Thursday, December 17, 2015

Farewell to Salty!? Europa's Decisive Moment!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 14
“Farewell to Salty!? Europa’s Decisive Moment!!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

They duck behind some machines and watch as the Nightmare Altos all line up in row before a tall bat man wearing a blue coat. Andy immediately recognized the man as Benjamin Koco. With a snap of his fingers, the Nightmare Altos all turn into shadowy energy and enter into a tank connected to a machine which was holding a restrained Anthony.

Anthony: *panting hard* you monster, how dare you use me as a catalyst to unleash Nightmare Alto onto the Dream World again! Release me! >o<

Benjamin: Sorry, but I don't see that happening any time soon...

Shonnie: So, he's the one that kidnapped Anthony.

Andy: Benjamin Koco...

Cheeko: Koco... Like Batou and Victora Koco? Is Benjamin some kin to them?

Andy: Well, sorta...

Dream: Anthony-sensei... Q~Q

*Shonnie rubs Dream's head.*

Shonnie: Don't worry, Dream. We'll get Anthony back safe and sound.

Andy: Be careful, Shonnie. Benjamin is crazy strong...

Shonnie: Maybe, but I think I have a gadget for just such an occasion.

*Shonnie reaches into his afro and pulls out a sort of moth-like robot, much to Andy and Cheeko's disgust.*

Andy: Aww, gross! Don't let Sashi find out about your bug problem.

Cheeko: Yeah, boss. You should really wash your hair more often.

Shonnie: My hair IS clean you, stooges! This little guy is a G-bot: a robotic gadget with an advanced AI. This guy in particular should help stop Benjamin. ^^

*Knowing what Benjamin was capable of Andy had high doubts about Shonnie's gadget.*

Andy: Wait, Shonnie. You can't seriously expect to beat Benjamin with a bug bot!

Shonnie: Of course not, dude. But, right now we need to get Anthony out of there before it's too late. You two stay here with Dream. Time for Guarizer to shine.

Cheeko: Be careful out there, boss.

Andy: G-guarizer?

*Shonnie once again reaches into his hair and pulls out several smoke bombs. He then hurls them over his shoulder and towards Benjamin's feet filling most of the room with blue smoke.*

Benjamin: ...

Shonnie: (Voice) Whenever evil threatens the hopes and dreams of slumbering innocents! The burning wrath of justice summons me to set things right!

*The smoke begins to clear around the center of the room before Anthony and Benjamin. There, Shonnie appears into view in his Guarizer Armor and scarf.*

Shonnie: The iron ace detective, EXCEL GUARIZER!

Andy: Wow, what a cool transformation...

Cheeko: I guess.

Benjamin:, it seems as though somebody has come for you, Dream Warrior.

Anthony: Detective! Please get away, it's a trap!

Shonnie: Don't worry, Anthony! I'll have you free in a jiffy! *points his staff at Benjamin.* But first, I need to take down this so-called "Koco".

Cheeko: Hmm...

Andy: What? What is it?

Cheeko: I think the boss is putting his plan in motion.

Benjamin: So what is it that you hope to accomplish?

Shonnie: I was hired to rescue, Mr. Anthony over there. As for you... Arresting a criminal scumbag is always a bonus.

Benjamin: Is that so? If you think you can do both then feel free; just know that you only have one chance to do both so make it count.

Shonnie: Oh, I think we got that covered... NOW!

*With that, Shonnie's body burst with chi-energy and in a flash of blue light and tackled Benjamin into the wall. While those two fought, Cheeko quickly ran over to Anthony and begin trying to undo Anthony's bonds. Andy remained with Dream who looked on in quiet joy that they might rescue Anthony.*

Cheeko: Hey, there Anthony. We haven't formally met yet, my name is Cheeko D. Shonnie's right-hand dog and part of your rescue team.

Benjamin: *fends off Shonnie's attacks but doesn't seem concerned at all about Cheeko freeing Anthony* ...

*Shonnie draws his bo staff and charges it with his chi. The bo staff then extends outwards pinning Benjamin to the wall.*

Shonnie: Alright, you poor excuse for a Koco. What evil are you plotting against the Dream World!

*Cheeko continues working on freeing Anthony after a closer inspection of the bonds holding him.*

Cheeko: Hang on, I've almost got it... P:<

Benjamin: Why am I here, you ask? To conduct an experiment that was inspired by Nightmare Alto himself.

Shonnie: *raises an eyebrow.* don't tell me you want to eat nightmares, yourself? I can recommend a decent restaurant, y'know.

Cheeko: Almost... Got it!

*Cheeko manages to get Anthony's arms free and begin working on his leg restraints.*

Benjamin: This world provides me with a unique opportunity to reach massive amounts of people all at one time. With the right preparation I can easily launch a massive wave of nightmares on this entire town...but it can go much further than that.

Shonnie: Well, that's all very interesting, Benji. But, I'm afraid the world has enough nightmares already. So I'm going to have to shut down your little operation.

*As Shonnie deals with Benjamin, Cheeko finally gets Anthony's leg restraints loose as well.*

Cheeko: ....And abracadabra! You are free, Anthony!

*Anthony leaps out of the machine and next to Cheeko.*

Benjamin: Are you sure that you've shut me down, and this easily, detective?

*Watching all of this Andy was wondering the same thing; he knew that if he wanted to Benjamin could have easily stopped Shonnie and Cheeko with just a command. So why did he bother defending against Shonnie and why would he let Cheeko take his time and free his captive? Something just wasn't adding up...*

Andy: Wait, he's right... He destroyed dozens of galactic patrol officers and stopped Europa dead in her tracks. As strong as Shonnie is, even he couldn't fend off Benjamin THAT easily... What is that creep, Benjamin up to?

Shonnie: Huh? What are you getting at Benjamin..?

*After a moment. Shonnie stopped and looked back at Anthony, whom the detective remembered warning him about a trap. But he only had a vague idea on what the trap might have been. Until...*

Shonnie: Oh, crap...

*The Anthony next to Cheeko grins evilly then shoots him with a blast of Darkness E-nergy before revealing his true face as another one of the Nightmare Altos that they had been trailing. Cheeko quickly recovers from the sneak attack and goes on the offensive.*

Cheeko: Aww, that's it! You're going down!

