Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Conquest Continues! Battle at the Tyrant Mansion!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 12
“The Conquest Continues! Battle at the Tyrant Mansion!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

It is early afternoon and Crimson Mahiru awakens to find himself trapped within a cocoon made up of Bug-type Pokémon String Shot and suspended midair by Space E-nergy. He tries to break free with physical strength but the string is highly elastic; it stretches but never breaks. He then tries to use his many different powers but nothing happens; it was as if he was drained of energy or they had been sealed. Crimson then looks down and sees three little kids below him: one boy with red hair and two batgirls. Feeling that they're responsible for this he angrily calls out to them for answers.

Crimson: Can one of you little critters tell me WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!? Is this your work? Didn't your parents teach you any manners at all!?

Dex: .....

Minami: Don't ask us; we just found you dead in the river when we happened to pass by.

Valencia: You cause a lot of problems for us later on so I figured that we'd seize this rare opportunity and take you to him and decide what we should do with you. >w<

Crimson: .......What? Later on? I'm in a magically binding contract that doesn't allow me to do misbehave on big scales. What could I possibly do?

Dex: While looking for an answer to that question, I'm looking for an answer to why these two often have their magic backfire.... =I

Valencia: My powers don't backfire on me; anything that happens only happens because I want it to!

Minami: So that time you made the clothes you were wearing disappear during the talent show that one time was on purpose?

Valencia: O///O; Sh-Shut it!! >//o//<

Dex: Minami, you're not in the clear either. Remember when you tried to make magic fireworks on your father's birthday? The only thing that burst that day was your very own clothes. >3>

Minami: Oh yeah; not one of my best tricks

Dex: Eh, at least your father enjoyed the nude dance show both of you had to put up after you failed to-

Crimson: Kids. Heh. Not to be rude and interrupt or anything, you mind? Kinda stuck at the moment, you know?

Valencia: Oh yeah, right; onward, to the mansion! *points to the left in a dramatic fashion*

Minami: It's in the opposite direction, sis.

Valencia: OwO;; *turns around and points to the right in a dramatic fashion* Onward, to the mansion!

*Valencia marches ahead while Minami and Dex roll the immobilized Crimson along with them. Soon they arrive at their destination: Rex's mansion. After knocking on the front door it opens and Cazador, with a happy Hana perched atop his head, steps out.*

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! You look like the batgirls that hang out here! ^o^

Valencia: Hello, is Masquerade in? We brought him a present~ ^w^

Cazador: ........Crimson, what is the meaning of-

Crimson: As if I'd know what the kids think about....Eternal Magic Truce doesn't seem to mean anything =/

Dex: ..... *staring at Hana and Cazador*

Cazador: Anyway, I'll fetch him for you...

*Within seconds Cazador returns and leads the kids and the still bound Crimson to the backyard where Masquerade is with Victora and Megumi.*

Valencia and Minami: *looks at Masquerade with wide eyes*

Masquerade: *turns towards the group* ......Pfft, okay...Crimson...what the heck? XD

Crimson: Har har, keep laughing, scar-face.... -_-;

Masquerade: *removes his mask, thus revealing his scared face* Nice try, I'm not afraid of showing my face anymore. And, yeah, I did not get bested by toddlers.

Crimson: .......They're not toddlers, exactly. <n<;

Valencia and Minami: Daddy! ^o^ *tackles Masquerade to the ground*

Victora: *jawdrops in surprise*

Megumi: Oh my... owo

Masquerade: O-O ... *blinks* .....Huh? What did these cuties just say?

Dex: ....They're your daughters. They called you 'daddy'.

Masquerade: ......... *looks at the two girls* look like Victora and Megumi......... Q-Q

Valencia: Although it hasn't been that long since we last saw you we missed you, Daddy~

Minami: I always feel safer when you're around ^w^

Victora: *approaches the girls and Masquerade* are...are you really my daughter?

Valencia: Of course I am, Mommy; could a face this cute belong to any other kid but yours?

Minami: Not to mention the forehead

Valencia: Don't ruin the moment! *lightly and comically chops Minami on her head*

Minami: Hehehe~

Megumi: *chuckles* yes, you're definitely mine alright.

Crimson: So they are your spawns? That explains a lot...

Masquerade: least you didn't get your father's looks. At least there's that, huh? *weakly smiles and pets the two bats* You've inherited the only thing about me that mattered. Good.

Megumi: That's not entirely true; they've inherited your deep violet eyes *feels Minami's hair* and fluffy hair and hair colors. ^^

Valencia: Anyway, we've brought this one here to figure out what we should do with him.

Minami: In our time he attacks our home and takes away your powers.

Valencia: But now I'm finding it strange that he was able to do something like that when we found him dead in the river and powerless not too long after we arrived in this time period.

*That was the second time Crimson had heard them say that. So far he had more questions than answers at this point.*

Crimson: Can you kindly get your little critters to free me, cousin? I believe they have some explaining to do.

Masquerade: Yeah, I guess.

Dex: .... *tugs on Cazador's leg*

Cazador: ....? *looks down at the boy* Yes?

Dex:'re father...

Cazador: O_O ......I'm sorry, I find that hard to believe.

Dex: .... *hugs his leg*

Cazador: ...... *sighs and strokes the back of Dex's head* I guess I'll have to believe you for now.

Valencia: Oh, that; Minami.

*Minami nods and flicks her finger and the String Shot thread instantly loosens and falls. Everybody, especially Crimson, is horrified to see a gigantic hole in his chest that can be seen through. His heart could be seen beating but it was surrounded by some E-nergy being supplied to him from somewhere.*

Minami: Try not to move too much; it's taking a lot of energy to regenerate your heart enough for it to be functional again.

Valencia: And it's taking a lot of focus on my part to keep the invisible E-nergy patches on you to keep your heart beating and from your body bleeding out.

Crimson: ....W...what in the name of John Wikes Booth's itty bitty feet has happened to me!?

Masquerade: Caz!

Cazador: Damnit, where is Hayumi when I need her..!? *rushes off to see if he could find anything to help Crimson's current state.*

Crimson: *slowly turns to the kids, looking like he was about to pounce on and hack the two of them to bits.*Explanation. Now. Before I do something hasty and stupid.

