Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Time to Relax - Dinner at Ashuro's Part 1

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 15
“A Time to Relax – Dinner at Ashuro’s Part 1”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Kevin and Ring: *walking home hand in hand from the grocery store* ^w^

Scooter: Good afternoon, lovebirds~ ^^

Kevin: Hi Scooter; are we still on for Smash Bros. later on today?

Scooter: Of course; have you gotten used to know? *motions towards the Aquitican antenna on Kevin's head*

Kevin: Oh that? I honestly forget that it's there most of the time now.

Tsuyu: *croaks happily*

Kevin: Ah, a Palpitoad! *crouches down and pets Tsuyu* I've always wanted one of these.

Tsuyu: *enjoys being petted as she wags her tail happily*

Kevin: Hahaha, so cute. You just got back from Unova, right; how did you meet this cutie?

Scooter: I caught her when she feel from the sky *points upward*

???: *faint screaming high up in the sky*

Kevin: *looks skyward* Huh?

Shiny Tympole: KYAAAAAAAAA!!! *crashes onto and bounces off of Kevin's face*

Kevin: *knocked out* @ _ @

Shiny Tympole: *spins about unconsciously and lands in Ring's cleavage*

Ring: KYAA!! O//o//O

Scooter: ...actually I caught mine with my hands when she bounced off my fro but your way is good too...

Kevin: @___@ ....... *feels his face* .....I don't know, is my nose broken...?

Scooter: Maybe; 9.9 pounds falling from that high in the sky can do it...if you were still just 100% human. As an Aquitican you most likely only suffered a bloody nose that is already healing.

Ring: Kyaa~ get it out-get it out; it f-feels squishy and w-weird... >~<;

Kevin: *wipes his nose and stands up* Ugh...okay Ring, just stand still....bare the embarrassment, because this will be over quickly... </3/<

*He grabs her top and drags it down enough for Ring's breasts to flop out into view, thus allowing him to take the arm- and legless Pokémon out of her cleavage easily, then he quickly slipped her top back on to make her decent again.*

Kevin: Always glad to see your breasts uncovered, but it was more important to get this guy out, this time. >/3/>

Ring: *quickly looks around to make sure there wasn't anybody else around to see her then breathes a sigh of relief*

Shiny Tympole: *still unconscious* @ _ @

Kevin: .... *gentle pets the little thing as he holds it in his arms* Yeah, the impact with my face might have been too much...that's not the kinda kiss you want. >_>;

Shiny Tympole: *wakes up and looks around* wh-where am I? Are the bird Pokémon gone?

Kevin: *looks up* ....Yup. All I see is the clear blue sky.

Shiny Tympole: *relaxes a bit* thank goodness...

Kevin: You're safe now, just calm down. ^^

Shiny Tympole: *relaxes in Kevin's embrace* =w=


Scooter: Looks like you've made a friend in this little lady. ^^

Kevin: Well, just trying to be friendly and all. I have no idea what she just went through...besides getting a face-full of Ring's tits. -w-

Ring: *lightly and playfully punches Kevin's shoulder with a smile*

Shiny Tympole: I can't go back to my watering hole of a home; there are way too many bird Pokemon there that try to eat me every day. If I hadn't wiggled free from that Fearow like I did, surely I'd have been... *shudders in fear*

Tsuyu: *shudders in empathy, remembering the same thing happening to her back in Unova*

Kevin: Well, you being this vibrant and clear color doesn't really help you out either, now does it...? *sets her on the ground and takes off his hoodie for a moment, just to put it back on, but backwards, putting the Tympole down in the hood that was now located in front of him* There we go, a safe place for you to rest while we can keep an eye on you, and my arms doesn't need to get tired in the process either.

Shiny Tympole: My color? Hmm, now that you mention it, all of my friends seem to distance themselves from me whenever the bird Pokémon come...AND they always seem to single me out every time. Could my color really be what's attracting them?

Kevin: Let me just.... *takes out his PokéDex and scans her* .....Yup, you're a shiny species. 1 out of 8192 Pokémon are assumed to be born with a unique colorization, which you are.