*Cheeko opened his mouth wide and launched a powerful sonic howl at Nightmare Alto. The Nightmare Alto shrieks in pain as the sonic waves causes his body to distort and turn back into Darkness E-nergy for a few seconds before it's body reforms.*

Cheeko: Looks like, it's time for more drastic measures!

*Cheeko opens his mouth again and suddenly a stream of fire erupts from his mouth and engulfs Nightmare Alto. The Nightmare Alto leaps out of the fire and shakes off the remaining flames that were on him, ready for more action.*

Benjamin: Had that been one of the others, you're last two attacks would've destroyed them. This here was the first one I created since first coming to the Dream World; he's not only capable of mimicry as you've seen but also combat. Within a few more days I'll have hundreds more just like him.

Shonnie: We're not going to let that happen!

*Shonnie separated his staff into a pair of batons and began rapidly pummelling Benjamin. Meanwhile Cheeko viciously pounced on top of Nightmare Alto and chomped down on the villainous clone's arm. The Nightmare Alto mightily tries to shake Cheeko off of his arm but to no avail.*

Benjamin: *blocks all of Shonnie's attacks effortlessly* come now, this can't be the best of your ability...

*After listening to Benjamin talk some more Shonnie had a sudden realization. The voice he heard in his dream that time, trying to persuade him to kill Don Raptor, it was Benjamin's voice; he was the one who caused the dream to happen.*

Shonnie: Wait a minute... *Shonnie stops swinging his batons and reforms them into his staff.* That voice, the pretentious attitude, the dream... YOU!

*Shonnie charges into Benjamin and pins him to the wall with his staff.*

Shonnie: That dream with Don Raptor! You were that voice that kept telling me to kill him! I bet you were behind Sashi and Officer Europa's nightmares, too! Weren't you?! Who do you think you are skulking around our dreams?!

Cheeko: (muffled) What?! For real?! O_O;

*From their hiding place Andy and Dream could hear the entire thing.*

Andy: Wait, so Benjamin has been the one behind our friend's nightmares? If that's true then that means he was trying to control them through their dreams. But Shonnie and Sashi got through it just fine. Then that must mean Europa... Oh-no!

Benjamin: As I said earlier, I'm conducting an experiment; one that branches off into several different kinds of other experiments. They'd all be progressing much further along if not for the incompetence of one of my minions. If everything proceeds according to plan I should be getting a far superior replacement today.

Shonnie: Well, tough luck for you, Benji. But the only thing you're getting is a one way ticket to prison!

*Shonnie's eyes glow and a pair of chi-construct hands grasp Benjamin into a tight grip.*

Benjamin: Putting me in prison? *struggles then breaks free from Shonnie's grasp* that would be most unwise on your part.

Shonnie: And how do you figure that?

Benjamin: If you haven't already heard of my exploits you're more than welcome to arrest me now and lock me up; I won't even fight back *sticks his arms out towards Shonnie to be handcuffed.*

*Shonnie might not have known how bad it would be to try and lock Benjamin away in a high security prison with other dangerous criminals, but Andy sure knew how costly and dangerous a mistake that would be! Unable to let this go any further, he powers up, getting ready to transform and try to end the wicked bat once and for all.*

Cosmic Man: NOOOOO!

*Without even taking the time to verbally announce his transformation, Cosmic Man burst from his hiding spot and slammed Benjamin into the floor.*

Shonnie: Andy-- Cosmic Man! What are you doing?!

Cosmic Man: Sorry, Guarizer. But prison is the last place we should put him!

Shonnie: Eh?! Why not?! We can't very well let this bozo run free!

Benjamin: Ah, the hero. You seemed a bit shaken when you almost claimed a life the last time we met; why don't you enlighten the good detective seeing as how my very presence doesn't seem to raise any fear in him...

Shonnie: What's he talking about?

Cosmic Man: In addition to messing with people's minds, Benjamin can steal life force...

Shonnie: W-what?

Cheeko: Would've been nice to know that earlier.

*Benjamin reaches out to grab Shonnie but thanks to the detective's speed and reflexes he nimbly gets out of the way before he is grabbed.*

Shonnie: I don't think so, Benjamin!

*Quickly remembering that he still had Benjamin pinned to the ground and that he too was well within reaching distance, Cosmic Man releases Benjamin and backs away cautiously.*

Benjamin: *gets up and dusts himself off*

Shonnie: Give it up, Benjamin! There's no way you can take us on yourself!

Cosmic Man: You will not have your way with this realm, anymore!

Cheeko: *Still chewing on Nightmare Alto's arm.* Yeah, what they said!

Benjamin: Your free chance to stop me and save the Dream Warrior is over; now I fight back. It's too bad for you that you picked the wrong machine earlier; had you picked this one behind me you might've just now freed him with your combined strength.

*Shonnie and Cosmic Man look behind Benjamin and see a massive holding tank that has a slumbering Anthony sealed within and hooked up with various tubes. Cosmic Man rockets off towards the machine and delivers a massive, powerful punch in attempt to break it but his huge attack merely bounces off the machine.*

Benjamin: That one I had reinforced with the Dream Energy floating around this world; it won't break easily...

Cosmic Man: Damn you, Benjamin...

Shonnie: Hey, Cosmic Man.

Cosmic Man: Hmm?

Shonnie: As much as I'd rather pound Benjamin's smug face in, this seems like a task better suited for you and Cheeko. With any luck I should be able to help Anthony. Do you think you can handle it?

Cosmic Man: I'll do my best. I still owe him for hurting Europa.

*Shonnie placed an object in Cosmic Man's hand and charged towards the machine holding Anthony. Cosmic Man stood before Benjamin Koco along with Cheeko, ready to face the fearsome opponent.*

Benjamin: So you're ready to get serious now? Then I suppose that I shall too.

*Benjamin hits a button on the machine holding Anthony to activate it. Anthony screams in anguish as his body is pumped full of nightmare energy through one set of tubes connected to him; that very nightmare energy is then extracted from him through another set of tubes connected to him and pumped into a machine on the side. A few seconds later that machine opens up and out comes a swarm of Nightmare Altos.*

Benjamin: Like I said earlier, these aren't capable of combat like the other one just yet...but they CAN add their power to his.

