3 Hey, Megumi! ^^

Megumi: Hey, Pops; you ready to save Mom and the others? Then listen to the plan e-chan cooked up. ^^

*Everybody looks over to e-chan.*

e-chan: I...think she boy over here. Never thought that I of all people would be a father...

e-chan Jr.: Yes, I've got a plan to get the drop on Salty.

Marius: Tell Us, Sport.

e-chan Jr.: We'll surprise Salty with some warp tactics using these *hands Marius a blank card*

e-chan: Hey, those look similar to my...

e-chan Jr.: They are, Dad. They are one of my variations of your "Switch" technique. You write your full names on them so that they are set to you personally. Once you do that give the cards back to me and we'll use ones that are set to us and we'll be able to warp back to where the others are. In the meantime, you'll meet with Salty and allow him to imprison you. Once he goes to check on the prison where he last saw the others we'll warp you all to where we are, reuniting you all with everyone. From there we'll have the element of surprise and should be able to fight our way out. What do you think about that? ^w^

Marius: I Like It, Lil Dude!

Elska: Anything to save my baby sisters. ^w^ Thanks. *pat his back*

Aria: This has to work! OwO

Megumi: Then let’s do this! ^o^

*Everybody heads to the north entrance of the park and see Salty's massive ship parked in the middle facing the north entrance. The kids then break off from the main group and head to the south entrance so that they could get in position for the next part of their plan. Ashuro, Marius and the others walk through the north entrance and up to the ship where they see Salty waiting for them and he wasn't alone. He had another hostage with him: the catgirl Ayaka Jineii.*

Marius: (Aw Nuts, He got Ayaka....) >:I

Aria: *whispers* What now? :<

Ashuro: *whispers to Aria* we believe in the kids to succeed with their plan to save everybody.

Aria: Okay. :<

*Meanwhile with the kids on the other side of Salty’s ship*

Anna: If There's something that my dad taught me is that I can use shadows to block any cameras so we can sneak more better...

Sea-na: A-And I can go through cracks...

Cream: Good to know.

e-chan Jr.: Hopefully Mimi was able to take care of the cameras.

Nougat: *tries to open the rear ship door but is unable to* it’s locked...

e-chan Jr.: *inspects the door then pushes it a bit* it's not locked but something seems to be blocking it. Sea-na, we'll all push the door in as far as we can but we'll need you to squeeze through and remove whatever is blocking the door. Are you ready?

Sea-na: O-Okay... *turn into water, and goes though the crack, but left her dress behind* I'm In...!

Megumi: Great; now just move what's blocking the door out of the way so that we can get in.

Sea-na: *pull it away* Nnngh! >//x//<;

*After clearing the blockage the door easily opens.*

Megumi: Way to go, sis ^^ *hands Sea-na her dress*

Sea-na: Uh, Thanks. ^//^ *puts it back on*

Anna: Let's not drag our feet! Heh, Let's Go!

Sea-na: ...Wait up... :<

*The kids enter the ship and then e-chan Jr. activates their set of warp card to warp them to where the others and their mothers were.*

e-chan Jr.: We're back ^o^

Megumi: Yo~

*The girls are surprised by the sudden appearance of the six additional kids.*

Aluma: OAO "gasp" Huh?!

Marius Jr: You made it! owo

Aluma: ;w; ....Is That m-m-m-my--?

Anna: Mommy!!! QwQ *glomps* >//w//< I'm so glad you’re safe!

Aluma: ;w; Yes! I'm also glad to know we're going to be a happy family!

Sea-na: Mommy Number 2? O.O

Aluma: This must be Marius and Oceana's Daughter. O.O ....So, She can have kids! OwO Oceana is not going to believe this! Jimmy Jammy!

Anna: and our other sister is Megumi... Angel's. ^^

Aluma: Awwww~ ^///^ .....But, does Marius have a daughter with Alexa Tullie? o3o

Anna: Her Too. .3.

Aluma: Wow... ._.

Roxie: OAO I have twins! TwT you two know how to be tidy?

Lalao: My Son? O.O We have Two?! O3O

Annaliese: So Much Children.

Angel: OwO Oh my goodness, she's beautiful~ *hugs Megumi and flicks her tail back and forth happily*


Cookie and Cream: Yes, Mommy.

Nougat: OoO *walks up to Caramel*

Caramel: Oh, hello little one, who might you be?

Potpourri: Oh, I forgot to tell you, this is my little sister, Nougat. She's you're daughter, Mama Caramel.

Nougat: Hi... .///.