Valencia: As we said, we were walking by the river and we just found you like that.

Minami: We thought you were dead until Dex here realized that you could still be saved.

Valencia: Don't you remember anything from earlier today?

*Crimson tries to remember back to a few hours ago but can't seem to remember anything after going to sleep last night.*

Crimson: ....Nothing.

Masquerade: ....I'm afraid that if I praise either of you for what you're accomplishing, you'll get all giggly like your eventual mothers and Crimson'd die.

Dex: You will eventually be smiling and laughing even when they fail. =I

Masquerade: Why is that?

Dex: Well- *takes a look at Valencia and Minami and shuts up*'ll see... <3<;

*Suddenly both Ashuro and Hayumi appear in front of everybody.*

Ashuro: We're here ^o^

Hayumi: Thank you, Ashuro. Cleaning up after that last experiment took more time than I thought, making me very late in meeting up with Cazzy. I hope he's not too upset that I- *turn her head and sees Crimson* OH MY GOODNESS!!

Ashuro: What the...!? Crimson!? *shields Hayumi behind him*

Victora: Ashuro, he's not a threat; actually, he needs your help!

Masquerade: Yeah, it's kinda urgent.

Crimson: *points at his chest*

Dex: o.o *stares at Hayumi*

Ashuro: *goes over to Crimson then begins using his E-nergy to heal him* man, who actually had the stones to not only to challenge you but to do this much damage?

Crimson: If we knew we would've told you already...

Ashuro: ...okay, okay, try to think very hard. Do you remember meeting anybody new recently; possibly a batman, very tall, wearing a blue jacket...named Benjamin Koco?

*Upon hearing that name something sparks within Crimson's memory.*


*After waking up earlier today to find his place remarkably quiet. After searching up and down, making calls and everything, he still couldn't find or get in contact with any of his teammates. Then suddenly he felt as if he wasn't alone, sensing somebody nearby...*

Crimson: ....Anybody who is actually out there, I'm warning you only once: Don't mess with me...!

???: You managed to detect my presence; you are as good as I heard you were.

*A tall batman wearing a blue coat emerges from a portal that opens on the floor.*

Benjamin: Greetings, Sir Mahiru, I am Benjamin Koco: rightful Boss of the Koco Family.

Crimson: ...The name 'Koco' ring a few bells. Greetings in return, now what are you doing here...?

Benjamin: Before anything else I'd like to know two things: 1. What do you think of this world, and 2. why have you given up on your original purpose?

Crimson: This's rotten. Which is why I aimed to change it to my liking. However, that goal could not properly be fulfilled, leading to my second answer. When learning that the force and power that me and Masquerade had combined could only cause destruction, we got together in arms and agreed to both at least keep the world living, instead of accelerating it's demise. I don't want to rule over a living hell. I don't agree with living with all these different beings on the planet however, heh. So you can say that I gave up because I couldn't find a way to turn it into exactly what I wanted.

Benjamin: Is that so? I too agree that this world is rotten. The pointless mass murders, the betrayal, the endless greed, the unwarranted hate; I'm going to change all of that.

Crimson: Hehe, good luck with that.... This world is also filled with fools that have golden hearts and good intentions. They'll get in your way.

Benjamin: I know; I've already had the pleasure of encountering some of them: the galactic police officer, the cosmic superhero, the ninja...and the black cat, what was his name? Ashuro? He showed potential but in the end even he couldn't overcome me.*

*Hearing that he had not only and encountered but defeated Ashuro really caught Crimson's attention.*

Crimson: ........You got the better on that fuzzball....?

Benjamin: He did put up a fight but he fell just like the rest.

Crimson: ....... *raises a brow in disbelief*

Benjamin: And no, I didn't kill him...not yet anyway. He had a wide variety of powers that I still want to make mine; and next time no costumed kid pretending to be a hero or villain or whatever she was will save him before I'm done with him.

Crimson: ...Kid? You were stopped by a kid?

Benjamin: She calls herself "MissFortune." She somehow managed to avoid me finding her anywhere in the surrounding area using my echolocation and was somehow impervious to my control and influence. What was even stranger was the fact that she clearly knew who I was and what I was capable of while the entire world, aside from the Koco Family, seems to have forgotten my time here over a thousand years ago.

Crimson: .......Interesting. But why are you telling me all of this...?

Benjamin: In order to change this world and other worlds in the future I'm going to need two things: capable bodies and powerful resources. I've already secured a good number of capable bodies to assist me; now I just need certain powerful resources to make my own...which brings me here.

Crimson: I'm sorry, but all the moon crystals have been returned, if that's what you mean.

Benjamin: Oh no, not those. The resources I seek can only be found within the most special and powerful individuals. The first one I found which was key to me progressing this far rested within the Space Pirate known as Salty "Dogg" Josiah. From there I sought out other ones like him and extracted what I could from them. Most of them I let Salty keep but I did manage to get two good ones from that black cat. The first... *summons a Pensword* a Pensword that has absorbed a lot of his overflow E-nergy; and the second: that really handy ability of his that turns him into a raging monster when angered or low on power. And now...

*As Benjamin fixes his gaze upon Crimson he suddenly understands what Benjamin is talking about and quickly goes on the defensive.*

Crimson: Oh, that's a mistake on your part... *creates his magic seal and starts tapping into the demonic powers he had obtained from Ater Excure.*

Benjamin: Yes, show me your potential *stands there without moving or even bothering trying to prepare a defense*

Crimson: !? .....And what if I do not....?

Benjamin: Regardless of whether or not you attack your power will be mine. But if you have reservations about fighting me I can provide you with more "familiar" opponents.

*Benjamin raises his right hand and several portals open and surround Crimson and from out of them come several really familiar faces: his teammates; Ellen, Cyborg Pat, Dean, June, Wendy, Ash, Justin, Slayer, and even Sting. From looking in their eyes Crimson could see that they weren't doing this out of their own free will. After calling out to them and not getting an answer in return he knew for sure that they were being controlled.*

Benjamin: I did leave you with that one companion. I'd be summoning him right about now if I were you.

Crimson: ...Bringing my allies into this....BIG MISTAKE! *eyes turn pitch black and horns grow from his head in the blink of an eye* NECRO, I SUMMON THY!