Shiny Tympole: So that's it, huh? I guess that I don't exactly blend into my environment like the others do then...what should I do? I-I can't go back home now that I know I can't hide from the bird Pokémon like the others...

Kevin: Hmm....why don't you come with us, for now? I'm sure we can figure out something to help.

Shiny Tympole: R-Really? I'd...I'd like that

Kevin: And if it comes to it...I guess you can just permanently stay with us or something? *pets her again*

*The town clock tower chimes three times, signalling that it was 3 PM.*

Ring: It's 3 al-already? It's t-time for us to p-pick up the kids from Ashuro's; I s-sure hope that he h-hasn't been overwhelmed by l-looking after our three in a-addition to his own son who j-just recently showed up.

Scooter: Ashuro has Elise and Estella helping him out so I don't think you have too much to worry about. ^^

Ring: I'm j-just a little w-worried...especially now that I think that S-Samantha found my c-candy stash...

Kevin: Come on, Ring. What's the worst that can happen...?

*A little bit of awkward silence fills the air*

Kevin: They are our kids. I think we should hurry up. <_<;

Ring: *nods then picks up the groceries that she dropped* let's go >_>;

Kevin: ... *nods, keeping a hand on the Tympole's head, petting her as they went*

Scooter: *chuckles then pets Tsuyu's head* I hope that I get to meet my kid soon...

*After a bit of walking, Kevin, Ring and their new Tympole companion arrive at what they believed was Ashuro's home but it was different. It was WAY larger, looking almost like a giant mansion. It had been a while since either of them had been over to Ashuro's home and today wasn't an exception since he came over to their home to pick the kids up. As they were checking the address to make sure that they had the right place, Estella comes out the front door to greet them.*

Estella: Prince Kevin, Princess Ring, welcome.

Kevin: .....I'm...not gonna complain about anything. It's gonna be much weirder for the others when we eventually inherit the throne... <___<; *steps forward* Um...good day, Ms. Pretty lady I have never seen before....h-how do you know us?

Estella: Forgive me for not introducing myself to you before, dear Prince. I am Estella; I fought with alongside my captain, Cinder, when we helped you all liberate Slumber Gigas from the Gecko Family. You probably didn't see me on the battlefield because I need to be high up in order to fight; I'm an ace sniper. ^^

Kevin: Oh, well, I guess some thanks is in order. .....Uuuuuh, what would be the most royal way to- oh, I know. ^^ *gently takes her hand and kisses it* Thanks for your assistance. I hope we'll get to know one another better as time goes by.

Estella: *chuckles* likewise, dear Prince.

Ring: Um...was there some re-remodelling done r-recently?

Estella: Why yes, there was. As thanks to Lady Elise freeing me from my capsule prison I used some of the remaining technology from my time to upgrade young Master Ashuro's home *motions to the massive mansion in front of them*

Kevin: Massive update is more fitting. =u=; I feel a bit alienated standing here...

Estella: Come on in, the children are all playing together inside with the other residents.

*Estella leads Kevin and Ring inside. The inside was very posh and deluxe and definitely very different from the last time they were there. They are led to the main living room where everybody was. Amethyst was happily playing with the Skitty girl clad in a sleeveless blue and white striped dress, Pinky. The Purrloin girl clad in a blue dress with black trim, Violet, and the Shinx boy in glasses wearing a green shirt and white shorts, Dylan, were sitting on the couch in front of the coffee table with multiple decks of cards, teaching Arthur and Tsubasa how to play different TCGs. Sitting in a rocking chair was the Shiny Ninetales clad in a yellow kimono, Elise, happily and lovingly cradling a fast asleep Samantha in her arms. On the floor next to Elise were four very tired looking individuals; Ashuro, the Meowth boy Cloud, the Miltank girl Milk-chan and the Pyroar girl Mona. Each of them were panting, sweaty and out of energy all sprawled out on the floor.*

Kevin: .....Well, uh....seems like the kids might be just a little hard to handle....

