Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Time to Relax - Dinner at Ashuro's Part 2

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 16
“A Time to Relax – Dinner at Ashuro’s Part 2”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Mint and Ashuro lead Kevin through the mansion to backyard where they see the greenhouse. Once inside, Mint picks up a watering can and happily begins tending to the many flowers, plants and crops while Ashuro leads him to the pond.

Ashuro: Here it is, the pond ^^

*The pond was very grand and natural looking with a mini waterfall and everything.*

Bubbles: OwO

Kevin: Woah......

Bubbles: *excitedly leaps from Kevin's arms into the pond and swims about before surfacing again* this water is amazing!

Kevin: *kneels down to her* that's good.

Mint: *humming happily as she waters the flowers* ^3^

Ashuro: *sits down next to Kevin* so what do you think of the family?

Kevin: They are a lively and lovable bunch. I wish I had more time to spend with them. ^//^;

Ashuro: They all really like you; and you'll definitely get a chance to get to know them all better as time goes on. ^w^

Kevin: Let's hope so... ^^

Ashuro: And really good job with Macaroon earlier; I think she might like you

Kevin: ......She was adorable...

Ashuro: I wish I could've introduced you two when she was still a Bidoof; she was such a cutie at that time but now she's a beauty. ^w^

Kevin: A big and cuddly beauty..... =//u//=

*Suddenly the greenhouse doors burst open; looking behind them both Kevin and Ashuro see that it was Sophie running towards them at top speed.*


*As Sophie speeds past Kevin and Ashuro they notice that her butt was on fire. After doing a little dance to get into position she dips her fiery rear in the pond to put out the fire and gain relief.*

Sophie: Ahhhhhh...

Kevin: .______. *blinks* .....Um....

Ashuro: what happened?

Sophie: My...prank war with Jane.

Ashuro: Is that still going on? You two seriously need to end this; these pranks are getting out of hand. I mean, fire!? C'mon now! >~<

Sophie: It's not what you think; my prank for Jane sort of backfired and ended up getting Mona instead.

Kevin: ....I do like some good pranks, but taking it too far is always a problem... *sits down by the pond, removing shoes so he could dip his feet in the water and face Sophie* so, enlighten me a little bit more...

Sophie: It was a classic water balloon prank; I would wait for Jane to open the doors and come into the living room then I would hit her with a fast ball of a water balloon. However it would seem that weeks of an unending prank war has sharpened her senses and intuition; she had a counter prank ready for me. Jane opened the door, I came out of hiding and threw the water balloon right at her, she easily sidesteps and the balloon hit Mona who was also walking into the room right behind her. Being part Fire-type she doesn't really like water that much so she got mad. As I tried to make my escape she hit me with a Flamethrower and that's how I ended up here. =w=

Kevin: *chuckles a bit* She does look like the short fuse kinda girl....being a cat doesn't help the situation with the water balloon. -w-

Sophie: Yeah... *stands up and tries to look behind her* aw man, it's even redder now than when Elise got through with me... -3-

*Kevin couldn't help but look at Sophie's now perfectly cherry red tomato butt.*

Kevin: ....W-well....uh.... <////<; least it still looks great... I'd offer to rub it in with some lotion for you, but that is left at home....

Sophie: Really~? ^//^ *reaches into her cleavage and pulls out a portable lotion bottle, gives it to Kevin then lays across his lap and happily wiggles her butt* go ahead, hot stuff~

Kevin: ...... *sighs and chuckles, putting some of the lotion in his hands before starting to gently knead it into Sophie's scaled bottom* How does this feel...? ^//^;

Sophie: Ooh, wonderful; you have magic hands... ^//w//^

Kevin: So I've heard... <///< *actually goes on to rub her legs in as well*

Sophie: Mmmmm... ^//w//^ *flicks her tail about happily*

Kevin: Hmm? Oh, of course. ^3^ *puts more lotion in his hands and starts to rub in her tail as well*

Sophie: *squeals happily as her tail is rubbed* that's the spot... =//w//=

Kevin: ....... >|3 *teasingly nibbles on the tip of her tail*

Sophie: Owo; Ack! *shivers cutely a bit at the sudden nibble* do I taste good~?

