Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dual Awakening! Benjamin Koco Strikes Hard!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 11
“Dual Awakening! Benjamin Koco Strikes Hard!!”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Meanwhile back at the holding cells, with the help of e-kun's Volcarona, Caren, using several String Shots, Salty was thoroughly tied up and restrained, making it easy for everybody there to get in as many parting shots to the pirate as they wanted.

Karin: *pull down her shorts, and do...* Falcon Booty! *smacks him with her butt* >w< C'mon, Potpourri, Do it with Me!

Lalao: *stomps on him* This will teach ya! >:I

Samantha: *smack him in the face* Take That, Jerk! >0<#

Annaliese: *sniffs a bit* .... I smell a different scent in the room where Aluma is at... :<

Marius: ...What? O_O; ... *runs in there*

Anna: Mommy?

Marius Jr: Mom? D:

Sea-na: Oh No! D:>

*As Marius and his kids begin to make their way to the computer room where Aluma was they hear frightened screaming. Seconds later Aluma is seen running in their direction, as if she was running away from something or someone. Sensing that something very powerful was coming their way from the computer room, Marius leads Aluma and his kids back to the others to warn them.*

Marius: What the hell is THAT?! O_O;

Aluma: I Don't Knoooooow, Ruuuun!!!

Anna: Jeez! D8

Marius Jr: Meep! O~o;

Sea-na: ;0; KYAAAAH!

Ashuro: *senses the power level coming from the computer room* that power...I've felt it somewhere before...

Salty: *senses the power level* O_O;; NO-NO-NO!! He's here now!? I can't let the boss see that I failed a simple retrieval mission!

e-chan: Your boss!? How did he get on? We're hundreds of feet in the air...

Salty: He can use warp portals to get wherever he wants to like the cat can *struggles to break free from the String Shot webbing but is unable to* darn it, this isn't good; he's already terrifying enough when he's calm; I don't want to see him when he's furious!

Marius: This guy is no joke, Just sense it, people! *get his sword ready*

Aluma: *hides behind Marius*

Elska: Show yourself, Jerkface! >0<

Annaliese: I rather want him NOT showing himself.

Karin: I Hope We're Ready. o3o

Aria: Master, I'm Scared.... :<

Annaliese: I'm Scared Too. :<

*Slow, steady footsteps could be heard approaching their location. Within seconds they see him: a tall batman wearing a long, elegant blue coat; it was Benjamin Koco*

Ashuro: OoO; you...

*The kids all hide behind their parents, knowing all full and well just how powerful the man before them was.*

Marius: ....So, Friend of yours?

Ashuro: No, this one is no friend.

Megumi: *whispers into Marius' ear* Dad, that guy is Benjamin Koco; he's incredibly dangerous and he's the very reason we've all come to this time period: to stop him before he becomes too powerful to stop.

Benjamin: *looks at everybody before him, scanning their power level* ...

Marius: Great, Now we can try to give him a piece of our minds...

Elska: ....He's so quiet.

Aluma: Barely looks like he's breathing... :<

Benjamin: *looks over at Salty*

Salty: O_O;; *heart beats loudly*

Benjamin: I'll deal with your failure later *looks over at Mugz* you, boy...

Mugz: O_O;; *recoils a bit when Benjamin speaks to him*

Benjamin: *begins walking towards Mugz*

Karin: *tries to stop him* Don't lay a finger on him, you meanie! >3<#

Annaliese: Eeek! KARIN NOO! D8>

Benjamin: *ignores Karin's attempts to stop him and walks up to Mugz*

Mugz: O_O;; *gulps but doesn't back down*

Benjamin: It seems that you too have a great power deep inside you like the other men here, boy. But before I can extract this power it needs to be unlocked first *places his hand on Mugz's head* Unlock.

*Mugz's body suddenly begins brimming with Wind E-nergy and blades of wind shoot out in every direction.*

Mugz: WOOOOOOAH!!! >O<

Benjamin: Hmm, perhaps making your body experience the full force of this new power all at once wasn't the best option. No matter, though; I'll make sure to extract it from you before your body gives out and you die.

Karin: You Ain't Gonna Kill Him! *bites on his head* >///<#

Marius: Seriously, Get off him!

Karin: And let him try to kill My Mugz?! NO WAY! DX

Salty: O_o; that chick has a death wish...