*The robed skeleton servant of Crimson appears from the floor in quite the flashy way, bursting out of purple flames with his metallic hand reflecting the lighting from said flames.*

Necro: ...You called, Master...?

Benjamin: *remains silent and waits*

*Crimson and Necro lines up and proceeds to begin their assault on Benjamin, including Necro pelting him with ghost-like energy attacks, Crimson's black magic continuously aiming to entangle all his limbs, and the combined effort of them both in the vast form of many purple fire attacks.*

Benjamin: ...

Crimson: ...!! React

Benjamin: this the extent of your power?

Crimson: !! Rrrrrrrr...I'll show you extent!! *fully transforms into his demonic form and charges at Benjamin, his arm, enshrouded in dark magic energy, focused to impale his skull*

Benjamin: *smirks*

*Necro finds it strange that Benjamin is neither concerned or even trying to avoid injury and certain death.*

Necro: .....Something is not right....

Crimson: HAZY IMPALER!! *shoots forward with a boost from his magic aura, thrusting his fist into Benjamin's face*

Benjamin: *not fazed by the attack in the least despite have a seemingly crushed face* are you done now?

*At this point even Crimson was forced to realize that something just wasn't right about this whole situation. How was this man able to talk so fluently after having his face crushed and why wasn't he feeling any pain whatsoever?*

Crimson: .......W-what sorcery is this...?

Benjamin: If that is all you're going to do then I suppose that it is my turn now.

*Benjamin begins emitting the energy of the attacks he was hit with and then his body becomes a shadow and absorbs the power Crimson was using to hold him in place.*

Crimson: ...!! *tries moving, but barely managed to twitch a little.*

Necro: Master!

*From out of Crimson's shadow comes the real Benjamin Koco. He places his left hand on Crimson's back then summons the Pensword he took from Ashuro with his right hand.*

Benjamin: *looks at the Pensword* the cat never used this when he fought you, did he? You should be grateful he didn't. The very way this particular Pensword works is that it absorbs its host's excess energy or power and stores it away. You can use it to get a quick recharge or release that power in a concentrated burst from 1 to 100%. The longer you go without using it the more powerful it becomes. From the looks of it he hasn't used this Pensword in years; how about we give it a test run? *accesses the Pensword's Lv. 2 form, transforming it into an elegant glove* hmm...

Crimson: *can't do much more than glancing back at Benjamin, growling* I'm not going to go down here, you freak! *twists around and thrusts his hand at Benjamin's face, his fingers enshrouded in magic to make them appear like knives.*

*Crimson soon sees that what he had attacked was again Benjamin's shadow; he had used it to cover and shield his face just before Crimson's strike landed.*

Benjamin: That will cost you...

Crimson: *eyes widen in anger, frustration...and fear...*

Benjamin: *looks at his glove again then grabs Necro with the gloved hand* ... 5% Blast.

*A frighteningly enormous blast of power is expelled that completely obliterates Necro and part of the area behind him; there is no trace of him left behind.*

Benjamin: Ah, now I see why Ashuro never used this Pensword against others. He knew that even in tiny fragments the power output was sure to kill his opponent and anybody unfortunate enough to be in the blast radius. It is a very good thing indeed that I stopped him right when he summoned it.

*Crimson is left standing in complete shock and terror. Not only was his companion gone, but that was just a fraction of what power was at disposal for scared the ever living heck out of him*

Benjamin: I've come to like this place; it is much better than that hole in the ground I've been using as a base of operations. Unlike your friends, you and Necro have proved to be unaffected by my special soundwave. Even though you pose no physical threat to me at this moment it would be foolish of me to let you live and possibly find a way to counter me. The cat only escaped my grasp due to unknown interference...but something tells me that nobody is coming to save you *jabs and pierces Crimson's back with his right pointer finger, barely poking his heart, then lifts him up* take one last look around you; your friends, your home, your resources, they all belong to me now.

*Crimson looks at his comrades; although they couldn't move or speak for themselves he noticed that there were tears flowing from their eyes. They knew what was happening and were saddened and frustrated that they couldn't do a thing to help their boss and friend.*

Crimson: *weakly turns his head to face Benjamin, speaking through gritted teeth* Know this.....even if you do me in now...I swear from this side of hell to the other.....I will be end you...

Benjamin: And I'll meet you head on when you do *raises his right arm at a 45 degree angle* 5% Laser.

*A laser beam of frightening power shoots out of Benjamin's finger and blows a massive hole through Crimson's chest and literally blasts him through the roof and far off into the distance. While flying through the sky from the attack Crimson feels his consciousness slipping until he blacks out. He then remembers waking up slightly and seeing some familiar surroundings and then a familiar face: Pyro Darkesis.*

Pyro: Good morning, sleepyhead~

*Crimson tries to move and speak but finds that he is unable to do either.*

Pyro: No-no, don't try to do or say anything; you're missing quite a few vital organs right now, like a heart and lungs. I've got your entire body within a stasis field which has quite literally paused all of your bodily functions aside from brain activity. If you can understand me then blink once for no or twice for yes.

*It takes a while, but Crimson eventually blinks twice*

Pyro: Good ^^ I see you had a run-in with the big bad bat earlier. First and foremost let me say "I'm sorry." It is because of me that he walks free after his family imprisoned him well over 1,000 years ago. In exchange for a power source of unparalleled power, which was sadly destroyed by the cat in a big fight afterwards, I was to give him his freedom and information on Rex Tyrant and the Koco Family of today. He's stayed quiet for the most part since being freed but I guess now he's putting whatever plan he has into motion. He DiD come to me requesting my help again. I told him that I would assist him but he would have to do something for me afterwards; didn't think that he would go after somebody like you though. Unfortunately I don't have the means to properly heal this kind of damage nor do I have anything that can get you back what you lost in your altercation... *looks at one of the many monitors around him then smiles as he views one in particular* but I can provide you with an opportunity. When the time is right take back what is yours.

*Pyro opens a portal beneath Crimson and he falls through it landing in a river where he blacks out again.*

[Flashback ends]

Ashuro: Hey Crimson, you there?

*Crimson snaps out of his trance and sees Ashuro in front of him*

Ashuro: You've been completely healed for 10 minutes now. I take it that during that time that you must've remembered something, right?