Kevin: A little bit salty. I'm not gonna lick you to get a better taste, however. X3 *keeps nibbling the tip and rubbing in the rest of her tail*

Sophie: Are you suuuuuuuuure~? *wiggles her butt cutely*

Ashuro: Sophie...

Sophie: OwO;; Kidding, kidding~ *repositions herself so that she's sitting on Kevin's lap then puts her arms around him as she nuzzles happily into his chest*

Kevin: .... *strokes her rounded bottom* Yeah, don't make me beat on your ass right after I've rubbed you in. -w-

Sophie: I won't; I DO know how to behave myself.

Ashuro: Famous last words~

Sophie: Hmph >3<

Kevin: You might know how to, but there is no guarantee you'll actually do it. *gives her a little kiss on her cheek* that just means I might be able to treat you more times in the future~

Sophie: Well when you put it that way... *laughs mischievously* by the way, I stopped by the kitchen to check on the process of the meal and I saw Macaroon again. Both her and Ring seemed to be getting along together.

Kevin: That's good. I was afraid she might get a bit jealous of the attention I gave...

Sophie: you should take her out on a date.

Ashuro: Seriously, Sophie?

Kevin: ....Date Macaroon? ./_/.

Sophie: Not "date" her, I mean take her out on a one-time date. She's so shy that she's never had a boyfriend before and she seems to be comfortable with you. Maybe if she had more confidence in herself and her beauty that she would be more outgoing and actively seek somebody.

Ashuro: ...

Kevin: .....Well...I guess it couldn't hurt to help her overcome that confidence long as Ring is okay with it and stuff.

Ashuro: ...or better yet, you and Ring can become best friends with Macaroon by doing things together like going to the movies, shopping... or better yet, have Ring invite her over the next time the girls all get together for another sleepover. That way you all will be able to hang out and she'll make even more friends without having to become reliant on just the two of you. ^^

Kevin: That's also an idea.

Ashuro: ^w^ ... *senses somebody nearby* hold on...

*Ashuro walks over to a spot where there is nothing visible to the naked eye then reaches out, grabs onto something and pulls. Suddenly a chubby raccoon girl with blue eyes and her blonde hair in pigtails wearing a white long sleeve shirt, rose skirt, rose and pink colored leggings and black shoes. In Ashuro's hand appears some sort of cape that the girl had used to camouflage herself.*

Raccoon girl: OwO;;

Ashuro: Well, what do we have here? An intru- *sniffs the air then sniffs the girl* wait...MissFortune; MissFortune, it's you! ^o^

Raccoon girl: NO-NO-NO, no MissFortune here; ^w^;

Kevin: HOLY SHIT, where do all these adorable chubbies keep popping up from!? O//_//O

Ashuro: *leads the raccoon girl over to Kevin* Kevin, this is the girl I was telling you about earlier. She's not in her costume but I recognize that sweet scent of hers anywhere. I owe both Annaliese and this cutie my life for coming to my aid back on Salty's ship *hugs the raccoon girl lovingly*

Raccoon girl: O///O C-C-Cutie?

Kevin: ^///^ *pets her* Nice to meet you, whoever you are. And thanks for saving my future brother-in-law. And yes, "cutie", you heard him correctly, you're really cute.

Raccoon girl: ^w^ *tail shakes happily*

Ashuro: I never got a chance to ask before since you disappeared so quickly last time, but what's your name? I promise, we'll keep your alter ego a secret.

Emily: ...I'm Emily; Emily Sweet.

Kevin: Nice to meet you Emily. I'm Kevin Aasheim.

Ashuro: So what brings you here?

Emily: .///. I...I wanted to see how you were doing. I heard that you had encountered Benjamin Koco again not too long after we last met and I got worried. Then when I saw you coming I got nervous and...hid instead.

Kevin: ....... >3> ....So you hid in this greenhouse...?

Emily: Pretty much...

Ashuro: Then what's with this? *holds the cape-like object out in front of him*

Emily: That is a prototype invisibility cape addition my parents developed for me.

Sophie: OwO invisibility cape you say?

Emily: By channelling E-nergy or electricity into it, it'll cloak you in a reflective camouflage that makes you invisible to the naked eye. The main problem right now is that if you move you'll still retain the image of your previous surroundings until you stop again and let the cape take in the new surroundings.