Benjamin: -_-#

*Benjamin delivers a quick backhanded smack over his shoulder to Karin's face and sends her flying and crashing into a nearby wall. She was not seriously hurt but the hit definitely stung a lot. Benjamin then slowly begins walking over towards Karin but is cut off when e-kun and e-sama block his path, ready to fight.*

Benjamin: ...move.

e-kun: Like we're gonna move just because you sai- *suddenly loses all feeling in his body* h-huh??

e-sama: *loses all feeling in his body and drops his sword* what...what is this?

Benjamin: So, you're actually strong enough to resist the command to this extent. I'll say it again, MOVE.

*e-kun and e-sama's bodies move out of Benjamin's way against their will.*

e-kun: What's happening; why don't I have control over my body!?

e-sama: Is this his doing; controlling his opponents simply by commanding them to do something?

Annaliese: KARIN! D8>

Karin: ...It’s Not Overh....I swear to butt, I'll kick your god... a@;

Marius: How are we going to stop this, guy?

Annaliese: ;^; Please, don't do this!

*As Benjamin reaches out to grab Karin a large blade of wind strikes his back and makes him recoil in pain. When he looks behind him he sees that Mugz is standing strong and now in control of his newly awakened Wind powers.*

Mugz: Stop! Leave my Karin...ALONE!! *rockets forward with a burst of Wind E-nergy, then creates a blade of wind that he uses to pierce through Benjamin's chest*

Benjamin: *grunts in pain*

Potpourri: WHOO! GO DADDY! ^o^

Nougat: F-Fight, win! *gently pumps her tiny fists in the air*

e-kun: *can feel his body is under his control again and quickly delivers shoots ice beams at Benjamin's feet to trap him in place*

e-sama: *can feel his body is under his control again* at least now we know he can be hurt; if we're going to make our stand now is the time! *reaches down to reclaim his sword*

Marius: Alright, Way to go, Mugz! ^0^

Karin: Whooo! Muggzy! ^w^

Elska: Now we can attack him!

Marius: *using shirokku slashes to make fire tornado at Benjamin*

Annaliese: Aria, use close combat!

Aria: *does so* WAAATAH!!!

Benjamin: *takes the fire tornado and Aria's Close Combat*

e-sama: *swings his sword at Benjamin*

Benjamin: *quickly draws a sword from his coat and counters e-sama's sword strike*

e-sama: !! so he's a swordsman after all...

Benjamin: *breaks free from his icy bonds then powerfully swings his sworn in a cross pattern, sending an X-shaped energy blade straight at Marius and the kids behind him*

Marius: *using his shield to reflect it, Using twin blades at him* Eat this!

Benjamin: *easily and expertly parries all of Marius' attacks*

Marius: Hehe, Very Nice. (planning on using counter when he throws anything on me.)

e-kun: *shoots a large lightning bolt at Benjamin*

Benjamin: *uses his sword as a lightning rod to electrify it* ... *looks over in the direction of Elska, Sarna and Lalao then aims his sword at them and shoots a huge lightning bolt at them*

e-chan: O_O;; *rushes over to the girls then quickly transforms into his Pokémon Wobbuffet form and uses Mirror Coat to send the lightning bolt back at Benjamin with twice the power*

e-kun and e-sama: *tackles into Benjamin to send him directly into the massive lightning bolt*

Benjamin: !! *gets hit and fried by the massive lightning attack and falls to the ground*

Marius: *lifts him up, and spins him, and throws him to Mugz* Spike Him!

Mugz: Hut, hut, Spike! *hits Benjamin with all of his might into the floor*

Benjamin: ... *remains motionless*

Ashuro: ...

Marius: What is this Stiff?

Elska: How come he can't feel a thing just now?!

Aluma: ...Is he a robot? :<

Benjamin: *stands back up and seems to have somehow healed from all of the damage he took* is that all you men were truly capable of? I must say that I'm a bit disappointed; perhaps I overestimated your talents and abilities...

e-kun: *growls angrily* you pompous bastard! *charges at Benjamin with his body engulfed in flames*

Cream: Daddy NO! OoO;

*Benjamin effortlessly dodges e-kun's flaming charge then powerfully karate chops the back of his neck. A loud cracking noise can be heard by all as e-kun's flames go out and he falls to the ground, motionless*

Cookie and Cream: Daddy!! ToT

e-kun: ... *not moving and barely breathing*

Roxie: *screams top of her lungs* E-KUUUN!!!!! Q0Q

Marius: You Son of a Bitch, You'll pay for that!!

Annaliese: TOT Noooo...!