Amethyst: *ears flicker* ...! Mommy, Daddy! *runs up and hugs her mother's leg*

Ring: *giggles then stoops down to pick up Amethyst* did you all have fun today?

Amethyst: *nods* Mhm, very much~ All of these cat people are fun to play with. But Samantha managed to pull down the pants of the cow lady over there. >3> *points*

Kevin: She looks so burnt out, it's safe to assume she met the wall after a sugar rush...

Mona: Never have I seen such a little one with such endless energy...

Cloud: It took five of us to wear that girl out; Jane collapsed in the other room just a few minutes before you got here...

Milk-chan: And then after what seemed like hours she just passed out asleep...

Elise: You should've done what I said to do in the first place; just get her to stop moving long enough for her body and mind to realize that she was exhausted.

Ashuro: *holds a handful of candy wrappers* Ring, you need to find a better place to hide your stash. =~=;

Ring: O_O; so she d-did find it...

Amethyst: You should just hide it in dad's underwear drawer, she'd never look there. >3>

Kevin: Well if she did, I'd find it, and I'd tease/bully her a bit before she got to enjoy her snack. =u= *kneels down and pets Amethyst*

Amethyst: Meow.... =/3/= *her tail wags*

Ashuro: *stands up having gotten enough rest* surprised about this place? So am I. One day I go out to do some errands and when I come back this mansion is here; I thought that some crooked billionaire bulldozed my house to put theirs up. I would've invited everybody over for a tour and party but I'm still getting lost in here; heck, I went looking for the bathroom and stumbled into Pinky's room while she was undressing.

Pinky: I didn't mind though~ ^3^

Amethyst: We wanted to play Hide & Seek, but noooo, we could get lost here, he says...

Ashuro: There are hidden passages all over this place and I don't know where all of them lead to just yet; it would be bad if one of you stumbled upon one and ended up somewhere I didn't know existed. When I do learn where everything is we'll all play the ultimate game of Hide & Seek, I promise.

Kevin: *picks Tympole out of his hood* Do you want to look around, little friend?

Shiny Tympole: Sure...but can I have some water first? I'm feeling a little dry...

Kevin: To drink or for your body, ma’am?

Shiny Tympole: Both.

Amethyst: Okay Mr. the way, why does Pinky not wear any underwear? .3.

Ashuro: That's something only she can answer

Pinky: No pantsu is the feeling of freedom!

Arthur: Just don't sit on my face again.... =///=;

Amethyst: were smiling when-

Arthur: Am! Be quiet! >///<;

Amethyst: Q//n//Q *ducks under Ring's long skirt, whimpering*

Kevin: Estella, can you get me a towel and bottle of water?

Estella: Right away, dear Prince. ^w^ *heads off to get the towel and water*

Pinky: *sees the Shiny Tympole* Oooh, such cute color~ *inspects the shiny Tympole all over while wagging her tail happily which raises the back of her dress and give everybody a clear view of her bare butt and the Pinkie Pie cutie mark tattoo on her left cheek*

Amethyst: ...Just like that.... >/_/>;

Arthur: >/////< *shields his eyes*

Kevin: ..... -////-; *scratches his nose* Yeah, not gonna lie, she has a cute butt....good for you, Ashuro.

Elise: Pinky-dear, do we need to have another "talk" about minding your surroundings? *brandishes her nine tails*

Pinky: O.O; *notices that she's exposed tries to lower her dress to cover herself* no-no-no, no talk needed, ma'am...

Kevin: Yeah, um, go easy on her, please. *kneels down and sits Pinky up, allowing her dress to cover her butt again* There. Sit like this and you don't need to have me staring at your adorable little tush~ *pokes her on her nose*

Pinky: *giggles*

Elise: *goes back to mothering Samantha*

Estella: *returns with a towel and bottle of water* here you, dear Prince

Kevin: Thank you, Estella. *places the towel on the ground and Tympole on top of it again, then starts to carefully pour water on her body, using the towel to soak it up and not fully soak the floor, while also letting her drink some water directly from the bottle* THeeeere we go, let's get you nice and soaked in, little one.