Kevin: That's some pretty advanced technology for such a small thing. o_o

Emily: Our R&D department is pretty awesome at what they do. ^^

Kevin: You can say that again. .3.

Sophie: say this thing works with E-nergy AND electricity?

Emily: Yes

Sophie: Mind if I borrow that for a little bit?

Emily: Um...okay ^^ *hands the cape to Sophie*

Sophie: *puts the cape on then supplies it with some of her electricity and disappears* ... *stops supplying the cape with electricity and reappears* Awesome! I know a certain spring-tailed kitty who is in for some “surprises”...

Kevin: Just don't ruin the cape or anything stupid...

Sophie: Of course not *runs out of the greenhouse to create mischief*

Emily:'s Annaliese? .///.

Ashuro: Considering everything that's happened recently she seems to be doing okay from what I can tell.

Kevin: *nods* She's doing quite well. She's getting stronger, more daring, and even more beautiful for each week that passes us by. Heh, doesn't speak to me that much anymore though. Too busy with Karin and her other friends to care about her step-brother.

Ashuro: I know what you mean; I too feel like I've taken a backseat to Karin recently. But looking at Tsubasa reassures me that I'm still #1 in her heart. How about you, Kevin; do you get that same feeling about Ring when you see your kids?

Kevin: You can sorta put it that way, yeah...

Emily: Wow, you two are so lucky, having somebody to love and that loves you back so much... .///.

Kevin: Hey, you're still young. Take your time, you'll find someone that loves you, and that you might love back as well. With your looks and abilities, from what I've heard, you shouldn't have a lot of problems. Just don't try too hard.

Emily: Okay.

Ashuro: ...would you like to stay for dinner, Emily?

Emily: O//O D-D-Dinner, with you?? .///. *gently grasps Ashuro's hand* can...can I sit next to you?

Ashuro: Sure, of course you can. ^w^


Ashuro: *phone buzzes* hmm? *checks the message on his phone* it's Scooter; he says he thinks he's at the front door. Better get up there and let him know he does indeed have the right place; he too hasn't seen the place since Estella remodelled it.

*Ashuro, Kevin and Emily make their way back into the mansion and to the front door. When Ashuro opens it there stands Scooter.*

Scooter: Hey Ashuro-bro! ^^ So this place is yours; remodel?

Ashuro: Massive remodel -w-

Scooter: *sees Kevin* and hello again to you, Kevin

Kevin: Hello again indeed.

Ashuro: So what brings you here, buddy? *invites Scooter inside*

Scooter: *walks inside* just thought that it had been a while since I dropped in on my best bud *looks around at everything within the mansion* and from the looks of things it really HAS been a while.

Ashuro: Sorry for not telling you earlier, I still haven't fully explored this place and I want to know where everything is before I start giving tours and letting kids play hide-and-seek.

Scooter: How did such a big place like this get built so fast?

Ashuro: Estella and some technology from her dimension and timeline.

Scooter: Interesting...does she have any of it left? e-chan and I want to make another house on our property so that we can be neighbours when we both get married.

Ashuro: I don't know, I'll have to ask her...

*A Snivy pops out of Scooter's afro and looks around at her surroundings.*

Kevin: .........I've heard of snakes in the grass, but certainly not hair. .3.

Scooter: Oh, this is Josephine; she likes to hang out in there for some reason. *takes Josephine out of his hair and holds her in his arms* thanks to the negligence of her previous trainer, her left leg got injured and didn't heal right because she didn't get to the Pokémon Center when she needed to. When her speed decreased because of that the jerk abandoned her soon afterwards. He might not have wanted her but to me she's perfect and still quite fast.

Josephine: ^//w//^

Kevin: Tch.... Competitive jerk.... *pets the Snivy girl a little bit* Neglect of the Grass starters is some of the worst I know... -_-

Scooter: I know, right

Kevin: Not just because I am a Grass-Type trainer, for the most part, but also because some just don't see the value of them. I can understand people not wanting a Chikorita because they make it hard for their trip in Johto, but it is still dumb...

Scooter: Sure is; who wouldn't want such a cute Pokémon by their side on a long journey?