Karin: Noo! C'mon wake up, dude! D8

Anna & Marius Jr: ;^; I'm Scared...!

Benjamin: He's not dead...yet, but he will be soon enough.

e-sama: None of us are dying here today!

*e-sama engages Benjamin in a swordfight. Suddenly Benjamin disappears then reappears seconds later behind e-sama as he sheathes his sword. The moment his sword is sheathed, really bad cuts appear all over e-sama's body and blood forcefully spurts from them all at once like an explosion. e-sama falls to the floor unconscious.*

Samuel: DAD!! OAO

Samantha: E-SAMAAAA!!!

Roxie: Nooo....

Karin: *Steps away from him* Hey, What point are we losing control here?? D:

Marius: Any Plans?

Aluma: I Would Get Kayako, She has a copy ability, and can heal you...

Marius: If she can do it...

Karin: A Copy Ability? Holy Buttcrackers, I Didn't know that! O_O;

Samantha: I Hope she can heal up e-sama...

Roxie: And e-kun! *sobbing*

Rocko: This can't be happening...

Benjamin: ... *suddenly appears next to Rocko*

Rocko: WHOA! *jumps backwards and charges up with electricity*

Benjamin: *quickly shoots a powerful laser from his finger that pierces through the right side of Rocko's chest*

Rocko: *chokes on his breath then collapses*

Mimi: Daddy! Q_Q

Maggie: N-Noooooo!!! D8> Puddin!

*Benjamin's power and speed increases greatly and then he appears next to Marius then begins to rapidly and mercilessly attack him with punches and kicks. He was going so fast that Marius had no time to react or defend himself. Benjamin finishes his assault by breaking Marius' right arm and left leg.*

Marius: GUEK! GAAAAAH!!!


Marius Jr: ;^; Dad!!!

Anna: Daaadddy!!! *charge at him* You stupid fiend!

Angel: MARiUS!! *roars ferociously as her rage powers her up*

*The Were-Nekofi Angel begins fighting Benjamin furiously and seemed to have no trouble keeping up with him at that moment.*

Aluma: *jumps on Anna* No! Stand Back! Not you too!

Anna: But Mommy... TT^TT

Annaliese: Angel, Don't! STOP! D8 *run to Angel*

Aria & Karin: NO! Don't do it! D:

Twig: *uses Psychic to stop Annaliese and float her over to Karen and Aria*

e-chan: He was toying with us; from the very beginning he was toying with us by letting us think that he was vulnerable.

Ashuro: (There's no telling how strong he really is; and if the kids really came here to this time to stop him then right now he still at his weakest. None of the other's attacks are doing anything to him and with the way things are going I don't think any of mine are going to do any better...however...maybe THAT would be enough to take him out in one shot. But if I'm really going to use that I need to get the others out of here first.)

Benjamin: *sends Angel flying past the others into a wall with one mighty kick*

Angel: *struggles to get back up* >_o *shakily stands up, using all of strength to stay on her feet but still has the desire to fight*

Megumi: *rushes over to Angel and helps steady her* Mommy no! You won't be able to take another hit like that.

Mugz: *flies above Benjamin and shoots a extremely powerful beam of cutting Wind E-nergy that sends Benjamin through several of the ship walls*

Benjamin: *has massive cuts all over his body and lies down motionless and in pain*

Marius: *crawls to Angel* Guhh...

Aluma: Marius... *Gets her communicator to get help* ( Good, i'm picking up a signal... )

Marius: I Hate To laying her in the sidelines... Guhh..

Lalao: *Tries to hit him with a steel pipe* HYAAH! >0<

e-chan: *rushes over to Lalao and leads her back to the others* we don't know how long he'll stay like that so the further we are away from him the better.

Ashuro: *goes over to Marius and heals his broken arm and leg then opens a portal* Marius, I need you to do me a huge favor and get everybody out of here to safety. There's only one thing that I can think of that'll completely obliterate this guy but I need everyone out of here before I do. This portal will lead you directly to the park grounds where the ship was first docked.

Marius: Thanks, Dude. Okay, let's move. *goes in*

Aluma: Best of luck.

Annaliese: Aluma, what did you do?

Aluma: I was trying to call Kayako, and The Saturns... But I nearly forgot Ashuro can heal people.