*The swarm of Nightmare Altos surround the one that is capable of combat and get absorbed into his body. That one Nightmare Alto was so full of nightmare energy that it began warping the area that they were in, making Cheeko and Cosmic Man see objects, figments and people from their deepest, darkest nightmares around them. Cosmic Man looked around and saw the room gradually fill with what appears to be sewer water.*

Cosmic Man: What the-what's going on here?!

*Cosmic Man began shaking as memories of his time stuck wandering the sewers of the Super Money Island became rushing back to him. He then hears some loud hissing and thrashing in the water.*

Cosmic Man: C-cheeko is that you?

*Then three large velociraptors burst from the water and pounced on Cosmic Man. Cosmic Man tried fighting off the sewer dinosaurs, but they were relentlessly biting and clawing at the cosmic superhero. *

Cheeko: Cosmic Man! What's going on?!

*As Cheeko goes to see what's wrong with Cosmic Man, he felt a ghastly mist began surrounding him.*

Cheeko: Huh? What the?

*Out of the mist several tiny blue flames appeared around him, the flames then take the form of Cheeko's devoted admirer, Yani W. Muffy.*

Cheeko: Y-Yani? *looks at all the ghostly Yani's* H-how is this possible?

Benjamin: What you're seeing now is fear. Fear can take on many forms *looks at Cosmic Man* trauma *looks at Cheeko* guilt...and the many other negative emotions that plague mankind; when everything here is complete, everybody who doesn't surrender to my will shall be forced to either face their fears...or in your case, be consumed by them *draws his sword and slowly begins walking over to Cosmic Man and Cheeko*

*As Shonnie continued his efforts to free Anthony from the heinous machine, he stopped and saw Benjamin approaching his distressed friends. As much as he wanted to rescue Anthony, he cannot abandon Cosmic Man and Cheeko D to the mercy of Benjamin Coko.*

Shonnie: Dammit..! Please hang in there, Anthony. We're gonna bring you back soon...

*Shonnie prepared himself to stop Benjamin until a large shield flew through the air and ricochets off the ground in front of Benjamin diverting his attention from the two delusional heroes, to a mystery figure standing in the shadows.*

Shonnie: What the?

???: Sorry, but you're wrong Bat-guy! Fear is not the true source of power!

Benjamin: *stops and looks in the direction the voice came from* ...

*Out of those shadows a person wearing blue and yellow armored suit leaps between Benjamin and the group.*

???: The true power that drives this world is FRIENDSHIP!! Instead of using fear and terror, you should embrace friendship and unity!

Shonnie: He... He cannot be serious...

Benjamin: ...and you are...?

*As Benjamin is distracted by the armored stranger, Shonnie continues working to save Anthony.*

Eonder: I am the Eonder, Guardian of Friendship and Unity. Here to restore the order of these chaotic times!

*Eonder picks up his shield as it rolls back to him.*

Benjamin: Friendship...unity...two things I can do without; they're just additional weaknesses that can be used against you in the end.

Eonder: Oh, I don't think so. Friendship is the glue that unites the world and drives us to a brighter future.

*Kobe extends his hand to Benjamin Koco.*

Eonder: Wouldn't it be nicer to create a brighter future together as friends, instead of enemies?

*As Shonnie noticed the strange new ally offers his hand to Benjamin. Shonnie immediately stopped to warn him of this action.*

Shonnie: Wait, don't!!

Benjamin: ...become friends, eh? That would be a noble idea... *grasps Eonder's hand* ...if my last friends hadn't betrayed me and left me to die by sealing me away for over a thousand years *squeezes Eonder's hand hard* not again; everyone either serves me or dies... *aims his sword at Eonder's heart*

*As Benjamin grasps Eonder's hand the pain of Benjamin's words seem to hurt more. So much so, that he doesn't even acknowledge*

Eonder: That's terrible! No wonder you've become evil!

*As Benjamin's sword is set to pierce Eonder's heart, the blade appears to dissolve into dust.*

Eonder: Well, you don't have to worry, Bat-guy. I'd be happy to be your first friend!

*While Eonder distracts Benjamin (sort of), Shonnie takes the opportunity to resume freeing Anthony.*

Shonnie: There's gotta be a way to get Anthony out of here! This device is made out of dream energy. There's gotta be some way to break through this thing... Wait, why didn't I think of this sooner?!

*Shonnie looks over to the side and notices that Dream has climbed up the machine as well.*

Dream: Did you figure something out? Can I help?

Shonnie: Dream? Good timing, actually. Benjamin said the machine holding Anthony hear is made from Dream Energy. Since conventional methods don't seem to work, perhaps Dream Energy is what we need to free him.

Dream: *knocks on the machine* you're right; it feels like there is a shell of Dream Energy all around this thing. Anthony-sensei did teach me that Dream Energy could be used like this... and he also taught me how to remove Dream Energy from things too. *hands glow as she begins absorbing the Dream Energy surrounding the machine*

Shonnie: Alright, Dreamy.

Benjamin: *in shock that his sword became dust* that...was... *becomes enraged and then throws Eonder into a wall with great force*

Eonder: YEOW!

*Eonder could barely make it to his feet after such a mighty throw.*

Eonder: Jeez, Bat-guy. That wasn't very paragon... >3<

Benjamin: *summons a Pensword that immediately turns into an elegant looking glove* that sword...was all I had remember...! AAAAARHHH!!! 5% Blast!

*Eonder quickly jumps high and narrowly avoids an unbelievably destructive blast that destroyed part of the warehouse and some of the machines that were unfortunate enough to be in the way. After landing and looking back to where the blast hit there was absolutely nothing left standing there; had he taken even a small bit of that attack, he would have surely died...and what was worse, according to Benjamin that attack was only at 5% power.*

Eonder: All he had... To remember...?

*The Eonder looked down at the dust pile that was once Benjamin's sword and then back at the furious Benjamin.*

Eonder: That sword was special to you, wasn't it?

Benjamin: That was all I had to remember him and now it's g...GAAH!

*Benjamin goes down to his knees, apparently experiencing some sort of internal battle. Something was definitely different about Benjamin in that moment that both Eonder and Shonnie took note of; for that one moment his voice had changed completely, as if he were a completely different person.*

Benjamin: ... *gets back up* that was close *limbers up* everything is back where it should be...