*Five of Scooter's Poké Balls suddenly open and out comes the Pokémon within them: a Piplup, a Pignite, an orange flower Florges, a Toxicroak and his Palpitoad, Tsuyu.*

Scooter: Haha, guess you guys got tired of waiting, eh?

Josephine: *leaps from Scooter's arm onto the Florges' head*

Mana: *looks around as if sensing something* flowers and water, lots of it, this way *walks off in the direction of the greenhouse*

Sanae, Ayumu and Tsuyu: *follows Mana*

Six: *crouched down and croaking*

Kevin: ..... Lots of Pokémon here, I feel left out and stupid for not bringing mine.

Scooter: Nonsense, you no doubt still have that little Tympole somewhere here, right?

Kevin: Well...yes, she is out in the greenhouse but....she is not mine. She's free to do whatever she wants. =O

Scooter: That's good, but don't forget to ask her if she would like to stay with you.

Kevin: .....I shall. *nods*

Scooter: Good. Now... *takes the backpack off of his shoulders and opens it to reveal a Wii U with games and controls* where's your TV, buddy? I've been itchin' to do some Smash with friends all day.

Ashuro: Cool; who's your main in this one?

Scooter: Link and Samus. e-chan has been trying to main Lucario and Greninja lately and Cinder mains Lucina. How about you, Kevin?

Kevin: Blue Power in the form of Sonic and Mega Man.

Scooter: Well let's see how far you've come with those two, shall we?

Kevin: Is that cockiness I sense in your voice? >3> It's on.

*After getting everything set up the game was on. Kevin, Scooter, Ashuro and Emily played many rounds of Super Smash Bros. The friendly rivalry between Scooter and Kevin was quite strong but even the two of them seemed to get blown away when Ashuro chose Shulk while experimenting with the different fighters and found that he was quite deadly with him once he understood his specials.*

Ashuro: *playing as Shulk with 4 stocks left* Wow, this guy is awesome! ^o^

Emily: *playing as Zero Suit Samus with 2 stocks left* OwO; *trying to regroup from the onslaught and counterattack*

Scooter: *playing as Link with 1 stock left* are you sure you're not having visions of your own; how are you reading everything so perfectly, Ashuro?

Kevin: *playing as Mega Man with 2 stocks left* whatever it is, it annoys me to no end that I can't even land a hit!

Pinky: WOO-HOO! Gooooooo Ashuro! *does a little cheerleading dance complete with pompoms*

*Samantha comes in the room with pompoms of her own and does a little dance and cheer for Kevin*

Samantha: Go daddy, go! Show them you're not a loser!

*After hearing his daughter's cheer, Kevin saw in an instant a split second opening: both Shulk and Link at high percentages were about to land right in front of him. With one well timed Up + A, Mega Man delivers an uppercut that reduces Shulk's stocks to 3 and takes Link out of the game.*

Scooter: Aw man...

Samantha: Yay! Daddy is the best!

Kevin: Heh...not by a long shot, sweetie... It's just an uphill battle from here....

Samantha: .......... *cheers louder and more spastically than before* DADDY GO DADDY GO DADDY GO GO GO!!!

Kevin: *sighs, but can't help but smile* My little girl, ladies and gentlemen...

*As the game went on, at the cost of one of his stocks, Ashuro managed to take down Emily's last remaining stock and eliminate her from play, leaving it down to just Ashuro and Kevin. Thanks to Kevin playing defensively he managed to reduce Ashuro down to one stock but was quickly revenge-killed once Shulk re-spawned. That's when the true battle began, with both Ashuro and Kevin down to one stock each; one mistake could mean defeat for either of them.*

Kevin: This here can go from ugly to nasty to horrible in the blink of an eye...

*As each player's damage percentage got higher and higher the more intense the battle got. A well played Vision counter on Ashuro's part sent Mega Man flying up in the air and across the stage. With a Monado Speed enhanced follow-up aerial attack, Ashuro was sure to win the battle. Unfortunately it was not to be as Kevin got Mega Man under control just in time to deliver a Hard Knuckle spike to Shulk off of the stage before the second strike to his Air Slash could land. Kevin had pulled through and won the match!*

Ashuro: good game, man.