*Seeing the portal that Ashuro had created everybody figures that it is for the best that they escape while they can. Samuel and Samantha drag a bloody e-sama through the portal; Cookie, Cream and Roxie do the same for e-kun. Maggie and Mimi help get Rocko back on his feet and lead him through the portal while Aluma and Megumi carefully lead Angel through the portal as well. Seconds later as everybody files out through the portal, only Ashuro, Mugz, Annaliese, Karin, Aria, Tsubasa and Potpourri are left.*

Mugz: *senses that Benjamin is stirring* he'll be coming around soon *takes his Wing Pack off* Potpourri, I need you to take this with you; it contains your mother's flame powers and extra years of life. If I don't make it back...

Potpourri: Don't say that, Daddy! ;n;

Mugz: I have to stay and help Ashuro; now take your Mother and get out of here while you still can.

Ashuro: Anna-chan, Tsubasa, you two should get going, too; if this works I'll be right behind you shortly.

Tsubasa: Good luck, Dad.

*Potpourri puts on the Wing Pack and takes Karin by the hand as they both walk through the portal. Tsubasa and Aria then go through the portal; just before Annaliese goes through the portal Benjamin suddenly appears in front of her, scaring her as she falls backwards into Ashuro's arms. He then draws his sword and slashes the portal, making it disappear. Looking at him, Ashuro and Mugz could tell that Benjamin's injuries were healed again.*

Ashuro: Darn it!

Annaliese: D8> ... N-No! Please get out of the way! >0T

Benjamin: *emits a strange energy fills the entire ship*

*The moment Benjamin emits the strange energy throughout the ship Annaliese feels very strange. She tries to use her Solnar bond to contact Claire for help but she can't hear her or feel her presence like she normally could.*

Benjamin: *turns to face Mugz* didn't think that you would get a handle of that power of yours that quickly; I hope you had your fun because now I come to harvest it.

Annaliese: No...C-Claire....C'mon...

Ashuro: (This has to work...) *summons his Pensword in his right hand*

Benjamin: !!

*Sensing that whatever Ashuro was up to could prove disastrous to him if left unchecked, Benjamin quickly turns around and attacks Ashuro savagely and then pins him to the ground with his right foot then stabs Ashuro's right arm with his sword to make him drop his Pensword and hold him in place.*

Ashuro: AUGH!! >o<

Benjamin: Perhaps I should start with you after all...

Annaliese: STOP HURTING ASHURO, YOU BIG BULLY!!! *attacks him by punching him in the face, really hard* HYAH! >0<#

Benjamin: -_-# *casually smacks Annaliese to the side and then emits a supersonic screech that brings Mugz down to his knees in pain*

Ashuro: Anna-chan! Mugz! *activates Backfire Drive and roars ferociously*

Benjamin: *ignites his free hand with energy then jabs it into Ashuro's chest and with a ripping motion causes hundreds of energy orbs to emerge from his body*

Ashuro: AUGH! What the...!? O_O What is this? What did you do to me?

Benjamin: I see that you have a multitude of different powers and abilities. Now, which one should I take first...? Perhaps...this one.

*Benjamin takes an orb and then severs the E-nergy link holding it to Ashuro's body; upon this happening Ashuro immediately reverts back to his regular form and is unable to go back into Backfire Drive.*

Benjamin: And I'll take...this one as well.

*Benjamin takes another orb and severs the E-nergy link holding it to Ashuro's body; upon this happening Ashuro's Pensword disappears and he is unable to summon it again. Benjamin then places the two orbs he had taken up against his chest and absorbs them into his body.*

Benjamin:, what to take next?

*Suddenly, Annaliese rockets towards Benjamin and delivers an incredibly powerful and devastating punch to Benjamin's head and sends him flying through several of the ship's walls. To do this she used every bit of power she could muster from before she lost contact with Claire and focused a small amount in her legs and the majority in her right arm; the force her attack broke her hand but she was more concerned about Ashuro as she rushed over to him and helped Mugz in pushing the orbs back into Ashuro's body.*

Mugz: *pushing the many orbs back into Ashuro's body*

Ashuro: Anna-chan, are you alright?

Annaliese: *crying* Yes, I'm alright, are you alright? *feels her hand* Owww!! What has gotten into me?

Mugz: That was your desire to protect somebody important to you.