*While Shonnie was trying to figure out what had just happened with Benjamin, Dream had finished up with absorbing all of the Dream Energy used to reinforce the machine Anthony was being held captive in.*

Dream: The Dream Energy protecting this thing is now gone; we can save Anthony-sensei now. ^^

Shonnie: Alright, then.

*Shonnie helps Dream off of the machine and prepared to free Anthony from the machine.*

Shonnie: Alright, Anthony, time to get you out of here.

*Shonnie focused his energy into the palms of his hand and began sending out sonic vibrations into the machine. After a couple seconds a large opening gave way inside the machine. Shonnie then reached in to try and remove Anthony from the tube restraints.*

Eonder: Mr. Bat-guy?

Benjamin: *the elegant glove disappears as he puts away the Pensword* Hmm...I lost some of the machines in that relapse but those can be rebuilt rather easily *looks down at the dust that was once his sword and sees that the hilt of the sword was still there* ... *places his foot on the sword hilt and applies great pressure to break it in half*

*Now Eonder didn't know what to think of the one before him. Meanwhile, Shonnie manages to free Anthony from his restraints then him and Dream do their best to arouse him from his unconscious state.*

Eonder: Wait, stop! Wasn't that sword important to you?!

Shonnie: C'mon, Anthony! You gotta wake up!

Anthony: *slowly opens his eyes* De-Detective, you made it *tries to move but can't due to having no energy left* looks like having all of that Nightmare energy pumped into me really did a number on me.

Dream: *hugs Anthony*

Anthony: *chuckles lightly* sorry for worrying you, Dream, my dear apprentice. ^^

Shonnie: Glad to have you back Anthony. Now we just need to stop Benjamin Koco and his evil scheme.

Anthony: *looks over to Cosmic Man and Cheeko* I think that first you need to help your companions out. That "thing" was made from me and has my powers AND the perks that go along with them. You know what needs to be done in order for them to succeed, Detective.

*Shonnie looks worried for his friends in their petrified and delusional states. Trusting that Eonder can hold off Benjamin, Shonnie remembers how he had to face his fears personified, once before when he was in the Dream Realm.*

Shonnie: They need to face their fears if they hope to beat them...

Anthony: Then you might want to let them know that. Don't worry about me, I just need to rest for a little bit; just buy me a few minutes and I'll be right behind you.


*Shonnie approaches his two horrified friends as they lay wrapped in their nightmarish fear.*

Shonnie: Andy, Cheeko! You gotta listen to me!

Cosmic Man: S-shonnie?

Cheeko: C-chief, is that you?

Shonnie: I've been where you both are! Consumed by fear, doubt, and self-loathing! If I can crawl back from the depths of despair! I know the two of you can, too! But you have to face the negativity in your heart head-on!

*As Shonnie's inspiring words echoed through their minds Cheeko and Cosmic Man began to slowly rise to their feet. While they are still being plagued by their Nightmares, they are ready to face-off against them.*

Nightmare Alto: !! O_O; *uses more Nightmare energy to create more raptors and ghostly Yani’s*

Cosmic Man: Whoa!

*Cosmic Man catches the charging Sewer Raptors and is struggling against their combined might. When it seemed like Cosmic Man's strength was beginning to fail him, he hears Shonnie's voice in his head.*

Shonnie's Voice: Andy! I know how much it hurts to feel like you're not good enough. It hurts deep and can really ruin your psyche. But, not only have you proven you are good enough... You've exceeded beyond the achievement of any comic book fanboy! You've gained superpowers, you found a beautiful girlfriend who loves sci-fi and space as much as you do, and the two of you will soon have a wonderful daughter together!

*Cosmic Man began to rise up from Shonnie's words of encouragement and starts to push back the large and progressively frightened Sewer Raptors.*

Shonnie's Voice: So what if you lost some rinky-dink tournament?! Those things are a dime-a-dozen! But, you my friend, are one in a million!

Cosmic Man: He's right... I helped saved an entire planet, I beat an evil space pirate, I met the girl of my dreams! I am a hero... I am a daddy... I am.... COSMIC MAAAAAAN!!

*Cosmic Man surges with cosmic energy and then blasts through the Sewer Raptors in a explosion of power. Reducing the Sewer Raptors to dust.*

Nightmare Alto: !!! O_o;;

*The Nightmare Alto looks very frightened, a visible sign that told his opponents that he had no other tricks left at his disposal. Cheeko knelt down in despair as dozens of ghostly Yani's swarm around Cheeko, gradually converging on the cowering canine.*

Shonnie: Cheeko! You have to snap out of it! I know you feel terrible about Yani getting kidnapped by the Plunderro Gang. But, you cannot keep blaming yourself for that incident!

Cheeko: But, chief... If I hadn't abandoned her like that, she wouldn't have gotten kidnapped! The Plunderro's could've sold her away like some rare trinket and we'd never see her again! I'd never see her again...

Shonnie: Even so, partner. You fought to bring her back, risking your own life and freedom so that she may keep hers!

Cheeko: I just don't understand... How can she think so highly of me? How can she look at me with such love and worship?

Shonnie: Because she sees something special in you, partner. You mean the world to her and you feel the same way about her? The reason you feel so bad isn't out of guilt. It's because you love her just as much and want to protect her!

Cheeko: Chief... Y-you're right!

*As the Ghostly Yani’s began to envelop Cheeko, his body began to slowly change shape. Morphing into a chibi version of himself, but with machine gun cannons where his front paws once were. He then begins blasting away at the Ghostly Yani's.*

Cheeko: I love Yani, with all my heart! I'll protect her with my very life!

*Soon the dozens of spectral versions of Yani began to disappear into heart-shaped puffs of smoke. Cheeko then casually blows the smoke from his cannons.*

Shonnie: Well, said, partner.

*With both of their nightmares defeated both Cosmic Man and Cheeko feel as if a gigantic weight has been lifted from them. That's when Anthony joins them.*

Anthony: Now that you've conquered the manifestations of your fears they will no longer bother you: call it a perk from this thing here being created from me and my powers.

Cosmic Man: Wow, what a relief.

Cheeko: Yeah, I feel much better now.

Shonnie: Good to hear, pal.

Cheeko: But seriously, guys. Can we NEVER bring up me having to vaporize the dozens of Yani ghosts?

Anthony: And now I'll do my part *creates a Dream Blade out of Dream energy* I can't let the sins of my past live. Subcon...