Crimson: ..... *frowns* you and your possy just HAD to be in possession of some sort of doomsday weapon in the form of those Penswords, didn't you? -_-#

*Yup.....he sure did...*

Ashuro: So you did meet him. As for my Pensword, wasn't meant to be used like that. I formed that Pensword to be a backup source of E-nergy, not an actual weapon. I've never even heard of a natural Pensword being able to be taken from somebody like that; theoretically it shouldn't be possible.

Crimson: Well, it happened. And with Necro evaporated until God knows when he reincarnates, I have no way of gathering information from the Spirit Realm either!

Masquerade: *while grooming the hair of his daughters* Too bad you don't have any kids coming from the future. Maybe they could've helped?

Crimson: I'm content without needing to bag a hottie, so don't try to get sassy with me. -_-#

Masquerade: Alright,'re cranky today...

Ashuro: Mind filling us in on exactly what happened?

*Crimson calmly and angrily recounts the events from a few hours ago to Ashuro and Masquerade.*

Ashuro: Well this situation keeps on getting better and better; this guy was strong before and now he's got your powers and crew?

Crimson: What did I just tell you?

Masquerade: Him having access to the bloodline's Trap Magic is bad....access to Ater Excure? Worse.

Ashuro: I heard you the first time; I was just REALLY hoping that I had misheard you.

Crimson: Well too bad, because you did not.

Ashuro: ...okay, tell me then; your powers, can just anybody use them, is there a learning curve, something like that?

Masquerade: This is where the good news starts.

Crimson: He is only able to use the first fraction of the powers, which we've dubbed "Tier 1". It allows him to tap into the dark demonic powers, which amplifies his magic attacks with the Dark attribute, a power boost which varies depending on the spell or magic used, his physical abilities too, and a potential ability to make contact with the Spirit Realm.

Masquerade: However to fully use that ability, and unlock the second tier, he needs to be of pure Mahiru blood, which he is not. And further on, Tier 3 is sealed off as long as he lacks Elux Lucis, which I am in possession of.

Crimson: And you can only have these two powers in the one and same body by using the Yin-Yang Reincarnation spell, which can't be learned, but must be discovered.

Masquerade: But even then, Tier 1 is dangerous by itself...

???: Is that so?

*The familiar voice puts both Crimson and Ashuro on high alert as they look around everywhere for the source and makes both Valencia and Minami hide behind Masquerade. Then from out of Crimson's shadow emerges Benjamin Koco.*

Benjamin: That explains why I can't bring out the true potential of these new powers.

Ashuro: Darn it, not now... *takes on an offensive stance*

Valencia and Minami: *hiding behind Masquerade*

Crimson: !! How in the-!?

Masquerade: You're not welcome here, sir...kindly leave the premises... *creates a shield of light to guard his daughters with*

Benjamin: A power that I cannot take full advantage of with my own ability is not worth my time *makes his right hand brim with power as he reaches into his chest and pulls out an orb radiating with Crimson's former power* you can have it back... *envelopes the orb with dark E-nergy and drops it on the ground* ...if you can beat my Darkness E-nergy self that can access this "Tier 1" as you call it.

Ashuro: Darkness E-nergy? I thought that there were only seven different types in all.

Benjamin: Over a thousand years ago there were actually multiple different types of E-nergy, but it seems that during my absence all but seven types have been forgotten about and are no longer being used. If you survive this it would do you well to research them *disappears, warping out of the area*

*The lump of Darkness E-nergy soon takes the shape of a shadowy version of Benjamin Koco.*

Dark Benjamin: ...

Crimson: ....I think you guys should stay back before something bad happens....

Dark Benjamin: *motions quickly with his fingers as the Ater Excure aura starts to radiate. Next thing that happens is that the group hears a loud ripping noise. Turning towards the source, they see a demonic hand sticking out of Valencia's shadow, with her skirt in hand*

Masquerade: ..... *glares at Crimson* Really?

Crimson: What? It's not my fault the E-nergy copies my style of magic usage. I'm a playful jerk, but I'm not in control right n- *a spike extends and cuts his cheek, sticking out of Dark Benjamin's hand* ..... o__O; .......Well, just be careful. My magic is unpredictable because I am unpredictable....

Valencia: KYAA, GiVE iT BACK! >//o//< *tries to cover up*

Ashuro: *takes on an offensive stance then throws a fast and powerful stretching punch at Dark Benjamin*

Dark Benjamin: .... *turns and taps Ashuro's fist, slowing it down, but letting the rest of his body move in normal fashion, having activated a Slow-Down Trap in his hand while using the demonic hand to distract them. And speaking of which, another ripping sound is heard, and now Minami was in the same position as her sister*

Masquerade: *activates a Disenchanting Spell that frees Ashuro from the trap, right before Dark Benjamin was going to chop his hand off, also allowing Crimson to step out of the way* Careful, Trap Magic is tricky, you know...!

Crimson: *watching the girls* so is demonic powers.....

Ashuro: Okay, so physical contact is out of the question for right now...

Minami: ... *places both hands on the grass and activates a Binding Trap which makes the grass grow wildly around Dark Benjamin, trying to ensnare him*

*Seeing Minami doing her thing, Masquerade leaps into action by forming two spheres of light in his hands, which he wastes no time in flinging at Dark Benjamin. One gets dodged, but the other hits and seemingly causes part of his body to evaporate for a moment. Elux Lucis was the direct counter they had to Ater Excure right now, and it was working. Minami's grass move didn't last much longer, since Dark Benjamin turned his fingers to energy knives and started to cleave down the patches of grass. Meanwhile, Crimson was trying to help out Valencia with the two demonic hands, who seemed to ignore him for the most part and instead attacked the bat girl by giving her quick wedgies, tripping her, tugging on her face, softly smack her bottom, pinch her ears, and even give her a wet willy at a point.*

Crimson: Geh, I'm terribly sorry, niece... >_O; I'll make it up to you somehow, in the end...

Valencia: Grr, you're making me mad! >o<

*At one point while playing around with Valencia, the hands remove the tiara like headband around her head.*

Valencia: O_O; Wait, NO!