*Annaliese assists Mugz in pushing the energy orbs back into Ashuro's body. Usually when she used up that much energy at once it was always replaced with new energy provided by Claire; the fact that she still felt so drained was proof that something, most likely Benjamin, was somehow blocking her connection to Claire.*

Benjamin: *looks pissed as he gets back up, pops his jaw back into place then begins making his way back to Ashuro, Mugz and Annaliese*

Mugz: *looks behind him* O_O *quickly pushes the remaining orbs back into Ashuro's chest then pulls out the sword stuck in Ashuro's arm*

*Ashuro quickly uses his E-nergy to seal up his chest and arm wound then quickly gets back on his feet. As he tries to prepare an attack Benjamin quickly closes the distance between them, grabs Ashuro and then drains him off all of his E-nergy to heal the damage that Annaliese's last attack inflicted, becoming fully healed. He then tosses a drained Ashuro hard against the wall and Annaliese rushes over to assist him.*

Ashuro: Okay, that hurt quite a bit... =~=

Annaliese: *picks him up, and absorb some of his energy* I can't let him hurt you like this, Ashuro! ;^; *Keeps firing energy blasts at him* Back AWAY! >0<

Benjamin: *walks towards Annaliese and Ashuro, taking the energy blasts in full but seems unaffected by them* it seems that I underestimated you, girl; that last attack actually hurt quite a bit. Now that I know what you're capable of I'll treat you like a real opponent...meaning that as of now, your life if forfeit.

*The killing intent was clear in Benjamin's eyes. As the powerful bat made his way closer to Annaliese Ashuro began to panic as he was both drained of all energy to counterattack and his body was very sore and moving was proving to be painful; but the thought of losing Annaliese gave him the strength to get back up as he slowly limped towards her as she continued to pelt Benjamin with energy blasts.*

Ashuro: No...NO! I won't let you harm my Annaliese! >o< *collapses when he's right behind Annaliese but reaches out a shaking arm towards her*

*Benjamin sticks his right arm out to one side to create a large sword made completely out of his E-nergy then rears back to swing it at Annaliese. Just as Benjamin begins his swinging slash Ashuro begins to glow brightly as a new kind of energy flows from him and into Annaliese. Bathed in this new energy Annaliese's instincts are heightened and she immediately stops pelting Benjamin with energy blasts and catches Benjamin's E-nergy sword with her bare hand before it made contact with her neck. The E-nergy sword didn't cut Annaliese in anyway and wouldn't budge even when Benjamin increased his strength. That's when it happened: an Aquitican antenna appeared on Annaliese's head and she transformed into her Nekofi form, something she usually could only do when she had a clear connection to Claire; her broken hand heals instantly and she instantly delivers a powerful, stretching punch to Benjamin's face, sending him flying back through some more walls. Like at Slumber Gigas earlier, the phenomenon known as an Aquitican Bond had happened again.*

Annaliese: TwT Th-Thank You... D-Did you see?! I did that...t-twice! QwQ ... *hugs Ashuro* TT_TT Don't scare me like that...!

Ashuro: Sorry for worrying you, Anna-chan... *goes down to his knees* ... *tries to summon his Pensword but is unable to* this is bad; he really has my Pensword now. If he decides to use it now none of us will be safe; we have to get out of here but I can't make another portal...

Mugz: I could fly us down...but I gave my Wing Pack to my girls...and there's no way Benjamin would let me stay at the controls long enough to land this ship manually...

Benjamin: How right you are.

*Ashuro, Annaliese and Mugz are surprised to see that Benjamin had recovered from Annaliese's powerful attack so quickly and was upon them again.*

Benjamin: So you formed an Aquitican Bond, huh? Disgusting! You fake Aquiticans are nothing but parasites; to think that your type was created to keep the Aquitican race alive.

Ashuro: Fake Aquitican; what are you talking about?

Benjamin: You'd be surprised as to what you don't know about your heritage. Too bad there aren't any Lore Keepers left; you could've asked one of them to tell you all about Aquitican history...including how you could've brought out your true potential.

Annaliese: What?? D-Did something happen?

Benjamin: ...kneel.

*Ashuro, Annaliese and Mugz find themselves kneeling to Benjamin against their will; it was just like moments earlier with e-kun and e-sama.*

Benjamin: Now... *looks at Ashuro* examining all of your powers will take some time so I'll dispose of you last... *looks at Mugz* you only have one power so I'll deal with you second... *looks at Annaliese* however have nothing that I need...although I could use another minion *looks over at the still tied up Salty* there might be an opening after this.

Salty: OxO;;

Benjamin: *looks at Annaliese again* so what do you say; care to join me in my conquest, little Nekofi-half?