*Karin looks a bit confused by this news.*

Potpourri: Let me explain; Daddy told me that after you died he was very depressed for a long time but Mama Caramel helped him feel better over during that time. Over the next two years they grew close and eventually got married and had my sister Nougat here.

Caramel: O///O I...I get married...and have a daughter...?

Aluma: Awwww... ;w;

Roxie: *kiss them both on the forehead* ^//^ Good Girls...

Karin: O_O Wow!

Annaliese: ;^; .......*sobbing a bit*

Potpourri: But we're going to change all of that; we're going to get the powers and years of life that rotten Salty took away back to you. Mama is going to live Auntie Annaliese! ^w^

Nougat: ...

Potpourri: e-chan, did you make contact with our Dads?

e-chan Jr.: Sure did; they're just outside and we're ready to move into the next part of the plan.

Potpourri: Yay! ^o^

Annaliese: ;w; I...I Hope So... TwT

Aluma: Things are turning up greatly. ^_^ *claps a bit*

Karin: And Hey, Let's lighting up the mood by singing! owo ....Ooooh~ De Camptown ladies sing dis song, Doo-dah! Doo-dah! De Camptown race track five miles long, Oh! Doo-dah day! I come down dah wid my hat caved in, Doo-dah! Doo-dah! I go back home wid a pocket full of tin, Oh! Doo-dah day!

Aluma: ... *sings along too*

*Soon everyone is singing except for Sea-na*

Sea-na: *giggles*

*Meanwhile, back outside the ship, Salty has noticed that Marius, Ashuro and the others have arrived.*

Salty: So you came; smart choice.

Mugz: Where is Karin-chan? If you've hurt her, so help me I will...

Salty: Relax, shorty; all of them are safe and unharmed...for now.

Marius: Okay, Go on, and tell us your villain speech.

Elska: ...Or Give them back.

Aria: You'll be sorry! >o<#

Salty: The bossman himself will be here shortly so you'll get the answers you seek when he arrives. Now, onto the ship with you all *leads a frightened Ayaka inside the ship*

Ayaka: MYEW!! D8> ....;A; Heeeelp!!

Aria: You leave that cat-girl alone! DX

Salty: I'm taking this one for myself...and now that I think about it, such a rare Pokémon would be quite a nice addition to my collection...

Aria: N-No! Don't touch me! >o<; Or I'll give you such a thrashing!!!

Marius: Aria, Chill for a sec, Remember, This guy can take your ability away!

Salty: Now I won't ask again, into the ship, ALL of you.

*Everybody holds back their urge to retort back to Salty and does as he says. He leads them all to another walled prison deep within the ship and locks away everybody except Ayaka inside. As he's heading back to where he imprisoned the girls he receives a call and stops to take it. Looking through the hacked camera's Mimi sees that everybody is in place and the next part of their plan is ready to begin.*

Mimi: They're here, e-chan, and Salty is nowhere in sight.

e-chan Jr.: Great *takes out the cards with everyone's names on them and scatters them on the ground then puts his hands on the ground to supply E-nergy to them* Switch!

*Instantly, Marius, Ashuro and the others are warped to where everybody else was.*

e-chan Jr.: It worked!

e-chan: Lalao-chan!

e-kun: Roxie-chan!

e-sama: Milady, you're alright ^^

Angel: Marius, my love~ *pounces on Marius*

Ashuro: Anna-chan ^o^ *runs over to Annaliese and embraces her*

Rocko: My sweet Maggie, I was so worried ToT

Mugz: K-Karin, are you okay? *runs over to Karin*

Potpourri and Nougat: Daddy! *glomps Mugz*

Mugz: Huh?? O_o

Marius: Aluma!!! OWO *hugs her* ^////^ Thank God Your Safe!

Aluma: ;w; Marius, Your here! *hugs back* M-Marius, You gotta meet your son!

Marius: *looks at him* Hey Kiddo~ Its your old man...

Marius Jr: Dad!! OwO *hugs him* Wow, you look weird without all that facial hair... you just got a beard. o3o

Marius: Huh, I grew it out.... *snickers* X3

Annaliese: Ashuro!!! QwQ *glomps* Thank Heavens!

Aria: MASTER!!! TAT *glomps her* I Won't let anything happen to you!! *sobbing* TOT

Annaliese: There, There... It’s Okay, Aria. ^//^ I'm also glad to see you.

Karin: Mugz! I like you to meet Potpourri! Our Future Daughter! Is she cute?