Shiny Tympole: Ahhh, I feel alive again~

Tsubasa: *inspects the shiny Tympole* where did you find her, sir?

*Looking at Tsubasa, Kevin just couldn't get over how much he looked and sounded like his sister, Annaliese.*

Kevin: Oh, well you see, An- I mean, Tsubasa...sorry, you just remind me of your mother. This little girl here was taken by a Fearow, and she dropped out of the sky and onto my face. That's how I found her. ^^

Tsubasa: Awesome

*The Braviary man, Ken, flies into the room clutching a bag full of mail and lands next to Ashuro.*

Ken: Mail call! These are for you Ashuro, you Lady Elise, a package for Milk-chan, a package for Cloud, a magazine for Jane...where is she?

Cloud: In the other room *points towards a door*

*Seeing the muscular eagle man fills the shiny Tympole with fear.*

Shiny Tympole: AiEEEEEEEEK!! Stay away-stay away!!

Ken: Huh?

Amethyst: Meow? .3.

Kevin: Hey hey hey, calm down... *pets her gently, tucking her into the towel* Ken is our friend, he's not gonna hurt you...

Shiny Tympole: O-Okay...sorry Ken, force of habit...

Ken: It's okay

Kevin: It's okay lil' one. No one blames you for being scared.

Ashuro: What's your name, little one?

Shiny Tympole: My name? I...I don't have one...

Amethyst: What!? That's outree....outrog...out....out...

Arthur: Outrageous?

Amethyst: What he said!

Shiny Tympole: Well as far back as I can remember I just never had a solid name for myself.

Kevin: .....Want us to name you, in that case?

Shiny Tympole: y-you would do that for me?

Kevin: Yeah, you're basically our friend now, so I don't see why not?

Shiny Tympole: Friend... Then I would be honoured to be named by you.

Kevin: How about something simple and cute-like....for example-

Amethyst: Bubbles!

Arthur: Bubbles? <.<

Amethyst: Yeah.

Bubbles: *shoots a Bubble attack into the air, letting the many bubbles gently float down around Amethyst* it fits, especially since that is the only move I know right now; I like it~

Amethyst: *cutely tries popping everyone of them, until one pops on her nose, causing her to yelp and jump back, shaking her head* Brrrrrrr! >~<;

Kevin: Bubbles it is, in that case.

Bubbles: Yay! ^o^

Samantha: *yawns and stretches, sitting up and getting her face full of the Ninetales' breasts* Hrmnm....? Mom, what are you doing here.....? You were supposed to pick us up later..... =3= *snuggles against Elise's bossom*

Ring: We f-figured that we needed to c-come early when I discovered that all of my c-candy had gone missing. You know you sh-shouldn't eat so much candy at one t-time; you know what it d-does to you, Samantha dear...

Kevin: And THAT is not your mother, sweetie.

Samantha: ...? *backs away and looks up at the Ninetales woman who had been babying her up until now* O-oh! Sorry ma’am! o_o;

Amethyst: *jumps up into Ring's arms* It's my turn to nuzzle mommy's puffies anyway......

Elise: It's okay, sweetheart; it's been a long while since I've been able to do something like this or feel this way.

Ring: *snuggles Amethyst* oh you~

*Ashuro smiles warmly at the sight but then stares off into space. Kevin could tell that there was something heavy weighing upon his friend's mind.*

Kevin: ...Hey, Ashuro...where's that smile of yours going? Leaving us so soon? *he joked a bit, but was genuinely concerned*

Ashuro: Oh, I'm sorry man; it's just that seeing all of the kids here, it reminds me what we're all fighting for...and how the whole situation seems to be changing from what they all told us and taken a turn for the worse...

Kevin: *nods* Rex told me about it....we've dug us into a fine little ditch, but we can't just let ourselves get discouraged by it. Even if this timeline crumbles, we can still alter another one...and another after that...and yet another, until we find a solution...I for one am not going to give up what we have here....what we CAN HAVE in the near foreseeable future. I simply refuse.