Annaliese: Never! I don't want too! I'm happy with being with someone who's not cold hearted as you! >0<

*Enraged, Annaliese begins powering up and actually starts resisting Benjamin's command with pure strength alone by standing up. Borrowing a move from Monkey D. Luffy out of the One Piece mangas Claire lent her, Annaliese stretches her arms way out behind her and then powerfully thrusts them forward to deliver a dual open-palmed attack to Benjamin's gut that sends him rocketing through a few walls behind him. Ashuro and Mugz then regain their ability to move afterwards.*

Ashuro: That...was...AMAZiNG!

Mugz: He'll be feeling that one for a while... -w-

Annaliese: OwO; ...Holy Cow! I still haven’t gotten used to this power.... W-Was that...the um....umm... errr... Gum Gum..... Something? o.o;

Ashuro: That was definitely a Gum Gum Bazooka, and a very good and accurate one without any recoil backfire on your first try. Once you get used to being in this incredibly flexible body I'll be sure to teach you a few things.

Benjamin: She won't get...the ch-chance!

*Looking ahead of them, the three see that Benjamin is back on his feet but slumped over clutching his stomach in great pain as he shakily walked over towards them looking extremely pissed off. He was still very strong although but Annaliese's attack has severely wounded and hindered his mobility.*

Benjamin: just a minor set-setback! You think you've w-won...just by doing this much to me!? All I have to do is wait for the subside and then I can deal...with you!

*As much as they hated to admit it, Benjamin was right. Once his pain had faded there was no way any of them would be able to fight and defeat him as they were now. Escape was also out of the question without Mugz's Wing Pack or Ashuro having the energy to create a portal. They would need a miracle to get out of this one...and as if on cue, something quick, heavy and violet landed hard on Benjamin's back, pushing him into the ship's floor. What stood before them was a chubby raccoon girl wearing a violet outfit with matching violet mask that made her look like some sort of masked hero.*

Masked raccoon girl: *slightly turns her head to meet the gazes of Ashuro, Annaliese and Mugz then smiles at them* >|3

Annaliese: Who...Who...? D:

MissFortune: Wherever a villain conducts their evil plans, the villain's villain MissFortune will be there! *strikes a pose* sorry for cutting it close there; this isn't the sort of villain you can just walk up to and fight normally.

Ashuro: long have you been here?

MissFortune: How long? Hmm... *thinks for a bit* I'd say since the wolfman over there caught his first hostages earlier today.

Mugz: What the...!? Then why didn't you stop Salty and free the girls in the very beginning then!?

MissFortune: Because I'm a villain's villain; I don't do that hero stuff. -3-

Benjamin: *growls* get off MY BACK!! >O<

*Benjamin rises from the dent in the floor in attempt to fling MissFortune off of him but she jumps off of him at the right moment to avoid getting flung.*

Benjamin: *realigns his back, making a cracking sound* you die first, chunky. Freeze!

MissFortune: ...

Benjamin: *picks up his sword and moves in to pierce MissFortune*

MissFortune: ... *grins mischievously* Baaaaa... *quickly closes the distance between her and Benjamin* Boom! *punches Benjamin in the gut with unbelievable power*

Benjamin: QxQ ...

MissFortune: Sorry, Benjamin Koco; you can't command me to do anything without asking nicely first.

Benjamin: QxQ ... *falls to the ground unconscious from the pain*

Annaliese: You Took Him Out, Easily..... D: How?!

MissFortune: He's not out completely; he'll be up and uber pissed in about two minutes. But that's plenty of time to get you guys out of here *pulls out a Poké Ball* Spoony, I need your help! *tosses the Poké Ball in the air and out comes an Alakazam*

Spoony: You called, Ma'am?

MissFortune: Spoony, I need you to use Teleport to warp me and these three over there to the ground below.

Spoony: Will do.

*Spoony uses Teleport and instantly Ashuro, Annaliese and Mugz find themselves back on the ground where all of their friends were waiting for them. Afterwards, both Spoony and MissFortune teleport away before being seen by the others.*

Claire: Anna-chan! Everybody, they made it out; they're over here! ^o^

Tsubasa: Mom, Dad!

Marius: I heard crashes, and explosions; you did a number on him, Mugz! ^^

Annaliese: ^//^ Hehe, Actually, I did that.

Marius: Holy Crap! OwO *pats Anna's back* You Amazed Us, Today!

Annaliese: Ow. Th-Thank You. ^^

Karin: *glomps Annaliese & Claire* WAY TO GO, BUDDIES! >w<

Annaliese: Hehehe... ^w^

Elska: Alright, Did ya smack him enough until he had enough?