Kevin: Phew...why does this game get so intense....? D|

Ashuro: Don't know *pants* guess that it is just the nature of the game. |3

*Pinky lovingly pounces Ashuro from behind and Samantha does the same to Kevin.*

Ashuro: *chuckles* you hyper little kitten, c'mere you~ *grasps Pinky and sits her on his lap then nuzzles her lovingly*

Pinky: >//w//<

Samantha: Yaaaay! I'm so proud of you! >w< *kisses Kevin's cheek multiple times*

Kevin: Sam, I'm supposed to be saying that to you, you goof~! *grabs and lifts her over, but upside-down, causing the little girl to squeal, and then laugh as he started tickling her*

Elise: *walks in the room* Dinner is ready~ Oh, hello Scooter; I didn't know you were here.

Scooter: Evening, Ms. Elise. ^^

Elise: *sees Emily* and who is this lovely young lady?

Ashuro: This is Emily Sweet; she's a new friend I met recently.

Emily: .//u//.

Elise: Is that so? Well you're both welcome to stay for dinner if you'd like.

Scooter: Don't mind if I do, ma'am. ^^

Emily: Th-Thank you, ma'am... .///.

Samantha: She is fat. .3. She looks cuddly.

Kevin: Yes Samantha, she does. *pets Samantha and scratches behind one of her ears*

Samantha: *purrs* =w=

*Everybody walks to the dining room to the long dining table to see the vast spread before them: meatloaf, grilled fish, various vegetable, cheesy broccoli and rice, spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread as well as a few of Kevin's favorite dishes that Ring got Elise to make especially for him.*

Ashuro: Quite the spread, huh?

Kevin: Woah......

Samantha: OuO Foooooood...

Amethyst: o3o

Elise: Feel free to sit wherever you'd like. ^^

*Kevin takes a seat next to Ring and nearly instantly Macaroon takes the seat opposite of him.*

Kevin: Hello again.

Arthur: *comes in carrying Bubbles in a bowl* I thought maybe she was hungry too...

Amethyst: What do tadpoles eat anyway...?

Samantha: She's a Tympole, not a tadpole... >3>

Macaroon: *smiles happily* ^/w/^

Bubbles: Back home I usually I just ate whatever berries fell into the water or plants that grew from the ground in the pond so I'm not picky when it comes to food.

Kevin: ....Looks like everyone is in a good mood.

Arthur: ......Maybe you want a corncob? I love em.

Bubbles: Corn...cob?

Sophie: *walks in and sits down, looking pretty proud of herself*

Elise: Good, we're all almost here. Once Jane gets here we'll begin; where is Jane by the way?

Sophie: She was taking a shower the last I knew; she should be finishing up now and getting dressed by now. *laughs devilishly to herself*

*Kevin and Ashuro remember that Sophie had borrowed Emily's prototype invisibility cape earlier. They would soon know what the sun lizard had done with it whenever Jane showed up for dinner.*

Arthur: *grabs a corncob from a nearby plate and holds it down in the bowl* Taste.

Kevin: *looks at Sophie* .......Well... I wish you luck, scale butt. >3>

Bubbles: *cautiously nibbles the corn* Mmm... *takes a larger bite out of the corncob* Mmm! This is delicious!

Arthur: I know, right? Dad used to prepare corncobs for me on weekend mornings. We apparently share some love for the food.

Kevin: *actually eating one at that very moment* that right. Don't forget the butter and salt, but-

Arthur: But not too much salt. It is not good for your heart.

Kevin: ......

Samantha: And then there's the issue with Amethyst and vegetables. <w<

Amethyst: Just the greens! I don't like the green stuff! It tastes! DX

*Seconds later in walks Jane, dressed in a short-cut pink frilly princess dress; her face was bright red with embarrassment as she tried to keep the skirt down in the front and back as she didn't have on any shorts or panties of any kind.*

Pinky: EEEE! Jane, you're finally wearing the dress I got for you last year. You kept saying that the style just wasn't you but look how cute you look in it~ ^/3/^

Jane: It was the only thing I had left in my closet. Apparently all of my clothes, including the ones I took in the bathroom with me, just disappeared. None of you would happen to know why that may be, RiGHT, Sophie? >_<#

Sophie: *looks on nonchalantly*

Kevin: .... *avoids her gaze* Nope, not getting involved there....but that is a cute look, little kitty. >3>