*Suddenly the gravity around them increased in a supreme amount, forcing everybody except Valencia to the ground and pinning them there.*

Masquerade: *with his face in Minami's panty-clothed bottom* W-what now....!? >n<;

Crimson: Ugh.... *looking up at Valencia from the ground* C-care to explain the situation, teddybear prints...? >~0; *And thus her new nickname was born, thanks to her choice in underwear*

Dark Benjamin: *attempting to push himself up*

Valencia: I actually have Mommy's reality bending ability but its way more powerful than her's. You made this headband for me to keep it under control, Daddy. Whenever it comes off there's no telling what'll happen; this time I guess it just made everything feel heavier *reaches for her headband*

Ashuro: Wait, do you think you can focus this gravitational pull onto that...that thing only?

Valencia: I can try...

*Valencia tries to concentrate putting the gravitational pressure on Dark Benjamin but instead the effect seems to spread and starts affecting the mansion as loud creaking could be heard and sounds of objects falling and shattering could be heard coming from the inside.*

Masquerade: !!! No! Stop at once! If the mansion crumbles, we might all just get killed here!

Crimson: I take back what I said! It's over the knee for you, reality bender! DX<

Valencia: Sorry-sorry-sorry!

*Valencia quickly snatches her headband away from the hands and puts it back on her head. The moment it is back on the surrounding gravity is returned to normal.*

Ashuro: *quickly gets up and forms a sphere of Time E-nergy around Dark Benjamin in hopes of slowing him down*

Dark Benjamin: *moves notably slower now, but still able to move quite a lot*

Masquerade: *helps Minami up on her feet* There we go. It's not quite safe yet, helps.

Crimson: *noticing that the hands are moving slowly as well, he snatches his nieces' clothes back and hands the garments to both of the girls* ......Sorry I yelled at you, kid.

Valencia: *takes her skirt and puts it back on* thank you...

Minami: *takes her skirt and puts it back on* there's got to be some way to beat this thing...

Masquerade: It's Crimson's powers. He'll have to find a way to get them back. *continuously using trap magic to pelt the copy as it stayed slowed down.*

Crimson: Easier said than done. I'm not accustomed to this kind of dark magic....

Ashuro: ... although it is a rare and basically lost type, this thing is still mostly E-nergy. I've never tried this outside of Backfire Drive but in theory it should work *drops the field of Time E-nergy then quickly gathers E-nergy within his body* Disruptive Wave!

*Ashuro emits a powerful pulse of energy out of his body. When it hits Dark Benjamin his body turns into shadow and separates from the orb, seemingly in pain. In those few seconds Crimson managed to see that it kept itself attached to the orb by just a thin strand of energy that could possibly be torn off while it was in that state. Dark Benjamin quickly reformed after 7 seconds had passed. If he could get another chance like that Crimson knew he could reclaim what was rightfully his.*

Crimson: I see it...! Can you do that again?

Dark Benjamin: *lets out an inhuman roar and lunges at Masquerade with it's 'knife-fingers' penetrating his shoulder, but also ending up in a lock that made it almost impossible to get away from Masquerade, who was practically having a grapple with him now.*

Masquerade: RGH! Is that the best you've got...!? *winches and gasps as more blood gush out of his shoulder*

Valencia and Minami: Daddy! *rushes over to Masquerade's side*

Ashuro: Give me a second *quickly gathers E-nergy within his body* Disruptive Wave!

*Ashuro emits another powerful pulse of energy out of his body that once again causes Dark Benjamin's body to turn into shadow and separate from the orb containing Crimson's powers. Crimson sees his opportunity to strike.*

Crimson: *leaps after and grabs the orb, directly absorbing the powers back into his body upon making contact. A notable feature from this absorbsion was that his body started to tremble and his voice got shaky and raspy* Hoooooooo....yeeeeeeeeeees.....!! WOO! Back at last, baby! *snaps with his fingers, making the two demonic hands disappear (because they were still around)*

Masquerade: Shhh...Daddy is fine, just a little stab wound. Mommy and mommy will make me feel better.... ^^ *He said to his daughters, to calm them*

Valencia and Minami: ^w^ *looks happy and relieved*

Ashuro: *takes a container out of one of the stones in his hands and captures a portion of the Darkness E-nergy* great, now that this thing is mostly just Benjamin now we should be able to...

*Dark Benjamin reforms and surprises everyone by summoning more hands and activating a Gravity Trap that makes everybody and everything around them weightless as they begin floating upwards.*

Ashuro: What can still use your moves!?

*Apparently Dark Benjamin was a mixture of Darkness E-nergy AND Crimson's powers. Even though Crimson took back his powers Dark Benjamin still had access to them.*

Dark Benjamin: *cackles* Bloody Barrage!

Crimson: !! Shield yourselves!

*The demonic hands started firing blasts of fire, ice, lightning, shadows and light from their fingers, sending the attacks swirling around in the room, hitting all 5 of them over and over. The hands then started to swipe past them, cutting into the back, legs, arms and sides of both Masquerade and Crimson, but missing the notably shorter Ashuro, Minami and Valencia, just barely scratching them, but enough to shred their clothing to pieces and leave some claw marks on their bodies. Crimson and Masquerade, now both in a bloody mess, tried to stabilize themselves in the air*

Ashuro: C-Crap, this thing really is another Benjamin Koco; we can't even touch him...

*Five ropes made out of E-nergy each coil around one of Ashuro, Crimson, Masquerade, Valencia and Minami's legs. Looking down they see that the E-nergy ropes had been made by Megumi and she was also using E-nergy ropes to secure herself to the ground. With her were Cazador, Dex, Noir, Fuu and Kiki; they were also secured with Megumi's E-nergy ropes and each helped out by pulling the others down towards them.*

Megumi: Everyone together, pull! >_< *pulls on the E-nergy ropes*

Cazador: Heave! *pulls on the ropes with Dex, who just dangles mid-air*

Dark Benamin: Bloody Barrage! *sends the attacks in that group's direction*

Fuu: *eyes flicker and an aura of wind surrounds them all, shielding them from harm* Nice try, but you're not getting us that easily.

Megumi: *looks behind her* how is that entry coming along, Mistress?

Victora: *writing something down in a large scroll* almost finished!