Annaliese: Me, with My Nekofi bond with Claire, did a number on him, but There is this mysterious woman named MissFortune came here, and help us fight him, she's super strong, so strong, she punched the wind out of him! O_O;

Marius: No foolin’? What She Look Like?

Annaliese: Well...

Claire: What I find odd is that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get in contact with you, Annaliese; that creep Benjamin must've done something to lock me out while you were on the ship and... *sees the Aquitican antenna on Annaliese's head* that explains why you were able to take on that creep while I was locked out; your bond with Ashuro hit the maximum level just like your brother's bond with Ring did a little while ago. Congratulations! Still, you must be exhausted after using that much power; time for a recharge. ^w^

*Claire disappears into Annaliese's shadow and Annaliese feels her energy return to her; she was indeed cut off from Claire when she was back on the ship and knew that the next time she ran into Benjamin that it would be best if Claire was within her to prevent being separated like that again.*

Annaliese: Thank You, Sister! ^_^

Potpourri: Daddy, you made it back! ^o^

Mugz: *chuckles* yeah, I did.

Potpourri: I kept this safe just as you told me to *shows Mugz his Wing Pack*

Mugz: Very good; I'm proud of you *takes the Wing Pack and opens the storage compartment and takes out the flame orb with white pearls connected to it and walks over to Karin* I believe that this belongs to you ^^

*Mugz places the flame orb with white pearls on Karin's chest and it is absorbed back into Karin's body; she immediately feels full of energy again as her body ignites with flames, signalling that her fire powers were back.*

Karin: Thank You!! *kiss him, passionately* WHOO-HOO!! OwO I Feel'n Good! ...Oh, and by the way... *moons at the ship* This is for all the trouble, you jerk! >w< Nyeh! Come and do it with me, Potpourri!

Potpourri: *joins Karin and moons the ship* Nya-Nya!

Mugz: ^//w//^ *swooning with joy after having received Karin's kiss*

e-chan: I'd hate to interrupt your "celebration of the moon" but we should probably get out of here; Ashuro, do have enough E-nergy to heal e-kun, e-sama and Rocko?

Ashuro: Nope, I'm completely drained of everything; we'll have to go see Snoopy.

Aluma: T-Then We Can Get Kayako as substitute. =O

*Some time later after making some calls, everybody is at Snoopy's clinic. With Kayako's help Snoopy managed to stabilize e-kun, e-sama and Rocko and treat Angel, Annaliese, Ashuro and Karin for their injuries. After about an hour both Snoopy and Kayako come into the waiting room to give everyone the good news.*

Snoopy: They're all going to be okay.

Kayako: ^w^ That's Right. I'm so glad you all made it out alive.

Annaliese: (Thank goodness, she won't be giving me another butt injection.)

Karin: Thank You, I Feel like a million butts! ^w^

Marius: <w< Um, Don't you mean, A Million Bucks?

Karin: >w> I Know, Ninja Dude, I Knowz.

Marius: *chuckles* -w-

Aluma: *hugs marius* Thank Goodness, You're Safe...

Marius: *hugs back* Sorry, for worrying ya, honey.


Mimi: There's just one thing that I don't understand, Potpourri...

Potpourri: Hmm?

Mimi: If we truly have saved your Mom from dying in the future how come Nougat hasn't disappeared from existence yet?

Nougat: ...I was sort of wondering that too... .3.

Potpourri: Because I know how much Mama Caramel loves Daddy; I knew that no matter what happened that Mama Caramel would eventually let Daddy know how she felt about him and that he wouldn't reject her feelings. ^w^

Mugz: this true?

Caramel: O///O; .///.;

Karin: Awwww... ^w^

Aluma: I love happy endings.

Elska: Me Too. Woot.

Marius: ... ^^

Anna: *glomps him* Daddy! ^w^ ...Things are looking up for us! ..Hey, did you see me kicked butt? owo

Marius Jr: ..Well, I did it better then you. <w<

Anna: Nah-Uh!

Marius: Kids, Kids! -w-; .... You Both Did Great, and for that, I'm proud. *kiss both of them on the forehead*

Anna: Thanks Daddy.

Marius Jr: Tha--! Hey, Mommy’s suppose to kiss! >_O;

Marius: Oh C'mon, kiddo! Your Dad Can Kiss Their kids too.

Annaliese: >w> ....Um, Son? Can you come here for a minute?