Ashuro: Yeah, you're right; I refuse to give up this foreseeable future as well. It's just that...can I be honest with you about something?

Kevin: We're basically family, of course you can be honest with me.

Ashuro: For the first time in a long time...I'm scared; not just scared, terrified. Remember when we all took on Pyro a few years ago? He opened the gates he was standing in front of to get to the power source he was after. What I didn't tell you all back then was that there was also a person behind those doors. He was imposing and ancient; I couldn't sense the full extent of his power and I couldn't fight him while being restrained by Erazor. He warped away to points unknown. After we defeated Pyro I began my search for this man but no matter where or how I searched I couldn't find him anywhere. And then when Annaliese and the other girls were captured by the pirate Salty and we tracked him down to save the girls I saw him again for the first time since that incident. And from what the kids told me that very man was the one who they came to fight: Benjamin Koco. He effortlessly defeated me in battle and literally reached inside me and took away my Pensword and Backfire Drive ability. He would've taken more and killed me afterwards if it wasn't for that young costumed raccoon girl appearing and saving me at the last minute. And then that incident at Rex's mansion took place. I...I feel like I let all of this happen by not breaking free from Erazor and stopping him when he wasn't as powerful...

Kevin: ...That's foolish, Ashuro. None of us, not even you, would imagine back then that this guy would come to haunt us. We did what we could back then, it's just some unforeseen consequences that have pitched us up against him right now. Listen, I'm not the wisest among us, nor the strongest, most mental stabile or anything like that, but I do know that it's not getting better if you just sit here thinking it is your fault. As for you being scared, you just need to remember we're all here with you, in both body and spirit. You're not facing this alone, so don't treat it as such. *places a hand on Ashuro's head* Just come to us and speak about it whenever you're feeling down, and don't let your negative feelings eat you up from the inside. If we truly want to succeed, we also need you to be at your best mentally, not just physically. Okay?

Ashuro: ... thank you, Kevin; I really needed to hear that.

Kevin: You're most welcome. Now, you mentioned a raccoon girl, right? Well you see, Shark mentioned something about such a figure he had spotted, and said he was gonna look further into it. With his new "girl power gang", whatever he meant by that.... =/

Ashuro: I hear he got himself three new girls around his age to hang out with; maybe he's talking about them. -w-

Kevin: ....Wonder if we'll see kids of his showing up? <.<

Ashuro: In this world of ours I'd say that anything is possible.

Kevin: In the house of anything being possible....I'd say the one thing that is the most possible to happen today, is that Pinky is going to flash her butt again. -w-;

Pinky: I'll have you know that I can behave myself for one day *tries to remain seated and still* ... >_<;; *whimpers as her tail flicks back and forth* >w<;; AAH! It's impossible to resist once the idea and desire is there! *shoots up and does a little happy dance before finishing with a little twirl and butt flash*

Elise: ^w^# *puts Samantha down then gets and in a split second moves over to where Pinky is, grabs her by both of her wrists with one hand and lifts her into the air* since you seem to like showing off that cute, plump little bottom of yours so much let's give it some color and show off just how cute it is *uses her nine tails to spank Pinky rapidly*

Pinky: EEEE! It was worth it! >w<;

Kevin: *watches this scene unfold with his blush growing ever so smoothly as it played out* I'm enjoying this... =//=

Ashuro: Just because Tail Whip isn't currently in her move set it doesn't mean that she's truly forgotten how to use it. =//w//=

Samantha: *bends over and wags her tail, showing her panty clothed bottom*

Arthur: Oh great, now she's doing it....