Megumi: You're not trying to be fancy, are you?

Victora: You know I have to be very detailed and specific for this to work! >~<

Megumi: Just hurry, please! >~<; Pull! *pulls the E-nergy ropes along with everybody else*

Noir: I'll get detailed and specific on both of you if you don't shut up! >_<

Cazador: Less chatty!

Kiki: Nya! >o<

Victora: *continues writing in the scroll*

*Dark Benjamin begins powering up for a massive attack.*

Ashuro: O_O; That's not good...

Crimson: F-from the looks of it...I'd say he's preparing the Demon Buster...

Fuu: And what does that do!?

Crimson: It's an attack that essentially breaks every single bone in the target's body. By making my body radiate the demonic powers, and thus creating an energy field around me that just makes bones crumble....

Victora: *continues writing in the scroll* almost...and...done! *rolls the scroll back up and taps it on the ground* Activate!

*Dark Benjamin suddenly stops gathering power then begins struggling as his power starts to go haywire, surging uncontrollably until he starts swelling up with power and then explodes into E-nergy particles. Gravity is returned to normal and Ashuro, Crimson, Masquerade, Valencia and Minami begin falling to the ground. Just before they hit the ground a large, fluffy cloud appears and acts as a mattress for them to land on. Ashuro, Crimson, Masquerade, Valencia and Minami's wounds then completely heal and Ashuro, Valencia and Minami's clothes are instantly mended and wearing them again.*

Masquerade: ....Clouds?

Crimson: .....?

Victora: Wait for it...

*Suddenly the mansion's appearance begins changing until the outside and inside look brand new as the foundation and structure is instantly repaired. Everything that was broken or malfunctioning was fixed and functioning.*

Victora: *scroll turns into a Pensword and then to stone* yep, that's everything *makes the now stone Pensword vanish*

Masquerade: *stumbles over to Victora and pets her* What would I ever do without you....?

Cazador: *opens mouth to give a sarcastic answer, but decides against it and just lets him have this one.*

Victora: with the amount of power it just used to warp reality this much it is going to be a while before I can use that Pensword again.

Masquerade: Understandable.... *kisses her cheek* Still, thank you.

Ashuro: So, what will you do now Crimson?

Crimson: .....There's not much I can do right now....I'll wait for Necro's reincarnation to complete and go on from there...

Ashuro: He warped here using your shadow; he can listen in on what you're doing and come after you again at any time he pleases.

Crimson: ....Then I'll seek refuge in the void or limbo.....

Masquerade: *sigh* .....

Minami: *walks up to Crimson's shadow and looks at it* ... *forms a blade out of E-nergy and stabs Crimson's shadow which causes Darkness E-nergy to shoot out of it like a geyser* now his connection to you is broken; you don't have to seclude yourself now.

Crimson: ........ *places his hand on Minami's head, gently petting her* Um....thanks...Minami, was it?

Masquerade: Heh, the awkward uncle. |D

Fuu: Ah, so those are your kids from the future? Cute they are.

Kiki: Nya, maybe they want to see their friends? Bella and Silk?

Fuu: They have plenty of time for that, and Claire is out playing with them right now.

Kiki: Oh, true.

Minami: Bella and Silk made it here? That's great!

Ashuro: And not just them; my son Tsubasa is here along with a few others.

Valencia: Tsu-Tsu-Tsubasa made it here too!? O///O *blushes madly* I-I-I-I mean, that's good that he and some of the others are here too

Masquerade: ...I just found another thing she inherited from her mother~ *Masquerade grinned at Victora a bit, finding it funny that Valencia obviously had a crush on this Tsubasa, Ashuro's son, just like Victora had been crushing on Ashuro in the past.*

Dex: named Blaze, Kimiko or Marina made it here yet...?

Cazador: Before answering that, I'm curious to who your mother is, kid....if you really are my son, that is?

Dex: .... *twiddles thumbs*

*Hayumi emerges from the mansion.*

Hayumi: Hey, what's going on out here? First things start falling down and breaking and it feels like the mansion is about to cave in then the next moment everything is fixed and looking brand new.

Dex: *blushes and swallows* Y-you still have both of your assistants in the future, Hayumi and Hana, and a-all of us go on excavations family... *starts to tear up a little*

Cazador: .........You're almost speaking in riddles, but if I were to understand you correct-

Dex: Accident. I was an accident. I overheard you all speaking one night and.....talking about it now is possibly setting my existence into jeopardy...! *clings to Cazador as he starts to cry*

Cazador: ........ O_O Oh.... my..... goodness....

Hayumi: Huh? What's going on; what is he talking about?

Ashuro: >_>; ...

Victora and Megumi: <_<; ...

Hayumi: ...?

Cazador: ........Hayumi...I want you to meet Dex. He's my son, from the you think that you and Hana can....take care of him for us, for just a little bit?

Dex: *turns to Hayumi, sniffling* H-hello....

Masquerade: ..... *takes out a scroll on his own and starts to scribble in it*

Crimson: ...?

Hayumi: ...your son? *takes a good look at Dex* of course. Hi Dex, I'm Hayumi. ^^

Dex: I-I know who you are... *wipes his tears* Y-you're always at the lab....and your butt gets stuck in the door at least twice a week....

Masquerade: *finishes the scroll, which transforms into book, with the name "Dex" written on it. He finds a bookmark and starts to read from there*

Hayumi: *chuckles nervously* I still haven't figured out how to reverse the effect, huh? Guess it’s just something that I'll just have to learn to live with. Oh well, it isn't all bad; my skin never wrinkles and I always get Cazzy's attention~ ^///^ So tell me about yourself; what makes you "you?" ^w^

Masquerade: Before that...! Dex, come over here.

*Dex slowly makes his way over to Masquerade, who starts to show him and read from this book he made. The kid's eyes widening more and more, and in the end he blushes bright red and facepalms multiple times, drawing attention*

Cazador: W-what is....

Masquerade: Dex here is just a little dummy. He misheard the conversation between your future self, Hana and Hayumi. And it seems like that in the future...his little family is going to grow even bigger, if "Cazzy" keeps doing his things right.

Cazador: Quit speaking in riddles, or I swear I will end you!