Tsubasa: *approaches Annaliese* Yes mother? ^w^

Annaliese: *hugs him tight* ^//^ Ohh... My Son, I Still couldn't fathom how m-m-mind blowing this is! You even got my face.

Karin: Yeah!! *snuggles him* D'AWWW!!! So Kawaii~

Annaliese: ^//w//^ *looks around, and see Potpourri doing The Talking bum*

Karin: Awww~ That's My Gurl!! XD

Potpourri: I am the Great Talking Bum of Wisdom! I hunger for sweets, e-chan Jr. so bring me some; preferably some brownies. ^w^

e-chan Jr.: =w=;

Ashuro: *walks over to Tsubasa and takes him in his arms* my son...I swear to you, I'll find a way to get strong; strong enough to live through the coming trials and be the father you need...the father you deserve.

Marius: Hmm, Which that reminds me, I do think I need more training... I've been slacking lately...

Aluma: That's... umm... good?

Karin: ^w^ Good luck, you daddies!!!

Annaliese: *snuggles Tsubasa* ^//w//^ ( Oooh, I can't wait until the day... )

Mizuki: *walks in the room* D: Are you guys okay?! .... Oh!! Hey are fine, err, sorta... and.... who are these guys? O_o Hi Hi! ^w^

Kyuka: Holy Piss, You are a fast one, Mizuki. *walks in* Good Afternoon.

Mihoko: Is Everything Fine?

e-chan: We're okay; just had a run-in with an OPed batman but we're okay nonetheless. Oh, and all of these kids here are our kids from the future; kids, say hello to Mizuki, her father Kyuka and her mother Mihoko.

*The kids all introduce themselves.*

Potpourri: OwO Mizuki-senpai~ *glomps Mizuki* you're just as cute in this time as you are our time~ ^//w//^

Mizuki: OwO Meep! *fell on her butt* Ouchies! >w<; ... Oh, Hi Hi! Who are you, and why you look like Karin-San?

Karin: Well, That's My Child! OwO Porpourri!!!

Mizuki: Holy Bums! ....Wait, Did you called me "Mizuki-Senpai?" o3o

Potpourri: You're my cool elder sister-like BFF in my time; we do all sorts of fun things together. ^o^

Mizuki: We Do?! Do we *whispers* Play with our bums? <//w//<

Potpourri: Sometimes, when we're in a goofy mood. :3

Mizuki: Yaaaaaay!!! ^w^

Mihoko: *claps* Oh, This is so sweet. ^//u//^

Kyuka: Warms me heart.

Karin: >w< ( So Mizuki is still the bum loving girl she is now, Awesome! Weirdness FTW! )

Annaliese: ..... *looks down* ... Wh-when will you guys leave?

Karin: Aww, Anna-Chan...

Mimi: It won't be for a while; we don't know exactly when the next time gate will open.

Tsubasa: But before it does open we will defeat Benjamin Koco somehow and secure a happy future for everyone.

Ashuro: ... *sticks his arm out and tries to summon his Pensword but is unable to* really is gone...

Annaliese: *Founds The Pencil Sword* ... I brought this with us. o.o

Ashuro: *takes what looks like his Pensword in hand* Karin, thank you! *inspects the Pensword* he must be having trouble truly making this thing his own. Knowing him it won't be long before he learns how to truly bend it to his before he does I'm going to make a few changes to how this operates *begins channelling E-nergy into the Pensword*

Annaliese: ......

Karin: O.o What Now?

Ashuro: *channelling E-nergy into the Pensword*'s done. I might not be able to use this anymore but with time neither will he.

*The Pensword then disappears from Ashuro's hands.*

Ashuro: He must've summoned it again.

Annaliese: D: ...!!

Marius: Aw Shit...

Ashuro: Yeah, it's bad that he's able to use it but the good news is that he'll only be able to use it a limited number of times now. Still, knowing a guy like that is out there now armed with my Pensword and one of my best powers...I don't know how to beat him...

Mizuki: ...Uhhhh...

Marius: If we've beaten him, Well, Annaliese and that girl beaten him, I'm having faith we'll win the next round.

*Seeing that he was still feeling unsure, both Annaliese and Tsubasa nuzzle up against Ashuro with love in hopes of reassuring him.*

Ashuro: *cuddles with Annaliese and Tsubasa* know, you're right. The next time we meet, he's going down!

Marius: That's Right. ^^ ...I Hope He Doesn't Get In The Way Of My Training. =O

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