*Anthony vanishes then reappears behind the frightened Nightmare Alto.*

Anthony: Slicer!

*The Nightmare Alto gasps as he splits apart having been sliced down the middle then dissolves into shadowy smoke*

Cosmic Man, Shonnie, and Cheeko: WHOO!

Benjamin: *ear flicks* it's about time for one of my side experiments to begin, so I'm going to need all of you to disappear for a little while *emits a pulse of Dream energy that hits Shonnie, Cosmic Man, Cheeko, Eonder, Anthony and Dream, causing their surroundings to change colors*

Dream: the energy here is...different.

Shonnie: The colors here are distorting! My optic sensors can't keep up!

Eonder: Whoa, this is all kinds of trippy! O_O;

Cosmic Man: I don't like the looks of this...

Cheeko: You crazy bat! What are you playing at now?!

Anthony: I don't think he can even hear you or any of us anymore. We've been sent to the dimension between the real world and the Dream world. The rules of reality are kind of...well...unbalanced here; we're not quite in the real world while at the same time we're not all the way in the Dream world so we have physics from both worlds in kind of a free fall here.

*Everybody suddenly starts floating then almost as suddenly falls to the ground.*

Anthony: What is worse is that as you just saw AND felt, things can happen at random here and can be influenced by passing thoughts that can tip balance of this place drastically.

Cheeko: Well, that's just great.

Shonnie: Okay, so trick here is to remain calm and not do anything that might disrupt the dimensional...

Eonder: MUFFINS!

*Muffins start raining down on them from all directions.*

Dream: *being pelted with muffins* ow-ow-ow *catches a muffin and bites into it* yuck, no wonder these hurt; they're stale! >~<;

Eonder: Aww, man... *eats one anyway.*

Shonnie: Okay, then; so as long as we think non-lethal thoughts we should be fine... Right?

Anthony: In theory, yes; but I don't want to stick around long enough to test that theory. If we want to get back to the Dream World we're going to have to force an opening apart. I have an idea as to how to do it but it might take some time to gather the Dream energy we need.

Shonnie: Understood.

Cosmic Man: Is there anything we can do in the mean time?

Anthony: I'm going to need all of you to pull this off *looks up and sees a small amount of Dream particles in the air* ...there *points up to where some Dream particles are* that is where the Dream energy is strongest so that must be the closest route back to the Dream World. We all need to concentrate on drawing Dream energy from that point...and we're going to put all of that energy into my young apprentice Dream here.

Dream: Huh?

Shonnie: Right on.

Eonder: Okay!

Cosmic Man: Um, how do we do that?

Cheeko: Yeah, some of us still don't know Dream-Fu, here.

Anthony: Don't worry, I'll explain everything so listen closely.

*Meanwhile, Officer Europa and Bruce Raiko find themselves in the Dream World after having following a half-asleep Salty through a portal he opened. The two law enforcement officers marvel at the almost magical-looking world they find themselves in as the follow Salty from a distance.*

Bruce: Kinda trippy, ain't it?

Europa: I've been to plenty of amazing planets, but none as enchanting as this place.

Bruce: From the looks of things I think we're still on Earth but in some sort alternate dimension or something.

Europa: I swear, this planet finds more ways to confound me...

*As they continue to follow the severely sleep-deprived Salty both Bruce and Europa find themselves in front of a large warehouse; when Salty enters they sneak in behind him. From the looks of things it seemed like a battle had taken place not too long ago.*

Bruce: *inspects the area* all of this looks as if it happened just recently. So this is where Salty has been coming after all of his heists...I didn't think of him as the industrious type.

Europa: Indeed. But at this point, I wouldn't put it past that rotten monster...

Salty: =_= *groggily stumbles about until he trips over some debris and falls flat on his face* OW! *shakes his head to wake himself up* Huh? What am I doing back here...and why is the place all jacked up? *turns around and sees Bruce and Europa* AAAHHH!! WHAT'RE YOU DOiNG HERE!? Oh man-oh man-oh man; I must've been sleepwalking again! Not only did I not do my assignment, I led the PoPo back here! I'm dead, I am SO dead!

Europa: You very well should be, Salty... But if you cooperate, I will see you get off with just a life sentence.

???: Are you sure that's what you really want?

*Upon hearing that voice Salty turned pale with terror as he slowly behind him to see Benjamin Koco towering above him.*

Salty: *pale with terror*

Europa: Benjamin! Don't move!

*The instant she saw Benjamin Europa drew her laser pistol and aimed right at him.*

Benjamin: Salty "Dogg" Josiah; congratulations on fulfilling your final assignment.

Salty: F-F-Final assignment?? What do you mean by...

Benjamin: Yes, that's right; I had already decided what I was going to do with you after that last failed mission that really set me back and led to me taking some unnecessary damage. I just let you think that you had a chance of redeeming yourself.

Salty: that's it, huh? No matter what I did you were going to kill me anyway...if that's the case... *rises to his feet* if that's the case I no longer have anything to fear from you...YOU BASTARD!! *kicking off from the ground Salty rocket at Benjamin and starts fighting him like a man with nothing else left to lose* if I'm going down, I'm going down fighting!!

Benjamin: *effortlessly dodges all of Salty's attacks* you're right, I was planning on disposing of you regardless of the success of this plan; I've already got everything I needed from you. But you're wrong about one thing *grabs Salty by his face and lifts him off of the ground* I'm not the one who's going to take your life...just your mind.

Salty: *glares at Benjamin as tears of frustration form at his eyes*

Bruce: ...

*As much as Europa hated Salty for all that he's done part of her could not stand by and let someone suffer like that.*

Europa: I SAID HOLD IT BENJAMIN! Release Salty, right now!

Benjamin: ... *smirks* but of course, officer; I shall release him *turns to Salty and looks deep into his eyes full of fright and rage* Clean Slate.

*A large amount of Darkness E-nergy is forced into Salty's body and it looks like he's being electrocuted by dark lightning as he screams out in what seems like unbelievable pain. Benjamin releases Salty from his grasp and the wolf pirate thrashes about in great pain for a little while before he falls to the ground unconscious, foaming at the mouth.*

Europa: Oh, my God!

Benjamin: Do not worry, he is not dead...yet. Although something tells me that he will be before the day ends.