Arthur: ....I still like Pinky more... <//<;

*Everybody sits down for the meal, conversing and having fun throughout it all like one great, big, happy family. For dessert there was cake, cheesecake, brownies, milkshakes and ice cream sundaes for all. By the time the meal was over everybody was absolutely stuffed and happy.*

Scooter: Ahh... *rubs his stomach* another great meal, Ms. Elise. =w=

Milk-chan: *very full* =w= *stands up to stretch when the seat of her pants split down the middle* O///O; *quickly covers her bare butt* *shuffles out of the dining room to get some stretchier pants*

Ring: =u= *her side-tied skirt becomes undone due to the pressure of her overly full stomach* OwO; *tries to re-tie the skirt but seems to be having difficulty in doing so*

Elise: =w= *sipping some tea*

Bubbles: =w= *notices that the bowl seems smaller but is unaware that she is just full and plump at the moment* is it me or did this bowl shrink?

Pinky: *asleep with her head on the floor and her bare butt in the air after a sugar crash*

*Despite being full of sugar from all of the different desserts she consumed, Samantha was laid out on the floor in a comedic fashion, overly stuffed from too much good food.*

Kevin: *takes a quick glance around* ... =u= Didn't know wardrobe malfunction was part of the dessert. Need any help, Ring?

Amethyst: *laying next to Pinky in a similar fashion. Her panty clad butt on display as well* =/3/= ......

Arthur =w= *looking like he's about to pass out as well* Soooo...stuffed....

Ring: *ties a new knot for her skirt* it's okay, I got it ^w^ *the knot becomes undone again* or not; help plz?

Ashuro: =u= I'll make sure that Annaliese, Karin, Mugz and their girls joins us next time; after all they are family too.

Kevin: Sounds like an idea, Ashuro... *grabs Ring's skirt and starts to put it around her to tie a knot for her....but resorts to liberate her of her panties instead* Oops, my hands slipped~

Ring: K-Kevin...! >//o//< *whispers into Kevin's ear* when we're alone, o-okay~

Kevin: Alright sweetie. *pulls them right up again and makes sure to really tie her skirt in place* There we go. It will take a bit more than a stuffed kitten to get this skirt off.

Elise: *chuckles* It is moments and days like this that I live for; we're definitely going to have to do this again sometime soon. ^w^

Kevin: That sounds like a wonderful idea indeed. Spending time with friends and just forgetting your worries... *pets Ring and scratches behind her ears* Right my little kitten? Ain't that right~?

Ring: *purrs happily*

*By the time everybody digests and regains a level of manoeuvrability it is well into the evening. Kevin and his family say their goodbyes to Ashuro and everybody else and make their way back home. As they were all walking home, Kevin takes some time to talk to Bubbles who is nestled in the hoodie of his shirt.*

Kevin: Hey little had fun today...? *gently strokes Bubbles' back*

Bubbles: I had a GREAT time today! ^o^ I escaped certain death from a bird Pokémon, got to swim in a cool pond in a beautiful garden, made friends with all of the Pokémon who came to the garden soon after you dropped me off there AND got to eat all sorts of delicious foods I never knew existed; today was the best! ...can I...ask you for a huge favor?

Kevin: .... *nods* Sure you can.

Bubbles: Can I...stay with you? Now that I know that I stand out too much due to my special colors it's not exactly safe for me back home and I really like being with all of you. So...can I stay; please-please-please?

Kevin: ....Well, I was actually gonna ask you if you actually wanted to stay, truth be told. *pets her a bit more*

Bubbles: So is that a yes?

Kevin: It's an of course, you little cutie. I'd love to have you as a partner.

Bubbles: Yay! ^o^

Kevin: Now, I don't know if we'll be able to grant you a body like Pinky and the others, but I think you'll be just fine as you are. I won't slack on your training though.

Bubbles: I'll do my very best for you.

Kevin: Good, and I'll try my best to be a good trainer for you.

*Thinking about all of the fun he had with his friends, family and soon-to-be family, Kevin was determined more than ever to help his kids' and their friends' mission to defeat Benjamin Koco successful. He would have to get stronger in order to do that but knew that he could do; for a happy future he wouldn't lose.*

Kevin: .....You'll soon see that trying to tamper with us...was a grave mistake.

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