*Pinky's butt bounces and jiggles with every spank, getting redder with each stinging tail swat.*

Elise: I hope that this will teach you to tone down your "cheeky" behaviour when we have company over *continues to spank Pinky with her nine tails*

Pinky: I'm sorry, I can't help it! TwO; This is just who I am; I regret nothing! TwT

Elise: I know, sweetheart, and I wouldn't have it any other way; just try a little bit harder to control yourself next time, okay? *tails go into rapid-fire hyperdrive as they whip about on Pinky's butt so fast that they are nearly invisible to the naked eye*

Pinky: EEEEEE! QwQ

Kevin: *kneels next to them and pets Pinky as she is getting this "machine gun" spanking* that spunky and gleeful personality reminds me of someone...we haven't met before, have we?

Elise: *after a few more seconds of rapid-fire spanking Pinky's now tomato red butt, she stops and puts the exhausted Skitty girl down on her feet then kisses her on her forehead* *turns Pinky around, lifts the back of her dress to reveal her well-spanked butt and uses a clothespin to keep the back of the dress up then marches her over to a corner* you know the rules: 15 minutes, sweetheart.

Pinky: *panting from exhaustion* yes ma'am TwT *faces the corner*

Kevin: Aw, even though she's smiling through it, she seems really worn out...

Samantha: Her butt is too big for her petite form, yoo. =3

Ashuro: Yep, that's our Pinky. Don't worry, though; by the time her time out is up she'll be back to her energetic self again. ^w^

Kevin: She's...really cute, Ashuro. -/u/- Gosh, why does all of my friends have such adorable Pokémon that I just can't help but like? X'D

Ashuro: I should introduce you to the rest of the family when they get back; I think you'd like them too.

Kevin: I'd love too. ^^ Luckily I already know your fiancé.

Ashuro: *chuckles*

*Like clockwork, the front door can be heard opening and closing and the voices of several girls could be heard. The first to walk into the living room was a little Deerling girl wearing an orange dress and shoes reminiscent of Cream the Rabbit's outfit, currently sporting her Summer colors. Behind her was a shiny Bunnelby girl wearing a white training outfit complete with red headband and gloves that made her look like a miniature version of Ryu from Street Fighter. Then came a Heliolisk girl wearing a white tank top and blue short shorts, both of which tightly hugged her slender yet curvy body. After her was a slightly chubby Audino girl wearing a blue maid's outfit and holding a few bags full of groceries. Finally in walked a fluffy but chunky Bibarel girl wearing glasses, a blue sleeveless blouse and lime green skirt that didn't completely cover her large and ample butt due to her thick tail being in the way, giving everybody a peek at her cute and frilly pink panties.*

Kevin: .....hooooooooly cheesenuggets... o//o

Arthur: C-cheesenuggets, dad? >/3/>

Kevin: Can't swear with you kids here.... -//-

Ashuro: Let me introduce you to everybody. This little Deerling is Mint.

Mint: Hello, Mr. Kevin, sir *bows politely to Kevin*

Kevin: Glad to meet you, little miss. *bows to her in return*

Ashuro: This uniquely colored Bunnelby brawler dressed like the iconic Street Fighter is Boa.

Boa: *throws a punch at Kevin's face but stops before making contact, making Kevin throw his arms up in defense* two for flinching *punches Kevin's left shoulder twice*

Kevin: Tsk, fiesty one, eh? -w- My own fault for letting myself fall for the obvious flinch.

Ashuro: This Heliolisk, who wears very little to leave anything to the imagination, is Sophie. She actually used to be Scooter's Pokémon but we made a trade seeing as how each wanted different vocations.

Sophie: *circles Kevin, shaking her body seductively in dance as she gets close up on him and lets her long tail wrap around him* hello there, handsome~

Kevin: *shivers a bit, blushing* Hehehe, hello to you, beautiful. ^//^ As a Heliolisk I hope you get plenty of sun to keep you healthy and full of energy.

Sophie: Oh yes; I've been able to take sunbaths every day this summer. I've got more energy than I know what to do with...well, I can think of quite a few things to do~

Ring: >3<

Elise: Now Sophie, he's a soon-to-be married man and his fiancé is here next to him; lay off...or do I need to have a "talk" with you like I did Pinky earlier?

Sophie: .w.; *backs away from Kevin, chuckling nervously* I'd rather avoid being on the wrong end of those tails today.