Samantha: e-sama! We're a family! ;w;

Roxie: e-kuuun!!! ^///^

Lalao: e-chan! ....I just had a mind blowing day! OwO;

Karin: Mugz, Did you beat up Salty, and get my jewel back?! OwO Pleeeease tell me you did!

Annaliese: Please Do, Cause I don't want Karin to die! ToT

Mugz: Not yet; now that we have the element of surprise we're going to get the drop on Salty and give him what for!

Ashuro: I'm ready for him now; his little tricks won't work a second time.

Claire: Hehehe, that's exactly what I told him. ^w^

Mugz: I promise you, Karin, we'll get back what he took from and get you back to normal *places a fist over his heart*

Mimi: *looking at the camera feed through a surveillance gadget* Well you're about to get your chance; Salty is headed to the prison where he thinks our Moms still are.

e-kun: With so many fighters coming at him at once there is no way he can take all of us on at once.

Marius: We came all this way, and there is no turning back now. >:3

Karin: Yeah! I'll make sure Salty kiss these cheeks! :3 *pats her butt*

Aluma: But, What about his boss? :< ...Are you all sure he's not just a ..."ahem" ...a push over?

Marius: C'mon, Aluma, you know us, We'll always die trying...!

Aluma: I hate the die part. o___O;

e-chan Jr.: We'd better hurry then; we REALLY don't want to be here when his boss arrives.

Potpourri: But what about what the others who got here before us accomplished; shouldn't he be weaker now?

Tsubasa: Not necessarily...

Mimi: Whatever we're going to do we'd better do it now then.

*Meanwhile, Salty leads a frightened Ayaka to the holding cells where he still thinks he has prisoners. When he arrives he sees the prison empty and begins to panic. He tries to access his security cameras to find the missing girls but sees that they're all malfunctioning. Before he realizes what is going on around him, Salty finds himself tackled to the ground by e-chan, separating him from Ayaka and allowing Marius and Rumme to move in and secure Ayaka.*

e-chan: Gotcha you pointy-nosed jerk! >_<

Salty: What!? Get off me, fatty! >_O

Marius: Let's go, kitty! *picks her up*

Ayaka: Myew! OAo

Rumme: We saved ya, Mommy! ^^

Ayaka: Mommy?? Nya? D:

Marius: We'll explain as soon we get our asses out of here! Oh, and for the record... *Sucker punches Salty* Taste good, Chump?

Rumme: w00t! ^3^

*They both take Ayaka out of there*

Salty: You miserable... *quickly shoots his head forward and jabs the top of e-chan's head with his pointed nose*

e-chan: GAH! *quickly gets off of Salty and places his hand on his head to stop the bleeding*

Salty: *quickly gets to his feet* nobody punches me like that and gets away with it!! *pursues after Marius*

Marius: So far, So Good... *senses Salty coming* O_O; *turns and face him* Ayaka, Get out of here!

Ayaka: Myew...But..

Marius: No seriously, get a move on!

Rumme: Um... Yolo! >//^//< *sticks her leg out, tripping Salty in the progress*

Marius: Or we could do that... lol.

Salty: *growls* little brat; now that I think about it, there were kids who got in my way last time too...

*Salty suddenly begins levitating.*

Salty: Wh-Wh-What the heck...!?

*Looking over to where e-chan was everybody saw that he had called out his Braixen, Twig, to use Psychic to restrain Salty midair*

e-chan: Good job, Twig; keep it up! ^^

Twig: Got it! >:3

Mugz: Now's my chance *activates his Wing Pack and flies up to Salty and starts searching through his pockets*

Salty: Hey, get out of my coat, you little shrimp! *struggles, trying to break free from Twig's Psychic*

Mugz: *searching through Salty's coat pockets* ...found it! *takes the flaming orb with pearls attached to it and stores it safely away in his Wing Pack* I got it, Karin! Okay guys, feel free to start the beat down anytime you'd like *flies down and away from Salty*

e-kun: *cracks his knuckles* with pleasure~ >:3

Karin: w00t! Thanks, Baby! *kiss him*

Annaliese: YES! ^0^

Marius: Thanks! ^^ *His fist light on fire*

Elska: Finally! X3 *pops her neck*

Aria: See, See?! I Told You, You'll be Sorry! XO

Marius: *keeps punching his nose, hard*

Elska: *Does a soaring axe kick* And the crowd goes wild, sugah!

Aria: *Does Close Combat* Hyah! WATAAH! Aaaaatatatatata!!! WATOH! *kicks him in the kisser*

Ayaka: *Use fire claws* "hisssss!"