Bruce: *looking for an opening in Benjamin's defenses but sees none* ...

*Europa looks down at the unconscious Salty and then back up at Benjamin with disgust.*

Europa: I don't understand... You went through the effort of breaking him out, and then you just brush off his life like it was nothing!

*Europa points her laser pistol at Benjamin once more, with a look of fury and what even appears to be a hint of sadness.*

Europa: What madness is this, Benjamin Koco! What are you trying to accomplish with all this!

Benjamin: You think that my goal in breaking the pirate out was Salty himself? Oh no, he's just the catalyst for something even greater: a warrior worthy of being the commander that leads my army in conquest, second only to me. That someone only lacks one thing: the feeling of satisfaction that can only be gained by meeting out true justice on those deserving it.

Europa: *lowers her weapon.* W-what do you mean?

Benjamin: That you *points to Europa* meet out the deserved justice on Salty and awaken to your true potential as an enforcer of justice.

Europa: Enforcer of justice..?

*Europa looks down at Salty's body. With her eyes still locked on Salty, she set her laser pistol to charge and aimed right at Salty's head.*

Benjamin: Yes, that's it. But with the way things are a simple blast to the head won't do anything. You'll need this.

*Suddenly, instead of a laser pistol in her hand, a glowing up appears.*

Benjamin: Simply destroy that orb and your path is set.

Bruce: O_O; WHOA! Wait, you're not seriously considering this, are you?

Europa: Why wouldn't I..? After all, this rotten creep has committed countless atrocities all over the galaxy. He murdered the man I love in cold blood and was even set to take over the Galactic Kingdom by claiming Princess Cherry's hand in marriage. Allowing him to remain in this world and continue endangering the lives of those around him would truly be an act of evil...

Bruce: Yes, he's done some very unforgivable things, but it is not our place to cast judgement on him. He has yet to stand trial and I doubt he'll get off with anything less than a life sentence given his history. Plus I doubt that he even has any allies who would be brazen enough or powerful enough to pull another breakout attempt.

*Europa looks at Bruce, but then back at Benjamin.*

Europa: Maybe... but if someone like Benjamin, who only saw Salty as a means to an end wanted him for their plan. We'd be right back to square one. I can't afford to take that risk!

Bruce: You won't find any happiness on this path of justice.

*Happiness...happiness was a feeling that Europa had lost because of Salty. Her anger began to come to a boil towards her partner, who she thought had probably never lost something truly important in the same way she did.*

Europa: Happiness..? I've already lost the man who truly brought me happiness! I can never forgive him! I can't let him ruin anymore lives! I can't, I just can't! THIS ENDS NOW, SALTY!!

*Europa raises the orb into the air, prepared to smash the orb onto the ground.*

Bruce: *grabs Europa's arm, stopping her from smashing the orb* then we have more in common than you think.

*Bruce takes the orb from Europa and holds it high above his head. Due to the obvious height difference between them Europa was unable to reach the orb no matter how hard she struggled to get it back.*

Europa: What the hell do you think you're doing, Bruce?! Give that back!

Bruce: I can't let you kill him while you're angry like this; doing something this serious when you are angry only leads to regret and loss in self-worth. I won't let you experience that sort of despair.

*The look on Bruce's face didn't escape Europa's notice; he had a very serious and determined expression on his face with a tear in his eye. She just had to know what was going on in his head.*

Europa: What do you mean?

Bruce: *sighs* let me tell you something about my past. I was a young officer with an amazing partner; the best you could ever get. Together we did amazing things in the name of justice for those who needed it. We shared everything: hopes, dreams and even something more amazing that would symbolize how strong our bond was. I thought that we'd always be together, side by side; but I was wrong. We were tracking a criminal; a real piece of work he was. Robbery, bribery, extortion, even moonlighting as an assassin; you name it and he's done it. We had a confrontation with him and just when we had him cuffed we took our eye off of him to report in and in that instant he...slipped out of the cuffs and slit my partner's throat with a hidden blade. He got away while I held my beloved partner in my she died. I was devastated; my beloved wife of 5 years was dead. What hurt me more was that my baby boy would never get to know his awesomely tough and amazing mother. Ever since then I was obsessed with find that man and making him pay. I became bitter and went too far when dealing with other criminals; so much so that my chief suspended me hoping that during my time off that I would cool down. But I didn't...I went out and searched for the man who took my love from me. Then one day I found him at his home. We fought long and hard...until I eventually killed him with my bare hands. I should have been relieved, my sadness should've disappeared now that the object of my pain was no more...but it remained. My beloved wife and partner was still dead, my son would still be without a mother. I heard a rustle and looked to my side to see a little girl cowering in the doorway. After finally identifying the guy and getting a name we realized that he was nothing more than a cog in something even bigger. He didn't do all the things he did simply because he wanted to; he was being forced to by some higher ups in order to protect his family. I became distraught; my anger and thirst for vengeance killed the victim of true criminals. To this day I still can't wear my uniform or badge out of shame of what I did. I know that your situation with Salty is different but I can't let you kill him because you are angry and in pain. I mean, look at him now; after what Benjamin did to him I don't even think he knows who he is anymore. That Darkness E-nergy is nasty stuff that can really mess up the minds of it's victims.

*Europa looks back down at the unconscious Salty still twitching and sparking with Darkness E-nergy; the more she looked at him the more she had to admit that it would be a while before he was able to do anything. But more than that, she couldn't believe what Bruce had been through.*

Europa: Bruce... I-I am so sorry. You've lost so much and even in the pursuit of justice you were given no satisfaction... But, I suppose that's the difference of this scenario. Salty was not a tragic victim when he took Deuce's life! Even if he's broken, he's still a monster who's ruined numerous lives with his greed and cruelty! I cannot forgive him! I cannot let him get away with what he's done! I CAN'T! I CAN'T! I CAN'T!

*Europa appears to open fire on Salty, much to the fear of Bruce. But upon closer inspection Europa deliberately fired around Salty, completely missing him. Europa then falls to her knees in tears. She then looks back up at Bruce with a face of guilt and utter-defeat.*

Europa: I can't do it! No, matter how much he's hurt me... No matter how much I want him dead. I just can't turn my back on the very oaths I've sworn my life to uphold! Forgive me, Deuce... I guess I wasn't as strong as you thought I was...