Kevin: *chuckles* Yeah, you'd have to get some special arrangement to be allowed THAT kinda talk, and even deeper and more detailed arrangement if you'd ever want to "share your energy" with me. Heh, only Mam has been allowed that...she has her way with words. -w-;

Ashuro: The Audino in classic maid garb is named Berry.

Berry: Greeting, dear Prince *curtsies*

Kevin: *strokes her cheek* These are always so adorable....I could just hug one forever, that's how soft they are, too~

Berry: *giggles*

Ashuro: And this big bundle of fur and sweetness is Macaroon.

Macaroon: .///.

Kevin: All you need to do was to mention the word "big", you know how I am. -w- *outright hugs this girl, nuzzling into her*

Macaroon: O///O *shyly embraces Kevin*

Ashuro: Wow, that was a good move on your part, Kevin; Macaroon doesn’t usually open to others this quickly. ^^

Kevin: Oh, how come?

Ashuro: She is incredibly shy.

Kevin: ...I should've guessed. *gently pets and strokes along her back* She's such an adorable one, too~

Sophie: She's even more adorable when she's embarrassed; observe...

*In the blink of an eye, Sophie has both Macaroon's skirt and panties in her hands. When Macaroon realizes that she is bottomless she makes an adorable squeak and cutely tries to hide herself under Kevin's shirt, knocking him over and falling on him in the process. While trying to help her Kevin feels just how soft and fluffy Macaroon is and how adorable and plump her cute butt is; she was like a plumper version of his beloved Ring.*

Elise: *sighs then in a split second moves over to where Sophie is, grabs her by both of her wrists with one hand and lifts her into the air*

Sophie: OwO;;

Elise: So much for not wanting to be on the wrong side of the tails today, eh? *unbuttons Sophie's short shorts and lets them fall to the floor, revealing her golden, bare butt then uses her nine tails to spank Sophie rapidly*

Sophie: EEEiAiEEEE!! I was just trying to show off her charm!

Elise: I know, but there are other ways to do that *continues to spank Sophie rapidly with her nine tails*

Kevin: *with his hands feeling and gently squeezing Macaroon's butt* ...My..goodness...d-did promotion to the title of prince unlock some sort of hidden perk...involving stuff like this...? o///n///o;

Ashuro: I wouldn't say that it unlocked this perk; if anything the title just enhanced what you already had. ^^

Kevin: W-well....I'll just have to make sure everyone of these fine ladies get their fair share and treatment, in that case... ^//^; *pats Macaroon's back*

Samantha: *crawls over and starts to lightly swat the Bibarel girl's posterior* Hehe, she jiggles~

Macaroon: Meep! O//O

Ashuro: Like father like daughter, I suppose

Samantha: ... Dad, how about some playful bullying?

Kevin: ...What?

Samantha: You know, when you and mom get playful, and when you want to be a bit more "rough"... ^3^

Kevin: ....You just want to watch, don't you? -w-

Samantha: Hey, I'm your daughter, like he said.

*Kevin chuckles and sits up with Macaroon still ducking into cover under his shirt, but now he firmly grabs the beaver-like Pokémon's butt and starts to, little by little, slap and spank her fat and jiggly thing with his palms. Each time his hands made contact, they seemed to bounce right off of Macaroon's bottom due to how much it actually started to wobble about. He also made sure that the slaps weren't too painful. They stung, yes, but they wouldn't last long. Meanwhile, Samantha was watching the whole scene unfold with her tail wagging like crazy. Kevin happens to look through the neck hole of his shirt to see Macaroon happily nuzzling his chest with a blush and happy and content smile on her face. When he looks up again he sees that Ring is next to Samantha and seems to be feeling Macaroon's butt.*

Ring: OoO M-My, it is fluffy, soft and b-bouncy; I w-wonder what type of sh-shampoo she uses. And this position...I-I'll have to t-try it out for myself...

Kevin: ....Seems like I'm not the only one who is enjoying this... ^///^

Samantha: Hehe, mom is becoming more and more like a perv herself~

Kevin: *sighs contentedly and looks back down again* Almost...don't want to stop.