Masquerade: the timeline he's from, he's going to have a little half-brother or sister; me talking about this might speed up the process, I have no idea. But Dex...go with Hayumi now, she wants to know you better; right, marshmallow rump?

Cazador: *grows more and more annoyed*

Hayumi: OwO *looks very hopeful* wait, does this mean what I think it means?

Dex: .....I...I thought I was not wanted.... *breaks into a dash and glomps on Hayumi, sending them both to the floor* Mama!

Fuu: And there we have it....

Hayumi: *hugs Dex warmly* Shh, shh; it's okay; I’m here for you...son

Cazador: *watches the two* ..........

Masquerade: Hey Caz...don't worry about it. We don't think any less of you... Just keep both the girls happy.

Cazador: ....Both?

Masquerade: ....According to this little memory...little monkey girl may have some deeper feelings in that happy and enthusiastic heart of hers. If not now, then later... *turns the book towards Cazador, showing a POV view of Hana and Hayumi, older, and Hana's belly was notably rounder* Maybe the timeline changes a little...but...I thought that you should know.

Cazador: ..... *smiles weakly* Thanks...

*Rex emerges from the mansion, having just returned from getting a slushie half an hour ago. He was a bit confused as to why the entire mansion looked brand new both inside and out.*

Rex: Okay, um......pardon me interrupting, but.....I see a lot of you have gathered here....what is going on, and why do we suddenly have 3 more kids in the mansion...?

Noir: Oh, don't you worry that little head of yours, young master. We'll explain it all. ^-^;

Ashuro: We had a run-in with an ancient intruder.

Rex: Fair enough.....since the mansion looks so much better now due to you guys.....why not....take a vacation or something? You deserve it...

Kiki: Yay!

*Rex then notices Crimson was among them.*

Rex: Woah, hold on a second! This guy is-

Crimson: Not welcome here? The circumstances made me unable to decide against it.

Ashuro: It's that ancient intruder I mentioned earlier. He took control of his base, his friends, destroyed Necro and nearly killed Crimson after taking his powers away from him.

Rex: Tsk.... *taps his chin* That is an issue indeed...

Ashuro: The good news is that thanks to our combined efforts, Crimson was able to get his powers back from him. However, as we are now, we can't do anything to stop him should he choose to appear again...

Rex: "huff" ......This is bad. We don't need this crap right now...or ever...

Ashuro: are his main goal, Rex.

Rex: .....Say what? Why me?

Ashuro: ...Benjamin Koco, he told me when I asked him what he was after that he needed a new body. His current body doesn't have much time left; being trapped for over a thousand years, sustaining himself by only absorbing energy from that powerful amulet he couldn't get to, really did a number on his body. As an Aquitican he'll naturally live a long life but without proper nutrition even an Aquitican's life force can be cut dramatically. According to him he only has about another year left before his body gives out and your body is the one he wants as a replacement.

Rex: So he really wants to go through puberty again?

Masquerade: No time for jokes, but good one...

Rex: *sighs and walks over to the nearby window and gazes out of it for a good minute before suddenly smashing the window with his fist and screams* I want to live without this crap, is that so much to ask!? Let me go out and awkwardly fall in love like every other doofus that live here in this mansion!!!

*When he turns to the others again, they are all visibly shocked and/or a bit scared due to his sudden outburst, causing him to correct his posture and clears his throat*

Rex: E-excuse me. I didn't mean for you to see that... *steps aside*

Masquerade: .... *leans over to Ashuro and whispers* Though he has us and his 4 elemental maids to keep him company, I think he is really lonely...due to his busy schedule with his family companies and all that...

Ashuro: ...I understand... *looks down at his hand then makes a fist in determination* I'll find a way to overcome Benjamin Koco...somehow...

Victora: Ha, there you go again...

Ashuro: Huh, what are you talking about?

Victora: Trying to do everything on your own again; to take a threat this strong down you're going to need all the help you can get!

Megumi: She's right you know; for a peaceful future we're all going to have to work together. ^^

Masquerade: For both us and those that are to come in the future.

Ashuro: *thinks about Annaliese and Tsubasa* right...say, girls...

*Valencia and Minami look up at Ashuro.*

Ashuro: I have a theory I've been working on since these events started happening. All of the kids who we've met up to this point have come here to alter a particular event. What were you two and Dex trying to alter?

Valencia: Uncle Crimson and his friends led the attack on Rex's home and all of our homes.

Minami: Now that I think about it, his eyes and the eyes of him friends did seem dull and lifeless, the same way all of the eyes of those being controlled by Benjamin Koco looked like...

Valencia: I thought that the way to change our future for the better was to kill him, but when I saw him practically dead in the river I thought back to all of the good times we had before the attack and couldn't bring myself to do it.

Minami: That and Dex pointed out that something wasn't right when he wasn't getting any power readings from his body. By this time Benjamin should have had enough power to control Crimson so why would he take his power away and try to kill him instead?

Crimson: You don't think...the changes you do in this timeline...alters the future in ways to Benjamin's favor too...?

Ashuro: Actually, I think these changes are hurting him. My theory is that if these kids can come from the future to warn and help us out then it is also possible for the Benjamin of the future to send a message to his past self to change up his plan.

Masquerade: That can jeopardize everything though...

Noir: Don't mess with the time stream! Nothing good comes out of it! DX

Ashuro: Which is exactly why we haven't seen his future self around here. The kids took a dangerous gamble by coming here but the Benjamin of the future would have taken an even more dangerous gamble if he came here himself since he exists in this time. But I wonder, taking Salty's power to make his own with that device of his, where did he get it and the idea to do that in the first place?

*After some thinking Crimson remembers something that Pyro told him earlier: that Benjamin had come to him for help.*

Crimson: ....I think a visit to your old nemesis with the orange hair is in order. If my memory serves me correctly, he might have stuck one or two fingers in this.

Ashuro: Pyro, huh? Why does it not surprise me to hear that he's involved? I swear, that guy is nothing but trouble most of the time...

Masquerade: You can say that again...

Ashuro: The bad thing is that I don't know where he is anymore; ever since "that" incident where we all fought him he's dropped off the radar and I haven't been able to track him down like I usually could. But at least now we have a possible answer for the course of action Benjamin has taken...