Aluma: *slap him lightly* Um... Take That. .//^//.;

Marius Jr & Anna: *stomps on him* Take This, Fiend!

Marius: Fiend? ( Come On, Kids.... )

Sea-na: *sat on his face* I Hope you sufficient, meanie! >o<#

Elska: Whoa! I don't think we need to kill him.... ( Yet. ) ...And what are you planning to do, pleasure him?

Sea-na: D: ...But I saw Mommy and Daddy once did that in bed---!

Marius: Okay, That's quite enough. -w-;

Salty: Hey, lay off the nose, I just had it fixed! XO *struggles against Twig's Psychic and manages to reposition his arms, aiming them at e-chan and Annaliese* Explosion!

*Seeing what Salty was doing, both Twig and Aria quickly push their trainers out of the way and get caught within a mini-explosion when Salty snaps his fingers. e-chan and Annaliese quickly rush over to their Pokemon, scooping them up in their arms.*

e-chan: Twig!! *scoops Twig up in his arms* Twig, please be okay...

*Now free from the hold of Psychic, Salty reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out the remote that controls his ship. After entering some commands on it he makes the ship take off high into the sky.*

Salty: There's no escaping for you now...

Annaliese: A-Ariaaa!! D8 *scoops her up* ;^; Please...Please be alive.... don't leave me....

Karin: *comforts Annaliese* Don't worry, Anna-Chan... She's still kick'n, just....hurt. :<

Marius: ....Damn! Wait!

e-chan: Twig... *cradles Twig in his arms*

Twig: *regains consciousness* e-chan...are you okay?

e-chan: I'm fine thanks to you; thank you, Twig. I'm gonna get you out of here, just hold on.

Twig: ^w^ Thank you, e-chan. I'm fine, really *stands up on her own* but I'm not going anywhere until HE is down and out! >o< *begins glowing brightly*

e-chan: O_o T-Twig!?

Aria: *wakes up* Huh? What happened? >.o;

Annaliese: Oh Thank Heavens... TwT

Marius: Let's not waste anytime, and catch that asshole! *runs after him*

Aluma: Let's see if I can hack to the system.... I have to get too the main computer room... *walks there*

Karin: You Heard Twig, and Marius, Let's make him regret the day he ever messes with us! ^0^ Let's a Go!


*Twig glows even brighter and is wrapped in blue energy as she begins to grow even taller and changes shape. In a burst of light her transformation is complete: Twig had evolved into a Delphox.*

e-chan: Twig, you evolved... QwQ

Twig: *pulls a stick from out of her sleeve and aims it at Salty* feel the burn! >o< *shoots a Flamethrower attack at Salty*

Salty: *nimbly dodges the incoming Flamethrower* you're not touching that computer, girl!

*Salty takes off after Aluma but his path is quickly blocked by Marius, e-kun and e-sama.*

e-kun: And you're not touching her!

e-sama: *draws his sword*

Marius: I Promise you, you'll get broken if you lay a finger on her!

Aluma: Thank You. *runs to the computer room as fast as she can*

Annaliese: Aria... Now.

Aria: *use Sing to put him to sleep*

Salty: *snarls and stumbles about trying to fight off the heavy urge to go to sleep*

e-kun: Aw, is the big bad wolf sleepy? Here, have a pick-me-up on me! *charges his fist with electricity then pummels Salty with a barrage of punches before finishing with a hard uppercut*

e-sama: *attacks Salty midair with quick and precise sword strikes using the blunt end of his sword before using one mighty swing to send Salty plummeting back towards the ground*

Salty: *quickly maneuvers himself so that he lands on his hands and feet*

e-chan: Twig, use Psychic to hold him down!

Twig: With pleasure~ *uses Psychic on Salty to freeze him in place*

Salty: *struggles to break free and stay awake at the same time*

Aria: *singing a lot louder, cause him to get even sleepier*

Annaliese: Keep Going, Aria! ^^

Salty: *continues to struggle* ...oh bugger it... *collapses and falls fast asleep*

Annaliese: *punches Salty* Take That, Meanie! >.<#

Karin: Yeah, *dance around with Annaliese, at the same time stomping on him* WHOO~!

*At the main computer room...*

Aluma: *hacks into the ship* Such Machinery has to belong to bad people.... :< ....Okay, I'm almost in the system.

*Aluma suddenly gets the feeling that she isn't alone in the main computer room as she feels a sinister presence behind her.*

Aluma: ...Huh? .... *shaking in fear* *turns around* ...*tries to hack into it*

To be continued...

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