*Europa drops her laser pistol and buries her face in her hands as she (metaphorically) cries a river of tears.*

Bruce: *goes down to his knees and embraces Europa until she calms down* you know what you have to do.

*Bruce hands the orb back to Europa. After looking at it for a few seconds she then turns Salty on his back and places the orb on his chest. Bruce's hand joins hers as together they push the orb back into Salty's body, literally giving his life back to him.*

Bruce: Very good; I'm proud of you. We'll worry about him later *helps Europa to her feet* right now our focus needs to be on him *points to Benjamin*

Europa: You're right. We still have a case to complete.

Benjamin: *walks over to Salty and picks him up by the head* even as bait you've failed me *opens a portal* I'll leave you to the mercy of whoever finds you next *tosses Salty into the portal then closes it*

Europa: Benjamin Koco, it is over! One way or another, you're coming with us!

Benjamin: You could have had it all, officer: the satisfaction of delivering true justice, a loyal army to lead, sitting at my right hand when my conquest was complete; now that door is closed to you and you shall suffer the inevitable fate that awaits all who resist... *senses something very powerful about to appear* ...after that little slip-up earlier it would be unwise for me to attempt to take them on again. Time to withdraw... *opens a portal*

Bruce: Oh no you don't! *powerfully kicks off the ground to launch himself at Benjamin*

Benjamin: ...fall!

Bruce: *suddenly stops midair just before making contact with Benjamin then falls to the ground on his feet*

Benjamin: ... *walks through the portal and warps away*

Europa: Dammit! He got away again!

Bruce: He's definitely a slippery one. He seemed to want to get out of here quickly for some reason; I wonder why...

*Bruce and Europa step out of the warehouse, now concerned about how they were going to get back to their world. That's when the sky's color starts to distort as a tear forms in the sky. As the tear gets bigger, a pair gigantic fingertips then fingers poke out of the tear then pull in opposite directions; when the tear was very large, a gigantic Nekofi girl in a white dress that was climbed out of it and into the Dream World. Looking up both Bruce and Europa see five individuals standing on the gigantic girl's head; the girl gets down on all fours and lowers her head to the ground to let the five off; Europa immediately recognizes one of them as Cosmic Man.*

Europa: Andy?!

Cosmic Man: Europa?! How did you get here?

Europa: Hey, that's my line.

Cheeko: Seriously! How many people know about this place? Is there a Fast Pass Ticket to get into the Dream Realm?

Eonder: Cool, more new friends!

Bruce: *sees Shonnie and Cheeko* well, if it isn't the famous Shonnie Flash and Cheeko D. ^w^

Cheeko: How about that? We're famous now, chief.

Shonnie: Yeah, I'm still getting used to that. Say, you look familiar. Who might you be, sir?

Bruce: We haven't officially met but I'm sure that you've met my son, Snoopy; I'm his father, Bruce Raiko.

*Shonnie and Cheeko's jaws drop upon that realization.*

Cheeko: No way! You're Snoops' dad?!

Shonnie: It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Raiko.

Bruce: Likewise. If you're looking for Benjamin Koco he scrammed out of here when he sensed you guys coming.

Shonnie: Damn! We were so close...

*Cosmic Man notices Eonder carrying what appears to be a pile of dust.*

Cosmic Man: Say, why are you carrying that dust pile with you?

Eonder: I thought Bat-Guy would've wanted it. ^^

Europa: I don't think Benjamin Koco would be interested in dust.

Anthony: I don't know; that dust used to be his sword and he kind of freaked out when it got destroyed...almost as if he were a different person altogether. Quite strange...

Eonder: I just thought maybe he'd want it back. I can only assume it had some sort of sentimental value...

Cheeko: Yeah, sure, because the megalomaniac wasn't dangerous enough without the reminder that we wrecked one of his possessions.

Eonder: I just have a strong feeling about this. I'll keep the dust with me for now.

Shonnie: Well, since the gang's all here. We should probably figure out where we go from here.

Europa: Indeed. After all, Benjamin Koco is still at large and our only lead was just thrown through a random portal.

Anthony: *looks at the warehouse* the only reason he even came to the Dream World was for the machinery I left behind in this warehouse when I was Nightmare Alto. If I can't stop him from coming here the least I can do is slow him down significantly...this place must be destroyed.

Cosmic Man: I can probably blast it away...

Shonnie: Let's put a pin in that for now, buddy. Anthony, do you have a plan to destroy the warehouse?

Anthony: I do *looks over at the gigantic Dream* Dream, your first official assignment as a Dream Warrior in-training, destroy that warehouse!

Dream: Okie-Dokie! ^o^ *stands up and absorbs more floating Dream particles to grow slightly larger and create a giant hammer.*

Anthony: Take cover!

*Everyone leaps and ducks to safety to avoid the impact. Dream raises the giant hammer in the air and brings it down hard on the warehouse, demolishing part of it. Over and over again she brings the hammer down on the warehouse until it and all inside of it were reduced to smoking rubble.*

Cheeko: Anyone got a cheesy pun they need to get out?

Shonnie: That was smashing?

Cosmic Man: Way to bring down the house?

Eonder: It's Hammer Time!

Europa: Oh, brother.

Anthony: Now that that is taken care of there shouldn't be too much more Benjamin Koco can do from here should he choose to return. And should he try to rebuild both Dream and I will be here to stop him.

Shonnie: Well, that's good to hear.

Cheeko: So, is the case closed..?

Europa: For the missing persons, perhaps. However, Benjamin is still at large and Salty is missing.

Cosmic Man: Looks like we still got work to do...

Bruce: I agree with you, Officer, but for now it is probably best to report back and call it a day. Ever since Benjamin's bold breakout we've been keeping close tabs on him and what we've learned isn't good at all.

Europa: I suppose you're right.

Anthony: Then I guess we're done for now. Dream can lead you all back to the real world when you're ready.

Dream: *releases all of the Dream Energy she accumulated back into the atmosphere and shrinks back down to her normal size* Ready? ^w^

Shonnie: Yeah, sure.

Cheeko: Yeah, I've had my fill of this place.

Cosmic Man: Yeah, I really miss Luna and Star. Let's head home.