Crimson: Tsk.....and my memory can't seem to give me a clear image of where he talked to me either...

Cazador: The situation is becoming worse for each passing day, it seems. And if I'm correct, we might need all the kids to show up before we can do something certain.

Valencia: The original plan was to weaken him by changing the events in this time where he acquired powerful pawns to do his bidding and events that left all of you too hurt or crippled to be able to fight him.

Minami: But now that he seems to be taking powers for himself we'll just have to wait and see what happens since we can't get in contact with the ones who haven't appeared here yet...

Cazador: ....Maybe I should call upon RX-Z.E.R.O. again....

Masquerade: That guy? Didn't he set off to do as he wanted after Rex had his little reform? With his abilities, he could very well be on another planet.

Cazador: Shuryo isn't dumb, though. He'd stay here on the planet in case we need his help, but only if we actually requested his assistance.

Ashuro: Does he have any powers that can be bad if stolen from him and used against us?

Cazador: Here's the thing: He has no powers. Shuryo LEARNS every single ability and move he sees, but he can himself chose which ones to keep, and only use them if his body has the fundamentals down. For example, copying Naruto's Rasenshuriken would not work, that is too complex. You can't steal powers from him, because he doesn't really have them. Well, that depends if his body has evolved to teach their own special tricks.

Masquerade: He's got Kevin's 'White Lightning' and Zack's 'Sub-Zero' attacks, for one thing....

Ashuro: that's good to hear. And Luna has been collaborating with Rocko and the Saturn family to develop a portable device to deal with the sound waves he uses to control people against their will; hopefully they'll have something up and running soon...

Masquerade: .....So what we do with Rex's GF issues? <3<

Crimson: Leave the kid be, I'll say... -3-

*Later that evening a barbeque is held in the backyard of Rex's mansion. Everybody is talking and having fun while Minami puts on a revised magic fireworks display with Valencia's assistance. The festivities seem to have lifted Rex's mood a little as he sees his friends and their kids enjoying themselves, knowing for sure that someday he too would find that special someone.*

Dex: I'm surprised those two have not failed yet... =O

Cazador: They are bad with magic?

Dex: No, I wouldn't say that... =I

Rex: .....At least they seem to have fun, huh?

Cazador: True.

*Everybody was having fun together, even Cazador, Noir and Claire were getting along together. Fuu and Kiki played ball with Bella and Silk while Ashuro hung out and talked with Tsubasa. Minami and Valencia prepared to launch are large volley of fireworks when Valencia noticed Tsubasa waving at her with a smile on his face; she blushes madly and loses focus resulting in a massive fireworks explosion engulfing both her and Minami. When the fireworks and smoke cleared what stood before everybody were two naked and slightly singed little bat girls. It seems that Dex's prediction for them failing had come to pass.*

Rex: ....I thought we were keeping this professional?

Masquerade: *sighs and walks up to his two daughters, summoning his cloak and using it to cover both of them, then picked them up in his arms, nuzzling them a bit* My girls.... ^-^;

*Suddenly the peaceful and carefree nature of the barbeque is broken when Rex's phone notifies him that the silent alarm within the mansion has been triggered. He excuses himself from the party and rushes inside the mansion to where the forced entry originated, his bedroom. When he gets there he finds that the whoever broke in is gone now; this must've been a well planned robbery for the thief to get in and out with what they wanted in the short time it took Rex to get there. He immediately notices that one of his Poké Balls was missing: the one that held his Mewtwo, Gene! Jumping out the point of entry, his window, Rex quickly picks up the trail of the thief and follows it into to town. As he was running through town Rex suddenly sees somebody get blasted out of an alleyway by a torrent of water and land on their back unconscious. Rex goes over to investigate and soon sees a girl with very long hair, dressed as a pirate and wearing an eyepatch walk out of the alleyway with an Empoleon by her side.*

Pirate girl: Crime doesn't pay *see Rex* hey, excuse me, where can I find this address? *shows Rex a Poké Ball that had his name and address etched on the back*

Rex: You don't need to find the address, because that Poke Ball there is mine. *pulls his ID card out from his jacket's inner pocket* May I ask what is going on?

Pirate girl: This guy here is a known Pokémon Hunter. He'll take any Pokémon, whether it's wild or not, to get his next pay check; the worse of the worse.

Rex: Well, he was about to score big. *snatches the ball from her* you do not even know...

Pirate girl: Glad that I could help; you must really love your Pokémon to come searching for it like you did. ^^

Rex: More than you can imagine...

*Rex takes a step back and lets Gene out of her ball, letting the shiny Mewtwo stretch and look around at the surroundings before she went up to Rex again, embracing him in an affectionate hug*

Rex: Okay okay, Gene...I'm glad to see you too.

Pirate girl: Oh my goodness, a Mewtwo! I've-I've heard about them but I've never actually seen one in person; such a magnificent and beautiful creature. hold on... *reaches into her coat pockets and pulls out two small stones* I held onto these if I ever by some chance got a Mewtwo of my own but I think that they would benefit you two more seeing how close you are *presents Rex with two Mega Stones*

Rex: *looks closely at the two stones before taking one of them.* Keep that one.... *pulls down his sleeve to reveal that he had a keystone on a bracelet* I already got a sample of that stone.

Lucca: Okay *puts the stone back in her coat pocket* oh, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Lucca Allison, aspiring Gym Leader. ^w^

Rex: Rex Tyrant; heir to Tyrant Enterprises, boy genius, so on and so forth.

Lucca: We should get together again sometime; let's exchange numbers. ^^ *takes out her cell phone*

Rex: If you...insist? *takes his cell phone out as well*

*After exchanging phone numbers Lucca calls back her Empoleon then brings out a Slowking and has it use Psychic on the Pokémon Hunter to levitate him in the air as they walk off towards the police station. Before walking out of sight, Lucca turns around and gives him a wink and blows him a kiss, making him blush slightly. Minutes later Rex returns to the backyard of his home, still blushing a little; a detail that all of his friends couldn't help but notice.*

Masquerade: Are you alright, buddy? You look a bit red...

Rex: ....It's nothing...really... </_/<

*Rex tries to ignore the others for the rest of the day...unable to seemingly shake that girl off of his mind, for some reason...*

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