*Kevin looks over to the side to see Elise leading a still crying and blubbering Sophie over to the corner to join Pinky with her now equally reddened butt on display.*

Ashuro: Yeah, Sophie doesn't take spankings as well as Pinky and Jane.

Violet: Agreed.

Kevin: ......I feel kinda sorry for her...

Sophie: *cries and blubbers*

Ashuro: Then just show her some love the next time you come over. Oh, I almost forgot, there is one more I forgot to introduce you to *pulls out his phone and pulls up a program* this guy here is Digibeam, he maintains the security system and other data within this place.

*Ashuro shows Kevin a Porygon2 that shows up on his phone's screen in cyberspace.*

Ashuro: Digibeam, say hello to our guests.

Digibeam: [Greetings, Master Ashuro; greetings, honoured guests.]

Ashuro: He's not much of a talker...

Kevin: I see. Porygons are quite the interesting Pokémon species.

Ashuro: I had to go to Celadon City in Kanto to get him.

Kevin: That's usually where trainers get them....huff, okay, it's starting to get a bit too hot with you snuggling me, chubby. -//u//-; *takes off his shirt and looks down at Macaroon* Peek-a-boo, I see you.

Macaroon: ^//w//^

Boa: -_- *taps Macaroon's shoulder and to get her attention and shows her the skirt and panties that she wasn't wearing*

Macaroon: O//3//O; *realizes that she is still naked from the waist down, takes her skirt and panties from Boa and quickly scampers out of the room, her butt jiggling with every step*

Arthur: We've already seen her naked bottom, why is she walking out to change? <//3//<


Kevin: *watches her as she goes* =///w///= ....

Mint: Mr. Kevin, Miss Ring, would you all like to stay for dinner?

Kevin: ...Uh, well, I don't really want my family to be a bother-

Amethyst: Aaaaawww daaaaaad...!!
Samantha: Come oooooooon...!!
Arthur: Pleeeaaaase....?

*All three of them cling onto Kevin and gives him their patent pending "triple puppy-eyed stare of doom", wanting to stay.*

Kevin: ...Uuuuuuuuh, Ring, little help? O//u//O; They've got me....!

Ring: W-Well, um...

Ashuro: It's really no bother at all, Kevin. It's been a while since I had anybody over and Tsubasa is happy to be able to be with his friends from his time period. Think of this as a taste as to what is to come when we succeed in shutting Benjamin Koco down.

Kevin: W-well, if Ashuro is okay with-


The three kids cheered so loudly one could swear they heard Kansas....

Elise: Wonderful; if today is a precursor as to what is to come a few years from now, I for one gladly welcome it. Ring dear, would you join me in the kitchen and help me prepare the meal?

Ring: Of course, m-ma'am. ^w^

Elise: *looks over to Pinky and Sophie* five more minutes, you two. But remember, even after corner time is over, Pinky, that dress remains up in the back and Sophie, those shorts remain off until I say otherwise, okay?

Pinky: Yes, ma'am.

Sophie: *sniffles* y-yes, ma'am.

Elise: Right. Follow me, Ring; Berry, Estella, can you lend a hand too?

Berry and Estella: Of course.

Elise: Oh, and Kevin?

Kevin: Yes...?

Elise: There is a pond in the garden out back for your little friend to swim around in comfortably; if you'd like to leave her there for now you can get Ashuro or Mint to show you where it is *leaves the room with Ring, Berry and Estella*

Kevin: Oh. *picks up Bubbles* what do you say, do you want to swim a little?

Bubbles: Well, um...

Ashuro: If you're worried about being spotted by bird Pokémon, don't be. The garden is actually a large, enclosed greenhouse in the middle of the backyard.

Mint: The only thing that can get in is sunshine~

Bubbles: Oh? In that case, I'd love to ^^

Kevin: Come here then, let's give the others a little break away from me. *heads out while carrying the Tympole girl*

End of part 1

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