*Dream leads everybody back to the portal that Shonnie and co. originally came through and find themselves back at Blitz's home in the real world. After saying goodbye to iDEAL and Dream everyone walks outside and back towards town while sharing the information of their missions to the Dream World with one another for possible future review.*

Bruce: I guess that's everything then. I'll fill everyone back at the station about what happened today. It was nice working with you all today *turns to face Europa* and an honor to work with one such as yourself, Officer Europa. I hope that we get the chance to meet again... *offers his hand for a handshake*

Europa: Likewise, Officer Bruce.

*Before the handshake ends, Bruce suddenly pulls Europa towards him, putting his free arm around her to keep her close as he moves in and passionately kisses the officer on her lips. Europa is surprised and bewildered but doesn't resist and melts into the kiss and the moment. After what seemed like an eternity, but in reality only 3 seconds, Bruce releases Europa and backs away slightly.*

Bruce: ...preferably off-duty *kicks off the ground powerfully to launch himself in the air then seems to literally fly away*

*Europa still had a very happy kissy-face for a few seconds before turning around and realizing that Cosmic Man, Shonnie, Cheeko and Eonder were still behind her and had saw the whole thing.*

Europa: Er... O///O;

Cheeko: Oh, don't mind us~.

Cosmic Man: Wow, Europa. You're really quite the charmer.

Shonnie: Way to go, Lieutenant.

Eonder: Ah, romance. The ultimate display of intimate friendship!

Europa: D-don't be silly! O///O I was merely surprised by the sudden gesture. Nothing more... >///>

Cheeko: Then, why are you still blushing?

Europa: What?! O///O I-I... MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! >////<

*Meanwhile, elsewhere in town, the ninja sister trio known as the Nekoichi Gang return to their hideout after suffering another humiliating defeat at the hand of their new nemesis, MissFortune.*

Nyanza: Me-ouchies... Nyanza hurting all over.

Nyanchi: I can't believe we were beaten by that chubby little brat!

Nyanko: That gem was right in our grasp! Why can't we catch a break just once?!

*As all three of them made it to the living room area they were in for a shock, for lying there in the center of the room was a fast an unconscious Salty "Dogg" Josiah. Nyanko and Nyanchi immediately recognized him and thought that their recent bad luck just got a whole lot worse.*

Nyanko: EH?! Salty Dogg?!

Nyanchi: W-what is he doing here?!

Nyanza: Sleeping?

Salty: ... *opens his eyes slowly then sits up* ... *yawns then looks around at his surroundings* huh?

*The Nekoichi Gang scurry back to the far end of the room.*

Salty: ...Hiya!

Nekoichi Gang: .....

Nyanko: Um, hello...?

Salty: *looks at his surroundings* nice place, is it yours?

*Nyanko hesitantly nods her head "yes"*

Salty: more question: how did I get here? Aside from knowing that my name is Salty I...don't know anything else about myself.

*The Nekoichi Gang exchange glances among themselves.*

Nyanza: My name is Nyanza!

Nyanchi: *facepalms*

Nyanko: (Hmm, this could prove advantageous for us... ) Why, yes. This is my sister, Nyanza. This other girl here is also my sister, Nyanchi.

Nyanchi: Um, hi.

Nyanko: And, I am the lovely Nyanko! And we're the Nekoichi Gang.

Salty: OwO Aww, you're so adorable~ *easily lifts Nyanza in his arms and cuddles her*

*Both Nyanko and Nynachi were impressed with Salty's strength; his mind might've been gone but his body was still in tip-top shape.*

Nyanza: Wheeee~!

Nyanko: Yes, my baby sister is quite adorable. And you appear to be quite strong.

Nyanchi: Very strong.

*While playing with Nyanza a remote falls out of Salty's coat. He places Nyanza down then stoops down and picks up the remote.*

Salty: Hmm, what's this? *examines the remote* ... don't remember this either...

*Nyanchi looks at the remote with great interest.*

Salty: You interested in this? Here, you can have it *hands Nyanchi the remote*

*Nyanchi inspects the remote and presses a button on it; hearing a commotion outside everyone exit their hideout to see Salty's famous ship landing before them. Nyanchi's eyes get big and a happy smile creeps across her face as her heart fills with excitement and joy.*

Salty: Whoa! What a cool ship!

Nyanchi: I've seen heaven and it's a giant space ship!

Nyanko: This is amazing! Ahem, I mean... Of course it is amazing. After all, a ship can only be as fantastic as it's beautiful captain. ^w^

Nyanza: Yay! We have our own ship!

Nyanko: Nyanchi be a lamb and give our ship a thorough "inspection".

*As Nyanko looks around she doesn't see Nyanchi, until Nyanza points out that Nyanchi is already frantically exploring the vessel like a kid in a candy shop.*

Nynako: Such, a dutiful sister. She follows my instructions before I can even utter them. Nya-HAHAHA!

*Nyanza's stomach growls loudly as she had worked up quite an appetite from their last job.*

Salty: Hungry? I may not remember much but I do remember how to make some dishes my Mom used to make for me; show me your kitchen and I'll whip something up for you.

Nyanza: Yay!

*Nyanko points the way to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen Salty sees what ingredients the Nekoichi Gang have and quickly and quite easily makes a delicious and nutritious stew. Nyanza digs into the dish of stew and enjoys every bite. Nyanko enjoying everything she was seeing from this Salty.*

Nyanko: (This is working out better than I imagined! A new vessel, and a helpful new ally. Maybe now we can get that special device Nyanchi needs to complete the invention. )

Nyanza: Nya~! More please~

*Nyanchi enters the kitchen with her arms full of both treasure and robot parts. Apparently she found Salty's treasure trove and workshop within the ship; she had a very happy look on her face, drooling a little bit from happiness overload at her finds.*

Nyanchi: ^//w//^

Nyanko: Oh, Nyanchi. Do try to control yourself.

Nyanchi: I can't help it! This is so wonderful! It's a dream come true!

Nyanza: Nyanza love Salty cooking!

Nyanko: You're right sisters. This has been an utter delight. Mr. Salty, you're more than welcome to stay with us as long as you please.

Salty: Really? Thank you! I'll make sure to help out where I can; now for dessert, do you prefer pie, cake or cheesecake?

Nyanza and Nyanchi: Cheesecake!

Nyanko: Oh, this is the start of something wonderful. I can already tell.

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